The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 20, 1911, Image 7

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tlie faithful of jt time, declarer!. "All
thi'se died in faith, uot having recelv-
care. Many of us twisted the Scrip
tures, wret-ted them from thoir plui:i-
Every Human Being Is to Have a
Full, Fair, Intelligent Oppor- .
tunity For Eternal Life.
; -
London. M a re h
10. Pastor Uih
sell preached today
at the London Tub
ernacle to nn over
flowing house. His
text was taken
from Hebrews II.
3: "So great snlvn-
f'lrFSlLji to be spoken by
our Lord, and was
confirmed unlo us liy those wu heard
Iliui." The speaker said:
In the iast many of us misiinder
stood these words "no great salvation"
and have thought them to apply
merely to an "elect" few of the saintly
followers of our great Redeemer. Sure
ly It should not be thought strange If
a closer examination of God's Word
would demonstrate to us that as the
Leavens are higher than the earth, so
are His ways and plans higher than
ours (Isaiah Iv. l. It should not
surprise jus to find that our forefathers
were generally In considerable dark
ncss In respect to "the length and
breadth and height and depth of the
love of God, which passeth all under
standing" (Ephesluns lil, IS, 19(. It
should uot surprise us to find that our
Savior will yet see the fruitage of the
travail of Ills soul aud be satisfied
(Isaiah till. 11). and that this satis
faction will result from the salvation
f more than the "little flock." who
walk In Ills steps und who, like Him.
"present their bodies living sacrifices',"
holy and acceptable to God," in the
service of Truth and righteousness.
There are several ways of treating
this thought, that more than an "elect"'
few are eventually to reach eternal life
through the Redeemer of mankind
One way, which many adopt. Is to
claim that our Lord and the Apostles
did not really nieen to establish so
high a standard of snintship ns their
words Imply, and then to conclude that
the unsaintly will gain eternal life as
well as the saintly all except the de
generately wicked. This view of mat
ters, which Is the common one. Is mi
doubtedly prompted by sympathy for
friends, relatives, ueighbors and the
heathen; hut it is wholly contrary to
God's Word.
Another view still held by some is
that everybody but the saintly will
suffer torture eternally and hopelessly.
The third theory which. I desire to
present here is the one I believe to b
in accord with every text of Scripture
and in accord with Justice. Wisdom
I,ove and Power Divine, and in accord
with sanctllled common sense. I havt
time for only an outline of this Plan
which Is most comprehensive, ns fol
Ths Saintly New Creation.
Salvatlou In no sense began befort
the Redeemer's birth, forty-one nun
dred and twenty-eight years after the
fall of our ttrst parents. In all that
long period nobody was saved. Th
Apostle declares In our text that sal
vatlon began to le preached by Jesus
Again we rend that Jesus brought lift
and immortality to light through HI
Gospel ill Timothy I. 10i. So. then
life and Immortality and the Gospel
Message began to be preached by our
Lord and was not preached before His
day. Indeed we can see that If there
Is "none other Name given under henv
en or amongst men whereby we must
be saved." than (he name of Jesus,
then It eon Id not have been preached:
nothing could be preached previously
except the Plvine declaration that God
purposed in due time to redeem man
kind from sin and death through a
Savior and a Great One One able to
save unto the uttermost nil that would
come unto the Father through Hint.
This reasoning Is surely true to tin
facts. Search nil through the Old Tes
t uinen t nnd there is found no promise
of eternal life set forth except by the
Ijiw given to the one little nation ol
Israel. That Law declared that hi
that doetli these things shall live l
his obedience thereto (Romans x, fo
and the Apostle assures us that Jew
died because none of them kept tin
Law because no imperfect human be
ing could possibly meet the require
raents of God's perfect Law. "Ity tin
deeds of the Law shall no flesh bi
Justified In Ills sight" (Romans III, '-'0i
The Apostle, further explaining the
matter, says, "Wherefore, then, served;
the Law?" He replies to his question
"It was added because of transgres
sion until the promised Seed should
come" (Giilntlnns III. l!)i.
The Promised Seed.
The Apostle's words direct out
thoughts back to Kden. when (Sod de
dared that the Seed of the woman
would at some future time bruise the
Serpent's head. I'.ut that Seed did not
exist for over four thousand year
after, and has not yet crushed the Ser
pen Cm head-dent royed sin -and the
works of Satan.
The Apostle's words again remind us
of God's promise to A bra ham. "In thy
Seed shall nil the families of the
earth be blessed" (Genesis xxvlll. Mi
Abraham was not thus blessed, nor
were any others thus blessed, however
faithful they were. All the blessing
was to come through Abraham's Seed
and could not be dispensed before His
eonilng. Hew the Apostle, referring
) Abraham, Isaac nnd Jacob nnd all
ed the promise" (Hebrews xl. 13) the y vloiis Import, and always to our
blessing reconciliation to God anil
eternal life.
And wheu Jesus came He did not at
tempt to biess the world, but ou the
contrary, In His prayer, declared, VI
fray not for the world, but for them
which thou hast given Me" (Johu xvli,
) the saintly, !he "very elect" iMat-
thew xxlv, 24). These He called;
these He taught "Israelites Indeed."
These lie directed to give the same
message to others, not for the conver
sion el the world, but for the calling,
Instruction aud edification of "the
Church, which is the Body of Christ."
The message to these from first to
last was that they were called to suf
fer with Him, that they might also
reign with Illm.
The Church Which It the Body of
In the past tunny of us have over
looked the fact that the Church are,
figuratively, "the Body of Chrlst"-to
be hereafter, as the Apostle declares,
"the Church which is His Body." And
again, We are members In particular
of the Body of Christ, which is tin
Church (I Corinthians xii, 27). In a
word, then, the entire Christ includes
the niemliera of the Body with the glo
rious I lend of the Body. And this
glorious Christ, which will be complet
ed by the close of this Gospel Age, will
as a whole be the promised Seed of
From this viewpoint we enn see why
God's long-promised blessing has not
yet reached the world, but from this
viewpoint we can see that He Is mere
ly selecting or electing the Church, the
Seed of Abraham. The promise to
Abraham is. 'in thy Seed shall
all the families of the earth . be
blessed," nnd, as we have seen, the
Seed of Abrahnm Is "Jesus the Head
and the Church His Body." In a
word, our previous view of the Divine
Plan was too narrow. We saw the
election of the Church, but did not see
God's gracious purposes for "All the
families of the earth." The Church,
ns the Scriptures declare, Is merely a
"first-fruits" unto God of Ills crea
tures nnd Is not, by any means, the
entire harvest. Let us here remember
St. Paul's explanation of this matter.
He declares, "We, brethren, ns Isaac
was, are the children of the promise"
(Gnlntlans Iv, 2S the heirs of the
promise through us nil the families
of the earth are to be blessed.
No Second Chance in Thii.
It might indeed be said in one sense
of the word that since father Adam
was placed on trial In Kden with a
reward of eternal life before him or a
penalty of death, and that since he
lost his chance of eternal life by dis
obedience, therefore nny chance of
eternal life coming to him or to any
member of his race would, of neces
sity, be a second chance. This Is un
doubtedly true, From this standpoint
every member of the human family
must eventually have a second chance
for eternal life, been use it was for
this very purpose that our Redeemer
left the heavenly glory, was made
flesh, dwelt amongst ns and "died, the
Just for the unjust." Whoever enjoys
this second chance must expect no
more, because "Christ dieth no more."
But, as we have already seen, nobody
had a second chance for eternal life
prior to the coming of our Redeemer
Into the world. "He brought life and
Immortality to light." He died, the
Just for the unjust, to make recon
ciliation for Iniquity and this mes
sage of so great salvation begnn to be
spoken by our Lord.
The comparatively few who have
heard the Gospel since Jesus' day
"Good tidings of grent Joy which shall
be unto all people", these, the compar
atively few. who have heard of "the
only name given under heaven or
amongst men whereby we must be
saved" are the only ones who In any
sense of the word have bad their sec
ond chance. Indeed we might, Scrip
turally, limit the matter much further
nnd sny that the Gospel, nan been hid
den from the majority of those who
beard It; their mental eyes and enrs
being deaf and blind, they did not com
prehend the message, and therefore
could not reject It.
The "high calling" and "so grent
salvation" which so few have really
heard and seen Is referred to by our
great Redeemer saying, "Blessed. are
your eyes, for they see, and your
enrs. for they hear." "The natural
man received) not the things of the
Spirit of God, neither can ho know
them; because they are spiritually dis
cerned. But God hath reveal
ed them unto us by His spirit" (I Co
rinthians II. ID. In other words, only
the Spirit-begotten ones ure now ou
trial for life everlasting or death ever
lasting. And only the faithful footstep
followers will gain the glory, honor,
immortality nnd Joint-hcli-ship with
Him In Ills Kingdom. These are the
"elect," the "very elect." These are
such ns make their culling and elec
tion sure by so running as to obtain
this grent prize of membership In the
Body of Christ.
These elect ones experience n change
of uatiiic, and in the future will not
be hit ina ii beings, but partakers of the
divine nature (II Peter I. 4). They
will be inducted Into the perfection
of the divine nature In the First Res
urrection, the chief resurrection, in
which they will be changed in a mo
ment, In tit twinkling of an eye. be
cause flesh and blood cannot Inherit
the Kingdom of God (I Corinthians
XT, 50-:2).
Human Salvation It Rettitution.
We nil gagged at the thought that
the heathen and everybody except
saints would be consigned to an eter
nity of torture, yet we all recognized
that heaven Is not a place of develop
ment but a condition of perfection.
We were erplexed. mystified. We did
not follow our Bibles with sufllclent
owu injury. Some went in the direc
tion of rniversalism; others halfway,
aud still others abandoned the Holy
Book. Now we see where we erred.
God has two salvations; one for the
Church and a totally different one for
the world. The salvatiou for the
Church is to heavenly nature, spirit
bodies, and joint -heirship with the
Master in His Kingdom, which flesh
and blood cannot inherit, as we have
already seen. The other salvation, for
mankind, is an earthly one, called In
the Scriptures "Restitution." Man was
not nn'augel originally, not a spirit be
ing, but. ns the Scriptures declare.
"Tin first mau was of the earth
It was that earthy man. perfect.
In the Image of his Creator, for
whose happiness Kden was specially
prepared. By obedience to God he
might have continued to enjoy his
L'den home everlastingly. By disobedi
ence he first lost his fellowship with
God, then his Kden home, and after
nine hundred and thirty years of toll
Ing with thorns und thistles It: sweat
of face, the death penalty upon him
reached completion he died. Adam's
race, sharing his weaknesses by laws
of heredity, have also shared death
with hi in
"World Through Him Might Be Saved."
Tho Scriptures tell us that (Jod's real
purpose in sending Jesus Into the
world was that the "world might
through Him be saved" uot the
salvation of the Church; that was
an Incidental feature. The Church
is selected that ns the Bride or Queen
during the Messianic Kingdom she
may be associated with her Lord, the
King, as the Seed of Abraham In the
blessing, the saving, of Adam and his
family, or so many of them as shall be
willing, from sin and death conditions.
We remember the Master's words to
the effect that "Ho enme to seek nnd
to save (recover) that which was lost."
We have Just seen that It was n hu
man life, human perfection and nn
earthly homo that were lost. It Is
these, then, that Jesus proposes In due
time to recover for Adam nnd his
family. The Messianic relrrn of Jesus
nnd his Body the Anointed, tho
Christ, The Messiah will be for the
purpose of blessing Adam nnd all of
bis race with glorious opportunities of
nn earthly salvation. The uplifting,
restoring influences of Messiah's King
dom will affect not only Adam and his
race, but also the earth Itself. Grad
ually Paradise Lout, ns a little garden
of Kden, will become Paradise llvgainril
ns the world beautiful. Then the wil
derness shall blossom ns a rose nnd
the solitary place shall be glad.
"Times of Rettitution."
At our Iirn s First Advent the "ac
ceptable time" began the time when
God. having accepted the sacrifice of
Christ Jesus, became willing through
Him to accept the sacrifices of all who
desire to become His disciples to take
up their cross nnd follow Illm through
evil report and good report even unto
death. The entire Gospel Age nntl
types Israel's Hay of Atonement, nnd
the sacrifices of our Lord nnd the
Church, Ills Body, nre the "better sac
rifices," foreshadowed by the bullock
and the goat offered typically by the
Jews. This Is the acceptable year of
the Lord which Jesus declared (Isaiah
Ixl. 2; Luke Iv. 1!)). God's faithful
people of this acceptable dny nre
glnd to be Invited to "present their
bodies living sacrifices, holy nnd ac
ceptable unto God" (Romans x II. 1).
In the end of this acceptable day will
come the end of all opportunity to thus
sncrlftce the human nature and become
Joint heirs with Christ and pnrtnkers
of tho heavenly nature.
Then will be Introduced a new period
styled. In the Scriptures, "Times (or
years) of Restitution." The acceptable
day fur the Church's sacrifice has last
ed for nearly nineteen centuries. And
we know how long the "Times of Resti
tution" will last nearly a thousand
years. St. Peter tells us Just when these
"Restitution Times" will begin. They
did not begin In his day. They have
not begun yet. They will begin as a
result of the Second Advent of Jesus,
the Messiah, and tb establishment of
Ills Kingdom nnd righteousness, "Times
of refreshing shall come from the pres
ence of the Lord and lie shall send
Jesus Christ, us before was preached
unto you, whom the heavens must re:
tain until the Times of Restitution of
all things which God hath spoken by
the mouth of all the holy prophets
since the world began. For Moses
verily said unto the fathers, A Proph
et like nut" me (of whom I am but
a type or figure) shall the Lord your
Ood raise up unto you from amongst
your brethren. Him shall ye hear In
all tilings whatsoever He shall speak
unto you. And It shall come to pass
that the soul that will uot obey that
Prophet shall be destroyed from
amongst the people" (Acts lil, 19-2.'J)-
In the Second Death.
This great Prophet has been In proi
ess of raising up for now nearly nine
teen centuries. And when the last
member of His Body shall have passed
beyond the veil, He will stand forth
In the glories of His Kingdom to rule,
judge, Instruct, restore and bless all
the families of the earth with opior
tunity for restoration to nil that was
lost in Kden and redeemer! nt Calvary
These "Restitution Times" are beaut I
fully referred to in a poem known to
many of our renders, written by one
who was particularly Identified with
the Vhritinn Stiiiid'iid office brethren:
A (IioukhiiiI years, riirlh'a coming glory;
'TIs the kI:ii1 dny to lonir foretold;
'TIji the tirlslit morn of Ion's alorjf
Prophet foresaw In times of oll.
It seems to me, Brother Kditor, that
In the foregoing there cannot be a very
wide difference of opinion as between
your view and my owu of the Bible's
I presentations
in n rr
with some machines is a hard job, but never quite so hard
when you use a ball-bearing
White Washer
All gears enclosed preventing any possible accidents. Fly
wheel is underneath washer and out of the va Evtrv part
of the machine is positively guaranteed. Ask to have one of thse machines
sent out on trial, and then let us know how you like it.
Will Be at the Pftrmele Theater
Friday Night, March 24th
Creditable Indeed it Is to write a
brilliant comedy, and the public Is
never slow to show Its appreciation
of a play that entertains. Still more
ommendable when playmakcrs
achieve laughter and amusement
without an atom of Indelicacy. Praise
to Mary Roberts Rlneliart and Avery
Ilopwood for this very thing, In
"Seven Days" they have written a
comedy that scintillates with wit and
cleverness In every fraction of a
second, that keeps an audience in
paroxysms of laughter from start to
finish without an Instant's let-up, and
does so In an absolutely wholesome
manner. Americans should rejoice In
this. Here Is an American comedy,
written by Americans, dealing with
Americans, In America, home-made
and home-bred throughout, recog
nized as the cleverest play and the
biggest success since the days of the
late Charles H. Hoyt, also an Ameri
can, and It hasn t a word or a scene
or a hint that could offend the most
fastidious. Perhaps some of those
theatrical managers who have been
Importing Kuropean farce will profit
by the object lesson furnished by
"Seven Days" and realize that it Is
IMisslble to get a superior article here
at home, and understand further that
the American public prefers clean
comedy to much of the suggestive
stuff from abroad. Still, a "Seven
Days" Isn't found every day, nor
every twenty years for that matter,
for It has been fully that long since
there was a play that has captured
popular fancy and Ret people laugh
ing as this one Is doing. "There Is
lively fun In 'Seven Days' " said the
New York Herald. "It Is an up
roarious comedy and It Is clean as
well as amusing. There Is not a line
one need blush over; and there is
steady laughter all evening."
For the past three Saturdays
farmers have flocked to Plattsmouth
In large numbers to do their shop
ping and probably to look after other
matters of business. This fact
demonstrates that farmers feel In
clined to come to the county seat to
buy goods when they are accorded
cordial treatment. The Commercial
club hns dono considerable In the
direction of fixing things so that it is
pleasant for people to come to
Plattsmouth. But one thing we per
ceived last Saturday which has been
sadly neglected and which needs the
direction of tho Commercial club
that Is the Insufficiency of hitching
posts. There was considerable
grumbling on this score last Satur
day and the Satunlay before. One
farmer remarked In our hearing that
he was going to quit coming to Platts
mouth If there was not more hitching
posts put up, and then Jokingly ad
ded that he had to go half way to
Mynnrd before he could find a place
to hitch his team. But, seriously
speaking, we do need more hitch
racks, as last Saturday many teams
were hitched five and six blocks from
tho business part of town. Farmers
don't like that and we would like to
see the Commercial club take the
matter up at their very first meeting.
Telephone Company .Meets.
The adjourned meeting or the
stockholders of the Plattsmouth
Telephone company was held at the
office of the company In this rity this
morning at 10 o'clock, at which time
a dividend of 1 Mi per cent was de
clared and payable April first. The
following officers were elected: T.
10. Parinele, president; C. C. Parmelu,
vice president; J. N. Wise, secretary;
T. H. Pollock, general manager and
treasurer. The directors elected were:
T. K. Parinele, C. C. Parinele; M. II.
Pollard, Nehawka; C. II. Smith.
Henry A. Talcott, Creetiwood; Philip.
Kliich, AIvo; T. II. Pollock; H.
Wolph, Nehawka.
Our good friends, .1. A. Walker and
D. .1. Pitman of Murray were In the
city today attending the telephone
meeting, and found time to drop in
and see the Journal people for a brief
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at tins ollico or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rates
Spring Clothes!
v v . r it. aw
I'M ' Yi ft
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'WMV ill
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Copyright Hurt Si-lnftnr-r & Mitrt
YOU'LL see the
Spring clothes parade
moving now; you're
part of it yourself. We turn
ed out a good number of new
suits last week; you've prob
ably. seen some of the stylish
looking fellows who are wear
ing them.
The fabrics this season are
the most beautiful you ever
saw; grays in all shades and
color combinations; browns
tans, light and dark; blues in
many stripes; plaids and plain
We're adding new ones
every day. Don't wait too
long. You know the best
ones go first.
Suits from $10 to $35
The Home of Hart, Schafjner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
New FnKtor
Neck wi-r '.!'. lo 41 .1)0
Nrw French Cuff Hlilrls
with collar to nitk'li