The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 22, 1910, Image 4

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    The Plattemouth - Journal
rrm Mllskd Seml-Wjek!j at Plattsmoulh, Nebraska egg)
R. A. DATES, Publisher.
Entered at the TostolTice at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Tills Is about the only week lu tbt
year that people would appreciate
the parcels post.
The lion. Lorrlmer, of Illinois,
must feel like giving three cheers for
senatorial courtesy."
. :o:
Tho only Christmas sentiment some
men entertain consists In hoping that
the Inevitable necktie won't be red.
Only one week till Christmas.
Fauta Claus should visit every poor
family In liattsmouth. Hut will he?
It Is unkind of the locomotive en
gineers to demand Increased wages
at this time, when tho roads are busy
explaining that they're heavy losers
The poultry show in Omaha last
week was a greater success than any
previous year. They can bo made a
mreess anywhere that an effort Is put
forth to make It such.
The closing of thirty branches of
tho Capital Investment company, a
concern that has done a business of
10 millions a year, Is a pretty big
drop In the "bucket shop."
:o: j
Three thousand coal dealers In
Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska have
arranged to organize. The club will
be "purely social," of course. Any
one who suggests controlling coal
prices Is likely to find himself unpop
Only a few more days In which to
do your Christmas shopping. LnoTt
over this paper, and therein you will
tind the merchants who solicit your
trade have the goods and will give
3011 the greatest and best bargains.
. :o:
l'oulhon. tho boss of the Antl-Sa-loon
League, has apparently, given
up hope to organize the legislature
to his notion. Hut it would be Just
us well for members of the house to
be on the lookout for a "snake In the
grass," ready to pounce upon them
at any moment.
Because be disliked the htudy of
German, a Cincinnati boy, Frederick
W. Lehman, ran away from home
fifty years ago and has now been ap
pointed solicitor general of the United
States, says the New York World. The
t-tory la a good one, but boys who
may be Inspired to follow his exam
ple should bo Informed that Mr. Lh-
man now proposes to send bis chil
dren to lierniany to study Cerman.
He has evidently learned several
things since he ran away from home.
A friend of this paper went to
back to publish his evidence for popu
lar Judgment. He now says he la not
certain that he did reach the pole, be
ing half mad with hunger and suffer
ing after two years spent In the bar
ren, glacial wastes of the far north.
Whether Cook reached the pole or
not Is of little consequence. The
quest for that objective point has not
been worth a hundredth part of the
money expended, the death and Buf
fering borne in It. Science has gained
llttlo from It. Cook may have been
sincere In his belief of success. It Is
largely a matter for scientists to pass
upon, and they are by no means
unanimous In their belief that Peary
himself reached the coveted goal.
Cook did prove himself a brave man
In his endeavors to accomplish the
ambition of his life. If ho was mis
taken he will be easily pardoned the
Joy and exultation which resulted to
him, and his acceptance of the praises
and acclamation of the people. That
he ever deliberately falsified in re
gard thereto it is believed cannot be
wajs and means committee with a
view to having them gel to work at
once on tariff reform preparations. A
commltUo thus selected tail work
through the summer and fall, and
have ready for Introduction, when
co.igrcss meets next December, either
a tariff bill or a series of tariff bills
which will embody a genuine, Iionest
and comprehensive program of re
vision downward.
These are tiding of great Joy to the
democracy of the country wnlch Is
looking anxlousiy forward to the
time when a democratic house will
have to "make good." There Is but
one way in which the democrats in
Washington can serve the party, and
that is by an. honest effort to serve
the people. And It will be serving
the people to elect Champ Clark
speaker. He is a sincere and able
democrat, thoroughly imbued with
the best democratic Ideals. It will
be serving the people to provide for
the selection of the house committees
otherwise than by the speaker, for
this Is a reform that the country de
mands, and It is in line with demo
cratic theory. It will be serving the
people most of all, however, to make
such thorough advance preparations
that, when the next congress meets,
the democratic majority will have the
tariff question well in hand, and be
prepared to offer, for the approval of
the senate and the president, a tariff
program that Is in harmony with
democratic platform pledges and the
popular desire World-Herald.
Till; TAKII T ,l ITS "FKIlOXhS."
At last even the "friends" or high
protection seem to understand that
they must make somo concessions to
the public demands for downward re
vision. That understanding came
through the recent elections, which
registered a rebuke to the makers of
tho l'ayne-Aldrich law.
It now seems wholly probable that
the present session of congress will
witness the creation of a real tariff
commission, with sufficient power to
procure tariff facts. If that should
be done, It would be a big concession
to tho progressives in congress and
to tho Insistent demands of the pco
plo In general. It would be a formal
admission that "the best bill ever" is
not what It ought to be. It would
also suggest a strategic effort to do
something before the doing of things
shall be turned over to a democratic
Meanwhile the democrats are quite
as active, but with reference to the
time when they shall come Into their
inheritance. Wise tariff action at the
hands of the democrats will be hoped
for by the country, but as tho cor
recting of tariff abuses Is a pressing
need, practical co-operation will be
asked of the democrats In this session
if good measures are offered by the
party Btlll In power. The people have
rebuked republican failure; they are
quite capable of rebuking democratic
obstruction or unnecessary delay.
Tho country wants results much
more than it wants advantage for
one party or another. It has little
tolerance left for partisan Interfer
ence with Its business. Kansas City
1 December
When you buy FURS of us you get the ANNIS FURS, and they are the
largest manufacturers of Fur Garments in the United States.
Set Furs : :
20 per cent Discount
Cost you : :
: 5.00
Omaha last week to purchase a cer
tain article for a Christmas present.
After spending a whole day in the
metropolis, looking around, he re
turned and the next day went to one
of our own business houses and pur
chased the very same article In every
way, for ten per cent cheaKT than
ho could buy It for !n Omaha. It Is
a much mistaken idea that you ran
buy goods cheaper in Omaha than
you can purchase them In Platts
mouth, and more especially Just be
fore the holidays. You can't do It.
Fo be wise, open your eyes to the fact
that when you buy at home you are
buying of men who guarantee goods
to be Just what they are sold for.
It Is a hard thing for a genuine
American to permanently expatriate
himself. The longing for borne and
friends and old associates overcomes
every other sense. That Is the case
wjth, Dr.; Cook, the alleged discoverer
of tiio tiulth pole, who fled Uie coun
try iabetrt &' Tear ago la the face of
ve"rVgerfefal. adverse criticism. He
'iarfnoj efiijurifniii'cxllfl and Is coming
t;ooi m:vs fkom Washington
Though It is aimost a year until
tho democrats will be In control of
the house of representatives, the
leaders of the party In Washington
are taking hold in earnest of the
problems that will confront a demo
cratic majority. Some verey gratify
ing announcements aro already made,
it is said with authority.
Ono Is that Champ Clark will be
elected speaker, having the pledges
of more than a majority of the demo
cratlc members-elect.
Another Is that the standing com
mittees will not be appointed by the
speaker but, In somo way still to be
agreed upon, will be elected by the
house Itself, presumably on the ree
omniendatlon of a committee on com
mittees, as is the practice in the
British house of commons, and as
was dono in tho last house of the
Nebraiika legislature.
SU'l another is that a caucus of
the democrats elected to' Hie next
house will be railed, la Washington
next month, at whlch-will be chosen
the democratic :memb t rC the next
When Henry Clews says that
"money Is easier" he evidently speaks
fmm the standpoint of those who
have something to sell appropriate to
the holidays.
Hundreds of Americans who emi
grated to Canada to grow up and
freeze with the country are hiking
back to the U. S. as fast as the traijis
can carry them. This Is a pretty good
half of the continent, after all, where
with Industry and application almost
any one can prosper.
To strike at the cause of the high
cost of living, wipe out the trusts ana
you have It. They are the rulers on
all productions. They even control
the prices on the farmers' produc
tions. Wipe out the trusts and the
cost of living will be within the
bounds of reason.
:o: .
Ik-fore donning Santa Claus whis
kers and a cotton wig, the prudent
man will see that his life Insurance
policies are all paid up and his per
sonal and business affairs In good
shape. Cotton whiskers and Christmas
candles form a combination hard to
beat for booming tho undertaking
There is ono thing certain, there
has not been so many going to Omaha
this season as there has been on pre
vious seasons. The people are rapid
ly learning that they cannot buy
goods any cheaper In Omaha than
they can in I'lattsmouth, and many
articles they buy cheaper from the
home merchants.
Omaha Is preparing to look after
the poor of that city, and remind
them that Old Santa Is in the land of
tho living. Nebraska's metropolis may
bo bad 'In some things, as all other
Itles are, but she does not allow
other titles to out-do her on the
harlty act. She has always taken the
lead In everything grand and noblo.
: : : $20.00
"Dig business" and the reactionary json comes out In an open declaration
element in the democratic party have that the legislature in all honesty
must obey the people's will as ex
pressed at the polls by the election
suffered a severe blow al the hands
of Woodrow Wilson, governor-elect
of New Jersey. Mr. Wilson has set
tled any doubts that may have exist
ed as to his progresslveness by com
ing out flat-footed In opposition to
the senatorial aspirations of the New
Jersey democratic boss, James Smith.
The democratic voters declared their
preference by ballot for James E.
Martlne for the senatorial toga, but
Smith, with the arrogance of all
bosses, proposed to over-ride the
popular will. But If he counted on
the approval or silent acquiescence of
Woodrow Wilson In this program, he
counted without his host. Mr. Wil-
of Martlne. By thus placing himself
fairly and squarely on the side of the
people as against the bosses and the
Interests, Woodrow Wilson has un
questionably greatly strengthened his
position in the confidence and esteem
of the democratic masses.
Saved From Awful Death.
"I'll never be without Dr. King's
New Life Pills again," writes A
Schingeck, 647 Elm St., Buffalo, N.
Y. "They cured me of cnronlc con
stipation when all others failed." Un
equaled for Biliousness, Jaundice and
Debility. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co's.
Senator Banning, of Union, came
In last evening from Omaha over the
Burlington, where he had been look
ing after some business matters and
remained over In the county seat to
day, visiting with his 'friends and
transacting some business. While
here the senator paid his respects to
the Journal.
Live Stock and General Farm Sale
Five years successful selling renders
me thoroughly competent of handling
vour sale. Referfence from those I
have sold for. Graduate from M issoim
Auction School. See me at Perkins
Platts. 'Phone Green 142
Charley Bryan writes to a Lincoln
friend that he expects to return be
fore the legislature meets. Well,
who cares whether he does or not?
Has he the audacity to think for one
moment that the Nebraska legisla
ture is unable to organize without
bis presence? He Isn't quite as big
a man as his brother yet, and the
growing qualities are not In him.
The Journal columns are pretty
well crowded with holiday advertis
ing, and wo are unable to give our
readers as much home news as usual.
If they will pardon us for a few more
days the rush will bo over and then
they will get their usual amount of
reading. This Is the only harvest
season In the year for the newspaper
and we are privileged to take advant
age of It.
I Ylm (Bit
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A splendid selection of articles suitable for gifts that will give lasting
pleasure, service and satisfaction. These are the kind you will find in our Hol
iday stock and prices within the reach of all:
Watches Cuff Pins
Bracelets Fountain Pens
Silverware Umbrellas
Cut Glass Thimbles
Mesh Bags Novelties
C, B. & Q. Watch Inspector.