The Avoca Pepartmeo NO SIS, I CAN'T GET APPENDICITIS Muslin Undorivoor! News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl. Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa Celebrate at Avoca. T. W. Malcolm was at Cook Monday. Hammocks at Copes' drug store. William Gollner left Sunday for Minnesota. Henry VVulf was at Omaha the first of the week. 0. Tcft was a Weeping Water visitor Tuesday. Avoca and Elmwood play ball here on July Fourth. 0. W. Braezeale is working at Hinze's livery barn. Sam Johnson and W. I. Smoots were at Union Sunday. . John II. Schmidt is visiting relatives in Minnesota. William Dunn was down from Weeping Water Monday. Dr. Tuck was down from Weep ing Water Monday on business. C. E. Teft and family were down from Weeping Water Sun day. The Rebekahs were busy Tues day evening initiating two can ddiates. Dr. Kruse and wife were enter taining relatives from Sutherland this week. Cement sidewalks have been put in from Marquardt's store to the bridge. Mrs. Jack Bushkirk and chil- Avoca relatives. Miss Opal Lewton returned to Peru Monday, where she will at tend summer school. Mrs. E. G. Spencer and children of Huntley are visiting at the home of B. C. Marquardt. Mrs. Joseph Zimmerer and son, Oscar, returned from a visit with Lorton relatives Sunday evening. You auto owners 1 Be on hand at 10 o'clock and join the auto mobile parade at Avoca on the Fourth of July. Avoca, 11; Elmwood, 7. The Avoca ball team went to Elmwood Friday and defeated the team there by a score of 11 to 7; Both teams put up a good game. A return game will be played hero soon. The score: Elmwood 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Avoca ...0022 4 020 Batteries Gruber and mon; Lynn and Gonzales, pire Clements. 2 7 111 Avoca, 9; Union, 4. The Avoca team defeated Union Sunday at Union in a seven-inning game. The score: Avoca 1 7 0 1 0 0 0 9 Union 0 1 0 2 0 1 04 Batteries Kershner and Grub er; McKean and Graves. Umpire Harmon. Kids, 16; Huskies, 10. One of the fastest games of the season was pulled oil here last Wednesday afternoon. The Kid nine againstt he Huskies. Bat teries, Trook and Everett for the Kids; Heckathorn and Stall for the Huskies. Henry Kuhnehenn 'did some batting and base run ning that would do credit to a league ' player. Heckathorn and George Trook did exceptionally well. Gip Braezeale, the star third baseman for the Huskies, was in the game stronger than horse-radish. O. Tefft, who is a hard baiter, failed to get a hit, but played a good game in the field. The Huskies put up a good game, but were outclassed by the Kids. Ben Mohr covered the ground around first base in big league form. J. II. F. Ruhge, who has never played before, says that with a little practice he' will make them all go some; he smoked two .cigars during the game. The game finally ended after several hours of struggle, in a score o 10 to 10 in favor of the Kids. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Regulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggis for them. MORE P Ml S TO PAY George Howard Foster in sured his life in the Reliance Life Insurance Co. of Pittsburg in September, 1905. He was then a prosperous practicing dentist, 28 years of age, in Columbus, Ohio. He passed an excellent examina tion. He now suffers from paralysis, due to some unknown cause, and is totally disabled. He therefore secures the benefit of the total disability clause in his policy and will not be required to pay any more premiums. His grateful letter, acknowledging his policy, is as follows: "Sugar Grove, O., Nov. 18; 1009 "Reliance Life Insurance Co., Pittsburg, Pa. "Gentlemen: I wish to ac knowledge receipt of my policy No. 5226, which was sent you for endorsement under the Total and Permanent Disability Clause, and to express my appreciation for the promptness and dispatch with which the matter was attended to. Owing to my illness this ac knowledgement has been over looked, and trust you will pardon the seeming neglect. Very truly, "G. II. Foster." W. J. Thomas, Plattsmouth, is general agent for the Reliance Life Insurance company for southeastern Nebraska. I'asture for Ilea. The nonnwest quaner or section 35, township 13, range 12, and the northwest quarter section 34, town ship 13 and range 12, known as the Reed land, near the Lovey section In Eight Mile Grove precinct. Will rent for a term of three years at $300 per year. This is the best of pasture and some of the land can he farmed. 4 Write or telephone, W. D. Wheeler, Plattsmouth, Neb. Hon. C. E. Metzger In Town. Hon. C. E. Metzger autoed into town yesterday afternoon to look after business matters and drop ped in to spend a few moments in a social chat with the Journa people. This is Mr. Metzger's first trip to Plattsmouth since hi return from California. Chris says he is kept pretty busy looking after the farming interests of two farms, besides buying stock. One day this week he shipped two car loads of stock to the South Oma ha market. Mr. Metzger has the same energy in his duties on th farm as he possessed in the recent session of the legislature. Middle Aged and Elderly People Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results in all cases of kidney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying ir regularities. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. FOLEY'E KIDNEY REMEDY Is particularly recommended for chronic cases of kidney and blad der trouble.' It tendsto regulate and control the kidneys and bind der action and is healing strengthening and bracing. Mrs. Fred Roth and daughter Clara, of Grand Island, and Mis Lydia Wechbach of Lincoln, ar ,rived last evening to attend th funeral of Miss Ivy Spies. 1 Eat Alt I Want to Now. No More Cas on the Stomach or 8our Stomach, No More Htavy Feeling After Meal or Conttlpatlon. No matter what you've tried without retting- relief JUST TRY simple buck thorn baric, glycerine, etc., as compounded In ADLKK-1-KA! You will be surprised at the QUICK results and you will be u nrld HRAinst appendicitis. The Vh-KY 1RST DOSE will help you and a, short treatment with ADLER-I-KA will make you feel better than you have for years. This new German appendicitis remedy smtiseptlcizes the Stomach and bowels and draws off all Impurities. A SINGLE IXSKJ relieves gas on the stomach, sour stomach, constipation, nausea or heavy feeling after eating; almost AT ONCE. A short treatment often cures aa ordinary case of appendicitis. - We offer a large stock of both high and low neck night gowns. Also a nice lot of long and short un derskirts, trimmed in embroidery and laces. Corset covers and combination suits, ladies' and children s pants. Remember we offer these goods at the special sale pricer. The quality and make are the best. Avoca Nebraska ft I A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LADIES' MISSES' i wash mi They are the latest and most up-to-date for this season. They come in Lawn, Linen, Percail and Ginghams. beautifully trimmed with embroidery and lace. Do not fail to come in and Look Them veir! Wc have them in all sizes and very low prices. J. MURDOCH 4 J (Special Correspondence.) Mrs. C. Wirth is on the sick list. Miss Etta Lorick spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. A. J. Tool went to Omaha Tuesday on No. 18. Gertrude Bauer has been quite sick the past week. . Miss Hattie Wallinger visited with friends here Sunday. Miss Selma Thimgan visited relatives in Lincoln last week. Mrs. Amy Shank of Lincoln is visiting her parents this week. Mrs. Ida Thimgan was in Lin coin Sunday and Monday visiting friends. Dan Boelters left Tuesday for Ithaca, Nebraska, where he will clerk in a store. Mrs. Guthman of Plattsmouth visited her son, Henry and wife here this week. Miss Lyda Lorick and Miss Viola Everett were shopping in Omaha last Friday. Miss Gertie Lake came home from Lincoln last' week and will remain at home this summer. Miss Helen Moomey, Mrs. Emi Kuehn'and Willard Monroe went to Elmwood last Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert am: daughter, Marvel, were visiting with Charles Hite and family, near Avoca, Sunday. Miss Elwell of Springfield, Ne braska, came Tuesday evening to visit at the Lake and George Moomey home. Mrs. Alice Tool and daughter Mary Isabelle, spent several day last week visiting with relatives i Weeping Water. Mrs. Smith and children, als .Miss Margie Fetzcr of Lincol visited at the Henry Guthman home last Sunday. Mrs. Thompson and son, Mr George Thompson, of Omaha, visited with W. O. Gillespie and family over Sunday. Matt Thimgan returned home Monday evening from Sutton, Ne braska, where he has been work ing the past three months. Mrs. W. O. Gillespie, Mrs. Mario Weddell, Miss Kate Amg wert and Harry Gillespie were passengers to Omaha last Thurs day morning. Mrs. Al Bauer and daughter, Hazel, returned I-riday evening from Iowa, where they went to sec the new grandchild at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hay Bolden. A crowd of fishermen from here went to the river Monday, where they used a seine that evening. They returned Tuesday with about 125 pounds of fish. Among the .bunch were William Monroe, Paul and Will Shewe, H. A. Guthman, Lacey McDonald, Will Kleiser, W. O. Gillespie, George Thompson of Omaha, Mr. Lorick and Harold Tool. Foley Kidney Pills contain Just the ingredients necessary to regu lato and strengthen the action of the kidneys and bladder. Try them yourself. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. ZUCKWEILEft LUTZ III MEETING OF MA SONIC GRAND LODGE Session In Omaha Elected Officers and Appropriated $5,000 for the Home In This City. At the afternoon session of the Masonic lodge in Omaha Wed nesday the additional grand lodge (Officers were appointed by the new grand master as follows: George A. Beecher of Kearney, grand chaplain. Robert French of Kearney, grand custodian. Samuel S. Whiting of Lincoln, grand marshal. Andrew H. Viele of Norfolk, grand senior deacon. Frederick W. Temple of Lex ington, grand junior deacon. Reuben Forbes of Omaha, grand tyler. The installation took place at the afternoon session and the grand lodge adjourned about 5 o'clock. The scsison of the grand lodge was one of the largest in its his tory. Between 250 and 300 dele gates were present. The next meeting of tho grand lodge will bo held in Omaha In June, this being fixed by tho laws of the organization. An appropriation of $5,000 was made by the lodge for the Ne braska Masonic homo at Platts mouth at Wednesday's session. The , Nebraska Veteran Free Masons association held its semi annual meeting and annual din ner Tuesday night and indulged in reminiscences of early days of Masonry in I he slate. Francis E. While, who was re elocled grand secretary, will enler upon his twelfth year in that office, having already served eleven successive terms. In Memorlum. Hall of Bvea lodge No. 297, A. .0. U. W. Whoroas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in his infinite wisdom, to remove from amongst us our esteemed brother and fel low member, Louis C. Anderson, who died on tho 4th day of June, 1911. Whereas, The life that made our association with him pleasant is at an end, and the gates of death are closed upon our further intercourse. Resolved, That we hereby ex press our deep and heartfelt sympathy with the family of our deceased brother, and wc pray our Heavenly Father to havo them ever in His kindly keeping. Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for a period of 30 days, that a copy of those resolutions be spread upon our record, that a copy be presented to the family of our deceased brother, and a copy sent for pub lication to tho Plattsmouth Even ing Journal. Chas. E. Rydberg. Gust Johnson, A. Peistrup. Committee. For Sale. One Davis C-inch bore by 10 inch stroke gasolino engine. Has only been used a short time. In quire at this office for further particulars. A good bargain. ' 5-10-tfw. Resolutions of Sympathy. Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in His Infinite wisdom, to remove from thia life jour faithful brother and member, L. C. Anderson, and, Whereas, We fully realize that I ho sorrowing, widow and father less children feel the loss of a kind and loving husband and father more keenly than we can that of a brother; therefore, be it Resolved, That Platte lodge No. 7, . O. O. F. do hereby extend Sister Anderson and family our sincere sympathy in this, their hour of sadness. Resolved, That these resolu tions be spread on the records of tho lodge, a copy sent lo the family and a copy sent to the paper for- publication. Joe Hadralia. F. E. McCarthy. V. M. Mullis, Committee. . Stops itching instantly. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, teller, itch, hives herpes, scabies Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. Mr. William B. Bain, resident of the Masonic home, who has .been visiting friends at Lincoln and Benson for a month, returned to the city today. Canned Qoods. Tho "J. M.," "Best We Have," "Advo" and "While House" can ned goods, handled by the leading dealers of Platlsmoul h. The Mc-Cord-Brady Co. of Omaha will have a representative in the city within a week or two for the pur pose of solicit ing orders for future delivery. Orders taken and delivered through your home dealer. Engage Cherries of Bub Fitch for 75 cents per bushel. 'Phone 10 O, Murray. Telephone Talks! No. 6 THE WRONG NUMBER You didn't look in the Directory before you called a number the wrong bell was rung and on innocent subscriber was disturbed. You said, "Central gave me the wrong number.'' Of course, she did. You called the wrong number why shouldn't you get it? Another time you thoughtlessly called a wrong number. The next moment you remembered that it was not the one you wanted. You quickly signaled "Central" and asked for the right number. Meanwhile, the party of the number you first called answered when his bell rang. He got no reply. He angrily excluimed, "My bell rang!" He did not know you called him and then decided you wanted another numk:r after "Central" had rung his line. The Telephone Company received the blame for your carelessness. Nebraska Telephone Company M. :'. BRANTNKR, Plattsmouth Manager