The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 22, 1910, Image 2

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    loi MiO.-iflEOB
eLretauies in
" i WV.t. n-f Kmr i Anon rnn nf KViufr fir
Stl&d of buying a single can like 'you .are buying eggs-K f4
the quantity buying habit and save money.
'(..' Now is the time when all the new canned goods. ar
tbming on the market, to lay in your winter's supply. Lot's
f neoole are doinir it. whv not "You?
r z : . a ' , .-. ... .-.
nin in urn
ncuuLHn nice i-
50c trade 95c per doz, 10c ; grade . ; . . 95c per doz
...SI. 25 " "
$1.50-S1.60 44 " 15c
41 in
'V $1.50- 1.60 "
10c grade.-. ..$1.05 pe idez 10c grade. .'. .Sl.05 per doz
12c 44 .... 1.25 " 44 ;-12c 44 .... 1.25 44 44
lbC . . .
; , Facts are:
see the saving.
1.60 44 44 15c 44 .... 1.60 V "
Eveiy time you buy 10 cans you get 12
The County Commissioners Re
ject Proposed Road.
Plattsmouth, Xeb., Sept, ?0,10
Board met pursuant to adjou fila
ment. Present: C. K. Jordan, L. u.
witzer and M. L. Friedrirh, county
ommlssioners, D. C. Morgan, cour.-
Minutes of regular meeting read
n.l aptiroved, when the following
usiness was transacted In regular
Bond of A. I. Bird, constable of
Greenwood precinct, approved.
Bond of John I. Long, Justice of
the peace of Xehawka precinct, ap
Bond of Andrew W. Xelhart, jus
tice of the peace, Stove Creek, pre
cinct, approved.
As advertised, bids were opened
for furnishing coal, to county as follows:
The funeral service over the re
mains of Mrs. Xewland who died
Sunday night at the home of her
daughter at Bartlett, la., occurred
yeHterday afternoon at the Christian
church in this city. Rev. Ilatcllff
conducted the service and spoke the
words of comfort and encouragement
to the mourning relatives of the de
ceased. The munlc was furnished by
Mrs. Mae Morgan, Miss Tuey, Messrs.
McElwaln and Farley. The Woman's
Relief Corps attended In a body. Mrs.-
Newland's daughter, Mrs. Srhooley,
of Bartlett, la., whs too 111 to attend
her mother's funeral. The out qf
town friends present were: Mrs. New,
i land's son, Emery Xewland and wife
. of-Omahn and Mr. '.Ezra Srhooley,
her son-in-law of Bartlett, Iowa.
, , The pall bearers were, selected
from the ranks of the G. A. U., anjd
were the Commander of the Post, J.
. II. Thrasher. T, V. Glenn, T M. Car
, ter, Judge J. W Johnson, Asburry
Jacks and M". Rentier. Interment
was made at Oak Wood cemetery by
the side of her husband.
, . i '
, Just received a fine assort merit of
.Lowney's candy, fresh and delirious.
Can atipply jour wants cither In bulk
, or In handsome pnrkngis In conve
, nlent sizes. We ate Lownry agents.
( Ewd Rynott..& Co., siicceHsors to
u Oerlng & Co. ; :
A Statement of Facts Backed by
a Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee complete relief to
all sufferers from constipation. In
evert cane' where we fall we will sup
. ?. . .'...
piy tne nietiicrne iree.
' .UtxafTt Orderlies are a gentle, ef
fective, dependable and safe bowel
irogulatorf, strengthener and tonic.
They re-establish nature's functions
Ui a quiet, easy way. Tbey do not
cause 'any Inconvenience, griping or
nausea. ' They are so pleasant to
take and work so easily that they may
be taken "by any one at any time.
They .thoroughly tone up the whole
system to healthy activity?
Rexall Orderlies are inisurpassablo
and Ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. We can
not too highly recommend them to
all sufferers from any form of con
stlpiitlon and Its attendant evils. Two
sizes, 10c and 25c. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies In this
community only at our store the
Rexall Store, F. (1. Frlcke & Co., Un
loir 'block1 .
('. ' F.', Relhurt of C-nhr Creek
accompanied by John Eller, landlord
of the village hotel at Cedar Creek
made. IMutsnrouth a business call to
day. A
nn n
is a new model in suits;
for young men partic
ularly. The trousers
keep in place without
suspenders, or even
without a belt.' The,
wearer has to stand
and walk erect; it helps
develop the figure;, its
a shape-maker.
Hart, SchalTncr &
Marx have designed
this new model; its the
best thing done in
clothes making for
fifty years.
We want you to see
it; you want the sort
of figure it gives a
man. Men of any age
can wear it.
Suits and Overcoats
from Hart, Shaffncr
& Marx.
S20.00 to $35.00
Others $10.00 and
77ie Home of Hart, Scha finer & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
: l Mk ' '
I w
M Cnpyrlsbt Ht tcb.ffnet It Mt Vi5
J. V.
.$ 5.45
, 10.60
, 6.33
C. W.
$ 5.20
8 Our
Show Windows
For New
Fall Stylet
" 34.00
Coal to'd
lard coal, jail, dev'd
111. Coal at yards. . .
Centervllle and Beav
er lump, court house 4.98
Contracts awarded as follows:
Centervllle and Vevere lump to
court house do $4.98 to J. V. Egen-
Coal to paupers delivered ,$3.20
to C. W. Baylor.
Illinois coal at yards Q) $6.25 to
. W. Baylor,
Hard coal to jail, delivered fj)
10.45 to C. W. Baylor.
Road petition of Annetta Shera
and others filed April 6, 1910, pe
titioning for a road as follows: Com
mencing on Fourth and Main street
In section 16, township 11, range 14,
Rock Bluffs village; thence runnnlng
east 16 rods, thence In a northernly
direction through sections 16 and 9
and south half of section 4, town 11,
range 14, along the bank of the Mls-
ourl river, thence crossing the slough
bed onto an Island in section 4, town
11, range H and section 33, town 12,
range1. 14 running along the1 west
bank' of the Missouri river -through
sections 29 and 20, town 12, range
14,' to the Burlington railroad (.right
of way.
The commissioners 'this day travel
ed the proposed road and upon their
return they refused to grant the pe
tition - ..i .
Moved that the county surveyor
be instructed. .to prepare plans and
specifications for grading the follow
ing public road, as provided by Pec
tton 11218, Cobbey's Annotated Sta
tucs for 190!): , .
Beginning at the sw. corner of sec
tlou 11), 10, 13, thence due e;ist one
half f,s) mile along the south boun
dary lino of section 19, 10, 13, thence
due north three quarters (3-4) of a
mile Into section 19, thence about one
half C4) mile east to the road run
ning; northwest into Xehawka vil
lage. Also that portion of the public
road beginning at the Missouri Paci
fic railroad east of the depot In Xe
hawka village and running south a
short distance; thence west to the
bridge over the Weeping Water creek
and, also; that portion of the public
road belnnlng at the southwest cor
ner of sections 20, 10, 13 e; thence
running due east along the O street
road to the southeast corner of sec
tions 22, 10, 13 e. Also that por
tion of the public road beginning
at a point about 80 rods south of sec
tion 8, on the road running north
and south through section 8, 10, 13
e; thence north along said road to
the north line of Xehawka precinct.
All of the above description located
In the county of Cass and state of
The road is to be graded 28 feet
wife, if possible, the grade Is to be
at least 18 Inches, at the center,
above the level of the ditches. The
motion carried.
(Jeneial Fiiik.:
L. D. Swltzer, salary
M. L. Frledrlch, same....
J. S. Hall, mdse to farm..
J. F. Brendcl, (salary 2nd
. quarter, county phy, and
district Xo. 2
Adam Kurtz, digging graves
for Robertson and deno.
W. Wehrbeln, llbery....
Fred Patterson, work In of
fice University Publishing Co.,
supplies to Co. Supt
II. R. Reed, rooms for pri
mary election, Weeping
Water city, 2d ward..
Mrs. Eliza Kaufman, board
and bedding, Mike Geno.
J. 11. McMaken, drayage. . .
M. Archer, Sate vs. Keezer
and Stlzman
C. D. Qulnton, same
Fatterson & Thomas, trip to
Rock Bluffs with road ap
praisers J. W. HIckson, labor
M. Hlld, burvlal of Hart, Rob
ertson and Ccno
F. M. Rh-hey, material to
T. S. C. Dabb,' labor at the
court house
City of Plattsmouth, tiling
y on Chicago ne. ;.
C. H. Jordan, sa'y and ex. .
John Eauer, payment on
' contract
II. M. Foennichsen, services
as! county assessor
Emil "Valters, mason work
. at farm 138.23
E. F. Bralley, sheriff, board-
',. ing Isadore Sitzman. . . 4.50
W. Holly, cloth for pauper. 9.00
.- Road Fund:
F. M. Rlchey, mat'l on road
district No. 1 ......
T. E. Fulton, blksmth work
on dlst 12.
Lee Arnett, culvert on 2..
Lee Arnett, plow, dist 1...
S. Cashner, mdse to dist 6.
S. Cashner, mdse to dist 16.
L. W. Roettger, mdse to 15.
P. W. Fischer, road Work, on
dist No. 15
J. Adams k Son, mat'l to 16
W. Richards, work on dist 4.
C. J. Hurlbut, road work on
dist Xo. 6
C. Clodfelter, same
II. A. Schroeder, same....
W. J. Althouse, same
D. Skinner, work on dist Xo.
A. B. Kraeger, road work on
district. Xo.-10. -
Elmer Kliver, road work on
road dlst. Xo. 16
Henry Snokes, same
Alva Reed, same
W. Iiahr, same
W. Weyers, same
W. A. Hardnock, same...
John Woods, same
Gus Selkman, same
Joe Richardson, same
J. II. Latrom, mdse, same. .
Thos. Stout, road work on
dlst. Xo. 15
Peter Mick, same on dlst.
Xo. 16
Edmunds & Brown, lumber
to district Xo. 10
Edmunds & Brown, lumber
to district Xo. 9
Hi-ldge Fund:
Nebraska Construction Co.,
bridge work $ 1833.80
F. M. Richey, bridge ma
J. Adams & Son, same.
M. Dalby, same
Edmunds & Brown, same
Board adjourned to meet Tuesday,
October 4, 1910. D.C.Morgan,
County Clerk.
STYLE 56 AT 02.65 IS
Extra heavy stocic, two full double
soles, patent tip, large eyelets, rein
forced stay. A heavy dressy shoe,
suitable for needs of wet weather and
rigorous wear.
'Tis best all round shoe for neatness
and service, and to Bee it will be to ap
preciate it as a money saver, for it is
two shoes in one. A good school and
dress vp shoe combined.
Child's sizes..... ..$1.85
Misses' 44 :. 2.25
Quality Shoes" at Trade at
Home Prices!
Sherwood Son
We are having a special sale on
new rubber goods for the next ten
days." Fountain and Bull syringes,
hot water bottles, Ice bags, bath
caps, in fact anything In rubber goods
here. Some good bargains. Ewd.
Ry'nott . &' Co., successors to Goring
& Co.
headquarters for fine and tobac
co supplies! '
. 8.00
44. M
Mrs! W. J. Crosser of Wausa, Neb.,
who has been visiting with friends
and relatives in and near Murray for
the past two weeks, was In Platts
mouth this morning en route to her
home. She was accompanied by Miss
Etta Nkkles as far as Omaha. Mr.
and Mrs. Crosser resided near Murray
for many years before moving to
Wausa, and, of course, have many
friends who are always glad to see
them. Mrs. Crosser called at this of
fice and renewed for the Journal.
She says that the crops in their coun
try are far ahead of Cass county this
J. P. Cobb left Tuesday for a few
days visit at his ranch at Buffalo
Gap, S. D.
Miss Frances Langhorst of Berlin
13 numbered among the out of town
students attending the Elmwood
Will Cook and family and Mrs. A.
II. Weichel and daughter, Pearl, at
tended the Davis-Cook wedding at
Weeping Water Wednesday evening.
Prospects for a good crop of corn
in this locality are very encourag
ing. Should warm weather continue
for a short time there will be nothing
further to fear.
M. R. Beck and wife and Mrs. Mar
garet Corbett visited with Harmond
Beck and family near Murray Sun
day. 'They were driven over , in a
large auto by O; Mr Ward.
A party of .Greenwood autoists
were In town yesterday advertising
their street carnival which is soon
to take place. The party consisted of
some of the most prominent and in
fluential men -of Salt sreek town.
William McCaig -of Ponca City,
Okla., Is enjoying; a visit with his
Elmwood relatives and many old
friends. Mr. McCaig was a resident
of thl3 community in the early sev
enties, being a brother of the lato
Captain David McCaig. '
Captain Aiarlch has been appoint
ed by the governor as a delegate to
the Farmers National congress which
convenes In Lincoln October 6 to 11,
Inclusive. This will be a most in
teresting and beneficial gathering
and it Is very essential that the state
be well represented.
lrs Edward. Maston of the Isth
mus cf Panama,, arrived .from Missou
la, Montana, this afternoon and will
lie the gueet of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer McKay; for a few days.
M.vs. Mas ton has been In Massoula
looking;, af ter some; rfcl;"jjate and
has been absent from the isthmus for
almost a year, and she! is quite anx
ious to get back to the tropics again.
Mr. McKay received a letter from his
son-in-law, Mr. Maston, only last
week In which he mentioned having
been backln the mountains where
the blackberries and strawberries
were now ripening In profusion. Mr.
Maston is about 600 miles north of
the equator, and Is much in love
with the climate there. He thinks
he will never want to leave, H when
the work on the canal is finished
which he estimates will be done in
1912. Mr. Maston Is keeping books
for one of the departments there and
Is In position to form a good opin
ion of the length of time required to
finsh the canal. .
Provisions along the line of work
are rather high, 75 cents is the
price asked for a spring chicken. But
back In the country further from the
market, everything Is reasonable.
A Man of Iron Nerve.
Indomitable will and tremendous
energy are never found where Stom
ach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are
out of order. If you want these quali
ties and the success they bring, use
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the match
less regulators, for keen brain and
strong body. 25c. at F. G. Frlcke &
A Treatment That Costs Noth
ing if it Fails.
We want you to try three large
bottles of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic on
our personal guarantee that the trial
will not cost you a penny if It does
not give you absolute satisfaction.
That's proof of our faith in this rem
edy, and It should Indisputably de
monstrate that we know what we are
talking about when we say that Rex
all "93" Hair Tonic will grow hair
on bald heads, except where baldness
has been of such long duration that
the roots of i the hair, re. entirely
dead, the follicles closed and grown
over, and the Bcalp Is glazed.
Remember, we are basing our
statements upon what has already
been accomplished by the- use o.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, and we have
the right to assume that what It has
done for thousands of others It will
do for you. In any event you cannot
lose anything by giving it a trial on
our liberal guarantee. Two sizes,
50c. and $1.00. Remember you can
obtain Rexall Remedies In this com
munity at our store The Rexall
Store. F. G. Fricke & Co., Union
II. R. Neltzel, wife and children ar
rived Sunday to visit Mrs. Neltzel s
parents, F. R. Guthmann and wife
for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Nelt
zel went to Omaha this morning to
spend the day.
Good - Cook
Good Flour
make a good combination. The results
are satisfactory. We furnish
It is called "Forest Rose." It makes
good wholesome bread, cake and pas
try. It is a suae preventive against
domestic troubles, and a cure it you
have them. Try a sack. The price is
low and the quality high.
Wahoo Mill Co.
Frank Set 'Kin Vp.
Crede Harris drove up from his
home this morning in a buggy pulled
by his old family nag and while en
route he passed by Frank Moore In an
auto, and manned by Oscar McDon
ald, of Murdock, who had been down
to Murray to visit his mother. In
passing Creed, Frank yelled "I'll tell
'em you're coming!" After getting
a few miles nearer town the auto got
out of gear and stopped, and Creed
passed them. When Mr. Moore salu
ted Mr. Harris with, "Just tell them
we're coming!" But Creed had to
hurry, and drove a little livller than
he would otherwise, when away In
the distance, he saw the auto com
ing. Frank thought It was a good
Jobe on him, and he set up when he
got here.
Xot a minute should be lost w hen a
child shows symptons c' croup.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given
as soon as the croup cough appears,
will prevent the attack. Sold by all
Sends VM to Verdoii.
W. J. O'Brien of Gretna was in the
city this morning with a shipment of
fish which were brought, from the
fisheries and transferred from the
Burlington hero to the M. P., to be
shipped to Verdon in Richardson
county, to stock a public lake there.
The shipment was made on the re
quest of Hon. Henry Gerties, member
of the legislature many times from
Richardson county. Mr. Gerdes ap
preciates the benefit the fisheries is
to the state, and takes a lively In
terest In the South Bend plant.
J. A. Walker and wife of Murray
drove up to the city this morning to
rpend the day and transact some bus
iness matters here. Our old friend,
Mr. Walker, did not forget to drop
In at the Journal office to shake us
by the hand. Come again, Mr. Walk
er, you are always welcome.
W. H. Puis, Democratic candidate
for the legislature is a young farmer
reared in Cass county. After receiv
ing a common school education, he
attended the Western Normal school
at Lincoln, and as to ability in all
the rudiments to make a representa
tive of which his constituents might
be proud, he wil compare more than
favorably with his Republican op
ponents. He Is .a young German
farmer, his parents coming direct
from Germany to Cass county, in
1874, where Billy was born in 1876.
His father has proved one of the
most successful farmers In the coun
ty, and he has been a hustling, ener
getic citizen ever since he landed In
Cass county. Billy Is a follower In
the footsteps of his father, and is a
self-made young farmer who has
worked hard for what he has. He Is
a citizen who has the true Interests
of the people of his county at heart,
and should have the support of every
voter for representative who desires
the county represented by one who Is
worthy of their support.
"Can be depended upon" is an ex
pression we all like to hear, and when
it Is used in connection with Cham
berlain's Colic, Choiera and Diar
rhoea remedy It means that It never
fails to cure dlarhoea, dysentery or
bowel complaints. It Is pleasant to
take and equally valuable for chil
dren and adults. Sold by all dealers.