I Silver By REX BEACH i COPYRIGHT 1D0B. BY CHAPTER XIX. I'VE heord the news!" cried Cherry later that afternoon shrieking to make herself heard above the rattle anJ Jar of the machinery. "There seems to be a Providence that watches over .fishermen." said Doyd. "I am happy, for your sake, and 1 want to apologize for my display of temper. Come away whore I won't have to scream so. I want to talk to you." "It Is music to my ears." he an swered as he led her past the rows of Chinamen bowed before their sold erlng torches as If busied with som heathen rites. "But I'm glad to sit down just the same. I've been on my feet for thirty -six hours." "It's too much for one man." she declared. "Oh. I'll sleep tomorrow." "Did you see bcr?" questioned Cherry. "Yes:" "She must bo very proud' of you." she said wistfully. "1 I ien't think she understands what I am trying to do or what It means. Our talk was net very satis factory." "She surely must have understood what Marsh Is doing." "I didn't tell her that." "Why not?" "What good would It have done?" "Why" Cherry seemed bewildered "she could put a stop to It; she could use her Influence with her father against Marsh. I expected to see your old crew back at work again. Oh. I wish I had her power!" "She wouldn't take a hand under any circumstances It wouldn't occur to her and naturally I couldn't ask her." Boyd flushed uncomfortably "Thanks to George's trap, there Is no need." He went on to tell Cherry of the scene with Mr. Wayland and its stormy ending. "They have used all their resources to down you," she said, "but luck Is with you. and you mustn't let them succeed. Now Is the time to show them what Is In you. Co in and win her now against all of them." He was grateful for her sympathy, yet somehow It made him uncomfort able. "What was it you wished to see me about?" he asked. "Oh! Have you seen Chakawana?" "No." "She disappeared early this morning soon after the yacht came in. I can't find her anywhere. She took the baby with her, and I'm worried." "Doesn't Constantino know where she is?" "Why, Constantino Is down here. Isn't he?" "He hasn't been here since yestor day." Cherry rose nervously. "There Is something wrong, Doyd. They have been acting quecrly for a long time." Just then Constantino came saunter lng round the corner of the building. "Thank heaven!" cried Cherry. "He will know where the others are." But when his mistress questioned him Cotistantlne merely replied: "1 don' know. I i)nsee Chakawana." "There Is something queer about this." said Emerson. "Where have you been nil day?" "I go shop. I tired from fljrhtlng Inst uigLt 1 ii'lne- back now and go work. Binie'liy Clmkawaun come back, too, I guess." V "Wefl. I don't iicjmI you tonight, so you'd better go back to Cherry's house and stay there till I send for you." As the passed Marsh's cannery Cher ry saw n tender moored to the dock and noticed strangers among the build ings. They stared at her curiously, ns If the sight of a white girl attended by a copper hued giant were part of the plcturesqueness they expected. As she drew near her own house she saw a woman approaching, and while yei a stone's throw distant she recogul.u! her. A Jealous tightening of her throat and a flutter at her breast told her that this was Mildred Wayland. Cherry would have passed on silent ly, but Miss Wayland checked her. "Pardou mo." she said. 'Will you tell me what that odd looking build ing Is used for?" She pointed to the village church. "That Is t.he Greek church." "How Interesting! Are there ninny Greeks here?" "No. It Is a relic of the P.u.sl:ii) days. Tho natives worship there." "Do you live here?" "Yes. Iu the log house yonder." "Indeed! I tried to find some one there, but you were out, of course. Yeu have It arranged very cnzlly. I see." Mildred's manner was faintly patronizing. She was vexed at Hip beauty and evident refinement of this woman whom she hud thought to find so different. "if you will go back I will show It to you from tho Inside, Miss Way land." Cherry enjoyed her start at the name and the look of cold hostility that followed. "Vou have the olvantaj of me." J2 J Horde I Author of "The Spoiler" nd "The farrier' HARPER I BROTHER) said Mildred. "I did not think we had met. You are" She raised her brows Inquiringly. "Cherry Malotte. of course." "I remember. Mr. Marsh spoke of you." "I am sorry." "I beg your pardon?" "I say I am sorry Mr. Marsh ever spoke of me." Mildred smiled frigidly. "Evidently you do not like him." , "Nobody In Alaska likes him. Do you?" "You see, I am not an Alaskan." "Do you know that Mr. Marsh is to blame for all of Boyd's misfortunes?" "Boyd's?" "Yes. Boyd's, of course. Oh, let us not pretend. I call him by his first nime. I think you ought to know the truth about this business, even If Boyd Is too chivalrous to tell you." "If Mr. Emerson blames any one but himself for his failure I am sure he would have told me." "Then you don't know him." "I never knew him to ask another to defend him." ' "lie never asked me to defend him. 1 merely thought that If you knew the truth you might help him." "I? How?" "It Is for you to flud a way. He has mot with opposition and treachery at evety step. I think It Is time some one came to his aid." "He has had your assistance at a!! times, has he not?" "I have tried to help wherever I could, but I haven't your power." Mildred shrugged her shoulders. "You even went to Seattle to help him. did you not?" "I went there on my own business." "Why do you take such an Interest In Mr. Emerson's affairs, may 1 nsk?" "It was 1 who Induced him to take up this venture," said Cherry proudly. "I fcund him discouraged, ready to give up. I helped to put new heart Into him. I have something at stake In the enterprise, too but that's nothing. 1 bate to see a good man driven to the wall by a scoundrel like Marsh." "Walt! There is something to be said on both sides. Mr. Marsh was Riaguanimous enough to overlook that attempt upon his life." "What attempt?" "You must have heard, ne was wounded In the shoulder." "Didn't Boyd tell you the truth about that?" "He told me everything." said Mil dred coldly. This woman's attitude was unbearable. It wouhl seem that jCOnriDT IS ALASKA LIKE3 ' HIM. DO vou?" she even dared to criticise her. Mil dred Wayland. for her treatment of Uoyd. "I shall ask him about It again this evening." she continued. "If there has really been persecution, as you suggest, I shall tell my father." "You won't see Boyd this evening," said Cherry. "Oh. yes. I shall." "He Is very busy, and I don't think he can see you." -"You don't understand. I told him to come out to the yacht!" Mildred's temper rose at the light she saw In the other woman's face. "But If he should disappoint yon?" Cherry Insisted. "Remember that the fish are running, and you have no time to lose If you ure going to help." Mildred tossed her head. "To he frank with you. I never liked this eu torprlse of Boyd's. Now that 1 have seen the place aud the people well. I cun't say that I like It better." "The country Is a bit different, but the people are much the same In Knl vlk and In Chicago. You will Had un scrupulous men and unselfish women everywhere." Mildred gave her a cool glnnce that took her In from head to foot. "And vice versa. I dare say. You speak from a wider experience than I." With a careless nod she picked her way toward the launch, where her friends were already ussemlillng. She was imury and suspicion Her pride was hurt Iccifwe kIim Inn' v.m been able In fii'l Miue-i-"' i'i .nh.' woman 1 - ' h '.. ' to the weak resource of limueiul.. while Cherry hud U-en xitupie ami direct. She had epvtel tn recti;: nl. Instantly the type of person wini whom she h! to deal, hut tie found herseit h:itt!ed. Who was itn wo man ' What was Mie dotnit here: Why had Boyd nevei u:d her of tine extraordinary mltriacy Boyd uiim cither the u; 'hen-y nr- Ini'-iiu Hie talk between the two youim women roiisiantlne had kepi nt a re-q-ei-Mn! distance, but wlieti Mildred hail -.one he came up to Cher ry with the .iiestlo!i: "Who Is that" "That is Miss Wayland. That is the richest girl In the world. Constat) Hue." Humph"' "And the pity of It Is she doesn't understand how very rich she Is. Her father owns all these canneries anil many, more besides and lots of rail road. But juu don't know what a railroad Is, do you?" "Mebbe htm rich as Mr. Marsh, eh?" "A thousand time richer. Mr. Marsh works for him the way you work for me." "She more ban'somer than you be." be added with reluctant candor. "Mebbe that's lie 'bout Mr. Marsh, eh? White men all work for Mr. Marsh. He no work for nobody." "No: It Is true. Mr. Marsh knows how rich she Is. and that Is why be wants to marry her." The breed wheeled swiftly, his soft soles crunching the gravel. "Mr. Marsh want marry her?" he re peated. as If doubting his ears. "Yes. That Is why he has fought Mr. Emerson. They both want to mar ry her. That is why Marsh broke Mr. Emerson's machinery and hired his men nwny from him and cut hW nets. They hate each other. Do you understand?" "Me savvy!" said Cotistantlne short ly. then strode on beside the girl. "Me think all the time Mr. Emerson goin' marry you." Cherry gasped. "No. no! Why. he Is in love with Miss Wayland." "S'pose he don' marry her?" "Then Mr. Marsh will get her. I dare say." After a moment Constantlne an nounced with conviction. "I guess Mr. Marsh Is bad man." "I'm glnd you have discovered that He has even tried to kill Mr. Emerson That shows the sort of man he Is." "It's good thing-get marry!" said Cotistantlne varuely. "The father say If woman don' marry she go to hell." "I'd hate to tbtuk that." laughed the "That's true." thp other affirmed stoutly. "The pries' he say so. am. pries' don" lie. He say man takes u woman and don' get umrry they both go lit hell and burn forever. Btmeby littl huhy Willi', n ml he go to el too " "'h. I ti;irleri!ind' The failif 'V.-.a--' to !.) - 'irc ut hW pontile, en. f : U 1 1 ' V-iii n iin i- unveil ! . l ' I .. ;I,V Vl IV I! T'-'Vi ' i " ' '.. . .' i -.n ! ti '; '' "toll- (..!; . in i -. .!.,; . 'iii .' i;'-i"" '' f. '" ' 'rc. i.l .1-' : . iii. i - . i '''!'. true ;' "t 1' - ;, . ,1 " "''i to-ii i'i,,lt - InHfti on lit- inilii " exclaimed I'liUstnuMur ( etiiy. I To Hi: CONTINUED. I L OF RIETTA HOLMES TOMORROW From Tuesday's Dally Mrs. Marlette Holmes, wife of Charles M. Holmes, of Havclock, died at her home in that city yester day afternoon. Mariette Kauble was born March 15, 1842, and grew to womanhood and emigrated to Nebraska, coming to Cass county In 1857, wa3 married to Charles Holmes, of this county, at Rock Bluffs in 1SC0. Mr. Holmes was engaged In business In this city for a number of yenrs, at one time was proprietor of the checker board livery barn In this city. Prior to living In this city, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes resided In Rock Bluffs for a long time- Her husband died In 1890. In 1892, Mrs. Holmes went to Havelork to reside with her chlldrep. The children surviving are: Pearl, wife of Mayor Samuel Hinkle; Wal ter, deputy register of deeds of lAkn caster county; Iven and Bert, both Burlington engineers. The deceased also leaves two sla ters and two brothers to mourn her loss, as follows: Mrs. Reuben Hlatt, of Sidney, Iowa, and Mrs. M. C. Hlatt, of this city; Jacob Kauble, of Fouth Michigan, Idaho, and Frank Kauble, of this city. Mrs. Holmes was a consistent member of the First Presbyterian church of Plattsmouth, and she will be burled from this church Wednesday afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock. The remains will arrive on No. 92, and go direct to the church. Inter ment will bo In the family lot In Oak Hill cemetery. J. K. Roddy, while plowing on his far mnear Union a few days ago, unearthed the skeletons of four or five persons. It was not known thero was a burial place on the farm. It la thought they were the skeletons of Indiana. Nebraska City News, Miss Marie Kaufman, postmistress at Cedar Creek, was a business caller In Plattsmouth today. TRIAL OF EMIT BLUNT Young Man Charged With Car Robbery on Trial. From Tuesday's Daily A jury was secured yesterday af ternoon and the trial of Grant Blunt, charged with burglary of a Missouri Pacific freight car last May, waa commenced. About all of the testi mony for the state was plaeed before the Jury before the court took a recess until 9 o'clock this morning. The evidence of Sheriff Quiuton, Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker, Oliver Osburu and a young man named Carnes was given and from the sub stance of this, it seemed that the de fendant had stated to Carnes a few days before the goods were stolen that there was an easier way of mak ing a living than by work, and that he later told Carnes that he had made a raise, and took Carnes to the home of defendant's brother, where he showed him dry goods which were offered in evidence, aud at the time Carnes looked at them there were some of them in a trunk and some of them covered over with bed clothes In the house occupied by Jesse Blunt in this city. Prior to this, however, he went with the de fendant to the place where the goods were secreted near the Kunsman & Ramage slaughter house, and defend ant showed witness where he threw the box by the side of the track. Blunt later informed the officers that he had found the goods covered up with leaves near the Missouri Pacific tracks, and that he had brought a part of them to town and told the sheriff where he could find the rest, the officer went out and got the goods, and afterwards arrested Blunt and placed him In Jail. The evidence disclosed that Blunt broke jail two times and was brought back each time after some search. The jury was composed of Elmer Ilutchlns, H. P. Dehnlng. Chris. lake, John Albert, Joe Allen, C. A. Harvey, Henry Goos Oregon Douge, John Bramblet, F. 11. Goodfellow, John Fowler and Oscar Miller. BURLINGTON CLAIMS 10 HUMDREDFEET RIGHT-OF-WAY In answers which have Just been tiled In district court In the injunc tion case of John Tiger and Patrick H. Sudduth vs. the Chicago, Burling ton & Qulncy Railway company, the 'atter asserts that by act of the fed eral government It was In 1864 grant ed a right-of-way 200 feet wide along Its main line from Plattsmouth to Kearney and that landowners along such right-of-way have occupied fifty feet on each side of the traik since that tin.e merely by suffrance, says Ihe Lincoln News. Recently the railroad company be gan fencing in the extra fifty feet along each side of the right-of-way between this city and Waverly, it having heretofore claimed but 100 feet. Fudduth and Tiger brought in juncllon proceedings, alleging that the road owned but 100 feet or fifty feet on each aide of the center of the track and that It had never claimed more. In Us answers In this case the com- I. ai.y tilleges that It has owned the 20o foot strip ever sltue Its grant from the government and that It was through ci ror that it accepted a deed lor 100 feet from the settlers In the early '70s. By accepting such deeds the railroad company nsserts It was not estop). cd from claiming the 200 feet which It In reality owned at that time. By the act of congress of July 2, 18C4, authorizing it to extend Its main Una from Plattsmouth to Kear ney, the company alleges It waa given a right-of-way 200 feci wide through th public doma'n, none of the U'. 1 new In controversy having at that time been settled or Med upon. The company filed with the secretary of the Interior Its v.iiticn acceptance f the grant and within me year of that time the lino was t'tflnltely locatad and a map filed v. lth. the secretary of the Interior. The title was then fully vested in the predecessors of the de fendant In these actions. Later, by a joint resolution of congress tho gran tees of tho 200 foot right-of-way were given permission to convey tho same. The company asserts that Its ex terior fences have never been con structed along the exterior bounds of Its holdings, but that It has allowed the adjoining landowners to farm tho extra fifty feet on each side. The court Is asked to quiet the title to tho land In the railroad company. Upon tho outcome of these cases probably depends the ultimate own ership of a strip of valuable laud fifty feet wide on each side of the Burling ton main line all the way from Platts mouth to Kearney and the litigation will be watched with interest by peo ple In many counties. "CO L r -oc1 :,i - -a .ALCOHOL .1 PfU f'l-v-r. AcjclabkIVrpartiani(rAs s i mi l.i I iik the Eiivf i Onrt, ,i. ,,..a , wummm tuui ling Uic Siomacfjs aniiJ3oH3s af IYomotcsDiltonfiVftfa1 noss and Re st.Contalns ncithtr Opiumi-Morphinc norMuKraJJ OT Narcotic. J!r VMlkSlMZZJVmX. i'x.Smaa hmtiytm tkmr. ADcrfect Remedy forConsfija Hon . Sour Slorah.Dlarrhuci Worms .Coro'ulsions.revrrisli ncssandLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Sijnarat of NEW ; YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Became a Raving Maniac and Attempted to Hang Himself The meeting of the board of Insan ity, which expected to meet at 4' o'clock yesterday afternoon, did not meet until 7 last night. The unfor tunate man had become a raving maniac before the hour of mooting of the board and had to be strapped down to his bed to prevent him from Bukldlng. Sheriff Qulnton arrived on the scene Just in time to save his life, as the unfortunate man had made a noose of his handkerchief and had suspended himself from the Iron rage, and life was almost choked out of him when the sheriff cut him down. Ferguson, when sufficiently revived, then became violent, making; It necessary to strap him. Dr. Mar tin was summoned and gave him a hyperdemlc Injection In the arm, which quieted htm after some time, during which he suffered a great deal. At the hearing before the board Mrs. I. B. Green and Mrs. Iletherlng ton testified that the man had board ed with them, and had been Mrs. Green's boarder for five weeks, dur ing which time he acted queerly, and was off on the subject of money. Ferguson had been In this country about a year, and In riattsmouth since last April, and the only rela tive he had In this country Is a broth er at Douglas, Nebraska. The man has been a Unitarian In religion. The honrd found that Ferguson wns a fit person to be restrained at the hospi tal for the insane at Lincoln. This morning the unfortunate man had become quieted, and was able to walk to tho train with a guard, his hands were strapped at his side, lie rec ngnl.ed the sheriff at tho station aud Informed him that he felt some bet ter this morning. Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker accompanied him to Lin coln. Died of l'lieilliioniu. Alfred V. Edwards, father of Mrs. Frank Jeffreys, living two miles east and three miles north of Weeping Water, died last' Thursday, October 6. Mr. Edwards came here from Missouri, was in apparent good health a week previous to his death. He was born Jan. 12, 1840, and mar ried Sept. 30, I860, to Mary Shanks. He was 70 years, 8 months and 24 day old. The funeral was held from the Christian church, Saturday at 1 o'clock. Elder G. W. Mayfleld offi ciating Louisville Courier. AYER'S Stops Fnlllng llatr Destroys Dandruff l I,. 7 1 I II TQM FERGUSOH GOESTO ASYLUM m not Dolor h Hair InCTPdif fits Snlp.ni.. Olvn-rin. Quinln. Sotllum fhlorld. a . ,,. ' ' lai'titum. Siisc Alcohol. Wjtiir. Perfume. , hair preparation made from this formula Is harmlcu, yet pocw positive merit. A hair fooJ, a hair tonic, a Inir dressing. Consult your loctor about these hair problems. .T C ATm 'OMPWT. tnwnll. Mix pi) ill m For Infants and Children, The Kind You llav Q Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years fit) ill TUB OIMTU OOMMHf, NIW VOU SITV. 'Takes the Cake" for Cheek. The H. B. Rldgeley Merchandise company, of Omaha, sends down to the Journal a big advertisement that would occupy at least four columns and set mostly In nonparlel type, and asks us to print the same In this week's Issue, send them a copy of the. paper and they will remit $3.00. Now, In the first place, It will cost a great deal more than this sum to set the ad, allowing nothing for the space. It occupies. In the second place, w have plenty of home advertising for which we get very fair rates, and don't care for such advertising eren at the same rate we get from hom people. But we think the proposi tion Is simply a cheeky one, emanat ing from a firm that believes, evl- dently, In getting something for nothing. The proposition found a place in the waste basket. Car Breakers at .Nebraska City. A box car on the Missouri PaclQa railway, was broken open at th station here last night and many ot the boxes therein broken open. Nothing was taken. The car waa loaded with castors from the Fault less Castor company. It looked like the work of amateurs. This has be come quite frequent of late. Friday night a freight car In th Burlington yards at this point waii broken open and robbed. Some household goods, which 'were boxed up, were broken into and some arti cles of wearing apparel were, taken. So far the police have been unable to locate the guilty parties Nebras ka City News. Trees llenioved. The city yesterday removed the trees from Fifth street, west of the Bank of Cass County. While It adds to the looks of the surroundings, It has resulted In taking away the wel come shade in summer. The trees had made most of their growth dur ing tho past five yenrs. Our friend. Dr. W. D. Jones, will miss them, no doubt, next summer, as they afforded a cool retreat for him on a hot day. Lands Forty-pound Cut Fish. William Grebe yesterday succeed ed In hooking a 40-pound yellow cat fish. The day before ho caught one weighing 23 pounds. Bill knows Just how to bait his hook so as to entice the big ones'to take the hook. Born Yesterday evening, October 18th, 1910, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Good rich, a baby girl. Mother and little ono are getting along nicely. Thla accounts for that pleasant smile that has been on the face of Mr. Goodrich, today. Ho has cause to bo happy and wear "the smllo that won't come off." B-AR VIGOR ' An Elegant Dressing Makes Malr Grow or IVW hi