The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1911, Image 8

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fi" 1
pring oVlilli
8 iff
AW f i
m 4 c j
' i i V , i;.
Miss Myers wishes to an
nounce that her n:w Chicago
trimmer hus just arrived.
You will find an elegant
,-K line of medium priced hat?.
Please call and see us.
miss ivlyers
Frm Friday's Dally.
Mrs. W. If. Newell nml daugh
ter. Miss Itfrii ic, visited Omaha
friends this morning.
Mayor Saltlrr is in favor of re
tailing the census of I'lattsiiioiilh.
So are two-thirds of Hie iicople of
the city.
Manager H. M. Srhlaes of the
Majestic visited the inetrnpnli
this morning. gniim on business
lor the theater.
I). J. Pitman, the Murray grain
man. was in I lie city yesterday
anil va a pleasant caller at Jour
nal headquarters.
Mrs. Jack Kviiikr and children
and Mrs. l'ein departed for Hai
tian on the morning train today
to visit relatives for the day.
I.essie Ward of (llenwood, who
has heen isitinp relatives in this
city for a few days, returned to
Lis home at 11mis xl this morning.
' Mr. Charles l'ligelkemeier and
Uife of Weeping
last evening and
hrolher, Fred, over nighl, depart-
Ins for Omaha on the morning
traiil today.
1Wrs. John Trilsrh and Miss
Mary Mcisingcr came in from
their homes this morning in lime
to catch the early train for Oma
ha,, where they looked after some
ilerns of business fur a time.
The M. W. A. orchestra left for
South liend this afternoon, where
they j play for a dance tonight.
Mrs. 1'. J. Nailery arrived from
Uavelock yesterday, where she
has visited tier son, Will and
family, for a lime.
Mrs. i. I'ickler returned from
Y.iflP.llll lllul lll'll II I ft U llll 'll '
here she has heen visiting rela
tives for a I ime.
Samuel Maxwell of Fremont,
con nf ex-Jtilge Samuel Maxwell,
was a l'lallsmouth visitor today,
having come to I'latlsmoulh with
"his grandmother, Mrs. W, T.
Mrs. Rachel Adams, who has
-been visit i ii k Mrs. Samuel Max
well at Fremont for some lime,
returned this morning and will
Visit with her son, Will T. Adams
and family, for a t ime.
Mr. fi. Ilengen and wife drove
in from the farm this morning
hnd visited friends for a lime and
looked after some shopping at the
(stores. It lias heen some months
fince Mrs. llengen has visited the
County seat.
Mr. A. 1.. Meeker, the 1'niou
slock buyer, came up to Hie coun
ty seat on the early train today
and spent some time in the city
before "depart injr for Omaha,
where important business de
manded his attention.
A general disetislson of the
matter of retaking the census of
this city was had at the meeting
or the Oomnierieal Hub last night
and the general sentiment, was
that it ought t be done. The mat
ter is now left with the city council.
Mr. John Hulherford returned
from Omaha this morning, where
tie went yesterday morning to at
tend the funeral of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Charles Hulherford. Mr.
Rutherford was accompanied by
Will Kropp and daughters, Agnes
and Jeannettee; also I.ouis Kropp
and John Kropp, brothers of the
The Peru correspondent to the
State Journal says: "Among the
many members of the senior class
of the Peru normal school who
have been Heeled to positions for
next year are the following: Mis
ses Klizaheth Falter, Latin, Til
den and sixteen others, to posi
tions over the state."
His Remarks Furnished Much
Good Food for Thought
to Those Present.
From TliUTHilav'a Dully
Canon II. II i.urgess, rector of
St. Luke's cnurch, spoke to the
students of the High school yes
terday morning on the subject of
"Oecorum." Canon liurgess is not
only the eldest minister in the
citv. but he is lso a pioneer of
this city and has had much in-
lluence in moulding the character
and conduct of the citizens of the
city, many tl those who are now
ia business in Plattsmoulli grew
to manhood since Canon liurgess
assumed tin; rectorship of St
Luke's church.
The venerable rector admonish
ed the students that, their de
corum was an evidence of the
character of each, and that the
outward appearances were a sure
index of the spiritual being dwell-
Water arrived i '"K within, and from the polite
visited their I "ess of the individual one formed
... .
an estimate or I lie character oi
the, person. If the youth of the
community were courteous am
polite to the strangers coining in
to our city, such strangers vvoub
carry away will, them a good
opinion of I he people of t he com
munily and givo a good report
concerning the town. Canon
liurgess dwell at some length on
the distinction between character
ami reputation, illustrating the
difference by apt incidents drawn
from real life.
The series of short lectures in
troduced by Superintendent Ab
bott for Hie High school students
has created much interest in the
opening hour of the school and
not only brings the students in
touch with the business activities1
of the city, but encourages both
superintendent and students by
bringing them and the, business
interests of the city closer to
gether. Such addresses as de
livered by Canon liurgess yester
day fosters commendable at
tributes in the character of the
students ami aids in bringing
them to a higher plane of citizen
ship than they otherwise would
otfi Damocrats and fl:pub!i
cote Thsir Fellows
Governor Sloan and
General Duncan, Who
Commands U. S. Troops.
Enthusiast for Ensilage.
The Omaha llee of Thursday,
in speaking of one of Cass coun
ty's prominent farmers and stock
men, says: "Oscar II. Allen of
Wabash, Neb., who is one of the
constant patrons of the South
Omaha market and was there yes
terday with a large consignment,
is an ardent advocate of ensilage
feeding. lie has his big farm
equipped wit It immense silos. He
brought to the market yesterday
100 head of spayed heifers, on
which he bad put a gain of 310
pounds per head in 100 days'
feeding, livers A Co. had bought
these heifers for Mr. Allen and
sold them for him at a big profit,
lie also had in a car of hogs and
the same firm sold them at the
top of the marketp price, $0.15
Majority of Speakers Advocate Defea'
of Measure Representative Prouty
Prouty of Iowa, in Hit Maiden
Speech, Opposes Reciprocity Bill.
Washington, April 21 State ant:
party affiliations were broken repeat
edly in the house in the concluding
hours of the fight on the Canadiai.
reciprocity hill. Democrats denounced
the fellow Democrats for supporting a
Republican protective principle, and
Republicans hurled criticism against
their fellow Republicans for marching
with the Democrats toward the tret
trade goal.
During tho seven hours of debate
twenty-four men spoke on the reel
procity measure. Two thirds of them
made pleas for its defeat in speeches
of from one minute to a half hour In
length. In this number were two Dem
ocrats from North' Carolina and Re
publicans trom many of the northern
Most of the criticisms of the bill
were from agricultural sections aiut
based on tho belief that reciprocity
wilh Canada under the agreement
would injure the agricultural Interests
of tho United States.
Differences in the North Carolina
delegation, all Democrats, were visor
ously aired on the floor. Representa
tive Webb stiid that Claude Kitchin
who oncned th reciprocity fight last
Friday, had no right to criticise him
or other members of the state delesa
tlon who proposed to vote against the
reciprocity treaty. Kitchin had nc
cased him of standing with the Repub
lican stand put leaders, but he said he
could with equal justice accuse Kitch
in of having worked with these same
Republican leaders in the past.
Temperite words from the prcsid
lug officer, Sherley (Ky.), brought
from Webb the statement that he had
no personal feeling against Kitchin
but that four members of the state
delegation proposed to vote against
the agreement because they believe 1
It wns opposed to Democratic Ideas.
The Minnesota delegation also broke
ou the rocks of reciprocity.
Prouty Makes Maiden Speech.
Offering an amendment to reciproc
ity tt 1 1 which provides for placing on
the free nianulai tiiied articles to
compensate the agricultural Interests
of the country, Representative Prouty
(la.) made his maiden speech in the
house1 in opposition to the proposed
I'.nreement us swbmiited by tho ways
und means comniitU
"Tills treaty," said Prouty, "compels
the farmei to sell his products In com
petition Canada, but compels hi n
to buv in a protected market. Th;:t Is
unfair to the farmer. Representing, a
I do, a fanner con-tit '.lent y, I shou'.d
lather like to hee It tried on somebody
else first. Must all these experiments
be tried on the fanner' I think it i:.
time to try them on somelmdy else.'
Prouty ''aid there were some things
In the propos-.d fanner free list Li!!
offered by tha Democrats for which h--rould
vole, but there eio some thing-,
in it which he must oppose.
"This bill," he continued, "which
they have dcdpnated as Ihc 'farmers
f-(e list hill,' puts on tu tree lis) beef
veal, mutton, lamb, pork and all kinds
of meat. This would throw the Amer
i.'an farmer Into direct competition
not merely v'.th Crnada, hut with
Meviio, Argentina and oilier countries
:.o'.ith of us, where everyone know?
animals are raised lor than hall
f the cost In the I'-aHed States."
rioi-ty's ar.ieiidiiK nt wmld Includi
r.'inr, p:(Uing products nn.l many oth
er nuinul'tietarcd articles.
!.''','.' . ..-
by American I'resi AasucUtlun.
Devera Flattered by Charge anil
Wishes it Were True.
Vlterbo, Italy. April 21 Perez Do-
vera, accused of being the head of the j
Camorra in Porto Capuana, a district
of Naples, contributed to the enter
tainment of the audience In the court
of the assizes with a humorous touch
that came as a relief alter the agoniz
ing exhibitions of those who had pre
ceded him on the stand.
The prisoner admitted frankly he
was Haltered that the august court,
the learned prosecutor and the honor
able carabineers imagined him to be a
personage of such distinction. The
truth, however, compelled him to con
fess that he was the most ordinary
sort of a creature, lie spoke in mock
gravity, winding ftp his speech thus:
"I deny every allegation made
against me. I know nothing of the
murder of Oennaro Cuoocolo and the
beautiful Sorrentina. It is said that I
was the head of the Camorra of Porto
Capuana. Alas, no; I wishjhat I had
heen, hut, honestly, 1 never was the
1 ead of anything."
The stato does not accept Devera
at his own estimate. It Is alleged that
he is a dange rous man nnd so high In J
the councils of the Camorra that he
was one of those who condemned
Cuoccolo to death.
De Lucia, another of those said to
have sat In Judgment on the treach
ery of Cuoccolo, said he wns not con
nected with the Oarirra.
A iSiiecial (airiestiondent. ) !
Willie Props! and his cousin,
l.iuelh Mahom-y of Uavelock, j
went to I'lalttmoiith Monday
Ir. and Mrs. Will Davis of
Omaha spent Ka.-ter with Mrs. W.
R. Murray.
Mrs. W. T. Richardson enter
tained the Ladies' Aid society
Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Vallery
spent Kaster with Mr. II. W. Liv
ingston and family.
Misses Kva Porter, Edna and
Vera Piopst attended the enter
tainment given at Murray Satur
day evening.
Hev. A. K. Watchell made a
business trip to Stella, Neb., Mon
day, returning home Wednesday
Miss Lenora Snyder and her
brother, Andrew, spent Sunday at
the home of Oscar Oapen.
Mrs. George Homer and son,
Oeorge, are spending this week
visiting friends in Murray.
A number of the farmers are
busy hauling I heir grain to the
markets and Mynard this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Porter and
daughter,' Miss Eva, ate their
Easier dinner wilh Frank Rarlow
and family of near Murray.
Mrs. Yost and children, Gilla
and Dewey returned Monday even
ing from Nebraska City, where
they spent Sunday with relatives.
Miss I.inelle Mahoney of Uave
lock spent a few days this week
with Robert Propst and family,
reluming home Tuesday morn
Mr. W. T. - Richardson and
daughter, Miss Vhene, went to
Omaha Sunday evening ami spent
Monday visiting the wholesale
houses, purchasing goods for
Mr. Richardson's store.
. Wayne Props! , w ho was injured
by his gun exploding, is getting
along nicely,
Harry Heulon of Missouri Val
ley, Iowa, who has been visiting
with relatives near Mynard, re
turned home Thursday.
(iillispie & Snyder shipped a
car of stock to the Smith Omaha
market Tuesday.
Miss Grace Eight entertained
the following at dinner Sunday:
Misses Lota Lair, Robin and Flor
ence Richardson, Huenila Porter
and Messrs. Giles Lair and Will
Richardson, jr.
-eft .
Simplest, Safest, Surest j
vaccination for thi prevention (
Jvat little pill to be placed under the akin of
the animal by a aingle thrust of the inairuraeoc
For a limited time we will give to any atoek
man an lnecior free with hia first purchase t
100 vacclnationa.
PARKE, DAVIS & CO., Manuf'g Chemist,
F. 6. FR1GKE & GO.
Call or writ for tree booklet.
County, Nebraska, as surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, and to further en
join you and each of you from hav
ing or claiming any right, title or iu
terest therein, and for "costs of suit.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 22d day of May, 1911, or ttw
prayer of said petition and the fact
therein stated will be taken as true,
and judgment rendered acocrdlngty
against you and each of you.
Adolphus F. Linton.
Adolphus F. Linton, Trustee
Phoebe Rebecca E. E. Linton.
Charle S. Linton.
Fryda S. Blessing.
Concrete Walks at Cemetery.
Guy McMaken has been en
gaged for the past few days put
ting in concrete walks in family
lots at the cemetery, which wilt
add much beauty to the surroundings.
I hereby announce myself as
candidate for the nomination of the
oftlce of sheriff, subject to the de
clslon of the voters at the coming
primary. 1 ask them to place me In
nomination on the democratic ticket
D. C. Rhodcn.
Mr. A. J. l'orgrave returnee
from St. Joseph tins morning
where he has been visiting his
brother for a few days. Mr. For
grave saw the baseball season
open in the Missouri town yes
terdav ami witnessed a league
Enactrd hy Aged
Near Muscatine, la.
Mustntine. la., A pi II 21. Pete
llahn, a,?'d sixty, limner, shot and sc
rlnasly wounded his girl wife, afin
iwetily one, and then totally woundet
himself at their home, three mllei
'rum here, ou the river toad.
The hhootinn Is the tragic ctilmlrtn
Hon or a romance, in wnirit out asr
out youth played the lend Ins rolcR.
Il:thn ties dying in Dellcvue hos
p'.lal here, while Mrs. llahn lien in t
eiious condition In the same Instltii
tlon. She is expettd to recover
The att'-mpted murder and sulcUb
tonit'S nt the end of eiRht years oi
married life, for llahn married the
111 when she wux only thirteen years
of nmv Thcv have never aurced. she
li.tvlm; the t:ites of a young ulrl nnd
1 e those of H! old llllin.
Tluuich thev have two children
huth of whom witnessed the shootlnic
their home h,is heen the scene- vt
tvouhle day in and day out. Mrs. llahn
cava her I" ed hits always abused
her As xhe niew older she has re
seated t!v;Htnnt more and more
had cotiMt'cVi'd herself little better
than a the past two years ie ran
.ovny a unrulier of times.
Speyer and Miller Elected Directors.
New York, April 21. The gap left
in tho Missouri Pacific directorate by
the resignation of Kuhn, Ixieh & Co.'a
representatives, when George Could
forced the election of n. K. Bush ai
president of the road, was filled with
the selection of James Speyer of th
banking firm of Speyer & Co., and II.
I. Miller, receiver of the Buffalo and
Susquehanna railway.
Dives From Engine; Saves Lad.
Boston. April 21. Frank A. Ken
nedy, an engineer on the Boston, Re
vere Beach and Lynn railroad, dived
from the rah of his engine Into the
water at Fast Boston and saved the
life of Joseph Magrath, aRed seven,
who had heen hurled from the bridge
al the foot of Havre street by the
In Hie I list t iet Court of Caws County,
Adolphus F. Linton, trustee;
Adolphus F. Linton, Phoebe Re
becca E. E. Linton, Charles S. Lin
ton and Fryda S. Blessing,
John II. Painter, trustee, and the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees and
next of kin of Grler C. Orr, de
deceased, and the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees and next of kin
of James E. Brown, deceased,
To John H. Painter, trustee, and the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatee)
and next of kin of Grler C. Orr, de
ceased, and the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees and next of kin of
James E. Brown, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 27th day of
March, 1911, the above named plain
tiffs filed their petition lu the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, the
object and prayer of which Is to quiet
title in said plaintiffs as against said
defendants and each of them, to the
following described real estate, to
wlt: The East half (E.V4) of the
Southeast quarter (S. E. M ) of Sec
tion twenty-seven (27), Township ten
(10), Range twelve (12), In Cass
Mrs. Charles Mcl'hearson, ac
companied by Mrs. Plumber and
little son, returned to Omaha this
afternoon, after visiting Mrs. Me
Phearson's mother, Mrs. Rennie,
for a short time.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Dispondcnt, Turns on Ga.
Omaha. April 21.--Despondent ovei
her continued ill hes'.th. Miss Ieah
Mills, n well known Omaha dentist,
"iiiled her lite by inhaling gas.
Croup Remedy Fatal to Babe.
Deshler. Neb.. April 21. Kllhu, the
two-year-old eon of Cyrus Hunt, died
from drinking vnpo cresolene. He se
cured a bottle kept as a croup rem'
edy. . The doctor wns called, but could
rio nothing.
American League.
At Chlcano: n il R.
Chicago 0 3000000 03 4 4
Detroit 0 1 00 2 1 1 0 16 13 2
Walsh Sullivan ; I afltte Stanage.
At Cleveland: R.H.B.
Cleveland 0 10200000 03 9
St lMils 0000 00 003 14 6 1
Knapp Smith: Powell Clarke.
National League.
At St. l.ouis: R.H.B.
Chicago 4 1 0 0 1 1 2 009 9 2
St. IuIr 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 05 10 6
Pflexter Archer; Golden-Bresnahan.
At Pittsburg: R.H.B
Pittsburg 01 2 6 0000 9 11 3
Cincinnati 0000000101 8 1
Cumnltr. Gibson; McQuitlen Clarke.
Do you want an
If you do, get one who"has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rates
pring Summer Bates!
on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to September; still lower
general basis of $r0.00 on certain dates in June and July. General excursion
basis to Tortland, Seattle. $60.00 on certain dates in May ana aauy irom June
to September; still lower general basis of $.r0.00 on certain dates in June and
July; $15.00 higher to include ShaBts Route. Usual diverse routes and stopover
privileges. The tour of the Coast is the world s greatest ranroau journey.
YELLOWSTONE PARK."-V&n now a summer tour of this wonderland. All
kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways; also per
sonally conducted camping tours through Cody.
BIG HORN MOUNTAINS The resorts of this delightful region near Sher
idan and Thermopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist patronage. Send
for special publication.
CNLORADO AND ROCKY MOUNTAlNS-Vaia popular Bummer rates to
Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Sand for Etttt Park bookltt.
with me, and lete send you any or our publications, l-oio-
. 1. II . . . ft rt . M I iVnllrtii. atAna
raao nana uook, uig iiorn nvauris. ieinniwi.
jrark," 'Tacific Coast Tours."
R. W. CLEMENT. Ticket Agent.
L. W. WAKELY.Cieneral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb
fiiiiirrrr ti nj