The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 17, 1911, Image 4

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Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Semi-Weekly it PUttsioyth, Kebraski
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflke; at PlatUimouth, Nebragke, as Becond-clasi
Democratic County Convention.
The, democrats of Cass county
arc called to meet iu delegate con
vention in Hie rily of Plattsmouth,
Neb., on Saturday, July 22, 11MI,
nt 2 o'clock p. in., for tbe purpose
of selecting sixteen delegates to
the democratic state convention
to be held in Fremont, Neb., July
26, Kill, and lo transact sucli
other business as may legally
come before it.
The basis of representation in
said convention shall be one dele
pate for each. 12 voles or major
fraction, thereof cast for lb
democratic electors for president
in 1908. The primaries for the
selection of said delegates shall
be held at (he usual place in each
precinct or ward on Friday, July
J I si, 11MI, and the representation
will be as follows:
Precinct Delegates
Tipton 13
Stove Creek 0
KImwood 9
Weeping W ater . . . 5
Louisville ft
Ml. Pleasant 7
Nchawka 7
First Mock Bluffs 10
Weeping Water, 1st ward
Weeping Water, 2nd ward
Weeping Water, 3rd ward
(lerenvvood 8
Salt Creek in
South Bend" 6
Center 9
Avoca t 7
Fight Mile Grove 12
Liberty 10
Second Hock muffs 6
Plattsmouth 12
Plattsmouth, 1st ward 7
Plattsmouth, 2nd ward 13
Plattsmouth, 3rd ward 13
Plattsmouth, 4 fit ward 8
Plattsmouth, 5th ward 7
Total 202
It Is recommended no proxies
be admitted and 1 lint Ihe dele
gates present cast Ihe full vote of
their precinct.
J. S. Livingston,
Frank Livershal,
Harmony" is a great word if
properly used.
:o :
The auto gift enterprise law is
now in force. The attempt to
have it held up by Ihe federal
court iu Lincoln has proved a.
ignal failure.
The actresses must marry three
or four times and get divorced
that many times before they lie
come popular with the amusement-loving
Friends of the administration
in Washington protest that the
publication of the "Dick to liek"
letter is a plan to injure Taft.
That's not the question; the pub
lie merely wants to know if it's
- :o :
Jamaica wants to be annexed
to Canada in order to share the
benelits of reciprocity. From Ihe
amount of colic the reciprocity
agreement ha provoked a large
shipment of Jamaica ginger that
is going to be needed.
- :o:
Any man who makes a study
of our system cannot avaoid
coining to the conclusion that the
government, both state and na
tional, is supported mainly by a
tax on poverty and especially Is
that true of tariff taxes.
More farm machinery has been
sold in Cass county this season
man lor many previous years.
We don't know that this is an in
dication of thrift and prosperity,
or that some farmers have been
negligent in taking care of their
You can't change
:o :
a fact by
One-sided views are all light,
if on the right side.
:o :
God help the rich the pour
must take care of themselves or
The weather prophet is entitled
to his opinion, the same as other
:o :
doming so warms a mans
heart toward his fellow citizen us
running for olllce.
:o :
The biggest wheat crop eer
produced in Cass county. That's
what evervbody says.
:o :
The pure food law is proving a
great blessing to the consumers
of Nebraska. Fvery day you see
eidence of this fact where the
inspectors have examined eannet
goods and tlnd them spoiled am
not fit for use. You don't dm
as many stale eggs, poor butter
cic, on I lie market as in former
years. All such laws are goo
for Ihe people and the health off
the comcmunity.
w lien a statesman gets as
llowery as Senator Sutherland be
came when he was speuking
against the initiative, referendum
ami recall, you can put it down
(hat he is talking nonsense and
has a well grounded suspiejon of
the fact himself.
ness is to be carried on under the
manacinml of the slate insur
ance commissioner, and is to be
conducted on the same lines as a
mutual insurance corporation,
but at a minimum expense of not
lo exceed ?2 per f 1,000 insur
ance. Annuities are to range from
$100 to $500, and life insurance
policies from $500 to $3,000. It
will probably not be long before
other slates will adopt tbe same
Iu this day it i pretty hard to
tell where the republican party is
at in Nebraska.
Neither party has a cinch on
currying Nebraska this fall. Re
member that.
We are for the feUows with the
longest poles and are able tq
knock the persimmons. s
Kx-Congressman Pollard is eX'
pected home in a few days to look
after matters of interest
Harmony, with a big "H" goes a
good way in attaining success.
Remember that as you go along.
The common people are think
ing hard, ami there will be some
surprises in the election this fall.
Are we to have a slock and
produce snow tins fair.' we nave
riot, heard anything about it of
Cip Castro has turned up in
Venezuela, but having been kick-
d down the back stairs of every
nation on the globe, be really has
got lo go somewhere.
Remember the convention Sat
urday. Come in and help select
a delegation to the Fremont slatt
La Follette is gaining friends
in Nebraska every day, iiotwith
standing SholweH's interview to
the contrary.
There will be three republican
candidates for county commis
sioner. In a three-cornered race
it makes an interesting light
;o :
In fourteen years the cost of
living Las increased 46.7 per eeut,
according to the census. And the
census is not especially partial to
tbe ultimate consumer.
The teachers are meeting at
San Francisco, and anyone who
hasn't a scheme for revolutioniz
ing the schools of this country
might justa s well have stayed at
Senator Hitchcock gave Senator
Bailey to understand Tuesday aft
ernoon that he was not the "only
pebble on the beach." Senator
Hitchcock is with the common
people on the free list question,
while Bailey stands for the other
Some lawyer down in Falls
City is of the opinion lhat the
automobile law is unconstitution
al. Maybe be is working for a
job, at the cxpenseo f the people,
to have the law tested before the
supreme court and delay the en
forcement of the law for a couple
of years.
In a suit that has been.pending
against the Missouri Pacific for
years in the Kansas courts, iu
which a shipper was asking dam
ages for $0 against the road, the
Missouri Pacific lost. It cost the
railroad $2(i.00(l to fight the $9
claim -not to mention what it
cost the road for legal advice that
inspired it to fight the claim.
The weed question Is gelling
serious in some parts ol town.
Many have cut their weeds in the
past few days, while others pay-
no attention to this duty I hey owe
to themselves and their neigh
bors. High weeds breed disease
and sickness and the authorities
should compel such fellows to
have some respect for their more
energetic neighbors.
The work on the government
There were fewer sheep iu the
United Slates iu 1010 than in
1900, according to the t census
figures. In view of Ihe increase
in population In the decade this
means that sheep raising has ret
rograded. The ranges of tin
west are more and more restrict
ed, as more profitable uses are
being found for the land. Mean-
Several new threshing ma
chines have been purchased by
Cass county farmers in the past
few days.
:o: :
Joseph G. Cannon has been so
quiet during the last few weeks
that it may become necessary to
send out a tracer for him.
John W. Gates has had seven
surgical operations since he
reached F.urope, and if all of them
were Miccessful he is a goner.
The old-fashioned man who
carried a potato in his pocket as
a cure for rheumatism will have
to lind some less expensive rem
edy. -
As rainmakers the balloonist
seem to have the call over the old-
time theorists who believed they
coubl produce moisture by firing
:o :
Now the fight is on in good
shape for nominations, and the
fellows all think they are the ones
the people want. They will lind
out better after the primary
fn order to get past President
Taft the Arizona constitution may
have to eliminate the judiciary
recall provision In the constitu
tion. This clause can easily b
re-inserted later.
o :
He who is not for harmony is
not a good democrat. Remember
that one democrat is just as good
as another when it comes to the
best interests of the party, and
his opinion should be considered
the same as others
August 10 is the date of the big
Log Rolling at Nchawka, and the
good people of that enterprising
little burg are preparing to give
the Woodmen a royal greeting.
The republicans . are looking
building is progressing nicely, while a tariff rale of 15 per cent
A Kansas restaurant advertises:
"Bring your own potatoes; we
cook and serve them Iree of
:o: -
A few grasshoppers have mad
their appearance in this county
and are doing some damage to the
corn crop.
: :o:
Now pay your automobile tax
into the county treasury and it
will be used for the betterment nf
the roads.
Padded shoulders are no long
er stylish for men's coals, and no
longer can Ihe living skeleton
look like an athlete.
- ;o :
Let us quit sending money lo
Ihe heal hen and use il In educat
ing the foids at home. Hut
would the people give as lreely?
Hailey's amendment to reci
procity was knocked out, just the
same as he will be when the peo
ple of Texas get another chance
at him.
During the busy season with
the farmerss the good roads in
terests have abated somewhat.
But those who know what good
roads has already done for the
country will renew their energies
in this direction as soon as the
busy season is over.
:o :-
A few years ago Senator Cum
mins was making grent demands
for reciprocity. But then there
was no chance of reaching that
degree. Now, when he could help
enact a reciprocity law, Senator
Cummins is found running with
the hounds.
l In cigarelle law is in force,
yet we see youngsters on Ihe
street almost every day smoking
I hem. host? business is it to
see that the provisions of the law
are rarrieii out, Hot n as to dealer
ami user? Some people pay no
al lent ion to law until Ihev know
I hey have to.
Wisconsin will do state life in
surance hereafter, the governor
having signed the bill. The bnsi-
aml easily by the time snow Hies
il will be ready for occupancy.
:o :
An effort to set a time for final
vole on the reciprocity and tariff
bills was defeated in the senate
Tuesday. No senator is willing
to infringe on the other senators'
right to barnstorm.
There was just one person
present lo bear one of Ihe sen
atorial speeches Ihe other day,
and the reason why be listened
has never been thoroughly explained.
Congressman Padgett of Ten
nessee proposes to save the gov
eminent $10,000,000 annually by
building only one battleship a
year. Why not save 20,000,000
and not build any?
The Dublin crowd failed to
raise their hats to King George
and Queen Mary, but the fact that
no cabbages, eggs or turnips were
presented to them was held to
constitute an enthusiaslio wcl
President Taft gives notice that
he will veto the Arizona constilu
tion unless the judiciary recall
provision is eliminated. Mr
Taft has been a judge himself
and knows bow painful so much
power iu Ihe hands of the peo
pie might be.
Congress had jusl as well ad
journ and go home. There seems
lo be no use in wait ing on lb
"slow-pokes" in the senatee. Many
of the lords know their time is
short for serving their masters,
ami they waul to make the most
of it while that lime lasts.
on wool has been forcing the
American people to pay high
prices for clot lung ami matiKcts,
or lo use fabrics adulterated with
col Ion. A pretty expensive way
to maintain a languishing ln-
Omaha Examiner: The somer
sault of Mr. Shot wcl I from pro
gressiveness to laflism comes
somewhat as a surprise to those
La Folletleites who had begun to
look upon him as their leader in
Nebraska. I lis evident that Mr
Shot well has at last arrived at Ihe
sensible conclusion that La Fol
lotto is nothing more nor less
than a hot air artist. He will find
himself not alone in that con
clusion. The logical sequence of
all this is that Shotwell has come
to I ho front to fill a long felt
want in the G. O. P. of Nebraska,
namely, that of leader of the
party. However, Rosewater will
have about as much to say about
party matters as ever, and per
haps more. The inference is lhat
Rosewater apparently will take a
seat in the background and let
Shotwell do the role of impres
sario. All this is being brought
about to harmonize the parly, and
it is an undeniable fact that the
republican party in Nebraska
needs a big dose of harmony. In
cidentally it may be observed that
Victor Rosewater has no great
love for Ben Thomas, and it
looks very much as if Shotwell
carried a Rosewater message to
Taft. See? If the bead of Thomas
doesn't drop into the waste basket
in the very near future we will
miss our guess. Ah, these con
spirators will stop at nothing to
accomplish their villainous ends.
around for someone to pit agains
Congressman Maguire a year
hence. The latest proposition is
Annes of Otoe county. Oh, Lord!
Mr. Taft talked to 20,oou Chris
tian Endeavors the other dav, but
this does not prove that he could
get a Sunday school class of ten
boys to pay attention lo the lesson.
: o :
They are making preparations
lo have Ihe usual good lime at the
Old Settlers' reunion at Union
August 11 and 12. Every pioneer
citizen should arrange to be
The recent rains have been
pretty general all over Nebraska.
If anything, the western and cen
tral parts of the stale have re
ceived more rain than the eastern
:o :
A man ought to know better
than to shove himself upon the
people for ofllce whether they
want him or not. But some men
never know when they have had
The weeds are still growing
nicely in sections of the city
where property owners refuse to
cut them. Shame upon the man
who will refuse to do what he
knows is his duty.
dicate that prices are tumbling
in the labor market because of
the reciprocity pact with Canada.
Hon. John A. Maguire is serv
ing his constituents faithfully in
emigres sand is giving ihs peo
ple general satisfaction. The
republicans will have a hard time
finding a man to down him, too.
Mark that.
The arbitration treaty provides
for arbitrating even questions of
national honor, which means that
no longer would the workingmen
have lo flghl iu order to save the.
face of some politician.
Frank Hitchcock makes it clear
that he is not engaged, but we
have no doubt there are many
voung women who would like to
ride through, life on the post,-
master general's famous steam
roller. 1,1 '
:o: '
The news from Missouri is that
Dave Ball is preparing to stir up
the democrats again in that state
next year. Dave is a good fellow
and all that, but he is just a lit
tle bit like some fellows iu Ne
braska who want to be governor
he is not quite big enough.
The newspaper man has his
troubles as well as other people.
It's "be damned if you do, and be
damned if you don't, with him.
People who are directly interested
want certain items kept out of
the paper, while others blame us
if we do not publish them. Now
you see the troubles of the news
paper. Hereafter we propose, to
give the news, it matters not
whose toes are stepped upon. Our
readers can depend upon that.
:o: ;
The decision of the Iowa court
this week which established the
right of a minor to enter a saloon
and take a drink, provided that
the minor happened to be a hiar
ried man, did not go so far,' how
ever, as to lay down as a prin
ciple of law that marriage would
justify the act. It merely assumed
that a man who was old enough
to be the head of a family ought
to know whether or nut he want
ed to take a drink.
Dr. II. - W. Vi!'y, chief of the
bureau of chemistry, has been an
aggressive fighter for the pure
food law, lie had had a notioYi
lhat nobody had a vested right to
poison people. Consequently he
had made powerful enemies.
Manufacturers who jo put
up rotten fruit Willi chemical
preservatives, makers of un
wholesome foods, venders of
quack "cures," all are against
Wiley. They have threatened
privately lo get his job. They be
lieve now they are on the verge of
success. It is charged lhat Doctor
Wiley has permit ted an expert
for the government to draw a
larger compensation than is legal.
So Ihe recommendation has been
made to the president that Wiley
be allowed to resign. Wouldn't
it be great for the sale' of
adulterated foods in the United
Stales if the man who is the
most serious obstacle to that
practice could now be got out of
the way? Kansas City Star. '" ' '
Senator Gronna, the new pro
gressive from North Dakota, made
a speech this week and all the old
guard senators walked out. Mr.
Gronna is to be congratulated on
making such an admirable start.
: o :
Shotwell slicks lo his text, that
nearly all the republicans in Ne
braska are for Taft, while other
republicans with better judgment
I ban this smart Alec say not. So
there you are.
Carry the news to the "listi n-
lo-iny-tale-of-vvoe protect lonist.
that Ihe Missouri Pacific has
voluntarily raised the wages of
its section men from, !?t.2r per
day o .1.50. That doesn't in-
Attend your preclncto primaries
Friday, July . 21, at 8 p. m., to
select delegates to the county
democratic cconvention Saturday,
July 22.
Floyd Bailey of near Murray
was in the city today lo do the
week end shopping)?
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Arswered Promptly
telephone 378 White. Plattsmouth