The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 15, 1910, Image 4

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- Platismouth - Journal
f Ssral-Wcsk j it PIi'twA t.r...i
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Er.tered at the postfcf!ke at PUtUmouth, Nebraska, as s-ond-.laM
IxD't pat off buying jo-it CSrU
tmas presents cr.'ll tit M day and
the lat hoar. V.if tow.
Tl LIn-o!a Star aay that "a
co-ir.ty grafter U 't ai bad as a state
or rational grif"-r."
Of eoir be
Tb chief trouble with a'.oppir.g to
wat'h the enforcement of the anti
trust laws already on the s'atute
Looks 1 that the co irt are m very
lln rely.
Cwi return indicate a total pop
nation of almost iS.OOMOO In the
oufif ry. Perhaps that U the reason
why the prei l n'ial messages are
troalng longer.
Ioubt)ei the standpat committee
whih Is going through the form of
Investigating H-uator Lorlrner of 1 1 1 1 -r.ois
will make ano'her one of those
J:i:ir.jr-r report.
: o : .
One of the HO members of the
Tm legislature la a republU an. Bo
Tejan i one state where the repub-
i;an portion of the legislature la not
tpltl Into warring faction.
Only twelve more day till Christ
mas, an'! If you have not bought your
treeenta you had better be at It.
J'lattmo'ith merchants are ready to
furnish them to you at the right
pre., and that mean cheaper at
tome than at Omaha.
liny your Christmas present at
borne, and you will feel better there
by. I'lattamouth merchant have the
aarne Interest in the city you have,
and the ydeserve your Christmas
trade. They Imve th) good and villi
make you Die right price on what
you want.
t I
Judge Hancroft, In a speech In
Cleveland, agBlnst universal suffrage,
concluded with thU peroration : "Mall,
then, to woman woman, the morn
ing ntar of youth, the lay star of our
maturity, the (veiling atar of our old
age. Bless our stars, and may they
ever continue shining In their
proper sphere."
We are pleased to note that the In
coming governor hna re-appolntcd W.
J. O'Brien superintendent of the at a to
little bearltg and all wbo knows of
his dictatorial qualities, simply laugh
at hia audacity.
Every democrat elected to the In
coming legislature has, or will have,
eyea opn to the scheming of Poul
son, the bois of the Anti-Saloon lea
gue. He wants county option to come
before everything ebe, and why? Be
cause If he can get the democrats di
vided, and a bad feeling to eiist be
tween the county option and anti-op-
tlonlsts, the republicans will be able
to organize the house. The first duty
of democrats Is to organize the bouse,
select committees, etc., before any
thing elite Is done.
thing to "ir.Mirge" against. It be
:iMe In Inf.urjren'y against a party
whenever It U untrue to its IdeaU. It
believe In Insurgency against a cau
cus whenever It h nntrue to the plat
form pledges of Its party. It believes
in Individual Insurgency, where the
Individual cannot conscietiouRly act
with his party, and la case where
there are no platform pladges binding
him, aa well a In cases where the
members publicly repudiated a plat
form plank In the campaign la which
te was elected.
But if the Journal means by "In
surgency," the bolting of the demo
cratic caucus by democrats, without
provocation. In the very beginning of
the session, and the denial of the
right of the democratic majority to
organize the legislature, then the
World-Herald would be opposed to It,
of course World-Herald-
.,.-. vv
Let us answer that question. Our business lives are devoted to the solu-
V tioo of that one prblem. We have made a successful study of the kind of gifts
yj people want. You come to our store, and we help you choose tasteful, suit-
able presents. Anything you buy at this store will beexactly what we tell you JV
it is. Quality and price will be in proper proportion. See if you can't take V
-1 rt 1 1 1- ctmo t n t Vlics XT' T - mm1 nntt Aur rti m , . t e Tk, n ..i m. Imno M
uii iivui "uuii hjio ntn. auu paj uui siuic a jusi nun uui iiuo ai c
full and complete and you will likely find just what you want.
The greateat service rendered by
the Ballinger Investigation was In
getting the evidence before the coun
try. The people very generally made
up their own verdict, to the effect
that the secretary was guilty as
But another fine .rv!fe wasthe
A boot wai given newspaper ad- finding of the other section of the
vertUIng at the manufacturer's din-1 committee, made public In Septem
ner at the commercial club Tuesday I ber, for those findings, signed by the
night by Henry Oerlng. "We manu- democratic members and by Repre-
fa'turers have been awfully hide- J sentatlve Madison, the progressive re
bound about adverting." he said: publican, and sustaining practically
"We have been awfully afraid of every charge made and recommend
.pending a little money. I tell you ln8 h dismissal of Ballinger. backed
the newspapers are the biggest man- "P the ople'B Judgment. That re-
ufaeturers we have. They manufac- P"rt- hether considered technically
lure thoughts."Omaha Hotel U!. or morally, was the true report, for It
was technically regular and It repre
sented the moral convictions of the
country. .
It may be well to recall here the
eHsentlal farts In relation to the Sep
tember sitting of the committee. The
a great friend of newspapers, and
when In business in I'lattsmouth,
was always hustling for the best In
terests of the city. It was not long
after he went to Omaha till the busi
ness men learned his hustling quali
ties, and he soon advanced to the
front rank among the leading busi
ness men of that city.
, :o:
regular republican section of the com
mlttee did not want to make a report
before the elections, and for reason
that lire now as positive as they were
obvious then. Several members were
abaent, with no better excuse than
that they were campaigning for some
The Lincoln Journal, Superintend- of their menaced atand-pat friends
ent I'oulson and other republican I Hut the democrats, with Madison ha
politicians are working hard to de-U majority of those present, an
velop democrat! "Insurgency" In the a 1"orum of the hole committee
Incoming atate legislature. And the
.Journal Is anxious to know whelher mlttee he ruled that the quorum, con
the World-llerald, which applauded "Intlng of the democrats and Madison
liepubllcan Insurgency n the national ha1 thorlty to make an adjourn
congicss, would also applaud demo
cratic "Insurgency" In the Nebraska
Insurgency against what?
what usurpation of power, against
what abuses, agAlnst what faithless
ness to party principle as laid down
In the party platform?
The Incoming democratic lcgMa
turo Is fresh from the people. There "landing except as a minority
have been no abuses of power. There though It has a majority of the who
has been no repudiation of platform committee la only the last bluff In
pledges. The members-elect are men Me ugly Ballinger buslncsH.-Kansas
of exceptionally high standing, both U'" p,ar
nicnt. That quorum, falling to pro
ure the attendance of the other mem
hers, proceeded to act, and then did
4 , t I I ' , . V. I . I
Against I ""-i i ii aniiiiiKK'M i
December. But they did not wa
until after the election to make the!
The white-washing of Ballinger by
la commltteo that has no offlcla
DUUOIDS I Gc:J Icmtieat!
Invest in a diamond, get the
pleasure of owning it and of know
ing its value is constantly in
creasing. Come and look over
our line. Any atone you may
choose, we absolutely guarantee
to ge genuine. No chance for a
te or deception at this store.
diamond rings with bes'.
mountings, Tiffany or
each $15 00
Larger diamonds, Tiffany or
fancy mountings $20.00
A fine selection of rings
$25 00 and $27.50
See the Tiffany mounted rines
$30.00 to $50.00
A fine selection of solitaire and
cluster, genuine pearl rings,
$3.00 to $27.50
200 fine solid gold seal rings
$1 50 to $6.50
100 fine solid gold plain band
rings? $1.00 to $6.00
2fJ0 fine solid gold' ladies' set
rings $2.00 to $15. DO
100 fine solid gold bady rings
SOo to $1.25
If you want an honest, reliable
watch at the lowest possible price
come and see our holiday line,
which includes a splendid variety
of the latest in Ladies and Gentle
men's watches. Over 100 pat
terns in solid gold and filled cases.
Elgin, Waltham, Howard, Hamil
ton, Rock ford, South Bend, New
England, Trenton and Ingersoll
works. We can strictly please
Souvenir teaspoons, 60c to $1.50
Solid silver teaspoons, per sett
$3.50 to $5.00.
Fountain pens, 95c to $4.00.
Umbrellas, gold filled handles,
$1.5s to $6.00.
Big Ben alarm clocks, $2.50;
others, 75c to $1.25.
Solid gold link buttons, $1.75
to $5.00.
Diamond link buttons, $3.00 to
$15 00.
V I iwn t in v i aii is niia fciwa .
Diamond stick pins, $2.50 to
Gold filled cuff buttons, guar
anteed, 50c to $1.50.
Gold filled stick pins, guaran
teed, 50c to $1.00.
Sterling silver, mounted, knives
and forks, pearl handle, per set,
Silver plated knives and forks,
best quality, per set, $3.75 to
Mantle clocks (1.00 to $17.50.
Gold plated clocks, $2.50 to
A fine line of hat pins 50c to
3-piece toilet sets, $5.00 to $15.
Military sets, $1.75 to $7.00.
. Cut glass, pieces 2fc to $10.00.
Carving sets, $2.00 to $5.00.
Traveling sets, $3.50 to $7.00.
J. W,
C., B. & Q. Watch Inspector. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER.
nryan. Hut suppose the democrats
did not so consider It, then what ter
rible rumpus there would be. But
seriously, because Mr. Bryan Is re
cognized as the leader of the demo
cratic party of the state Is no reason
why "Brother Charley" should at
tempt to tell the democrats what "I
think," and attempt to dictate to
them. Had It not been for "Brother
Charley," Mr. Bryan would have
fared better and had more friends In
the state than he has now.
But since Charley has gone, no
doubt, the democrats will attempt to
worry along and perhaps organize
the legislature according to the plat"
form adopted at Grand Island, even
It they do not have to consult the In
structions left for their government
by Mr. Bryan Nebraska City News.
Mr. Fritz Frlcke was called to the
metropolis on business this afternoon.
'1 hs only surgical houia in the
tent whera all biting is dona
by an eiperl. Largest stock
of trusses in tha West.
When you have a cold get a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
will soon fix you up all right and will
ward off any tendency toward pneu
monia. This remedy contains t no
opium or other narcotic and may be
given as confidently to a baby as to
an adult. Sold by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
File Petit ion for Administration.
In the county court today, a peti
tion was filed praying the appoint
ment of an administrator In the
estate of the late Alvin E. Gass. The
petition asks the appointment of C.
C. Parmele as such administrator.
William Starkjohn went to South
Omaha on the morning train today,
to look after some business matters.
fisheries at South Bend. Mr, O'Brien
lis had charge of the state fisheries as to ability and Integrity. The linger
for a number of years, and he has of doubt, of suspicion, has been point-
proved so pi ofMent In the position
that no change la thought of with the
change of administrations.
:o: , . , .
Congressman Jienby, the agile
Italllnger whltewasher, was snowed
under In Michigan by a decisive ma
jority. Yet he digs out, struts Into
the limelight and aids In perpetrat
ing the majority report exonerating
the secretary of the Interior. Now, If
President Taft wins the ominous bat
tin of 1012 he will be In honor bound
to lake care of all such Inmn ducks
aa lienhy Lincoln Star.
. :o: .
Aldrlch has mado another shuke or
the plum tree, and the democratic of
ficeholders who supported lilm are
feeling the effects or these shakings
light and left. But very few demo
crats will bo retained under the new
administration. Aldrlch experts to
nolldlfy his parly by tho "firing" of
nil democratic officeholders and ap
pointing republicans. A good way to
do It.
From tho tone of several letters
from old inenilxirs of the legislature
who have lioen ro-oloclod, Charley
Hryan'a edict, Issued previous to hi
departure for tha south, will have
very Utile effort with them. Ho Is a
brother of a great man but that's all,
Ills Influence with democrats has but
ed at no one. What Is there against The News has always had the
which to I n surge? I greatest respect for William J. Bryan,
Tho Insurgents In congress fought although at times we have differed
for a rules committee to be elected wiih him it..t im HrvBn ha
by the house, rather than appointed brthcr who arrogates to himself
by the speaker. The World-Herald moro importance than Mr. Bryan
favors that program both In congress evcr ,hought of anJ t , aU beraUB0
and In the legislature. Furthermore. h(J , ..charIey. Mr. nrvan. brotner.
Among those In Nebraska who are
the World-Herald favors the election
rather than tho appointment of all ar(Ualntod wllh the Bcnt,omall( mtle
standing committees, In conformity . . . . ...
vi lit, aiiviiLiuii n I'niu it min
in ii n, but among strangers, he Is rep
resented to be second highest in rank
of any statesman In America, seem
ingly when Mr. Bryan Is out of the
state, this gentleman acts as his
mouthpiece and gives out all authori
tative statements.
Just at present the democratic
party of Nebraska Is compelled to
hobblo along aa best It can becauso
Mr. Bryan and the great and only
"Charley" are out of the state and
will bo gone for two weeks or more.
Whether there will bo any party left
by that time U a question, but tho
few faithful may manage to survive
"Charley" with that foreslghtednesa
characteristic of tho family, before
leaving tho atate, kindly told the
democrats what to do. He said:
"I think It Important to the wel
fare of th state generally that cer
tain things be done. How kind and
how considerate,
"I think It important" says Mr
with the precedent set by the last
democratic legislature. This Is the
same program for which the Insur
gents and democrats at Washington
The Journal speaks of the "fearless
republican minority" In congress
"that refused to bow to caucus or
commltteo Imposed by tho majority."
Tho Journal should get Its history on
strulght. The Insurgents, with Con
grossman Norrls at their head, went
Into the republican caucus and voted
for the election of the commltteo on
rules which that caucus nominated.
In the chho of the Ballinger Investi
gation, tho Insurgents went Into the
republican caucus, and later as a part
of tho republican majority voted to
deny tho domocrats the prlvllego of
naming tho democratic members of
the Investigating commltteo by vot
ing In the house for the committee as
selected In the caucus,
The World-Herald believes In In
surgency whenever there Is some-
Cooking Ware
This Range
The South Bend Malleable
Jhh Week
large, leatnlru, Savory
router, with a capacity
for a larga turkty or
two Urg chickana.
iL i(t
Larca, Maalln K.Ule
for atawlnf, equipped
with a heavy tinned
"New Kink" Pot Cover.
T.ava En.m.l.J
Ware Cereal Cook-C$
ar, Puddina; Pan
and Stew Kettle.
Tha larga bot.
torn piece la a No.
0. aatra heavy f
stamped atew pot Tha piece which aeta
in It la an extra heavy stamped Pud
ding Pan, with holes around tha top for
steaming, when it la uaed In that capa
city. This vaaael is equipped with a
heavy tin "New Kink" Pot Cover.
18 os. Copper
rtandaomely Nickel
plated Rom Tea
Kettle, heavily tin
ned on inside.
Mi t
1 ."f '
- r r i
' -
Two Patent Anti
Burn Drip Pana,
a 12". made espe
cially for this tet
Large Patent
Anti-Burn Drip
Pan. 14 1-2-120",
made especially for
us ; u
14-ot. C op
per Itandeomely Nickel -plated 8 -pint
Romi Code Pot, heavily tinned en Inaide.
or on
with top
with top
of rang
on this
Two largo cloaeta.
with sanitary drop
Reinforced tea
F5b 1 :tpp
'ftrfa-rV" T ,il Fifteen-
Em. 1 raiaj' ,ft r -l
com- f I L 1ej5s H
i BSSll
Flues com
pletely aur
rounded wrltH
aebeatoa into L
Under ah-pan lining of aabeatoa for floor Insulation. Large lower
warming closet
Plallsmoutli, Nebraska