Children Cry for 'Fletcher's 5 71 Tho Kind You Ilavo Always iiociirM, and which lias Leon in use for over .'JO years, lias borno the slrTnattiro of and lias been inauu undT I'.. por- S-t-p- nonal Mipervlslou ninco ltsmfancy. '&icSuM Allow no or.o t, doeei vc you i:i t!i!s. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "JiiHt-as-ood" mo but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience njjuiiist Experiment. What is CASTCRIA Castorla Is a harmless nubstituto for Cantor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Hot tiling Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 31orplilnu nor Other Narcotic Mibxtancc. Its npo Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm unI allays lYveii.shiieH.s. Jt cures Diarrhoea, and AVlnd Colic. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation liiid Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates the Momaeh and lioMcls, giving healthy and nadir tl sleep. The Children's I'annccu Tho .Mother's J'llend. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of L.W if. arrived in this eity today on the ihioii train for a visit with t h -1 r par ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Hall. Miss Jo will return to Omaha tomorrow evening, while James will remain for a week or so visiting with his par ents and old-time friends. I of C. Our N. 5 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THt CCNTAUR COMPANY, YT MURRAY iTSrtT, Nf VY VODK CITY. LOCAL NEWS From Thursday's Dally Mr. I. 8. While of Murray was In the city today and dined at the Per kins house, George Snyder returned from Omaha on the noon train, having boarded the early M. 1'. train for that city today. Mr. VV. O. Schewe and Mr. Sam Cot of Murdock were delegates to the Woodman convention, coming in on the morning train. Mr. J. It. NoleR and M. Williams of Louisville were FMnt tHinout h victors today, coming as delegates to the M. W. A. convention. Mr. John MelHlnger, Jr., and wife of near Cedar Creek visited Platts njouth friends today, Mr. MelHlnger omlng in to the convention. Mr. Ale Becker of Union was a delegate to the M. W. A. convention, which met in this city today, and drovo to the county seat this fore toon. Mr. Floyd and Mr. C. D. Clapp of Klmwood were Plattsmouth lHl:ors today, Utoklug after uiihIuprh madders of lnixirtance at tho court hOUHO. Mr. Wilson Cilmnre of Mt. Ph as ot and Mr. Ceorge Tlinblln of Weep 4m Water were Plattsinouth visitors today, delegates to Hie M. W. A. con tention. Mesrs. Joe Ilnnnlng, R. H, Chap W. A. Taylor, Frank Hauer and R. Austin of Union were In tho city today as delegates to the M. W. A. invention. Mr. John Melstnger of near Voard drove In from the farm this aiornlng and hoarded the early train tor Omaha, where he was railed on touslnws of Importance. Mr. II. Maseman, Henry IVehrns unaries innzie or Avoca came Tr today to attend the M, V, A onveiKlon, to which tho first two twUlemen were delegates. Aslmry Jacks returned from Ham Vurg, Iowa on ti e morning train to- lay, bringing with him a line spocl lien of Helglan hare, which Mr. Jacks ecu nod from a Hamburg breeder of pet stock. Mr. Jacks hopes to train tu animal to drive the cows to and com the pasture this summer, and thus save a great many steps. this morning and boarded the early train for Omaha, where they looked atfer business matters for a time. (Jus Splltt, from south of town, brought In this morning 135 dozen of eggs, which he sold to II. M. Saen nlcliscn. Who says the hens are not doing their duty? Think of 135 dozen of eggs from one farmer. Mr. I. V. Uagoss and wife of Louis ville came down on No. 4 this inoriv Ing and looked after business mat ters for a few hours. While In the city Mr. and Mrs. Itagons called and renewed for the Old Reliable another year. Mrs. J. 10. Wiles. Mrs. S. A. Wiles Mrs. H. L. Propst and daughter, Miss Roberta; Mrs. Elizabeth Spangler, Mrs. W. T. Adams, Mrs. Rev. Heed and .Mrs. A. liapen constituted a delegation from the Mynard U. II. church departing for York. Nebraska this morning to attend tho missionary meeting at that place. Mi. Sarah, Mother Fellow Townsman, Schultz, Passed Away Suddenly. From Saturday's Daily. Mrs. Sarah Shultz, mother of our townsman, Mr. C. N. Schultz, died at her home in (ilt nwood very suddenly Thursday night at tho age of 87 years. Mrs. Shultz had been a suf ferer for the past five or six years from stomach trouble, but made no complaint on retiring for the night, but yesterday morning sh did not arise as usual and her son, with whom she resided, went to call her and found that his mother was dead. Mrs. Shultz was born in Penn ey l atria, where she grew to woman hood and where she was married and resided for many years and until her husband, William Shultz, died, after which she rame west w 1 th her sons and settled in Clcnwood, Iowa, over twenty years ago. Her maiden name was Miss Sarah Weber She Is survived by four sons and one sister, Alice Weber, who is mar ried and resides at Hay Springs, Ne braska. Her soii3 are: C. N. Shultz of this city, H. I), of Glenwood, Iowa; J. A. of fleaeonsvllle, Iowa, and G. O. of Des Moines. The funeral will probably occur to morrow at Glenwood and will be con duced by the pastor of the M. E. church of that city. Mr. C. N. Shultz returned to Glenwood this morning to aid his brother in mak ing arrangements for the funeral. From Friday's Dally. O. V. Virgin, from near Murray, as looking after some business mat tni In Plattsinouth today. Mr. Frank Moore of Murray was a Omaha passenger on the afternoon train today, where ho was called on fcvuincHs of importance. Mr. Will Shera and little son, Joe, won Omaha passengers on the after noon train today, where Mr. Shera was called on business. james ueiesDornier, Trom near Murray, was In the city today looking after some business matters, and w hile here called at the Journal office to renew his subscription. Mrs. Hex Noting and Miss Bessie lirendel of Murray drove up today to look after some shopping, and while ore favored the Journal office with ttieir presence for a brief period. Mrs. Itay Davis and Mrs. O. A. avis of Murray came to IMattsmouth rem Saturday's Dolly. Mr. M. HoliHcheldt and wife were Omaha pnssengers on tho morning train today, where they spent the (lay. Mr. James DellesDernler of near Murray was In Plattsinouth last evening, having been called here on business, Misses Marie and Francis Hlber spent the day In the metropolis, do- parting for the city on No. 15 this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tutt were pas sengers to Omaha on the morning train today, where they seiit the day with friends. Miss Rebecca Haines departed for Union on the morning train today. where she will spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Heuben Foster. Miss Manola Perry was an Omaha passenger on the morning train to day, where she looked after some business matters between trains. Mr. Will Oliver of near Murray drove tit from the farm yesterday afternoon and looked after some Items of business at the court house. Mrs. Mciioias f rciiiricn was an Omaha visitor today, having driven In from the farm this morning in time to eaten No. 15 for the me tropolis. Mr. Park Chrlswlsser of Dunbar, Nebraska, was an over night visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennett Chrlswlsser, departing for home via Omaha this morning, Mrs. Sam Smith went to Omaha this morning and from thence to Kansas City to meet her husband She was accompanied to Omaha by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ray Smith. Mrs. Charles Garrison and daugh ter, Miss Ruth, accompanied by Miss Octa Austin, all of Union, arrived today from Burlington Junction, Mis souri, where Mrs. Garrison has been taking treatment at the mineral springs. Mr. P. II. Melslnger and wife were In from the farm today and looked atfer the week-end shopping at the stores. Mr. Melslnger called at the Journal ofllee and renewed for the Journal, be being among our most valued subscribers. Call again, Mr. Melslnger. Miss Jo Hall- of Omaha and brother, James, of Kansas City, Mo., Itillen by Vicious Dog. This morning Chief Itainey was called to Wlntersteln Hill to slaughter a vicious dog, which at tacked and bit the little 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, ersiding on the hill, so severely that a physician had to be called to stitch up the wounds. The dog was the property of Frank Schllsky and has been a sort of nuisance In the neigh borhood for some time. Mr. Schllsky is not at home and Mrs. Schllsky did not object to the chief shooting the dog. The little girl was bitten on both knees and quite deep gashes were made by the dog's teeth. Chief lialney made short work of the beast when he went to the premises. DUE W COOK ENDORSED BY M.W. A. OFGAGE COUNTf The Beatrice Dally Sun gives an account of the Gage county M. W. A. trienniel convention, which was held In that city last Saturday, and states that Dr. Cook was endorsed for head physician. Dr. Cook has already re ceived notification of endorsement as head physician by the conventions of Uie counties named as follows: Cass, Dixon, Pierce, Gage, Custer, Wayne, Clay, Buffalo, Bed Willow, Otoe and Douglas. Ianvaster is practically for Dr. Cook, although no resolution was adopted. This certainly looks favorable for Dr. Cook, as It Is very apparent that the excellent work done by the doctor during his administration Is appreciated by the policyholders in the counties above named. And thero are many other counties yet to hear from which will no doubt send in similar resolutions. iii.tM mi i .i: iihTiucT. DKTAII.KH i : K 1 ' K T oh' , I'l'OKTIuN .Mh.Vl' 'K I NI I S nK HKSKKIT AND ,SSKSSMKNT. State of Nedrnska, haundcra and Cass C'mint Ii'H. k. To Whom It Ma.V Concern. The timli'i-siu'iicd, President and Sec retary of Ashland lruinae District, herehy certify that at a duly culled meetiiiff of the Hoard of Directors thereof, held at Ashland, Nehraska, on the lMh day of March, 1911, the fol lowing resolution u adopted by said Hoard as Hie detailed Kciioi't of Ap portionment of I'nlls of Hem-fit and Assessment In said Ashland Drainage District: , . , KKHOI.VF.n. That the Board of Di rectors of Ashland Drainage District, having heretofore, with the aid of the engineer chosen by them, made detailed plans of the public work to be done by said district under the terms of the law tinder which it Is organized, and hav linc traversed said district and carefully Inspected nil the various trai ts of land therein with the view to making h fair and Just apportionment of the units of benelit and assessment to said re Hpectie tracts according to benclits re ceived from said Improvement, and hnv Ini? apportioned one unit of assessment to each of the tracts least betielittecl, anil to each tract receiving a MTieater benefit a prenfer number of units or fraction thereof, nccordlni; to the bene fits received; and having met ut KnlKhts of Pythias "all In the City of Ashland. Saunders County, Nebraska, on the fourth day of March, 1 ! 1 1 . at the hour of ten A M., pursuant to notice published for more than one week Immediately preceding said meet ing In each of the following named newspapers, to-wlt: Wahoo Democrat, published at Wahoo, Hip county seat of Saunders County, Nebraska; Platts inouth Journal, published nt Platts inouth, the county seat of Casi County, Nebraska, and the Ashland CitcUe, published at Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska, for Die purpose of hearlnR all parties Interested In the apportion ment of benefits by reason of said dral'i nue improvement, and having heard all parlies Interested In said apportion ment of benefits by reason of said drainage Improvement who appeared before said board at said nvetlii', and at the adjourned meeting of this board on the fourteenth day of March, 1911, In person, or by counsel, or otherwise, and having heard and considered all miggesllons, nrguments and objec tions and evidence adduced by any and nil parties interested, and being fully advised In the premises, and having made said apportionment fair and Just according to benefits received from said Improvement, ami having completed the apportionment of benelils In said dis trict, said Flonril of Drectors, on thin lxth day of March, 1911, does hereby make detailed report of said apportion ment of benefits, and the total number of units of benefit In said district, and direct that said report be filed with t lie County Clerk of Saunders County, Ne braska, as follows, to-wlt; Dl-'T A 1 1,KD KKI'DIIT OF A PI'OTtTION MKNT OK I'NIT OK MK.VKKIT AND ASSKSSMKNT. Description. Units of Benefit Assessment. All real estate Is In Townshlo 12, North, icanue 9, l-'.ast of the lith Prin cipal Merldan. and Is all located In Saunders County, Nebraska, except where otherwise stated. ( Kxplanntlon; All lands and lots located in Saunders County. Nebraska, anil set out In detail In the Detailed Peport of Apportionment of I'nlts of Benefit and Assessment in said district, on tile In the ofllee of the County Clerk of Saunders Count v, Nebraska, together wllh the apportionment of units of benefit and assessment niioortloned to each said tract set oppostle the snme, are omitted from this published notice, which Is a copy of said apportionment so far as the lands and lots located In Cass Countv. Nebraska, are concerned, togetl-er with a statement of the total number of units of benefit In said district.) Section 17 In Cn County, Nebraska. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter 1 Southeast quarter of northeast quarter 1 Section IS In Cass futility, Nehrnska. Irregular tracts 1, 2 and 3, In north west quarter of northwest quarter (9 acres) 3 Northwest quarter of northwest quarter (except Irregular tracts 1, 2 and 3 Northeast quarter of northwest quarter Southwest quarter of northwest quarter Southeast quarter of northwest quarter fevcept T. Pavne fl acres Northwest quarter of northeast quarter Southwest quarter of northeast quarter Cass ('amity. XelirB-1:. Countv public Ponds and within said Drainage District.... Spring ivoiSame J - You will find an eleg-ant "X line of me drum priced hats. Large Small HATS Please call and see this line. iss lyers CKOPIESKA POTTING IH A Mr. John A. Chopieska, proprietor of the Chopie Engine factory, la in stalling a brass furnace .at the foundry and will soon have the same In good working onltr. The pros pets for a good foundry business 1n both iron and brass tire growing brighter each week. Since the successful run of last Saturday farmers and others in terested in gasoline engines have visited the factory and go away well pleased with whaf Ihey have seen. One enthusiastic farmer, residing within a few miles of Plattsniouth, stated 'that he thought the price of farm lands In this vicinity had been enhanced by the location of the Chopie Engine factory here at the very least $5 on the acre. The moulder's sand discovered near this city and tested out at the foundry last Saturday, proved to be Just what Mr. Chopieska and moulder thought It would very best quality of sand Settled for $1,200. Last September F. A. Stratton, a "Q." brakeman, living at Crestou, brought suit through ills attorneys, Genung & Genung, against the rail road company for $10,000 for per sonal Injuries sustained in a wreck at Plattsmouth. The case was takeu to the federal court at Omaha. Stra.t ton's injuries did not prove to be as serious as was at first anticipated, and he has settled with the company for $1,200 Glenwood Tribune. MILLINERY OPENING ON TUESD1S WEEK For the past week M. Fanger aai assistants have been kept very busy preparing for the opening of tuir new store, which they expected to take place within the next few days, but owing to the slow arrival of th new gcods from the eastern markets they will be unable to do so. But his j this condition of affairs does not be, the' interfere in the least with their for the! ll'iery department, whioh has all ar- business which can be found any- rived and is beting placed in readiness where, so that the shipment of i for the opening, which will takd moulder's sand will not be necessary, but can be had here at a low cost. of Osteopath in IMattsmouth. Dr. Farweil. Osteopath, of Omaha, was in the city today, and will make regular. visits to this city for the next few months to administer treatment for thoso who might desire his servlcis. His headquarters will be at the Perkins hotel, where he can be found on Tuesday and Saturday of each week In the future, commenc ing Tuesday of next week. Dr. Far- well Is a graduate of the Still School of Osteopathy and lias practiced for the past ten years. Total number of units benefit In sold District 3ms And be It further resolved thnt said Hoard of Directors does hereby find and declare that none of the tracts of land In said District, other than those here inbefore enumerated and to which units nf benefit and assessment are herein before apoortloned. will be benefitted by said drainage Imprnyomen'. and therefore no units of benefit and as sessment are apportioned to and against any of said non-henefltted tracts. Thnt a eopy of said annortlontnent and statement of the total number of units of benefit In said District be pub lished once each week for three weeks In the Wahoo Democrat, a newspaper oubllsbed at Wahoo the county seal of Saunders Countv. Nebraska, and thnt a coov of said amiortlonment. so far as thn lands and lota located In Cass Countv, Nebraska, are concerned, to gether with a statement of the total number of units of benefit In said Dis trict, be published once each week for three weeks In the Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper published at Plattsmouth, the county seat of Cass Countv, Nebraska." Snld Detailed Itenort of Apportion ment of Units and Benefit and Assess ment and statement of the total nnm- ls-r of Units of lletietlt In snld District was filed In the otllcn of tee Countv Clerk of Saunders Countv. Nebraska, March 20, 1911. and Is published here with bv direction or tne iioaru or Directors of said District. In witness whereof v.e have hereunto subscribed our names as President and Secretary of snld District, and affixed the corporate seal thereof this 20th day or March, 1911. (SenD NK.ISOV SMFFFKH. President. A H. FPU. Kit. Secretary. Ashland Dralnase District. i:tendeil Itinerary. Rev. .1. H. Salsbury leaves on Mon day next on an Itinerary which in cludes attendance at twelve Christian Endeavor district conventions, the towns included being Wakefield, Nor folk, Lincoln, Falls City, Hebron, Fremont, York, Hastings, Holdrege, Loup City, North Platte and Alliance. Rev. Salsbury is working in con junction with Karl Lohmann, Inter national field secretary, with head quarters in Boston. He will make from two to four addresses per day and will be engaged In the work for ; several weeks, arranging his time to bo present In his pulpit cn Easter Auburn Herald. place on next Tuesday, April 12. This department of the new store is complete in every particular. Tu trimmers have arrived, and the bl line is being placed on display. Mr. Fanger says that he never carried such a line of millinery before and a special Invitation is extended to all the ladles of the city and county to try and call as early as possible after the opening date and see for your self one of the grandest displays of spring millinery ever seen In Plattsmouth. Prof. Bouse a Council man. No one took the matter in hand to call a village caucus this year, so at the last moment, rather than let the matter go by default, a petition was circulated containing the names of M. E. Good and Prof. E. I.. Rouse as candidates for the vacancies to occur on the village board. These men are VISIT HERE WITH H VIEW OF PUTTING IN I DOME Messrs. S. L. Herman. N. S. Brock and J. F. Williams of Omaha were In the clt.' over night negotiating with persons interested In putting an open air dome In this city for th's sum mer. These gentlemen conducted a like place of amusement at Falls City last season and made It go nicely. They are to return in a few days and see if such an enterprise will take in Plattsmouth. There Is no ques tion of It paying here, as well as in Falls City and Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. McVey Home. Mr .and Mrs. L. M. McVey return ed home from Burlington Junction this afternoon, where Mrs. McVey has been for the past two weeks tak ing treatment for inflammatory rheu matism. Mrs. McVey returned home greatly Improved, being able to walk without the aid of crutches and greatly relieved from the terrible pains of this serious affliction. They arrived In Plattsmouth this after noon and will go on to their home near Nehawka tonight. Byron Clark was an Omaha visitor this morning, where he went on pro fessional business. Deserving; of Mention. Have you noticed the decided im provements that are being made along the residence properties on Vine street, between Seventh aai Eighth streets. Here you will fiui one of the cleanest and neatest ap pearing residence blocks In the cKy, all having been leveled up, new con crete sidewalks, and lawns are beins placed in fine shape. The owners of this block of property are F. G. Egenberger, Mrs. J. V. VVeckbau li and William Weber, and their ex cellent work Is Indeed very commendable. Mr. G. E. Johnson of Lincoln, gen eral master mechanic of the Burling ton lines west of the river, and Mr. Dewey of C.hiengo, the American Break Shoe man, were In the city aud called on Superintendent WllliiMn Baird at the shops today. Wisely Awarded. A Texas newspaper offered a prize to the woman giving the best answer among the most prominent property 1 to the question, w ny is a uvs, like a woman : An usmnmim i" Spring Summer Elates! SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO CALIFORNIA: Generhl basis $00.0") on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to September; still lower (rcneral basis of $50.00 on certain dates in June and July. General excursion basis to Portland, Seattle, $60.00 on certain dates in May and daily from June to September; still lower general basis of $50,00 on certain dates in June and July; $15.00 higher to include Shasta Route. Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges. The tour of the Coast is the world's greatest railroad journey. YELLOWSTONE PARK rn now a summer tour of this wonderland. All kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways; also per sonally conducted camping tours through Cody. BIO HORN MOUNTAINS: The resorta of this delightful region near Sher idtn and Thermopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist patronage. Send for special publication. CNLORADO AND ROCKY UOUNTAINS-Jsda popular summer rates to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Stnd for Estej Park booklet. G (t in touch witn me, ana let me sena you any oi our publications, mio- rado Hand Book," "Big Horn Resorts, "Yellowstone "Pacific Coast Tours." holders of the town, ami are as vitally Interested In the good of the town as any men w ho could be pick ed out and will make Ideal council men Peru Pointer. won the prize. Her answer was: "Because every man should have one of his own and not run after his neighbor's." IFYy.; Tark, IP R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. VvAKELY.Ueneral Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb.