The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 01, 1911, Image 2

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Sticol to Be Destroyed, Thsn
WEI Come ttis Shout:
Sunday, April 30.
Pastor Russell
of Brooklyn Tab
ernacle preached
today on the Res
urrectlon, ap
proiichlng the sub
ject from another
standpoint thede
Rt ruction of nheol,
hadei. the grave,
the state of death.
Tie considered a number of texts voic
ing his theme. lie said:
Death Is spoken of throughout the
Biblo as an enemy. Merely hymn-book
theology presents It as a friend, an an
fol sent of God. Death Is Introduced
to our attention In the Bible as the
penalty for sin, with the distinct un
derstanding that had Adam not trans
tressed the Divine commands he need
Hot have died, nor ever have been cast
out of his Kden home. Pt. Paul em
phasizes the fact that death Is the pen
alty of sin and that the resurrection of
tho dead will come to mankind as the
result of tho redemptive work of
Christ. He says, "Since by man comes
4 phi tli, by man also comes the resur
rection of tho dead. For as all In
Adam die, even bo all In Christ shall be
tnude ullve; but every man In his own
rder," band or cohort (I Corinthians
T, 21 2.D.
As Genesis Introduces death as a
penalty for sin, Revelation concludes
the great drama by pointing out
Christ's victory and the destruction of
In and death, the release of all the
members of Adam's family from his
entenco and eventually the bringing
f all the willing back to fellowship
m-lth flod and to eternal life. Rot worn
theso two extremes of Dlvlno Revela
tion are the assurances of the Proph
ets and the words of Jesus and Ills
Apostle explalulng tho processes of
redemption and reconciliation. Pt.
Taul summarizes these with the state
ment, "Ry one mnnfa disobedience
In entered Into tho world, and death
aa the result of sin, and thus death
imnni-ii upon an men, tiecauso all are
Inners. As by one man's dis
obedience the many wcro made sin
ners, so by tho obedience of one shall
Ithe many bu made righteous" (Ro
mans v, rM!i),
. Death a Ravenous Monster.
In tho poetic language of Scripture
death Is symbolically represented as a
tfrcat monster which has been swal
lowing tip the human family, never
antlslled. Millions on millions havo
already I n devoured. Mankind In
Tain has looked for a Deliverer-for
wio able to vanquish death and to de
liver the prisoners from the great pris
on house of hIichI, hnden, the grave.
This monster was granted permission
to devour the race by Him Who cre
ated us, because' we were unworthy
of eternal life. Death, therefore. Is
bathed by the mandato of tho Al
mighty, and lie cannot overthrow nis
own decision.
The Divine proposition Is that who
ever would meet the requirements of
Justice against Adam and his race
might purchase or runtmin them, and
have full right to deliver them from
the prison-house, the loinb. For four
thousand years there were promises
looking forward to thU great Mes
sianic Deliverer, but only promlses
Bothlug was accomplished. Finally, In
due time. Cod sent forth Ills Son.
He says that "He came not to con
demn the world, mot to add to Its con
demnation, not to add to Us sorrow or
pain or trouble or hopelessness), but
that the world through lllm might be
aaved" from death have life, perfect
and everlasting, dellveranco from tho
Jaws of the monster and from his
IiIhoii house. Rut although niorothan
eighteen centuries havo since elapsed,
the race Is being swallowed up of this
great monster, death, more voracious
ly than ever ninety thousand every
lsy. Ills prison house, AroJ, hade,
the tomb. Is supposed now to contain
twenty thousand millions of Adam's
children. Why the delay? Did God's
rfan go awry? Was the Savior in
aulllclent for ills work? Was Ills sac-
rlflce imperfect anil unsatisfactory?
The Scriptures assure us that the
anorlfiVe that Jesus offered (Himself)
as a satisfaction, "rantum-price." for
the sins of the whole world. Tliev tell
uh that the Heavenly Father manifest
d Ills approval of the sacrifice when
Me granted tho Pentecostal blessing,
and that Jesus Is even now at the
Father's right band waiting (Hebrews
x. 1.', 13) until I tie time snail come
When the heathen and the uttermost
parts of the earth shall be given to
1 1 1 in. that He may establish Ills reign
of righteousness, blessing the world
and releasing all the prisoners of Sin
od Death.
The delay Is not In any senso an indl-
ration of weakness, nor of any change
to the Divine program. It merely In
dicates that there Is another feature
of the Almighty's purpose which we
did not for a time discern. The work
Is fo be a rrcat ono. Twenty thousand
millions are fo bo delivered from
dfath's nrlson-house. And all of them
tenlng, s hnr;big. jo prepare them for
the Divii.e blessing of life everlasting.
The time for Instruction and uplifting
is declared to be a thousand years. The
power for the inti u ti,,n j i jic Mes
sianic Kingdom, the Rulers of u lib b
will be Mcsshih and Ilii. Riale Joint
heir with Ilim in His Kingdom. Dur
Ing the past nineteen centuries God, by
His Word and providences, has been
calling and drawing a "little flock" t
Christ to be His Bride.
And not until all of these shall tie call
ed, drawn, tested, proven faithful unto
death as followers In the Master's foot
steps, will the elect Rody be complete
and the slaying of the great monster.
Sin and Death, be begun and accom
plished. For that day the saints are
waiting and praying, "Come, Lord
Jesus, come quickly!" And for that
day tho whole creation is wailing, al
though not clearly Informed respecting
the blessings In store for them (Romans
till, 19, 21).
"The Last Ensmy" Desth.
St. Paul points us to the great De
liverer, the glorified Messiah, lit tho
time when He shall take the Kingdom
under the whole heavens and begin the
fulfilment of the prayer He taught us,
"Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earlh a in hraren." He tells us Ho
must reign until He shall have put all
enemies under His feet "The last en
emy that shall be destroyed Is death"
(I Corinthians xv, 21). The meaning
Is clear. Messiah's Kingdom will ad
dress Irself promptly to the reeduca
tion of every form of unrighteousness,
financial, political, social, religious.
Ho will rule tho world with a rod of
Iron and every nation mid every sys
tem or element contrary to the Divine
standards of righteousness will be bro
ken to shivers with Ills "Iron rod."
Tims will righteousness be established
In the earth in the midst of "a time
of trouble such as never was since
there was a nation."
Rut the putting down of sin will bo
but the beginning of Messiah's work.
Satan being bound, and the relijn of
tin thus estopped, each transgression
will receive n Just recompense and
each good endeavor n Just reward.
Gradually mankind will rise out of sin
and therefore proportionately come
from under the power of death, until
all the willing and obedient shall be
fully delivered from all danger as re
spects the monster which lias devour
ed our race for sixty centuries. Not
only so, but those twenty thousand
millions who have gone Into the pris
on house of death will bo released
not all at once, but gradually, as the
Apostle declares. "Every man In his
own order," or band.
Ry the close of the thousand years
of Messiah's reign, Ills victory over
Sin and Death will be complete. Kvery
member of Adam's race will have been
lifted from the prison-house of death.
It will be a prison house no longer, for
there will bo no prisoners In It; man
kind will have been lifted out of the
clutches of Sin and Death, weakness
iiiitt depravity, by the processes of res
titution, resurrection, uplifting (Acts
III, V3-Z). The victory over sin will
bo complete, because all who love sin
and are willingly Its servants, after
being released from the condemnation
of the Ad.iinle death, will be destroyed
In the Second Death. Thus Adamlc
Sin and Death will Dually be complete
ly routed and the prison house ol' death
be broken up. And Adam and his
family, not willingly sinners, will all
be set at liberty-restored to human
perfection, as (lie earth w ill be brought
to F.deiile perfection.
"0 Death, Where It Thy Sing?"
Thru trill be lirminht In ptm$ the Dlvlno
prophecy, "(), death, where Is thy
sting? O, grave, where Is thy victory?"
ti i.oi-im minis xv. t,i.
Wo must notice when this Is to be
brought to pass. It Is not uow true.
The sting of death Is In us nil, for,
as the Apostle explains. Sin Is the
stlng of death. And because all have
been stung by sin, all are dying. It
will require the entire Messianic Age
to fully extract from humanity the
virus,, the stlng, of sin by bringing
mankind to perfection.- Only as the
stlng of death Is removed w ill tho pow
er of death relax, because It Is a part
of the Divine Law that "The soul that
slum Ih, It shall die." Death now has
Its s'lug. Rut when tnat which Is
perfe't shall havo come, the stlng will
be Hie Imperfection and weak
ness will be gone, the causo for slu
will also be gone.
Not now, but then, will lie brought to
pass the saying. "O, Hade, where Is
thy victory?" Hade, nheol. the urate
has been having a victory over Adam's
race for over sixty centuries. And lis
victory w ill not be entirely overthrown
until the Redeemer shall have dellv
ered from the power of the grave thf
IuhI member of the huniau famlly-for
all of whom "He died, the Just for the
unjust, to bring us back to God."
Thus, as the Apostle says, with the
culmination of Christ's Kingdom, with
the deliverance of all mankind from
the power of Sin and Death, death will
be swallowed up In victory. The Apos
tie probably quoted from Hosea X tit.
14. where we read. "I will ranvwt them
from the power of the grave heol; I
will redenn them from denih; 0 death
I will be thy plagues (gradual rtestrnc
tlont; O grave (W. 1 will be thy d
structlon; repentance shall be hid from
mine eyes. i no Alinlgtuj w ill never
change or turn from this decision
Death and the grave, nhad. hud (the
Rtble helb, are to be destroyed. F.very
member of Adam s race N to be dellv
ered by lllm Who redeems all.
Keys of Death and Hades.
A key Is a s tnbol of authority and
symbolizes a Icjal power to open the
prlson-h use and to release the prison
ers. Atlamle death has been a legal
penalty linen our race n Just penalty
Rut although all shared the rondemna
acme of the race. If granted the oppor
tunity, would gladly return to loyalty
to His laws. He has, therefore, made
provision through Jeus for every
member of the iiee. great and small,
rich and poor. World wide redemp
tion will lie provided and world -wid
opportunity for the coming to a knowl
edge of the Truth and for being up
lifted or resurrected will be afforded.
The right or power to release mankind
from the power -of death and from the
Jlisoniious of the tomb, xlieid. hadrt,
the grave. Is represented by the Ivy in
the hands of Messiah. He gained that
key. that rightful authority to set us
free from the grave, by the redemption
which He accomplished for us at Cal
vary. This figure of the prison-house was
nsed also by the Lord through Isaiah
the Prophet. Is it not written that the
Lord was anointed to preach a mes
sage of good tidings to the meek, to
bind up the broken-hearted, to pro
claim liberty to the captives of Sin and
Death and the opening of the prison
house of death to those that are bound?
And did not Jesus apply this very
prophecy to Himself? (Isaiah 1x1, 1;
Luke iv, IS). Surely our Lord opened
no earthly prison-doors at Ills tirst
Bdvent. Rut Just as surely He fore
told that He would open the prison
doors and set all the captives free. Ills
death, "the Just for the unjust." was
In order that lie might have the right
ful authority to release the prisoners
by Ills death He secured the key.
Eventually this glorious work will be
consummated, and In the consumma
tion of It the elect Church of this Gos
pel Age is Invited to have n share.
Hence the Church Is called out from
the world tirst under n special Cove
nant of sacrifice that she may with her
Lord, tho Redeemer, become part of
the Seed of Abraham on the spirit
plane (Galatians III. 2'.)).
Hades Cast Into Gehenna.
"And death and hell (hades) were
cast Into the lake of fire. This is the
Second Death" (Revelation xx, 14).
In the symbolic language of Reve
lation, Messiah's reign Is described as
n glorious opportunity for all man
kind to come back Into harmony with
the Almighty and to attain everlast
ing life through the great Mediatorial
Kingdom. The symbolic picture of
which this text is n part, describes
tho establishment of Messiah's King
dom, tho saints of this Gospel Age be
ing with Him in Ills throne, in His
Kingdom, reigning with Him a Royal
Priesthood (Revelation xx, 4-0).
The context further describes that
period, In which all mankind shall
lie brought to a knowledge of the
Truth, when all will "stand before the
great White Throne." Messiah's Judg
ment Throne, to be tried, to be tested,
to be proven whether they will ac
cept or refuse the perfection and eter
nal llfo which Divine mercy will then
make possible for them. During that
thousand years of Messiah's reign, as
we have seen, death will be gradually
swallowed up In victory. And as the
prisoners of the tomb are gradually re
leased, tho grave will bo destroyed.
will be no more.
The statement, death and hade were
cast Into the lake of tire, which Is the
Second Death, Is merely another way
of explaining to us that Adamlc death,
and the grave connected therewith,
will be mtperxrded by the Seeonil
Death. Any of the race who, by the
close of the Mediatorial reign, will not
have coine up to perfection ifnd will
not have gotten entirely free from the
power of sin and the tomb, will them
selves be responsible for their wrong
condition, their Imperfection. The
great Mediator will have done every
thing right, proper and necessary for
all. Whoever then will come short of
eternal life will himself only be to
blame. And the trial time over, any
not fully delivered, any still held by
sin and death, will be willingly held.
and all such will bo turned over to
the Second Death, destruction, symbol
ized by lire, from which there will be
no recovery.
Let it bo remembered that the Val
ley of Iliunom, outside of Jerusalem
the earthly, where only the vile refuse
was destroyed, will find its antitype
In tho Second Death, symbolically rep
resented as a lake of fire outside the
New Jerusalem, lu It will be con
sumed utterly, completely, everything
out of harmony with tho Dlvlno will.
The Wicked Returned to Sheol.
In the New Testament, as we have
aeen. hade stands for the crave or
state of death, which results from
Adam's transgression; while Gehenna
represent a the Second Death, which
will come only upon those who shall
first havo been delivered from the
Adamlc sentence, or shall have had
nt least a full opportunity for dollv
era nee and who will manifest their
love for sin more thau for righteous
ness and who. therefore, will bo sen
tenced to the Second Death.
Rut In the Old Testament Pier Is
no distinctive word used to represent
the Second Death tho extinction which
will be the penalty of personal, wilful
transgression. To meet the dllllculty
the word shetd Is used a second time.
For instance, we read of some who
will be wilfully w icked after enjoying
knowledge of the Truth not merely
Inheritors of Imperfection mid weak
nesses which they linve not overcome.
but Intelligently wilful sinners "The
wicked sbull be irbmurf fo nheol to
get her with nil people who forget God"
(I'snlin Ix. 17). In our Common Ver
sion the prefix re Is Improperly omitted.
The "teirketl" nre only those who aln
against light, kuuwledgo and oppoitn
nlty, and only those can be snld to
forget (lod who have oixe known
lllm who have loeii brought to
knowledge of the Truth and turned
from It. Truly, my hearers, therenur
roctlon hope U the great theme of the
I v .4
1 : WiA
Provides for Highway Commis
sioner and Defines Powers
and Duties.
The new higiiway commission
Mil recently si'Ktied by (iovcnior
Alilrich lias many provisions and
wo, rcyret very 'nuicli lliat wo are
unable to fmo space to the entire
bill instead of its many features
in brief. The. main features of
tlio bill follow:
Section 1 provides that the
county boards in each county of
Iho stale may within thirl y days
after the hill lakes efToct, appoint
a highway commissioner to serve
until tho first, annual meeting
of Iho hoard in Iho following
January, at which mooting and
annually thereat fer Iho board
shall (ill Iho ollico by appoint
ment. The rommisisoncr shall ho
a practical and experienced road
builder and Iho counly board may
designate and appoint Iho county
surveyor or any person deemed
and considered by Iho board to ho
qualified for Iho office; provided
that in counties Inning 50,000
population and over (ho counly
surveyors shall perforin the
service and possess all Iho func
tion and powers.
Section 2 provides that Iho
commissioner shall give a bond
for $;oi0.
Section 3 provides Mint. Ilio'dis
Irict road overseers working un-
ibT Hie iiireclion ot itie commis
sioner shall hno the power and
perform all of the duties now pro
vided by law so far as such duties
are consistent with the purposes
and provisions of Ibis act, in their
respective districts, all such other
duties as the counly board shall
direct and provide.
Pay of Oversoers.
The dislricl overseers shall re
ceive such compensation or sal
ary as (he county hoard may al
low for lime actually spent not
exceeding 3 per day; such com
pensation lo ho paid out of the
road district or township road
fund for which said road over
seer is elected.
Provided With Office.
Seel ion i. Tho highway .com
missioner shall bo provided with
an ollico which may bo in the
offices or room occupied by tho
board of commissioners or else
where as the hoard may choose
and bo shall keep in his ollico plat
books showing' nelually all public
roads and highways established In
Iho county and shall from time o
time, recommend lo Iho county
toard what improvements ho
deems necesasry lo bo inado of Iho
roads and bridges in Iho county,
giving an estimate of Iho cosl of
mi mm la
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
who has bought .one of our QUALITY SUITS.
Observe the quiet elegance about him and
that undefined quality we call style. Broad
well pointed shoulders, long graceful drape in
the coat roomy full peg to the trousers. All
the stylish features that a well dressed man ap
preciates, including individual exclusive pat
terns. QUALITY LINE $20 to $35. Others $5
to $18. We have over 600 suits on our hangers
to show you. Come in tomorrow.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
such improvements.
Shall Keep Records.
Section 5. Tho office of tho
commissioner shall bo ono of
record and there shall ho record
ed in his office a proper book lo
bo called Iho "Road Ilecord;" a
record of tho proceeding in regard
to tho laying out, establishing,
changing or discontinuing of all
roads established, changed or dis
continued, and the cost and main
tenance of the same, and shall
also keep a "Bridiro Record,"
which shall be used for tho same
purpose, ami ho shall firmly post
or attach upon each bridge at a
conspicuous place a board ori
metal sign s-howing Iho carrying!
capacity or weight which the
bridge will carry or bear and any
person driving across or goinf?
upon any such bridge with a
greater weight than shown by
such sign shall recover no dam-
ages because of any accident or that any such land owner or ten
injury which may happen lo him! ant desiring so to drag any mao
upon such bridge, and shall also
be deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor and if found guilty j applying for such work on or he
shall be lined not (o exceed $100 j fore the first day of April in each
or be imprisoned in tho county .year and upon the failure of such
jail not (o exceed thirty days.
Seel ion 6 provides that bridges
shall be recorded and numbered i
in a record hook. shall arrange in continuous lines
Section 7 provides that high-jor ff"'ls. as nearly as may be,
highway commissioner shall notj lhp several main (raveled roads in
nerinlendent of conslruetion ,,f' the county so as to more con-
bridges, culverts, etc., as well as
Provides for Reports.
Section 8 provides that Iho
highway conunisisoncr shall file a
report'- with the commissioners
annually, giving history of past
work and making suggestions and
recommendations for improve
ments. Seel ion 0 provides that the
hgihway commissioner shall not
bo interested directly or indirect
ly in any contract with the county
ami shall render at any lime an
accounting of his acts and doings
lo tho counly board when request
ed and he may be removed from
olliee by said board at any time
upon failure to perform (ho duties
of tho office.
Seel ion ,10 provides for annual
reports to he made by district
oversoers to the county highway
commissioner and inventories.
Destroying Weeds.
Section 11 provides for Ihe
mowing and desl roving of weeds
"and specify in statement to the
counly board the name or I lie
owner of abutting land and shall
file such statement with the coun
ty clerk, together with descrip
tion of Ihe lands abutting on each
side of Iho road where Ihe ex
penses (of mowing) are incurred
and the county board shall assess
(he cost (o (ho owner of the abut
ting land, prov iding, however, I hat
if the owner of land shall cut
weeds before September IMh, he
will soon be ready to cut, and you will need to
sharpen your old sickle. This grinder if furnished
with a carboundum cone fore grinding sickles.
Carboundum is 26 times faster than ordinary
grinding. The machine is also equipped with a disc
harrow and plow coulter attachment, and in addi
tion to those it has a stone for grinding a!l ordinary-
tools and a whetl for polishing,
can be seen at
shall not bo assessed."
Dragging the Roads.
Section 12 provides for drag
ging the roads, ami further pro
vides that, the owners of land ad
jacent to roads shall he paid M
for each time dragged, provided
the width of the road to bo drag
ged shall not be less than" . sixteen
foot jf the width of the roadwav
will permit. The county highway
comniisisoner, through the dis
trict road overseers, shall issu
printed blanks to each person em
ployed to drag (ho road, show lb
day of the month and (he hour or
hours when each dragging wu-5
done and also the days upon
which rain fell upon the mud
dragged and covered by the report,
and no work done under (ho pro
visions of (his seel ion shall
paid for until said report is tiled
with the highway commissioner
and approved by him; provided
must file with said county high
way commissioner an application
land owner or tenant to apply, and.
as soon after such failure as pos-
sihle. the hiirhwav commissioner
and economically let,
for doing such drar-
Section 13 provides for t It -
work to be done in counties hav
ing less than ft, 000 population.'
Snow Blockades.
Section li provides that when
ever Iho highway commissioner is
notified by a rural route carrier
or postmaster or pet-sons served
by the rural route, that said mail
roule is blockaded vvilh snow op
is impassable, or in any oilier, il shall be his duly within
twenty-four hours after such
notice lo proceed with all possible)
baste to clean and open such road-,
way for passage of the mails and
by himself or through the over
seers may demand or require th
services of any able-bodied per
son who is a patron of said mail
roule or being served I hereby to
appear forthwith with such tools
and loams as may be doomed
necesasry lo assist in opening
such mail route for passage, and
it shall be (he duly of such able
bodied person to comply with
such notice, and for such service
each person shall he allowed 30
cents per hour atfd 30 cents p-r
hour for each (earn so employed,
which expense shall be -paid out
of (he dislricl or township fund
upon I he -corl ififieale of the said
road commissioner or any of the
district road overseers cerlifyinar
to Iho time of such.
Approved April I0lh, 1011.
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These machines
ZT3( )fyi:
will need Instruction, uplifting, chus
Hon and weakness, God foresaw that