The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1911, Image 7

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    The Avoca Department
Newt Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thi Department of the Semi-Weekly Journ
See the new jewelry at Copes'
drug store.
.Several from here were at I'na-
ditla Sunday.
Gus Muhr was a county seat
visitor Monday.
W. A. Rose was at Omaha with
stock Wednesday.
ilas Sheldon was over from
tfehawka Monday.
B. C. Marquardt and wife were
at Omaha Tuesday.
O. Tefft was a business visitor
at Omaha this week.-
Andreas Rehmeier is working
at Hinze's livery barn.
Mrs. P. Nutzman was a Weep
inn Water visitor Monday.
Mrs. M. M. Straub was under
the doctor's care this week.
Time for wall paper and painl.
We have the goods. Cope's.
Mrs. Sophia Fleishman was
here from Nehawka Tuesday.
Miss Maud Hanger visited at
Lincoln the first, of the week.
Miss Julia Nulznian was at
Ashland the first of the week.
The Avoca kid ball team go to I
Nehawka Saturday for a game. I
J. 0. Zimmerer transacted
busines sat Plattsmoulh Monday.
E. Nutzman, sr., shipped several '
ears of sheep to Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Lou Dundas of Bellevue
spent Sunday with Avoca friends.
Several thousand bushels of
corn were marketed here this
Asa Johnson shipped a carload
of sheep to Omaha the first of the
week. .
Louis Thiele and Louis Wolfe
of Berlin were on our streets
Sam Johnson was looking after
business matters at .Holdredge
This week.
Adolph Zimmerer and sister,
Mary, were over from Nebraska
City last week.
George Braezeale and wife
entertained friends from Berlin
Sunday evening.
The Avoca band will give a
dance at the town hall Saturday
ninht, May 6th.
A nice shower of rain fell here
Wednesday, which will be a great
benefit, to small grain.
Mrs. John Beneoke and daugh
ter, Lydia, spent this week with
Council Bluffs relatives.
Story, the painter, has been
decoration the B. G. Maniuardt
and John Huhge residences this
Mrs. Harry Folk and son ot
Brownille were visiting at the
home of Ora E. Copes and wife
this week.
The Avoca ball team played
their first game last Friday with
Elmwood, and were defeated by
a score of 7 to 9.
Don't forgett hat you can buy
the celebrated Sherwin-Williams
paint In fact everything in the
wall paper and paint line, at
Copes' drug store.
W. II. Story, a painter from
Kansas City, has located in Avoca
Mr. Story is a first-class work
man, so if you need any work in
his line give him a trial.
The Rebekahs celebrated their
anniversary Monday night at the
I. 0. O. F. hall. A large crowd
was present and an enjoyable
evening spent by all. Ice cream
and cake were served at the close.
The! band boys have received
their new suits and are feeling
quite proud of the same. The
boys are progressing very nicely
under the instruction of Prof.
Jenkins, and are now open for engagements.
Ladies of the Christian Church
Aid Society Present Mrs. Rat
cliffe With Fine Quilts.
Rev. RatclifTe yesterday loaded
his household effects into a Bur
lington car and billed the same
to Beaver Crossing, where he has
a call and has been adminstering
the duties of pastor since his re
signation here some weeks ago.
The writer has seen a photo
graph of the church building at
that place and it is a fine looking
building, constructed from con
crete blocks and has a seating
capacity of 400 people. The peo
ple of the vicinity are wide-awake,
progressive Ncbraskans and Rev.
RatclifTe is much pleased with the
way the work is starling off.
Rev. and Mrs. RatclifTe will de
part fui their new field of labor
Friday morning. They have form
ed many fraternal ties while in
this city which they regret to
sever. .
The Ladies' Aid society of the
church here held a very interest
ing meeting yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mr. James Wil
liams on Pearl street, which was
attended by both Rev. and Mrs.
RatclifTe. During the session the
ladies of the society presented
Mrs. RatclifTe with two handsome
quilts, which were very much ap
preciated by her, and the kindly
spirit of the occasion was touch
ing and the memory of the oc
casion will ever be fondly recall
ed by both the retiring pastor and
his estimable wife.
Since the above was put in type
we were informed that one of the
quilts had been made by Mes
dames E. B. Perry, George Parks
and James Williams.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
is a safe and effective medicine for
children, as It does not contain
opiates or harmful drugs. The gen
uine Foley's Honey .and .Tar Com
pound Is In a yellow package. For
sale by Frickc & Co.
Steals March on Friends.
Mr. C. J. Maker and Mrs. Lil
lian Vroinan recently stole a
march on their numerous friends
and quietly hoarded the train on
March 20 and went to Missouri
and were married. Mr. Baker has
recently purchased a nice collage
in South Park, where he and his
wife are comfortably located. Mr.
Baker's mother, Mrs. E. S. Men
ser, of Ashtabula, Ohio, has been
keeping house for her son for the
past 18 months, but thinking that
her farm would be better for her
own superintendence, departed
for her home in Ohio this afternoon.
Mr. a C. Parmele left on No. 2
for Chicago last, evening," w here
he was called on business.
A Reliable Medicine Not a Narcotic.
Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says:
"Our little boy contracted a severe
bronchial trouble and as the doctor's
medicine did not cure htm, I gave
him Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, in which I have great faith.
It cured the cough as well as the
choking and gagging spells, and he
got well In a short time. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound has many
times saved us much trouble and we
are never without it in the house."
For sale by Frlcke & Co.
Infant's an
Infant's Vests!
Cotton Kinderwear, high neck i,.;
and long sleeves 15c ft.
..- ....... "
I.nw neck and no sleeves
10 and 15c
T . 1. 1 l . 1 I
jrt.w iiti n. aim miun sit-eves . , . iug
Infant's Silk Lisle Vests!
High ntck and long sleeves. 25c
Low neck and short sleeves. .25c
rm a . I I
IA- . 1 -ill i r -
Infant's Vests!
Infant's Vests, pan wool, high
neck and long sleeves 25o
Infant's Vests, all wool, high
neck and long sleeves 25o
Bands 25o
Misses9 Two Piece Suits!
Vest and punts any size, 1 to 8,
Long Blceve and length,
per garment.. 25o
Made by the FOREST MILLS That Means None Dcttcr!
Misses' Sleeveless Vesta at 10, IS and 25c
" Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless and
knee length.. . 50o
" Black Pants, culf knee, all sizes 25c
" " Bloomers, all sizes 60c
Boy's Two-Piece Suits, Egytian Cotton, per
garment 25o
Boy's Union Suits, long and short sleeves 50o
" Mesh Union Suits, short sleeves, knee
length 25e
E. Z. Knit Waists, sizes 1 to 13, at 25o
Little Beauty Cambric Waists, sizes 1 to 13.... 25c
A Big Lot of Remnants in Curtain Scrims and Nets!
Miss (irace Foreman went
Lincoln Tuesday.
Miss Vera Prouly went to Lin
coln Tuesday.
Albert Foreman returned home
from the west Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Stone were
passengers for Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vickers went
to Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Muntz was in Plattsmoulh
Friday and Saturday.
Joe Clements and Clay Foreman
spent Saturday and Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bobbitt and
daughter were visiting relatives
here Saturday ami Sunday. They
returned to Iheir home at Lincoln
on No. 17 Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stroemer went
to Lincoln Tuesday.
Charles Sutton and William
Sutton went to Lincoln W'ednes
day morning.
Cliflord Appleman came down
from Lincoln Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James House and
daughter, Miss Aletha, were in
Lincoln last Saturday.
Hoy Schultz ami Jinimie Fore
man were passenger for Omaha
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Curtis
Oyle, Saturday, April 22, 19 11,
Jinimie Foreman was a Mur-
dock visitor Wednesday.
llalph Wolfe went to Colorado
last Thursday.
Mrs. II. Peterson returned to
her home at Ilaveloek Thursday
Mrs. C. F. Hosenow visited wilh
relatives in Murdock the first of
the week.
Mrs. Joe Parsed and daughter
Laura, were in Elmwood Monday
Miss Minnie Newkirk spent,
Sunday at. home.
Lucius Mill I in was a capital city
visitor Friday.
r.d Mroemer and family am
Johnnie Pnrsell drove to Murdock
Henry Claim, jr., of Klmwooi
was in town Tuesday evening.
Charles Suavely and Carlton
Clullioii left Saturday njghl for
J. A. ShalTer went, to Lincoln
Sunday evening, returning home
on No. 18 Monday.
Mrs. Oeorge Foreman, jr., went
to Omaha Wednesday of last,
weeK, returning l liursuay on
No. 17.
Hay Lined -of Omaha was
town Monday morning.
Mr. and . Mrs. Ed Foreman of
lavey visiled Saturday and Sun
day wilh the home folks.
Will Foreman came home from
Ilaveloek Saturday to visit a day
or two.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole came
down on the belated train Sunday
from Ilaveloek. They relumed
home on No. 17.
Miss Orplia Mullin entertained
Miss Pearl Waugh of Lincoln
Miss Hazel Foreman's little
friends gave her a parly Saturday
evening, April 22, 19 II, in honor
of her Kllh birthday." Various
games were indulged in and a
good lime was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Minnie (iullion and son,
Hayinond, left Saturday evening
for a few days' visit in Lincoln.
They relurned home Monday.
Henry Snoke left Monday for
a visit in Otoe county.
II. S. Ough and son, Chesler,
returned from Lincoln Monday
Miss Fern Oiinmilf spent Sun
day with Miss Esther Hosenow.
Mrs. J. II. Stroemer relurned
Wednesday from her isil wilh
relatives at Barnesfon.
Miss Taylor relurned Sunday
on No. 17 from a few days' visit
in Omaha wilh friends.
Miss Marie Stroemer spent
Saturday and Sunday at home.
Freddie. Hogge of Elmwood
visited Sunday with his cousin,
Alfred Mroemer, who accom
panied him home Sunday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rogge of
Elmwood visiled Monday wilh
relatives hero.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Parsell surprised them Monday
evening, April 2, by gathering at
their home to celebrate their tenth
wedding anniversary. Several
very useful presents in the way
tinware and enameled ware were
presented. Fruit was served, am
with music and jolly conversal ion
the hours soon sped by. Among
those present were: Mr. ant
Mrs. S. C. Boyles, Mr. and Mrs
M. 0. Keeper, Mr. and Mrs. It
Keuhn, Mr. and Mrs. L. Earl, Mr
and Mrs. fienrgn Hall. Mr. and
Mrs Joe Parsell, Mr. and Mrs. W
E. Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Casey
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Copple, Mrs
Nat Snarley and Charles Rulofz
do, wherever you
go the better
you're dressed the more
you'll enjoy yourself.
Just now our store is full
of smart and seasonable
clothes, which we would
like you to see. Our Spring
stocks have been carefully
chosen, with the needs and
preferences of our custo
mers constantly before us.
These clothes fit front,
side and back; and what is
more important they stay
fit. Prim! from $10 to $35
fcnrirty; Hfranu (ClotbrB
(Rn,M 111) AIAWDttttCfc
'Hie llonttof Hurt, SlmlTner it- Mnr'x
.Vtinhuthin Shirts Stdson Huts
Walter Haltan and Henry Ben
nett came over from Waverly
Tuesday afternoon in the former's
nulo, spending a few hours in
He Passes Away at His Home
This City After Linger
ing Illness.
William Jay Herring, whose
illness has been chronicled in the
columns of the Journal, breathed
his last, at his residence on South
l'hird street this morning. The
ieceased was born in Fremont
ou nly, Iowa, September 18, 1873,
and resided in that state until
about, sixteen years ago, when ho
removed to Plattsmoulh. About
nine years ngo he was married
to Miss Agnes Alex, an adopted
laughter of A. J. McKinney and
wife. From this union three chil
dren were born, who, wilh (ho
widow, survive the deceased. The
children are: William Hay, 8
years old; Beatrice, ! years of
age, and Bernice, II. He is also
survived by his grandparents, Mr.
ami Mrs. A. J. McKinney.
The deceased was a member of
1 he Christ ian church, having join
ed Hie church when he was 15
jcars of age, ami was a ('(insistent,
member of Ihal ion up
to I be I ime of his death.
Mr. Herring had been in bad
health for some years, but his last
sickness dales from last. October,
when he came home from his
work very ill, sull'cring from a
complication of lung and stomach
I rouble n ii I i 1 death came to his
relief. Some weeks ago his wife
1o relieve him and he returned to
Plaltsmouth to die. The funeral
will occur tomorrow afternoon.
N. B. Since the above was
placed in type the Journal is in
formed that the funeral will oc
cur tomorrow (Friday) afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock at the Christian
church am) will he conducted by
Hev. Austin.
Pasture for Rent.
The northwest qnnirer or section
35, township 13, ranne 12, and the
northwest quarter Fectlon 34, town
ship 13 and range 12, known as ttiu
Heed land, nenr the Dovcy section tn
Eight Mile Crovo precinct. Will rent
for a term of three yearn at J300 per
year. This Is the best of pasture and
some of the land can be farmed.
Write or telephone,
W. W. Wheeler, Plattsniouth, Ne'.
State Oil Inspector in Town. .
W. S. Jay, depuly stale oil in-,
speclor, of Lincoln, was an over-,
night visitor in the cily, looking
after business mailers. Mr. Jay
is a veleran newspaper man, hav
ing slarled a paper in Bakota
county in 187(1, since which time
he has served a long lime on I lie
Slate Journal and the Lincoln
News. Mr. Jay is a pleasant
gentleman to meet.
First to Make Returns.
Precinct Assesor H. B. Jamison
of Weeping Water arrived in the
cily last evening and turned over
his books to Hie county assessor,
being Hie llrst man under the
wire. Mr. Jamsion is a hustler,
and does iio waste any time while
assessing, as he can make more
money at, his own business than
working for Ihe county.
Mr. Peter Campbell of Kono-
I I'll I. PIIIIH' UhU III.-? H I I 1 1 l ... I . i . ... i . , i . .
look him to a hospital at Omaha, sha was a Plallsnioiilli visitor to
bul physicians could do nothing day ami dined At' the Perkins.
w . 't -
I'M '
Safe Paint
to use is
It Is a pure lead, zinc,
and linseed oil paint of
the greatest durability. Properly ap
plied it can't go wrong. We can show
you houses, painted with it years ago,
that are still in good condition and that
prove the value of the paint.
They departed at a late hour
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Parsel
many more anniversaries
Avoca, Nebraska.