The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 05, 1911, Image 2

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    The Avoca
Nw Items Githared Each Week
Fine chocolates at Copes'.
Time for the ice man to get busy.
Fred Carsten was a Lincoln visitor
Chas. Ilinze was' carrying his eye
in a sling this week.
Bert Phllpot was down from Weep
ing Water, Wednesday.
The Avoca schools opened Monday
after a week's vacation.
A Sheldon had a force of men put
ting up tee thta week.
William Bogard was aown from
Omaha the first of the week.
A nice line of combs and brushes
can be seen at Copes' drug store.
Miss Elizabeth Griffith, of Lincoln,
Is visiting at the J. Marquardt home.
Wm. Collner left the first of the
week for a visit to Minnesota friends.
John Griffith, of Nehawka, spent
Monday evening with Avoca friends.
Clyde (i rah am returned to his
studies at the State University, Mon
day. Mike Ruder and wife have been
visiting Syracuse relatives for several
J. W. Morley left this week for a
month's visit with California rela
tives. H. C. Wlllenslek was over from
Syracuse Tuesday, attending to busi
ness matters.
Adolph Zlmmerer was over from
Nebraska City this week, visiting his
brother, J. C.
Mrs. M. (1. Keedy enjoyed a visit
from a brother, who resides In Mon
tana, last week.
Mrs. K. 0. Copes, of Cook, was here
this week visiting her son, Ora E.
Copes, the druggist.
Wm. Thlelo and wlfo were here
The Coernment pay Railway Mai
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployeet up to $2,500 annually
Uncle Sum will hold examinations
throughout the country for Hallway
Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
ment Clerks and other Government
positions. Thousands of appointments
will be made. Any man or woman
over 18, In City or Country can get
Instruction and free Information by
writing ut on'o to ttio Bureau of
Initructlon, 79 J. Hamlin Building,
Rochebter, N. Y.
((MI(I llt'llllll to You.
Good health to you means every
thing, comfort, happiness, plenty. No
one can do his life's work without
health. We run a health shop. Our
fetock of drugs and chemicals Is the
best and purest. Your family recipes,
prescriptions and all medical prepar
ations given the greatest care in com
pounding. Remember true medica
tion Is to assist nature in performing
a cure, so begin in time.
Sincerely yours,
Ora K. Copes,
Drugs and Jewelry.
Eastman kodaks at a 20 per cent
discount at all times, and all kinds of
Rynott & Co.,
Sue. to Gerlng & Co.
Population of Penitentiary.
The report of Warden Tom Smith
-of the stato penitentiary for the
month of December shows an aver
ago prison population of 423. The
receipts of the Institution were $2,
700.13. Of this sum $1,423.71 was
turned over to the state treasurer.
The greatest sourco of Income was
the gale of hogs, $ 1,178. G2 being ad
ded to the fund from such sales. Two
men were In the hospital, ono with a
broken arm and the other with a
stab wound. It was thought that
Kelly, who was stabbed, might die,
but lio now seems on the way to re
covery. IiinIuII Xcw NyMt'iii.
Weyrlih & lladiaba, of the Red
Cross drug store, completed tho In
stallation of a new McCaskcy account
ing system today. Tho new device Is
a great saver of time, as It enables
them to tell Just how an account
stands, doing away with tho old
method of posting books. By giving
the customer a dupllcato of tho ac
count, It protects them as well ns the
salesman. Joe says they could not
lio'ewlthout tho McCaskcy
Can't look well, cat well or feel
well with Impure blood feeding your
body. Keep tho blood pure with Bur
dock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take
exercise, keep clean and you wl'.l
have long llfo.
Mrs. J, Bauer and daughter, Miss
Kmraa, were Omaha visitors today,
telng on the morning train.
by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Seml-Weskly Journa
from Nebraska City this week, visit
ing Avoca relatives.
.Miss Agnes Durham returned to
Lincoln, Tuesday.
Mrs. Kdna Young was here from
Berlin the first of the week.
Peter Jorgensen shipped two cars
of cattle to Omaha Wednesday.
Ray Lewton has been in the house
the past few days, nursing the grip.
Mrs. E. F. Ethrldge, of Cook, came
up Tuesday morning to visit at the
Theron Malcolm home.
J. B. Fry and wife, of Sioux City,
were visiting at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. BcnJ. Betts, this
Louis Carsten, Jr., went to Lincoln
Tuesday, where he will take a course
at a business college.
Miss Jenkins, of Manley, visited
in Avoca over Sunday with her broth
er Charles and family.
New Year's eve the bells rang and
whistles blew to usher out the old
year and welcome 1911.
Chas. Conrad left Tuesday for
Omaha, where he has secured a posi
tion In a taxidermist establishment.
The cold wave caught a good many
of the farmers unprepared and stock
suffered considerably In consequence.
Make' a New Year's resolution to
trade with your home merchants,
especially those merchants who do
Sophia Rughe and Byrdle Fahn
stock were Omaha passengers Mon
day, returning Tuesday. Owing to
the weather and a late train the
shower of rice was postponed.
Monday morning very few pupils of
the Avoca school answered to roll
call. Carl Spencer was the only one
coming from a distance. In the
Tho Strongest Man.
Ono of the greatest men of the
world declared that the strongest man
Is he, who can always control him
self, whoso will power is stronger
than his passions. Somo men cannot
deny themselves anything. They
known that their habits are Injurious
to their health, but will not change
them. They are ruining their som
achs, their nerves, their blood. If
they can be made to stop and to use,
for a short time only, Triner's Ameri
can Mllxlr of Bitter Wine, their diges
tion will become regular, their blood
pure, their nerves strong. Use it in
all Irregularities of the digestion, In
headache, constipation, nervousness,
backache, colic and cramps, as also
In weakness of the body, anemia,
periodical pains. Use It as soon as
your appetite will fall yow or you will
notice some discomfort. after eating.
At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 13,13
1339 South Ashland avenue, Chicago,
Illinois. A beautiful wall calendar
upon receipt of 10 cents In postage.
"My child was burned terribly
about the face, iicck and chest. I
applied Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. The
pain censed and the child sank Into
a restful sleep." Mrs. Nancy M.
Hanson, Hamburg, N. Y.
Twice Operated I'pon.
Mr. R. C. Ilalley, the Maple Grove
blacksmith, went to Omaha this
morning expecting to visit his wife at
St. Joseph's hospital, where Mrs. Bai
ley underwent the second operation
last Monday. Mrs. Bailey was first
operated upon a week ago last Sat
urday, but did not get along as well
as was hoped, and tho physicians
thought a second operation would
bring the desired relief. She Is not
gaining strength as fnst as Mr. Bai
ley had hoped she would.
1 lives, eczema, Itch or salt rheum
acts you crazy. Can't bear tho touch
of jour clothing. Doan's Ointment
cures tho most obstinate cases. Why
suffer. All druggists sell It.
Positions hi the Senate.
We note by tho morning papers
that Cass county has already two ap
pointive assistants In tho state senate.
Miss Jessie Fox will be among tho
copyists on the clerical force and
Dick McNurlln, of Weeping Water, Is
named as ono of tho custodians of tho
cloak room. Miss Fox will prove
proficient on the clerical force and
wo know Dick Is ablo to look after
tho belongings of members In tho
cloak room.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
acdou weakens tho bowels, leads to
chronic constipation, (let Doan's Rcg-
-ailcLa. 'They operate easily, tono the
stomach, ciTro constipation.
Mr. C. M. Manners went to Omaha
on the morning train today, where he
visited Immanuel hospital, where
Mrs. Manners has been for the past
two weeks taking treatment. Mr.
Manners expected to bring his wife
home today, and will do so unless
something unforseen arises,
Mickle district, taught by Florence
Wilkinson, only Lois Johnson was
Miss Opal Lawton returned to Peru
Tuesday morning.
.Miss Eda Marquardt Is entertain
ing a lady friend from Iowa this
Sam Johnson Journeyed to the
state apltal Monday to serve on the
grand Jury.
A large number of the I. O. O. F.
members attended the funeral of Jas.
Fleishman at Nehawka, Thursday.
. Wm. Hollenberger, wife and son
Claude, went to Lincoln Saturday
morning to eat New Year'8 dinner
with the family of Chas. Allen.
Nicholas Trook and sister Elsie,
spent a few days In Lincoln last week.
On getting to Weeping Water they
found that the passenger was late, so
walked to Avoca.
II. J. Marquardt and family autoed
to Nehawka Friday morning to take
a train to Utlca, Nebraska, where
they expect to eat New Year's din
ner with Mrs. M's parents, who have
Just returned from a trip to Gere-
The bas ball boys gave a box slclal
at the hall New Year's eve. A very
pleasant time was had by those pres
ent. Hot coffee was served with the
well-filled boxes. Manager Glllln
was tossed at the close of the, pro
ceedings, but not until after he had
made the announcement that every
lady present would be presented with
a complimentary season ticket for the
ball season of 1911. The boys were
very much disappointed as to the size
of the crowd.
Will Be Taken to Lincoln.
George Mcpherson, who was, on
the 24th day of December, by the In
sanity Board ordered committed to
the hospital for tho insane at Lin
coln, Is yet kept at the county Jail,
for the reason that the superintendent
of tho asylum cannot make room for
him owing to the crowded condition
of the wards. Tho unfortunate man
has a wife and one daughter, aged
thirteen years. Ho has lucid inter
vals, and his whim seems to be a
desire to return to Indiana to find
some money his grand father hid In
a stump before the war.
Farm For Sale.
1C0 acres two miles from Avoca.
Two houses and barns In fair shape.
Will sell for $140 per aero. A sixty
acre tract, well Improved, 2'i miles
from Avoca. And lots of other lands
In other sections. Come and see me
before you buy.
Jacob Opp,
11-3-wklytf. Avoca, Neb.
Mux Adams Deli vein Corn.
Max Adams, who has been farming
this season on the Wiles farm south
of the city, sold his surplus corn crop
to Charles Troop to bo delivered at
Mr. Troop's feed pens near Murray.
Mr. Adams sold about nine hundred
bushels and began to deliver the corn
with wagon and team Thursday. On
Friday to his surprise seventeen of
his neighbors backed up to his crib
and each of them delivered a load
and some of them two, and before
night fall tho entire crib of corn was
in Mr. Troop's pens.
For I.a.'ilipc, CougTis and Stuffy
Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It
gives quick relief and expels the cold
from your system. It contains no
opiates, is safe and sure. Sold by F.
G. Frlcke & Co.
For Sale!
A number of Duroc boars with
pedigree. L. II. Oldham.
Better Live In a Tent
on your own land than pay rent for
a mansion on your neighbor's land
Think It over, talk It over with
your wlfo.
Ucctwno Independent.
Others have done It, why not you?
Start today. Come and Bee us and
learn what a very little ready cash
will do for you. '
If This Medicine Does Not Ben
fit You Pay Nothing.
A physician who made a specialty
of stomach troubles, particularly dys
pepisa, after years of study perfected
the formula from which Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets are made.
Our experience with Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets leads us to believe
them to be the greatest remedy
known for the relief of acute Indi
gestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their
Ingredients are soothing and healing
to the inflamed membranes of the
stomach. They are rich in pepsin,
one of the greatest digestive aids
known to medicine. The relief they
afford Is Immediate. Their use with
persistency and regularity for a short
time brings about a cessation of the
pains caused by stomach disorders.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will in
sure healthy appetite, aid digestion
and promote nutrition. As evidence
of our sincere faith In Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets, we ask you to try
them at our risk. If they do not give
you entire satisfaction, we will re
turn you the money you paid us for
them, without question or formality.
They1 come In three sizes, prices 25
cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remem
ber you can obtain them only at
The Rexall Store. F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Killed in Lincoln.
The following account of the kill
ing of W. B. Meek by a street car In
Lincoln yesterday morning is taken
from the State Journal. Mr. Meek Is
well known to the railroad boys here,
as he was a fireman on freights 20
and 30 and run into Plattsmouth reg
ularly. The Journal says: "An in
quest will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock over the body of W. B. Meek
who was killed by being run over by
a street car yesterday morning while
running to catch the car at the corner
of Twenty-seventh and S streets. Mo
torman W. A. Cox and Conductor
Chaiic3 Stevenson of the car that
struck the man will be called as wit
nesses. Meek was struck by the car
at 5:53 In the morning and lived at
tho hospital until shortly after 11
o'clock. Mr. Mock's father-in-law,
Peter Christopherson, 3120 Vine St.,
with whom Mr. and Mrs. Meek had
been living, lias been ill at the hos
pital for the past. three weeks. It
was to this hospital the injured man
Was taken yesterday morning after
the accident. The funeral arrange
ments have not yet been made."
Foley Kidney Pills
Aro tonic in action, quick In re
sults. A special medicine for all Kid
ney and bladder disorders. Mary C.
Abbott, Wolfcboro, N. H., says: "I
wa3 afflicted with a bad case of rheu
matism, due to uric acid that my kid
neys failed to clear out of my blood.
I was so lame. In my feet, Joints, and
back that It was agony for me to step.
I used Foley Kidney Pills for three
days when I wa3 able to get up and
move and the pains were all gone.
This great change In condition I owe
to Foley Kidney Pills and recommend
them to anyone suffering as I have."
For either acute or chronic kidney
disorders, for annoying and painful
urinary Irregurarltles take Foley Kid
ney Pills. An honest and effective
medicine for kidney and bladder dis
orders. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Wooa 'or Sale.
One hundred loads of wood, cut
Into stove length, for sale. Also, a
lot of hedge post3 and corn crib posts
for sale.
James P. Latta.
Murray, Neb.
Do you know that fully nine out of
every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of tho muscles
due to cold or damp, or chronic rheu
matism, and require no internal
treatment whatever? Apply Cham
berlain's Liniment freely and see how
quickly it gives relief. For sale by
F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Horse Shoeing.
John Durman desires to Inform
those who need his services that he
has opened a shop at the Ora Dawson
place for shoeing horses. Satisfaction
Whn buying a cough medlclno for
children bear in mind that Chambcr-
1:-. tii's Cough Remedy Is most effectual
for colds, croup and whooping cough
and that It contains no harmful drug.
For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bo'ighi
Bears tho
Wo want every one of Plattsmouth's 6.000 people; every one of Cass
county's 20,000 people to visit our store during the next 30 days to take
advantage os some of the sensational bargain! which we will offer. The
following are only a few of the many bargains:
Ladies' fleeced hose, worth 25c, placed on the bargain square at
two for,,...
Men's wool hose, worth 35c and 25c placed on the hargain
square at two for
Baby's all wool hose worth 15c, placed on the bargain tquare
at per pair
Ladies' Fleeced union suits worth 75c, placed on the bargain
square at per suit
Gents Fleeced union suits, worth $1.50, placed on the bargain
square, at per suit
Blankets, worth $1.00, placed on the bargain square at
Men's heavy fleeced underwear, worth 50c, placed on the bar
gain square at per garment
Men's sweater coats, worth $1.00, placed on the bargain
sxuare at ggfl
All our men's pants worth $1.50 to $3.00, placed in one lot
your unrestricted choice for ' $139
YES, there are some corduroys, worth $2.50 of any man's
money, while they last $1 39
SATURDAY AFTERNOON two full bolts of LL muslin will
sold (limited 10 yds to customer) per yard 50
Our object is to dispose of every dollars worth of winter merchandise
Before the summer is over we expect to remodel our building from
front to rear, from cellar to roof, and we have determined to sell all
winter goods so there will not be any in the way when the carpenters
and mason begin to make the dust fly. Take any purchase home ex
amine it, compare it, give it any test you desire, then if you are not sat
isfied, if you have not received more than your moneys worth, return
same and your money will be refunded.
The Variety Store
Third Door East of Bank of Cast County. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Thomas Stout Is on the sick list.
James Jordan was a Lincoln visitor
- Morgan Curyea is on the sick list
this week.
Ray Linch, of Omaha, was In town
Miss Vera Prouty went to Lincoln
Ed. Casey went to Lincoln Wednes
day on No. 13.
Fay Parsell visited at Blair a few
days last week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson iot an In
fant child Monday.
The Misses Swlgert went to Lin
coln, Wednesday.
Miss Delia Quellhorst returned to
Lincoln, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were in Lin
coln one day last week.
C. R. Jordan went to Plattsmouth
on county business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rouse went to
Lincoln Wednesday on No. 13.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rasp returned
to their home In Omaha Tuesday.
Miss Grace Bailey visited last week
with friends at Wabash and Weeping
W. E. Newkirk lost a yearling colt
during the severe cold of Sunday and
.Mrs. II. A. Bailey and daughter,
Miss Grayce, were shopping In Omaha
last Tuesday.
Walter Hardnock and Perry Cook
shipped a car of hogs and one of cat
tle to South Omaha Tuesday.
Mrs. Lafe Mullen and daughter,
Miss La NIta, were passengers for
Lincoln Wednesday on No. 13.
Miss Fredonia Quellhorst left Wed
nesday for Nora, Nebraska, after
having spent Christmas week at
Miss Stella Sheeseley spent her
Christmas vacation at Blair visiting
her friend, Mrs. Fred Tarns and
Frank Anderson, of Weeping Wa
ter, visited tho latter part of last
week with the family of Mrs. Ella
Dale Boyles came down from Lin
coln Tuesday on No. 14 to be referee
at the Snavely-Schultz wrestling
George Sklles left Wednesday on
No. 13 to visit at Lincoln and Over
ton en route to his home at Colville,
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gregg, of Lin
coln, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Sklles Thursday and Friday, having
come down in their auto.
Joe Bird took his wife to the Sun
light sanitarium at Lincoln Wednes
day to take trentment. Mrs. Bird
bas been quite sick since the middle
of November.
The Stroemer Lumber and Grain
company shipped a car of hogs Mon
day night to South Omaha. J. II.
Stroemer went down with them, re
turning homo on No. 17, Tuesday.
Lost, on Thursday night before
Christmas, In Alvo, a gray fur lap
robe, unlined. Tho finder will confer
a great favor by returning same to
Will Sutton.
Mrs. II. A. Hellmer and children,
who have been visiting relatives for
the past week, returned to their home
near Wymore, Nebraska, Tuesday,
having left on No. 13.
Tho wrestling match held In tho
Alvo hall on Tuesday night of Janu
ary 3, between Charles Suavely and
Frank Schultt, of Omaha, ended two
to one In favor of Mr. Snavely.
There has been some skating, but
since the recent cold snap the Ice
man with his plow has appeared,
which will put a stop to that variety
of amusement until the ice houses
are filled.
C. F. Rosenow, who has been un
able to perform his duties as rural
mail carrier for the past week, was
able to go out on the route Tuesday.
During his sickness his sub, S. A.
Rosenow, delivered the mall.
Word came Tuesday night from
Lincoln that Will Mack was killed by
slipping under the street car as he
alighted on the Icy pavement. Mrs.
Mack was formerly Miss Lizzie Chris
topherson, of this place, and she ha
the sympathy of many friends here.
Nearly Adyone May Secure a
Splendid Growthof Hair.
Wo have a remedy that has a
record of growing hair and curing
baldness In 93 out of every 100 cases
where used according to directions
for a reasonable length of time. That
may seem like a strong statement
it Is, and we mean it to be,
one should doubt It until they have
put our claims to an actual test.
We are so certain Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent
baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair
roots, stop falling hair and grow new
hair, that we personally give our posi
tive guarantee to refund every penny
paid us for it in every instance where
it. does not give entire satisfaction t
the user.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as pleas
ant to use as clear spring water. It
Is delightfully perfumed, and doe
not grease or gum the hair. Two
sizes, 50c and $1.00. With our guar
antee back of It, you certainly take
no risk. Sold only at our store The
Rexall Store. F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Constipation Is the cause of many
ailments and disorders that make life
miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets, keep your
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by F. G.
Frlcke & Co.
Citizens Coining In.
The clerk of the district court's
office shows sixteen declarations on
the part of foreign born persons have
been filed, declaring Intention to be
come citizens of the United States.
Of these England furnishes one,
Sweden, Denmark and Austria each
furnish three, and Germany six. Tea
persons have applied for their second
papers and of these one Is from
Sweden, two from Russia, Austria
and Germany each, and three from
Board of Commissioners Organ l.
The new county board of commis
sioners organized today after the
completion of the business for the
past term. Mr. C. R. Jordan filed
his bond ns the new man from the
Third district, w hile Commissioner L.
D. Switzer will In the future add
"Chairman" to his signature. Mr.
Switzer departed for his home this
morning and Mr. Jordan this after
noon. The county board will meet
next Tuesday In one of Its three an
nual sessions.
Miss Mary Newetz returned from
Omaha last evening, where she ha
been visiting relatives for a few day.