J " ' "UU.UJ.I.. J - l-.-vgE.r. ..Jr J IP' WHave you noticed those new 4-in-hand ties in our win dow? They are strictly the latest novelty out. Come in all the plain shades with Romen stripes at the knot and at the ends. Price 4 Bits W E DON'T ask you Jq. take any chances on our Clothing. Your money is considered on deposit till you. are satisfied. And just now we don't ask you to pay any profit on Summer clothes. We could not afford to sell goods this way all the time, but this is our end-of-the-season policy. Men's fine suits to close $9, $14, $18. Don't buy until you've seen these. .Mescotrs THE HOME OF SATISFACTION 00 S LAST NIGHT'S RAIN SIS MUCH CORN HUD IIS 10 II LIFE III PRISON CELL III SMI FRANCISCO With a Knife Blade, He Sever Hi Jugular Vein -Act Committed When He Hear That Governor Had Honored Requisition of the Governor of Illinois For Hi Return There. A Hun Francisco dispatch of to day tells of the attempt at suicide of the former Cass county hanker, Carey A. Manker. The dispatch follows: C. A. Manker, the former hanker of Pearl. III., who surrendered to the police here, several days ago, confessing that he was wanted for the embezzlement of $i5,000 and for whose return to Illinois a re quisition was granted today hy Governor Johnson, attempted to commit suicide late today hy stab bing himself in the neck. The man, unconscious, was found on the floor of his cell in the city prison, and was removed to the emergency hospital. It was found that the knife blade had severed the juglar vein. The ltnife evidently was smuggled into Manker and the chief of police has ordered an examination. This afternoon in Sacramento Governor Johnson honored the re quisition of t tie governor of Il linois for the removal of Manker to Pike county. Since his arrest six days ago, Manker has been downcast, lie persisted in the as nertiun that his llnancial dif ficulties and his subsequent flight were Hie outcome of treachery on the p:rt of business associates. As soon as word was received here that requisition had been procured Manker was informed Shortly thereafter he made the at tempt to end his life Hroken in health, hungry and despondent, Manker came into ' police headquarters here last Fri- day night ana surrendered mm self after having evaded arrest for three years. He said he revealed his identity to the proprietor of a lodging house here, who advised him to surrender. Until his disappearance and the discovery that he had misap propriated funds of the bank of which he was president and part Hay Fever, Asthma and Summer Colds Must be relieved quickly and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. E. M. Stewart, 103 Wolf arm St., Chicago, writes: "I have been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley's Honey and Tar Compound get great relief." Many others who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's ex perience. For sale by Fricke & Co. LUCKY ESCAPE FROM . A BAD ACCIDENT Ed Mason and Family Were Dragged on Road When Buggy Was Overturned. Crop Had Reached a Point Where It Had to Have Rain Quick or Fail. Iteginning about midnight last night and lasting until the early hours of morning, a rain, general in extent, fell in southeastern Ne braska and southwestern Iowa and undoubtedly saved hundreds of thousands of acres of corn from being a total failure. The amount of rainfall, as measured at the Burlington depot, was .81. of an inch. This is not a big rainfall, but as the rain fell gradually, much of it had a chance to soak into the ground. At many points, perhaps, the amount of water which fell was greater. The rain was absolutely neces sary to save the late corn, ine corn had tasseled, but there were no shoots,, and farmers said that the pollen would be gone in a few days, and that if the corn was to be saved the rain must come at once. There is, of course, much corn in this vicinity that is al ready ruined, or will make but a small average per acre. Farmers says that much corn has been lost because of improper cultivation. The farmers who gave attention to it and who plowed continually in order to keep the moisture in the ground, will have good crops, while those who neglected their corn will have small yields. The rain will also be of great benefit to pastures and to forage crops. According to the official weather records at Omaha, this season, since March 1, has not been so dry as the same period in 1910. On August 2, 1910 the total de ficiency in rainfall from March 1 was 13.60 inches, while in 1911 for the same period the deficiency was but 10.07 inches. YOU CAN HAVE A SILK DRESS NOW 50c Silks now cost no more than most any other Summer fabric. The Silks in our Clearance Sale are beauti ful examples of the weaver's art, and at the price they are now you should at least have one dress out of them. Only a portion of our stock is displayed in the window, but you can readily get an idea as to what beautiful fabrics they are. All 50c Silks will go on sale Satur day at the very low price of 29c per yard. . You had better come early on that day if you wish to get your choice, as there are no reservations made. Ev A. WURL, Phones yi.iiu Corner Sixth and Main St. EGENBERGER BUILD ING TO BE REMODELED EXAMINING APPLICANTS FOR CITIZENSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mason and lit tle child came near naying a serious accident while driving to the Robert Fitch farm yesterday inorninK. When witnin arjoui a Loss of Time Means Loss of Pay. Kidney trouble and the ills it breeds means lost time and lost pay to many a working man. M. Halent, 1214 Little Penna St., Streator, III., was so bad from kid owner, Manker was a prominent , milft of lhe j,.jlcn farm lhey came ney and bladder trouble that he citizen of Pearl, 111. He was known as an inventor of the Navimobile, or hydroenrve, a peculiarly shaped boat hull by which he hoped to revolutionize navigation. He or ganized the Mstnker-llcbner Navi gation company and many of his business acquaintances subscrib ed for slock in the enterprise. He also organized a company lo place on the market a compound sup posed to ward off safe robbers. These affairs and a general financial depression crippled his resources and he began borrow ing from the bunk funds. Al lasl he faced exposure and fled, ac companied by bis wife and four children. upon a man picking up cobs in the road. The horse did not see the man until they had reached where he was standing and the man stood up. The horse became frightened and ran, and it being a had place in the road, the buggy tipped over ami was dragged about fifteen feel, before the horse could be slopped. Mr. Mason, received a bad cut on the forehead and some bruises across the chest, but his wife and baby were, not hurt. The top of the buggy was damaged slightly. could not work, but he says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills for only a short time and got entirely well and was soon able to go back to work, and am feeling well and healthier than- before." Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results a good friend to the working man or woman who suffers from kidney ills. For sale by Fricke & Co. New Postoffice Will Make Old Building a More Valuable Property. A total of several thousand dollars will be spent in remodel ing the Egenberger building at the northwest corner of Fifth and Main streets, according to J. J. Davey, an architect, and H. E. Olson, a contractor, both . of Omaha. Steam heat will be put through out the building, the interior will be refaced and remodeled, the up stairs will be fitted for office rooms and the building made modern generally. New side walks will be put in around the hnildinir and the three north store rooms will be remodeled in to one. The work is being done because of the fact that the new postoffice will make the location of the building more important for busi ness than it is now, and the store room next to the post office will be a good business location. The building is controlled by the Cas- sel Realty company of Omaha, the company that looks after the real estate interests of the Krng Hrewing company. Government Has New Policy Investigating Those Seeking Naturalization. in H . A. Wilson, connected with the department of state at St. Louis, is in Plattsmouth today, examining the applicants for naturalization. The government has recently inaugurated a policy of personally examining ap plicants to see that they possess the qualifications for citizenship and to aid them whenever it is possible. In the east petitions have often been denied because the blanks were not properly filled out. The government agent looks into the petition, and if there is anything that is wrong and can be remedied he advises the applicant how the papers can be corrected. A Mistake. If you call Tor "Milter Wine." tlo not make the mistake of ac cepting any preparation bunded to you hy the business man. What you want is Timer's American Elixir of Hitter Wine, because you know that it is a reliable remedy for the stomach, and, ill fact, for Ihe whole body. As soon as your appetite will become poor or your bodily strength will diminish, use Triner's American Elixir of Hitler Wine. It will mve new strength lo all organs of the body and will make them able lo do their work with ease. II will regulate lliej bowels and prexenl cnnslipal ion I ami all dilllcull ies cunnecled with it. ft will in l allow undue genera lion of gases in the stomach and intestines; it will prevent decom position of the contents of the stomach and bowels. He careful lo buy genuine Triner's American Elixir of Hitler Wine. At drug stores. .los. Triner, 133.1-1339 So. Ashland live.. Chicago, III. LOST The lid to a round sheet iron box, between my home and the home of Earl Cole. Finder please notify me or leave the same at the Journal office. V. E. Perry. ft HARVEST OVER It's the best of wisdom to paint your property in the fall and protect it against winter storms. House, barn, fences, implements no matter what you want to paint some one of Sherwin-Williams Paints will do your work better and at less cost than any others. If you want a good job that will save money for you come in and talk it over with us. TIME TO PAINT More people, men and women, are suffering from kidney and bladder trouble than ever before, and each year more of them turn for quick relief and permanent benefit to Foley's Kidney Remedy, w hich has proven it sell to be one of the most effective remedies for kidney and bladder ailments that medical science has devised. For sale by Fricke & Co. A. O. U. W. Lecture. E. C. Phillips of Table Rock, Neb., and J. H. Turner of (Irand Island, deputies for the A. 0. II. V. lodge of Nebraska, are in ttie city this week working in the in terests of that order. The A. O. V. W. is one of the strongest fraternal orders in the state of Nebraska, ami already have a large membership in this city, with three separate bulges." These gentlemen are her working in connection with the home lodges with the view of increasing the membership, and up to the. pres ent time have been very success ful and expect to take a large class into the order within Ihe next few weeks. On next Friday evening (Irand Master Workman A. M. Walling will be in the city and deliver a free fraternal lecture, in the A. O. IT. V. hall. In connection with this lecture, which will be very interesting in itself, he will show a number of stereoptiron views, dealing upon the fraternal subjects. The even ing's entertainment will be very interesting from beginning to end and is free for all. An invitation is extended for everybody to at tend. Mr. Phillips and Mr. Turner will remain in the city for the next (wo weeks to secure additional members to the home lodges. Big Ad In This Issue. You will find a full page ad in this issue of the Journal for E. (J. Dovey & Son, announcing their clearing sale of all summer goods. You know what it. means when the Dovey store offers you bar gains. If they tell you it means 33 1-3 per cent off it means one third off, no more and no less. You know the value of the goods, and they regard the value of their word, and when they tell it to you in an advertisement, they have the goods for you in the store, and at the price staled in the advertise ment. Read Ihe ail and attend the sale, it may save you some money. Try a sacK of Forest Rose flour the next time you need flour. Ask your dealer what he thinks of it. Do not allow your kidney and bladder trouble to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Foley Kidney Pills. They give quick re sults and stop irregularities with surprising promptness. For sale by Fricke & Co. Everybody wants to try a sack of Forest Rose flour. Why? Be cause they have heard that it is one of the best grades of flour put on the market. Try a sack and see if you don't think so. GIVE MORE POWER .t Least Cost emd Last Longest Gaining Strength. Mrs. Melburn and sons were in Omaha yesterday and paid a brief visit at. (lie Immanuel hospital. where Charles Isner has been for Ihe. past three months receiving treatment for the injured hip that has given him so much trouble for the past year or more. Charley has certainly suffered a ureal deal with this illness and it will be good news to his numerous friends to know that he will be able to return home the latter pari of the present week, with every hope for his permanent recovery. Loan Pharmacisf C0FI Avocn, Nebraska To Play Cedar Creek. The Plallsmoul h liasetiall team will go to Cedar Creek Sunday to play Ihe ball team there Sunday afternoon. A delegation will go from here to see Hie game and support the local boys. Returns Home This Week. Miss Cecil Schiappacasse, who has been in Ihe hospital at Omaha for the past few days, where she submitted to a surgical operation for goitre of the neck, will return home the latter part of this week. She has been progressing very nicely and the many friends of this excellent young lady will be pleased to learn that the physi nans will be aide to pronounce her recovery permanent. Her Mother Dying. Mrs. H. .1. Reynolds left for Mc Paul, Iowa, last evening, called there by the illness of her mother, Mrs. J. P. Hume, who is reported lo be dying. She has been quite ill for some time with heart trouble. Mrs. Hume has visited her daughter here a number of t imes. Why experiment when you can be sure. The I H C line offers engines of proven capacity. It doesn't take an expert lo nee me many irreai auvam.BK of I H C construction. You can readily see how I H C cylinder construction gives more power with less gasoline-how the l n u style oi governing rivm steadier power and economizes fuel-how the I 11C cooling system prevents deterioration-how in every way 1 II C construction is simplest, strongest and best. Through years of service everywhere, under every condition. I. H. C. GASOLINE ENGINES have stood the teat. They have demonstrated by actual experience that for every u e they are just the kind of engine you want. Teey are made in various styles and sizes from 1 to 4.1-horse power for pumping, spraying, sawing, grizding, threshing and operating machines about the house and diury. . Call and let us sho you wny me l. it. l.. engine win kivc ywi m'pi mosi satisfaction with least attention and at least expense. Tell uf what you want your engine to do, and we will help you delect the kind of engine best suited to your work. Come in the next time you are in town. August Gorder Plattsmouth, Nebraska 1