Murray Deparimemt. PREPARED IN TIIE INTERESTS OF TIIE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. If any of tte renders of the Jounvil kruwofa social went irr an item of interest in this vicinity and viU vuttl am to this office it mil appear umlcr this keadin We mint till iUms of interest. Editor Jow I". DC 3 Chh ..u Murray State Bank Capital and Surplus $15000.00 Wc Solicit Your Banking Business n MURRAY, NEBRASKA DC 3 G i3 n acriJ Dr. Newell, the (fctitloat, In Murrsr every Tuesday. W. E. Jenkin motored to Platts mouth Tuesday. Ice cream, fruit sundaes and cones at A. L. Baker's. Prank Gobe.lman, palater and paper hanger. Plattftmouth. Mr. J. A. Walker and daughter, Margie, spent Monday in Plaits-mouth. Be sure to attend the lee rreani social at the Lloyd fiapen home on Friday evening, August 4. Enoch Moreland, who stuck an ax in his foot two weeks ago. suf fers considerably yet with the in jured member. Dr. ft j more is having built a concrete garage, which will be equipped up-to-date for the care and repair of his car. Don't forget the date, Friday night, August Uh, and the place, Lloyd ftapen's, and who is giving it. the Lojal Koreans of the Christian church. Dr. Newell, the dentist, from Union, was here at his olllce Tues day. The doctor is fully equipped with a new outfit to replace the instruments lost by lire some time ago, and is in line to do any kind of dental work. Services will be held regularly at the United Prehterian church, morning and evening, llev. I. YV. Williamson from Topeka, Kan sas, has been engaged for the summer. Hev. Williamson, who lias been in the evangelistic wink for the past few years, come highly recommended . Mrs. ft. D. ftonnaly has been seriously sick for the past week. Albert SchafTer and wife spent Sundav with S. ft. Pitman and wife. Charles Cole came in from Weeping Water Monday for a few days' visit with old friends. Pearl Shrader and wife are here from Elmwood visiting with his mother. Miss Mae Loughridge left Sat urday for Waverly, Nebraska where she will spend the week with friends. Miss Minnie Biers took the Sunday evening train for Omaha where she spent the (list part of the week with friends. A. Phillips, grand depul master workman for the A. O. U V.. held a meeting at the Lough ridge hall last Wednesday. Mr. ftranvillc McDaniels am wife and an old veteran of the civil war, arrived here Wednesday evening from St. Louis for a short visit with his old comrade, Wil liam Brown. J. W. Holmes and family motored o Omaha last week, re turning Monday evening. Mrs Allwyne of Omaha, a niece of Mrs Holmes, accompanied tnem on their return trip. I lie teachers for t lie ensuing ear have been elected. Miss Maude llusterholtz as princip and Miss ftunther will have charge of the primary depart ment. Both were employed last year and gave excellent salisfar t ion. Fred Lutz was a county seat visitor last Saturday. Carl Engelkemeir was a county eat visitor last Saturday. D. A. Young was a Plattsmouth visitor Wednesday of this week. Carl Fricke was visiting his political friends here Wednesday. Kelly Fox was in Murray Tues day, seeing afler political affairs. William Hiee was a Platts mouth visitor Tuesday of this week. William Puis and daughter, Laura, were county seat visitors ast Saturday. Adam SchafTer was in Platts mouth last Saturday looking after some business matters. Uncle William Wiley, who has en sick for some time, is ini- proung, mil very slowly. Alfred ftansemer was looking after some business matters in the county seat last Saturday. Mrs. Hay Davis was quite sick for several days this week, but is eported some better at this time. Mrs. William Sutton, who has en routined to her bed since the1 first of May, is able to be up and ibout now. Young Steinhauer of the Jour nal force passed through here Sunday on his Indian motorcvcle burning the air as he went. Porn To Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barker, near Mynanl, on July 28, a bright-eyed baby boy. Both mother and little one are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byers of Rock Bluffs are rejoicing this week over the arrival of a babv girl at their home. The mother and little one ar getting along nicely. The ladies ot the K. X. N. will give a program and oscial at the Kenosha church on Saturday evening. You are invited to at tend and the guarantee goes with the invitation thai you will have a good time. arrived in Murray Tuesday for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young, and other relatives and friends. They expect to remain for several weeks while Mr. I.awton and Rex Young are making an automobile touring trip of North Dakota and Montana and the west, looking at the country with a view of select ing a new location. Kelly Rhoden received what might have been a fatal injury last Thursday. He was pitching bundles for Will Seybolt, and a pitchfork laying on the rack caught in a wheel and the fork was thrown at Kelly like a har poon. One tine struck the side of the nose and plowed to the bone and slightly injured the eyeball. The concussion was sufficient to cause him to faint, and it was feared by bystanders that a tine had penetrated the skull. Pleasant Day at Rock Bluffs. There was a very pleasant time Mid entertainment given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Fitch- horn at Hock Bluffs last Sunday. A big dinner was served at noon and in the afternoon ice cream and cake was served. The children were amused at games and enjoy ed a fine time. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. I". H. Kin nanion and family, Stella, Charles and Joe, of Plattsmouth; Mrs. Lee and family. Bertha. Blanche, Beulah and John, of Pacific Junc tion; Mr. and Mrs. fteorge Bates aid family, Myrtle, Ira and Frances, of Murray; Virgil Sud- deth of Murray, Adam Meisinger of Mynard. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Fitchhorn and family, Jessie, Wil bur, Virgie, Katie, ftlen, Ira and Elmer. Everybody enjoyed pleasant time. A FEW CLOSE OUT A few 2-piece Uunderwear suits left, were 21c; to close out at, per garment 15c A few Ladies' Vests, were 19, 29 and 39c, now to close out at, per garment 15c See our line of Ladies' Aprons priced at 15 and 25c Each CROCKERY! The well known Star Cut Water Setseven pieces; one Jug and six Tumblers for. . . $1.50 Some Gold Band Decorated 7-pue Water Set very nifty. Special this week at 1.19 Forthe 7-piece set this is a Biecial bargain. Big lot of Summer Dress Goods worth up to 33c per yard, now ut per yard 10c AUGUST HAST, THE BARGAIN STORE MURRAY, : : : : NEDEASKA T 1 DELAYS PASSENGER ft. V. Bailey, from near Ne hawka. was in the city last Satur day, coming in for the transac tion of some business matters, among which was a real estate deal, in which his mother-in-law purchased a piece of city prop erly. Arthur Amick was qnie serious ly kicked by a horse one day this week. He was struck in the face and a large gash cut in his upper lip and also in his cheek. The accident was quite painful, but he is doing nicely. 11 ..1 1 neri jamcson is now I tie pos sessor of a brand new Overland automobile. U j a five-passeng er and is equipped j 1 1 1 every Hung hut a smoking parlor. Bert says if there is a better car in the country for the price he would like to take a look at it. rniiip ieii was a county seal visitor last Saturday, having some business matters to look after. He was nursing a very much injured hand that he had caught in the weigher of a threshing machine. He is getting along nicely, but has suffered with the injury a great deal. Nelson Berger, from Nehawka. had a runaway Sundav evening. tearing up his rig and bruising himself pretty badly. The clip of a singletree came off. lcttinor the tongue down Just as he was leaving town, and the team be came unmanageable. He found his team at John Porter's the next morning. Steve Beckner, who lives on ftlen Perry's place, four miles northeast of town, received a serious injury to bis back by fall ing from a load of wheat last Sat urday. He was hauling w heal for Mr. Perry, when by some unknown means the spring seat turned, liirowing him upon one of the wheels. Mrs. Frank Oliver of 'Salida, Loin, who has been visiting friends and relatives in Omaha and Murray for the past month, returned to her home Sunday. She was accompanied by Miss Eliza beth Oliver, who will visit nt the home of her brother, Frank Oliver, in Salida. for several weeks. Mrs. fceeiey I.awlnn ami lillle son, from Okaton, South Dakota. Telephone Shopping! The Bell Telephone has made it possible to shop with comfort, economy and despatch. WITH COMFORT, for by telephone you can buy anything from your home without long, tiresome shopping trips. WITH ECONOMY, for a telephone saves you valuable time , , when you could spend your efforts at other work. WITH DISPATCH, for a Bell Telephone communication is instantaneous and comprehends both message and reply. Nebraska Telephone Company .If. B. RRANTNLR, Plattsmouth Manager ANOTHER PIONEER PASSES All George B. Lived Mattison, Who in This County Since 1865. Has Two Big Freights Come Together at Auburn at High Speed, Scattering Cars. The Misosuri Pacific north bound passenger was the hours late last night owing to a big freight wreck near Auburn. The train is due here at 5 o'clock, but did not arrive until after 10. H. A. Wilson, a government em ploye, who is investigating the naturalization records here today, described the wreck to a Journal reporter. He said about 100 freight cars were piled up in great confusion and that both engines were demolished. The engineers slaed with their engines, but were not injured. Both trains were heavily loaded and they came together at fast speed, as the air brakes on one of the trains would not work., Much coal and grain were dumped from the cars in the accident. fteorge B. Mattison, another Cass county pioneer, died at his home in South Bend, Neb., this morning at 8 o'clock. The de ceased had been suffering for some time with kidney troubles. fteorge B. Mattison was born in Hampton, Washington county, New York, in 1828, on January 16, being 83 years of age. Mr. Mat tison was married in 1859 to Miss Laura Clisbe, and in 1865 emi grated to Nebraska, settling near South Bend. The deceased was the father of three children, two daughters, who survive him, one residing in Missouri, at Lock Springs, and the other, Mrs; Lon Loop, at SI rat ton, Neb. One son uiei at tne age or 1!) years. The funeral will be held to morrow (rriday) at the fterman Methodist church, and interment in the cemetery near the church. During the many years that Mr. Mattison has resided in Cass county he has made many friends, who will be grieved to learn of his death. Getting Along Nicely. Mrs. ft. Roman and ' children, Ruth and Frances, who have been visiting the former's son, Giles, at Lead, S. D., for the past week or so, returned home last even ing. Mrs. Roman reports that her son, Oiles, who had two bones of the instep of his right foot broken some four weeks ago, by having a large stone fall on it while at work in the mine, is get ting along as well as could be ex pected and that, with the aid of crutches, he is able to get about. Oiles' many friends will be pleas ed to know that he is getting along slowly but surely. TOO LATE FOR WEEK. THIS Many a Suffering Woman Drags herself painfully through her daily tasks, ' suffering from backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appetite and poor sleep, not knowing her ills are due to kidney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief from pain and misery and a prompt re turn to health and strength. No woman who so suffers can afford to overlook Foley Kidney Pills. For sale bv Fricke & Co. We received quite a lot of news from Murray Thurs day evening, but owing to the lateness of the M. P. train, it arrived too late for this issue and will appear Monday. Woman loves a clear, rosy complexion. Burdock Blood Bit tcrs purifies the blood, clears the skin, restores ruddy, sound health. Fine Hog for Sale. We are informed that Julius Pit 7. has an extra line male hog that he wants to sell. Our good friend, William ftilmour, is wil ling to vouch for the value of the nnimal, and "Billy" is sure a good judge of hogs. Torturing eczema spreads its burning area every day. Doan's Ointment quickly stops its spreading, instantly relieves the itebing. cures it permanently. At anv drug store. Special Discount are holding a special dis- sale on all our Ladies' Muslin wear and Summer Waists Special prices to reduce the line A. liast. We conni Were Married Here. William N. Logan of Skidmore, Mo., and Miss Pearl Allison of Hastings, Neb., were married here yesterday by the nev. W. L. Aus tin of the Methodist church. Mr and Mrs. Logan left for Skidmore on the 5 o'clock train yesterday afternoon. The Wells-Fargo Now. Tuesday, August 1, the Wells Fargd Express company began its contract of looking after the ex press business on the Missouri Pacific, Iron Mountain and Wa bash systems, and the express office here, long known as the Pa cific Express company, is now the Wells-Fargo. The latter com pany underbid the Pacific for the express privileges on the Oould lines. With the loss of these con tracts the Pacific Express com pany goes out of business. Cut the Weeds in No. 27. Notice is hereby given to all land owners in Road District No. 27 that the weeds must be cut by the 15th of the present month or the same will be done by the road overseer and taxed against the property. The law says the weeds must be cut, so let us see that the same is done at once. M. L. Furlong, Road Overseer. Farmer's Protection. First. The cost but one-naif. Second. Saves you one-half the gasoline. Third. Factory at your door. Fourth. ' Five years' guarantee. Fifth. You are the sole judge. I take your word, and not what I say. Chopie Gasoline Engine Factory, Plattsmouth, Neb. Miss Charlotte Fetzer went to Lyons, Neb., this morning, where she will visit friends for a weelu LINCOLN THE STATES BEST PRODUCTS 1 y M y 1 'ft TWO AEROPLANES IN DAILY FLIGHTS LIBERATI MILITARY BAND AND GRAND OPERA COMPANY OF 61 PEOPLE GREAT RACES -PATTERSON SHOWS, FIREWORKS, NIGHT RACES. VAUDEVILLE. ,W1