"I i (neRinji, Man WITH SOME INCIDENTAL RELATION TO THE WOMAN By Cyrus Townsend Brady Illustrations by Dearborn Meloill 4o..?ruiui. l.w. by M.'Cat, YrU A Co. BOOK III. THE CRUCIAL MOMENTS. CHAPTER XII. Mrs. Haldane Is Surprised. The Haldane family usually partook rf luncheon together. Breakfast was an Irregular meal taken at different times by different members of the household, and dinner usually brought many engagements which widely sep arated them. A few days after the au. toniobile ride, while the excitement lover the proposed granting to the Gotham Freight Traction company of the New York Street Car company franchise was still at Its height, Mr. and Mrs. Haldane and their daughter, nfter waiting sometime for the arrival of Livingstone Haldane, sat down to luncheon without him. The conversation turned, as It usual ly did, on the campaign. Haldane looked worried. Well he might be! The bold and decisive action of Gorm ly, his adroitness In wresting; the pledge that he had done from the mayor, the fact that the city . now thoroughly aroused and as never e fore to the situation, were calculated to Increase his anxiety, which had grown with the progress of the cam paign. The brilliant stroke of Gormly when he offered ten million dollars for the franchise Mid thereafter compelled Warren to declare the granting of It to depend upon the election had great ly Increased the probabilities of de feat. There were Indications also, which added to Haldane's troubles, that his own connection with the Gotham Freight Traction company would soon tte known, and that there would be dis closed to New Tork at the same time the operation of that gigantic com pany, Its ramifications, and the con trol It had of public utilities In every itlnaitllnM It was Eleanor who opened the con versation, after the luncheon had been ! served and the servants had with drawn. "Father," she said, "I have been thinking for some days now that I ought to tell you something that hap pened the other night." "What night, Eleanor?" "The night Mr. Gormly made hlj mius upeecb la the city hall square. Jou know Livingstone and Louise and I were down there In the car and saw and heard it all." "Yes," said her father, somewhat bitter, "It was told to me the next morning that Gormly had spoken from your brother's car and that after It was all over he had ridden away with you two young women." "Told to you?" exclaimed his daugh ter. "Why should you be Interested In Mr. Gormly's movements?" Haldane saw that he had made a, mistake. "I mean," he said quickly, "that I heard of all this from some of those who were present." "Eleanor, I am surprised," began Mrs. Haldane in her loftiest and most Impressive manner, "that you should allow yourself to be mixed up with this Ineffable person In any way. It Is bad enough to have Livingston espousing his cause; but to have you associated with hlra In the public eye, or out of It, Is simply preposterous!" "Mother!" said Miss Haldane mild ly; but the elder woman was not to lie stopped. "The family has never been allied with trade since It has been settled on Manhattan Island. I am a five barred Colonial Dame; your father's people are nearly as old; and I say frankly that I do not like your intl wnBcy with this person. Of course Liv ingstone being a man, it does not make so much difference; but you should be more careful." "I think It proper." sold Miss Hal dane at this Juncture, "to inform you that Mr. Gormly told me that he that he cared very much for me." "What!" exclaimed both Mr. and Mrs. Haldane at the Bame moment and with one voice. The Intimation, however, and the feeling expressed In both cases were decidedly different Hoth were sur prised; but Mrs. Haldane's surprise was lost In indignation. In Haldane' nmazeiner.t, there was a shade of re lief. A possibility Instantly leaped In to his mind, a possibility that he dared not formulate or give utterance to. It rendered him less emphatic, there fore, In his disapproval. Nothing re strained Mrs. Haldane. "The Impudence, the Insolence of that man!" she cried. "It was bad enough to have him aspire to be mayor of New York; but that he ahould have the audacity, the pre sumption to raise his eyes to you, Eleanor Haldase, U tnconoelvablet I rust that ro reduced aim to his proper poaltlea IniUntly, For one thing, X aa glad that k 414 declare hlmaelf; for now the acqualataac m U aiaolataly ndel.n ' "He itt act aak M to Ma wtfs." referred the daughter quietly. "Why, good gracious! you dont rrerm to sny that he " "Eliza," Interposed H;ildar.e. "don't he fooMsh. 1 have no doubt that Mr. Homily's remarks were entirely prop- "Mother!" exclaimed the girl indig nantly. "Of course they were." "Well, you said yourself he did not ask you to marry him." "No," was the hesitating answer, "nut he said he intended to do so." "I wish he would do It then, and have It over with." "My dear wife." said Haldane. "while of course such an alliance Is not to be thought of, yet Mr. Gormly, so far as I know, has done no dis honor to Eleanor by his remark, and " "Have you taken leave of your senses, Deekman Haldane?" cried his wile. "Such a proposition as that should be disposed of at once, and I repeat I am sorry that the man hesi tated, for whatever reason I can't Im agine, so that the affair might have been conclusively settled.". "I am not at all sure, mother." an swered Miss Haldane, "that It would have been conclusively settled in the way at least you seem to think the only way possible, If be had asked me to be his wife." "Eleanor, you could not possibly love this man!" "I could do so; but I certainly do not love him now. I certainly respect and admire blui, I think he Is the lead- w a He Bent Over and Kinsed It Fervently. Ing citizen of Xew York today. If he wins this election and goes on as he should, there is no reason why ho should not be .president of the .United States. I believe It would be easier to be elected to that office than to be come mayor. And while I do not feel toward him as I should toward the man I will some day marry, yet there are many other things In the pros pect that allure." . "Dut you are a Haldane, you are a Stuyvesanl, you are " "I know, mother, all that my an cestors wer?. As for myself, I am Just an American girl, who likes Ameri can - men and American institutions, and who Is glad to see people do things." "I presume," said Haldane, who had said little but had thought deeply, "that such a proposition, If definitely made, would be made to me." "Well then, of course," said his wife, "you will give but one answer." "And what would you suggest that should be?" asked Haldane. "To show him the door." "I hardly think," returned her hus band, "that I should be guilty or that discourtesy." "There Is no nse," Interposed her daughter, "to discuss the matter any further; for he hasn't asked me, I haven't accepted him. I don't know whether he ever will ask me or not, and until he does why trouble about It?" "Well, what does he mean then by telling you that he loves you? Loves!" sneered the older woman disdain fully. "Yes," said her father, "It seems to me a rather remarkable course for a man to address a woman In that way, and yet not complete his proposition." "He said that something was Im pending which made him feel that It was propor to tell me this now." "Something impending?" ; "Some sort of disclosure, I Inferred," answered the girl, "that might affect him or possibly me." Haldane started. ' "Well." he said, "I Jo not quite agree with your mother. There is no insult in the honest affection of any 'honest man. Hut if he approaches you .upon the subject, I wish that you. 'would refer hliu to me.' "Father!" ; "Beckman!" exclaimed the older woman, greatly surprised. "You don't mean " "Now, I don't mean anything, ex cept Just what I say," answered Hal dane decisively. "It Is proper that such a proposition should be made to me; and in short I very greatly desire to be allowed to discuss the matter, if it goes any further, with Mr. Gormly personally, Haldane spoke sternly, and his wife at once subsided, as she Invariably did when be assumed that mood Eleanor, however, was not so easily ttiencea "Of course, In any event you would be consulted, father," she said firmly; "but so far as the disposition of my hand goes, that is a matter that con cerns my heart, and it is one which, although I should be very glad of your counsel and your approval, I shall bava te decide myself." "Quite so, quit so," said Haldane. "I harejio other Idea.1 ft 1-1 At this moment, wnicn mva-.etuM to grow more tense, Livingston M il dane entered the room. He was Meat ly perturbed and alarmed. "Father," he said abruptly. "I wart to see you alone for a moment or two please!" "What has happened?" big;iu Ha! daue. rising. "Why. Mr. Gormly Dut I would rather see you alone." "Has he made a proposition to you for your sister's hand?" questioned Mr 8. Haldane. "What!" exclaimed her son. "Eleanor," explained his mother, "has Just stated that Mr. Gormly took advantage of your kindness to him the other night, after that disgraceful epi sode In the cltv hall, to make love to her In the tonneau of the car." "You don't say!" exclaimed the young man, apparently neither shock ed nor surprised. "Well, he's a good one. What did you say to blm, sis?" "It Is very unpleasant to me to have these matters discussed In this way," answered Eleanor, her face blushing. "As I have explained to father and mother, Mr. Gormly did me the honor to say that he cared a. great deal for me. He did not ask me to be his wife, although he expressed his Intention of doing so. He said that certain things had made him anticipate his purpose and state his feelings toward me now without waiting, as he had expected to do, until the end of the election." "What things?" asked young Hal dane. "Things that concerned him, or " "I don't know what they are." "Well, 1 think I do," returned the young man. "What are theyV his sister asked him with great eagerness. liut young Haldane was not quite prepared to declare w hat things they I "On second thoughts," he said, eva-i eively "I don't know. At want to talk some matters father." ' Financial matters, my boy?" "Political." rn.r Tf vAni" mnthar and nfa. .ii ' .. ..... .ni it 1 ter will excuse us, we will go Into the library." "Certainly," answered Mrs. Haldane, making virtue of necessity. "If they concern me or my rela tion to Mr. Gormly," said Eleanor, "I should like to know them Immediate ly." "They concern us all," he answered. "And, by the way." he added, "I was going to withhold it; but 1 might as well give It to you now. Here's n letter to you from Mr. Gormly. Ho asked me to give It to you when I saw you. I was going to talk to father about this other matter before I gave It to you; but you can read It over while we are gone." "What was It you wished to say to me, Livingstone?" began the older man as they entered the library. "Father," returned his son with be-1 wlldering abruptness, "I learned at headquarters today that you were the head and front of the Gotham Freight Traction company and all the rotten 1r;t aeainpt whom we are flghtlnz." Firm whom did you learu this?" asked the older man quietly. "From Gormly himself." "Does anybody else know it?" "If Isn't generally known, If that's what you mean. It hasn't got In the papers yet. The people who found It out, of course, told Gormly, and he came to me with it. He said that I had ben one of his best and most useful helpers In this campaign; that as his fight wfis against the Gotham Freight Traction company, and In that respect against you, he supposed I would want to draw out of It, and he would give me an opportunity, bo that I could leave honorably before the new 8 became public." "And suppose that I am er Inter ested in the traction company?" i "To what extent are you Interest ed?" asked the younger man. "Well, that was not the question I asked you." "Hut it is the question with me, father." "I recognize no right that you have to put such questions to me." "I may not have any right; but 1 am doing It Just the same. I know and we all know Just what the Gotham Freight Traction company is. We know that It is robbing the people. And for that reason I want to know bow deeply you are Interested in it." "Go back to Gormly and find out!" thundered bis father, intensely anger ed at the young man's scathing de nunciation. "No, sir, I'm going to find it out from you before I leave this room." The situation was a terrible one for the older man. Under ordinary cir cumstances, he would not have greatly cared If his conectlon with the Gotham Freight Traction company and the ad ministration had gradually leaked out; but to have It sprung as a trap, with out warning, on the instant as it were, and at this stage of the campaign, was ruinous. At his son's blunt announce ment of his determination to know all then and there, he lost for the mo ment his nerve, his fine self control and he went suddenly white. The two men had been standing. The elder sat down upon a chair by the desk and leaned his bead upon his hands. "Let me think," he said faintly at last "You don't have to think," went on the young man with unconscious meity, "to say now oeepiy you are Involved in the affairs of the Gotham Freight Traction company." "As deeply as anybody can be," was the desperate admission. "Good God!" exclaimed Livingston, surprised tn spite of his forewarning. "You! It Isn't possible. I saw-the aroofa with my own eyes, and yet I wouldn't believe' that you would ally yourself with that gang of thieves ana scoundrels." "Somebody had to take that fran chlse and build that rosd." answered his father. "We are giving the people ' good service, and " "Don't make excuses," said the young man. brushing them away with j a wave of his hand. "How on earth are we going to explain the facts? What will Eleanor think?" ! "You have Influence with Gormly," said the father. "Go to him. Tell him that I must see him and at once.. Can jou bring him here?" "Well, he's watched like a hawk." said young Haldane. "Your dirty crowd has detectives on his trail all over New York. If he came up here, it would be reported In every paper In the city tonight and' tomorrow morning." "Never mind that. I must see him." "Look here, father. I am not mixed up with the Gotham Freight Traction company and that gang that you're allied with, and I don't Intend to be Involved In any scheme you may un dertake to get Gormly In trouble." "I don't Intend to make any trouble. I must see the man, and you must ar range It. Come, are you my son, or are you not?" "I am your son all right," answered the younger man; "but I tell you frankly that I have cast In my lot with Gormly and this Isn't going to make any difference. Perhaps we can stave this off or " . "At any rate I must see Gormly, nnrl vnn mutt tipln mm KYvr P.oH'a anlta rton't Rtand there arculnir with me hut arrange In some way to bring Gormly End me together sccrotly and without delay!" "Let me think a minute," said the younger man at last, Impressed by his father's terrible Insistence. "I have It. Tho car la at the door fortunately, Ml run down and tell Gormly you any rate l want to see him about this cursed i Polk county canvass the petition fori AU Hn-1 up nriuitl llio ;n"tlinjr over with business. I don't know whether I can legal sufficiency before Jan. 1. It Is pnrnplieniallu, nnd flashlight plmto I persuade hlra to meet you or not; but the plan of tho saloonnien to begin the RrnIls wero made of them. These pie- Ml do my best. Then you go over to Louise Stewart's at once. She's true blue and won't betray you. Her moth- er is away, and she'll be alone except for the servants.' "Hurry then, and don't tell your sis ter or your mother anything of this," said Haldane as he rose to end the Interview. "No fear of that. I am not likely to proclaim it," answered his son shame facedly. To be Continued. Public Sale The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at his home, two miles east and one-half mile south of Murray, Nebraska, on TiiiHSDAY, nix i:mbi:k 15 Tho following live Btock, Implements 1 ai,d other property: Live Stock One brown horso, lOUl-Salnnn leaeun offered hlms.'lf find years old, weight 1,200; one gray jhorse, 12 years old, weight 1,300; i one b,ack n,are- 12 yeara old- weight 1,4 00; one black mare, 14 years old, weight 1,250; one bay mare, 13 years old, weight 1,250; one bay mare, 10 years old, weight 1,400; one bay mare, 8 years old, weight 1,050; one yearling cole, one two-year-old colt; one two-year-old heifer, coming fresh early In spring; six head of good milk cows; fourteen head red brood sows; twelve head of shouts. Farm Implements, Etc. Two Avery stump cultivators, one Avery pin brake, two New Departure culti vators, Western Belle riding cultiva tor, one row machine, two Mollne corn planters, two McCormlck hay rakes, one McCormlck mowing ma chine, two Starley discs, one three section harrow, one two-section har row, two Peru two-row stalk cutters, one Mollne two-row stalk cutter, one one-row stalk cutter, one Feru riding plow 16-inch, one Pace riding plow 16-lneh, two Peru walking plows 16- Inch, one Bradley riding lister, two St. Joe walking listers, one Peru walking lister, one John Deere single corn drill, two Hoe corn drills, one Diamond corn grinder, two Dcarlng grain binders, one 40-ft. Wenzezlman corn dump, one high wheel wagon, one low steel truck wagon, one low wheel wagon, one spring wagon, -anne top buggy, one new buggy, one old buggy, two hay rakes, two hundred hedge posts, two thousand feet oak lumber, one cider mill, one grind stone, one hand corn eheller, one Hoosler seeder, one Economy cretim separator, one pair bob sleds, one eight-horse Jollet power engine, 1 50 feet hay fork cable, five tons good prairie hay, three tons of alfcil fa hay, one Bet buggy harness, twenty-five bee hives; some hoiwe hold goods and numerous other arti cles. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash; over $10, eight months time will be given, purchaser giving good bankable paper bearing eight per cent from date. Sale to commence at 10:00 o'clock a. m. Ernest Rlchter. Uob't Wilkinson, Auctioneer. W. G. Boedeker, Clerk. TRUSSES The only aoriical houaa in the Wet where all fitting is done by aa eipert. Larvett stack of trustee In the Wait. THE W. Q. CLEVELAND DRU CO. OMAHA, MtSRAaKA DRAKE STUDENTS HAVEA FIGHT Ssn'ors Chalhnged fcy Wiiita Rcb2d Juniors ta ConM ARE BARBED FROM CHAPEL Lower Classmen, Garbed In Sheets, Wait on Campua Police and Fire Department Called In to Stop the Row More Trouble la Expected. Des Molues, Doc. 9. Rivalry be tween the juuior and senior classes at Drake university came to a head In a manner which almost reached a trug edy. It became necessary to call out the police and fire departments to quell the rioting. The Juniors dressed In sheets paraded to chapel and mini lckcd the seniors In their caps and gowns. Entrance to the chapel was barred the Juniors by the president and they then built a bonfire near the gymnasium and waited for the seniors to come outside. When the chapel was over tho seniors attempted to rout the Juniors and a fight followed. The ! Quarrel was ended, but It is expected the two classes will renew rivalry, .Plana of Saloon Men. The saloonnicn of Des Moines will file their mulct petition of consent ! with tho county board Tuesday, Dec. j 12, with the request that tho petition J i bo canvassed lmmedlntelv. They will ask that the board of supervisors of circulation of a second petition Imme diately after Jan, 1. They may cir culate a mulct petition, but once each solar year and by taking advantage of the law hope to Bccure sufficient Big natures during the January canvass to insure operation under the law af ter July 1 of next yenr, when the time limit on all saloons In Des Moines expires. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ON TRIAL Head of Des Moines Agency Charged With Attempt to Extort Money. Des Moines, In., Dec. 9. C. P. Browning, head of the Browning de tective agency of Des Moines, was placed on trial in district court, charged with threats to extort from Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cassolman, who were arrested during the trial ol charges against Chief of Police Yeag er recently. Cassolman testified on the stand that Drowning and three othbr detectives representing the An- his wlfo their liberty after placing j them under arrest If the prisoners wnuiu pay inciu j-i. inn arrcsi was made to serve as evidence that Des Moines at that time was "w'de open." SALOONS WIN AT 0SKAL00SA File Petition Containing Names of Majority of Voters. Ohkaloosa, la., Dec. 9. Attorneys for Oskaloosa saloon interests have boon successful in obtaining the slg natures of a majority of the voters at the last election on the pctlt'on of consent and filed the same. Attorney I. C. Johnson of the Mahaska county federation and a corps of workers will make an effort to Bccure enough with drawnla to make the petition Insuffl dent. W. 3. Moore Is Dead. Lake City, la., Dec. 9. Another old settler Joined his dead comrades, when W. 8. Moore, one of the most popular veterans of Lake City, passed quietly away after a wasting Illness. Mr, Moore had been steadily failing for the last few months and had recently re turned from Marshalltown, where he entered the Old Soldiers home In the hopes of regaining his strength. Nebraska Sheriff Returns Prisoner. Iowa City, la., Dec. 9. Ijpo Ward, wanted on the charge of wife deser tion at Pierce, Neb., has been arrest ed by officers In Iowa City, and has been taken back to Pierce. He bad been employed in a local restaurant at Iowa City for some time. A sheriff of Pierce came to take him back to j face the charges. 8loux City Buffets Closed. Sioux City, Dec. 9. Members ofthe Country club, the Hawkeye club," the Elks, the EagleB and the Owls are up In arms over the action of Rev. O. W. Shldeler of the Antl Saloon lenguo In securing injunctions closing the buf fets. Some of tho most prominent cit izens are officers of the clubs named as defendants. Dawaon Will Be a Banker. Davenport, la., Dec. 9. It was an nounced here thnt Congressman A. F. Dawson of the Second Iowa district will be elected president of the FlrBt National bank of this city and will re move from Preston, la., to Davenport at the expiration of his present con gresslonal term In March. Btock Buyer Paaiea Away. Independence, Ia Dec. 9 W. H. Cooke, a prominent land owner and stock buyer of this county, died at his home In Westburg township after a several days' sickness with typhoid fe ver. He was well known In the state a horse buyer.' ' . ONE BUSY PUBLIC OFFICIAL Former Newtpaper Man Stirs Up New York Polict Department Clement J. Drlscoll, who attracted a great deal oC attention while in chargo of the department of weights and measures in New York city, has con tinual lil activity wince he was mad lirst deputy police commissioner. II Is following the same tactics as a po lice olllclal that he did while prosecut ing merchant who used fraudulent scales, measure Unit were dishonest and resorted to other tricks to luerens their Illegal prolits. Commissioner Drlscoll and a corps of detectives recently raided a gambling ( 1910. by American rrexs Association. C'l.KMKNT t. DRIHOOI.I,. mmsc and took nearly KM) prisoners. tures were used In prosecuting tho keepers of the gambling house. Mr. Irlscoll Is now conducting n crti- sado against theatrical posters which in UU opinion are In violation of tlm law forbidding the exhllilton of any picture "which shall tend to demoral ize the morals of youth or others or which shall be lewd, indecent or Im moral." The police olllclal holds that posters depleting scenes of crime com under this definition, and he tins begun proceedings against theatrical mana gers who have them posted. VALUES HER TOES HIGHLY. Barefoot Dancer Will Reeaiva $50,000 For Lots of Foot. Countess Thamarn do Swlrsky, who dances barefoot before those willing to pay to see youth, beauty and grnc, has decided that her toes are her for tune, and she has Insured them against Photo by American Preni AMOciatlon. COtlNTEHS TIIAMAI1A VK HWIHSKY. accident for $10,000 each. By paying; an annual premium of $750 she will get $.",000 for each week she Is Inca pacitated from dancing because of tb Injury to a pink toe, and if she lose a foot she will get $.'0,000. The loss of both feet will mean that she will receive $100,000 unless the Injury lsdn toannecident while traveling, Inwhlctt ctise she will receive double benefits. Countess do Kwlrsky Is a Russia, and Is barely twenty-one years old. Hlie Is now on a tour of the United States. She belongs to the same class of entertainers as Maud Allan and Isa dora Duncan, though her dancing U different. TAFT'S NEW SUMMER HOME. Praaident Leaiee the Peabody House at Beverly, Mate. Tho summer capital of the United States will lie at Beverly, Mass., foe two years more, at any rate, as Presi dent Taft hns leased a summer homo there for 11)11 and V.M'i. Ho will oc cupy Parrnnmttu, an estate developed by the la to Henry W. Peabody. Ther i ,! I I ' f 'si 1 v, ... . . rmCHIUENT TAFT'S BCMMBR BOMSJ. are sixty-five acres In tho grounds, and a nine hole golf links will be laid out for tlia president. The house, which Is about fifteen years old, Is of the modernized colo nial type and contain! twenty rooms. It alts on a hill and overlooks tbV ocean on one side and a pleasing land scape) ou tho other. It Is rsschod by a private avenue, ' (j 1 ' " i ' ' : S