V " -r irm a . A .- o j j K 11 1 n I Is SL. P a U mm H W K Mr ua M K Hfc WITH T3MATCE More good value in Pork and Beans than in anything you could use. .. . -v No. 1 size 10 each or per doz. V Mr 9it1!; ' mm W y SMriZYlS No. 3 size 20 " " " M AND f B5AJ15 : TmsTj imtl. Order a can today and if you think they are not the most delicious Pork and Beans vou ever tasted, tell us I and tret vour mor.ev back it's a way we have of saying that every can is right. Snider's Pork and Beans comply with all pure food laws of the world" Snider's Tomato Catsup, pure and wholesome, no color or artificial preservative. Contains toma toes, sugar, salt, vinegar, onions, garlic and tpices. Try the Dest FORI! and BEANS! ii 1 .$1.05 . 1.60 . 2.10 N SAUCE K ft? color:!! .A v wCOPIW1IIMCOI3 1 a GEORGE KICK AFTER A EXAMINATION PAROLED .at- ' .vr-"l 4 f- X'lf 25c Q E. A. WURL-jj 9 STORE CLOSES O'CLOCK MEL AND MRS. D. G. HCORGAH DELIGHTFULY ENTERTAIN The hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Morgan on North Sixth street was the scene of a nappy time Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. Mor gan entertained the members of her Sunday school class of the Frcsbyte lan church In a very charming man ner. Whenever Invited to the home of their Sunday school teacher, the girls always expect a line time and their fxpe' tat ions were fully realized in the entertainment of Thursjay after noon. Various games, which the girls delight to Indulge in, were most thoroughly enjoyed, while sociability reigned supreme. The dainty lunch eon, which consisted of delicious sherbert and cakes, was not the least appreciated of the many delightful things provided by the thoughtful hostess for the entertainment of her guests. f Mrs. Morgan had purchased a lit tle Christmas gift for the girls, which she Intended presenting them on Christmas day, hut the gifts failed to arrive in tlrce, so Mrs. Morgan plan ned this enjoyable occasion as a lil ting time to present the gifts, con sequently, during the afternoon, the girls were each made the recipient of a handsome four-leaf clover class pin, which is prized very highly by each member. The members of the class In at tendance on Thursday were Elva ! Hartford, Abbio" Brown, Blanche and ! Adelia Sayles, Edna Warren, Cather-1 lne Oliver, Mary Rosencrans, Alice i Weyrlch, Edith Grassman, Amanda Greeder and Stella Frans. Legal Notice. Theodore D. Buck, defendant, will take notice that on the 3rd day of December, 1910, The First National Batik of riattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintiff, herein, tiled its petition in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant et nl, the object and prayer of which petition are to recover a money judg ment on a certain promissory note executed by said defendant and an other to plaintiff for the sum of $200.00 with Interest from date at 10 per cent per annum and payable within eight months after date, and ak;o subject to the payment and satis faction of such judgment, the attach ed property in this action to-wit: The undivided one-fifth (1-5) of the North Half ( k ) of the Southwest Quarter of Section Three (3), Town ship Ten (10), Range Thirteen (13), In said Cass County. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of February, 1911. Dated this 20th day of December, 1910. First National Bank of riattsmouth, Nebraska. D. O. Dwyer, Plaintiff. Its Attorney. 12-29-Stw The hearing before the Cass coun ty board cf commissioners of Insan ity v. as terminated last evening about I o'l 'oi k. The f v'utnee introduced by the ac cused was to the effect that he war a sober, industrious farmer, and a man who paid his bills and all to gether not a bad man at all. Indeed, one of ti.f; gentlemen from Greau wcod viltrmed a representative rf the Journa! that Mr. Mick was nr. druuK ?ny oftener than the other Georges in the vicinity, that M. Mick dealt at the store kept by tj:e Journal' Intormant, and paid hit bills promptly, never allowing them t j go ary length of time. That th saloonkeepPT at Greenwood had beer, notified net to sell Mm liquor ar.d l.e got only what was procured and car ried to h.'in unknown to the propr'c- tcr. After hearing the testimony tVr. bcard held a consultation with t m attorneys for the parties and deeh'i I to make an order that accused wai n f i pel perton to be restrained un ler the Incbiinle law and that pei-ili..; the litigation for the divorce the a; cn?ed should bo paroled, and aec.ve Inrly he signed a parol agreement to drink nc intoxicating liquor dun'U' tho ;ien lanry of the divorce case, and also agioed to remain away from the prcmirer. occupied by Mrs. Mick ?.i 1 the ihildreu, on penalty of having ue parole recked and the order of eo a mitniciit to the hospital enforced. It tr.ijuars that Mrs. Mick, Life the hrin:;.ng of the divorce pweal ings, "is wt'il as before, has been an noyed by having Mr. Mick como to the hoi.fc 'rtoxicafil it which tim he wield use abnsi'a .ansuage Mil ill n: 5 tl r. t e (he chillic-i and heiaf r nd .1 1:. proceeding was brought '. ' P"t r step to this, jti.l r ot. for .'he pui'icso d' making iiicuce for :'" f'i-'.-i'oe proceedings. BATH TUB EH FACE JAIL TERMS Altcrasys Seskfn G!eni3:cj (:r Gliants Gwt Small Gonsclatoi. SAYS DOG CAN SPEAK GERMAH COMPROMISE TO BE REJECTED Kenyon Says Position of Department of Justice Is Already Well Known. , Indicted Men Must Each Cive Five i Thousand Collar Bond. Washington, Dcc. 31. Attorneys for the individuals indicted as meiubeis of the so called "bath tub trust" for alleged violation of the Sherman act came to tho department of justice in tho interest of their clients. These, la the event of their conviction and of the court's acceptance of the de clared policy of Attorney General Wlekersham to "stand for no more fines," are threatened with jail sen tences. The trio of lawyers was head ed by Rush Taggart of New York and included William L. Carpenter and Ijoo Butzel of Detroit. After an hour's conference with W. S. Kenyon, Mr. Wickershnm's assistant and special "trust buster," to whom the attorney general has delegated tho whole, mat ter, with power to at, the lawyers re fused to say a word as to the result of the conference. To Insist Upon Jail Sentences. It was 6ald at tho department tliat they had been given no reason to be liovo that tho attorney genural would consent to the acceptance of a plea ot guilty and tlio Imposition of lines rath-1 er than Imprisonment. They were given to understand that jail sen tences would bo Insisted upon and were Informed that their clients would bo expected in the United Stutos clr- Ccmmission of Scientists Frcm Berlir University Investigat.ng Story. Berlin, Ivo. 31. 'I l.e claim of tin g.imt-keepcr near Hamburg that hi; dog ( an speak Genua n and has un un derstandin of the hiu;uage sutllclen to answer questions Intelligently has aken so seriously by Germ.ii scientists that Professor Pftingst o Berlin university healed a counuU &!m of Investigation. It is stated that they found the an lmal possessed of a vocabulary of sev en words, which wero clearly artlcu lated. Of the number, four were words of two syllables. It is asserted that tho dog understands what Is said to. him and replies to the Inquiries ol strangers within the limits of his knowledge of tho language without aid or suggestion from his owner. mm holds BI6BANQUET Fcasl for Travail Ken Attend ed ty 1,102 Pcrs3r,s. BATTLES WITH MADMAN FOR LIFE Crazed Express Tracer Trias to Kill n Councilman. ,.crrii;:n ureeuer, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by HebraskaSfale Beard Calls Arswcrcd Promptly Telephone 878 White, riattsmouth. Miss Hazel rocker, of Omaha, ar rived last evening and will be a guest of the F. S. Ramsey home for a few days. Taken 111 in i.incolu. Mr. Tom Smith, residing near Mur ray, was in tho city last evening en route to Lincoln, whero ho goc3 to bring his daughter, Miss Coldie, hon;e, who has been 111 in that city for the past week. Mr. Smith and family were visiting in the capital Christmas, and Miss Goldio was taken 111 and unable to return homo with her parents. At this time she had sufficiently recovered to return home and Mr. Smith was compelled to go after her. Toy Horn to Joe JIcMaken and Wife. Joe Mc.Maken wore a smile that wouldn't come off this morning when ho d'-ove the big bays down town this Morning. When interrogated as to the source Of his unusual happy mood Joo remarked that "tho stork visited his homo last night and left tho finest hoy the city has seen for years." The incident makes Grand pa Mc.Maken feel happy also. Lee Allison, who has been at the Inebriate hospital at Lincoln, re turned to riattsmouth last evening, having been released on a writ of habeas brought before Judgo Corn ish of tho Lancaster county district court Tuesday, the hearing having been set down for yesterday. wmm fiium i w Fr-l ' Pi Holds the door open as well as closed. No chance to have any trouble with the catch holder, as it sinks into the wood and with a perfectly smooth surface. It can be seen working on a sample door at BM3EWB, PLATTSMOUTH, Oin:iha, Dec. 31. Four times a madman snapped a revolver in Hit face of Councilman Tom McGovvru in a sudden and unprovoked struggle ut tho east front of tho federal building One notch at a time tho only loaded chamber lu tho cylinder approached the hammer. MeCovern reached tuut and again for the upraised hand hold lug the gun. Each tlmo the hand evad ed his grasp. One more pull of the trigger and a bullet would have been fired poiiu blank into Mc-Govern's faco. Then lit exerted his hist oiineo of strength in overthrowing his assailant. A crowd of persons who had gath ered held McGovern's assalluitt until the police arrived. Tho man with the gun was Identified Manager of Chicago Chamber of Com merce Talks to Throng at Audito rium Greatest Dinner in Attendance City Hat Ever Known. Omaha, Dee. 31. Eleven hundred and two men sat down to the wonder ful feast tendered by the Omaha Com mercial club to tho traveling men at the Auditorium last night. It was the most prodigious affair tho city bus ever kuown. For In physical size alono the dinner was tho biggest ever held lu Omaha. The eleven hundred were waited on by 123 waiters. They ate twenty-five gallons of oysters swimming In thirty live gallon of oyster cocktail dress ing, til teen hundred stuffed eggs, ten thousand sandwiches and fifteen hun dred Nesfolrodo puddings, after which they smoked one thousand ci garettes nnd eleven hundred and two cigars. Tho speaker of tho evening wis Walter Moody, general manager ot tho Chicago chamber of commerce. Songs, cheers and yells almost deaf ened guests (luring tho course of the evening. Fully nine hundred of tho guests wero traveling men. HOW OVER LIGHT WIRES cult court at IX t.oit Jan. 4 to give $3.- V ,V ' nA . ... i, . I ells-laigo Express company. At tho police station McCluro ro 0C0 bonds each. The attorneys for tho indicted men Indicated they would not make It necessary for the government-to start fifty removal suits to get the fifty defendants together on that (by'. Tho offer of compromise) Bald to have been tendered was that should the Standard Saniiaiv .Manu facturing company nnd other defend ants In the civil action appear before tho UniteC States circuit court at Pal tlmoro and consent to the permanent Injunction the government nsks, If the government would lie satisfied with fines am' no jail sentences in the crim inal action. It was pointed out that on effectual diss dution of tho offen slvo combination tho government chnrgf's-'would lie effected -If the in junction were agreed to. Combination Dissolved. Tho department of justice, however, thinks tho combination Is ns good as dissolved. This week it learned that four concerns in the combine sent oat notices to the trade that they were no longer parlies to tho alleged price fixing agreement. Tho recent declara tion of Attorney General Wickershani, following the window glass trust case In Pittsburg, that he would Insist on prison sentences In all future convic tions In anti trust cases was tho nn swer to the second proposition. Frank IT. Watson, United states district attorney nt Detroit, referred tpieBt loners to Mr. Kenyon, who de clared the position or the department of Justice wns well known and admit ted of no discussion. lapsed into a comatose state. Unre lenting worry through tho days und far lrto tho night of the holiday sea son nt his tedious work of traclns: lost gilt packages, is held respon.'iilile for tho unbalanced condition of Me Chiro. BALTIMORE TRIPLE TRAGEDY Wl'lism C. Etrlckler Murders Wife anc Daughter and Commits Suicide. Daltlmore, Dec. 31. William C Strickler shot and killed his wife nnd nlnotoon-y car-old stepdaughter, lie.ihili Kile, in their home, In East I.nfayetti avenue, this city. Strickler then fired a b':!!et Into his own body. Domestic troublo-i wero given 113 in 0 cause 0! the tragedy. Si itchier was employe 1 as a Hi email In a iower house. Stolen Prize Opera Qrorc3 Pccovered New York, Dec. 31. The lost opeia scores in the Metropolitan opera house Broken Eow City Council In3icts Com pany Ure Only Insulated Wires. Droken How, Ni b., Dec. 31. A state of discord exists between the city counc il ami the electric light company which threatens some complications nnb-s th" matter Is taken promptly In hand ami disposed of. Seme low weeks ago, It appears, tho council I awakened to the fact that bare copper I who was being exclusively used by the electric company In stringing lis I lines, and n demand was at once made Ion the company to discontinue its use land substitute Insulated wire (Ihmul-i out. Manager Steeu of tho company says It is foolishness to use Insulated who cm a 110 voltage, hut where it Is hl.'.her he Is willing to make the sub stltiitlnti, providing the council takes official recognition of tho work so It mnv go on record. Thus tho matter stands at present. CHADRCN MAN-KILLG SELF Jclin Mead, Heal E:tats Arjent, Found Ucad In Off.co by Son. Chadreii, Neb., Dec. 31. John Mead, p'iil estate and iiis.ir.im e agent, was found dead in Ida oHloo by his ( iht jearold sou. lie had committed sui cide by shooting himself through the $l0,0tin prize competition, stolen f roil! J )lt,,i( placing the barrel of a levolvei nn Adams Express company s wagon lust Saturday, have been recovered John Ken, who handed tho four maun scripts to the Harlem police, said hi: life had been threatened If he told how ho obtained possession of them. Do In his mouth. Ills wife left him last winter for another man, talcing a baby witii her and leaving three other chil dren. It Is believed that brooding over his domestic troubles had tempo ral lly unbalanced his mind, lie Is the tectlvcs questioned him, however, nnd 0l jlU Mt.;Ul, one of Chailroii's NEBRASKA TABUTEAUWINS CUP French Aviator Makes Continuous Flight of 363 MUes. Due, France, Doc. 31. Maurice Tabuteau, contesting for the Mlchclln cup, broke the world's aviation rec ord for long distance, covering 3fi2.GG miles In a contlnous (light of seven hours forty-five minutes. Tabuteau had before mndo the best mark In this year's competition for tho Mlchelln cup, having on Oct. 28 last flown 288 miles. Tho cup is awarded annually, along with a cash premium of $4,000, to tho avlntor mak ing tie longest sustained flight within the twelve months. Henri Farman won the trophy In 1909, making 150 miles In four hours seventeen minutes. BISHOP SCORES "NEW LEAF" Episcopal Prelate Attacks "New Year's Resolutions." rittsbiirg, Dec. 31. lllshop Cort landt Whitehead of tho Episcopal church attacked New Year's resolu tions in an address before the Credit Men's association of Pittsburg. "I do not believe In them," ho said, "because they only afford material to make the positive and well meaning poor victim a laughing stock. The New Year's resolution is a frail proposition at best." then started out with him on a tour ol Investigation. Haskell Signs Capital BUI. Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 31. T.overnoi Haskell affixed his slgnnturo to the Btuto capital bill while sitting 011 stocd In a railway eating house in this city. The bill, which wns passed nt a recent special session of tho legis lature, locates tho capital at Okla homa City. Alaska Cold Output Smaller. Washington, Dec. 31. A marked falling of in the production of gold in Alaska, due to tho failure of plaeei mines In tho Fairbanks and Sewaru peninsula districts, Is reported. . The production within the year litis been $Di,3i;o,(iOO, compared with $20,371,U0C In 1909. Bars Woman From Office. Green Pay, Wis, Dec. 31. Judge S. D. Hastings decided a woman Is not eligible to hold a public office, because alio Is not an elector. The decision was In the rase of Adeline Pratt, who was elected register of deeds of Mari nette county. Caumont Falls Sixty Feet. Versailles, France, Dec. 31. Lieu tenant Caumont of the army aviation corps, while testing a new monoplane, fell from a height of sixty feet. Both arms find both legs wera brokeu. Ills condition la critical. Boy Scout Battle Ends In Fatal Shoot Cincinnati, Dee. 31. Several pro vlons bloodless battles between rival factions of tho boy scout movement wero followed by a shooting In Covins ton, Ky., In which Harry lllgglns, fif teen yonrs old, was probably fatally wounded. Bookmaker Drops Dead. Sim Francisco, Dec. 31. Joseph Mc Gee, widely known on tho nice tracks of this country and Canada as a book maker, dropped dead here as he was walking along tho street. Heart dia ease Is believed to havo caused his death. pioneer real estate dealers, who now Uvea at Hot Springs, S. D. To Advertise Nebraska. Lincoln, Dec. 31. Under authority of the state association of i:oniiner clal clubs, a committee, composed of S. It. McKelvlo, editor of the Nebraska Farmer; K. M. Marvin, editor of the Deiitrico Sun, unci Will A. Campbell, manager of tho Omaha Commercial club publicity bureau, has been ut work on a state publicity or advertis ing plan. This plan has been fully worked out and will be presented to the legislature, along with a request for a $23,000 appropriation. Hastings College Endowment. Hustings, Neb., Doc. 31. A move ment Is now wcdl under way to In crease the endowment of Hastings col lego from $100,000 to $230,000, of which $50,01.0 will be Invested as 11 retiring fund for teachers. Tho work is being carried 011 with the approval and cooperation of the rresbyterlan college board of New York. Sub stantial progress has been mudo and tho prospects point to the success of the undertaking. Fourth Death From Chicago Strike. Chlcigo, Dec. 31. The fourth death In tho garment workers' strike was that of Ferdlnnnd Weiss, nineteen yarn old, who was shot Dec. 24 by Edward Henney, a special policeman. Heaney la locked up. Nebraska Windmills for Russia. Hastings, Neb., Dec. 31. M. Fair man of this city Is In receipt from Odessa, Russia, of an order for a wlud- 1 mill to bo. erected near that place. This Is the first Amerlcan-niado wind mill to he shipped to Russia and the first mill of any kind to bo used In that part of the country to which It Is shipped. Wait's Automobile BUI. Lincoln, Dec. 31. Addison Walt, secretary of Btnto elect, has a supply of tirlnted eonlea of his m-otioscd unto. niomio law, which no will uistrib Ills Idea is to ch.iri'Q a t!i feo ni.nnnl- Rollins Bingham Dead. I iv . ;;0Pnsn for niitnmoiit,Q 11., Kansas City, Doc. 31. ftouins lllng-i has changed his origlhnl plnn and has ham. newspaper writer, attorney and several years ago a society leader, died at tho general hospital hero of pneumonia, aged forty nlno years. stricken out that portion which ex empted automobiles from other taxes. Omaha Federal Official Dead. Omaha, Dec. 31.-3cnjumln H. Har rows, surveyor of the port of Omaha, died from a combination of bronchitis and heart trouble, aged alxty-three. Fence Stretcher Kills Farmer, Cnrml, 111., Dec. 81. James C. Cor- reran, a farmer, was stretch I no- wlrn fence, when tho stretcher broke, re- Mr Barrows was a former nowspaper bounded and struck him. Ths blow mnn' "a had held many public ofllcos, was fatal. 1 1,0,118 American conRul at Dublin, Ire land, for about fifteen years.