UNOFFICIAL VOTE OF CASS COUNTY, CAST AT ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 8. 1910 O t 3 r S3 o s 9 3 ST 3 o cr 3 -i it 2 ST 'X 3 S n 3 o 2 5" X 3 o 5 o c t rr o It O 1 IS i l It 73 it t 3 W 3" B n c c I c 1 t o It It 1 10 CO a I 31 9 n it -I a to 1 Q, n a. Q. Burkett . Hitchcock Aldrlch . Dahlman . Hart on . , Hewitt . . Ha ward Magulre . , Noyes . . Banning Wescott . . Wolfe . . . Metzgor . Puis Nutzman Hates . . . Muenchau Jordan . . Dettman u meed Jury Secured and State Examines Several Witnesses Including George Sanders, Who Was Witnessed the Crime. The district court convened short ly after 1 o'clock yesterday nftor noon, and proceeded to get a Jury to try the case of the state against Louis Keezer and Isadoro Sltzman, charged with attempted rotthery and murder, and with murder and robbery on the persona of Mike Cctio and George Sanders on tlio evening of September 1, last. Tho defetiHo exercised hut one of Its peremptory challenges and the state three. The names of the Jurors selected to try the case are: Chris lsko, Georgo Kaffeiiberger, Oregon Douge, C. A. Harvey, (1. L. Farley, Oscar Miller, II. I'. Dehnnlng, C. F. Vallory, (I. 10. Perry, V. H. Goodfellow, Elmer Hutchlns and John Fowler, twelve good men and true, as the law requires. Some preliminary matters were taken up and disposed of and while theso were being discussed the jury was excused until 9 o'clock this morning. The defndats' counsel, Judge Ma ker, made an oral motion to have the state elect on which of the several counts It would proceed upon and tho matter was argued at somo length, after whirl) It was arranged to try the accused nu n on the count charging murder while attempting to commit robbery. The state made Its opening statement to the Jury, coin mem lug about 10:15 this morning, Immediately followed by the defend ants' counsel, who went over the In cidents leading up to the murder, and from the trend of the statement It appeared that tho efforts of the defense will bo to disprove premedi tated or Intentional murder. The attorney for the accused In his open ing speech dwelt on the fact that the young men had been sent by Isa dora's mother about 7 o'clock p. m, of tho day, to tho pnsturo for the cowb, tho pasture lying along the Irallway trnck ot which tho men were walking at the time they were assaulted and Geno was killed. The stato for Its first witness Visits Old Haunts. Mr. Alex Mcintosh, of Decatur, Illi nois, was In Plattsmouth yesterday on business, and renewed old time, ac quaintances. Mr. Mclnosh was a practicing attorqey or this city more than tv.( nty-llvo yenrs ano, and was a partner of Judgo Mceson's father and Judgo Sullivan, and at one time he was deputy county clerk and tilled that position for some time. r"vsf if-"' u Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some ci:ronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just I Ihcse cases- Aycr's Cherry I ail about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in close touch willi him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in thi.i cough medicine. IcrAZCZllUl AycrsPilU. All vegetable. A.t directly tn the liver. Cent ly laxa tive. . Uoi, one pill. Sc;j for nenily sixty ye ns. .s y jiu dodor about them. ' 115 "" ia 91 162" 109 79 102 103 124 113 109 201 101 64 88 68 121 99 106 170 101 75 88 99 116 91 99 166 1 12 84 97 105 103 89 89 169 117 84 107 101 104 90 94 169 92 72 77 149 114 72 109 103 92 60 82 78 111 99 107 175 108 67 84 92 134 70 86 128 90 106 106 73 1 2 4 72 124 85 143 73 143 72 123 86 131 80 4 9 108 81 65 142 67 107 95 12 49 60 51 62 49 59 48 62 48 64 133 27 65 49 27 57 36 74 1 placed on the stand Mr. J. P. Schro der, manager of tho 'Newell &. At wood quarry. As Its second witness and principal witness George Sanders was sworn and detailed the Incidents leading up to tho assault and mur der, and In slightly broken English Informed the Jury of the assault upon himself, w ith a club which felled him to the ground. And when asked how long the robbers remained after tho deadly assault, stated that they remained only long enough to take the' money from their pockets. As soon as the witness could get up he went to whoro Mike Geno was lying, heard him utter a cry as If In fear, but could understand no words. Mlko was lying at the sido of the track and once attempted to get up, but could not rise, afterward he lay there In the weeds until the help Alex Martin had summoned from tho quarry had arrived. John C.auer had arrived before the men from the quarry. John (inner was next calied and testified to hearing the men call for help, and himself and his hired man hurried to the bccuo and arrived In time to see the two men running away toward Cedar ( reek. Andre Thompson, t ho saloon keeper at Cedar Creek, was also sworn and testified on the part of the state, as to tho condition of tho three men who were assaulted, tho substance of his testimony was that the three men were not Intoxicated, that Sanders had drank a glass of beer as lato as three o'clock In his place, hut did not buy any liquors himself. On cross- examination defendant's counsel had witness tell the Jury that Mlko deno had bought a quart of whisky and put It In his pocket. After Mr. Thompson's evidence was In, tho court took a recess of five minutes so that the state could call Dr. Livingston. Up to the time of going to press tho stato had called nine of Its thir teen witnesses. li. W. 1'aughman, llvjng on the Dovey section west of town, was In the city yesterday and a caller on he Journal. Mr. Bitughinnn, desiring to keep posted on county matters, had his name enrolled for the old reliable. Square deal good deal. Always fit on what you get. Service relied, always satisfied. Why not, Rynott. Sue. to Goring & Co. "! 1 IB hs and Colic! s Pectoral. Your doctor knows 68 63 69 63 73 56 74 57 67 65 69 61 61 58 70 61 6 62 74 Ijo I aw 5i oo lua IK 77 29 7 2 163 55 6 7 96j 52 27 92 131 75 78 160 66 102 99 49 126 48 92 150 137 92 57 78 15 9 j 99 70 53 107 128 108 35 91 178 61 69 99 46 27 90 108 57 68 158 72 96 72 39 109 44 85 150 133 102 60 7j 14 9 91 77 52 152 78 71 73 110 65 28 90 113 64 158 '86 j 113 73 140 121 77 56 76 145 95 60 52 115 124 85 28 76 166 62 69 99 55 27 91 n 9 62 79 159 64 103 93 50 123 54 87 148 133 86 56 71 150 81 56 47 92 83 83 27 73 156 56 67 99 47 23 98 12 2 75 81 165 97 126 97 54 124 64 90 152 135 92 62 71 117 79 45 34 98 124 79 32 78 154 65 89 105 56 25 64 10 6 81 40 40 111 112 73 22 73 151 39 57 I 89 46 20 95 155 70 77 173 65 102 97 47 120 63 94 15 6 140 92 61 84 11 6 63 100 165 70 91 98 51 114 48 78 145 j 124 85 56 79 145 98 67 56 127 128 99 29 81 172 63 6 8 j 98 53 26 86 1 15 56 70 156 48 89 78 51 116 43 83 154 135 93 58 72 155 81 65 .50 116 121 80 24 70 151 53 6 6 96 51 25 87 1 19 64 71 161 58 101 S9 54 122 58 80 151 123 88 58 3 2 ' 44 9 3 8 3 2 " PR Herman Breeder, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Stat 2 Board Calls Arcwered Frompt'y Telephone 373 White, Pluttsmouth. A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. Even If you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know wheth-, er It Is In a healthy condition or not. 98 per cent of the people need a hair tonic. ' Pull a hair out of your head; if the bulb at the end of the root Is white and shrunken, It proves that the hair Is diseased, and requires prompt treatment if Its loss would be avoid ed. If the bulb Is pink and full, the hair Is healthy. We want every one hair re quires treatment to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic. We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It is designed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp Irri tation, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already In the head, grow hair and cure baldness. It Is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith In its goodness that wo want you to try it at our risk. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our store Tho Rexall Store. F, (5. Frlcke & Co., Union Mlock. Farm for Sale. The NWU, 29, 11, 12. Any one looking for a first-class, well Im proved 100-acro farm In Cass county, can find It In this. Enquire of John M. I-eyda, Plattsmouth, Neb. 1 0-27-1 Otdw. 11. E. Matteson, who has been visit ing his brother II. J., for a few days, departed for Missouri Valley this af ternoon, where he w ill Join his family and move his household effects to Plattsmouth from Salt Lake City. Mr. Matteson will begin work in the conch shop next week. "Bishop Sunbeams," Is ono of the finest literary works extant. It la ono of tho best works gotten out by Richard L. Metcalfe- and U pro nounced by press and public one of the greatest books of, tho ag. Just tho thing for a Christmas present. See Paul Stnddelman and secure a copy. U. I). McNurlln, of Weeping Water, visited Plattsmouth Tuesday, bring ing the returns from tho Second ward of that thriving city. R. I), resided In tho Second ward of that town when democrats were very scarce there, but it h' different now. TRUSSES '1 hn only t urgical hon-.e in ht st whrte all tiiurn is done bv an cxprit. Latter nock LV pf in tha Wtcst. THE VV. C. CLEVELAND CF.UQ CC. OMAHA, NlfcKAtKA IDE GREATEST I III "Iihmaer at the Parmele Satur. day Night, November 12th. Announcement that "Ishmeal," that wonderfully interesting romance beloved by grandmother, mother and charm It has for many of the sterner sex, would they only admit it, is booked for the Parmele theatre next Saturday night, November 12, conies as the best news of many a day to countless people. "Ishimul" was written many, i many years ago, but not unlil re cently was an adequate stage version completed. Fascinated by the dra matic qualities of the famous novel, Miss draco Hayward, herself an actress from early girlhood and whoso dramatization of "St. Elmo" and "Graustark" have pleased thou sands, set to work to make a steje story of Mrs. Sout'uworth's wond.r- ful tale. That she has succeeded in building a cohesive, thrilling play, teeming with heart Interest and w'iih all the dramatic unities preserved In threading the stirring incidents that fill the chapters, Is t lie testi mony of thousands who had the good fortune to witness the first production. So spontaneous was the public verdict tliLt a special company has been organized and Is now enter ing on a tour which promises to mark an epoch in the history of dramatized novels. Tho company, has been selected by a veteran man ager of high reputation and organ ized with full consideration of the great scope and demands of Miss Hay ward's play. "Ishniael" has been a booi for thousands, nay millions. It's ro mance Is bewitching, it's religious spirit Is fervent, it's power to thrill grows from chapter to chapter until tho most casual reader finds his at tention enchained and himself wrap ped In the lives of the folk who move In and out of Its action. The play may well be calculated to arouse equal Interest, not only among the regular theatre-goers, but equally so among those who may be Inclined, through honest but mistaken belief, to look askance at tho stage. On tho square always treat you fair. Squaro deal tho same as a square meal. Why not ask Uynott? c.uc. to Gerlng & Co. Notice of Final Settlement. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In tho re estate of J. Glen Royal, deceased. To all persons Interested: You aro hereby notified that a petition has been filed In this Court praying for final settlement of this estate, by the administrator thereof; that a hearing will be had upon saicl petition on the IPth day of Novem ber, 1'JIO, at 2 o cloc k, p. in., in my office at the court house, In Platts mouth, Nebraska, before which hour all objections thereto must bo filed. Witness my hand and official seal this 10th day of Ncnember, A. D., 1110. (Seal) Allen J. Iteesoti, Wllliiun'C. Ramsey, County Judge. Attorney. 11-1 0-1 w Hat Paste was made In a haste. Rats dio at tho twlnklo of the eye. Why not ask Rynott? rue. to Gerlng & Co. Junior Auxiliary I'vening at P.ectory. The cozy rectory of the St. Luke's church and the home of Rev. II. B. Burgess and wife was the scene of a splendid entertainment and social time given by the Junior Auxiliary of the church. It was very largely at tended by the members of the auxil iary and their friends, who enjoyed a most delightful, as well(as profit, able evening. During the course of the entertainment a collection was taken, the Junior Auxiliary realizing a neat sum thereby. The Junior Aux iliary society is a band of young peo ple of this church who are engaged in the study and work of missions, and the collection taken last evening will be used for promoting work along the mission line. We are informed that the Juniors are now busily en gaged in preparing a box to be sent to the mission field. A most enjoy able feature of the entertainment of last evening was a musical program, which had previously been arranged for. There were vocal solos by Glen Scott and Miss Mildred Johnson, which were rendered In a very charming manner. There were in strumental selections contributed by Misses Nora Livingston, Dorothy Britt, Margaret Donelan and Emma Cummins, which were rendered in a very finished style. There were others on tho program, whose names we were unable to procure and who de serve much praise for their style and manner of giving their particular selections, whether readings, vocal or Instrumental solos. The pleasures of the evening Were further augmented with a delicious luncheon, which was served at a convenient hour. Eastman kodaks, we can tell you tho facts. We have them on our racks. Why not ask Rynott? Sue to Gerlng & Co. Jlr. C. A. Rawls and wife boarded No. 6 this morning and spent the day with Glcnwood friends. in our cast window for a few samples of our' ele gant line oi The best we have ever had. Now is a good time tir loolc them over and make your selection lor that Christmas present. Raffs from $2 to $35 Scarfs frcr.i GOc to $15 Sells frcn 33.50!o $50 1962" 2156 2218 1962 194 256 2051 2110 1910 2265 1937 1710 2212 1972 2140 1967 1887 2096 126 35 35 173 209 Unpleasant Dreams. Persons suffering from unpleasant dreams or from disturbed, restless sleep, should keep In mind that this condition is usually due to some dis turbance of the digestion and that they must change their mode of liv ing. First clean out the whole sys tem, as should be done in all dis eases of the digestive organs, and give them more strength to enable them to do their work easily. This you w ill accomplish by using Triner's American E'.ixir of Bitter Wine. The formula of this remedy has been changed lately to make it stronger and more effective and it will certain ly' gain the satisfaction of all our people. Constipation will be relieved by It at once and also many stomach troubles, and, by using the remedy for some time, should entirely le cured. Use it always when your ap petite Is poor and when you feel weak and tired. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Why not Hynott? Sun proof paint was made by a saint. If not, why not, ask Rynott. Successor to Gerlng & Co. "I am pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trou ble." writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold, of Denver, Colorado. "We have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief." For sale by F. O. Frlcke & Co., Union block. Faun For Sule. 1C0 acres two miles from Avoca. Two houses and barns in fair shape. Will sell for $110 per acre. A sixty acre tract, well Improved, 2V& miles from Avoca. And lots of other lands In other sections. Come and see me before you buy. Jacob Opp. 11-3-wklytf. Avoca, Neb. Vl'.ir-,Mirti.. A-Hbt A if r i T 'lh !( ill " 1 0