The- Plaitsmouth - Journal fublistiid Seml-Wetklj it Pl.ttssouti, Kebruki R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Pofltoffice; at Plattsmouth, Nebraaka, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Remember the date Tuesday-J it makes us dizzy to got out on August 15, is the primary elec tion. . :o: Shore birds are scarcer titan vcr this year. There are too many sure, shots. :o: There is a chance lor Juck Johnson to come back. The Mis souri watermelon-crop is larger than ever. :o : The New York shoe dealers say women's feel are bigger than formerly. The Chicago girl can wear short skirls at last. :o: This July "cold wave" is a re minder that it is Mill deemed in correct to wear a straw hat and mi overcoat at the name time. :o : the piazza roof, we refrain irom further comment. :o: The old soldiers should not lor get that the democratic conven tion at Fremont endorsed the pension bill that the lower house, do their trading of congress passed, while the Lincoln republican convention was silent on the question, Will the old veterans, those who have but a few year9 longer to live, re member this in the election next November? :o: Lincoln Star: In the published reports of tin; republican conven tion the standpatters haven't been getting fair play exactly, as wit ness the published statement that Vic Rosewaler looked over Chairman JeflVris' shoulder while the latter was perusing the Evans presi- dinary man. But having strained end striven for the assets of a plutocrat, he must take the liabilities, too. :o: President Wheeler of Cali fornia university complains of there being, too many old maid teachers. Hut even if we had all men teachers, we would still have lots of old maids. :o: The removal of the hitch racks is very objectionable to the farm ers unless they are put up some where else. The farmers who come to' Plaitsmouth must have a place to hitch their teams, or they might go somewhere else to The merchants should have risen in their might and objected to this procedure. :o: The harmony in the Fremont convention does not seem to pleuse the republicans. They ex pected a "rough house," but in stead it was a harmonious con vention, throughout. :o: Secretary Wilson explains that if his recommendations in the Wiley case are not satisfactory to the president he. will change them. Mr. Wilson would very much rather be secretary of agriculture than right. :o: The democrats have a good man for candidate for clerk of the district court in the person of James T. Reynolds of Liberty- precinct. The attorney general says it is legal to have his name written upon the primary ballot for this office. :o : Some fellows seem to think that the office they are holding belongs strictly to them. Hut we do not believe the people of Cass county are ready to give any man a life- lease upon any office, be he demo crat or republican. And no man has any right to expect them to lo so. :o: Hull frogs are being taken to Japan for breeding purposes. The resolution against any JapH are artistic and perhaps ap preciate song birds better than we. :o: Several men have been found on the senate payroll who never report for duty. This is fortun ate for the taxpayers, for if they did report, a new man would have to be hired to boss them. : o : The Pacilie, Kxpress company has been absorbed by the Wells Fargo company. An express wimnanv is either water or a - M' aporigc. :o: Keep it before the democratic get out the whitewash brush. If, as is claimed, our corpora tions are all honest now, why do so many people like the govern ment's promise to pay 2 or 3 per cent better than a railroad's voters of Cass county that Jarncs T. Reynolds is a candidate for clerk of the district court. Write his name on your ball"t. :oi A lot of bogi;s 11M0 nickels are said to be in circulation, and the dential endorsement. Anyone who knows anything about the stature of these two potential gentlemen will recognize this spiteful state ment portrayed something that is an absolute physical impossibility, promise to pay 5 per cent? : :o: :o: The Lorimer investigation is Since Jack Johnson has re proceeding slowly, but the oom-1 nounced his American citizenship miltee shows little inclination to and declared his intention of be coming an Englishman, William Waldorf Astor should have him out to dinner right away :o: :oj- Anklets are the fashion for women bathers this year. As ma terial for bathing suits is scarce, every little addition helps out. :o: detectives can get an idea of the cleave to their husbands until volume, of the counterfeit by ex- death did them part, evidently left nmlning the contribution boxes, reservations about the summer Hon. fieorge W. Herge was an attendant of the Fremont con vent ion. Mr. Herge is a good man Many women who promised to I ami would make a most excellent candidate for the democrats to nominate next year for jrovernor :o: of the senate fought Aldnch. Tafl thought to force them into sub mission by withholding patronage from them. Do they . indorse that? At the regular session Tafl sent to congress the bill drawn by his attorney general amending the commerce law. It was to be pass ed without change. The house made some chances, but it was in the senate that the progres sives cut out the provisions that weakened government control. Do Nebraska republicans regard that bill as it came from the White house a "statesmanlike" docu ment? Taft chose for secretary .f the interior a man whose sympathy was wholly with those who be lieved that public resource in trusted to that department should he developed solely by private enterprise and in private in terests. We bad the Ballinger episode as a result, the exposures (leorge Norris' bluff for United by (Havls, the investigation, the States senator will not work, not- antedating of a formal letter by withstanding he voted against reciprocity. Next year he will find himself up against a tough proposition even for congress, af ter voting against a measure Wickersham, the dismissal of Tilavis, Pinchot, Price and Shaw, the threatened dismissal of Newell, the retention of Hailinger in face of universal condemnation which the farmers are for and and finally the resignation of that which Taft favored with all his might. :o: , ii i oniciai anu nis warm approval iy the president. Is this regarded as "statesmanlike" by Nebraska republicans? Then came the election last year and the retreat of Taft from REPUBLICAN INDORSEMENT. According to the Lincoln Star, an independent republican paper, the Lincoln convention endorsed ,m A,,,l'icl1 Moscow by way of the Hallingeris.n. the odoriferous reciprocity route with its accept process whereby through fraud ance an(1 adoption only by a united nn.i M,n,niP.Pv invoking the democratic support against a president's official family, greedy sharply divided republican mem millionaires were to be permitted bmhip. Was it the party split to possess themselves of the enormous riches of Alaska which resort season. -:o:- The Lincoln convention, being made up of postmasters and fed- A month ago the college eral officeholders, it wouldn't have graduates competed strenuously been safe for them to do oilier- for the honor of planting the ivy wise than endorse the man w ho Now you can't lieu or hire anyone gave them their jobs would it? to water it, Sunday drowning accidents A tracer has been sent out to keep right on. It takes only about discover what has become of three feet of water for the human Joseph fiiierney Cannon. Wouldn't nnimal to swim in, but he isn't it be belter to let sleeping er, ii.ii IK i : i iiiiv vi il Ii lit I Ii ii ii I Ii i I'l v. I OT-umxi Lora lii :o: :o: I lie postal department lias been me standpatters itiiln t give Lincoln Star: The democrats at Fremont did more than demo crats have ever been able to do I before toward destroying the tradition that blundering is an Inevitable democratic proclivity. :o: The republican state conven tion nt Lincoln was made up of politicians and postmasters, while the democratic convention at Fre mont was made up mostly of the sturdy yeomenry of the land. :o : "Hilly" Thompson of f.rand now belongs to the government Wickershaniisni. whereby a man was picked from the firm of sugar trust attorneys to become the chief of the department of justice in order that the severities of the law might not be visited too strenuously upon the malefactors of great wealth, but jhal punish ment should be sifted by slow and mild processes upon Hie iolaters of the law. Aldrichism, wherebv the money trust," comprising the nsked to have rural carriers blow the insurgents half a show in the Island made n good impression bugles as a signal of their ap- Lincoln convention, but they will with the delegates at Fremont for proach. The carriers could prob-1 go right along sawing wood for nbly perform belter on an old- La Follette just the same. fashioned fish horn. :o:- :o: They are rushing work on the in... I . t.ii. ...... J I ... . . inn liiiiKMius mix- ..mi.-.. u pi,nmft canai forts, but no heavily of ouiiipmcnl, and, strange dKl.r is j i(1,t ,.xi.,.,,t (ml Cip I'niled States senator, and Ne braska would not suffer with such a mnn to represent its interests. :o The La Follette followers did not make much of a show at the thus caused, was it the speeches of Mr. Taft has made in its ad vocacy, or was it the Winona speech that Rosewaler repub licans regard as evidence of a statesmanlike" administration? These are questions Nebraska voters will be asking and ponder- in ur today and for some davs to follow. Sioux City (Iowa) Trib une.. ... :o: Clel Morgan. County Clerk Morgan was in town Wednesday morning posting notices for the coming primary Morgan- election August 15. Mr. Morgan nf has easy sailing as he has no op ponent for the nomination for a second term. lie has made an through a new system of finance, PXCollont and ohVl((ng cmm(y an additional slrangle-hold upon clerk and the only improvement every avenue of wealth production 'he Courier could suggest would ne for him to quit his foo ish political ideas and Join the re Cannonisni, whereby, through publican ranks, where competency a despotic control of congress, the is expected. Louisville Courier. enactment of lnws for the benefit Standard Oil combination enormous wealth, is to be given ARTICLES OK INCORPORATION. KNOW A IX. MEN BY THUHG PKKSKNTS. That we, the undersigned, do hereby form and create a corpora tion under and by the name o The Plat ) t a Aula a ad Wicni BrldKe Coiapnuy. 1. The principal place of of said corporation shall be the City of I'lattamouth, County of Cass, Ne braska. 2. The purpose of said corporation shall be to construct, maintain and operate a bridge across the Platte river, at a point on said river east Of the bridge thereover of the Chicago, Bur lington & (Juincy Railroad Company, between the counties of Sarpy and Cass, of the State of Nebraska, and to pur chase and own land sufficient upon which to construct said bridge and buildings necessary to carry on said business and to charge and collect tolls for the use thereof. 3. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be fifty thousand dollars. of which twenty-five thousand dollars shall be common stock, divided Into one thousand shares of the par value of twenty-flve dollars each, and the owners thereof shall have the sole and exclusive power of voting at all stock holders' meetings, each owner being entitled to one vote for each share of said common stock by him so owaed and said stuck only shall be couated in any vote cast st any stockholders' meeting and shall be entitled to ail dividends in excess of the six per cent guaranteed to the preferred stock, and the balance of said stock shail be kiiown as preferrtd stock, subject to ti.o power of the i oinmo-i stock and divided Into one thousand shares of the par value of twenty-five dollars each, and shall be entitled to dividends of six per cent per annum, payable annually, and the Hoard of Directors muy, in its discretion, order said dividends upon the preferred stock to he pnld quarterly or semi-annually, and for the puyment of said dividends upon the preferred stock, the ways, works, easements, bridge and franchises of this company are hereby pledged. 4. Said Corporation shall commence doing business on June 1st, A. D. 1911, and shall terminate on June 1st, A. D. l'.-til. 5. The annual meetings shall be held on the first Monday of January of each year. 6. Said corporation shall not com mence doing business until ten per cent of the capital stock shall be sub scribed and paid and the balance shall he due upon call of the Hoard of Directors. 7. The Indebtedness or liability of this corporation shall at no time ex ceed two-thirds of the paid-up capital stock. H. The officers of said corporation shall be five directors, with power to pass and adopt by-laws, to be elected at the annual meeting of the stock- Holders, and to serve until their suc cessors are elected and qualified, and sain Hoard or Directors shall, from their body, elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and the last two otllcers, at the option of the Hoard, may be filled by one and the same person, and the Secretary and Trensurer may be removed by said Board of Directors at anv time. IX WITNKSS WHEUEOF, We, the undersigned. have hereunto set our hands this 27th day of May, A D., 19H. In presence of Paul Jessen as to (3 and 4) Wm. A. Hobertson as to (1, 2 and 5) (1) T. H Pollock. (2) Lida P. Pollock. (3) Mrs. N. A. Duff. (4) K. A. Duff. . (5) Jas. K. Pollock. State of Nebrnska. County of Otoe, as. BK IT ItlCMKMHEHKI), That on this 27th day of May, A. D. 1911, there ap peared before me, the undersigned Notary Public, Mrs. N. A. Duff and R. A. Duff, who In my presence signed the foregoing certificate of Incorpora tion and acknowledged the same to be their free and voluntary net nn.l dee-'. In witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal the day ana year anove written. (real) Paul Jessen, Notary Public Stfite of Nebraska. County of Cass, ss. OK IT KKMKM IE Bn. That on this 27th day of May, A. D. 1911, there ap- pearea neiore me, ine undersigned Notary Public. T. H. Pollock, IJda P. Pollock and Jas. K. Pollock, each of whom. In my presence, signed the foregoing certificate of Incorporation and acknowledged their said signatures to be their free and voluntary act and deed. In Witness Whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and Notarial Seal the day nn.i vear aoove written. (Seali W. A. Robertson, Notary Public. of the people has been deterred, and those for the benefit of big business have been stimulated Lorimerisin, whereby the presi The Eagle Beacon. The Eagle Beacon comes to us this week greatly changed in its makeup and appearance. The paper is now under the manage to say, the railroad presidents Castro might come over and let Lincoln convention. How could have not yet tahen the rooms in the poor houses which they promised to occupy if they did not get the higher rates. :o: A new Missouri law makes it a felony to use profane language lo a telephone girl. Tint some fi.OOO worta of censure are. left in the thesaurus dictionary, by which the Missourians can legally ex press condemnation of central. :o: A new uovel called "The Man With the Honcbt Face" is popular. But how the magazine circula tions would drop if they discharg ed their muck rakers nnd printed a few articles about honest men. :o : The Kansas City probation officer says he knows of no red haired people who have gone wrong. Why should they, when everyone give them whatever I hey nsk for in order to secure .t iuiet life? :o: Mr. Vaninian now announces that he will cross the ocean in a dirigible balloon. , Wc made con siderable fun of Wcllman, but as off the balance of his July 4 fire crackers. :o: There Is a demand to have some of the navy yards abolished from misguided theorists who consider business more import ant than delegates. :o: they, when the convention was made up principally of post masters and federal officeholders in general? :o: Governor Aldrich is very apt to find out in the election this fall that people of Nebraska do not approve of his veto of the non- President Fallieres or France partisan judiciary. Anything that is attacked for wearing 9-cent j not republican with Aldrich is neckties. Over here that would unconstitutional be almost as good a card for a candidate hands. as callouses on his :o:- F.urope is experiencing what the dispatches call a "killing heat," while snow fell for five there j no minutes in Buy City, Michigan, Tuesday. By all means, "see America first." :o: Ciovernor llndloy of Missouri wants to know intimately every plant on his farm. If he'd hoe the beans half an hour before breakfast hfs ambition would per haps be satisfied. :o: Mr. Rockefeller Tiegs the re porters to treat him like an or- dent of the United States becomes nient of a stock company, with so tenlons for the election of . Harry Craves at the helm as ... . . . editor. We have always thought rpub ican sena or who may be ., . . . , 1 ' that a paper at Eagle, properly ?:ied upon to stand by the in- eonducted. could do muohiroori terests that he so meddles in the! for the business interests of the affairs of the people of a stale, town, and we believe Harry is just the man they have been looking for. who should elect their own sen alors, that he admittedly aids in Invrtlt-Snfr Ifm qIqIa nni4 flin TTnilnH ""v 8 . . Big Judgment Paid. Mates senate in a tiisffu-unff From 8atuPday.B Dany, scandal. -:o:- James Robertson, clerk of the district court, reported today that P. S Mrlriph pnahiop nf Iha wnr uu t inuunot t Armrican Kxchange bank at Elm Victor Uosewater's regulars wood, has paid the judgment in repub-lthe case of Charles E. Beckwith :o: Many farmers come to town only long enough to do their trad ing even, yet they need some place to hitch their teams. All the farmers haven't nuloinobiles. If place for them to hitch their teams, one thing is certain, they will go where such conveniences are provided. :o: The democrats did not forgot the old soldiers in their platform at Fremont Tuesday. They ap pealed to the senate to ndopt the service pension bill, which has already passed the house. What does the republican platform say In reference thereto? Don't all speak at once. controlled the Nebraska lican convention and wrote its platform. Among other things they said: We have every confidence in the unselfish patriotism and conscientious devotion to public duty of William How ard Taft and we heartily in dorse his statesmanlike ad ministration. What do they indorse The first act of the administration was to call a special session of con gross to revise the tariff as di rected by the national convention and as interpreted by Mr. Taft as candidate. The result was the Payne-Aldrich imposition which Taft approved and declared to be the "best ever." Do they indorse that? Mr. Taft allied himself at once with the Aldrich-Cannon element in congress. The progressives vs. the Estate of Samuel S. John son. The jury gave Beckwith f 1,861 judgment for services ren dered. The costs in the case amounted to $75.55, and the in terest to f 105.47. Mrs. Ward Clark spent the aft ernoon in Omaha. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, lieb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Service Reasonable Rate- stop and Think!. Why should you pay rent? Why should you buy five acres? Why should you keep your chickens closed up? Break away from it. Come out to a country where your chickens will not scratch out your neigh bor's garden. When you buy. buy right, and do not be held up. Why not lake 20 or 25 acres for the same price as one down here? You cannot support one horse well on five acres, without work ing out. Quit all this. I will help you to get a bigger and cheaper place. 480 acres for $2,500; $ 1,300 cash and balance five years' time at 6 per cent. All fenced, small house, good well and windmill. small barn, in good settlement and good neighbors, good school and six miles from gnod town. This is mostly sandy pasture and hay land; you may farm fifteen acres or more. Milk a few cows. raise all the chickens you want and turn them out. Just stop and think. I don't want you to buy at once. Look at a five-acre farm here and then come out and look at 320, 480 or 640 acres. Can it be? Yes it can. We want you in our county, in the best corn country in the state. I have more places besides this, larger and smaller, all prices and terms. The smaller the place the harder you will have to work. . Come out and see me before you buy. I will take care of you and show you around. C B. Schleicher, Brady, Neb. Mrs. W. B. Roberts returned to her home in Ashland this morn ing, after visiting in the city for a few days with relatives. ( all for Kills. nidii will be received by the County Indue of Cuss County in bin offlre nt I'lattsniouth. Nebraska, up to noon of Monday, Auirilst Uth, 1911. for the fnl owlinr grading to be done out of the inheritance tax: A fill to be made on cectlon line be tween Sections 21 and 22. TownKhlp 10. North l;ane 13 Knst, one and one-half mllen went and one-half mile north of I nlon. Caxn County, Nebraska. Plans and specifications on tile In the office of the County Oerk. Allen J. Beeson. County Judge.