reakest organ. If there ii weaLncta of stomach, liver or lung, there w a weak link in the chain of life which may snup at any time. Often this fco-codt-d " weaknesa" is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakncs or disease of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use ol Ur. I'ierce's C.olden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach is cured, diseases of other organs which tetm remote from the stomach but which Late their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach ana Oilier organs ol digestion and nutrition, are cured also. The atroni man has n atroni stomach. Take the above recommended "Ulncov try" and you may have a atroni atom' ach and a atroni body. Givbn Away. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol ume. Address Dr. K. V. fierce, IluiTulo, N. V. THANKSGIVING 11 OUR STATE ; Nebraska Hai MucS to be Thankful for This Year. . In riving thanks on Thursday, No vember "1, our people should not orget to return thanks to Collier's A'cekly lor affording uh tho opportu nity to stay right here In Nebraska. In ltd current Issue It prints an edi torial on Nebraska that, ought to make mighty Interesting reading for Nebraska people even on the day after election; that ought to comfort the loners and swell tho victors with additional pride. Apropflately enough It Is headed "Glory." This Is It: "Nebraska In l'JO'J produced corn more valuablu than nil tho gold mined In tho United States und Alas ka, ami worth moro than our total tobacco crop, She produced wheat worth more than tho total sugar pro duction of tho United States; live stock worth more than the crude petroleum of tho whole United States; live slock, grain, poultry, butter, eggs and fruit worth more than the coal In tho United States, outside of Illinois; hay worth more than all the gold and silver produced In Alaska; cereals worth more than the product of all our copper mines; grass and grain and live stock worth more than all the Iron ore. This Is according to tho report of the com , mlttee of tho legislature and the re ports made to tho bureau of labor and Industrial statistics. To bo a little more frivolous, If the eggs laid by Nebraska liens la 1 !)(!) were placed In n doubly row, end to end, they would be there, times as hmg as the railroad mileage built In the United States In 11)08. If the perma nent school fund of Nebraska were converted Into dollar hills and laid end to end, the lino would reach from Omaha to Salt Lake City, but It probably , would not he left very long. Less than half of the. tillable land In Nebraska Is under cultiva tion, and forty years ago tho region which Is now Nebraska was frequent ly designated' upon the maps of school geographic as part of "The (heat American Desert." .Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr iving's New Life Pills tho true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backncho or head ache, constipation, dispelling colds, Imparting appetite, dispelling colds imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're uneuualed. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co's. Mrs. W. F. Chalfant departed this morning for lSurwell, Neb., where aho will Join her husband and make that city their future home. H am wm mm am mv n, .1 w' in n 1 1 1 1 ci y i j m n i t m v"-,j'j 1 u w is n y. La 11 si a mm iL m L. j 'J This Company is ;t part of a ureat telephone ystem financially stion, centralized and nation wide; and we feel that yotir acquaintance with our-methods nuL-t mean your friendship and support. lWmess men in 40,000 American cities now use the liell Telephone, and there are more than 1,000 new instruments installed by the Hell system every day. - Nebraska Tclopliono Company r ft 1 n r r ... ,! if.,,,,,,,,... o. t-i Each of the chicl or- Itant of the body it a ilink in the Chain of Life. A chain it no tron(er than its weakest link, the body so ttronlcr than it I u;uimiilnieiit for l-.vciy Iny Life. I. Neither lend or borrow It make s people crot-s the street when I. lev tee you coming. Your debtor will cross the street to avoid you. our creditor will come over to meet you. . 2. It Is the saddest day In a man's life when he feels prompted to gain a dollar without working for It. 3. Ho the master of your own house. If you relinquish your au thority your happiness will be at an c ml. 4. When In anger fill your mouth with water, but do not swallow any of It. You will thus be enabled to refrain from saying many foolish things. 5. Never wrlto a line on paper that you would be ashamed to have published In tho newspaper. C. Refrain from practical Joking. Life Is too real and too earnest and too brief to be wasted In so wanton a fa.hion. 7. Look down. You will then be satisfied with your condition In life. If you look up, you will perhaps, be come envious and discontented. 8. Avoid business relations with so-called unlucky people. Ill-luck Is but too often tho fault of tho Individ ual or another nnme-for laziness or Incapacity. ft. Balnnco your cash account dally. The careful engineer consults his gauge constantly. 10. Do a heap of thinking, but he miserly with your speech. F. II. Goodfellow, of Greenwood, and J. D. Bramblett, of Union, re turned to Plattsmouth thin morning to complete their Hervhe as Jurors for tho term, both gentlemen are leading citizens In their respective communities. I A FDITITFIT1. m m am at m mm INVESTMENT When you speculate on margins you are like the fellow holding on a bears tail as it runs around a treo-if you lose vour hold the bear w ill tret you. Invest in real estate. It is the true basis of wealth and if you want to play a, sure game buy land that produces things. We havo'lantl of this kind for sale in Parrita Ranch, four miles from Talfar rias, Texas. It is land on which you can at any time borrow 75 per cent of it's value. W. E. ROSEHCRMIS & SON w w,. M Hi mt"mm m i. r mm fr - m 11 r 1 'j rv i he n If wt&mS rrwiasaa r A DON'T SPEGUUTE INVESTI is 14 a. i The Hell sign is tho only symbol of of ellici cient, instantaneous or universal telephone service. The value of your telephone depends upon the extent of its connections and upon its operation is giving you roixI service in reaching any one, any where at any time. ia'l ui duuiiui i . CONGRESSMEN ELECTED Illinois. Danville, LI., Nov. 9 Speaker Can non was re-elected in the Eighteenth iistrict by a reduced plurality over VV. U Cundlff (T ern ). Twelfth C. K. Fuller (K-p). Eleventh fra C. Copley (Hop.). Nliieie-Mh W. H. McKlnley (Rep.). Fourteenth.. Mt Kinney (Hep.). Twenty firth N. Thlsik-wood (Rep.) Pennsylvania. First distritt-H. II. L'lngham (Rep.) Second .Joi 1 Cool (Hep.). Thlid J. ll'impton Moore' (Rep.). F'liirth Tie ih.-n O. Moon (Rep.). Fifth V.". W. I'oulkrod (Uep.j. Sixth George I). McCreary (Rep). Seventh-Thomas S. Butler (Hep.). Eighth Irving P. War.ger (Rep.). Ninth William W. driest (Rep.-. Thirteenth J. 0. Rothernu-1 (Dem ). Sixteenth J. G. Mcll-nry (Dem.). Seventeenth R K. Focht (Dem ). Fight'" nth M. E, Olmsted (Rep.). Nineti enth J. I Hartman (Rep ). Twenty first C. E. Pat ton (Rep). Twenty-sixth A. M. Palmr-r (Den.) Kentucky. Firi-t district Ollie .lanvs (De.n.). Second A. O. Stanley (Dem.). Fourth Benjamin Johnson (De.n.-. Ki'th Swagar Sl.erley (Dem.). Sixth Arthur B. Rouse (Ds:m.). Seventh .1. C. Cnntrell (Dem.). Eighth Harvey Helm (Dem ). Eleventh Caleb Powers (Rep.). IMsw York. Eighth district I). Klordan (Bern.). Thirteenth J. M. Levy (Dem.). Twentieth T. W. Dradley (Rep.-. 1 hlity-fifih I). A. Drlscoll (Dem.). TLIrty-sixth D. Alexander (Rep.). Massachusetts. First district P. Uwrenee (Rep.). Third C. 0. Washburn (Rep.). Twuilth John W. Weeks (Rep ). Minnesota. Sixth district C. A. Llndherg(Rep.) Seventh A. J. Volstead (Kep.). Thlrd-C. It. Davis (Rep.). Kansas. Seventh E. II. Madison (Rep.). Eighth Victor Murdock (Rep.). Republicans Loss Seats in G grass Li EijS! Slates. 0"- O.I Chicago, Nov. 9. Democratic con trol of the next house of representa tives became u certainty this nioru lug. It was then known that the Dem ocrats had gained twenty-six seats lu the house, Including two previously Bctured in Mulne. Republicans gained from the Democrats two bouU, in;.:; Ing the Democratic iiet gain twtnty four, which Is sutllcient to give them control. That they will have a good working majority was indicated by tho returns from several states, among them New Jeisey. Returns there showed that there probably would be a gain of six Democrats In the representation of that state. Other n turns from New York and Pennsv lvanla Indicated the success of several Democrats in ttieir contests for scuts now held by Republicans. The Democrats also expected to In crease their lead by returning several members from Illinois and also from Missouri. It was considered possible that they would he successful in sev eral doubtful states. The definite iH-mocrntlc gains were: New York, 8; Pennsylvania, 3; North Carolina, 2; Ohio, 2; Massachusetts 2: Maryland, 2: Connecticut, 1; Illi nois, l; Iowa, 1; Kentucky, 1; Mis souri, 1 ; West Virginia. 1. The Republican gains were one ench In Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania. In New York seven Republican seats were secured by the Democrats. In Maryland, Massachusetts and North Carolina each, the Republicans lost two seats Losses were definitely 'ntifiwn ti) have been sustained In Ml- poK Kentucky, Missouri and Ohio. I Tho known Democratic gain Is J el'-'hteen seais, offset by two Repub lican gain from the- Democrats, one each In New York and Pennsylvania Reports received from other states Indicated the Democrats would have ample margin to nssure tlirm the twentytwo seats necessary to give them control of tho house, two Demo imtle pains previously having been reported In Maine. ARREST ELECTION OFFICIALS Refused to Permit Neoroes to Vote at McA'ester, Okla. MeAlester, Okla., Nov. !l. Charged with conspiracy to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate certain ne;;io citizens by refusing them the rUht to oto, half the election officials of Me Alester were arrested by a deputy United States marshal, taken before the Unltel States commissioner and held on bonds of t".M ) emh. All H-e tilllclals broui'ht their ballot hoses to the commissioner when they rave ball, refusing to. surrender tlieir duties or leave the ballot boes with anyone else. Nrw Jersey. Trenton, Nov. I) --i'U'ures nvali-ihlc here Indicate that Woedrow Wilson ( Bom.' has ctiirlej New Jersey by about 1T,0 u. K "turns Indicate a plu rality or between I'Uieil rnd U.'.OUO for Wilson In Essex county. Hunterdon county Is H' mocrntlc by nearly 2.unu and '.".rr'n by J.tiOO. FROPOSIIIOUTO BUILD NEW JHLFMLS TO CARR The proposition to build a new jail for Cass county has failed to carry by a vote of from fifteen to seven teen hundred. There is no explana tion for the result unless '.i was that the proposition was not well under stood. The cost of keeping the pris oners charged with felony In the stronger jabs or the neighboring counties will, In the long run, cost the county more money than to have expended the amount of the levy, or the twenty thousand dollars, which the 2 'i mill levy would have raised. On the other l and it Is no credit to any man to live In a county with as poor a county building as the old ramshackle brick structure has be come. There will be no alternative ! now but to repair up the old shell, re-rooling and point up the masonry with new cement, so that Deputy Manspe-aker ait occupy tie upper story. The last rain which fell, water soaked the carpets and beat through the roof and side walls until It looked as though the Jailer would have to move out. It Is almost necessary for some one to go about the building to prevent the inmates from making their escape, but unless the place is repaired It wlil be next to Impossible to find any one who will stay In the building. It is a short-sighted policy ou, the part of Cass county citizens which prompts the turning down of a proposition to build this needed structure. X t Sorry For Blunder. If my friends hadn't blundered in thinking 1 was a doomed victim of consumption, I might not be olive now." writes D. T. Senders, of Jlar rodsbuig . Ky., "but for years t.hey saw every attempt to cure a lung raeklng cough fail. At last I tried Dr. Ling's New Discovery. The effect v, as wonderful. It soon stopped tun 'ough und I am now l:i better health than 1 have had for yeirs. This wore del I ul life-saver is an unrivalled rem edy for toughs, colds, lugrippe. -nth-pia, (roup, hemorrhages, whooping tough or weak lungs, 500, $1.00 l'tlal bottle free. Guaranteed bv F. G. Fritkc & Co., Union block. HER SUHiULY SCHOOL GLASS From Tui'mln v'b Pally 'the lionpiiablo home of Mr. a:.1 Mrs. L. V. Cz'q rang with nier.l ment last evening when Mrs. Cade entertained tho young ladles of her Sunday school class of the Presby terian church In a very pleasant man ner. Recently Mrs. Gade had pur chased a game of Bible questions and it was In order to Introduce this game that she had Invited the young ladies to tome to her home. The young ladles bad come prepared to enjoy a good time and expectations were fully realized In the entertain ment of last evening. Tho young ladies entered Into this most fasci nating game with much Interest and enthusiasm, while sociability reigned supreme. Light refreshments were served which materially aided In the social good time. There were twenty of the young ladies In attendance to enjoy this splendid entertainment. Saes mi Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn be fore Kobert Masden, of West Burling ton, Iowa, when, after seven weeks In the hospital, four of tho best phy- biclans cave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Elec- trie Biiters. For, after eight maailis .,r r.-l.rMfnl BnVrtnir from liver teou- ble and yellow jaundbe, getting no telp lrom other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine omp'.ctely cured him. It is positively guaranteed for Stomach, Liver or Kidney troubles and never disap points. Only COe. at !'. G. Frlcke Co s. Box Social at Itock 111 nil's. Miss Bess Edwards, who is teach ing at the school at Rock Bluffs this year, and her pupils are arranging for a box social to be given at tho school house on Saturday evening, November lfth. The proceeds from tho sale of the boxes will be used for the benefit of the school. Everybody cordially Invited. ll-7-4tw2td. W. It. V. l adies Meet. The Woman's Relief corps met yes terday afternoon with Mrs. Bettle Mosten, the meeting being largely at tended by the membership, and a good social hour was enjoyed. A program had been prepared by tho committee with some excellent papers from some of the members. Lunch eon was served, which added mate rially to the success of the occasion. Dr. Cochran, of Omaha, was a Dattsmoiith visitor today. c0 ;-0-, Al.VUH'JL 3 i'EK t'K.NT. AVclal'Icrrnanliopvls- i.'MA.r'..:.L'i:jl . ,j rt. 5 r."omc!cs DiJes'iotiOtf rPi r,;.1 and "cst'.conlaiiisncffia Opietr.t .M !r;,lvlae nor :incral ?- 1 ; ,7w Apcrlh-I Rpmi'tly forrcrs I ion , Sour Slotraeh.lllams a Worm .('om'ulsiaus.ftvcris'.i ncs3a;tdLossorSLEn'. rcSiri!lc Signature of e fii: Exact Copy of Wrapper, ' pu'rimiy"im!" DEATH OF RR3. ISILLll OS VM A special from Elm wood, under date of Monday, November 7, an nounces the sudden death of Mrs. William lluster, which occurred early Sunday morning. She had been In her usual health all day, planning for a visit from her son, but died very soon after his arrival. Mrs. Iluster is the wife of William Burter, an old confederate soldier. She leaves her husband and four children, Mrs. Ernest, of Kansas; Mrs. Hoffman, of Ashland; Bert Buster, of Lincoln, and Edward Buster, of Oregon. The funeral ..was held this (Tuesday) af ernocn, and was attended by a large concourse of sympathetic friends. Mr. an-.l Mrs. Busier are pioueer residents of Cass county, here soon after the great unpleasantness, locating in the southeast part of the county. They removed to Elniwood soon after the railroad was surveyed through the town, where they have ever since made their home. The deceased was a most estimable lady, and was loved by all who knew her. Her death is a sad blow to her husband and children. The sympa thies of the entire community and that of friends all over the county po out to the bereaved husband and children in this, the hour of great sadness. The Journal also joins In extending sympathy to our old friend and his family. Jolly Six Iniliuns. That popular dancing club, tho Jolly Six Indians, will give one of their enjoyable dancing parties at the Coates hall, two weeks from this evening, Wednesday, November 23. Tho best musical talent In the city will be procured to play for the ball. One of the best dances ever B,ven by tho ( lub Is anticipated, so I t,,0He vlsl'inK l "ly a R0(1 tinie I l 1 1. ii .1 t, i.. .(...1 snouiu seep uie uaio in mum Unloading Building Material. H. C. McMaken & Son have been engaged last evening and this morn ing in unloading a carload of lumber and forms for concrete for II. S. Fi-l-ton, the government building con tractor. Tho excavating for tho foundation Is moving along rapidly, and the ditches for the concrete bnse will be commenced within a few days. Mrs. S. M. Welch and son Fred, who novo been visiting Mrs. Welch's brother, Mr. George Tolsall and fam ily, for a time, departed for their home at Seward, Nebraska, this morning. McMaken & Son commenced this afternoon to haul sand and cover the concrete work on Fourth street. It is the Intention to place an inch of snnd over the entire distric t No. 3. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Haw Always BgM Bears the Signature of i'n-rttrj' . ) ))"X.- I '..a, it til'. ',-". J NEW YOEK. 'a tx Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature in Use or Over Thirty Years THK CCNTAUH OOMNNY, NEW VOftR CITY. The Goernment pay Railway Mail Clek $800 to $1,200, and other em ployeei up to $2,500 annually Uncle Sara will hold examinations throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart ment Clerks and other Government, positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, In City or Country can get Instruction and free Information by writing at oneo to the Bureau of Instruction, 79 J. Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. Meet With Mrs. .1. V. Johnson. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church were most de lightfully entertained at the pleasant home of Mrs. J. V. Johnson yester day. There were a large number of the ladies in attendance, v ho enjoyed a splendid afternoon. The early part of the afternoon was taken up with the usual business session, ' after which the ladies indulged in a social time. Conversation, interspersed with music, made the time pass all too rapidly. At curly candle light an elegant luncheon was provided, Mrs. Johnson being assi.sted In serving by her daughter. Miss Ruth. , Extending the Sewer. Mr. Christ Bayscr returned from Omaha on the morning train today and resumed his duties as city engi neer. While in Omaha Mr. Bayser secured the services of an expert bricklayer to finish the sewer exten sion on Vine street. The matter had been carried along until the con struction of the arch had been reached, which required the services, of a mason skilled In that particular kind of work. As soon as the mason can arrive the work will be finished. For pains In the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Cham berlain's Liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is noth ing better. For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co. e e s 3 LJ MAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BAL7.1 A pulled Into tho noilrlln la quickly abkorbed. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCC. It clonuses, aooth'-s, heals and protects th disused liii'iiiluuiio result inv( fpm Citiirrli unci drives way a Cold in the I lend cilllcklv. llcstoin tlm Seism" of Tie-to iiml S-pi'ii. It is ensy to iki'. Contains no inju-i' :i tlni!ri. N.j men my, no cocaine!, no mum'. !liiiif. The hiiiiM-leild remedy. l'riee, ri'1 cent .U J ru,r;'i-tn or by nail. CLY DROiHi.3, 63 Warren 1, Ka.v Ynt ZAP W VI iJlfF CATARRH in " .8 S s 3 - w r z mn itMk'.m) i'm.'.m)m