Tut Present" as 4SHI.AM) IMHIWtiN 1)11 ItHT. liKTAlLKD KKJ'OKT OF AFl'oUTION MKNT OF UNITS OF HKNKKIT A N I ) A SS I0SSM EN T. State of Nebraska, SuumlerH and Cass Comities, bh. To Whom It May Concern. , The umlerHiKiifd, President ami Sec retary of Ashland liralnase L)itrict, hereby certify that at a duly called nesting of the Hoard of Directors thereof, held at Ashland, Nebraska, on the 18th day of March, 1911, the fol lowing resolution was adopted by said Board as the Detail Report of Ap portionment of Units of Henettt and Assessment In said Ashland Drainage District: , , "UKSOI.VKD, That the noaro oi ii reetors of Ashland Drainage District, having heretofore, with the aid of the engineer chosen by them, made detailed plans of the public work to be done by said district under the terms of the law tinder which It Is organized, and hav ing traversed said district and carefully inspected all the various tracts of land therein with the view to making a fair and Just apportionment of the units of benefit and assessment to said re spective tracts according to benefits re ceived from said Improvement, and hav ing apportioned one unit of assessment to each of the tracts least benefitted, and to each tract receiving a greater benefit a greater number of units or fraction thereof, according to the bene fits received; and having met , at Knights of Pythias Hall in the City of Ashland, Saunders county, iveiirasKa, on the fourth day of March, 1911, at the hour of ten A M., pursuant to aotice published for more than one week Immediately preceding said meet ing In each of the following named newspapers, to-wit: W'ahoo Democrat, published at W'ahoo, the county seat of Saunders County, Nebraska; I'latts mouth Journal, published at Flatts tnouth, the county seat of Cass County, Nebraska, and the Asliland (lunette, published at Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska, for the purpose of hearing all parties Interested in the apportion ment of benefits by reason of said drain age Improvement, and having heard all parties Interested in said apportion ment of benefits by reason of said drainage Improvement who appeared before said board at said meeting, and at the adjourned meeting of this board on the fourteenth day of March, 1911, in person, or by counsel, or otherwise, and having heard and considered all suggestions, arguments and objec tions and evidence adduced by any and all parties Interested, and being fully advised In the premises, and having made said apportionment fair and just according to benefits received from said Improvement, and having completed the .apportionment of benefits n said dis trict, said Hoard of Drectors, on this 18th day of March, 1911. does hereby mitke detailed report of said apportion ment of benefits, and the total number of units of benefit in said district, and direct that said report be filed with the County Clerk of Saunders County, Ne braska, as follows, to-wlt: IF.TAlt,KI KKPOP.T OF APPOHTION MF.NT OF ''NITS OF BRXEF1T AND ASSKSSMKNT. Resei Iption. I'nlts of Benefit Assessment. All real estate Is in Township 12, North, liange 9, F.ast of the Bth Prin cipal Merldan, and Is all located in Saunders County, Nebraska, except where otherwise stated. (Kxplanatlon: All lands and lots located In Saunders County. Nebraska, and set out In detail in the Detailed Report of Apportionment of I'nlts of Benefit and Assessment In said district, n file In the office of the County Clerk cf Saunders County, Nebraska, together with the apportionment of units of benefit and assessment apportioned to each said tract set opposite the same, are omitted from this published notice, which is a copy of said apportionment so far as the lands and lots located in Cass County, Nebraska, are concerned, together with a statement of the total number of units of benefit In said district.) Pectloa 17 la (: County, Nebraska. Northeast quarter of northeast quarter 1 Southeast quarter of northeast quarter 1 Srrtlon 16 la Cnnn Count), Nebraska. Irregular tracts 1, 2 and 3, In north west quarter of northwest quarter (9 acres) 3 Northwest quarter of northwest quarter (except Irregular tracts 1. 2 and 3 7 Northeast quarter of northwest quarter 10 Southwest quarter of northwest quarter 6 Moutheast quarter of northwest quarter (except T. Payne l acres 5 Northwest quarter of northeast quarter 10 Bouthwest quarter of northeast quarter D I Count v. ' Nebraska. County Public Roads and Bridges within said Drainage District.... 10 Total number of units benefit In said District of . . ..1948 Xc ft DC DC of the machine is positively guaranteed. Ask to sent out on trial, and then let us know how you like it. lriil New Trousers We have just .eceived our first shipment cf new Spring trousers. They are beauties in creations, light gray, blue serges and dark mix ed fine worsteds. Cut with generous full pegs, wide hems, side vents flaps on pockets, belt loops and all the modern conveniences. You should have a pair of extra trousers. These we know will please you. Price $2.50 to $8. Many now going. New styles iu Spring suits ar riving daily. Couie in today. . Wescotf s THE HOME OF And be it further resolved that said Board of Directors docs hereby find and declare that none of the tracts of land in said District, other than those here inbefore enumerated and to which units of benefit and assessment are herein before apportioned, will be benefitted by said drainage improvement, and therefore no units of benefit and as sessment are apportioned to and against any of said non-benefllted tracts. That a copy of said apportionment and statement of the total number of units of benefit in said District be pub lished once each week for three weeks in the W'ahoo Democrat, a newspaper published at W'ahoo, the county seat of Saunders County, Nebraska, and that a copy of said apportionment, so far as the lands ami lota located In Cass County, Nebraska, are concerned, to gether with a statement of the tolal number of units of benefit In said Dis trict, be published once each week for three weeks In the Plattsmoulh Journal, a newspaper published at Pluttsmouth, the county seat of Cass county, Nebraska ... ,, ' tin Id Ilefa ed Renni t of Annort on- ment of Units and Benefit and Assess ment and statement of the total mini her of I'nlts and Benefit in said District was filed in the oillce of the County Clerk of Saunders County, Nebraska, March 20, 1911. and Is published here with by direction of the Board of Directors of said District. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names as President and Secretary of said District, and affixed the corporate seal thereof this 20th day of Marc Cell 1911 (Seal I NKl.SON SM IOFFF.lt. President. A. B. Ft'LLFIi. Secretary. Ashland Drainage District. LUCKY FOR SOLICITOR THAT HUSBAND WAS NOT ROME I of the neighbors. Of course the One of the combination newspaper ! fact of her desperate straits la all solicitors, who was imported from, hearsay on the part of the reporter, Omaha to show the people of Platts-' but if she was as bad off as reported mouth something new in the line of she Is entitled to sympathy, newspaper work, met with a veryj The house was crowded ana every fortunate circumstance this morning. Dody seemed to be enjoying them VVe say lucky, and mean it, and even selves. About 9:30 a bountiful lap more, for if the gentleman, of the supper was served, after which Mr. home had been present at a certain alui Ml8i p0rter. In view of their long Second ward residence this morning rt.8dence In Nehawka and in recogni there would have been copies of the tlon or their worth as citizens and as combination paper interspersed with a testimonial of the esteem In which calendar pictures from one end of the they are held, were presented with street to the other. The "gentleman" , a substantial purse by those present, called on the lady of the house and ' to be used In the purchase of a stilta endeavored to securs her name as a , ble present to commemorate the subscriber, when he was politely told ' event. "God He With You Until We that they were taking one paper, all Meet Again" was sung about 10 that they could afford. After a few ; o'clock and the guests departed, feel remarks in regard to the value of the ing they had spent a pleasant even combination, he was again told they , inK, but sorry that they were to lose did not care for it. The "gentle man" then said: "1 suppose you are like the old woman who kissed the cow; you don't know enough to change." This may be the style of securing suubscribers In Omaha, but It means something else In Platts mouth, and had the male member of that household been home he would have received a donation, and In Just the size package it La hardly neces sary for us to mention. Died at Rlverton, Iowa. From Saturday's Dally. The remains of Kd Dill, who died at Riverton, Iowa, arrived today and were taken to the home of his father-in-law, William Wiley, near Murray. The funeral will occur tomorrow and interment will take place at the Young cemetery. Past u iv for Kent. Horses at $1.2.r, cattle 7."c per month. J. D. Shrader. with some machines is a hard job, but never quite so hard when you use a ball-bearing White Washes- All gears enclosed preventing any possible accidents. Fly wheel is underneath washer and out of the way. Every part OI1S SATISFACTION A GRAND T1UIE TO MR. AND 1BSJ.S. PORTER V. H. Porter and wife have been making preparations for some time to move onto a farm about two miles south of Union, that Mr. Porter purchased about a year ago. Satur day, having packed what they would not need, they sat hack with a elgh of relief, ready to pull out Monday morning. Saturday evening about seventy five of their friends and neighbors descended on them in a body, laden " with the makings of a merry party at which the inner man could come in for a full share of enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Porter had not been let Into the secret of what was going to hannen and were indeed snrnrlxert. The front room Was piled high With i.. u v. , ..ii,i.. i. uuatto, uut iiirrnc IJUlcniy ml- I provised as seats and the visitors took I possesion. i Mrs. Porter, woman like, had part of her company equipment in one of the boxes, and as Henry Ileebner happened to sit down on that par ticular box, she had to skurry out the back way and borrow from one this estimable couple from the social life of the town Nehawka News. Will Take Inventory. A party of the shop boys went to Omaha this afternoon to take In ventory at Omaha, South Omaha and Gibson, and will be away until Thurs day night. Those going on this mis sion were: H. S. Austin, C. E Weaver, S. S. Gooding, B. E. Lamp hear, Linn Minor, Ed Scotten, E. M Gels and Frank E. Warren. Candidate for Sheriff. D. C. Rhoden announces to the vot ers of Cass county that he is a can didate for the nomination for sheriff on the democratic ticket, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming primary election. Light Drahma Eggs for sale, 15 for 50c. Mrs. William Gllmour, R. F. D., Plattsmouth. DC DC have one of these machines ESI GOD'S KINGDOM NO COMMON LEVEL THERE "As S!ar Dilfcrcth From Star." "Greatest and Least In liie Kingdom" JOHN THE BAPTIST'S HUMBLE POSITION Berlin, Germany. March i.Ml.-1'asioi Russell delivered three addresses here todav one ol Iheiu k 1 Jews on "Zionism li Prophecy," anoth er on "Hereafter' mid the third, which we report, from the text, "01 those born of women there is not a greater Prophet than John the Bap tist, but I he least in the Kingdom ot Heaveu is greater than he" (Luke vli, 28).' Large and Interested audiences attended. He leaves tonight for Co penhagen and Stockholm. Crowds of Jews are reported to have heard him during the last three days iu Vienna, Budapest, Leniberg and Krakow. There can be no better Illustration of the sharp line of distinction between the earthly and the heuvenly classes and their calling than is shown by our text, Haiti Pastor Russell. The great Teacher freely attested to the loyalty and courage and snlutllncss of His cousin John, as evidenced by the words of our text. Hut if ho great and hoti orable a Prophet, why could not John be a member of the Bride class? Why could Ik not be numbered with the disciples of Jesus and be an Apostle, or at least a footstep follower? The answer is that he was not called to the heavenly plane, but to the earthly. He was honored of God In being made one of the Prophets of the Jewish Age the last of them. Although n differ ent honor from that conferred upon the Apostles, John's was a great honor and we have reason to believe that, under Divine providence when perfected In the resurrection, he will appreciate the earthly blessings and privileges which will be his, more than the spiritual and heavenly privileges bestowed upon the Apostles and the less prominent mem bers of the Church. The Lord "will chooso our Inher itance for us," we rend (Psalm xlvll, 4), Happy are those who repose Implicit coulldeuce In I H v I no goodness and who seek to obtain whatever may be God's choice for them. If we have been called with (he heavenly calling, let lis not shrink back and declare ourselves unworthy and decline to accept the fa vors of Ood and to choose an inferior position. Let us. rather, be glad to say, Thy will be done In my heart. In my life. In all my future. "Order Thou my steps In Thy Word." A Friend of the Bridegroom. Jesus had a two-fold mission: (1) He tome "that the world through Illm might be saved" that He might give Himself "a ransom for nil, to be testified In due time" (I Timothy 11, 01. (2) Incidentally Ills mission was to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord the time Iu which God Is willing to accept the tacriflcc of such us desire to walk In the Itedeemer's footsteps, and to constitute these the Bride and Jolnt-helr of Messiah. John the Baptist referred to the lat ter feature of our Lord's work, saying. He that hull) the ltrlde Is the Bride groom, but the friend of the Bride- groom beareth His voice and rejolceth greatly. TIiIh, my Joy, therefore, Is fulfilled (John III, -11). .It was not for him to be a member of the ltrlde, but ho rejoiced to be a friend of the Bride- groom. A our I-ord's forerunner he announced the Bridegroom; he called tiM)ii the nation of Israel to turn from sin, to purify their hearts, to come buck into harmony with God and thus to be prepared to receive the Bride groom and to become the Bride. So far as the nation was concerned John's mission was u fullure, as God hud fore known nnd foretold. But so far us the Bride class was concerned John's mission wus a success, for, us the Scriptures intimate, those who believ ed John's testimony accepted Jesus and He accepted them. Greatest In the Kingdom, We must remember that the Church Is the Kingdom of God -now In a formative or embryotlc state, but in the end. by "tht resurrection." to be spirit beings and partakers with Je Riis, their Bridegroom, In Ills wonder ful glory, honor. Immortality and Kingdom work. This Klngdon class Is not reigning now, but merely form Ing. It Is Joined "on probation." after the Method's! style. If the probation ur.V M'i'l'd of the present life be faith fully used, the full Induction Into thp Kingdom, its glories, honors and Im mortality, will surely follow-by par ticipation In the First Resurrection Amongst the faithful followers of the Muster there will be differences, us St. Paul explains, "as one star dlfferoth from another star In glory I (I Cni'lnlhliins xv. -Hi. We cannot know, and It Is not necessary for us to guess, who shall occupy the chief I lin es In the Kingdom. These shall lie given to those whom the I 'a tber prefers, us the Redeemer explain ed to the woman who asked that her two sons might sit. one on His right hand mid the other on His left hand In the Kingdom iMalthew xx, 21 1. closest In position to the Master we would suppose that St. Puul would be first, with St. John, St. Peter und St. James near by Iu glorious excellence. And yet we know not how nearly up to the Apostolic standard some may lie who have lived very humble and obscure lives, have fought a good fight nnd finished their course with Joy. Indeed, the twelve AMstles seem to occupy, by IMvlne decision in ad vance, the very highest stations in the Kingdom, next to that of the Redeem er. Who said of them, "Vo who have followed Me, iu the ieaeiuiaiwn ftil nit wio (irr?r thiime Judging the twelve trilies of Israel" (Matthew xlx, 2SI. Again, they are pictured to us as the "crown of twelve stars" to the Church (Rex elation xll, 1). nnd yet again, they are pictured to us as the twelve precious foundation stones of the Church In her future glory, as the New Jerusalem (Revelation xxl, 14). Those called of God to this high sal vation, as members of the spiritual Kingdom which shall bless natural Is rael and through her all the nations. are required to demonstrate tlielr hv- alty to God by faithful- even unto denthu the narrow way of self-sacrifice. As there Is no other Name than that of Jesus whereby any may be saved to eternnl life, so, likewise, there Is no other path whereby any may reach the Kingdom except tbo uar row way, "nnd few there be that find It." All who attain to the Kingdom must be overcomers of the world to the extent of self -sacrifice. The grada tions of glory will be liecnusc of spe cial manifestations of eenl for the Lord and His cause of righteousness and Truth against sin nnd ennr. A Lester Spiritual Salvation. The Scriptures clearly show another class In process of salvation during this Gospel Age, quite separate and distinct from the Bride class. These are referred to In vurlous parts of the Scriptures. They will nil bo loyal, to the extent that they would not deny the Lord nor wilfully practise sin. Their failure to reach the status of the Bride Is indicated In an Insufficiency of real In connection with their loyal ty. This class Is described In Revela tlon vll, 14. They are represented as having failed to keep their garments unspotted from tho world -failed to live circumspectly, carefully enough. Hence In a grent time of trouble In tho end of this Age these are represent ed ns washing their robes and making them white In the blood of the Lamb and then coming up through that trib illation to glory nnd honor, but not to Immortality, uor to the same degree of lory nnd honor ns tho Church, the Rrlde. The distinction In their glory Is Indicated In that Instead of being in the Throne they are Ufore It; Instead of being the Bride, they will serve; In stead of wearing the crown, they will bear palm branches; Instead of being the Temple, they will be servants In the Temple. This same class Is referred to by the Apostle In his declaration respecting tho end of thhi Age. He Intimates that some will have an nbundant entrnnco (H Peter I. 11) Into the Kingdom, w hile others will be "saved so as ly lire (I Corinthians III.. 15). Tho fire of this Day will test every man's work of what sort It Is. Some will be proved to lie gold, silver, precious stones. These the "fire" will not consume Others will lie proved to be nn ndmlx ture of hay and stubble, which will be con.iumed, though theniM-lves will be saved from tho flro (I Corinthians 111. 12. 131. The tribe of Levi pictured the entire "Church of the First born," but It con tained Iwo elasses-lhe "liltlo flock" of priests und the "greut company" of Le vltes the Bride class nnd tho servant class, none of whom have any Inher itance In the earth, all of whom have the heavenly Inheritance. As Isaac typified our Lord, the Re deemer, nnd us Rebecca typified the Bride class, so Rebecca's maiden typi fied thii "ymit company" class. This same thought Is brought to our atten tion In Psalm xlv, where the Bride clnss Is pictured as being presented to Jehovah In the end of this Age In glory, honor und Immortality, Illustrat ed by ralniont of fine needlework uud gold. Following tho Bride come "the virgins, her companions, who follow her." These also will be greatly hon ored, greatly blessed, though theirs will bo a less honor. This "great company" will not constitute the Kingdom, al though they will be identified will) It and its wonderful salvation and bless ing for mankind. , Keeping or Breaking Commandment. The Great Teacher's declaration that they who bi"ak God's commandments and teach ri'tjcrs so to do shall be culled "least In the Kingdom" has caus ed considerable perplexity In the past. The question has been, How could any one be fit at all for the Kingdom who breaks God's coniiiianduieuts und teaches others so to do? The answer is that many of God's people have la bored under inoie or less of blindness and have done things whirl) they ou;'ht not to have done and left un done tlio things which they ought to have done. As an Illustration. John Calvin, noble man as he was, burned his Christian brother. Servetus. Suc h violation of the IMvlne commands and such wrong leaching must, according to our human Judgment, assign Brother Calvin to u lesser place In the King dom I ha ii if he had nmre carefully, more earnestly sought the will and Spirit of God. However, It Is not for us to Judge. We nre merely seeking to ascertain the spirit of our Lord's words. Begotten of the Holy Spirit and priv ileged of the Lord to be disciples and to lie guided of i lie Holy Spirit, we should lie so faithful iu the study of the Scrlpturos us not to lie mistaken In respect to the general application of their meaning. Wrong practice and false teachings do not alwnys repre sent disloyalty to God, but they surely dt always represeut slackness or Inat tention to the Iilvlue message; though we may be sure of the Lord's faithful ness in enlightening all who are of the proper, teachalile spirit. John the Baptist's Class. To what cluss does John the Baptist belong, and what will he his share in the Kingdom, according to our text? Since the call of God begun with th call of the Church. ' and since the Church began at the First Advent of Jesus, It follows that no one was called of God to salvation prior to Jesus' time none for forty-one hundred and fifty years after sin entered the world. God did. however, recognize the loy. ulty of heart of Ills Prophet Enoch and communed witli him and blessed him, etc. God also recognized Abra ham's falih und spirit of obedience, nnd Isaac's nnd Jacob's, and that of Moses and Aaron and numerous proph ets anil other faithful ones less notable. lld he not call these? We answer that he did not call them to salvation. for no salvation could lie positively offered until the itedeelner had sacri ficed; nor were they called to the King dom, for the same reason. God did tell them that iu due time He would bless all the world. He did tell them that In due time tho great Ruler of the world would come forth from Abraham's posterity In the line of Isaac and Jacob uud the nation of Is rael. But telling them of a coiaia blessing and giving them eternal life are different matters. St. Paul de clares that none of them got everlast ing life, and that "by the deeds of the Law no tlesh can be Justified before God." Israel's Ijiw Covenant served ti Instruct tho Chosen People. It was a call to do right, nnd a promise of eternal life If they would keep the Ijiw. "Ho that doeth these things shall live." Israel learned tho lesson that a perfect Law cuuld not be kept by Impel feet beings. Some of them nnd some of the Gentiles In due time heard of Jesus und how God has provided Justification through Ills sacrificial death. Cod Provides Some Better Thing For the Church Than For Ancient Worthies. St. Puul tells us the status of those uoblo characters, of whom John Uio Baptist was tbo last They were vol unteer servants of Cod, so to speak . Those of them who were born under the Law Covenant, by their faith lived above It und will be fully rewarded, although they lived before liny specific, cull or offer of eternal life wus made. Their f ul t h uud obedience were pleus Ing to God; as St. Paul relates, "All these died In faith, not haviug receiv ed the tilings promised ithem), God having provided some better tiling for us (the Gosis-I Church), that they with out us should not be tnado perfect (Hebrews xl, 13, 4(1). "Tho Church of the First-born" is to be perfected first, nnd ou the 'spirit plane, "partakers of the divine nu ture" i II Peter I, 4). In due time those Ancient Worthies will come forth, from the tomb to receive the blessing which God declares shall be tho re ward of their loyalty. As the Church will have the "better resurrect lou" on tho spirit plane, so those Ancient Worthies will have the "belter resur rection" on the earthly plane. They will (time forth from the tomb actual ly perfect, while (he remainder of mankind will be obliged to attain per fection by the slow process of faith, works, obedience, during the thousand) years of the Kingdom. Ancient Worthies Will Be Princes In All ths Earth. Moreover, those Ancient Worthies, while not members of the Kingdom, pir e, which will l -spiritual, will be members ef that Kingdom In Its earth 1y pha. They w ill be tho Kingdom's earthly representatives, princes or rulers. In ull the earth, as the Scrip tures declare (Psalm xlv, lt). We re member the words of Jesus to this ef fect: "Ye shall see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob nnd nil the Prophets In the Kingdom." but He said not wortl about Himself or His disciples being; seen; properly so, because they, as spir it beings, will be Invisible to men. The Scriptures still further luttiuata that during the thousand years of Messiah's reign, all the fulthful of mankind, ull the obedient, will be priv ileged to come Into relationship wltls the King. This Is figuratively repre sented In the statement thut the great ones of earth "will bring their glory, nnd honor Into the New Jerusalem." With such glorious hopes before us. with such npproclailon of our Heaven ly Father's glorious chnracter sin! wonderful Plan, with such n grant view of our Savior's work, with such' n hope of a share with Illm In His Kingdom, what manner of person ought we to be In holy living and godliness! Nor should It be thought strange that any of the splrlt-begotteu: now. or the restored of the future,, who would turn their backs upon the gracious provisions mnile for their sal-', vatlon. v oti'd be considered unworthy; of further favor or blessing at.thi hands of God and would die the Sec ond Oealli - annihilation. As Tnul says "they shall be punished with everlust Ing destruction from tho presence ot the Lord and tho glory of his power" (II Thessalnfilans I, ID. Soon the disciples of the Muster wilt be one with 1 1 1 in beyond the vell.i sharers of Ills glory and Kingdom.' Then will come the tlmo when the' world will believe. Tho knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth nnd all' the blinding and stumbling Influences)) of the present will be nt an end. Th Savior will then exenise His power on behalf of the world, overthrowing evil nnd uplifting every good principle nnd nil who love righteousness, and, destroying those who would corrupti the earth. If we were to guess who shall be 3C