The Avoca Department New Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Jo urn REPORT DFCDUHTY Spmq ME ineiry Owen Wright has left Tor Colo rado. Henry Straub was at Omaha Monday. Mrs. F. V. Ruhge was at Oma ha Wednesday. a Mrs. Lewton was at Weeping Water Wednesday. Frank Harmer was at Omaha this week with stock. John Busch transacted business at Nebraska City Tuesday. Mrs.- Henry Franzen was an Omaha passenger Wednesday. Harry Marquardt and Ellis Lewton spent Sunday at Lincoln. Miss Birdie Fahnestock is visiting relatives at Kansas City. Post cards for water color work 2 for 5 cents at Copes' drup store. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Frey are visiting at the Benjamin Betts borne. Mrs. Edna Young was up from Berlin visiting her parents last week. ALVO NEWS Joe Wolf was down from Lin coln Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Strong and daughter, Emily, werei n Lincoln Friday. S. C. Boyles was in Omaha Monday. Mrs. M. C. Stone was a pas senger Wednesday of last week for Cortland, Nebraska, lo visit her sister. Curtis Ogle and mother Mrs. Ogle, visited with relatives in Lin coln Saturday. Mrs. (Ueason of Lincoln visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hig gins, last week. Mrs. Bead Cirove visited Friday and Saturday with her folks at Palmyra. The Ladies' Aid society held a business meeting at Ihe home of Mrs. Arthur Bird Wednesday aft ernoon. The Slroemer Lumber and firain company shipped a car of bogs to South Omaha Monday. Mrs. H. O. Bailey and daughter, Ruth, were in Eagle Tuesday aft ernoon. Mrs. Clara Dobson of Uni versity Place gave' an address Saturday evening on "Home Mis sions," and spoke at the Sunday morning services and Sunday aft ernoon organized a "Home Mis sionary society" of the M. E. church. ' J. H. Slroemer returned from Omaha Tuesday on Xo. 13. H. S. Ough and son, Chester, re turned from Lincoln Monday. S. C. Boyles shipped a car each of hogs and catlle to Soulh Oma ha Monday. Mr. Carr of Eagle shipped a far each of cattle and hogs Tues day to South Omaha. Mrs. Emma Cashner visited Tuesday morning at Ihe home of George Foreman, sr. Little Clayton Ingwerson has been quite sick. Mrs. Leo Barry of Lincoln spent Saturday and Sunday at I lie home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Carl Johnson. Hob Swacker came down from Lincoln Thursday on No. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kear of Lin coln are visiting relatives here this week. Thomas Stout was an Omaha visitor Thursday of last week. S. M. Prouly was a passenger on No. 17 Thursday evening for Lincoln. The Safe Paint to use is The Sherwih-Williams Paint It Is a pure lead, zinc, and linseed oil paint of the greatest durability. Properly ap plied it can't go wrong. We can show you houses, painted with it years ago, that are still in good condition and that prove the value of the paint. OLD ORE E. Show bills are out announcing a tent show in Avoca Fridav, May 12. Louis Marquardt was at Omaha Thursday looking after business matters. The Misses Hennsley were Weeping Water visitors Saturday afternoon. Elmer Corbin bad some fine cabbage and tomato plants on the market Wednesday. The two and a half-year-old child of Henry Hunterman was very sick last week. Miss Louise Ruhge spent part of last week at the Henry Hill man home in Berlin. Mrs. Wright, mother of Will Wright, is home again after be ing in the west all winter. During the storm Friday even ing the northeast corner of the lumber yard was struck by lightn ing. Rughe & Oillen have added a refrigerator to their fixtures and Dan Skinner was in Lincoln Thursday. Mrs. (ieorge Vannoy of Prairie Home xisiled the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. Hud drove. Fay l'arsell of Lincoln spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Jones, who is attending the stale university, visited Sat urday and Sunday with Miss Marie Slroemer. A number of the K. P. lodge members banqueted in Elmwood Tuesday night. Mrs. (iertrude Boyles came down from Lincoln Tuesday to visit relatives. W. 0. Boyles came down from Lincoln .Tuesday. Charles Snarely and Carlton Ciullion returned Sunday from their trip to Colorado. Miss Elhel Pask has resigned her position as clerk in the Dreamer & Cashner store. Albert Foreman was a passen ger for'Lincoln Friday. Mrs. Hendrickson returned on No. 1 i Thursday from a short trip to Lincoln. Miss Ellle Higgins of Lincoln visited friends and relatives here this week. Mrs. Henry Suders of Clatonla visited her mother, Mrs. H. Thomas, Ibis week. Mrs. Hahiii of Dewitl, Iowa, is here visiting her brother, Mr. Henry Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary May 1st. They re ceived several nice presents. WARNINQ TO RAILROAD MEN. E. S. Bacon, 1 1 Bast St., Bath, Me., sends out this warning to railroaders: "A conductor on Ihe railroad, my work caused a chronic inflammation of the kid neys, and f was miserable and all played out. A friend advised Foley Kidney Pills and from the day I commenced taking them, I began to regain my strength. The inflammation cleared and I am far belter than I have been for twen ty years. The weakness and dizzy spells are a thing of the past and I highly recommend Foley Kidney Pills." for saleh y F. (I. Fricke & Co. Money to Loan. i,flnn of sinking runds of the City of Plattsmoiilh for term of years at low rate of interest on farm lands. Executive Committee. V OPES, '0 are prepared to take care of their butter trade. Miss Sharp of Papillion, accom panied by a friend, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin Betts, a few days last week. Several handsome Avoca ladies are wearing new collar pins of the latest patterns, purchased at Copes' drug store. Come in and see them. Hartman, the accident insur ance man, was holder of the lucky number which drew the Ford automobile which was rallied olT at Weeping Water last week. Mrs. 0. E. Copes entertained the H. N. A. at a kensington last Friday afternoon. Refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, pickles, coffee, ice cream and cake, were served. Mrs. Dunbar relumed Thurs day evening from Nehawka, where she has been assisting in caring for her sister, Mrs. James Palmer. Baby Rulh Palmer accompanied her home. NEW SPECIES OF ANIMALS DISCOVERED AT SOUTH BENO The Oldest Inhabitants Pronounce Them Panthers, While Others Say Not. The Wabash correspondent of the Elmwood Leader-Echo tells the following story, which is pre sumed to be the truth, as Ihe aforesaid correspondent was never known lo "lib" about such things, and he has lived in Cass county almost a hundred years: Tay Richards, (irovcr Otto and Homer Lawton were building fence on the Richard ranch near South Bend Tuesday, when a hole in a side hill and among the roots of an oak tree was discovered. The tunnel was some ten feet long and perhaps two and one-half feel in circumference. Upon exam ination it was believed to be the hiding place of some wild beast. Curiosity prompted Olio to see what it contained and he slid head first into the hole, with the other two men holding by the feet. At a given signal drover was drawn to the surface, holding two little wriggling animals of a species yet unknown by any pres ent. Again Otto slid into the hole and brought forth two more of the same kind of animals, and he con tinued until he had ten of the aforesaid animals. They were brought lo the Richard's home, one mile north of town, and this morning were brought lo town, where they are now on exhibition. They are brown in color, straight pointed ears. An expert, who saw them Wednesday morning, says they are young panthers or other similar animals. An animal of this description has been seen in this neighborhood several limes and its childlike cry was heard many limes last winter. It Startled the World when the astounding claims were first made for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, but forty years of wonder full cures have proved them true, and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns, Boils, Scalds, Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Fever Sores and Piles. Only 25c at Rynolt & Co. Adam Schafer In Town. Mr. Adam Shafer of Mt. Pleas ant precinct am his mot her, Mrs. Jacob Shafer, were in Ihe city to day looking after business mat ters. Mr. Shafer says that the soil is in excellent condiiton for putting in crops and the farmers are taking advantage of Ihe fine weather in filling the soil. Foley's Kidney Remedy Acted Quickly. M. N. deorge, Irondale, Ala., was bothered with kidney trouble for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel its beneficial effects. The pain left my back, my kidney ac tion cleared up, and I am so much better I do not hesitate to recommend Foley Kidney Rem edy." Sold by F. O. Fricke A Co. F(fK for Rate. R. P. R. eggs for tale, 75c per IB, $4.00 per 100. Tolotiae eggs, SI. 50 per dozen. Mrs. Wra. Troop, Nehtwka, Neb. UUIIIIIIIUUIUIILIIU . l'lattsmouth. Neb., May 2, 1911. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present, L. It. Swttxer. M. U Krledrlrh and O. It. Jordan, County Commission ers; 1). C. Morgan, t'ounty Clerk. Minutes of previous meet Inn read and approved, when the following busi ness was trausai'ted In regular form: Hond of Ceo. 1. Barton, Constable, Liberty precinct. Approved. Sheriff filed his report of fees earn ed for first quarter, 1911. County Judge filed his report of fees earned for first quarter, 1911. Sheriff filed report of foreign fee earned In his oltlee for year 1910. County Attorney instructed to accept service on behalf of all the respondents of the notice in the case of the Slate of Nebraska, ex rcl, Thomas H. I'ol lock, et al, va. the Hoard of County Commissioners, now pending in the llstrlct Court. The following notice was served on the Hoard: To the Hoard of County Commission ers of Cass County, Slate of Nebraska: You are hereby notified t hut the lease executed by the undersigned to the said Cnss County for a public roadway projecting Into and on the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 12, Hange 10, of said County, and near the east line of said quarter section, ex pires on May 4th, 1911. That said road way, where It projects Into and on the lands of undersigned should within a reasonable time be removed to the section line on the east side of said quarter section, where said road was located a number of years ago and now exists as such location. hated at l'lattsmouth, Nebruska, this 2nd day of May, 1911. (Signed) C. S. Worlmnn, Owner of the said S. K. Quarter of Section 17. The above notice wits received and placed on tile. Moved ntul seconded the Hoard now vote on the road proposition carried over from the previous session for a road commencing at the S. W. corner of S. K. quarter of Section 1, Town ship II, liange 12, east of the tith 1 M., running thence north one mile, to be 40 fed In width. Motion carried. The vote stood: Against the road three CI) votes. And the Chairman thereupon de clined the road KKKUSKI). The Nebraska construction Co. this day ordered to proceed with the erec tion and repairs of bridges in Cass County In accordance with contract and specifications now on file with the County Clerk. The following claims wero allowed on the (leneral fund: I. . 1. Swltzer, salary $ fil.liO C. K. Jordan, salnry 57.90 l'lattsmouth Telephone Co., rent and tolls 33.70 II. A. Schneider, postal supplies 4.39 M. I.. Krledrlch, salary 25 fit) Kroehler Hros., merchandise to county B.5I Loreuz Leiner, house rent to pauper 2.50 Kit Kgcnherger, Ad mi'., coal to court house 120.92 The l'lattsmouth Journal, sup plies nnd printing 51.24 Nebraska Lighting Co. ,gus to court house and Jail 19. 52 Weyrlch & llndrnbn, merchan dise to county '. 3.65 W. S. Mrdowen, typewriter rib bons S.00 W. M. Thomas, advance fees Keeble Minded Institute, Heatrlce 40.00 A. W. White, merchandise to pour 40.00 F. K. Schluter, postage 5.S9 K. Munspeaker, salary and trip to county farm 38.50 Wnrgn ti Cecil, supplies to coun ty Jull 3.50 r red i'nttcrsoii, office work April 28.00 Mury J1... r osier- salary and ex pense 143.74 J. II. Monnelly, work in county assssor's office 75.00 John tinner, merchandise to fiinn, jit 1 1 and court house,... 95.71 I.. I) l.'jenhergcr, neichiulbo to poor and court house .... 41.15 I. Connor, burial of nili lib, .ii'giist West I n 44. 5S l C Morgan, salary nnd ex pense . 20li.13 C. W. Haylor K- Co., roal lo farm nnd f.iupcrs 25. 05 I N. Coinmings, hauling it hi Ish 1 . 5 U The News-Herald, printing 71.00 The I'nlverslty i'libllshlug Co., examlnu t Ion questions to County Superintendent 12.50 Jiiines Itobei'tson, Hall vs. Krled rlch, et al S.50 II. M. Siiennlchsi'ti, report of births ami death 5.70 Geo. I. Miisseman, report of blrtliB and deaths 4.45 W. II. Lyman, report of births and deaths 6.70 H. I. Clements, report of births and deaths 2.75 W. K. Hand, report of births and deaths 2.75 I, . Mulr, reports of births ntul deaths 1.25 C.eo. Iteltter, reports of births mid dentlis .75 Mike Trltsch, reports of births and deaths 2.75 A. Kurtz, report of births and deaths 1.80 A. K. Stltes, report of births and ileal lis ,30 II. K. Kropp, report of births and deal lis .30 K I 1 1 1 Ar Hurt let t Co., supplies and records to county 40.00 15. H. Jameson, assessing Weep ing Water precinct 9U.30 II. It. tiering, State vs. Kd. Hynott 2.00 Walt. Trtihiplinur, State vs. Kd Uynott 1.50 Kd MldkllT, wood to Mat Slg- man 3.00 W. C. (Irehc, assigned to 1). C. Morgan, Slate vs. Taylor 5.01) Holmes & Smith, merchandise to poor 10.00 II. H. Finns, merchandise to poor 5.00 li. I. Clements, suicide August West In 6.20 Dr. ). K. Linton, suicide August Westln 0.20 J. H. Tains, salary for April.... 75.00 (leirge Towls, tax refunded ac count double assessed re fused 7.50 Rasmus I'eterson, labor at farm 4.00 K. (1. Iiovey ft Son, merchan dise to farm 42.70 W. It Manning, coal to Mrs. Harris 3.55 Nebraska Telephone Co., rent and tolls (.06 Win. Holly, merchandise to county 2.50 C. T. nichards, assessing South Hend precinct 68.60 C. 1). Qulntnn, boarding city prisoners mid committments . . 14.90 C. li. Qulnton, boarding county prisoner)) and salary 167.10 M. lllld, merchandise to county 4.9ft I. . I. Swltzer, ticket lo pauper.. 10.90 II. M. Soenniehsen, potatoes to farm nnd merchandise to poor 33.75 h. J. Mnynchl, State vs. Fred Wren , C. II. Taylor, expense 15.90 4.15 5.62 II. A. Schneider, postal sumilles . . XX ceplng" XX liter Hepubllcan, IH'inlliig to commissioners.... 1.50 Hans Si lvers, salary and laundry 68.00 I". V. (loos, meals to pauper .... .75 C. I . Mulnton, State vs. John Clarence 20.52 Thomas McQuinn, State v. John Clarence 17.40 The following claims were allowed on the Hoad fund: Fred Patterson, surveying O street road, Inheritance Tax fund 5.00 John Haupr, merchandise to road district No. 1 70 I). Lynn, assisting surveyor, In heritance Tax fund 1.00 J. C. Nldav, road work, road dis trict No. II 240.00 J. A. VX'hltPinan, road work, road district No. U J2.00 J. It. I.atrnm, merchandise, road district No. Ill i.0 It. L. XVInther. road work, road 7 :-,;;: T fern ,. r .v-v i "'T' 4 ; v X district No. 10 Hubert Johnson, road work, road district No. 6 K. N. Hoyles, road work, road district No. 15 Hert Kll.el, road work, road district No. 6 A. K. Opp. road work, road dis trict No. 12 W. It. Hanning, material, road district No. 11 Win. II. Hush, road work, road district No. 7 C. II. Spohn, road work, rouil list rlet No. 13 Mll.e I. iitz, road work, road dls- 1.40 10. 00 6.00 18.00 3.20 125.00 43.00 177.00 230.90 134.75 115.25 31.75 6R.05 ) l ift No. 1 T. Iticbards, road work, road district No. 3 Kdward Reiser, road work, road district No. 4 John II. KuHche, road work, road district No. 2 Frank I'lalzer, road work, road district No. 2 Hen Heckman, road work, riuid district No. 10 154.00 Arnett, material, road dis trict No. 14 Lee Arnett, material, road dis trict No. 9 Lee Arnett, material, road dis trict No. 7 Lee Arnett, material, road dis trict No. 15 4 John Hoot, rond work, rond 82.07 6.76 132.00 221.33 86.30 21.10 42.25 1 05 9.00 148.75 district No. 16 O. W. Vohs Co., lumber, road district No. 9 O. W. Voss Co., , lumber, road district No. 14 O. XV. Vohs Co., lumber, rond district No, 13 H. I'. Hayes, road work, road district No. 15 XV. C. Nerval, road work, road district No. 14 J. C. Lomeyer, road work, rond district No. 6 Cbas. Schwab, road work, road district No. 10 II. A. Funke Lumber Co., lum ber, road district No. 3 (ieorge l'nlaal. part payment on 30.00 6.75 50.45 road grading, Inliefllancn Tax fund 300.00 II. I'. Hayes, rond work, road district No. 15 21.50 The following: claims were allowed on the bridge fund: XX'. It. Hanning. bridge lumber. . 20.75 Nebraska Construction Co., bridge material 2000 00 Mike Ltitx, bridge work IS HO XX. .. Norval, bridge work 5,0(1 ISlj'l"""' ,"l'"'"'m'c' ,n,M'' Jiine t'llh, P. C. Morgan. County Clerk. In the Wake of Measles. The lillli si. ii uf Mrs. O. II. I'nl iih'I', f.illli' lliick, Ark., luul I Id iiii'iisles. Tilt' rt'Mill vx ns a .seven1 rouuli xxhicli urexv worst' ami lie could no) sleep. She .mix.: "One liollle of Foley's Honey, anil Tar Compound completely cured lilm and he has ncxer heeu liolhered since." Croup, whooping coiikIi, mea.sleH coiiKh all yield lo Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Tho, Pennine is in t lie yclloxv package, always. HeftiM' suh.stitules. For sali! hy F. (1. Fricke. & Co. ManhiMnn Shirk j ' A V Miss Myers wishes to an nounce that her new Chicago trimmer has just arrived. You will find an elegant line of medium priced hats. Large Medium Small HATS Please call and see us. May Not Be Injured. The Nexxs man lias talked to a Koodly number of fruit, raisers and they all seem lo he in douht as lo whether or not the, recent cold spell injured I lie fruit crop. Some of (hem think that, considerable- injury xxas done, while, olhers are of a d iff emit opinion. We had a cold spell last year uid Ihe fruit raisers xxcre of dilVe.reut opinions renanliiiK Ihe matter of injury done. However, in a short time the story xxas told and our fruit crop was short. The sanm thinp occurred six and also einlit years uro. The injury did not show up at Ihe time or just fol lowing the cold spell, but some) live of six weeks thereafter, xvhen the stems xxhich attached Ihe ap ples to Ihe Irees began to xvither and (be print dropped to Hie ground, seemingly in a fair con dition, the only Ihiim: shoxvinK in jury was the stem. This may bo the same Ibis sprinir, but xxe boprs not and trust we may be Riven a full crop of fruit. Nebraska City News. Do You Have the Right Kind of Help? Foley Kidney IMIls rurnish you Ihe riRlit kind of help to iieiilr nli.ix ami remove the poisons that cause backache, headache, ner vousness and til her kidney and bladder ailments. For sale by F. i. Fricke t Co. FDRESr ROSE wahoo.ncb Tho Best Flour in the Market. Sold by all Leading Dealers THE special satisfaction in buy ' in4 clothes here is in knowing in advance that you're going to get good fabrics, authentic style, perfect tailoring and a dol lar's worth of value for every dollar you pay in knowing you need pay lit tle attention to shades and patterns of cloth and styles. Its principally a matter of try-on here. A front, side d and back view in the mir- i ror usually settles the question. We want you to see the new "blue-grays" and tans. Stet.iQH Iss Myers I Avoca, Nebraska. PHARMACIST 3-16-fwkly. district No. N 10.20 J. t.. Manners, road work, roa