ISRAEL'S HEW COVENANT NOW TO BE ESTABLISHED So Declares Pastor Russell h Remarkable Sermon. Messianic Kingdom the Power to Bring About God's Will on Earth. Brooklyn. Decem ber 4. Pastor Rus sell continues to use the Academy of Music, our largest Auditorium, when ever he speaks In Brooklyn, the "Tab prnacle" being of Insufficient capac ity. He hud a spleu did audience today of thoiiKhtful look ing people, evident ly chiefly from the middle walks of life. Asked why so few of the wealthy attended, his characteristic reply was: "Of my Master It Is written, 'The com mon people heard him gladly.' " He jKke from the following text: "Tt Ixrd, whom y seek, ilinll mid denly come to hla temple, even the Men enger of the covenant, whom y dullKlit In. llrh'ild he slnill come, aaltli Ji'liovuh of 1 louts; but who may abide the day of hl coining 7"-Maluc!il 111, 1-5. Six tliouHitnd years ago In Edeu our Maker, in Justly sentencing his diso bedient children to death, intimated that ultimately the Seed of the woman would bruise the serpent's head. This Lldden promlso was the first intima tion of tho lUvIne mercy which our gracious Creator purposed hi himself from before tho foundation of the world. Ever noble, kind and gracious our Creator restrained his mercy for the good of his creatures that they might learn to appreciate tho exceed ing sinfulness of sin. For the good of tho angels also, and that they might fully know of his Justice, as well us vt Lis w isdom and power, (iod Insisted upon dealing with his creatures from the standpoint of exact Justice. They had sinned and thereby had forfeited nil clulm upou the eternal life which he had given them conditionally. Eternal torment, as we have already Been, did not In any sense or degree enter Into tho Mvlno intention. Ills nentenee upon man, plainly stated, wis, "Hying thou slmlt die," not, Liv ing thou slmlt live In torment. "The noul that Kimicth It shall die" (Cenesls II. 17; Ezeklel xvlll. ). (iod intwnded to exemplify in his dealing with our race a principle of livlne government to be made operative cverywhere-ultl mately amongst alt his creatures on the spirit plane, as well as upon the earthly. Long centuries after, In the seventh generation of Adam's children, (iod upoko prophetically through one of these, Enoch, saying, The Lord conielh with ten thousands of his holy ones to execute Justice In the earth-to estnl Jlsh righteousness amourst men. Time passed on, but sin prevailed and the coming of the (ireat Deliverer was still future. Next (Iod spoke to Abraham, after first he hnd tested his faith and loyal 1y. To him he mentioned (he same fcrent Deliverer who would bruise the serpent's head ami who would come In great glory with ten thousands of his holy ones. To Abraham hu gave tis fiurame that this One. In some way, would be lilentilled with his posterity, to that he might properly bo called the fcecd uf Abraham, lie said, "in thy Heed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." ' The DMuo I'rogrammo was not changed, but more explicit statements were given respecting it. Thereafter nil (aught of (iod would know to look for the Messianic blessing through Abraham's: Seed. Ilesldes, the Cove nant was afterward continued with nu Oath to Abraham; later, to Isaac; later, to Jacob. That Covenant promise be came the basis of Cod's adoption of the entire nation of Israel-all of Ja cob's children. They were heirs of the Abrahatule Covenant-tho Oath Hound Covenant. If so great an honor from the Almighty (iod has made some of tho Jewish people at times to appear arrogant and proud, let us not forget that to err Is human -to forgive, Dl Mne. l'erhaps If we were In their Head our Imperfections would simi larly display themselves. God's Covenant of the Law, Israel's experiences of tribulation and r.udage lu Egypt were probably nec essary to prepare them for (iod's great Iiroposltlon-that they should keep the Law and as u reward have tifo ever lasting. As it Is written, "He that doeth these things shall live by them" (Leviticus xvlll, D). Israel greatly re joiced In this manifestation of Divine preference for them more than for all others of humanity, Tho Ijiw Cove nant was mediated. Tho sacrifice of bulls and of goats made a typical atone ment for them for a year, so that they might enter Into this Covenant rela tionship with (iod. ltut when they at tempted to keep tho Law they wcro disappointed. They fulled. Tho Law of (iod being tho full measure of a per fect man's ability, and the Jews, like other men, being Imperfect, found that they had undertaken an impossibility. Not a Jew kept the Ijiw perfectly. Not a Jew, therefore gained eternal life during the first year. Hut God, foreknowing this, had made prepara tion for a repetition of the Atonement Day every year, so that the peoplo might coutluue striving to attain eter 1 J nal life. Tear after year, century after century, they failed, and discourage ment took tl: place of hoi, (iod v:n teaching them a great lessou rese t Ing the need of Ulltr mrr'fi'M than those of bulls and of goats, mid also teaching them that there is no other means of JustlnVstlou In his sight. Th.-y got bleaslugs under this Covenant-educational blessings, but not the blessing hoped for, not life rtirnul. Hence they were not lu a position to become, as they had hoped, a na tional Messiah, a national Seed of Abraham, for the blessing of all the nations. . Ood gave them kings for a time, tint these were unable to accomplish the great things hoped for. Hut the prom ise of a H-rsonal Messiah was made, and that he should be of the lineage of David, a great King, far superior to the great, wise and rich Solomon, Messiah would be David's Son and yet David's Lord (Psalm ex. 1; Matthew xxll, 42-M). Here, as (iod intended, Israel began to get tho thought of a personal Messiah, a King of Glory, who would use their nation as his in strumentality for the conquering of tho world, when every knee should bow and every tongue confess to the glory of Ood. A New Covenant and Better Mediator. Tho next lesson for Israel to learn was that a change of Dispensation must come, that, as Moses had medi ated the Law Covenant, so an anti typical Moses, a greater than Moses, would Induct them into tho blessings and privileges of a still better Cove nant, a Covenant more favorablo to them and under which they could gain eternal life. This New Covenant was particularly set before them through Jeremiah's prophecy (xxxl, 81-3-1). And this, combined with tho statement of Moses respecting a great er Mediator, helped their faith to take a fresh' hold upon the Onth-Itound Ahrnhnmlc Promise "In thy Seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed." If a great enough Mediator should come as the promised Messenger of Ood, and should establish n belter Covenant, under which Israel could havo eternal life, and If he, as the offspring of David, should become their King, then Indeed Abraham's Seed, the nation of Israel tinder that great Mediator-King, would be fully qualified to bless all tho families of tho earth. The thought of this glory to their nation became a fresh Inspira tion, and around It gathered the fifty odd thousand of Jews, out of all tho tribes of Israel, who returned from Babylonian captivity under the edict of Cyrus, offering them this privilege. 1 hrougli the Prophet Ezeklel the Lord again made mention of tho fact that their Law Covenant, mado at Sinai, must, before their great blessing of rrxtitution, glvo plnco to a New Cov enant, a better Covenant. Speaking of the time when ho would rcgather them out of all lands ami would ful fill to them the promise mndo to Abra ham, Isaac and Jacob, and make them a great nation, ami use them for the blessing of other nations, the Lord de clares, "Not for your Bakes do I this, O house of Israel, but for my name's sake." He then proceeds to tell them that at the time he would receive them back again Into his love and favor he would also humble their pride by restoring the Samaritans and the Sodomites peoples whom Is rael detested as Inferiors and sinners. (iod declares that neither of these peoples li ml ever committed as serious sins against Divine goodness as had Israel, and that when he would again bless Israel he would bless ulso theso other peoples In their midst. Let me quote his words: "When thy sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former etnlc, nnA Samaria nnd her daughters shall return to their former mhilr, then thou and thy daugh ters shall return to your former rs tale. Nevertheless I will remem ber my Corrnaiit with thee In the days of thy youth, nnd 1 w ill establish unto theo an everlasting Covenant, and I will give them (Sodomites and Samaritans) unto thee for daughters, but not by ihu Covenant (not under tho old Law Covenant; but under tho New (Law) Covenant of tho future), and 1 will establish my Covenant with thee; tin order that) thou may est remember and be confounded, nnd never open thy mouth any more, be cause of thy shame, when I am paci fied toward thee for all that thou lmst done, snlth the Lord (iod" (E.eklel xvi; nr.o. This New and better Covenant Is to be mediated through a personal Mes-stah-a still more glorious Mediator than Moses, a still more glorious King than Davld-thls One whom Israel be gan to lisik for and to long for. Can we wonder that they fulled to Identify him In tho lowly Nazareno who died at Calvary? Wo cannot! Nothing but a pedal asslstanco of tho holy Spirit would enable any one to trace the con Jioctlon between tho glorious pictures of tho prophecies and tho humble np penrance of him who camo to fulfill thoso prophecies. Wo do see, however, that tho great Messiah of (ilory, Jesus, In his Second Advent as King of kings and Lord of lords, fills absolutely every demand of Jewish expectation and of prophetic outline. Some can see, but others cannot as yet, that ho who was pierced Is tho same Ono who, as tho Son of fiod, In great glory Is shortly to bless Isrnel-and all the families of tho earth through Israel. "Abide the Day of Hla Comma.." Our toxt Is from another prophecy speaking of this same great Messiah, the Mediator of tho New Covenant, King of kings and Lord of lords, who, as the representative of the great Je hovah, his Father, is to reign until all enemies shall be put down; until Satan shall ho bound and, ultimately, shall be crusheduntil Adam and his race, released from Dlvlno sentence, under the New Covenant provisions, shall be uplifted out of sin ami degradation and death to perfection and everlasting life the unwilling and disobedient being nVstro) ,1 in" the Second Death. The 1'rophet Malachl points out tbnt the MesMah of the New Covenunt. whom he niiuouncis, is the glorious Mxliator and antltypicnl King for whom they had waited long sod of whom they delighted to think. He would come to the temple thus imply ing that he would be not only an an tltypicnl Prophet, an antltyplcal King, but also an antltyplcul Priest "afler the order of Melchisedec"; "A priest upon his throne" (Psalm ex. 4; Zecha riah vl. l.'li. Put after this Joyful proclamation that their long-expected and gloried lu Mediator of the New Covenant should be looked for, they were warned that his day would be one of trial, ono of special testing and proving, that the Lord might find the antltyplcal Priests and antltypicnl Levltes to serve in the antltypicnl Temple. He would be like a refiner of fire to take awnv the dross and to leave only the pure metal-fiery trials and testings being implied. He would "be like fuller's soup," in the sense that a great washing or purging would take place to make rendv for the Kingdom tho called and chosen and faithful. At that time the consecration of Judah and Jerusalem unto the Lord will bo accepted as in olden times. We may understand that this snlrlt of devotion is now reviving amongst tho Jews and particularly amongst those who are Identified with Jerusa- lem and the Zionist movement. Hith erto this has been a iwlitlcal move ment In the Interest of Jewish nation alization and a home for exiles. Now. however, tho duo time hns come for a real movement of those who have the faith to draw near to God and to show their faith by helping forward In tho restoration of earthly Jerusa lem and her interests. Why Messiah's Coming Delayed. Tho First-begotten of tho Father, as his glorious Agent lu the great work of creation, had the honor granted him of becoming tiio great Messeuger of tho Covenant, tho great Prophet, Priest nnd King of Israel, the great Michael of Daniel xli, 1. Hut there were tests connected with his attain ment of this high position: (1) By faith ho must lay uside his heavenly glory, lu obedience to the Father's will to become a man not a sinful man, but a perfect man holy, harmless, unde- fllcd, sepurate from sinners. (2) Thus prepared to become tho Redeemer It was his privilege to make full conse cration of his earthly Interest and the lather's pleasure to beget him of tho holy Spirit at Jordan to the spirit na ture on tho highest plane. For three and a half years his sacrifice burned upon tho altar. It was Indeed better than the sacrifice of bulls and goats. for it was a corresponding price for Adam; an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; n man's II fo for a man's life. (3i When Jesus had thus sacrlllclally part ed with his earthly life he experienced a resurrection change from human na ture to spiritual, like what ho was originally, only higher and moro glo rious. Thus ho was at once both a sue rlllco and ' tho spirit-begotten priest who offered that sacrifice. When ho arose from the dead, his personal sac rifice had ended and his personal per fection as a spirit being was com pleted. Then why did he not at once be gin his great work as Prophet, Priest, King and New Covenant Mediator for Israel and through Israel for the world ? It was because there was to be more than one sacrifice In the Dlvlno Plan on tho Day of Atonement. Throughout this Ciospel Age this risen, glorified High Priest, Mediator, Prophet and King hns been waiting to Inaugurate bis glorious Kingdom of blessing waiting while a little handful of saints should lie selected from the world and tested and found worthy nnd glorified with hlmself-a "lltllo flock" out of all man kind, both Jews and Gentiles. When this Bride class shnll have completed her sacrifice In and under tho merit of Uio great Priest, thou ev ery arrangement for tho blessing of Israel as Abraham's seed nnd of nil nations through Israel will have forth with commenced. Thus seen the reve lation of Israel's great Messenger of tho New Covenant Is very Important not only to tho Jew, but also to tho world of mankind, who must receive their blessings under Israel by a com pliance with the same New Law Cove nant. Moreover, tho elect handful of saints drawn, called and gathered dur ing the parenthesis period are also deeply Interested in God's glorious Kingdom; for the Divine promise Is that they shall bo then changed to be llko their Master and share his glory. Judgment Wilt Be of the Lord. Notlco the further message of the Lord through the Prophet, "I will tomo near to you to Judgment; and I U1 bo a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against adulterers, and against false swearers, nnd against thoso who oppress the hireling In his wages, the widow and tho fatherless, ind that turn nslde tho stranger from his right" (verse fi). Ah, do we not see here plainly stated that tho Messianic Kingdom means not only glory and honor to those whom he will accept ns servants, but that it means also requirements of faithfulness to tho principles of Truth, of purity, of harmony with God? And this lesson for the Jew, under his New Covenunt arrangement, will ultimately apply to all nntlons. Under that new arrangement, undr Israel's New Covenant, all the families of tho earth will bo privileged to be come "Israelites Indeed" through faith fulness to the great Prophet, Trlest, King and Mediator of Israel and of nil the families of the earth. I """ """" l ; WWmVv wwh 77 They Are All Going in One Direction You Had Better Get in Line Too And be one of the lucky ones to get a set of high grade cooking ware free. Your own fault if you don't. Before you leave home take a look at your kitchen range. If it is not the bouth Bend Malleable, think of all those cooking troubles and then remember it is possible to rid yourself of them forever. While you are having a hot biscuit and a cup of delicious coffee, an expert range demonstrater will tell you how it can be done. There is a still greater attraction but you wrll have to come to our store to see it. Remember the date Any SHERIFF AND COUNTY AT TORNEY SUES REDUCED The result of the recent cehsus- taklng strikes a couple of Cass coun ty officials pretty hardthe sheriff and county attorney. Under the present law governing salaries In all counties over twenty thousand inhab itants the sheriff was allowed $1,750 and the county attorney $1,000, but now, as the census shows Cass county to have less than twenty thousand, the Bherlff will receive $1,500 and tte county attorney $800. The dif ference in the salaries of sheriff and county attorney has always been too great for the work performed, and It would appear more proportionate If the salaries were somewhat roversed- The Journal may appear a little sen sitive in the matter of salaries, but our observation has been that the county attorney Is too poorly pair, and at the last session of the legisla ture the writer did his best to have the salaries of all county attorneys In counties of the size of Cass raised to $1,200, but we could not make enough members see it our way to make the raise. It Is always easier to lower a salary than it Is to raise It. Petit in Trouble Again. Monday evening City Marshal Sey- bert received a telephone message from South Omaha asking him to be on the lookout for Henry Petit. It appears that a fellow by the name of Miller had provided Petit with a horse and buggy and delegated him to go to a certain place and pay a party $15. Tetlt started out on the mission but soon changed his course and went to North Omaha where he abandoned the horse and appropria ted the fifteen plunks to his own use. The fact that he had served a year for driving another man's horse had perhaps learned him a lesson In that line, but to appropriate the $15 he knew was but a breach of trust. The party recovered his horse and buggy and should bo thankful. Tho Courier had hoped that the short term he received for his first crime would be a lesson to him and many Ixuisville people were willing to help him live It down, but It seems that their sympathy and advice fell on deaf ears. He will find little sym pathy In Louisville In the future Louisville Courier. Undergoes Painful Operation, Mr. Simon Clark went to the Meth odist hospital at Omaha this morning to bo present at a very painful oper ation which his mother, Mrs. Jane Clark, will undergo at the hospital today. The phj-Bldans have advised the removal of one of her eyes, which has been affocted for some time, and has become bo serious as to affect Mrs. Clark's mind. Mrs. Clark Is eighty-three years of age, and has been In good health until a few months ago, and has been making her home with her daughter at Cedar Creek for some time. Mr. P. H. Melalnger, of Cullom, came down on No. 4 this morning, snd transacted business with Platts mouth storekeepers. day from December 12th to Iliings Suit Tor Goods Sold. A suit was filed in Judge Archer's court a day or two ago entitled Adolph Giese vs. William Volk, in which the plaintiff seeks to recover from the defendant something like $23.00 for goods, wares and mer chandise sold and delivered to the defendant at his special instance and request. An affidavit was filed with the bill of particulars Indicating that the plaintiff will also ask for an. at tachment against the personal prop erty of the defendant, should he fail to respond with the cash, as the law is very strict where "goods, wares and merchandise" have been pro cured, and frequently raises an im plied contract to pay for the same, whether the defendant likes to do so or not. A. N. Sullivan brings the suit for the plaintiff and as Mr. Volk Is absent from the county, it may be that the attachment wa3 necessary to give the court jurisdiction of the suit. However, the papers are in the hands of the officer and an effort will be made to locate some property of the defendant. C. P. Melslnger, of Cedar Creek, was in the city today, having come down to visit his friends a few hours. fr E2S9GCK2 YOUNG men generally are the critical buyers of clothes. That's one li I Suits and Overcoats $10 to $35 The Home of Hart, Schaff tier & Marx Clothes A fan hat tan Shirts Stetson Hats 17th. Play Ilasket Bull at Auburn. The Plattsmouth High School Bas ket Ball team departed for Auburn on the morning M. P. train this morning, where the boys will play the Aubura High School team on their owa ground this evening. Superintendent Gamble and Prof. Livingston Richey accompanied the athletes to see that they are not Jockled in the game. The members of the team making the trip are: Henry Egenberger, Carl Dalton, Connie Schlater and John Falter. lted Men Make Improvements. The local lodge of the Order ef Red Men have begun a twelve-foot extension on the north end of their building, which Is to be roofed with three-ply rubberold, and is built to keep out snow and storm water from the north of their building. Mr. C. A. Welch Is doing the carpenter work. The Improvements are to cost about $50.00. Hon. W. H. Puis drove In today from his home In Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, to look after some business matters, and made the Journal a pleasant call. He was accompanied by Fritz Lutz. reason why our store is so popular with young fellows. We show a large line of new shades, the latest weaves, made up in the R i t z, Blackstone and Shape-maker suit models the s m a r t e s t of the season. In Overcoats are show ing is exceptionally large; many made up in the traight high collar s tyle,' some of the combination collar (worn either way). Many straight collar, Chesterfield models.