The ivoca Department News Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa Imo Johnson U .spending her vaca tion in Avoca. F. V. Ruhge and wife were at Omaha last Friday. Dr. J. V. Brendel and wife were Murray visitors Sunday . Roy Fahnestock was at Omaha everal days last week. Come in and see the new line of wall paper at Copes' drug store. Miss Clara Marquardt is spending be week with her parents in Avoca. Miss Viola Lehn of Berlin is visit ing her cousin, Miss Lydia Benecke. Mrs. William Hollenberger was at Weeping Water Tuesday afternoon. Charles Jenkins entertained rela - lives from near Weeping Water Tues day. Miss Betts of Valpariso is visiting tier grandparents, Benjamin Betts and wife. Fred Buck man lost a valuable iorse the first of the week via the oolic route. Gip Broezeale entertained relatives from Talmage and Rockport, Mis souri, this week. Several of our baseball fans at tended the Lincoln-Detroit game at Lincoln Sunday. Duncan & DeVere Vaudeville com pany will appear at the Avoca town hall on, April 10. Miss Lizzie Reed of Weeping Water was the guest of Mrs. Fred McGrady this week. Prof. John E. Opp of Beaver Crossing arrived Monday on a visit with his parents here. F. C. Ruhge left Thursday for Denver, where he has secured a posi tion in a clothing store. Miss Mary Hanson is caring for Mrs. Henry Behrens, who recently underwent an operation. Louis Carsten, Jr , Is reported to be ery 111 from pneumonia. A nurse from Omaha Is caring for him. Rev. Kokjer and Miss Julia Nutz man visited Omaha a couple of days test week and attended "Ben Hur." Mrs. John Busch entertained the Congregational Ladies' Aid society at her home last Thursday afternoon. William Coeluler, Miss Witzke, G. , Braezeale, wife and daughter, autoed to Rockport, Missouri, Sup day. H. G. Wellensiek was over from Syracuse Tuesday attending a meet ing of the directors of the Bank of Avoca. Frank Greenrod wears a smile that won't come off, all on account of the arrival of a son and heir of the regulation weight. Mrs. Robert Wilkinson and daugh ter, Mildred, of Dunbar, visited Mrs. W. A. Hollenberger and Mrs. Graham last Friday between trains. William Morley, Asa Johnson, Fopha Ruhge and Pearl Harmon took in the sights of Omaha and attended "Ben Hur" Saturday evening. John Henry Busch, our hustling lumber dealer, has purchased an auto from Henry Ruhge, jr., northwest of town. John says he will be going Borne in a few days. A gentleman from Scotts Bluff has purchased the mill of Henry Hager man. The new proprietor will make all the necessary improvements soon, and will, in a short time, be able to Mickle gave her a delightful surprise party at her home west of Avoca Tuesday evening. A large crowd of her schoolmates from town were present to wish her many more happy birthdays and all reported a jolly evening. ALVO NEWS A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil, strongest, cheapest lini ment ever devised. A household remedy in American for 25 years. Pgjj Spring OVUiSSIraery LET US supply Avoca and vicinity with flour. The Misses Sophia and Louise Ruhge gave a party at their home Tuesday evening for their brother, Fred, who leaves in a few days for Denver, where he has secured a good position. A large crowd of the young people responded to the invitation and enjoyed a pleasant evening at som-er-set and other games, and last, lit. nnl Inaut n IrtVCfl n fl I t Q 1H Tl f? flf I the delicious refreshments prepared by the young ladles. We are sorry to lose a young man like Fred from our midst, as he is greatly liked In both buisness and social circles. The young friends of Genevieve SHOW YOU our stock of Wall Paper and Wall Decorations. Wall Paper pat terns were never prettier, or the prices cheaper. You will miss it if you buy before looking our line over. We assure you we would ,C8teem it a favor to have you call and get our prices. Harry Applemmi went to Lincoln Saturday evening. Miss Myrtle Dallenty of Lincoln spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Casey. John Newkirk and brother-ill-law, Ed Wait, were in PlaUsmouth Mon day and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson of Havelock are visiting relatives here. Mr. Holderiiess was a passenger to Lincoln Sunday evening. Clifford Appleman and his uncle, Charles Appleman, left Thursday for a visit at Atlantic, Iowa. The Misses Alma Goodbey and Vera Prouty were in Lincoln Saturday. C. M. Jordan shipped a car of cat tle to South Omaha Monday. A. N. Myers and wife have a son, born Saturday, April 1, lit 11. All are doing well. Charles Strong went to Omahp Monday. R. F. Johnson shipped a car tie and a car of hogs to South Oina ha Monday, going with them. Miss Orfba Mullin and Mr. Cooley of Lincoln spent Sunday with Miss Mullin's father. C. R. Jordan was In Lincoln Satur day evening. Mrs. George Sutton went to Lin coin Saturday evening. C. R. Jordan went to Plattsmouth the first of the week. Miss Alta Llnch returned Sunday flro E Pnnn UIU Li UUJGj DRUGGIST AND JEWELER Avoca, - - - Nebraska of cat- V (T 'V'"' J VKi-':;.' -J You will find an elegan line of medium priced hats. Large Medium Small HATS Please call and see this line. Miss Myers . GEKBEB CELEBRATES HER EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY The Omaha World-Herald today had a cut of Mrs. Sophie Geyger, a former Plattsmouth resident, who to York, Neb., where she Is teaching, now resides In Omaha, and who, on last Sunday, celebrated the 80th an- Her mother and brother took her to Greenwood in the auto to take the B. & M. route. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole and Miss Edith Cole of Havelock visited Sun day and Monday with Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Foreman. R. W. Stewart and Thomas Staat niversary of her birth. The children were at home on that day, which ad ded much to' Mrs. Geyger's pleasure. Pome of them came from great dis tances to celebrate the occasion. Two of her sons, William and Edward Incited Olllcem Lust Xlglit. The directors of the Plattsmoutli l-ioan and Building Association met at the office of Mr. R. B. Windham last evening and elected the following officers for the coming year: Wil liam Bal lance, president; John Hal strom, vice president; T. M. Patter son, secretary; J. E. Rarwlek, treasurer, ami R. B. Windham, solicitor. 7 I J"'" TRIBUTE 10 THE LATE .E. PALMER There was not room in All Saints' church for all who attended the funeral of Captain Henry E. Palmer yesterday. Aside from the large delegations . representing the Grand Army, Loyal legion and Masons and Elks fraternities, there were hun dreds of acquaintances ami friends, Including many from outside the city, who were there to pay tribute to his memory. The body was taken to the church at an early hour, and lay In state un til the hour of the funeral, the casket being In charge of a guard of honor from Mount Caalry comnmndery No. LUMBER DEALERS NOT DISPOSED TO COMPLAIN Lincoln wholesale lumber dealers ay they .have-not suffered from the effect of the cancellation of the di version privileges on lumber shipped n the lines west of the Missouri. Di version privileges were, cancelled ly an order of the railroad companies that went Into .effect December 24 last: The only effect the order Is Laving is that It compels buyers to ut in their orders about two weeks arlier than they formerly had .to. Formerly retail dealers throughout the state could order a car of lumber from the wholesale dealer who might fcave a trainload of lumber In transit on the way from the mills to some point In the state, w nen me oraer 1( Knlght9 Templar. Friends were from the retailer was received the ,)ern,tted to view remains from Midnight in the O.aiks and yet sleepless Hiram Scranton, of Clay City, 111., coughed and coughed. He was in the mountains on the ad vice of five doctors, who said he had consumption, but found no help in the Climate, and started home. Hearing of Dr. King's New Discovery, he be gan to use it. "I believe It saved niy life," he writes, "for It made a new man of me, so that I can now do good work again." For all lung diseases, coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, croup, whooping cough, hay fever, hemorrhages, hoarseness or qulncy, It's the best known remedy. Price 50c and $1.00. Tlral bottle free. Guaranteed by F. G. Fricke. were in Omaha Monday and Tuesday. Geyger, came from the Atlantic const. Iwis Manners of Lincoln spent William resides In New York and is Sunday with his parents. connected with one of the large fur Mr. J. L. Suavely was In Elmwood hlture manufacturing plants there. He Monday. began (he furniture business in this Clyde Newkirk was in Murdock city as an employee of Uncle Henry Sunday visiting friends. Boeck, who taught him to put the J. A. Shaffer was a Lincoln visitor cane bottoms in chairs left at his between trains No. 13 and 18 Thurs- shop to be rehottomed. Mr. Geyger day. now commands a salary of between Stella Swacker was a Murdock $12,000 and $15,000 per annum visitor last' week. For 8ome tln,e ne was awclatcd with , . John Wannainaker in the furniture susses r.isio mow anu joe uue No. ill) Annulled Today. Messrs. II. C. lArson. V. H. Par sons, E. E. Stayner, Huddleson and Louis McElhaluy, the crew of No. 29, left for Lincoln on the moraing; train today, their train being an nulled. The Introduction of the big "O-l" etigilne, with its daily hundred or more cars, makes it practicable) for the company to annul one freight each week, curtailing the runiilug expense of the train. wholesale dealer could wire the agent at the point which the train load of lumber was billed and could there have one of the cars diverted to the "point from which the order ca-me and rebilled on a through rate. Under the new order the retailer must get his order in in sufficient time that the car can be billed to him direct when It leaves the mills. The new order saves the agents at the j former division, points a lot of work and confusion. If for any reason it is necessary to change the billing on the car the rate is increased. Billing will still be changed on the cars, but the change of billing does not give he shipper the benefit of the through rate all the way . A PLATTSMOUTH BOY EL- EGTED MAYOR OF ARAPAHOE spent Saturday and Sunday with the letter's sister, Mrs. John Auxgwert. Dr. Mulr was In Lincoln on bus! ness last Thursday. Mr. ami Mrs. George Sheeless spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wll liam Compton of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner visited Mrs. Cashner'a brother, Elton Snokes, Sunday. . business at Philadelphia at a very large salary. Mr. Geyger Is another example of the Plattsmouth boy who has succeeded, awl Mrs,, Geyger Is Justly proud of her children. Oi-giuii.e Coi'Mii'Mtioii. Articles of Incorporation of the Philpot Ranch company of Weeping Water were filed with County Clerk D. C. Morgan today. The corporation Fay Parsell of Lincoln visited In has a capital of $100,000, and will Alvo Sunday. Miss Etta Miller of Lincoln spent Sunday with her folks. T. W. Barry was In Lincoln Frl day. Rev. Klgglns of University Place changed pulpits Sunday with Rev Bliss. - hold Its franchise for fifty years, and will maintain offices at Weeping Water. The corporation will engage In raising, buying, feeding and sell ing all kinds of live stock. Illtt iiC. 1ST I'DIOIIT. Notice In liereliv Klvi'li IIihI F. (. Krlcke & ('. lime MUM l hlr petition UN dMll'Cl I1V Mil' Mill Hie lit 1MB HI HI of NeliriiNkn, Willi Hie city clerk f tlm I'lty of riiiMxiiiouth, Ni'liniHka, remiest- Inir lll'I'Mllt to NI'll inn It, Xlll ItllOUK mill vIihmim UiHioiM for humIIchI, nie t'lui nli'Hl hiiiI clif in U'n I pin pone for tlio comiIiik municipal yt'iii' In tlit luilltllnjr xltuiiliM on loin mi'' (II nml two C!, In block thlitv-Klx C!K, In (lie City of lMuttHiiniutli, Ni'liniMkn. V. U. KK10KK A CO. Al)iH"i)it. . mil ii;iT iT.imiT. ' . Notice In licrcliv islvrn that I'Aw. Itynolt & t'o. luive IIIimI their pitlitkm hh rpipilrtMl liy (he Htntuti'ii of lli .tate nf Ni'liiHdka, Willi I lit city clmk of tlio fMly of I'ltttt Miiiontli. NcliiiiNka. remieMt Ink a permit to hhII mult, Hplrltuoua H tul vliimiK lliiliorH fill' iiii'iIIdkI, -1 1 it it I ii 1 iiii'l rlii-nilciil Mii iiiHiH for the coiiiIiik 1 1 1 1 1 it I ' 1 1 n I yt'iir In tint hullillntc Hltuati-il on t li went half ('4I of lot tw-flve (12), In hlock tweiity-elKht (2si, in i ho city or I'liitiMiiiouth, Ni'liiiiHka. KltW. UVNfJTT Applicant. 11:30 to 1:30 o'clock, at which lat ter hour the casket was closed. The Masonic fraternity held a part of Its blue lodge service at the Masonic temple at 1:30 o'clock, the remainder of the service being con ducted at the church by consent of Rev. T. J. Mackay. Sections were reserved In the church for the various delegations from the civil war veterans organiza tions and the Masonic orders and the Elks. The following were the active and honorary pallbearers: Honorary pallbearers Geueral G. M. Dodge, Lucius D. Richards, J. H. Millard, R. S. Wilcox, General Man- derson. C. F. McGrew, Jay D. Foster, E. M. Andreesen, G. V. Holdrege, A. G. Bceson, T. W. Evans, Judge Mun- Saved His Motlier's Life. "Four doctors had alven me up. i ger, Walter Scott. La., "and my children and all my friends were looking for me to die, when my son insisted that 1 use Elec tric Bitters. I did so, and they have done me a world of good. I will al ways praise them." Electric Bitters is a priceless blessing to women troubled with fainting and dizzy spells, backache, headache, weakness, debility, eonsiipation or kidney dis orders. Use them and gain new health, strength and vigor. They're guaranteed to satisfy or money re Only 25c at F. F. Frlcke's. Charles Patterson was elected mayor of the city of Arapahoe, Neb., at tho election Tuesday. There seemed to be quite a bitter fight over a bond Issue, and while Mr. Patter son was In favor of the same It was defeated by one vote and Mr. Pat terson was chosen mayor by a ma jority of 14 5. He was placed in nomination on the citizens' ticket. This vote certainly shows that Mr. Patterson la very popular In his home town, as he was not at home on elec tion dny and is still visiting in Cali fornia, consequently no work was done In the Interests of bis election except by his friends. We venture the assesrtion that there is but one solution for his success, and that Is that he Is one of the best fellows that ever lived In Arapahoe, and the best qualified for the position. "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. Byron Foreman came in Saturday Ketidrlck, Rasaca, Ga. "It Is the on No. 17 from Omaha. best cough remedy on the market for Carlton Gullion returned Tuesday coughs, colds and croup." 'For sale At4ve pallbearers Thomas R. Kimball, Charles T. Kountze, J. I. Woodard, Frank E. White, F. Rich ardson, Charles Martin, John Rob btns, W. II. Koenlg World-Herald. Kicked by a Mail Horse. Samuel Blich. of Beetown, Wis., had a most narrow escape from losing his leg, as no doctor could heal the CltleiiH Cleaning I'p Mr. Frank Gobelman and force of artists today are painting the resi dence of Mr. Charles Herger, which will be a beautiful blue slate color trimmed in white. As soon as Mr. Herger's Job is completed the paint ers will at once begin work on Mr. William Barclay's residence. This will be painted pure white. The ex from Ord, Nebraska. Fred leldlg went to Lincoln Tues day evening. Ed Walt of Custer county Is visit ing relatives here this week. Charles Rosenow and wife were shopping In Lincoln Friday. Mrs. J. W. Rasp and daughter, Esther, were In Lincoln Wednesday. Charles Trutnble of Eagle was In town Tuesday and Wednesday on business. James Jordan spent Saturday and Sunday In Omaha. Mrs. Sam Cashner and Mrs. Prouty were visiting In Greenwood Wednes day. Miss Floe Boyles spent Sunday with her folks. Mrs. Bud Groves went to Prairie Home Saturday to visit. The town election Tuesday, April I, resulted as follows: S. C. Boyls, R. A. Stone. Dr. L. Muir and Clar ence Curglo being elected, and Fred Dreamer and Charles Strong tied. II. S. Ough sold his meat market to Charles Trumble of Eagle. Mr. Trumble takes posseslson next Mon day. by F. G. Fricke & Co. mil ;;it iM.mirr. Notice Ih hereby (clven I lint Wflyrlch Hi llailrabn Imve lllt'il their petition n reiiilteil by the Hi lit lit en of llin Htnto of NebriiMkn, with the i lty clerk of the Cllv of 1 'In I ( Hiiiuul h, Nebi'iiMka, rmMl Imk a permit In hcII malt, ftplrltuouit anil vIiiouh lliuiiirs for nieillcnl, me chanical nml chemical piirpoHPN for the. rnmliiK iii ti n ii-lpii I yiiir In the buildinir wltiutteit on the wchI Imlf (w4) of lot three CI), In block tlihly-llvo (3i), In the City of I'liiltHiiioiith. Ni'bi nxkit. YVKYKK'II & IIADKAHA, Applicant. frightful sore that developed, but at last Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured It nnip)e of Messrs ,,(M.per an(, narclay should be followed by every owner For Sale. R. C. and S. C. R. I. Red Cockerels. $1.00 each. Eggs, per setting, 75 cents; $1.00 per 100. Inquire of Mrs. C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb. Phone 311 Murray. 2-16-2mos-w. CSD TRUSSES J , . :.-l u .u- j in viilj pui(ii. hi iiuubv :' 1I1C t hrr .t'.l fitting it donf by Q fipcrt. Largest stock rf trusei In the West. THE VV. C. CLEVELAND DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA completely. It's the greatest healer of ulcers, burns, boils, eczema, scalds, cuts, corns, cold-sores, bruises and at F. G. Frlcke's. MortK'ixeH r iled anil Released. During the month of March In this county there were filed for record In the office of Register of Deeds Snyder fifty farm mortgages, the amount of niortnai;e aggregating $2 13. CM, of a home In the city. If this were done Plattsmouth would be the best- looking town In Nebraska. Constlpntlon brings many ailments In Its train and Is tlio primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels rtgular, madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which worn UKieutenncss ,. are ,j,.(t. Constipation is a very ' dimple thing, hut like many There were thirty-eight release Hnip,. things, It may lend to serious filed, the amount bring f 1 liK.TiJ'.l. Th re wt re thlitcen city mortgages filed and fourteen released. Th amount of indebtedness filed was $K,:iiHI, while till re wa released ?12,1 10. consequences. Nature often needs a little assistance and when Chamber lnlii'd Tablets are given at the first Indication, much dNtnss and suffer Ing may be avoided. Fold by F. (! Fricke & Co. Have you tried a sack of that Wahoo Mills flour Ask the man about It the next time you need (lour. You will find it to be the best on the market. Lame Shoulder Is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles and quickly yields to the free, ap pliuitinn of Chamberlain's Liniment For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tha Kind You Hava Always Bo'i&h Sears the BiaMuro i KNIT TO FIT! BURSON FASHIONED HOSE tucf jm only .y hos 6 I A Willi- U ftf, -r7J J other out j?S ! I n'lnrnl 'H ' ' ,' mho" earn 3 ' f 'If A hav. It 31 BCIilllS :1 like tliii 4 I ole '-- and lot J or I I . I fcl . i 1 ... :..r Above wehowthe BUKSON and the "others' - turned intide out-note the diilerence. FULL FASHIONED WITHOUT SEAMS! Burson Fashioned Hose are the only stockings in the world that combine perfect fit with perfect com fort. They are the only stockings in which the shape is not ironed in or sewed in but MADE IN. Ask to see BurBon Hose at our store. Hun jour hand into one. Notice how they are shaped-small dainty ankle -tapering-ly lilted foot and NO SEAMS. We have a full line from the real light weight to the heavier ones-rib or plain top regular and out Bize-Only 25o per pair. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS