PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at Pub Ik:, Auction at his home, five miles east and one-half mile north of Weeping Water; six miles northwest ef Xehawka, and nine miles south west of Murray, on Friday, December 23, 1910 the following described property: Sale to Commence at 10 o'clock 1 gray horse, 12 years old, weight 1,400; 1 bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1,350; I bay mare, 4 years old, weight 1,400; 2 gray geldings, 3 years old, weight 2,800; Y torown mare, 8 years old, weight 1,200; 3 yearling colts; 1 yearling mule; 1 suckling colt; 5 milk cows, three giv ing milk, and two will soon be fresh; 1 Durham bull, 2 years old; 1 year ling heifer, 5 spring calves, 31 hogs. Farm Implements: 1 binder, nearly new; 1 Monitor press drill, new; 1 Sterling 2-row cutter; 1 Lewis hay stacker, new; 2 Meadow Queen hay bucks, new; 1 corn eleva tor and dump; 1 horse power; 1 McCormick mower; 1 Bradley hay rake; 1 12-inch gang plow, nearly new; 3 Badger cultivators, one new; 1 walking cultivator; 1 Morris three wheel lister; 1 walking lister; 1 poto to digger; 1 two-section harrow, har row cart; 1 drill planter, one 2-row cultivator; 1 hay rack, 3 wagons, 1 carriage; 1 top buggy, 1 feed grinder, I sled; 60-gallon coal oil tank; 1 Galloway cream separator, new; 1 Cypress Incubator, 240 egg, new; 2 brooders, one Cypress; 20 bushels of Iowa Silver Mine seed corn; 1 sep arator house, 10x12; 200 rods woven wire fence, 26-lnch; 1 hay fork, one corn crib; 1 dinner bell; 1 cob fork; 1 saddle; 1 Columbia wagon scales; three sets of work harness, one set buggy harness; 100 burr oak fence posts; one 45-gallon Iron kettle, new; one 16-ft Iowa gate; eight or ten tons of prairie hay; sixteen dozen thoroughbred Plymouth Rock chick ens; four Toulese geese; Three stacks of tame hay, and six tons of' oat straw In barn; 65 acres of stalks; one shotgun, some household goods, and many other articles too numer ous to mention. Lunch will be served on the grounds at noon. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash In hand; all over $10, a credit of twelve months will be given, purchaser giving bankable paper bearing eight per cent Interest from dale. All property must be set tled for before being removed. A. P. Chriswisser. GEORGE S. BILLINGS j PASSED M LAST NIGHT Prom Saturday's Daily. George S. Billings passed away at his home, near the Columbian school in this city, last evening about 8 o'clock, after suffering Intensely for several days. The deceased was born In Plattsmouth October 28, 1869, and received his education In the pub lic schools of this city. He was a son of Spencer S. Billings, who was a man of considerable wealth, own ing at his death an addition to this city and a large number of tenement houses, which descended to his chil dren. The deceased, George S. Bil lings, was married August 6th, 1890, to Miss Addie Butler, who w ith seven children survive him. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Billings who are left to mourn his death are Samuel, Clinton, Louis, Bradley, Fern, Jack and Flora, the latter be ing a babe but a few months old. Deceased leaves a brother, Clinton, of Havelock, Nebraska, and four sis ters, as follows: Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy, of Arapahoe, Nebraska, Mrs. Grace D. Copeland of Cheyenne, Wyo ming, Mrs. Ella Spencer, of Seattle, Washington, and Mrs. Harriett L. Hunter, of this city. The funeral service will take place from St. Luke's church tomorrow, (Sunday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Canon Burgess officiating. A $2.r0 Itgu for J)!)c. This Is what we are giving all our customers this month for a Christ mas present. From now until the 24th of this month we will give all our patrons purchasing $2.00 worth of goods for cash and 99c In cash, we will give them one of these hand some 2xx5 feet rugs. They are very handsome and would be cheap at $2.50. You will be given a card and when you purchase the $2.00 in good3 return the card and 99 cents and get the rug. This offer closes on tile evening of December 24, so come in and see us about it now. We only have a few hundred of them and they will not last long. Holmes & Smith. Mr. S. L. Furlong, of Rock Bluffs, was in the city today bringing in some produce for the market. i -' n n ptmip unnio 1 1 HAD It mm rv IU c SPENT IN FOOT COVERINGS mm MAKE SENSIBLE AND APPRECIATIVE GIFTS! NOTHING 10RE APPROPRIATE THAN A PAIR OF Howard & Foster $4 OO Dr. Red Cushion Solas 5.00 Red Cross $4 OO Julia Marlow S3.SO SHOES FOR MEN! SHOES FOR WOMEN! WE WILL M.IKE EXCHANGES AFTER CHRISTMAS! Christmas Slippers 50c to $1 .75 MEM'S SLIPPERS! LADIES' FELT FURTRIH RQMEOS! Wine, green, tan and black $1.25, $1.50 Ladies' Felt Lap Slippers, (three colors) 1.10 " 50 Child's Fur-trim Romeo, red 85 Ladies' Fleece Lined Shoes . $1.75, $2.25 Infants' Red Felt Fur-trim Bootees '. 50 Latest Novelty Velvet Shoes $4.00 " " Suede " 3.50 Men's Kersey Eight Button Gaiters 75 " Ten " " 1.00 " Canvas (buckel, spring, lace) Leggins 75 Leather Leggins 2.25 Opera or Everett Style-Black or Chocolate. . . .65c, 85, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Hate His Slippers Ready and You'll Keep Him Heme Etenlngs Men's Felt Slippers 60 Men's Side Rubber Romeo... $1.75 " " $1.50 " FeltShoes 3.00 "BUSIER BROWN" SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS! raSTCKyi;:.;. ARE SENSIBLE, SERVICEABLE, STURBY, SUUHCH - AND STRONG, and will cement continned patronage " V VY K to this store. All leathers! All styles! mm $1,95 TO $2.75 y .cv. ' i INFANT'S MOCCASINS! SOFT SOLES AND BOOTIES 50c All Colors of the Rainbow! 4 LEGGINS! Child's Jersey Loggins. . . . Misses' " Ladies' " Bov'sCanva8 " .50 .75 .75 .50 Ladies' Over Gaiters .50 Child's Corduroy Leggins $1.00 " Jockey (red) ' 1.25 - "QUALITY SHOES" AT "TRADE AT HOI" PBICES! - jW im REPAIRING DONE RIGHT! The Store of the Christmas Spirit! HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT OF mm wA timwmi "PLATTSWIOUTH'S BEST GIFT SHOP!" mm Uncommon Gifts for Christmas! EVERYTHING FROM A JUG-JACK TO A KNABE GRAND PIANO. GIFTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT THE 1ST ATTRACTIVE BARGAIN PRICES SSSBB1SBSMSMSB1SBBBBBB.SBBSSSBSSBS"S ks-ih0i;cs-- YOU are probably one of the great majority of Gift Buyers who have found that a book that a book is the most acceptable thing to give for Christmas. NOTHING KISK THAT COST SO UTTLK is one-tenth as acceptable. Noehing else that costs so little provides such a wide latitude to satisfy the individual taste of the giver (or recipieut). We have the most complete assortment of Gift Books and Booklets ever brought to Plattsmouth. All the latest Gilt Books in fine bindings and beautiful illustrations; Latest Fiction, Juvenile Books, Toy Books, Taint Books, Ktc. FOR YOUNGSTERS Tndestrvctable Muslin Books. Paint Books from 5c to $1.00. Morning Picture Books, Fairy Tales, Bible Tales, Comic Papers fk Books, FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Alger Books, all titles. Ilenty Books, all titles. Motor Boys Books, all titles, Rover Boys Books, all titles. Meade Girls Books. Wizard or Oz Books. Bible Stories for young. History, all titles. FOR GROWN UP'S. 200 popular Fiction at 50c value. Henry Hutts Books. Harrison Fisher Books. Kiley Books. Padded Poets. All Fall Novels. Roosevelt Books. Faust Books. Boxed Books. Bibles. 11 n I Christmas Booklets, Post Cards, Etc. Christmas Booklets, Post Cardn, Christmas Letters, Christmas Foldcre, ChriKtmas Calendars, Motto CardH, Christmas Blotters, etc. Mobt complete line ever shown here. A traveling man told us hint week that wc were allowing the best collection he had seen oil his entire terri tory, which comprises all the state. Tost Cards 5,000 Christmas cards at lc. 'Gelitirf Christmas cards 2 or 5e. Steel engraved post cards, pearl inlaid post cards, hand decor ated pott curds, silk post cards, velvet post cards. Christmas Booklets 2 l-2c to $1.50. 1,000 Booklets at 2 for 5c. Hand painted bookcti, friendship booklets, Vulland line of hand decorated booklets. Must be seen to bo appreciated, 25c to $1.50. Christmas Calendars all ready for mailing, 10c upward. Christ mas blotters for mailing, Christmas wall mats for mailing, Christmas boxed booklets for mailing. ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS TO YS.'STICKERS, TISSUE PAPER HOLLY PAPER TOYS AND PLAYTHINGS. We are showing all tho new thing in Toyland this season, Dux Fay Co. line of wooden toya, mont novel line out this season. Wooden crows, wood pelicans, wood dogs, wood graishoppcrs, etc. Stuffed animals, j Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Tho season's sensation in Dollrt. Baby Bumps (very cunning), Dolly Strong, Baby Beautiful Sambo in Junipers, indcitructiblo dolls, celluloid dolls, chanticler dolls, baby muff dolls, baby Sampson, kid body dolls, doll heads. Mechanical Toys Hill climbing locomotives, automobiles, firo trucks, iron trains, toy groceries, toy dishes, druim, and all other yood loit too numerous to mention. AGENTS FOR THE FLEXIBLE FLIER SLEDS. Candy! Candy! Candy! See and get our prices on candy befor buying your Christinas supply. Competition on price and quality de fied. All candy sold by us guaranteed by ptiro food law. Good candy hero at tho price- you pay for "stud" elsewhere. Celebrated Red Band brand of bon bons at 12c per pound, wafers at 12c, fudge at 12c, cream dates at I2c and 20 other kinds at 12c. 'Rod Band chocolate! at 20c per pound, 25 kinds. Why pay 30 ito 40c for no biVHt. Alligretti chocolates in gift boxes. O'Brien chocolates in gift boxes. Also full assortment of Fresh Nuts at lowest prices. Agents for Flexible Flyer Sleds, at Lowest Prices. Full Assortment of Nut: tationery Store IHleroId's Book and 5L n