The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 06, 1911, Image 2

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Four Hundred and Thirty-one Dl3
From High Temperature.
Thousands Suffered prostration in
Cities Torrid Period Will Be Me
morable In Weather Annals for Wide
Extent and Long Duration.
Washington, July 6. The loss of
tore than 500 lives is to be credited
to the gre;it heat wave of July 1 to 5,
The torrid period will be memorable
la weather annals for Us wide extent,
tta long duration, Its record breaking
temperatures In many places, and the
long list of fatalities which it has
The hundreds of news dispatches
which cities from the north Atlantic
waboard wer.t to the plains states
have exchanged in the last four days
account, according to a careful re
view, for the deaths of 431 persons
from the heat and eighty from drown
ing a total of 511.
Incomplete as the record Is from the
failure of many points to report spe
cifically the number of such deaths, It
la as serious a showing as Is remem
bered for many years, If not a record
The number of prostrations Is still
toore dlflicult to compute, but from
the review of the dispatches It appears
that thousands have been overcome by
the heat In the great cities.
Additional Fatalities.
Although many parts of the country
reported cessation of the heat wave,
the relief did not come quickly enough
to prevent several additional fatalities
Over tho country,
New York heads the list of deaths
from the hent, thirty-six having died
, there, while for the territory tributary
to New York city the figure was
More than forty deaths were report
ed In New England, and the prostra
tions ran Into the hundreds
lewen British Vessels Badly etra'med
During Recent Speed Tests.
London, July 6 Seven of Great
Britain's newest ocean going torpedo
boat destroyers have been put out of
letlon by straining their hulls while
snder full speed trials In the heavy
lea of the English channel. The de-
Itroyers Acorn, Alarm, Kineman,
Nemesis, Lyra, Nymph and Larna
reached i .rtland in such a leaky con
litlon that divers were requisitioned
to close the gaps In the seams, pend-
ng docking.
The trouble was the result of tre
mendous vibration of the powerful en
Clnes, driving the little warships at a
fpeed of twenty-eight knots through
the rough water. The rivets of the
plates were started In all directions,
Dpenlng gaps which caused the water
to pour Into the oil bunkers and ren-
Vring the fuel useless.
Western Union Pays Taxes.
Rt. Paul. July 6. Attorney General
Simpson was notified that the West
ern Union Telegraph company had de
cided to pay to the ttate treasurer
103,407.33 In settlement of thd state s
claims against It for back taxes and
Interest and court costs In the recent
litigation to determine the state's
rights to collect taxes on a valuation
of $1,126,000 of its property in Minnesota.
Private Detective Is Held.
Fra-nklln. Pa., July 6. Thomns J.
Dempsey, head of a private detective
agency, was held for court, accused of
sending a Tilack Hand letter to Gen
eral Charles A. Miller; millionaire oil
Chairman Robinson Has New Idea
lor Treatment ot Inebriates.
Focrlt) is Observed in Many Cit
ies Without Noise.
U. S. Minister
To Nicaragua
Is Home Bound.
dozen drownings also were reported
Jive deaths and thirty four prostra
tions were the result of the extreme
teraporature at New Haven.
The coroner's office at Philadelphia
received reports of twenty-nine fatal
ities from the heat, making a total
of fifty-one since tho hot wave began.
Iieaths from the same source were
also reported from many parts of the
State. Two cases were reported from
fceranton and there were also cases In
Wllkosbarre, llazelton, Lancaster,
fchnnandoah, Shamokln and York.
Two lives and seven probations was
the toll of tho hent In Toledo, O. Twe
died In Columbus, there were several
prostrations, and one person was
driven Insnno. There were two deaths
and fifteen prostrations reported In
"Cincinnati. The deaths of eleven
babies !n Cleveland are attributed to
the heat, and several prostrations are
reported Three deaths and twenty
three prostrations were recorded nt
Italtlmore, Mil.
Chlenuo 1 a dose second to New
Yotk In toiul deaths, thirty two hav
lug been killed there during t he day.
Including twelve babies. Dozens wer
'prostrated 'i wo suicides were among
the deaths. The coroner's office Is
swamped. Four deaths and twelve
prostrations were reported at Peorhi
One person was killed by the hent
at Detroit. Mich., and there weie
twelve prostrations. A member of the
crew of n steamer, crazed by the hent,
Jumped overboard and was drowned.
pes, July 6. After an Inves
tigation of the methods employed In
eastern states In the treatment of per
sons committed for lnebriacy, G. S.
Robinson, chairman of the state board
rf .nntrnl la ni or convinced than
Half a (ever that Iowa should adopt a policy
tiowager Ceeen of Portugal Passes
Away at Turin, Italy.
Turin. Italy. July 6-Marla IMa.
queen dovvater of Portugal, died at tho
l'i nl chateau at Stuplnlgl. She suf
t red from uremia.
Mnrbi Pla was a daughter of Victor
Kmnmnnel II., king of Italy, and was
born Oct. Di, 1N47. In 1SC2 she mar
.lied King l.ouls I of Portugal, who
died In ISSfl. Recently she bad been
living In Italy with her sister, Princes.
CMhl'dp, widow of Prince Napoleon
The death of the princess several days
ago left the sister prostrated and she
liad been reported as seriously 111.
The queen dowager passed through
many misfortunes. Her brother, King
Humbert of Italy, her son. King Car
Jos, and her grandson, the Portuguese
(rown prince, were assassinated, and
tier other grandson, King Manuel, was
deposed from the Portuguese throne
Indicted Men Appear In Chicago Court
Through Counsel and Trial Set.
Chicago, July 8. Through counsel
the packers Indicted for violation of
the Sherman antitrust law pleaded
liot guilty. Their trial Is set for Nov
20. The proceedings occupied hut flv
New York, July 6. Klghtcen mem
bers of the Eastern Uoxbonrd club, In
dicted by ;be federal grr.nd Jury on
barges of conspiracy and combina
tion In restraint of the paper board
Ui'.do, entered ideas of not guilty.
Forming Union of 3,000.000 Hoboes.
New York, July (5: Andrew Kuril
teth, president of the International Sea
men's union, Is organizing 3,0oi).m0
hoboes, who turn their hands to what
.v,,r nffers. Unorganized, they
j . ,1 : . . : iv." v.'-"".
of greater latitude In the treatment of
While east Judge Robinson Inspect
ed the Massachusetts Inebriate hos
pital at f'oxboro, the Institution after
which thu Iowa hospital Is patterned.
There no patient Is kept longer than
three davs aualnst his will. In Iowa
the superintendent of the Institution
cannot turn a patient free until he be
lieves him to be cured.
Judge Robinson said: "Only pa
tients who wish to be cured are now
sept In the Massachusetts hospital for
Inebriates at Foxboro.
"But hack of that is the state farm
at Ilrldgewater, a unique Institution
having an Inmalo population of 2,700.
The commitments to It during tho
year ending Nov. 30, 1910, wero 4,373,
of whom 3.873 were for drunkenness.
Persons guilty of other offenses, va
grants, and Insane persons, are also
committed to the Institution. Tho av
erage term of Imprisonment Is about
threo months. No special treatment
Is given here for drunkenness, hut
those committed for that offense are
compelled to work. The fact that the
Inebriate sent to Foxboro knows that
If he leaves that Institution before he
Is cured he Is apt. to bo committed to
io stnte farm, Is a strong Incentive
for him to remain and make the most
of hln opportunities for cure.
"The superintendents who have
een In charge of tho state hospital
for Inebriates at Knoxvlllo and the
board of control of state Institutions
hnve favored the giving to the super
intendent greater discretion In the
treatment of Inebriates, and an effort
was made Inst winter to have enacted
o law which would have that effect.
The bill passed the house, but was
not reached In the senate, As the law
now stands, n patient cannot bo pa
roled bv the superintendent unless he
lleved by him to be cured. The ex
perlence of Massachusetts and of this
state tends strongly to show that
greater latitude In the treatment of
patients should he given.
Mayor Gaynor Speaks at Celebration
of Anniversary of Building Post
master General Hitchcock Is Only
Member of Cabinet in Washington
New York, July 5. The local ordi
nancei tamed every element of the old
time Fourth of July celebration here
txcept the weather, and except for slz
illng heat New York celebrated the
day under conditions "safe and sane.'
The principal feature of the celebra
tlon was the exercises at the city hall
In commemoration of the centennial oi
that building. There were addresses
by Mayor Gaynor and others. Joseph
Garibaldi, a grandson of the Italian
liberator, who gained distinction Id
the Mexican Insurrection, was thf
chief figure In a celebration held b
the residents around Washlngtor
No Nolst In Kansas City.
Kansas City, July 5. For the first
time In Its history Kansas City cele
brated a "sane" Fourth. Fireworks
and noise making is forbidden. Watei
nports and athletics were resorted te
as a means of observance of the day
In Kansas City, Kan., the old stylt
Fourth was observed. Several accl
dents were reported and one baby
frightened Into spasms by a cannoi
cracker was dying. A sane Fourtl
was observed in most Kansas and Ok
lahoma town.
Hundred Thousand Sing America.
Denver, July 5. "My Country, "ill
of Thee," sung or hummed by mori
than 100,000 persons marked the cele
bratlon of a sane Fourth In Denver
The booming of a great bell In th(
tower of a downtown department stor
gave the signal for the beginning of f
military and Industrial parade. Th
crowds packing the streets. In th
parks, street cars and the unfortunatei
In offices and stores Joined In the song
of the republic.
Conference o! Ssnata Leaders
Decides Not to Press Bill.
0 by Harris ft Ewln.
Our Minister to Nicaragua Bringing
His Wife Home.
Panama, July 6. Elliott Northcott,
United States minister to Nicaragua,
arrived here en route to the United
States. He Is going north because of
the Illness of his wife, who is now
convalescent and accompanies him.
They sailed on a German steamer for
New York.
Historical Tableaux In Chicago.
Chicago, July 5. Chicago celebratet
its second "sane" Fourth with an In
dependence day parade consisting ol
historical tableaux. The substltutioi
of this sort of entertainment for th
cannon cracker, toy pistol and fire
works In the celebration of Independ
ence day Is now an established custom
here. There was a marked decreas
In the number of fires and accident!
compared with a year ago.
Washington Without Fireworks.
Washington, July b. This city cele
brated Independence day without
firecracker or a toy pistol, the law pro
blbltlng the sale of explosives neinf
rigidly enforced. Official Washingtot
was deserted. Postmaster Genera.
Iitchcock was left "sitting on tin
lid," the only cabinet officer In town
Injured In Auto Smash.
Mason Olty, In.. July 6. W. O. Stlne-
hart and Olaf Olson, both of Buffalo
Center, were badly bruised at Clear
Ike when their auto turned turtle
Stlnehart received several broken ribs
Fa'r Grcund Barns Burn.
Iowa City, la., July 6. Fire at th
Johnson county fair grounds destroy?
the barns and stock sheds. The loss
U $3,000.
Blili) Says Destruction Not
Caused From Without.
Big Celebration in Manila.
Manila, July 5. There was an Idea
celebration of Independence day hero
fino weather contributing Its sharo
The Filipinos joined with the Amer
lean tesldents In the public exercises
Fifty thousand persons turned out.
Heat Forcef Mills and Factories tt
Close Tnelr Doors.
Chicago, J.ily 6. Revised lists o;
deaths caused directly by heat and In
directly by suicide and drowning oi
bathe's show ninety four deaths It
the United States and 585 prostrations
Suffering from heat. Is reported frort
Washington, July 6. The loss of
the battleship Maine was caused by
the explosion of Its three magazines.
No such effect as that produced upon
the vessel could have been caused by
an explosion from without. Such Is
the opinion of General William S. Bix
by. chief of engineers, U. S. A., who
has returned from a personal Inspec
tion of the work of raising the Maine.
General Bixby said that a portion of
the deck over the magazines was
blown upward and laid backward and
there were numerous conditions of the
bulk which proved this. No explosion
from the outside, said the general,
could have caused the same result.
"What tho primary cause of the ex
plosion was," said General Bixby, "will
never he learned."
General Bixby does not believe tho
bodies of those who lost they lives
will be found on the Maine. He says
they are buried 200 feet or more from
the wreck In the mud.
Proves to Be Unruly and Is Wrecked
In Maiden Flight
New York, July 6. In its maiden
flight a $10,000 new Idea monoplane,
euulpped with twin revolving motors
and twin propellers, was wrecked be
yond repair at the Mlneola aviation
field and Its pilot, Arthur Stone, was
stunned and badly cut. but escaped
miraculously with his life.
The monoplane was designed by
Willis McCormlck. It showed plenty
of speed, but proved unruly at the
turns and the stiff wind blowing final
ly upset it. Straight for the earth It
plunged from a height of nity feet
Cummini Criticises President for His
Recent Indiana Speeches Burton of
Ohio Takes Strong Position in Favor
of Reciprocity.
Washington, July 6. At a confer
ence of senators participated in by
Senators Penrose and Smoot (Reps.)
and Martin and Stone (Dems.) It was
decided not to press dally for the fix
ing of a date to vote on the reciproc
ity bill so long as there are senators
prepared to speak.
It was determined, however, to en
deavor to fix the hour of convening
daily at 11 a. m., instead of noon.
Senator Stone (Dem., Mo.) urged
Chairman Penrose again to ask for a
definite date for the vote. The con
ference followed and Senator Penrose
announced the change of plans.
Cummins Criticises President.
President Taft's pro-reciprocity
speeches In Indiana were sharply crit
icised in the senate by Senator Cum
mins. "When the president abandons the
duties of his office and enters upon a
campaign to mould or lead public
opinion on this reciprocity bill," said
Cummins, "then he is on the same
level as any other man and cannot be
exempt from the criticism of the ar
guments he uses."
Senator Cummins attacked the pres
ident's statement that removal of
the duty on farm products would not
reduce the cost of living. He said
the president was thus inconsistent
in urging that the Canadian agree
ment will benefit consumers.
Disclaiming, however, any intention
of criticising the president personally,
Cummins said:
"It Is vastly better for him to go
through the country trying to lead
and influence public opinion than it
would he for him to use the power of
his great office to carry this bill
through congress."
He declared that if the President's
speech was to be taken as the explana
tion of the purposes of the Canadian
bill, congress had better adjourn.
"I believe this special session of
1911 will be known in history as the
session that more firmly fastened on
the people and the country the bur
dens of special tariff privileges."
Burton Speak, for Bill.
Senator Burton (O.), with a prefa
tory explanation that he was not as
suming to defend the administration,
because "the administration needs no
defense," made a notable speech in
behalf of the Cnnidlan. reciprocity bill
in the senate. He declared that reel
procity was the "ultimate destiny" of
Canada and the United States; that
all natural conditions were opposed to
the maintenance of border warfare in
commercial matters, and that the
farmers of the United States would
not suffer Injury from the enactment
of the Canadian agreement.
Senator Burton was most emphatic
In his Indorsement of the agreement.
He declared reciprocity would not In
jure the farmer's interests.
Governor Aldrlch Overcome by Heat.
Lincoln, July 6. Governor Aldricn
was temporarily overcome by the heat.
A'though ha was rather sick for a
time, no physician was called. Gov
ernor Aldrich was overcome with heat
ubout three years ago while workin?
'n a hay field, and since then has not
been able to stand excessive heat. A
date at which the governor had to
speak at the stockmen's convention at
Alliance had to' be broken.
Mercury Goes Up to 1 07 at Oma
ha and 110 at Lincoln.
everv portion of the United States
and even un in Canada the peoplo ii
the large cities feel the hot weathei wtn ruu power on. Mone was picked
ton most acutely. up breathing nnd rushed to the near-
In many places mills and factorlei
have been forced to close their doors
employees being unable to work It
the heat, and at Marietta, 0 the heal
was Intense enough to blow up a nltro
giycerlne plant, slightly Injuring thre
Sixteen ded and a score of proa
tiatlons Is the record up to date ol
the heat wave in Cleveland, whlct
reached a maximum temperature o'
lOfi degrees.
Jack Johnson, heavyweight cham
pion, has signed articles to fight Pat
rick Curran of Ixmdon to a finish In
General F.inlllo Maria Teran, form
erly Ecuadorian minister to Great
Britain, was shot and killed at Quito
by Colonel Qulrtdu, following a quar
rel over private matters.
Mls H7.ol Schmidt of Vanilalla,
III., whose trance like sleep has lasted
for clj'hty davs, awakened twice lor
two bonis, but soon went to sleep
again after 'iiting solid food.
At the central conference of the
American rnlills at Si. Paul, a com
mittee luhin-d that the enrUature or
the Jew In the "Merchant of Venire"
be barred from use In public schoolB,
along with the bible.
est hospital.
Fourth Day of Torrid Wave.
Washington. July 5 The fourth daj
of the heat wave spread like a hoi
blanket from New England to westeri
Kansas, and brought no hope of mark
ed reilef. A slight barometric depres
slon. which the weather sharps sflj
Is now forming in the northwest, l
the only hope now held out. Unless It
grows to a full-fledged rain storm
there Is no Immediate prospect of res
cue from the abnormal temperahin
and oppressive humidity, which have
collected a record breaking ton
death and suffering.
Orders Harrison Home Sold.
Indiana olW, .lulv 3 Former Prest
dent Uenj.'niln Harrison's homestead
on North IVIaware street, Is to bi
sold. The order was included In Judgi
Collier's final decree, settling the par
tltlon brousht by Russell B. Harrlsoi
ntVnst the other children. This prop
erty will not be sold f W Icbs thau $30,
Performs Operation on Sleeping Hubby
Aberdeen, S. D., July 6. John Car
roll, a fireman on the Milwaukee rail
way, running west from Mobrldge, S.
P., and residing at that place, is in
nn Aberdeen hospital and may die, as
the result of an attack upon him by
his wife, who is alleged to have chloro
formed him as ho slept by her side at
night, and then emasculated him.
Jealousy Is said to have been the
cause of the deed. Mrs. Carroll is In
Jail at Mobrldge. Public sentiment
there Is bitter against her. Carroll is
twenty-five, his wife Is forty.
Pope Applauds Peace Work.
Washington. July 8. Pope Plus X.,
In an autograph letter received by the
anostolle delegate to Washington, ap
plauds tho lead taken by the United
States, In the world wide campaign for
International pence. It Is expected
that the prei blent, because of his well
known peace views, will reply to the
cordial sentiments of the ruler of the
1 Nebraskan Drowned In an Iowa River,
France, England and Russia Trying to
Fathom Germany's Motives.
Paris, July 6. Conversations are
till going on between France, England
and Russia relative to France's re
sponse to the. Intervention of Germany
In Morocco. Should a repty be ror
warded It probably would not be be
fore Saturday, when President Fai
lures and Foreign Minister De Selves
are to return from their visit to Holland.
A majority of the press print dally
the question, "What does Germany
Some newspapers, like the Figaro
criticise the French government for a
lack of decision In defending the In
terest of France and accuse the cnb-
Inet of leaning too heavily on the init
iative in England.
Direct Elections Sent to Conference.
Wanhlngton, July 6. The house
tent to conference the resolution pro
viding for tho direct election of United
Slates senators. The speaker named
Representatives Rucker of Missouri,
Conry of New York and Olmsted of
Pennsylvania as house conferees. The
senate conferees are Clark of Wyom
ing, Nelson of Minnesota and Bacon
f Georgia. They will meet soon.
Sioux Cltj, la.. July 6. George
Manscher. aged nineteen years.' of
Wnlthlll. Neb., was drowned while
swimming In the Sioux river at Klver-
side iisrk here. Manscher went Into
the water nenlnst the ndv.lce of physl
clans. Over-exertion was responsibly
for his death.
Henry Denounces Dollar Diplomacy.
Washington, July 6. Lavish display
Df American diplomats In foreign
rourts was described ss abasing the
dignity of this republic; "dollar di
plomacy" was denounced as a danger
ous thing, and American heiresses
who have made International alliances
were assailed In a speech In the house
by Representative Henry of Texas.
Four Killed in Collision.
Superior. Wis., July 6. Four men
were killed ami three seriously In
lured In a collision between an extra
and a gravel train on the Sou line a
few miles from thli city. The dad
and int'ired are nil railroad men. The
trains met en a firldpe over the
Nemadjt river. The bridge caught
fire aftr the collision
Heat Claims Three Victims Dead and
Many Prostrated at Omaha Before
Shower Comes to Break Hot Spell.
Rains in Center of State.
Omaha, July 6. It may not have
been a great rain that came to Omaha,
but it came when the city lay swelter
ing in insufferable heat and performed
the needed service as well as a flood.
The mercury had climbed to 107 de-
and a large number of heat prostra-
it has been in Omaha since the gov
ernment sent the first weather man
here it began to drop. The storm
cloud was on its way from the north
west and in thirty minutes it dropped
to 96.
Reports received by the Burlington
and Union Pacific railroads at LIncola
indicate rain at Hampton, Hastings,
Staplehurst, Friend, Seward and some
other towns along their lines and gen
erally throughout southwest Nebraska.
There was a heavy rain at Peru and
a good shower at Nemaha.
At Lincoln it went to 110 before the
drop came and then the relief was
Blteht. It reached 110 at Fremont
also and a small tovnado came, when.
the mercury dropped.
The counties reporting rain were:
Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Dawson, Dodge,
Douglas, Hall, Hamilton, Kearney, Lin
coln, Merrick, Phelps, Platte, Polk,
Sarpy, Saunders and Washington.
The intense heat caused tnree
deaths in Omaha In the last two days,
an da large number of heat prostra
Write Sarcastic Letters to Secretary
Royse at Lincoln.
Lincoln, July 6. Secretary Royse
of tho stato banking board has other
troubles besides keeping cool these
days, not the least of which is the dif
ficulty he Is having while enforcing
the provision of the new bank guar
anty law, which has gme Into effect
and for which the first iarterly as
sessment has been levied.
Bankers over the state who are en
titled to certificates showing they
have compiled with the provisions of
the new law, as soon as they have
done so. are more than anxious to
have their tdips forwarded to them,
while others say that they have as lit
tle use for them as does a wagon for
a fifth wheel. The tone of the letters,
in the main, is that the various hank
ing institutions have survived year in
and year out wnnoui such u "
ment and that the 1 per cent levy for
the guaranty fund Is nothing more nor
less than a holdup.
Company Goes Into Camp.
Lincoln, July 6. Company F, Sec
ond regiment, Nebraska national
guards, went Into camp near the peni
tentiary for four days of rine practice.
The entire company will remain la
camn during the four days and put in
the time shooting on a range which
has been Improvised. Captain Hall t
In command and Captain Kesterson of
the adjutant general's office will be In
charge as range officer.
Recognizes Son's Body In Morgue.
Alnsworth. Neb., July 6. John
Roach, Jr.. was cut to pieces by a
passenger train on the Northwestern.
The body had not been Identified when
the father or the young man visited
the undertaking parlor out of curiosity
and was horrified when ho recognized
a scar on one side of the neck and
tattoo marks on both arms and thus
identified th? mangled remains a
those of his own son.
Fatally Kicked by Horses.
Rnshvllle. Neb.. July 6. A man
named Henderson, who lives at White
Clay, was found In a stable with five
horses In an unconscious state. He
was conveyed to the house and the
doctor sent for. No less than seven
pieces of hone were removed from his
skull, that was so badly fractured that
little hopes for his recovery are entertained.
Arlington Family Poisoned.
Arlington, Neb., July 6. The family
of Sam llumniang. a farmer living
southwest of here, was poisoned by
e.i'lng canned meat. Shortly after the
family had aten It they were taken
sick and with the doctor's assistance
they are improving.
Fall From Wagon Fatal.
Seward. Neb.. July !. While return
ing to his huii'-e, six miles southwest
of Seward, with a load of coal, Adam
Grab fell from the sent and broke his
neck. Grab was a ha helor, forty five
years of uite, and hud resided here
about twenty years.