The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 15, 1910, Image 7

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    " I
The Avoca Oepartrnesnitl
Short Locals
News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special ' Reporter (or This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
Gus Mohr made a trip to Brldeport
this week.
Fred Kuhnhenn made a trip
Cook Tuesday.
Get a Howard Dustless duster
Copes' drug store.
Use A. D. S. Peroxide cream for
the hands and fare.
Misses Sophia and Ann Ruhge were
at Omaha Tuesday.
H. J. Behrns and family spent
Sunday Jn the country.
Ollie Ward was down from Elm
wood Tuesday evening.
A. Zimmerer was over from Ne
braska City last week.
Miss Eda Marquardt Is teaching
school at Douglas, Wyo.
Andrew Rehmeier of Clarion, la.,
Is here visiting relatives.
Oralndo Tefft made a business trip
to Cheyenne county last week.
Will Fahnestock is at Plattsmout'a
playing ball with the Manley team.
Henry Straub was a Lincoln visi
tor Monday, going via the Maxwell
Miss Emma Marquardt left last
week for Minden where she will teach
F. W. Ruhge and wife returned
Tuesday evening from their trip to
I?. C. Marquardt and wife were
Lincoln visitors Tuesday, going up
In their auto.
Miss Neva Zook was here from
Auburn this week assisting at the
bank of Avoca.
A young daughter of Fred Nen
meister fell from a carriage Saturday
breaking an arm.
L. F. Dunkak and Charles Jenkins
were taking In the sights at Weep
ing Water Tuesday.
Roy Johnson and wife of Summer
were here last week visiting at the
home of Samuel Johnson.
Mrs. Fred Wilhelni of Cook was
visiting -at the home of Fred Neu
meister east of town this week.
Chas. Hlrz has purchased an auto
mobile of Gus Mohr which he will use
in connection with his livery barn.
F. Westlake and family are again
residents of this vicinity, having
moved on their farm north of town
last week.
Season tickets will soon be ready
for the lecture course here this year,
and an exceptionally strong course
has been booked. The uusiness men
of Avoca will back it up,-so you know
It will be good.
Do your feet prespire, smart, burn
and blister, these hot days. Per
haps you never heard of A. D. S.
Peroxide Foot Powder or you would
not suffer In this way.
promptly affords suffering feet relief.
It is remarkably cooling and sooth
ing. Reduces lnnamaiion, Keeps the
feet from chafilng and overcomes all
disagreeable odor that may result
from excessive prespiratlon. Just a
little In your shoes in the morning
comfort all dy.
Corn September 1st to Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Lund Christensen, a girl.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. William
Ash, a daughter, on Wednesday, Sep
tember 7th, so our friend Dr. Hun
gate reports.
Word was received from Dan Swit
zer who Is now In Panama, states that
he has charge of the dairy and his
salary is increased to $100 per
month. It is good news to his many
friends and the pay will no doubt Increase.
I. N. Hunter has sold his newly
completely residence property to L.
Nelson. The deal was made Wednes
day morning. Mr. Hunter expects to
go to Lincoln and stay for two years
while the boys, Alfred and Earl, com
plete their university course.
Will Sitzman and family and Henry
Speck and wife were over Sunday vis
itors In Plattsmouth. They are the
Republican office force and dandy
good boys, and are turning out good
work. The Republican job depart
ment has been going some of late and
keeps the boys hustling.
The county surveyor was over Mon
day for the purpose of taking some
bearings along the Weeping Water in
front of the park, it was proposed by
a few business men to pay his expen
ses over, have him map out a line
along the creek, find the fall of wa
ter, and then if practical figure on
the cost of making a lake, damming
the stream for that purpose. Nothing
definite is expected for a while at
least, but all are agreed that it Is an
Ideal place to have a little lake in
front of the park for boating, bath
ing and ishing, and for little money,
compared to the good It would be to
the town, It could be made a fine resort.
Miss Bertha Bryan of Ashland
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. F.
L. Woolcott.
Prof. Simons and family of Lin
coln visited last week at the E. B.
Lambert home In this city.
Mrs. F. W. Robb of Verdon came
Monday evening to visit Her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson.
Mrs. Lena Abker and little boy of
Berlin are guests at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Penter-man.
School begins Monday and parents
should see to It that their children
are ready for the commencement
day. We see a bright future for the
boy or girl vvhd Is always on hand
every day of school.
Mr. and Mis. Verner Perry and
daughter, Edith, of Mynard came this
far Tuesday evening in their auto,
and accompanied by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. McCrory, went to Lin
coln Wednesday morning.
The experience Doc. Trenholm and
Roy Hoover had In returning home
from Wheatland, Wyo., in the form
er's auto, would lead one to believe
that the doctor has a good machine.
Reaching West Lincoln after a long
journey in all kinds of weather, they
pulled through the high waters of
Salt creek In a manner marvelous to
behold. Many residents of Lincoln
say this Is the first machine to go
through such a flood as was then rag
ing. The water wasn't quite over the
dash board.
Word has been received of the
severe illness of Mrs. Alvin Jenkins
of Manley. Mrs. Jenkins Is suffering
from cancer.
Mrs. M. Peterson has sold her prop
erty on First street to S. J. Egeston,
the present occupant, the considera
tion being. $350.
E. A. Pankonln has the contract of
Installing the steam heating plant for
the new Drake hotel and Is putting
It in place this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ackles and three
children are here from Antelope coun
ty visiting relatives and friends In and
around Louisville.
Harry O. Palmer was called to
Lincoln Tuesday evening by the State
Journal to relieve one of the report
ers on that paper for the balance of
the week.
Mrs. Henry Lehnhoff Hind Will
Lehnhoff of Lincoln came down Sat
urday to attend the funeral of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Ossenkop's baby. Mrs.
Lehnhoff remained over Sunday visit
ing friends In Louisville.
The three month old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson died Monday
after a two weeks illness. The fun
eral occurred Tuesday afternoon, and
was conducted by Rev. George M.
Jones of the M. E. church. Inter
ment In River View cemetery. The
Courier extends sympathy.
M. L. Williams, Robert McCarty,
Walter Blake, S. C. Keckler and Au
gust Ossenkop accompanied T. E.
Parmelc out to his Custer county
ranch last Saturday, returning Tues
day morning. The boys were much
pleased with the country and say that
crops are in fine condition.
W. L Pickett, the Well Known
Burlington Agent, Is in Very
Dangerous Condition
From Wednesday's Dally.
W. L. Pickett, the well known Bur
lington agent at this place was strick
en with paralysis last evening about
8 o'clock while standing In the cor-
rider of the Hotel Riley. Mr. Pickett
was In conversation with Mr. C. C.
Parmele at the time, and, apparently
had no promonition of the stroke
He fell against Mr. Parmele who
caught him and helped to break the
force of his fall. Dr. J. S. Living
ston was summoned Immediately
from his office across the street and
arrived within a few minutes.
cot was procured and Mr. Pickett
was taken to his home on Vine street
All that medical skill could do was
done but the stricken patient has
never regained conclousness. Dr,
Livingston, Mr. Parmele and other
friends worked over him all night
without bringing any apparent re
Mr. Pickett's entire right side seems
The Straub Brother with their
herd of pure bred Galloway cattle,
did exceedingly well at the state fair.
They won all first class prizes except
one on classes. They won:
First on aged herd.
First on young herd.
First on calf herd.
First on get of sire and produce of
cow.' Grand champion bull, under
premium No. 399.
. Union stock Yards of South Omaha
gave a special premium, a loving cup,
for the best cow of the show, all
breeds and of any age. This brought
them In competition with the best of
Shorthorns, Herfords, Angus, Gallo
way, Red Polls and Polled Durhams
where champion breeds contested.
This coveted prize was awarded to
Ladylike, the Junior yearling Gallo
way heifer, bred and exhibited by
Straub Brothers. Her sire, Captain
Fourth of Tarbroech, was grand
champion bull on the entire show
circuit of 1909, and looks like he will
repeat this year. Nebraska City
From Tuesday's Daily
Mrs. T. E. Todd was a Plattsmouth
visitor today,' having co;ne in on No.
4 this morning from Cullom.
J. F. Ragoss and wife of Louisville
arrived this morning and visited with
Fritz Enselkemeier and family for a
Mrs. J. P. Thacker and son, Lee,
of Union were In the city today look
ing after business matters at the
court house.
L. H. Oldham of Murray was shak
ing hands with his Plattsmouth
friends today, having come in to look
after business matters.
J. F. Wehrbeln and Phil Becker
were Omaha passengers this after
noon on the fast mall.
Ed. Midcalf of near Murray was
In the city this morning looking af
ter business matters.
W. A. Fight went to Omaha this
afternoon to look after business mat
ters between trains today.
Dr. Brendel, Sr., of Murray was
a Plattsmouth visitor today where he
transacted business with our merchants.
Misses Isabel Toad and Sophronia
Pelton were passengers to Omaha yes
terday where they will visit friends
for a few days.
JolinKaffenberger was In the city
this morning and purchased a fine
new piano at H. Herold's and took
It to his home a few miles west of
the city.
L. G. Larson was a passenger to
Union this morning where he will
look after some business matters and
visit with his daughters, Mrs. R. E
Foster and Miss Esther.
Mrs. Robert Ward of this city
brought to this office today a copy of
the Auburn Republican of September
9th which contain the most complete
account of the murder of John Ruby
that we have seen, covering nearly
two pages of that paper. The report
certainly demonstrates great enter
prise on the part of the editor of
the Republican.' Auburn Is Mrs.
Ward's old home and Is a subscriber
of the Republican.
II. T. Batten and daughter, Miss
Jennie, departed this afternoon over
the Burlington for a two weeks vaca
tion trip In the west, going first to
Denver whcie Mr. Button has a broth
er with whom they will visit a few
days, and from there to Alliance
where Mr. Batten has a daughter,
Mrs. Charles Grassman where they
will spend a few days. They will be
gohe' about two weeks and we trust
their visit may be a pleasant one,
returning home safe and sound, feel
Ing greatly Improved from the few
days rest.
From Wednesday's Dally.
R. C. Peterson came down from
Omaha this morning and will be here
during the great base ball tourna-
to be paralyzed and. although uneon-iment
Joe Bayer of Omaha visited at Mr.
Matous' home today between trains.
Moving Tublur Well Mucliine.
C. Hlte & Son who have been since
last May sinking tublar wells at Un
ion and vicinity, yesterday loaded
their machinery on a Burlington
car for shipment to Hastings, Iowa,
where the members of the firm re
side. They completed a well for a
school district east of Murray which
went down 190 feet and cost the dis
trict $156.70. These gentlemen have
bored six wells In the villnge of Un
ion and six In the Immediate neigh
borhood, bringing with them some
thing like $2,200 of wages In the
few months they have been operating
the machine.
Mrs. R. Stringer went to Omaha
on the train this morning to visit
her ton for a few days.
scious of what was going on about
him, he seemed to suffer very much,
and struggled with his left limbs,
and had to be watched very closely to
prevent him from leaving his bed.
Mrs. Pickett who has been at Evans
ville, Indiana, with her parents for a
few days, was notified by wire at
once and will leave there on the first
train which departs at noon today.
Mrs. rickett will probably arrive here
tomorrow morning. In the mean
time neighbors and friends are doing
all In their power to relieve Mr. Pick
ett's suffering.
The stroke "was very unexpected
by Mr. Pickett's nearest friends as he
had not been heard to complain at
any time since the attack of heart
trouble a few years ago.
Since his wife departed for her
visit to her parents, Mr. Pickett has
been taking his meals at the Hotel
Riley and occupying his home at
night. Last evening Mr. Parmele
came down town after supper and
stepped Into the office of the hotel
where he met Mr. Pickett and in a
casual way, entered Into conversation
with him on no particular subject.
Mr. Parmele had not been with Mr.
Pickett more than five minutes when
the unfortunate man was suddenly
stricken and, as stated, started to
fall and was supported by Mr. Par
mele. Mr. rickett has the sympathy of
the entire community and It Is the
hope of everyone that he may speed
ily recover, although his condition Is
very critical today and it la necessary
to keep him under the Influence of
opiates In order that he may get rest.
He dropped into a quiet sleep about
1 o'clock this morning but did not
sleep but u few nilnntPH when he
awoke moaning with pnin.
At two o'clock this afternoon there
hail been no chnnge In Mr. Pickett's
condition except that at that time he
was sleeping quietly. Mr. Pickett's
sister of Lincoln arrived at noon.
Oscar Axel and wife and son de
parted for Minneapolis this afternoon
where they will visit Mr. Axel's sister
for a short time.
Mrs. Farncis Walling and her sis
ter, Mrs. M. J. Stoehr, of Lincoln, 111.,
arrived today to visit their brother,
James Anthony, for a few days.
W. H. Seybert and wife of Cedar
Creek came to Plattsmouth on the
morning train today where they look
ed after some business matters - In
the city.
Mrs. Hazel Baker and little grand
daughter, Mildred, who have been
visiting Mr. Ramsey for a few days
returned to their home at Omaha this
W. G. Melsingef, a prominent Dem
ocrat of Eight Mile Grove precinct,
drove In from. his farm home today
and did some trading with Platts
mouth merchants.
W. H. Puis and Alfred Gansemer
of Mt. Pleasant precinct, came In to
day, Alfred returning and Billy re
maining to take In the ball tourna
ment and Interview some of those
Mrs. Hans Paasch and her nephew,
Charles Ploehn of Scribner who have
been here for a few days, having
come to attend the funeral of Mr
Peter Mumm, returned to their home
this afternoon.
D. A. Young of near Mynard was
In the city yesterday afternoon on
business, and while here gave the
Journal a pleasant call. The latch'
string of the door of the Journal of
flee always dangles on the outside to
such good friends as Dave Young.
John Kelly of Eight Mile Grove,
and one of the Journal's best friends
was In tho city today looking after
some business matters. Whilo here
lie called at tho Journal headquar
ters and renewed his allegiance to
(lie old reliable. Mr. Kelley owns one
of the; finest farms In Eight Mile
E. H. Wescott was mixing political
Medicine at Weeping Water today.
Mis. Jude Travis was a passenger
to the metropolis this morning, going
on No. 13.
J. A. Smith and L. B. Brown of
Murray were in the city today look
ing after business.
Miss Ida Boedeker of Murray mo
tored up to this city today and
took the eav.'y (rain for Oraata.;
J. W. Hostt'tter of near Murray
left this morning for Portland, Ore.,
where he will remain for several
Miss Mathilda Vallery departed
last evening for St. Joseph, Mo., to
visit with friends and relatives for a
few weeks.
Mrs. James Smith of Emmerson,
la., who has been visiting her son,
Marlon Smith, for a short time, de
parted for her home last evening.
F. L. Weir of Dallas, South Dakota,
who has been a guest of the Barkley
resturant for a few days, departed for
his home at Dallas, this morning.
Farmers, mechanics, railroaders,
laborers rely on Dr. Thomas Eclectic
Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts,
burns or bruises at once. Tain can
not stay where It Is used.
Mr. R. M. Teodorskl of Louisville
visited yesterday with his cousin,
Will Fitzgerald, departing .this morn
ing for Omaha.
William Seybolt of Murray took
the fast mail for Omaha at the Bur
lington station yesterday where he
was called on business.
John Vallery of Eight Mile Grove
was a riattsmouth visitor Wednesday
afternoon, and Incidentally to attend
the ball games and to look after
some Items of business.
Perry Utterback who has been In
the resturant business In Omaha for
some time, has been looking over the
situation In Plattsmouth and may
conclude to open a resturant here
Louie Dunkak of Avoca motored
over from that place yesterday morn
ing, accompanied ny Mrs. Will Peters
and Mrs. Hlld, and visited a short
time with G. F. Buck of New Castle,
Wyo., who departed for his home on
the fast mall.
Virgil Mullls was a passenger to
Omaha on the afternoon train yes
terday where he went to visit his
wife at the St. Joseph hospital. The
physicians aie now waiting for- Mrs.
Mullls' condition to improve before
operating on her.
Mrs. B. S. Ramsey departed yes
terday afternoon for Weeping, Water
via Louisville where she will attend
the wedding of Miss Mabel Davis this
evening. Mrs. Ramsey will meet her
son, W. C, who is to act as best
man, at Louisville and accompany
him to Weeping Water.
John M. Fitch of Nehawka who
was attending to business matters In
this city yesterday, was a pleasant
caller at this office and while here
left the price of another year's sub
scription to this paper which was
very much appreciated.
Senator S. L. Thomas and wife de-
pa! ted for Missouri Valley, la., this
afternoon where they will visit with
relatives for a few days, when they
will return to Malvern and visit at
that place before returning to Plattsmouth.
M. Mauzy and wife departed for
Denver this afternoon where they
will visit their son for a few days,
then going to Treggo county, KansaH,
and look after picking Mr. Mauzy's
corn crop before returning home.
They expect to be away about two
We carry the full lino of Velvctlna
toilet articles. A manicure set free
with every 50c, purchase of toilet
articles. We also have a full line of
Nebraska ; Remedies, extracts and
Spices. Edw. Rynott & Co.
Successors to Gerlng & Co.
Floyd Shecslcy returned Sunday
f loin Lincoln.
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer went to Lin
coln Wednesday evening, returning
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stroemer attend
ed the state fair Thursday.
Ed. Stono went to Oninha Monday
in his auto.
School opened here on Monday,
September 12, 1910, with an enroll
ment of 53 pupils. Miss Prouty teach
ers. Mrs. Morgan Curyea is laid up on
account of rheumatism.
Mrs. Eliza Craig returned Sunday
from Lincoln where she visited dur
ing last week with her daughters.
While driving home Tuesday even
ing from town Ben Appleman and
James Foreman had an accident, tho
shaft coming down, frightened the
horse and a smash-up resulted in
which Mr. Appleman was scratched
up quite badly, although Mr. Fore
man escaped unhurt.
P. J. Llnch took his daughter, Miss
Alta, to Lincoln last Friday. From
there she went to York, Neb., where
she will teach in the public schools
the coming year. Art Bird accompan
ied Mr. Llnch and they attended the
Mrs. Nervta Knott and sons of
Waverly were in town Tuesday on
business, They visited Dan Manners
and family before returning homo.
Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Fred
Weaver of South Bend visited at Mrs.
J. A. Shaffer's from Saturday noon
till Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Sum Cnshner return
ed Wednesday from a ten day's trip
to Denver, Col. While there they
visited with their son, Sherman Cash-
ner and family. They visited also at
Tolland Golden,, Colorado Springs
and Manltau, and report a fine time.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cnshner of Uni
versity Placo spent Sunday with his
father, Rain Cnshner and wife.'
Among the young folks who attend
ed the stato fair Wednesday and
Thursday 'were: Miss Alta Llnch,
Orpha Mullen, Cora Stout, Stella
Sheesley, Edith llaeger, Olio Foremnn
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jordan and Elmer
Klyner, Fny Parscll, George Brnun,
and Henry Craig.
Mrs. Reed of Lexington visited
Grandma Boyles last week.
Miss Grace Bailey who is teaching
school nenr Greenwood spent Satur
day and Sunday at home.
C. C. Bucknell left Tuesday of last
week for Spokane, Wash. He has
remembers his friends with postals.
Mrs. Catchpole of Pagosa Springs,
Col., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Strong.
Miss Lydia Taylor left for Uly.
sses, Neb., Wednesday morning, be
ing called there by the serious Illness
of her mother.
At the homo of the bride at Shirk
ley, Neb., Wednesday morning at 8
o'clock, occurred the wedding of Mls3
Mable Wake to Lemuel A. Foreman,
Ron of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman, their
daughters, Mrs. Minnie Bobbltt and
Miss Grace Foremnn and son, Albert
Foreman, and cousin, Byron Fore
man, attended the wedding On Fri
day evening a reception was held at
the home of the bride's parents.
About fifty guests were present to
extend best wishes to the happy cou
ple who departed Saturday evening
for Ft. Worth, Texas, to make their
The ladles of the Jolly Eight Card
club were most delightfully entertain
ed by Mrs. Henry Ofe at her pleas
ant home yesterday afternoon. The
principal amusement was derived
from the card games, there being sev
eral games played. At 4:30 an ele
gant luncheon was provided by the
hostess to which the guests could not
help but do ample Justice to. Fol
lowing the luncheon, the hostess
awarded the prizes: Mrs. John Lutz
receiving the first prize and Mrs. Bur
dlck the consolation prize. An hour
or so spent in social conversation
and other amusements brought to a
close another most enjoyable meet of
the Jolly Eight. Those In attendance
were: Mesdames Burkel, J. Warga,
Sattler, Lutz, Burdlck, Croskary,
Hinrlchsen, Ofe.
Looking After the Croppies.
Mr. O'Brien, superintendent of the
state fish hatcheries at South Bend,
dropped off the train yesterday at
this point and took a livery rig and
went down to the big Island to Inves
tigate the condition of the croppies in
the stream which empties Into tho
Missouri. Mr. O'Brien Intended to
take the fish out of this creek had
the water been low, and a probabil
ity of them being frozen up this win
ter but the late rains have filled tho
creek and the backwater from the
channel hag furnished plenty of wa
ter so that unless conditions change
before winter, Mr. O'Brien will leave
the fish in the stream to rustle for
themselves. With low water and a
hard winter, as the last one was there
would be danger of losing them.
From Thursday's Dally
Fritz Frlcke was an Omaha visi
tor on business Wednesday.
Fred Patterson, tho county sur
veyor, went to Omaha on the morn
ing train today on a business errand
for the county.
While the News-Herald Is so partic
ular about Col. Bates' vote on the
senntorship, It never says one word
about what tho Republican candidates
for tho legislature In this county will
do. That paper knows very well that
they are not In favor of tho peoplo
ruling, because they have so declared.
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Tongue coated? Complexion sallow?
Liver needs waking up. Doan's Reg
ulcts cure bilious attacks. 25 cents
at any drug stere.
Dies In Oregon.
Ralph White this morning received
a message from Oregon, stating that
a married sister of J. C. Thygeson,
the popular druggist, had Just died.
Mr. Thygeson and wifo went from
here -to Kansns City and from thero
to Chicago and Mr. White bus been
trying to locate him all day, so as to
tell him of the sad news. Nebraska
City News.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the