The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 21, 1910, Image 2

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    flies !ii m mm
Spurious Additions to the Word
of God Condemned.
Cleveland. O.. Nov.
l!o.-The Wise Man
declared that n fly
In the precious oint
ment would cniiMp It
to stink. We apply
this suggestion tO
the Word of !oi,
the precious oint
ment which (Jnil
Im.s supplied. Cer
tain Hies (false
hoods) crept Into II
during the Dark
Ages, which re now causing a Ion th
ing mid repudiation on the part of
many of tho best and wisest people In
the world. All will admit that It is
sinful to tamper with the Word of God
to either add to or take from It or to
wrest or twist or pervert Ha meaning.
Why 1h It, then, that ministers of the
Gospel, who know that certain pus
sages of the Scriptures are not to la
found lu the older manuscripts, fall to
show to the people the truth on this
subject? And If these ministers are
not fully Informed, whose fault is that?
Would It not he preferable that they
should absent themselves from some
of the fairs and festivals and (social
functions, lu order to Inform them
selves' On what pretext are the Horsy
specially privileged cluss, except
for the yurposo of giving their flocks
reliable Information along religious
Hues? And what Is their commission
from the Lord, except that they "should
feed the flock of (Jod, which he pur
chased with the blood of his own dear
Bon?" If the flock have been feeding
upon certain Scriptures supposed to be
geuuinc, mid If they have been made
Kick thereby, and If their shepherds
now know that these Scriptures are not
part of the Divinely Inspired Word,
why should not (Jml's jieople be In
formed of the facts and be stopped
from eating poisonous elements intro
duced by the Adversary?
Poison In Our Bibles.
The more others are silent, the more
must speak. We cannot see (Sod's
tdiecp spiritually sick without warning
them respecting their spiritual food.
Not only have we received inuny mis
Interpretations of the parables and
symbols of the Bible, but into our
Bibles themselves certain false state
ments have been Injected long cen
turies ngo. All well-informed minis
ters of the (lospel know (hat our New
Testament was not translated from
the writings of thu Apostles, but from
copies thereof. These, copied over and
over again, no matter how carefully,
were liable to errors. And In addition,
as we might expect, occasionally, a
bold transcriber would add a few
words to make the record conform
the better to his conception of what
It ought to be. This went on for cen
turies before the art of printing came
into use.
The New Testament was translated
from the Creek Into the Latin language.
aud was known as the Vulgate. From
that Latin translation sprang our va
rious r.ngllKh translations the Dotiay
or Catholic edition, published in 1((l!l
A. D., and the King James Bible, or
Common Version, published lu Bill A.
D. The latter was merely n revised
translation, to assist In which re
vision other previous translations were
used, and we are assured that the text
Was diligently compared with the
Greek text. But until lately there
were no undent Creek manuscripts
with which to compare It. The Greek
manuscripts with which It was com
pared numbered only eight, none of
which dated earlier than the Tenth
Century. Today, however, we have
three very old Greek manuscripts of
the New Test n men t. namely, the Alex
andrian MS., the Vatican MS. and the
Kinaltle MS. Of these, the Vatican
MS. was the first to come to the at
tention of modern scholarship. It Is
In the Vatican Library, appearing on
its catalogue us far back as 1175 A. D
which manuscript scholarship mcrcd
its with Having been written In the
fourth century. Next came the Alex
Qiidrlan MS., which Is supposed to
have been written about the middle of
the fifth century. It Is now on ex
bibltlon in the British Museum. Final
ly. we have the Slnaltlc MS., which Is
In possession of the Russian Govern
ntent. It was found by Constuntltu
Tlschendorf in a Mt. Slnal Convent
rroin which It takes Its name. It Is
accredited with a date of about B.-.u
V. D. Of these three oldest MSS. of
the New Testament known lu tlx
world, the Vatican and Slnuiilc are
the older.
Assuredly nothing should be consid
ered as part, of the original Scriptures
that Is not found hi any of these threi
oldest MSS. Why should we not tell
this to the people? Why should we
not Inform theiu that some of tin
most confusing texts of the Bible are
Hot found In these old manuscripts?
Is It not a sin to preach doctrines ns
from God which have no part In these
early MSS.? This Is our thought
I'roin time to time It will be our pleas
ure, ns well as our duty, to teach the
common people what the clergy al
ready know on this subject. More
over, fhe Bible Students Association
of Brooklyn has arranged for the tm
pnrtatlon of copies of the New Testa
inetit hound In cloth showing the vaii
Htlons between I lie readings of these
old Greek MSS. aud our Common Ver
sion. The UMinl price of these ls$l (H.)
but. Importing them lu large quiiutl-
v, "' i
ties, they are able to supply tUem pcM
piiid at ,'hk.'. emii.
Concic'sr Now Our Text.
"(iO ye Into ull the world, and prenli
the Kojxi to every crt-ature. lie that bt
lievlh and la tiillzel. ahuli b nuvt-d:
but h that Ixlleviih nut. xhall tiu
dumned."-Jiark xvl. li. 18
(Hie of the most Important of these
Interpolations or poisonous additions
engrattcd u,on the Word of (Jod Is lu
the Kixtis'iiih chapter of Mark, all of
which, from the ninth verse to the end
of the chapter, is spurious-fraudulent.
It Is additional to anything that St.
Mark wrote, us evidenced by the fact
that these verses are not found in any
of the three oldest Greek MSS.
Of course some of the Items of
these verses are found lu other Gos
pels. It would never do to add a lie
without a certain amount of covering
of Truth to nugarcoat It! But notice
our text and w hat a wrong thought it
gives Inconsistent with the remainder
of the Scriptures. Its intimation is
that the preaching of the Gospel to
every creature will result either In his
believing it and being baptized, and
thus being saved, or In his disbelieving
aud being damned. And this word
damned curries with It, in the light of
other misunderstandings, Are and
blazlngs, rousting and torture, shrlek
ing ami woes indescribable. This Is
all wrong contrary to the authentic
The authentic Scriptures" Inform us
that this Gospel Age Is one iu which
God is gathering from the world a
"little flock" of footstep followers,
saintly and elect, to constitute the
Bride of Chrlst-hls Jolnt-lu Irs In his
coming Kingdom. They show that not
all are expected to hear this message
at the present time not many wise,
great, learned or rich, but chiefly, the
poor. They assure us that to have the
hearing ear Is a special favor, saying,
"Blessed are your eors for they hear,
and your eyes for they seo." St. Paul
tells us that the world In general Is
blind and deaf to the message now sent
forth (Itotnans xl, 7), and the experi
ences of eighteen centuries corroborate
this. St. 1'eter tells us (Acts xv, 13) that
God's work In tho present time is not
the conversion of the world (which cer
tainly is not being accomplished) but
that he Is now taking out of the world
a people for his name (to bear the
name of Christ, as his Bride). The au
thentic Scriptures everywhere teach
us that the poor, blind, deaf world,
which has never yet heard fully and
clearly of "the only name given under
heaven or amongst men whereby we
may be saved," Is not on this account
condemned or damned. They tell us
that tho wjiole world was xrn con
(lernueil, because children of Adam and
sharers In his condemnation, but that
God has provided In the sacrifice of
Jesus a redemption for Adam and all
his race. They tell us that, as n result.
In God's due time, Christ, as the true
Light, the Sun of Righteousness, shall
enlighten every man that coinetb Into
tho world. They explain that God Is
now calling out a spochil class while
the darkness Is upon the earth and the
gross darkness upon the heathen, and
that the Hun of Righteousness, which Is
to enlighten tho whole world, will not
arise until the elect Church shall first
have been gathered out. They tell us
that, In the New Dispensation yet to
dawn, nil the families of the earth will
be blessed through The Christ Jesus,
the Head, and the Church his Body or
Bride. They tell us that then "all the
blind eyes shall be opened and all the
deaf ears shall be unstopped'' (Isaiah
xxxv. r. They tell us that then the
Sun of Righteousness shall arise with
healing la his beams, flooding the whole
earth with the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God. They assure us that
that will be the period of Messiah's
reign, for w hich we pray, "Thy King
dom come; thy will be done on earth
as In heaven." They tell us that the
object of that reign will be that the
world In general may have n trial to
determine whether, with the light and
knowledge and experience then grant
ed, they will choose God and righteous
ness and the reward of eternal life, or
will choose sin and Its penally, the
Second Death.
Unbelievers Damned Already.
Our word dnmnvd. from mlsusageand
the bad theology of the Dark Ages,
has a sulphurous odor, whereas Its
plain, slnrjjle meaning Is the samo ns
the word enndemn. Adam was damned
or condemned t'KHK) years ago because
of .his disobedience. And all his chil
dren, by heredity, share his weak
nesses anil thus share his condemna
tion. But Adam Is not condemned or
damned to eternal torture nor to Pur
gatory. The Bible distinctly says In
so many words that his sentence, his
condemnation, his damnation, Is to
death. "In the day that thou cutest
thereof, dying thou shalt die" (Genesis
II, 17, marglnl. After his disobedience,
God said, "Unfit Is the earth for thy
sake. Thorns and thistles shall It
bring forth unto thee. In the sweat
of thy face shalt thou cat bread until
thou return unto the ground from
which thou wast taken; for dust thou
nrt and uuto dust shalt thou return"
(Genesis III. 17-11)).
This general sentence has rested
upon all of Adam's race from that day
until now. As St. Pnul declares. By
ono man's disobedience sin entered
Into the world and death (not eternal
torment nor Purgatory) as a result of
sin and thus death (not eternal tor
ment nor 1'urgutory) pnssed upon ull
men, becniiso nil are slnuers (Romans
V,' 12), Jesus ennio to redeem two
classes-the Church and tho woiid
the Church class to be his "Bride" and
to share bis heavenly, spiritual King
dom with him; the world to be blessed
and restored to human orfectlon and
to nn earthly F.den. world-wide God's
footstool made glorious. The Church
nud household of faith, willing to walk
lu the footsteps of the Muster hi the
dark, have been called during the past
nearly nlreteen centuries. Soon the
worthy ones, the "little lh U."" w cn
t r iu- jo.. f ih.-ir l.oi J. at .
Se i nd Coiii!!:. The niiirrlage f the
Lamb shall come, for his Wife will
have made herself ready (Rev. xix. 7i.
Then the world's salvation will bo
due to begin. The Times of Restitu
tion will be the thousand years of Mes
siah's spiritual reign as Kin:.' of kings
and Lord of lords. Fleshly Israel, we
are assured, will then be restored to
Divine favor und become the special
and active agents of the Messianic
Kingdom in the distribution of the Id
vine favors to all the families of the
earth. In the end all the Incorrigibly I
wicked, who love iniquity rather thau
righteousness, will be destroyed.
Thus, as the Apostle declares, the
sacrifice of Jesus constitutes a satis
faction for our sins (the Church's sins)
and not for ours only, but also for the
sins of the whole world (I John II, -.
Nonsensical, Spurious Context.
Let us briefly notice another absurd
ity In the addition to God's Word found
In the lust twelve verses of St. Mark's
Gospel, fraudulently added and not
found In any of tho oldest Greek MSS.
Notice the statement, "Thce signs
shall follow them that believe: In my
name shall they cast out devils; they
shall speak with new tongues. They
shall tnke up serpents; and If they
drink any deadly thing, it shall not
hurt them. They shall lay hands on the
sick and they shall recover" (verses
17, 18). The majority of Christian min
isters and their congregations seem not
to be troubled by the fact that tbey do
not have these evidences of their rela
tionship to the Lord, and they do not
attempt to heal the sick, to speak with
tongues, and would not dare to drink
any poisonous thing. But there are
certain conscientious people, tho very
cream of nil the Churches, who nre
greatly perplexed by these words be
cause they know that they are not true
In their experience. With them, there
fore, It Is a mutter of feeling doubtful
about their own salvation, or a ques
tion as to the reliability of the Bible
as a whole. They need to have the re
lief which we now seek to' give them.
They need to know that these nre not
Inspired words, but poisonous nud In
jurious additions ntade during tho Dark
Ages. J'hey may, consequently, look
elsewhere In the Scriptures and find
the proper assurances of their relation
ship with (Jod being demonstrated by
the fruits of the holy Spirit In their
lives and In their hearts "meekness,
gentleness, . patience, long-suffering,
brotherly kindness, love."
Miracles In the Early Church.
This spurious passage of our text is
used by many ministers who know,, or
ought to know, of Its falsity. But they
have a certain theory in their minds
to the effect that the miracles and un
known tongues of the early Church
were lost by rensou of unfaithfulness
to God. nnd that Christians today
should seek for' their recovery. Not
having nny Scriptures to support their
claim they use this Interpolation aud
nllow their hearers nnd readers to be
lieve It to le tho Inspired message. To
what length have people gone In sup
port of human theory! The first prin
ciple of preaching should be to preach
the Truth, the whole Truth nnd noth
ing but the Truth. Every theory which
requires bolstering up by spurious pas
sages should be abandoned, and trill be
abandoned by those who are honest
truth-seekers, "Berenus."
Our Lord performed miracles. So
did his Apostles. And so did those of
the early " Church upon whom the
Apostles laid their hands, But no
others have this gift. Consequently,
when the Apostles were dead and
when all those upon whom they had
laid haniN of blessing were dead, these
miracles In the Church were at an
end We all see the propriety of this.
Miracles were appropriate at the be
ginning for the establishment of the
Church nnd, for n time, were necessary
for their encouragement. In their
early meetings they had no source of
Information aside from tho Apostles,
whom they rarely saw or heard. They
had no Bibles no copies of the Gospel
nor of the Epistles. They needed the
very arrangement which God provid
edtongues nnd Interpretations of
tongues, etc., to draw them together and
to Instruct them until, In due lime, the
canon of Scripture would be completed
that, through It. the man of God might
bo thoroughly furnished unto every
good word and work (II Tim. Hi, 10. 171.
By the time the Apostles died the
Church had become established, had
regular meetings, pastors und teach
ers, the Gospels and Epistles, and
some of them had begun to develop
the fruits of the Spirit. Thus the early
Church naturally outgrew the tongues
and miracles and entered a larger
sphere, Just as n child loses Its swad
dling clothes In favor of more sultabie
attire. For God's people today to de
sire to go buck to spcaklna with
tongues, etc., such as was practised,
and very profitably, lu the early
Church, would be like an adult person
desiring to be dressed und treated as
a babe. It Is our understanding that
the speaking with unknown tongues
In religious meetings, which Is grad
ually spreading over the world, Is ft
deception being practised upou earnest
children of God. who are deceived by
the fallen angels thi dcmmi of tho
Bible. They are thus enslaved to er
ror and have their attention drawn
away from the Truth. To what ex
tent the ministers of Christ of tmlay
nro responsible for tho delusion of
these poor people Is not ours to de
termine. Had the spurlousness of the
last verses or St. Mark's Gospel been
duly pointed cut from every pulpit, ns
soon ns the old MSS. were known,
some, nt least, might have been spared
from this snare- some who. under nils
understanding, have been hindered
from proper expectations In respect to
God's Word mid bd Improperly to ex
pect the Mwer of tunnies nnd mlni
cles suggest ed in this spurious passage.
A 1 ME
Only a Manipulation in Reduc
tion of Market Stocks.
"The interests which manipulated
the prices upward have released their
hold on our throats temporarily for
the purpose of getting a fresh grip.
The so-called reduction in meats is
This statement was made by Dr.
Harvey W. Wiley, chief of the bureau
of chemistry of the department of
agriculture at Washington, in con
nection with persistent reports to the
effect that there bad been a reduc
tion in the prices of all kinds of
"This so-called reduction In the
price of meats," said Dr. Wiley, "is
merely a deliberate manipulation of
the market, Just as the increase in
prices waB unjust, unreasonable and
uncalled for by conditions prevailing
throughout the country. The prices
were fictitious when they reached the
top notch, because they were forced
to that high level arbitrarily by the
The alleged reduction Is also ficti
tious, because the reduction is not a
reduction in fact, but merely market
manipulation, deliberately planned to
meet the selfish ends of the interests
who have dominated the markets for
"If y.ou do not believe that the so
called reduction is fictitious go into
the markets and try to buy a pound
of beef. You will suddenly discover
that the reduction in prices is very
unreal, and If you want the. beef you
will come pretty close to paying ex
actly what you have been paying for
it In the past. .
"But even if there is an actual re
duction at this particular time it is
far from being permanent. Why?
Simply because the Interests which
controlled the market a year ago and
forced the price of meats up to an
abnormal level are still in control of
the market.
"It is impossible to believe that
they have suddenly become philan
thropic and decided to give the peo
ple a square deal. No. Developments
will show that the Interests are after
someone. ' There may be some inde
pendent movement they hope to drive
from cover or take into ramp. The
hands of the Interests at our throats
Just simply got tired from holding
on. They have relaxed their hold
temporarily in order that they may
get a better and fresher grip.
"There is some reason, best known
to themselves, why the interests have
announced a reduction In the price of
meats. Believe me, It was not promp
ted by any desire to help the consum
er solve this problem of the high cost
of living."
Secretary Wilson of tho depart
ment of agriculture says that
the announced reduction in prices
was abnormal. He said it was due to
the fact that the drouth in the cattle
raising country had increased tho
cost of hay.
"The farmer with cattle on bis
hands," said Secretary Wilson, "must
pay $35 a ton for his hay Instead of
$30, the price of a year ago, and
rather than do this he is sending his
cattle to market. This has caused a
flood of csttle in the Chicago market
and accounts for the sudden tumble
in prices.
"This tumble Is abnormal and will
not be permanent. However, a plen
tiful corn crop and plenty of grain
will enable the farmer to feed freely,
and we Bhould get a lower level of.
prices. Ixwer prices are certain to
come, provided that somewhere be
tween the farmer and tho consumer
there 13 no combination or agreement
to keep the prices up."
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss.
In the matter of the estate of John
II. WaHInger, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the administrator of said estate, be
fore me, County Judge of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, at the county court
room in Plattsmouth, In said county,
on December 12, 1910, and on June
14, 1911, at 9 o'clock, a. m., each
day, for the purpose of presenting
their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for the ad
ministrator to settla said estate, from
tho 12th day of December, 1910.'
Witness my band and seal of said
County Court, at riattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 10th day of November,
(Seal) Allen J. Beeson,
County Judge.
Mr. D. n. Ebersole transacted busi
ness In the metropolis this afternoon.
. EL wGsrf Sens
From Saturday's Dally.
One of the most delightful initia
tory ceremonies held by the Masonic
fraternity In this city for a long time
occurred at their hall last evening.
Prominent Masons from Omaha and
Murray and vicinity, and other points
In the county, were present and par
ticipated. After the initiatory cere
mony in the lodge room, the lodge
adjourned to the banquet hall ad
Joining, and enjoyed one of the finest
banquets ever served in this city.'
Mr. F. E. White, of Omaha, acted
as toastmaster and the address of
welcome was made by Rev. W. L.
Austin, of thi3 city, the response was
made by Mr. Arthur'Jackson, master
of St. John's lodge, of Omaha. This
lodge has the largest membership of
any lodge in the state, having a
membership of 500. Other speakers
were Mr. A. L. Tldd, Superintendent
Gamble, Captain Morrison, Mr. Sal
lee, of the Masonic Home, and others.
The meeting drew the best attend
ance on record, the banquet hall be
ing entirely filled with the banquet
ers. The out of town Masons present
were F. E. White, of Omaha; Sara
Long, of South Bend; Arthur Jack
Bon, W. C. Ramsey and C. Masden,
of Omaha; D. J. and Sam ritman, of
Murray; W. C. Brown, James Lough
ridge, Don Rhoden, of Murray; Will
Rummel, Julius Pitts, J. E. Griffin,
W. T. Adams, G. W. Snyder, Joe
Tubbs and Chas. T. P! Peacock, of
the precinct.
Franchise Amendment Falls.
The franchise amendment has been
slain by the sleepers, out of 173,463
votes cast outside of Lancaster and
Douglas counties the amendment gets
70,118, while ' 47,491 are counted
against it. Those who voted on the
question are favorable by nearly two
to one, but those who did not vote on
the question are counted against It.
On this basis, in the counties Includ
ed, the amendment loses by more
than fifteen thousand votes, Lancas
ter, which Is not Included, gives the
amendment less than a majority of
all votes cast, though the votes on
the amendment are favorable by two
to one. Douglas, which Is not in
cluded, will go heavily against it.
The device of carrying amendments
by making thera a part of the party
tickets failed this time for two rea
sons, the number of straight party
votes cast was very small, probably
less than half the total Lincoln
John Chalfant, of Liberty precinct,
was in the city transacting business
at the court house.
The only torjical hoaie la the
West whrr all fitting it don
by o ci pert. Largest nock
of truoses in the West.
means homecoming, turkey dress
ing and new clothes.
You can be thankful that
right here at your door is a store
fully equipped to meet all your re
quirements in "dressing" and
"fixins" for Thanksgiving time.
The garments we show you are
CLOTHES not merely cloth
ing they possess genuine style
not just a feeble flicker of it. An
assortment to choose from that's
deep as a well and wide as a church
door. Come in and let us dress
you for the occasion in one of our
QUALITY Suits and Overcoats.
Men's silk lined dress gloves
in Suede or Kid $1.25, $1.50 and
$2. Some new arrivals in silk
knitted four in-hand 50c.
Xo Itight to Trim Trees.
The supreme court of the State of
Nebraska has decided that corpora
tions bave no right to trim trees be
longing to individuals, according to
the following opinion filed Thursday.
The verdict for damages Becured
by Anna C. Slabaugh against the
Omaha Electric Light and Power
company for cutting the trees in
front of her property because they,
interfered with the light wires, has
been affirmed by the supreme court.
The court holds: "In the absence
of a valid legislative act or municipal
ordinance granting to public service
corporations authority to trim shade
trees, growing in the streets of met
ropolitan cities, without compensat
ing the abutting property owners for
damages thereby inflicted and enact
ed before the lot owner plants trees
in that part of the street contiguous
to his lot, an electric light company
Is liable to the owner for damages
accruing to his lot by reason of such
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boughi
Bears the
Signature of
Will Sunday in Lincoln.
Joseph W. Johnson was a passea
ger on the morning train today for
Lincoln, where he goes to spend Sun
day with his sons, Edward and Alge,
and families. Mrs. Johnson went to
the capitol a few days ago and both
will be present at the family reunion
and birthday anniversary dinner at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. John
son today, and tomorrow all will be
present at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alge Johnson. Both sons are now
and have been In the employ of the
Burlington railroad for many years,
having recently erected fine new
homes In Lincoln, and are enjoying
happiness and prosperity in every
way. The few days' visit will e a
most pleasant one to the two sons
and father and mother.
Now a Resident of Plattrfmonth.
Mr. Roy Pelton, of Minneapolis,
had his household goods unloaded at
the Burlington freight house here
yesterday and removed'to the George
Ballance house. Mr. Pelton will be
a Plattsmouth resident until the gov
ernment building la completed, and
will oversee the Job for the construc
tion company, of which his father is
Llva Stock and General Farm Sato
Five years successful Belling renders
me thoroughly competent of handling
your sale. Keferfence from those I
have sold for. Graduate fion Missouri
Auction School. See me at Perkins
PlatU. 'Phont 142 Green