The Plattsmouth - Journal pr? Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmoulh, Nebraska CZZD R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the PostofTke at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The republican in the legislature, almost to a man, are opposed to a ron-paitisan Judiciary. Isn't that funny? . :o: The biennial election amendment should pass both house of the legis lature without any trouble. Hut will It? :o: April 4 is the date fixed for the leginlature to adjourn. They will have to serve several days then 'with out pay. :o: Railroads are not the only ones en joined from rebating. California la warned by the president not to re bait the Japanese. :o: When you vote for llernard 0. Wurl for city clerk you can rest as sured you are voting for an excellent citizen and one who I abundantly well qualified for the office. :o: A Kansas City man waited until he aa 88 to be divorced. Ill wife had left him thirty year ago. Such bcandalou haste to rush into the dl vorce court should bo frowned upon. :o: Vice President Creel of Mexico whose resignation Is forecasted for the immediate future, 1 setting an admirable example for the Hon. .tomes Schoolcraft Sherman of Utlca, N. Y. :o: Russia appears to have somewhat the Idea of government expressed by Napoleon III when a f rind askd him bow he hoped to retain himself In rxiwer. "Have a war every four yars," he said. :o: John, Hauer, Jr., and John Schulof r both good men for the school board. They are among our best eklzen and have the best Interests of the city school at heart. :o: Russia Rptear to he quite con fident it can whip China. Yet not many yearn have elaped since Rust-la was equally Hure that whipping .la-pan would be an easy matter. -, ... , :o: . The Missouri Pacific bandit near Hoffeyvlllo, Kansas, Thursday night held the train for more than two hours. Hut such a alight Infraction of the time card created no curiosity on the Missouri Pacific, so nobody went to the help of the train. :o: The good roads bill before the Vglslature must be of the kind to suit e farmers or they won't pass. While there are not many farmer in the senate, there are forty-eight In the bouse. This means a great deal whom It conic to tinkering wlih the law, In which they are aloitt a much interested as any other legislation. :o: Ever) one who knows (leorge Iedge I well aware of the fact that be always tills the bill wherever yon place him. He has served on the city council and school board and has made a splendid record In both posi tions. The people of tho Fourth icTd will elect him to the council be rniiso they know he will serve them f.lhfully. :o: The voters of Plattsmouth are dis posed to auupport men for office this year solely upon their qualifications and general good citizenship. And that Is right. Excitement and abuse of candidate on either tide has pre vailed too freely In the past city elec tions. Vote for the candidates you know have served you faithfully and 'will do so sgaln. ;o: people have the right to speak their sentiments at 'the poll as to whether they desire these things or not Mayor Sattler believes In "letting the people rule" In such matters in which they are directly Interested. :o: Adam Kurtz, who is up for re election a councilman in the Second ward, has proved a good man for the place. He has served for two years and has done his duty and filled the position In a manner both creditable to himself and the people residing In the Second ward. Adam Kurtz is an old resident, honest as the day Is long, and taxpayers can depend upon him doing right at all times. :o: The government Is to Issue Panama bond in denomination of $100, $200 and up. These bonds will bear a much smaller rate, of Interest than the coming Tltusville school bond Is sue. Tlis will give people with small means a chance to buy sound se curities In amounts proportionate to their savings. The parallel will hold good for Tltusville. (live the people a chance to buy school bond In small denominations. to lessen the fearful toll of life that the Industry has heretofore exacted :o: school board, because they are both . . i . i ..... young men ana win lane m luinw In matters pertaining It is therefore highly significant to find that sydnkate giving currency :o:- Kour definite promises made In the platform of the Grand Island con vention have been completely and substantially redeemed by the demo crat In the legislature. They are: Ratification of the federal Income tax amendment; the submission of an Initiative and referendum amendment to the state constitution; the submis sion of an amendment to the state constitution permitting cities to frame their own chnrters; provision for a school of agriculture In the southwestern section of the state. :o: Wars and rumors of war. Added to the Mexican situation the Jap spectre la now In Imagination hovering over the United States' "colonies" in the Pacific, where It la reported that military forces are being Increased and fortifications strengthened President Taft ha not yet con descended to enlighten the American public on his reason for action, on the Mexican border or in the Philip pines. In a fortnight, unless tho ex planatlon I forthcoming In the meantime, the congress will ask him why. :o: Attendance at Lenton services throughout the country is reported as gratlfyltigly large. Lent fills a great spiritual need and affords all an opportunity to turn from tho material things of life to those which feed and elevate tho soul. The conscience Is quickened, moral perception stlmulat ed and an Introspection promoted which lays bare religious shortcom ings and encourages the striving for higher Ideals. It strengthens the spiritual sense. Periods of con templation In the solemn houses of worship awaken emotions long un felt and give speech to the silenced olee of the soul. The world Is al ways better for this period of Bef- denlal and worship, for It brings man closer to his God. :o: The cost of coal, If measured by the value of the lives lost In mining it In Pennsylvania, would reach an astoudlng figure. The annual report of the chief of the state department of mines shows that 1,125 men were killed to mine 231,966,070 tons of coal last year. This Is due primarily to the lack of scientific regulations of the process of muling and next to the carelessness of operators of the lives of their employees. Criminal reck lessness In the method of conducting the work In mines Is too often ex hjbitci In varjoii8 parts of the coun try. Systematic Instruction method of mining, Rtuh a has been PI I5I.K." OHNIOX. of our schools. It Is often slid that there are no newspapers, and have not been for a long time, that largely Influence public opinion, that the day of the editor who "manufactured public opinion" Is past, never to return. What Is It then that has created a new public opinion in the last few years? Was It solely the work of the magazines? The truth Is, as every man knows that the questions today uppermost were not taken up by the magazine; until month and years after the newspaper had been hammering away at them. So far as originality was concerned, there was nothing new In these magazine articles. The reform newspapers had presented every fact time and again In the editorial and news columns. What the magazines did was to place these Ideas and facts on "my lady's read ing table, printed on fine paper, ac companled by beautiful Illustrations Hut a public opinion had already been created that mada It possible for them to be placed there, and the newspapers had done that work. Had the magazines published this matter before the work of the newspaper writers had prepared public opinion they would have been rejected In dis gust. It Is the constant presentation of facts and the everyday comment of the editorial writer that creates pub lic opinion. It Is the cutting, sarcas tic paragraph, the humorous al lusion, the short, logical sentence that sticks In the mind of the reader, that persuades and convinces him. Even when he Is convinced If the subject Is not again brought to his attention for a month, all the spur to action has been lost. ' The trut Is that newspapers, dally and weekly, never before had half the Influence on public opinion that '.hey have today. It Is the conscientious editor, who reads widely, keeps in touch with humanity at every point, from economics to society, from the organization of great industries to the recreations and sports of the peo pie, who really guides and directs .t public opinion and he does it more today than ever before World Herald. :o: -:o:- to the welfare to a remarkable editorial in which, in effect, it renounces its enmity to the able democratic governor of Ohio The democrats in the k glslature and admits hlra as a rightful member re standing true to the pledges made' in the progressive fold. This Is the t Grand Island, and when they go editorial as pubiisnea in me umana home they can do so with the satis- News for March 24: Governor llarmon of Ohio has hitherto been appraised as a stalwart reactionary, but the record he Is making In the present session of the legislature compels f-ome revision of this estimate. He is working for the Oregon plan of electing United States s nators, a state-wide primary, hon-partisan judiciary, the In itiative and referendum, work Ingman's compensation, shorter workday for women, corrupt practhes act. uniform school books, election of delegates to the constitutional convention on a non-partisan ballot, woman's reformatory, public utilities commission, Massachusetts bal lot in all save national and state elections, and radical reform in taxation. Good for Judson Harmon! He may want to be president, but that's legitimate. And he may be moving on progressive lines because an overwhelming majority of the people is pro gressively disposed, but that also is legitimate. A governor or president who does what the peo ple want because the people want It, Isn't dangerous. It I a pleasure to see substantial faction of knowing they have per formed their duties faithfully. :o: Cast your optics over the ticket at the head of this paper and see if there Is a name there that is not worthy of your support. We believe that when you read them over you will come to the conclusion that every one of them should be elected. :o: Otoe and Cass counties will prob ably constitute one senatorial dis trict. Heretofore each county has been entitled to one senator and two tepresentatives. Now they will be nitttled to only one senator and a representative each . :o: William Shea, candidate for coun cilman In the Fifth ward, Is a man well fitted for the place, as he has proved In the short time he has served by appointment from Mayor Sattler to fill out a vacancy. Mr. Shea s a nice man and should be elected In the Fifth ward by an overwhelm ing majority. :o:, John Halstrom, candidate for j,,stice (ione a great and loyal demo- oouncilman In the Third ward, Is one ,,at fvom a progressive quarter that of the best citizens In Plattsmouth. , i.nevt0 has asaslled him most Reliable In all his undertakings, and x lolently- In all Governor Harmon's his word as good as his bond, .makes !olls aU(1 honorable public career a representative of the people that theie i8 nothing that shows him in wo be depended upon in every action anv olher ngnt than as a genuine that is calculated to benefit Platts- ,,.f emmtrv will not soon mouth's interests. hi., iiro(iis attitude when :o: he was engaged by President Roose From the present outlook an J the velt t0 reprMent the government id sentiment expressed by the most of tn? remUe ;aws IIe took hl8 s,aiui mentioned for this high honor World-Herald. The Canadian treaty one ratified free trade with Mexico should be the next step. :o: Every man entitled to a vot should turn out and cast a ballot next Tuesday. :o: . "Sringlikev" the weather forecast says, which may mean any one of a dozen things. :o: Better make the most of these en joyable days. Congress will assem ble next Tuesday. :o: The Easter bonnet will be all the rase pretty soon, and the "old man" will feel the effects of It. :o: California's effort to have the re call made applicable to Judges look like an attempt to deprive the South ern Pacific of one of its best assets. :o: The non-partisan ooard bill has passed the senate. Now give us the non-partisan Judiciary and Nebraska will be right up-to-date with other states. :o: The lower house of the legislature recommends a closed primary, In oorporatlng national primary pro visions. The people demand a sensi ble primary law. :o: The deadlocks In the senatorial contests In Iowa, Colorado and New York still remain locked, with not the least probability of breaking the locks, unless it be the one In Iowa. our business men, , It would Beem that Mayor Sattler's administration has been very satisfactory. That Is simply why Mr. Sattler should be re-elected. Mayor Sattler has done bis best for the Interests of Platts mouth can anyone do more? :o: squarely on the doctrine that "guilt Is personal," and asserted that the only way to break up corporate rascality is to punish the man high est up, who is responsible, rather than to attempt to fine the corpora tion. And standing on that platform he dared to brave the master of Wall The legislature Is going to have a sfre,.ti pierpont Morgan himself. In hard time arranging the congres- his ,',r and to R0 t0 the president's clonal district to suit the politicians In the house and senate. A dozen dif ferent propositions kave been sub mltted, with no agreement yet. The own cabinet for the responsible party when he recommended that Secretary Morton, a financial and personal Inti mate of Morgan's, be prosecuted as -:o:- last effort was to place Saunders and the mail who wag responsible for Sarpy counties In the First district I Santa Fe rebating and leave Gage w here It is. The tak John P. Sattler has alwayt favored anything that was for the best In tervsts of Plattsmouth. As to munlcl- i pal ownership of public utilities, the begun In Pennsylvania, will do much Ing on of these two counties will suit ns pretty well. :o: That honesty I the best policy in trade is proving true in a good many cases lately. The dishonesty In put ting off on the public cold storage eggs, poultry and meat as fresh goods has created a demand for a federal law to govern that trade and brand the date of storage upon them. The feeling already created against cold storage product Is so great that It has already bankrupted some con cern engaged In that business. :o:- MKXK'O'S NEEDS. A drastic reform In the franchise and a radical change In filling Impor tant state offices are necessary to satisfy the demands of the revolu Monlsts In Mexico. Under the present system Diaz possesses almost as much power as an absolute monarch The ballot 1 denied to a large pro portion of the population, and the president appoints the governors of states and many other Important offl-l clals In the various political divisions of the country. This perlmts prac tically an autocratic rule, which he has not failed to utilize. It cannot be gainsaid that under the statesmanship of Diaz the Mexi can republic ha been brought from chaos into a fairly well regulated and governed country. Rut methods and conditions that were necessary and excusable when hea ssumbed office are obsolete today. The country has vastly progressed In wealth and In telligence. Its people demand and are entitled to a much greater de gree of freedom and a larger voice In the affair of government. The ex amples of Cuba. Porto Rico, Panama Santo Domingo, Venezuela and even Colombia are stirring the Mexican populace to an insistent demand for a broader field of liberty, freer speech and more stabel laws. :o: Even President Diaz realize that the time has come when Mexico must get rid of some of its Joseph G. Can non. :o: . It Is now thought the commission bill will pass both houses without a doubt. Hut It Is doubtful whether Plattsmouth will get In on the pro position or not, unless the population crat, genuine progressive, and as- friends. He deserves the same just sertlng, Instead, that he Is a reac- and kindly treatment that do Wood tlonary and standpatter, and that he row Wilson, Champ Clark. Governor John nauer and John Schulof ls tl)" prefered "Wall street can- Folk. Governor Marshall and othei should be elected as members of the dldate for the presidency." splendid democrats who have h. n A tool of Wall street, a willing agent of "The System," doesn't do business that way. And though Jud son Harmon was obliged to retire from the case, because his radicalism was too pronounced for Theodore Roosevelt, the doctrine ho then laid down has grown with the passing of the years, and today progressives everywhere are asserting, with him, that guilt Is personal and that the man, not the corporation, must be sought out and punished Judson Harmon's record as gov ernor of Ohio has been consistently and fearlessly progressive. He has been the aggressive and relentless An antl-horsethlef society, or- enemy of the grafters who disgraced ganlzed In a school house In Clark his state, a crusader against reckless county, Missouri, fifty-seven years public extravagance, against eorpora- ago, Is still In a flourishing condition tion domination of state polities, and .. v r.,..,. '"" hid recora oi nis nrst term was so scattered In several states. It ls do- pleasing to the reople or Ohio that Ing effective work In bringing sin- they re-elected aim by more than ners, If not to repentance, Into the 100,000 majority, though the presl court for trial. It never resorts to dent and almost his entire cabinet lynch law. Recently It has offered Its took a hand In the campaign against service to the Kansas and Oklahoma him. banker to aid In exterminating the bank robbers. Carrie Nation seem to nave at Havelork excellent foundation for suit for Infringement of her copy right, although It does not appear that a hatchet was used in the feminine raid upon that social club. :o: The primary election law is what now seems to be worrying many member of the legislature. These ls no nse to worry on .this score. It could not be made any worse than the present law, so Are away, gentle men. :o: John P. Sattler ha made as good a mayor as the city ever could boast of. He has been an Incessant worker for everything that vaa good for Plattsmouth. He should be re-elected because he has proved faithful to the trust reposed In him. :o: The Pennsylvania and New York Central roads have been fined an ag gregate of $55,000 for granting re bates to the Standard Oil company. If it ls illegal to grant a rebate, is it not so to solicit one? Is a briber any less guilty than the one who accepts the bribe? :o: Somehow the ladle do not appear to have taken much Interest In the reciprocity question, although It is understood that it will have a de pressing effect upon the high cost of living. Nobody has yet shown that It will have any effect upon the cost or abundance or charm of Easter bonnets. -:o: The record that Harmon has been making through the last winter Is fairly stated In the News editorial '(JOOI) VOll JI DSOX HARMONY' above ouoted. and th wrM.nM I - - , v.-v " vi m HVIBIVI One of the most persistent as- Is glad to reproduce It In simple sallants of Governor Harmon of Justice to a man who has served the Ohio has been an Ohio newspaper democratic party and the people of syndicate which controls and edits a his state and nation well and loyally, considerable numbers of newspapers The mere fact that he Is favorably throughout the country, Including the 'spoken of as a possible candidate for Omnha Daily New. That syndicate th presidency and that many other has for months loaded down the new good democrats have another choice and editorial columns of Its news- should not serve as an excuse why papers with articles denying that Judson Harmon should be unfairly Governor Harmon Is a good demo- discredited In the house of his -:o: Is lowered to 4,000 :o: Carl G. Frlcke Is one of the most compettnt business young men In Plattsmouth, and In serving as city treasurer in the past two year he has fully demonstrated this fact. The people are generally pretty well satis fled with an official that has per formed his duties as well as Carl Frlcke, and this being the cae they are contented to "let well enough alone." :o:- It Is pleasing to know that the last dollar needed for the erection of a memorial to Grover Cleveland at Princeton was subscribed on the an niversary of his birth, March 18th. But the memory of Cleveland needs no monument for Its perpetuation. His deeds will live long after all earthly structures have crumbled In to dust. -:o:- Bahy won't suffer five minutes with croup If you apply Dr. Thomas Electric Oil at once. It acts like maelo.