The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 20, 1910, Image 4

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
r i Mlistied Semi-Weekly at Plattsraouth. Nbriski CZZD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as econd-class
state fair; his driver got drunk and mail than anything else, and Howard
his horses could not be thown. The will soon Bee that he has been made
following Sunday the driver was still' a tool of by the republic an bosses,
who see that Mr. Hitchcock will be
the next senator.
Fred Xeutzman, tne republican
drunk and spent the day in one of
the saloons of David City, and from
that day for two or three months the
saloons kept strict hours.
"But they say he has reformed and
joined the church. We have had
several reformations in Havelock
candidate for float representative,
says he will vote against county
option, if elected. At the same time
since the saloons closed. David City lbe platform upon which he accepts
this department
will be in good
For United States Scnatof
Gilbert M. Hitchcock.
For Governor
James C. Dahlman.
Lieutenant Governor
Ralph A. Clark.
Secretary of State
Charles VV. Pool.
Auditor of PuMlc Accounts
Thomas J. Hewitt.
State Treasurci
George E. Hall.
SiiHTlnten1cnt of School
William It. Jackson.
Attorney General
C. II. Whitney.
Commissioner of Public Lands
William U. Eastman.
Hallway CoinnilHsloner
Hen H. Hayden.
For CoiiieHHmunFlrt Dintilct
John A. Magulre.
lU-pieM-ntallve Flulitli DlHtrlct
M. A. Hates.
For Senator Fourth District
William 1). Banning.
For ItcireHentallvcH.-Sevcnlh District
C. E. Metger; W. H. Puis.
For County CniiunlHsloiier
Charles R. Jordan.
Yes, Roosevelt Is opposed to
"bouses." He wants only one and ho
wniits to be It.
Every time Mr. Taft approaches
tho subject of the tnrilt ho makes no
progress very rapidly.
The Tariff Rill, which Senator
Burkett says tun "defend Itself," la
xpected to do so In much the same
way that James J, Jeffries did.
Every candidate on the democratic
ticket is deserving the support of the
people. All are clean, honorable
men and will do credit to the posi
tions which they seek.
Every democrat in this section of
Nebraska knows Edgar Howard, the
self-esteemed editor of the Columbus ynron hotel."
Telegram. Howard, for some time,
has been playing Into the hands of the
republicans. Do you know why?
Several years ago he resided at Papll
llon, and while there he received the
democratic nomination for congress
and was overwhelmingly defeated by
Dave Mercer. Mr. Hitchcock then re
ceived the nomination and was elect
ed. Jt Is said that the eelction of
Mr. Hitchcock made Howard so sore
that he removed from the Second
congressional district. He then want
ed to go to congress from the Third
district, and because Congressman
Latta beat him to It, this opened
the old Bore. He h3 waited ten
years or more to get even with
Hitchcock, as be thinks he will, by
his grand-stand play, but we miss
our guess If bo doesn't get fooled.
Howard Is simply a disappointed
office-seeker, who has failed to con
vince his party that he Is as great a
man as he thinks he Is. That Is all
that al's the professed democrat who
Is playing his last rnrd In Nebraska
has been dry for some three or four
years, and I understand it was since
It went dry that Mr. Aldrich has re
formed. At leat It was since David
City went dry that he became very
convivial, bibulous and very much
wet at a republican banquet at the
Senator Drlstow, republican, In a
speech at Wlnfleld, Kansas, July 9,
1!)10, made the following charges,
every one of which Is a matter of
record and can be easily verified:
"When the new tariff passed the
lower House of Congress, the duty on
manufactured rubber was left the
same as It had been In the Dlngley
bill, 30 per rent; In the Senate, th
rate was raised to 33 per cent; the
The piece of meat In tho full din-'change was made by Senator Aldrich
ner pall Is only one-half as thick as In the room of the finance commlt
It was about ten years ago. And the tee. This tariff became a law on Au
hand that carries the pall doesn't j gust 5. Within a month, In Septem
cIoho on any mote wages on Satur-lbcr of lust year, the news came out
"In speaking of Aldrlch'a record,
Mayor Dahlman says: "I have Aid
rich's record In detail, given me by
some of the most substantial men In
the state. It Is also frequently re
ported to me by good men that he
drinks liquor freely, even now, but
I am not making a campaign on that
kind of b tuff. They are doing that
kind of work with me, but I can't
believe It will gain them very much.
They over-step, make too many rash
and false statements. You cannot
make thoughtful people believe that
a very bad man can carry a great city
like Omaha, three or four times In
succession by a rousing majority."
Aldrlch's morals, like his legal and
political record, will not bear up. un
der Investigation.
:o: '
"Re regular" is the cry of the po
litical green-goods man. Regularity
Is a shibboleth that has lost Its power
with thinking, conscientious voters.
Last Saturday night a Dahlman
club was organized In Nebraska City,
the enrollment at the first meeting
being over 400, and they were not
all democrats either. They expect a
membership of over 1,000.
day night.
f, 3 ( ;g: ' '
'Mr. Consumer, never forget that
whatever tariff tax la laid on the for
eign artlclo 1h added to tho price of
the home artlclo and when you buy
It you pay tho Increased cost. Tnat
Is what protection Is for. Ultimately
the consumer pays It.
Two years' Bgo Col. M. A. Rates
madu promises to the voters of Otoe
and Cass counties and In the lcglsla
ture he was true to every promise lie
made, lie has been faithful to the
trust reposed In him, and all who
stood by blm two years ago, have no
cause for changing tlulr support this
C. E. Metger, condlduto for rep
resentative on tho democratic ticket,
Is a young man w ho can be depended
upon. He will represent, tho Inter
ests of the people If elected. Reared
on tho fnrm, nnd still a farmer, he
knows well tho wants of that cluss.
A vote for Chris Metzgcr Is a vote
cast for the proper man for repre-
:o: .
A good republican voter remarked
tho other day that as his party had
Joined hands with the prohibitionists,
that would let him out. Tho with
drawal of the prohibition candidates
In favor of the republican candidates,
showed conclusively to him that
county option was prohibition under
the guise of county option.
Col. M. A. Rates, who Is the demo
cratlc candidate- for float represent
atlve, will step down and out as cdl
tor of tho Journal during tho balance
of the campaign. Ho has been bo
busy with lita campaign that It Is
impossible) for him to do Justlco to
the editorial department and his
campaign at tho Bame time. It Is
unnecessary to Bay, however, that
that a rubber company was being or
ganized. Within three months the
organization was complete; Its capi
tal la $40,000,000, Its managing head
Is the son of Senator Aldrich. Sen
ator Aldrich himself Is a director and
When you cast your vote for W. B.
Banning for senator, you can bet
vnur lidtlnm Hnllni vnn ara vntinir
for a man whose reliability Is beyond
question. He will not let his preju
dices deter him from doing his duty
to his constituency.
The story of a cat leapnrg upon a
chanticler hat and destroying the fair
wearer's ml'linery Is not bo Improb
able. If any one of the ladies walk
ing under that later creation, the
new fangled barrel hat ever stumbles
and falls Into one of them It w ill take
a derrick to fith her out.
W. II. Puis, democratic candidate
the nomination declares for county
option. How can a candidate side
step In this manner, and expect. the
county optionlsts' support? What do
the voters think of a candidate who
attempts to "carry water on both
shoulders" in this manner?
Republican officials and politicians
of Gage county are of the opinion
that Dahlman will carry that county,
or at least break even. Dan Kellen,
republican member of the legislature
from' that county, and at one time
very prominently mentioned as the
republican candidate for governor, Is
quoted as predicting that Gage will
give Dahlman 500 majority. Dan
Killen was the republican' leader In
the last legislature, and a man who
would have been a power as the re
publican candidate for governor.
The Weeping Water Republican is
opposed to taxing the people of Cass
county to build a new jail. Well,
that Is no surprise. We expected as
much from the Republican, but Its
argument against the proposition Is
very poor. If the taxpayers are con
tent to let matters go on as at pres
ent, all good and well, but we believe
the majority of taxpayers will favor
the erection of a new Jail, notwith
standing the opposition of the Re
publican. Those who know the con
dltion of the' present jail knqw that
it Is not fit for prisoners, and several
county prisoners are In Douglas
county jail for safe keeping. So far
a3 the city prisoners. aie concerned
I the city pays for every one placed
therein. And If the proposition car
ries, and a new jail Is built, It Is
altogether probable that Plattsmouth
will purchase the old jail and repair
It for the confinement of city pris
oners. :o:
consist;ri of Kitchen Cabinets,,' Extension Tables,
Kitchen Tables, Stand Tables, Buffets, China Closets,
Side Boards, Dressers and Comodes, Dining Room
Chairs, Rockers, Sates, Iron Beds, Matress and
Springs. Steel Couches, Carpets and Rugs, 15 gal
lons cf paint and 10 Child's Go-Carts.
South Side Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
holds 25,000 shares; among the other for representative, Is making friends
large stockholders are Simon Gug
genheim, senator from Colorado,
with 10,000 shares, and four of Sen
ator Guggenheim's brothers, with tu
aggregate of 38,000 shares. Within
three months after its organization.
the new rubber company had paid
dividends aggregating 18.2 per cent."
The people are thus given an In
sight Into tho work of the tnriff-
tlnkeiing that explains why U was
revised upward. Instead of down
ward. And remember, Mr. Nebraska
oter, that Senator Buikctt and every
cpubllcaii congressman from Ne
braska voted for this increased rubber
tariff which enabled the Aldrlchs and
Ciuggenhelins to organize a rubber
trust to plunder the people. If you
can not lndorso such infamous legis
lation, vote the democratic ticket and
help turn the rascals out.
O. A. Keith, a former citizen of
David City, a republican, writing to
tho Havelock Times gives tho fol
lowing Information regarding the
"highly moral" republican candidate
for governor:
"As I hnve Bald before, the lid was
wherever he goes. He is one of, the
best young men In Cass county, hon
est as the day Is long, and if elected,
will do his duty faithfully. Relng a
farmer, and being well posted as to
the needs of that class, he should
receive their support.
Reware of the man who accepts
the nomination for representative on
a county option platform, and then
goes over the county and tells the
voters that he will vote against coun
ty option if elected. What do the
county optionlsts think of such a
It Is reported that rresloent Taft
will not speak again during the cam
paign. Teddy, who ts behind the ad
ministration, will attend to the wind
storms. T. R's silence Is . golden
at about a dollar a word In the mag
azines. That's something of an In
centive to spout.
Tho death of W. H. Cowglll, Btate
railway commissioner, removes one
of the most genial officials of which
the state ever boasted. While an ex
cellent business man, ho was always
pollto to those about him. The
entirely removed during Mr. Aldrlch'a writcr knew Mr. Cowglll well, and
administration ns mayor. Lewdness we have often remarked that he was
gambling, and with It all hours for one of the nicest men It had ever
tho saloons, wos tho order, and wheu been our pleasure to meet. Tcace to
Mr. West, the marshal, asked for his ashes.
authority to act, Mr. Aldrich said, ;0; .
nanus otTl ll tako care of that.' Congressman Hitchcock's reply to
ne personally Bpent as mucu or tne Kilgar Howard's charges, made
Sabbath day and late hours in the through the Instrumentality of the
saloons as he desired. republican managers, ts all that Is
"I think It was the first fall af tor necessary, to prove tho charges
he was elected mayor, Mr. Aldrich great boomarang and fako. It looks
had a string of trotting horses at the more like a case of attempted black- the case. The whole detail of this
The following Is from a republican,
who resided for many years In David
City, the home of C. H. Aldrich, and
who knows the true history of this
great reformer, who only reformed
when he thought he saw a chance to
bo governor or Nebraska:
"Editor Times, Havelock, October
10, 1910 About the only opposition
that has been strenuously argued
against Mr. Dahlman Is that he Is
supported by the breweries. Possibly
that would be sufficient If the opposi
tion had a peg to stand on. Mr. Dahl
nian's executive ability does not seem
to be questioned. He nipped the
bud before the frost and saved the
opposition the trouble of advertising
his private life. Mr. Aldrich does
not Beem Inclined to follow this ex
ample, and we will add another chap
ter to his reflection in the public mir
ror. "A few requisites for a good piece
of timber for executive are true prin
ciples, ability and stamina enough to
hold them together, Mr. Aldrich being
utterly lacking In all of these; his
boosters have little grounds for ques
tioning his opponent In this line. The
state press is rather liberal w 1th Mr.
Aldrlch's name and his explanation
of county option, is that all we as
republicans have to look for or ex
pect In the next two years, If Mr. Aid
rich ts elected, is 'Mr. Aldrich and
county option?' . Put this in your
snuff box and look at It two years
hence and see If that Isn't about all
you will get If he Is elected.
That celebrated dlvorre case which
we have referred to before. Why
Mr. Aldrich left Rrooklyn in post
haste, etc.
"Mr. Aldrich succeeded to a busi
ness several years ago that was hand
ling considerable money for an elder
ly lady In Rrooklyn. This lady tired
of her husband and concluded to di
vorce herself. Sometimes this Is not
a hard Job sometimes It Is. This
seems to have been one of the times
when 'It Is.' Acrordlng to the evl
deuce It took a year or two to Inveigle
the old man to Nebraska to work up
case from beginning 10 end, owing to
the position of Mr. Aldrich at the
present time, might be Interesting
but not essential. The point In this
rase that we are to maks Is 'why Aid-
rich got out of Brooklyn In a hurry.'
"This was some eight or ten years
ago when Mr. Aldrlch's extensive
legal practice had not grown so ex
tensively but that ne had time to
look after the Brooklyn lady's inter
ests In Nebraska, including the pure
ly whole cloth manufacturer of the
grounds for a divorce. The old gen
tleman arrived In David City and was
hotclcd and cared for by a special at
tendant hired for that special pur
pose. This attendant was quite a
handsome damsel of about twenty
autumns, with a reputation as dark
as her eyes. After some two or three
weeks the old gentleman returned to
Brooklyn and the divorce mill began
to grind. The old man (I have for
gotten the name) had received his
noti e and prepared to fight the case
in earnest. To do this he employed
Judge Matt Miller, of David City, and
Judge Richard Norvll, of Seward.
The case was carried as far In Ne
braska as it could be and trans
ferred to Brooklyn for the finish. The
attorneys, Aldrich, Miller and Norrll,
with affidavits and a few witnesses,
hied away and met In the court room
in Brooklyn.
"The case was only faif.y under
headway when Mr. Aldrich, with an
oratorical flourish undertook to offer
the affidavit of the main witness, the
dark-eyed damsel from Nebraska
Mr. Norvil reminded the court
of the rule ot law that affidavits were
not the best of evidence when the
witness was in court, and Mr. Aid
rich fainted. The witness was pro
duced and refuted the main points in
her Nebraska affidavit. When the
trial judge asked her, "why she made
this affidavit if it was not true? she
replied, "Because I was paid for It,"
and the Judge said, "We will dismiss
this case and somebody ought to go
to the penitentiary." Mr. Aldrich
didn't faint, but he faded Into Jersey-
City in about fifteen minutes. And
this Is why, as published in several
of the New Y'ork papers at the time.
Mr, Dahlman's why? In Texas seems
to have been a matter of honor. Mr.
Aldrlch's why? In Brooklyn seems to
have been a matter of dishonor. It
took Mr. Aldrich and his boosters In
this case about a week to reach David
City, Nebraska, from Jersey City.
There was strong talk of disbarment
proceedings at the time and the only
apparent excuse for not proceeding
was the filth that such a proceeding
would uncover and the utter worth
lessness of the end gained. The game
was not considered worth the ammunition.
Is this prejudice or a personal
matter that Mr. Aldrich Bays 1 am
prompted by? I am sure I had no
Interest In those people or the case.
"Is this the brand of broad-minded,
stable, efficient honor that the re
publicans of Nebraska, or anyone else
wants for executive? Not your Uncle
"Take his record as an attorney,
smelling strongly ot blackmail; as
mayor, with open saloons all hours
of the night and Sundays, licentious
ness of all kinds and the lid blown
clear out of reach; as a legislator
four years ago, he voted against coun
ty option and all forms of state school
Herman Breeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Board t
Calls Arswered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth.
assistance; as a politician who
abuses in the vilest terms all who do
not come under his brand of approv
al; as a temperance advocate, as big
a farce as any of the rest of that class
who would be out of a job If prohibi
tion was literal, and this Is the brand
of executive ability they are trying to
make a governor out of. In the name
of all decency what grudge have the
citizens that they want to play so
criminal a joke on Nebraska?
"He confesses to former wayward
ness, but professes reformation. Well,
what of that, must he be given the
office of governor to keep him from
Romarkable Family.
From Tuesday's Dally
Uncle Peter Perry, who returns
from the hospital today, Is the head
of a remarkable family of 47 per
sons. He Is sixty-six years of age,
his wife Is sixty-five, and they are
the parents of eleven children, all
living, and all, except one, are mar
ried. There are twenty-three grand
children, one of them married. There
has not been a death In the family,
which Is a remarkable clrcumtsance
in bo large a family. Their family
physician, in all of his years of ex
perience, has never observed a simi
lar circumstance. Mr. Perry, him
self, has not been In the best of
health for a year or more, but his
numerous friends hope to see him
Improve from this time on.
Mr. Ferdinand Hennlngs and
daughter returned from a two weeks'
visit with relatives and old neigh
bors In Wisconsin. While absent Mr.
Hennlngs visited Belolt, Appleton
and Merrill.
Do you want an
If you do, get one, who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates'made at this or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rale
We want all the Chickens, Ducks,
Geese and Turkeys that we can buy.
We pay the highest market price for
farm products of all kinds.