ALVO MEWS Lincoln Harry Parsell was in on business Tuesday. Fay Parsell ol Lincoln visiieu friends in Alvo Sunday. Uncle Joe Parsell and son, Fay, of Lincoln were in town Decora lion Day. II. S. Ough and son, Chester, went to Lincoln Sunday morning on No. 13. Charles Cook and family of Plattsmouth visited friends in Alvo Friday. J. II. Stroemer went to M unlock Sunday on No. 18, returning on No. 17 Monday. Will Hurlbert and family of Bouth of Lincoln visited friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Ramsey of Palmyra visited friends in town Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Fuller left Thurs day for a visit with her mother at Sabetha, Kansas. II. S. Ough of Lincoln was in town Tuesday, returning on No. 13 Wednesday morning. Miss Grayce Foreman left Fri day for a visit at Lincoln, Western and Valparaiso for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price of Eacle took Sunday dinner with their son, Carl Price and wife The Alvo baseball nine played Elmwood Wednesday on the lat ter's diamond, where they were defeated. Mr. Perry of Lincoln came in Wednesday to look after his farm interests. Dan Manners farms his place. George Foreman, sr., went to Lincoln Tuesday, from whence he went to Seward county to visit his son, Oris and family Ralph Uhley of Elmwood came in on No. 18 Sunday to visit Miss Aletha Rouse, returning to his home Monday via Lincoln. Miss Marie Stroemer spent Sat urday and Sunday at home. She left Sunday evening to resume her university studies at Lincoln. Mrs. fiullion and daughter, Gertrude, came down from Lin coln Thursday and visited Carlton Gullion and family until Saturday evening. Ed Bobbilt and daughter, Hazel, were visiting relatives here Tues day. Hurd Foreman accompanied them to their home at University Place. " Joe Foreman returned home Sunday from Fort Worth, Texas, where he spent the past year at school, and left Monday for Valparaiso. Miss Eula Weaver of Richfield came in on No. 17 Saturday even ing to visit her cousin, Mrs. J. A. Shaffer. She returned home on No. 18 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rouse and daughter, Miss Aletha, went to Lincoln Monday, from whence Miss Aletha will go to Unite, Ne braska, to visit for some time w ith her sislrr, Mrs. Orville Quelhorst. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Johnson, on Saturday, May 27, 191 1, a daughter. Also lo Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christonson, on Sat urday, May 27, 1911, a son. W. M. Busier, son Herl, and his wife and daughter, Kstella; Mrs. Ed-Hoffman and children, from Oakland, vis it oil Monday and Tuesday with Thomas Slout and family. Mrs. Hello Bennett entertained at dinner last Sunday. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and family, George Foreman, jr., and wife, J. H. Stroemer and children, Marie, Rand and Alfred. The F.agle baseball nine played Alvo last Friday on the lal ter's diamond, Unfiling with a srore of 17 lo 12 in favor of F.agle. The Alvo boys were way ahead until Hie ninth inning, when fate seem ed to be against them. Flmer Bennett of near Wavorly drove through lown Saturday evening to Elmwood lo get his wife, who has been visiting her folks since their house burned down. They returned Sunday and visited Mrs. Belle Bennett until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jordan, Mr and Mrs. Sam Cashner, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac, Wolfe and Miss Mary Wolfe went to Lincoln Thursday on No. 13. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan returned in their new Mitchell automobile and I he remainder of the party returned on No. 11. Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea re turned Saturday from their four months visit in the west. They spent about three months in Cali fornia, principally in Los Angeles and several weeks on their return going by way of Seattle am Spokane, Wash. Thev had a fine are glad to ho honi were: Messrs. Marvin Sommer-1 enne, Wyoming, who have been ville, Stanley Guenzel, Blain Bal-; visiting in this locality for the Jan. Harold Mulligan, Allvn Moser, ; past week, arrived in the city yes Lowell Erskine, Glenn Whitcomb. ' terday from Murray, where they Leslie Kranz, David White. Dale have been visiting at the home of Umles: Misses Hazel Howard, t Heir lirotner-in-iaw anu sisier, Ruth Neikel, Ellen Anderson, Ruth Evans, Gladys Bunt, June Troxyl, Helen Thomas, Louise Kirknatrick. Florence Nason, Mary Robbins, Pearl Keefer and the Bovles. They enjoyed the day immensely and all returned to Lincoln Saturday evening except Miss Nason, who stayed until Sun day evening, when she and Miss Flo Boyles returned to their studies. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole of Have- lock came in on No. 18 Saturday to spend a day or two with Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Foreman. Arthur Bird and family drove to Waverly Sunday to see Mrs. Gird's folks, her mother being very sick. S. C. Boyles was in Lincoln Tuesday attending a bankers' con vention. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lilley. After spending a few days in this city they will depart for the western part of the state, and on lo their home. School Closes. The Alvo school closed Friday, May 26, 1911, with a well render ed program at the school house in the morning and a picnic dinner at Boyles' park, where the chil dren, teachers and parents enjoy ed themselves thoroughly. The program follows: April Showers. .12 Boys and Girls Recitation Glenn Foreman A Son by Our Visitors From the South Eight Girls Recitation John Parsell Song, "Gypsy Daisies" Fifteen Girls Recitation Harold Nicko Five Little Toads Five Pupils Recitation Wesley Bir Drill Twelve Girls Recitation Elmer Rosenow Eighth Grade Class Prophecy LaVerne Stone Vacation Play By School LOCAL NEWS From Thursday's Pally. Miss Maud Mason of Council Bluffs arrived in the city today to visit friends for a time. Mrs. Fred Morgan and her sister, Miss Edith Atwood. spent Decoration Dav with friends in Nebraska City. Father Meek was a passenger to the metropolis on the morning train today, where he was called on business. Miss Lucille Bates returned from Nebraska City last evening, where she snent Decoration Day with friends. Mrs. D. P. Jackson departed for Sioux City on the morning train today, where she will visit rela tives for a week. Mr. R. B. Brissey and wife visited friends at Glenwood over Decoration Day, returning Wed nesday morning. From Wednesday's Dnlly. Ike Pearlman, jr., and a number of young friends from Omaha were visiting in the city yesterday. Mr. R. W. Hyers of Lincoln came in Monday evening on No. 2 to spend Decoration Day in this city. Mrs. Morris O'Rourk and daughter, Margaret, and Mrs. Kate Spader visited Plattsmouth friends yesterday. Dr. Gilmorc and son, Walker, of Murray, were, in the city yes terday, en route lo Omaha, taking the Burlington from here. Henry Engelkemeler and wife, from near Murray, were in the city yesterday, coining in to spend Decoration Day with friends. They made the trip in the auto. While here Henry called at the Journal ollice to renew his sub script ion. Gus Hyers and family of Have lock were in the city yesterday visiting a few hours with old Plattsmouth friends. They camo down in the auto, starling home just before the heavy rain, and ar riving at Mynard they wore com pelled lo slop, whero the auto was left and they look the train home. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Glenn de parted for Hamburg, Iowa, on the morning train today, where they will visit friends for a time. Mr. Lloyd Gapen and wife and son, Oliver, boarded the morning train for the metropolis, whero they went to spend the day and look after some business matters. Mrs. Charles Hartford and daughter, Elva, and Baby Hart ford returned from Boone last evening, where they spent Sun day with Mrs. Hartford's parents. "Suffered day and night the torment of itching piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. It cured me permanent ly. Hon. John R. Garrett, Mayor, Girard, Ala. Mr. James Holmes and vifi: were in the city over night, the guests of Mr. Holmes' sisier, Mrs. C. A. Rawles, Mr. and Mrs Holmes having been to Omaha yesterday for the, day. Miss Trossa IJempel, accom pained by her mother, -Mrs. hen llompel, and her niece, Miss Helen Cline, went lo Omaha on the morning train loday to attend the wedding of Miss Hempel's niece,. Mi s. Robert Ballance or Denver, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Ballance and other relatives in this city for a few davs. left for Lincoln on the morning train today to pay a visit to friends. Mr. Claud Everett ana wife of near Union was in Hie city today. Mr. Everett reports crop pros pects in his vicinity as very bright; belter than he has seen them for eight years or more. He noticed no traces of hail between Plallsmoulh and Union. Mr. J. P. Falter was called to Omaha this afternoon, where business matters demanded his attention. J. S. Hall was a passenger to Council Blutis on the morning .train today, where he was called on business. John Hatt, jr., was a passenger to Omaha on the fast mail today, 'where he transacted business with Omaha jobbers. Postmaster Sehneiuer was an Omaha. passenger on the fast mail this afternoon, where he was call ed on business. Mr. Milton Shroeder of Chicago, Held man for the German Turn- varein society, was a Plattsmouth visitor today. A. W. White, the Main street merchant, transacted business with Omaha wholesale houses this afternoon. Miss Gladys Marshall went to Omaha on the morning train to day to visit her mother at St, Joseph's hospital. Judge Travis and his son, Court Reporter Earl Travis, went lo Panillion yesterday morning to bold a session of court. Mr. F. Conley of Weeping Water and Mr. H. K. Anthony of South Bend transacted business in the county seat today. Miss Clara Weyrich was a pas senger to the metropolis on t lie afternoon train today, whero she spent a few hours with friends. Mrs. F. R. Whit taker and daughter, Katie, were Omaha pas sengers on the morning train to day, where they visited friends for a time. DIAZ SAILS M SPAIN Exiled President Says Farewell to Mexico. GIVES WARNING TO COUNTRY. Says That New Government Must Yet Retort to Hi Military Methods "I Shall Die In Mexico," Art Hit Part ing Words. Vera Cruz, Mex., June 1. Ceneral Pwrflrlo Diaz Baid farewell to Mexico. With his wife and other members of the Dlai family he sailed from this port on the steamer Yptranga for liavre, France. The seamer goes by way of Havana and General Dluz' ulti mate destination Is Spain. His ship was only a little way out when the searchlight of the fortress guarding the port was turned on It With classes In band, among a small Mrs. L. B. Fgenherger was a passenger to omana on tne morning train today, whero she looked after business matters for a time. Miss Anderson, teacher of .our High school, was an Omaha pas senger on the morning Irani to day, where she went lo look after some business matters. Mr. J. J. O'Rourk and wife of Guthrie. Oklahoma, who have been visiting at Soulli Bend, ar rived today to be the guests of Thomas Walling and family for a lime. Misses Emma and Kli.abeth Falter and Vesta Douglass return ed from Peru lasl evening, via Omaha. , Miss Fmiua returned from Grafton via Peru to attend I lie commencement ejccrcisos and Misses Elizabeth ami osta re turned from Hie normal, having graduated with the class of Ml. FORtt MILES IN TWO DAYS Forty Miles of' Road to Be Built Across Merrick County. Ceutral City, Neb.. June 1. With every prospect promising, the Merrick county good roads Jubilee commeuced this morning with all of the force Jong the fort y-m lie stretch of road well organized and prepared to carry tho work forward with a rush. This is the movement In which It Is pro posed to complete a road across tho county in two days along the line of the Union Pacific from east to west All of the work wil be voluntary, tho farmers donating the work of them selves and their teams for the two days. Eight hundred dollars has been, raised among Central City business men to push the work forward. IL E. Glatefelter Is president of the good roads movement and Joe A. Hays, sec retary, and the work Is going forward under their direction with a well or ganized corn of district bossea. Two More Wreck Vlctlmt Dlt. Cambridge, Neb., June 1. Mrs. Lena Feekln of McCook and II. It. Culbert- ton of Brlmfield, 111., both Injured tn the Burlington wreck nt Indlanola Monday, died here. This brings the death list up to eighteen. The rest of the Injured will recover. Boy Drowned at Witner. Wlsner, Neb., June 1. Frank Toello. thirteen years old, was drowned in Kane's lake. He had gone Ashing with companion and decided to swim across the lake. He was on his re turn and when about ten or fifteen feet from the shore whs taken with cramps and sunk to the bottom. New Court House Voted. Central City, Neb., June 1. At a special election held here the propo sition tn Issue $100,000 bonds for tho erection of 1 new court house was In dorsed by the voters. BOARD DECIDES TO POSTPONE HEARING Slate Railway Commission Will Hear Rock Island In Fall to. v. zrz5 1 time and apnin. The Delta Tan IHIla of the HniverMy of Nebraska pave a picnic nl the home of S. C. Boyle Saturday, May 27. Tlioe present G. M. Min ford of Murray was in the city a few hours yesterday, returning home from Omaha, where he had been with stock. He was met here by Mrs. Minford and daughter, Olga, with the auto, but they were compelled lo drive home, owing to the heavy rain. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones re turned from Kansas City, Mis souri, Monday evening, where they have been visiting for the past ten days, being guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. F. G. Ralston. Mrs. rtalslon is a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Our old friend says Kansas City is a great and growing city. Mrs. John Murray departed this morning for Stanton, Neb., where she will join her husband and where they intend to make their future home. Mr. Murray is en gaged as a builder and contractor and is prosperous and well pleased with his location. The Journal wishes Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray success in their new home. Mr. W. A. Brown, one of the prominent citizens of Murray, was in the city Decoration Day, ac companied by Rev. Kmmett Me Bride, the new pastor of the Pres byterian church of that village. While here they were callers on the Journal. Mr. McBride is n bright nppoi' riir-' onncr man and v.e Inline js abundantly able to "Hill Hie bill" in Hie responsible posiimn ui pastor. we were pleftsed to meet him. Mr. and Mrs. II. Jahrig of Chev- Miss Sophia Sieczkowski de parted for Omaha this morning, where she will visit friends for the summer. Miss Sieczkowski finished her junior year in 1 ho Plattsmouth High school this year and will be in the senior class next year. She expects lo return lo finish the course. Mr. M. O'Connor of Missouri Valley, Iowa, a former well known Plattsmouth man, was in the city the guest of friends on Decora l ion Day. Mr. O'Connor bad been in Omaha attending I be national convention of boiler-makers and took advantage of his nearness lo Plattsmouth to pay his old home a visit. Mr. C. H. Martin of 309fi st reet, Lincoln, owner of I ho .Maple Grove kennel, was in the city over night with Ihroo of his prize fox terriers. One of the dogs has never lost in any contest for a prize in which sho has been entered. Mr. Martin thinks Ihe fox terrier is tho capital dog for children and Ihey are great rat ters. The many friends of Mrs Charles Bell, formerly of this city but now a resident of Burlington Iowa, will be pleased lo learn that she is recovering nicely from the effects of an operation perforniei last Monday Tor tumor. Loiters received from members of the familv to frleuds here conveyed the good news. Mr. ll. 1 . .lanrix and wife am babe of Sheridan. Wyoming, who .have been visiting Mr. Justus Lillie and other relatives in this city for a few days, departed for Lincoln Ibis afternoon, where they will visit friends for a short, lime before leaving fur their home. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and 'o the public, that Ihe undersigned, W. Thiele, has filed bis petition and application in the. ollice of the County Clerk of Cass County, Ne braska, as required by law, sign- 1 bv a majority of the resident freeholders of Center Precinct, setting forth thai the applicant is a man of respectable character and standing and a resident of tho stato of Nebraska, and praying that license be issued to said W. II. Thiele for tho salo of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for tho period of one year from Juno 10th, 1911, ending Juno lOlh, 1912, in a building on lot 1, block 2, in the village of Manley, in Center Precinct, in Cass County, Nebraska. W. II. Thielo, Applicant. 1911, by American Vrtn AocltU. MRS. DIAZ, party In the etern, Diaz was standing somewhat apart, clone to the rail. He was plainly discernible, taking his farewell look nt his native land. His last words, spoken to those he had left on shore, were: "I shall die In Mexico." This was uttered In a tone of proph ecy and with a look of Inspired con viction. To his country General Diaz deliv ered a warning. Speaking to the little group of sol diers who hnrt served as a guard on his trip from tho 'capital, the old man, who governed Mexico for more than thirty yearn by military strength, said the present government must yet resort to his methods If peace Is to be re-established. REYES TO RETURN TO MEXICO Cherries for Sale. Mrs. Arthur Troop will sell cherries at 75 cents per bushel on the tree, purchaser to pick Ihem Send in your orders at once Cherries will bo ready for pick ing next week. Mrs. Arthur Troop. Plaits 'Phono 2-A. Social at Mynard. There is lo bo n strawberry and ice cream social nt Mynard Thursday evening, June R, for the benefit of Ihe church work Fverybody come and have a gooi social lime by helping a worthy cause. Making Survey of Yards. A force of civil engineers from Lincoln have been in Ihe city dur ing the, past three days making survey of the yards preparatory to extending the yard limit west 2,200 feet. Lincoln, June 1. The state railway commission decided to postpone tho settlement of the physical value of the Rock Island railroad until late In Sep tember. Tho next hearing on the value of this road will be held Sept. 8, and the other roads will discuss the re ports of the state engineer, who will publish his llndiugs during the sum mer, Sept. 10. This postponement of action arose from objections made by the Buillng ton representatives at the hearing. They asserted that there were many points of common interest anions the railroads which are being valued and that It would be unfair for the com mission to lay down a rulu after hear ing only one case, which would have later to he applied to all the roa'U. During the nfteiuoon session tno commission came to this conclusion. Sept. 5 the Rock Island will coi ipleto lt testimony and all or the roads will enter Into n stipulation us to the items that are to he considered In laylni; down rules To" certain disputed values. Immediately niter this stipulation has ben made the other roads will pres ent thlr objections to the values found by tho stato and the decision of the commission In all cases maybe handed down before tho close of the year. NO DOUBLE TRACK NOV For Sale. One Davis 0-Inch bore by 10 inch stroke gasoline engine. Has only been used a short lime. In quire at this ollice for further particulars. A good bargain. r.-in-ti'w. Millinery going on. Discount Sale now Mrs. Norton. Message From Son or Former vice president It Received by Madero. Juarez, Mex., June 1. General Ber nardo Reyes will return to Mexico within a few days, according to a tele gram from Adolfo Reyes, his son, who is at Mexico City, to Francisco I. Ma dero, Jr. The message says General Reyes Is In sympathy with the princi ples of democracy In Mexico. Messages to Senor Madero report the election of Jose Maytorena as governor and Kugenlo Gayou as vice governor of the state of Sonora, both Maderlsts. The legislature of Slnaloa hns elect ed Dt. Gonzales, also selected by Senor Madero. Telegrams from former rebel chiefs In the state of Sonora state tnnt tne Yaqul Indian? have been persuaded to lay down tholr arms and that condi tions In the state were peaceful. At he city of Chihuahua and sur rounding districts socialist supporters of Flores Mngon are said to be creat ing trouble. A forco of troops Is to be dispatched against them. Pasual and 2,000 nnned In surrectos left Casus Grandes for Chi huahua. Insurrecto troops are to take charge of tho state capital. Insurgent Funds Missing. San Diego, June 1. The sum of $8, 000 Is reported to have disappeared from the rebel treasury at I ijuana, l.ower California. "General" C. Rhys Pryce commander of the force which riptured the town, and Adjutant Hop kins could not be found In Tijuana mid no one there could say where Ihey wto. Washouts In Kansas and Missouri. St ,los'ph. Mo., June 1. Tim heavy rain washed out Hie Durllnslon tracks near Forest. ('It v. Mo., for half a mile and I'. 0 icet of track is out at Forbes Mo. The Grand Island has a bad washout tnfr Tioy, Kan., and other roa'N have stiff"!') d. President of Missouri Pacific An nounces Purchase of Steel Rails. Kansas City, June 1. B. F. Bush, president of the Missouri Puclfl': rail way company, said that he had bought f.0,0110 tons of new rails for the i"ad. "We are going to use some o' them on the line south of Pleasant IP'I Mo., and some of them In Kansas. Fifty thousand tons of rails will lay about r.0 miles of single track." said Presi dent Rush. "When will you double track the St. Umls line?" he was asked. We will be Khd to do It wlieu the traffic demands It." bo said. "I like to put a double truck from Jefu-- son City to St. Unls, but tne nam a does not require It." RIOTING IN CANARY ISLANDS Mob Attempts to Burn Government Buildings in Las Patmas. Us Palinas, Canary Islands, June I. Made furious by tne aeiay accom panying the dlscusslonln the hpanlsli parliament of a bill providing for ttu division of tho Canary archipelago, a mob took possession of the streets and attempted to bum the govcrtviieiit buildings. Tioops were called out l restore order. Public excitement con tinues. Shop C-Irl Sues Caruso for 550.000. Imilon. June t The Pall Mall Gil lette prints a dispatch from Rome, stating thut u shop girl of Milan hm brought suit, against Knrlco Curuso. the opera singer, for $30,000 damage for alleged breach of promise to marry her. She alleges that, she hn letter from him to prove her charge. pleads Not Guilty. Denver, June 1 Harold V. Hen wood, who killed Sylvester I.. Von phul, tho St. I-ouls bulloonlst, In a local hotel barroom, was ariakned on the charge of murder and pleaded net guilty. Jtin 3 was set as tne uute ior argument, on a motion for ball.