Murray Department Children Cry for Fletcher's PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. an item of ink rut in this vimiity aiJ trill mail tame to this oJic it mil appear under this heading If any of the readers of the Journal know of a tor.ial tnnt or ife want ail items of ink red. Editor Journal. it The -Hank Account Is the first step toward success and for tune. Protects your family in emergencies. Educates your children. Makes you independent. Gives you standing in the community. It is a valuable aid in any enterprise undertaken anywhere by anybody under any condition. If you do not have a bank account, let us suggest that you start one with u? amediately. Murray State B MURRAY, NEBRASKA " 0 )C DC ank n E A CLUE TO IHE MURDER OF JOHN RUBY It would seem from the following special from Auburn that the officials of Nemaha county have a clue to the murderer of John Ruby, whose body was recovered from the Nemaha riv er: "Parties who have been looking over the grounds between the Mis souri Pacific yards and the Nemaha river have discovered what they are satisfied Is the train where the man, John Ruby, was stricken down and dragged for some distance through the weeds. There were tracks of a light wagon and team from the spot to the bank of the river near where the body was found. It was told that the hat and coat were found near the yard limits to the east of the Missouri Pacific depot, but the party now de nies having found either. Detectives and local officers of the law are busy, and It is believed : developments of importance are forthcoming." Every Indication points to the fact that Mr. Ruby was foully murdered, and that the officers will leave nothing undone Geo. Cook, Murray for fine buggies J. W. Holmes was a business vis itor in Plattsmouth Tuesday. School began Monday, but the youngsters are not at all happy. Quite a number of Murrayltes are attending the state fair at Lincoln this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown went to Plattsmouth Labor day to see the ball game. You want a newbuggp? If you want the best for the least money call on George Cook. Miss Zctta Drown of Plattsmouth wnB a gtieHt at the Merger home Sun day and Monday. Farmers will booii begin fall plow ing and the ground Is in excellent condition for the work. Col. Jenkins drove up to Platts mouth Tuesday in his auto to attend to borne business matters. Miss llesflo Ilrendel attended the farewell party given by Miss Ina Hatt nt Plattsmouth last Friday night. . The finest line of Buggies in Cass satisfied with Mr. Boedeker's admin istration, and that they have great confidence in him aa a citizen and banker. Mrs. A. L. Baker has returned from Sheridan, Boone county, Indi ana, after a three week's visit with relatives and friends. She was ac companied by her daughter, Opha, and they report a most enjoyable time. Mrs. Baker says It is always a pleasure to visit her former home, where she was born, but many scenes are not Just what they used to be While very much delighted with their trip they were glad to get back to Murray and no one was more pleas ed to see them than Arthur. oouny at George Cook's. Call and ex amine our buggies and see how low we re Felling them. Lloyd Gapen, wife and daughter, Villa, and niece, Miss Elsie Gapen, Vent to Lincoln Tuesday to attend the state fair. OUle Bailey living four miles southwest of town received a severe wound of the foot Sunday on a plow shear, whereby one toe was nearly severed from that member. A little baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown seven miles west of Murray on Tuesday morning, September 6. All doing nicely. Murray people are very much in terested in seeing the murderer of Mr. Shera brought to Justice, and will do everything In their, power In assisting to do this. Mrs. Al. Kennedy baa returned from Tlalnvlew, where she had been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Will lam Royal. She reports a most en joyable trip and a pleasant visit. "Scotty" says If the telephone calls at the depot keep on increnslng he will have to hire a cheap boy to ana wer them. Just at his busleKt hours of the day Is the very time when ho Is annoyed the most T. M. Patterson, Henry Goos and William Ralney stopped of here on Wednesday on their return trip from Kansns to attend the funeral of John Ruby who was foully murdered near Auburn on a similar trip Just one week previous. Henry Long returned Wednesday from Furnas county where he weii to look over his farm. The crops in Furnas county are not so good as they have been In past years, Henry says. Hob Sharder, his son-in-law, and family are well satisfied with their surroundings. The statement of the State bank of Murray appears In this issue. Not many such institutions in towns the size of Murray can boast of a more prosperous banking bouse. Under the management of Glen Boedeker, the genial cashier, everything Indi cates that the interests of the stock holders are carefully guarded, and A Pathetic Incident. One of the most pathetic Incidents connected with the horrible murder of John Ruby la the child under standing of the long absence of their father from home. On two differ ent days, the oldest child of the de ceased, accompanied by two brothers and sister, the former scarcely ten years of age, drove to Murray with the old gray team to meet their fath er. There la one thing In this con nection that appeals to every citizen when he understanda the particulars of this crime. Will the people of Nebraska stand by the decision of courts in such cases? Is there a law yer with one spark of honor who I.VIOX. (Ledger.). W. H. Puis of Murray, Democratic candidate for representative was in town yesterday and was a welcome caller at this office. Miss Audrey Lowther returned to her home near Plattsmouth Thursday evening of last week, after several davs visit with Harry Graves and wife. We are reliably Informed that Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott of Lincoln are the proud parents of a new daughter born last week. Mrs. v Scott was formerly Miss Elma Applegate. G. N. LaRue, Dean Austin and Carter Albin departed the latter part of last week for South Dakota where they w 111 pick out their future homes (?) which they drew In the land opening a few months ago. John Campbell and wife of Brok- .... . J A. en liow v sited several aays iasi week with F. G. Kendall and wife. Mr. Campbell was a resident in this vicinity about thirty years ago and many of the old settlers were glad to see him. Last Friday G. P. Barton opened a pool hall In the east room of the Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In uso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of has been made under his pcr- sonal biipcrvislon since its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA i Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Priend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS I Bears the Signature of that will aid in apprehending the Per-VVoodman bulld, and now the pool BUMS I'UHIIUIUUU I lit? UCCU. ...111 V ln,rt kr noco QU-QV the time. He Informs us that he In tends to run a first class place and will not tolerate drunkenness. Mrs. James W. Taylor has been very ill the past week and Wednes- Wiwitcd at Once. We want all the chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys that we can buy. We pay the highest market price for farm produce of all kinds. HATT & SON. JhelindYpu Have Ahyays Bought In Use Fop Over 30" Years THf CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURHAT STRCCT, NCW YORK CITY. EZ as day her condition became so serious r.EPORT OF THE CONDITION that a consultation of physicians was deemed advisable and a trained nurse was summoned from Lincoln to take cafe of her. We are pleased to learn thnt there is some improvement in her condition. D. W. Foster and wife and Mrs. I . . m During the electrical storm last Nettie Stanton are now residents 01 OF THE RESIDENCE OF IS. MOR GAN STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Murray State Ba.rk Of Murray, Nebraska, Charter No. 579 Incorporated In the Stale of Nebraska, at the clone of business August 25. 1910. KESOUUCE3 night the residence of Mrs Gertrude this vllage having moved Wednesday Loon and discount ...... .t , ,i I ( ..vtrUraft!t. stTlirvua Morean was struck by lightning ana rrom tne iarm to meir uue c .ca. damaged to some extent. The bolt struck the furnace flue and split It almost to the roof where It appears a part of the bolt went Into the roof, ripping the shingles off of a small space. Soot had been knocked into the cook range and into the furnace below. The roof did not ignite prob ably because it was wet from the rain which was falling. Mis3 Foster and Miss Alison Johnson who are board ing with Mrs. Morgan, both felt the shock from the falling bolt, Mrs. Morgan was not dlsturoed. The resi dence was fully insured and the loss will no doubt be soon adjusted. dence In northeast Union, and "Un cle Dan" Is fast getting used to city customs. We welror.'.e Mr. Foster and famllr aa additions to our vil lage. ...t.-,2.541 3t and uiisei'urvd... 57 Hi l.ankiim iiouse. turnliure una fixtures 2.7ST Wt Current exiK'itst'S and taxes paid i, 53 trom national, state aim private. Ianna 41,a) Si ( necks and Items of exchange a 15 Currency , 2."4S 00 L.uld coin 5W silver, nickels and cents i4 41- lo.tW 44 We Uuy Chickens. We buy chickens, ducks and cream. Highest prices. Test and pay for the cream at once. Shipped 15 coops of chickens and SO cans of cream last week. HATT & SON. Heie Ficn South Dakota James Archer, Jr., of Ibel, South Dakota, has been in the city for the nast few days assisting in the pack ing of his mother's household goods feW"1' 1'JIU' Total :t.3 30 LIAMLITIES Canltal slx-k paid In U0.000 00 uiDlun fund w V niilv liled profit 3,4u2 W inulviuual UfposUs subject to check 4.2:il 4J I lemand eertlHcaten of deposit 'i.Ml 7" Time certificates of deposit... 5.1:3 -'4-5i.ai9 37 Total.' l7.3Si 30 State or Nebraska, t M County ol Cass.' t I. w. u. uoeueKer, cashier of the almve named bank, do bereoy swear that the alove statement Is a correct and true ci ly of the report niaUe to the state nankin- hoard. W. U. Hokdkkkk. Cashier. a.. .. (I'has. C. 1'aiimii.k. Director. Attest, fvt 11 lliiwiih-uvu Ikirtu'tiir' yulwcrllH'd and sworu to before nie this 31 bt D. J. Pitman. Notary Public. The Hull Tournament The base ball tournament held here preparatory to moving to Isbel, with last week was a success. The weather in two miles of which town both Mr moo vonf nnfovnroiiio bur tho nrn. Archer and his son. James, have gram as advertised was pulled off. claims, and where they will make The first ball came on Wednesday their future home. They will take was between the Pinochles and Ber- the train for their new home today. lo" whn Is a barber by trade, 1111 n 1IW l'fM.J DIA Jlllllll0 IV M IIU l " ....... I--. j , - Tnllna rnuld defend a criminal whose hands 9r0re 4 and 4. After which Avoca has a neat three chair barber shop ". u" 1 - I .a stained with Innocent blood? and Unadllla mudded It through nine in this new town of Isbel, and South Dakota, to Flattsnioutn, amv When honorable citizens ask for but Innings In the rain. Unadllla finally Is doing nicely. He thinks himself lnK at judge A. N. Sullivan's last one thing and that Is that they have winning by a scoer of 9 to 10. On and his father have two very valu- . t started from Motored From Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Snider and son, Leroy, accompanied by Mr. T. A. Weber, and Mr. G. A. Guenthner and positive proof who committed some Thursday the Nehawka team played able quarters and Is confident that Sunday afternoon, arriving In u imm that linvn hpfn com- ami .nil mr. oianriv mitciaauoH aa I Inhpl will be one of the leading towns I Ul l"U Villi. VH 1.UMV " I n T WU, MUX. "WW .V-.. V U V.M'.UUU " I I , . .,, ltted in the past three weeka, and 80me of their best players were un- in that part of the state. Success to umana monuay aue.uoou uu viu they will see that Justice la meted able to come. Score 17 to 4 In favor them is the wish of all their Platts- on to Plattsmouth yesterday. Mr. and out. Is It not a blot upon the courts 0f Avoca. Friday's game with Elm- motuh friends and executive officers when mob wood was the best of the tournament. law la talked openly. Why should Although our boya were defeated, the rhurder, which have stained the his- game was a beauty. Score 4 to 0 tory of Casa county at the rate of Saturday, Union and Manley were one every ninety daya for the past the opposing teams, Manley won by two years, be permitted by a respect- a score of 7 to 2. After a few min An Old Settler Stricken. The sad news reaches the Journal that Cyrus Alton of Elmwood, one of the oldest residents of Cass county is Mrs. Snider and son came to visit Mrs. Snlder's parents, Judge and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan. Messrs. Weber and Guenthener looking after real estate transactions. Mlsa Gladys Sul livan will accompany the party to Dallas, starting tomorrow, and Mrs. Snider and son will remain for a Ion- Messrs. Weber and Guenthener and Guenthe- verv low and that but little hone la able community, regardless of the utea rest Manley and Avoca played Lnfprtalnpd for his recovery. Last courts and the laws. When the peo- fve innings and reaulted in a score Frlday he 8Utfered a severe stroke of &er vUlt w,th ber Parents tile lock and bolt the doors or meir 0f 2 to 0 In Manley's ravor. The nrtvu nrl hn9 heen. in a very eDer ana uuejunener uu home at night; when men of courage dance at the town hall Saturday even-Lrecarlou 8 conditlon ever since. The ner and Weber accompanied Misses go about their duties aner nigm iui- nng closed the program ly protected by fire arms, It does not speak well of the moral condition of Resolutions of Condolence, our commonwealth. Eight murders Hall of Platte Lodge No. 7, 1. O. O. F. in Casa county in two years! Do Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 6, '10 not look to Breathitt county, Ken- WHEREAS, It has pleased the Su ELMWOOD. (Leader-Echo.) Mrs. F. A. Raker severely burned her left hand last evening by having come in contact with some hot greese. The Elmwood park base ball team Journeyed over to Murdock Friday and defeated the nine at that place by a score of 12 to 5. This waa one of the Harvest Home Festival attrac tions. Dr. Munger shipped hia household goods to Eagle yesterday and will re sume the practice of medicine at that place instead of Lincoln as previous ly announced. In their new field of labor they are accompanied by the best wishes of their friends here. Leta sing a song as we go long so I every one can hear.'and tell them all to trade this fall where goods are not too dear; and bear in mind that you can find right where these goods are sold, if you will read with care and speed the ads these columns hold. Sid West left yesterday for Des Moines, la., for a visit with his broth er, Ed. west, w nom ne nas not seen. for forty-ieven years. Sid made hla home with this brother when a small boy, leaving hla home when eleven years of age, and they have not seen each other since that time. There is an ordinance against the riding of bicycles on the sidewalks of our city Aside from breaking law and ordinance you are endanger ing the lives of others. Sidewalks are for no purpose than to walk on, and the proper authorities should see to it that they are kept free at all times for such use. A sad accident which we failed to chronicle last week was that which befell a little son of Dell Tyson's at the home of hla grandfather, W. H. H. Cassle, on Saturday, August 20. The little fellow fell off of a pile of wood on which he was playing, break ing his left arm Just above the elbow. Sullivan and Lindsay to Omaha this iinfnrtnnntft Enntleman is a citizen whose frlenda are legion, and hla aernoon via me uumugtou. death would be a great loss to the Soothea itching skin. Heals cuts or burns without a scar. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, any itching. Doan's Ointment. Your druggist sella It. people of Elmwood. The Journal sin- vvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cerely hopes that the good man may recover. Sells Farm. James Sage closed a deal a few tucky but to Cass county, Neb. Each prerne RUier of the universe to re- crlme committed on citizens of Cass move from our midst all earthly labor county two In the last three weeks, Bnd suffering our brother Odd Fel- ...! Iw.lh fnr Wa than one hundred lur Phirlna S TaU- thprofnro hn It auu - I I ' . .. . .... . i4i ..i.l. n.. TW U a wnv to Rtotl th S tlPcni.VKn Tb.f tho hrnthora of 08)8 Bgo wiieieoy no imi i uu .iu KnuinoM. Ati.l the neoiile ire Pi.ti. i.n,w. v 7 I n n V tnd a izu acre iarm t.nee m..e8 bouu. . .!, if tho lnw falls to , ,w, n.i ruiotivna nlir Plattsmouth known as the Kemp give them Justice tho people will take most heartfelt sympathy In their hour rm. ' ne "" 't'l"u" lul the law in their own hands. The ot Borrow. And be it further 9-000 or ''er acre- Carle8 perpetrator of the next deed ot mur- RESOLVED. That the charter of wampset oi umana u.e der in Cass county will stand a slim jhls lodge bo draped In mourning for show for his own life. thirty days as regard of our brother of the order and this resolution be Have you ever used the celebrated corded on the minutes and pub- "Foreet Roso" flourT Try it when ua'.eu puwi. nu you buy the next aack. At all lead- rorwarueu to nis son auu uat.gnieis. ' ' John 1'. Saltier. ing dealers. j Klvkhan, V. C. Peterson. Commltteo There Is a good set of buildings on the land and being so near market makes the place a desirable One. Plgt For Sale. I have a number of spring Duroc-Jersey pigs for sale. N. KLAUUENR male Not a minute should be lout when a child shows eymptons cf croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy given as soon a the croup cough appears, will prevent the attack. Sold by all temper la rendered miserable by a dealers. disordered liver. Ry taking Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver tableta you 11 .R. Gerlng of Omaha transacted can Improve both. .. Sold by all deal that the patrwns of tho uanK are wen j business in nausiuouwi iouuy. era Air. and Mra. W. E. . RoRencrana went to Lincoln last evening to at- Your complexion aa well aa 'your tend the state fair for a tew daya, while visiting rrienus. ftir. nosen crans Is one of the trustees of tho Knights of Pythias for the Btate and will meet with the board at Lincoln today. Closing Out Sale! H ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE, consist'np; of Kitchen Cabinets, Extension Tables, Kitchen Tables, Stand Tables. Buffets, China Closets, Side Boards, Dressers and Comodes, Dining Room Chairs, RocUers, Sales, Iron Beds, Matress and Springs, Steel Couches, Carpets and Rugs, 15 gal lons of paint and 10 Child's (io-Carts. DP. JACKSON South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska