The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1911, Image 3

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WhlllliltW tar j 111 m arf
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Jerats Will Kit Hecjpza Ssp-
A 1
irate (kgasiizaiu
Igive eastern men of science a first
TAFT RFFfT TPF R APT-7" haml fco,mt of hi recent discoveries
lAll lll-OLIl 1 0 IliL.II MUliw.i which, he stated, have aroused inter-
est in learned circles throughout the
. . ... , A , world
Mjecton of Proposition Coea Not In , Among the Mnounced was a
dude Ceciaion to Give Faction L: llnk )n th chan of rea80ning estab
Number of Place Than They Weri lishin the laws of evolution of the
Entitled To. solar system, Rhowing that the planets
originally were small bodies forming
Washii gton, April 22. Formal do , at a great distance front the sun and
BiMids made by insurgent Kepubbc.iD that their masses have been increased
wnators that they be recognlxed a by gathering up all manner of lesser
tin organization distinct from t!. . .-.e todies from meteorites to satellites-
publican majority of the senate and
tbat they be given one-fourth of all
of the majority membership of the
committees and control of these as
signments were rejected by a vote of
4 to 7 at a meeting of the senate com
mittee on committees.
Representatives of the regular Re
publican organization in the senate
determined to check the insurgents'
demands after it was learned Presi
dent Taft resent" the Insurgent attl
tude In oppos'n ; policies recommend
fd by him and their putUn; barriers
in the way of his renomlnatlon for the
presidency In 1912. That this tvas
the real reason for the -widening of
the breach between regulars and in
rorgents was freely stated by some of
tbe majority members.
That the insurgent members of the
wommittee d'd not bolt is said to be
due to the fact that the rejection of
the proposition submitted did not car
ry with It a decision to give this fac
tion a less number of places than they
were entitled to In accordance with
tselr number, which Is about one In
surgent to four regulars. The action
of the majority, it was said, was in
tended merely as a declaration that
the dominant faction would not recog
nize a minority of the party as having;
rights under a separate organization.
After the committee meeting both
the regular and Insurgent forces went
into session. Plans were made for
renewed hostilities today, when as
signments will be offered to Insur
-ents as individual senators.
National League.
At Philadelphia: R.H E.
Philadelphia ... .2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 1
Kew York 0 00000 00 00 1 0
Moore-Dooin; Crandall-Myers.
At St. Louis- R.H.B
Chicago 0 1020210 06 10 1
St. Louis 1 0000000 01 7 C
Brown Archer; Sallee Bresnahan.
At Brooklyn: R.H.E
Boston 2 1 0 00 0 0 5 19 13 5
Brooklyn 0 0 1 01 0 0 0 35 8 '
Purdue-Graham; Bell-Rrwln.
American League.
At New York: R.H.E.
"Washington 1000000 01 4 0
Kew York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 6 1
Groome-Street; Ford-Sweeney.
At Cleveland: R.H.E.
Cleveland 3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 6 9 0
Pt. Louis 0 0 0 03 2 0 005 8 3
Blandlng Smith; Hamilton Clarke.
At Boston: R.H.E.
fcoston 1 2105031 13 17 2
Philadelphia ..0 000202004 83
Cicotte Carriean; Coombs Lapp.
Western League.
At Omaha: R.H.E.
Omaha 0 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 6 7 1
l)es Moines 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 04 8 4
Keeley-Gonding; Owens-Da chant.
At Lincoln: R.H E.
Uncoln 0 0300001 3 9 1
Denver 0 0100001 02 9 0
Ktiapp Strntton; Kinsella MeMurrny
At St. Joseph: R II E
Pioix City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 3
SH. Joseph 00 0 01240 7 9 1
Wilson-Miller; JohnsonCoe.
At Wichita: R.H B.
Topeka 0 0010000 1-2 9 3
Wichita 20010033 9 13 1
Reedier Kerns; Jackson-Shaw.
Closing Quotat'ons on the flui'aya
Board of Trade.
Chicago, April 21. Closing prices:
Wheat May, 9i)(Fi 90,ic; July, 8S
MKc; Sept., 87'4c
Corn May, 50"!&51c; July, 51c.
Oats May, 3l!c; July. 317Nc.
Pork May, $15.50; July. $14.80.
Lard May, $7.87i; July. $7.97',i.
Ribs-May. $8.47$: July. $8.00.
Chicago Cosh PricesNo. 2 hard
wheat, 9O0 92c; No. 2 corn, 51
tl'4c; No. 2 oats, 32fj32! jc
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, April 21. Cattle Rece!pia,
3,000; strong; beeves, $3.13i6.G;;
western steers, $4 80(3.73; Blockers
and feeders, $4.005.70; cews and
heifers. $2.657 5.10; culves, $!.?." 3.50.
Hogs Receipts, 16.000; stiong; light.
$5.95 (fi 6.30; mixed, $3.75'? C.30; heavy.
$5.706.20; rough, $'.70r5.90; p!gs:
$5.90416.25: bulk, $6.10(6.20. Sheep
Receipts, 7.000; natives, $3.004.70;
westerns, $3.15(? 470; yearlings, $4.30
C5.25; lambs, $1.50fi6.25.
South Omaha Live fticV..
South Omaha, April 21. Cattle -.He
eipts, COO; steady; beef steers f5U0
fi6.10; cows and heifers, $4SP0tt,
talves, $4.0tftS.75; bulls, llOOf
Hogs Receipts, 7,000; 5c Mhv;
heavy, $3.70(5.80; hulfhers, ft lft
5 90; light, $5.90j i.00. rihfpft.
relpts, 6,000; 15c lower; ewes, U 10
4 26; wethers, $4.10fjt4 5O; 'f.mU,
$4 2566.20.
Pro'essnr See Ha$ New Theory of Cre
ation of Planets.
Philadelphia. April 22. Liscoverles
In cosmical evolution, leading to tl-ts
development ot an entiuiy new sci
enre, the scietu o of cosmogony, were
.announced to t!ie American PI ilosoph-
.announced to the American PI ilosc
annual mcetm
, Professor T. J. J. S.' government
tronomer in rharje of the naval ob
servatory at Mare Island, Cal., who
'said he had ttaveled 3 OoO miles to
Collisions In this nebular resisting me
dium have reduced the size of the ortg
lnal orbit9 Immensely and made them
such exact circles that the Greeks be
lieved the Deity has set the planets re
volvlng In round orbitg because the
circle Is a perfect figure. These col
lisions which have rounded up the
planetary orbits and brought thtf
satellites nearer their several planets
have also indented the face of the
moon and given rise to large craters,
which were formerly believed to be
volcanic, but are now proved to be
due to the Impact of satellites against
the lunar surface. .
Professor See laid especial stress
on the proof now deduced that plane
tary systems, similar to our own, re
volve about all the fixed stars and that
these planets are habitable and Inhan
Ited like our planets, which revolve
about the sun. He said life was a
perfect general phenomenon in the
universe and that living beings exist
wherever a star twinkles In the depths
of space.-
County Commissioners Will Sub
mil $100,000 Proposition.
Central City, Neb., April 22. At
the meeting of the Merrick county
board of supervisors the proposition
of building a new court house was
definitely determined upon, an archi
tect retained and a call Issued for a
special elec tion. Tills matter has been
In ferment for several months, and It
was after going over the details at
several meetings and exhaustive in
vestigation of the plans followed in
other counties that a conclusion was
finally reached.
The date of the special election has
been fixed for May 31, and a bond is
sue of $100,0011 will be voted upon at
fiat time. It will provide that the
bonds s'liill draw 4 per cent ml shall
be advertised and sold to the highest
bidder The bonds will provide :nr
payment of $3,000 eweri year frcr.ii t'i
first, so that the entire Issue nay t;e
taken up In twenty years.
County Commissioners Will Meet
Tuesday to Award Contract.
Broken Bow, Nob., April 22. Ti'e
county bupervisors will meet next
week i'or the purpose of awaniin? t ie
contract for building the new court
house. No bids will lie received aiter
that date and It is pretty certain the
board will wacte no time over select
lug the contractor, as It. Is particular
ly anxious that ground slia'l be broken
us quickly as possible and the woik
he well under way by the beginning ol
summer Contracting firms from vari
ous parts of the country have re
ceived plans and specifications after
depositing the uhmiiI sum us an evi
dence of good faith.
Prisoner Throws Glass Eye on Floor.
Vitf-rbo. Italy. April 22. Of all Hie
mitli'i's ndoiWd l.y the t'ainonlst
pri oners to e:;clte sympathy or im ite
a riot, none surpassed In noveity and
en" i ( ihem -ss that of (iactanc Kspsito,
who, at the end ol a mad hariin.e,
toie a glnss eye from his had and,
hurling it at the feet of the president,
stamped the coin t room. Then he fell
in u taint and President Hianclil nits
pended the sitting. From the steel
cages the prisoners sho ited, cried and
Fatal Auto Accident at Council Bluffs.
Council Illuffs, April 22. James E.
Mott was Instantly killed and his
brother-in-law, J. E, Galloway, painful
ly injured, when an automobile driven
Pt high speed crashed Into a switch
nglne on the Northweslern crossing
at Fifth avenue and Twelfth street.
Mott was thrown under the wheels of
the engine, his life being crushed out
Instantly. Calloway was badly cut and
bruised. Roth men were farmers, re
siding nenr Silver City. Galloway,
who owned the machine, was driving It.
Omaha Policeman Shot.
Omaha, April 22. Shot through the
left arm by the partner of a man he
had attempted to arrest, Patrolman
Edward Rrlnkman missed Instant
death by a scant four inches at Six
teenth and California streets. Ills as
sailant, a suspected pickpocket and
two companions, escaped and are be
ing sought by the entire police force
-f the elty.
lower BoCy Dechres for Meas
ure, 264 to 89.
Measure Goes Through in Same Form
as Reported From Co.nmittee and Is
Practically Identical Yvith Bill Sub
mitted at Last Session.
Washington. April 22. President
Taft's Canadian reciprocity agree
ment, supported by all but a handtul
of Democrats and opposed by a ma
jority of the Republicans, passed the
bouse of representatives by a vote of
265 to 89.
The measure went through in
the form In which it was reported
from the committee. The bill, which
has President Taffs entire approval,
practically is identical with that sub
mltted at the last session.
The bill seeks to put into effect the
formal agreement reached between
President Taft and members of the
Canadian cabinet for a reduction of
tariff rates on many articles and free
trade In nianv others across the Cana
dian border.
Added to it by the Democratic lead
ers is a section which "authorizes
and requests" President Taft to make
further efforts to secure still freer
trade relations with Canada, in the
form of additional reciprocal relations.
Ten Democrats voted against the
bill on Its passage, while 197 Demo
crats voted for it. As In the case
when the bill passed at the preceding
session, a majority of the Republicans
were found against it, the party vote
being fi7 for and 78 opposed.
Amendments Voted Down.
An amendment offered by Repre
sentative Martin (S. D), to put fresh
meats on the free list, was defeated
overwhelmingly. Only ten minutes'
debate was allowed on the amendment.
Six days of debate on the bill came
to. an end with the speeches of the
three leaders in the fight Re resenta
tives Underwood (Ala), McCull
(Mass.) and Lalzell (Pa.).
McCall urged the Republican mem
hers from the northwestern border
states to support the reciprocity agrer?- j whch ,g t() work regulnr,y and the
ment. Any attempt to tack a new free , olllr for durl tnp tumnwr monthJ
st onto the reciprocity bill as annh. T,. mn P Mr.
intendment, he continued, would com- j c,H,n of Unlv(,rf,i)y rl(l(.ei wlll For,)()9
Pletely upset the whole reciprocity j of thu cty Gt01.gfl j . T,10Inu8 of Unl.
agreement. j v,.rsi,v VViXVP NoKley of Ansley
In a (lnal attack on the bill Dahell ; HmI , n MiUor or A,ma
(Pa.) declared the agreement had, , . . , . , .
been made without authority of law. . ln9Pects Irrigation Districts.
Palzoll tailed the agreement a Stnt fcsineer Price left for a trip
-bunding piece of st itesmanMp." ' t0 ,h. western part of tbe state,
He characterized it as an "open. ' wlu'rf' 1,fi wil1 ""lect the entire irri-rvow-i
fr-e trade nieasue," and said Etlon section, lielore leaving, Engl
its pansnse would threaten the whole, ''' l'i,-' received word that the
ro'icy of protection t American n-1 I'lft'P river Is lower than UHiial at this
rt-jftry, ! time of year, but has assurance from
' Heralding the era of honest rompe. j government engineers that on account
tit'on." Representative Underwood o( a larKe amount of snow in the moun
fA'a.l. chairman of the ways and ' 1:1,1,8 ,1,,,rH Indications that the
me-ns committee, closed the debate. ! supply of w''r for irrigation purposes
The ena.tment of the reciprocity
MM Into law. he sail, would mark the.
end of the period of "exclusion" In
the economic policy of the country In
nofar as customs laws affect Industrial
Mrs. Taft occupied a seat in the
executive Rallery.
Chio Delegst'on In Congress Bsgins
Work for Governor.
Washington, April 22 The Ohio
Democratic d legation in congress,
niter stunning the political horizon
to the east and to the went, derided to
go to work In earnest for Governor
Judson Harmon, their c ;n!idate for
the presldei'tlal nomination In 1012.
That Mr. Ibumon will have fornild
able rivals was conceded by every
body a', a con! erence, which Included
Senator Potnerene, Lieutenant Gov
ernor Nichnlls and tho sixteen Demo
crats of the Ohio delegation In the
"Don't overlook Kryan," cautioned
representative Cox when the liar
mon boomers began to weigh the pros
vie ts of Champ Clark of Missouri and
Governor Wilson of New Jersey to de
termine from which of the gentlemen
they had most to fear. It is said that
the majority of those present thought
Speaker Clark was the one to look out
for Just now.
House Will Inquire Into Rights of Em
ployees to Organize Unions.
Washington, April 22. An Investi
gation of the civil service system has
been ordered by the house committee
on reform In the civil service. It Is
the purpose of the committee to In
vestlgate the question of the rights of
civil service employees to organize
unions and to Inquire into charges
that the service has degenerated Into
an Institution of favorites. Cabinet
officers probably will be compelled to
attend as witnesses.
President Taft Is requested In a res
olution Introduced In the house to fur
nish to congress an explanation of the
resignation of David Jayne Hill as
ambassador to Germany. The resolu
tion Is a Joint effort of Representative
Lever of 8onlh Carolina and Ilrantley
of Georgia, and is based on reports
that Dr. Hill In the potash controversy
Incurred the president's displeasure.
Motorists Escape Serious Injury.
Kearney, Neb., April 21. An auto
mobile driven by George Iiser am'
containing Sheriff James DunkN
John Sink and Harry Bernstein c'
Oram! Island, en route home after ;
trip to North Platte, skidded on th.
streets here, turned completely around
broke the rear wheel and threw thi
occupants into the street. Two of th.
men were badly bruised, but the ot'.i
era were un'virt.
Deputy Food Commissioner Says
They Must Be Gleaner,
State Engineer Price Goes on Tour of
Inspection of Irrigation District.
Western Union Reports Called in
Lincoln. April 22. That certain res
taurants in this city and Omaha must
clean their premises wlthlu the near
future or suffer prosecution was the
statement made by Chief Deputy Food
Commissioner Jackson In an address
before a Wesleyan university club.
Mr. Jackson asserted that at the pres
ent time the standard of restaurants Is
80mewhat higher than In the past, but
gay8 tnat are 80me whlch (aI1
.considerably below the mark. The
new demands being made by his de
partment, he declares, are meeting
with compliance by restaurant men
In general, but there are still some
which, he says, have considerable
room for Improvement, in the opinion
of the food commissioner there are
two kinds of restaurants the very
good and the very bad. The chief
matters with which the commissioner
finds fault are the sinks and refriger
ators of eating places and the floors
and wal's of their kitchens.
Commissioner Jackson says that he
has up to date Inspect h about three
fourths of the restaurants In Omaha
and the same proportion in this city.
Five Food Commissioners.
Governor Aldrich made announce
ment of the appointment of five food,
dairy and drug commissioners, one of
w"l ot be diminished over former
Litigation for Western Union.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany, It is said, will have suits filed
against it In seve'ul counties of the
state, due to Its fat re to report its
gross receipts. County assessors It;
Seward, Ijincaster and several other
counties, it. is said, have applied lor
the information, but have been re
fused. Secretary Seymour of the state
board of assessments has written to
the various county . assessors tellinn
them that the statement is specifically
required, and If the company refuses
to comply with the law urges county
officials to take such action as their
county attorne ys m deem best.
Mrs. D. J. Wood of Ellis Elected Presi
dent of District Convention.
Heat rice, Neb., April 22 The dis
trie t convention of tho Woman's For
eign Missionary society closed with
the election of these officers: Presi
dent, Mrs. I). J. V'ood ol Kills; first
vice president, Mr.-i. Harry Shelley o."
I'.eatrlce; second vice president, Mrs
S. A. Cramb.of Falrbnry; correspond
Ini; secretary. Mrs. H. J. Yeakle of
Falrbury; recording secretary, Mrs
Mary Nlda of Hebron; superintendent
of children's work, Mrs. Forest Hart.
I t of Dlller; superintendent of youn-'
people's work, Mrs. Clara Raymfl ol
During tho business session encour
aging reports of the work were sub
mltted, after which addresses were
made by Miss Troutman of IJneoln
Miss Cora Simpson, a returned nils
sionary from China, and others.
Otto Graiiim, president of the hoard
of trustees of the University of Wy
omlng whose resignation was de
manded by Governor Carey short l
after the Inauguration of that official
last January, resigned.
A blind horse kicked his war
through two big plate glass windows
of a Jewelry store at the corner of
Maiden Lane and Hrcsdway, New
York, and sent $200,000 worth of din
monds in the window flying Into the
Charging that Mrs. Lucy McIaurIi
lln stole nr umbrella a few nights
rgo as they were sitting up with the
body of a friend, Mrs. Eliza Munday of
Rvansvllle had her arrested.
Bill Changed His Opinion After a Talk j
With His Wife.
Old Rill Shiftless wandered in the
other ly to talk a little polities, says
the OslM.rue (Kan.) Farmer. Kill is
aoineu h..t Interested In the woman suf
frage movement, lie is for it good :r d
strong. Hill says; "My wife has as
uiui h right to vote as I have. She does
half the work and owns half of every
thing and should have as much say as
1 have. Of course the old woman
would also vote as 1 told her to, lut
that makes no difference. It would
give me duulde power, and the Iortl
knows us poor people have little
enough to say now about the way
things are run. Then, liesldes, I want
the old lady to have all the pleasure
she cau get out of this world."
That night old Kill was talking the
question over with his wife. She said
she would like to get a chance to vote
the dlstlllerleH off the face of the earth.
Kill flared up in a minute.
"That's Just the way with the wom
en!" yelled Kill. "Give them half a
chance and they would ruin every
thing. l.ook at the poor peopl around
here who can't afford a doctor or to
buy medicine. If they can keen a lit
tle liquor lu the house it saves many
a sick spell. W omen have all they cau
Co to look after things around the
house without chasing off and voting."
'lhen old Kill chased himself to IkhI
and left Mrs. Shiftless to bring in a
bucket of coal and get klndllug for the
Pathetio Picture of the Great Beau
In His Dacedence.
We are more f uulllar with the pic
ture of Kenu Krummel in the days of
his prosperity than in his decadence.
Here Is a pathetic glimpse of the last
phase at Caen, when the old man's
mind had begun to give way under the
accumulated stress of penury and in
gratitude: "Sometimes he thought he ought to
give a party, so he would arrange the
apartment, set out the candles and get
tho house attendant to be with lilin.
At 8 o'clock this man would open tho
door of the room and announce 'the
Duchess of Devonshire.' At the sound
of this name Krummel would rise from
his chair and greet the cold air from
the staircase as though It were the
beautiful duchess herself, making his
most courtly bow ami saying: 'Ah,
my dear duchess, how rejoiced 1 am
to Nee you so very amiable of you at
this short notice! Pray, bury yourself
In this armchair! Do you know, It was
a gift to me from the Duchess of York,
who was a very kind friend of mine;
but. poor thing, hIio Is now no more.
Then, his eyes filling with tears, he
would sink Into bis chair, looking va
cantly Into the tire until Lord Alvan
ley, Lord Allen, the Duke of Keiiufort
or Nome other old friend was ushered
lu. At 10 the attendant announced the
carriage of each Invisible visitor, and
tills ghostly party would conclude."
London (iruphlc.
Auction Selling In Japan.
Sealed bids are used lu auctioning
property In Japan. There Is no shout
ing. The auctioneer announces to the
audience that be has such and such
a piece of property for sale and In
vites bids. Those who wish to bid
write their bids and names on slips of
paper. The paper Is folded and placed
In a box. When the auctioneer sees
no mure bids coming he opens the box
and soils out tbe bids. The highest
bid takes the property. It Is like a
bond sale no one knows what his
neighbor bids. If n bidder Is anxious
to get the property he will hot put In
a small offer. On (he contrary, he
will very likely bid all the property is
worth. I'or this reason an owner nev
er puts up his properly for auction
unless ln wants to sell II. New York
A Fmiu Dreer.
Joiichlm MuiMt whs In his d.iy the
best dressed nnin In the world. Horn
In 17H" In a village near Culiois, the
son of a ibiv laborer, he was sent to a
Jesuit school to be educated for the
priesthood, lie ran a way. Joined I he
nriiiy. ii 1 1 I sixteen years after he had
become a lieutenant be was a field
marshal, Duke of ("leveand I '.erg, with
Napoleon's sister. Caroline, as his wife,
and. finally, by the grace of bis brother-in-law.
was created king of Naples.
In all stations he paid Hie closest at
tention to bis attire and wore in bat
tle gold embroidered and Jeweled uni
forms which would have made him
conspicuous at a court function and
dressed himself n for s review when
he was led forth to be shot. New
York Tribune.
"Life Is fsr from being nuuiotonou
at the Twlller home."
"How Is that?"
"The family pets Include a bulldog,
a est and a globe of goldfish, the prob
lem being to keep the bulldog from kill
ing the eat and the cat from catching
the goldfish. "-Klniiinghani Age-Her-lid.
Careful About Himself.
Iluslnuid -I say. how many I's in bil
ious? Wife -One, of course. You told
me how to spell It yesterday when 1
was writing. Husband -Ah. but I'm
writing now, and that makes nil the
difference.- London Punch.
Tragedian - My parents tried hard to
keep me from becoming nil actor.
Comedian I c-oiiunituhite them on their
The hate which we all bear with the
most pntlcm e Is the hate of those who
envy tts.-Cottou.
Perils That Come With Managing
Thai Vicious Animalt.
I asked Captain Kunavita once wbat
he considered his most dangerous mo
ment wheu he performed with hts.
twenty-seven lions. He said that be
thought it was when he first entered
the arena. The moment before, whea
he had to drive this great herd of lions
iu, was almost as bad, but the first
few minutes when the crowd of lion
entered were terribly uncertain and.
undoubtedly the most dangerous.
in the first place, with such a crowd
there was the danger of being pushed
or knocked down. Then there was the
danger of tripping among them ot cot
stepping on their tails, for many t
them would He down and roll over
over as a preliminary to the perform
ance, and if he were not struck fcy
their feet he was Just as likely to fc
struck across the face or bodr wttfc
their strong, ropelike tails.
In getting them into their place
there was also considerable daifti
for In such a crowd It Is difficult to
treat each animal according to its f
culiar idiosyncrasies, and a flick ot th
whip iuteuded for one lion who wctuli
be fairly Indifferent to it is likely to
be caught by another to whom It will
mean Instant revolt. In any sort at
revolt the whole number wlll alwaj.
side with the one that caused it. EUe
Velvln In MeClure's.
An Incident That Show How Clataly
They Were Watched.
During the reign of Emperor Napo
leou I. ut a dinner lu Paris the convert
satlon turned uMu the emperor and
his government. One of the company
remarked that he was a great man,
but was too fond of war. When the
party broke up a gentleman who was
present requested to speak iu private
to the person who had made that ob
servation. "Sir," said he, "I am sorry
for It, but I must request you to go
with me to the police."
"Why?" said the other In the great,
est apparent alarm. "I have said noth
ing against the emperor but what
ery one must acknowledge, that he t
too fond of war. There can be no
harm lu that."
"With that I have nothing to do.
You must go with me to tho police.''
The other now began to show the.
strongest symptoms of fear. He to
treated the police agent lu the moat
pathetic language to have compassion.
on hliu. The other, however, stood
unmoved by all his solicitation, wuea
suddenly the man lose from bis knee
and burst Into a laugh, to the utter
astonishment of the police agent.
"You think you have caught me,"
said he. "You are a spy of the police
So am I, and I was put over you to set
whether you would do your duty."
Imbeoilet' Marvelous Memory,
Some Imbeciles are endowed with,
excelleut memories and thus are en
abled to acquire n great wealth of e
perleuce. Hut, the intelligence of th
imbecile being defective, the memory
ts all lopsided. It works mechanically,
without Judgment or select ion. The
most Insignificant tiittcs are treasured
just like the most important facta.
Owing to their marvelous memory
many superior Idiots are not recog
nized as such In school, but. on the.
contrary, are considered to be very
gifted pupils. The mistake occurs es
pecially when they are good natured
and agreeable. A close examination,
shows tbat such talented idiots have;
learned everything like a phonograpJs
and reproduce other people's thoughts,
opinions and Judgments. Where such
Imbeciles are living In simple, primi
tive. Idyllic surroundings their soft
spots may pass unnoticed, but In the
severe mental strains of life In mod
ern great cities they may become th
most dangerous elements of society.-,
London Globe.
A Tribute to Garrick's Acting.
David (iiit'iick lnid a brother In tbe
country who was an Idolatrous admir
er of his genius. rich tieli.'hbor, a.
grocer, being about to visit London,
this brother Insisted on his taking a,,
idler of introduction to the actor. Not.
being able to make up his mind to
visit the great inn n the first day, the
grocer went to the play In the evening
and saw Gnrrlck In "Abel Drugger.1
On his return to the country the
brother eagerly Inquired respecting the
vWIt he bad been so anxious to bring
about. "Why, Mr. Gnrrlck." said tho
good man, "I am sorry to hurt your
feelings, but there's your letter. I did
not choose to deliver it. I happened to.
see him when he did not know me, ancV
I saw that he was such a dirty, low
lived fellow that I did not like to hnva
anything to do with him."
Where Licorice Grows.
On the banks of the Tigris nnd th
Euphrates the licorice plant is chiefly
grown. These great rivers flow through
flat, treeless prairies of uncultivated
nnd nearly uninhabited land. For
three months of the enr hot winds
blow, and the temperature reaches 10
degrees. For six months of the year
the c limate Is moderate and salubrious,
and for three months bleak and win
try, the thermometer going down to 3d
degrees at night.
. Something In the Filling.
"Do you know you can tell a maq'a,
disposition by his teeth?" asked the
girl who believes In signs, bumps and
palm reading.
"How Interesting!" said her compan
ion, who did not believe lu anything.
"Then Jack must have a golden dlspo
A Ite Is a poor substitute for Ut
truth, but what other Is there?