The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 08, 1910, Image 2

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    .. . . w : SS sr
Copyright Hjrt SchafTncr & Mirx
THERE'S not a man in town in-
terested in good clothes who won't be interested
in examining the new arrivals in suits for Fall.
You'll find pleasure in looking at them; more pleas
ure in wearing them; there will be pleasure to us in both.
The new shape-maker model the latest word in
clothes perfection is an exclusive Hart, SchafTner &
Marx design that is going to be very popular among
well dressed men.
SOCIETY BRAND Models, Blackstone and
Ritz, very swell for young men. . .
New colors are in trrays, browns and tans. Young
men's styles a special feature.
Suits from S10 to $35.
The Home of Hart, Schafjner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Swell Una of CTV cfCL' Jut received
JTy Cf f ,!fHfV $2.50 to $4.00
Sweater Coats sfili& 'll'i'Hft!? All hade
Winter Will Soon Set In and Work Cannot Be Pushed Until Spring
No Work on Government Building Until Paving is Finished
There la much intort-st bolus niaii
ifcHted on the pint of tlu Rood cttl
Ecns gf riuttsmoutti concerning the
pavliiR In the Third district which In
, Hudes Vine street from fourth to
Seventh and Fourth and Fifth streets
and from Main to Vine. Delay cnus
. ed already has caused Borne to feel a
little Impatient, and the fact that
the fall Is drawing on arid winter will
toon ho here, and the further fact
that the government officials will
not turn a wheel or put a shovel
In the ground toward the erection of
the new powtofMco building until
the paving Is completed In the abutt
ing Htreets, causes the feeling of un
easiness to Increase. It would be a
deplorable condition of affairs should
the men who have the city business.
; In charge allow the matter to bo
postponed from time to time, on one
pretext or another, until the weather
conditions would be such as to pre
vent the work being done this fall.
It Is an assured fact that tho gov
ernment Is now ready to let the bid
for the construction of the postofflce
building and stipulate for the work
to commence Just as soon . as the city
has Its streets In the required condi
tion to receive the structure. '
The mayor and city clerk1 Tiave
already been authorized, to sign up.
the contract, and the work of ap
proving the bond of the contractor
Is a quick job, when the same Is
Mayor Sattlor received a letter
some three days ago from R. L. Me
Kenzle, for M. Ford, stating that, he
had a bunch of expert paver who
were Just completing a contract In a
city In the western part of tho state,
and that he could send these men to
I'lnttsnioiith any day now as soon as
the contract and bond were signed
It has been a week slnco the spe
cial meeting of the council which ap
proved tho report of tho streets, al
leys and bridges comniltteo recom
mending that tho bid of M. Ford be
accepted. The matter has been In
the hands of the city attorney since
that date for the preparation of the
bond and contract. Tho papers are
Important and it Is necessary to take
sufficient time to get them techni
cally correct, and It Is believed that
the papers will bo ready for the sig
natures of the city officials before
tho end of the week. The formality
of signing will not have to await any
further action of the city council,
although that body will meet in reg
ular session' next Mondayevening.
Mayiir Sattlor hopes tq'.Vee the
work of paving In full swlnat before
'twoweeks'tribro. It will renrtlre hut
.short, time to get the' material on
the ground after the signatures of
the partleB are attached to the con
tract and bond.
ftraub Ilros., breeders of pure
bred Galloway cattle, who exhibited
their fine herd at the Dos Moines,
do a ) fair last week, returned to
their homes near Avoea with several
n.ore prints added to their long list.
TN v.oii three first prizes out of
I fi o i.i tie bull class; four out of six
i i" tr e tow i lass, and three out
'four In gioir. They also a;tirc:l
tl. . iiit.1 p:en ii;:.:s for r.erd exuibl
I'o'A, aul lli-jt liize en. breeders tt-rC. ' t':.i tz.h" was senior
(.jampion cid tUo grand champion.
"Ladylike" was J:n!or and grand
champion feirale. This Is one of the
finest herds in i.'uvt-brcd Galloway
cattle In the west, riiJ have probably
captured more prizes than any simir
lar herd exhibited at tbe s'ate fairs
and stock shows throughout the west
In the pa3t four or five years. This
famous herd Is on exhibition at the
Nebraska state fair at Lincoln this
week. '
Injured His Ankle.
Last Saturday evening while writ
ing at bis desk at his home, Mr. A.
L. Anderson started to answer a hur
ried call at the telephone and while
In the act of descending the stairs,
in some way made a misstep, turn
ing his left ankle and almost putting
It out of Joint. Dr. Cummins was
summoned and dressed the Injured
foot and Mr, Anderson Is slowly re
covering. He was down town today
for the first time since the injury.
EPTEMBER 14,15'ancM
First Prize, $ 1 50 Second, $ 1 00 Third, $80 Fourth, $70
The contesting teams: Plattsmoutb, Union, Manly and Tabor, la. All
games duuble headers, and to be played in the afternoon of each day. Every-
ooay coraiauy invuta. we win oe pleased to see you in attendance.
First Aim.
In the treatment of tuberculosis or
consumption, the first aim of every
physician is to make the patient to
eat and digest. As soon as the pa
tient is able to accept enough nourish
ment and to thoroughly digest it, the
tattle is won. We wish to call your
attention to Trlner's American Elixir
of Hitter Wine which is known for
its success in the treatment of loss of
appetite and strength. The con
sumptive who allows his sickness to
get a firm grasp oil him will not be
cured, which should be a good lesion
to everybody to treat the slightest
Indisposition and loss of appetite. He
may prevent a grave sickness. Trln
er's American Elixir of Hitter Wine
is a reliable remedy In all diseases oi
the stomach and of the Intestines; At
drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1 33.1-1 33!
So. Ashland ave., Chicago 111. Physi
cian's advise by mall, gratis. ' ''
Mrs. Hardy who has been vlujting
relatives in I'lattsmouth and (Jlen
wood for several months departed
for her home at Fdemona, Cal., this
morning, going to Glenv.ood where
she boarded No. 3 for her destination.
The Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity met in their fine hall ast evening
in the Coates block and after tran
sacting the usual grist of business,
proceeded to elect officers who will
be installed at the next regular meet
ing which occurs on the 19th Inst.
The following members were selected
by unanimous vote of the membership
to fill the offices for the ensuing
year: President, C. H. Smith; vice
president, It. D. Windham; second
vice president,, Mrs. Whalen; prelate,
Mrs. .1. H. Thrasher; conducter, Mrs.
C. II. Smith; corresponding secretary.
Miss Ellen Windham, financier, Miss
Edith Buzell; guard, Mrs. Melburn;
sentinel ;trustee for three
years, O, W. Baylor.
Cass County Hoy to Wed.
Invitations are out for the mar
riage of Mr. Harold E. Day of Den
ver and Miss Marie. Brown, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C; M. Brown of
Cambridge, Nebraska. The wedding
is to occur at the residence of the
bride's parents at Cambridge, Wed
nesday, September 14th.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Everet E. Day of Weeping Wa
ter and was born in Cass county.
The bride is an accomplished young
lady, having graduated at Deane
college and since then spent a year
studying in the university of Ger
many. ,
Social Dunce by St. Allies Sodality
The St. Agnes Sodality will give a
social dance at, the Catholic Sokol
hall Saturday evening, September
10th. Admission 50 cents. Come out
and have a good time.
Itcniains in I'lattsmouth.
A. L. Anderson has rented the Gor
dcr property recently vacated by Val
Burkel and will move his family into
it about the loth of this month. The;
new location will place Mr. Anderson
nearer the business part of the city)
and will be very much more conven
ient than his former location. Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson have a large cir
cle of friends who will be pleased j
'o know that they have no Intention i
of leaving the city.
A. W. White was a business caller
U the metropolis this afternoon.
(News.) '
Mrs. D. C. West and daughter,
Gladys, who have been visiting in
Yanipa, Col., throughout the summer,
are expected home this week.
Guy Klrkpatrlck and a companion
won the city trophy in a tennis tour
nament at St. Joseph, Mo., recently.
J. D. Bailey and wife of Stratton,
who have been visiting old friends in
this vicinity for the past two weeks
left for their home the first of the
week. '
P. P. Sheldon, F. L. utzman and
A. F. Sturm left Sunday morning
for Lamar, and other points in Colo
rado. They are' expected back the
latter part 'of this week.
W.. H. Puis, candidate for the leg
islature on-the Democratic ticket
was a pleasant caller at this office
Tuesday. Mr. Puis is a farmer living
between here and Murray. This Is
the first time he has ever aspired to
Rev. F. A. Miller, the Lincoln
evangelist closed a very successful
ten day revival out at orris Grove
the first of the week. There were
twelve conversions. The Rev. gentle
man assisted by Rev. Far began a
series of meeting in a large tent Wed
nesday evening.
Last Friday afternoon from 3 to
5 o'cioek Mrs. Vilas Sheldon enter
tained about thirty of her former
pupils at her beautiful home in the
north part of town. The little folks
participated In games and other am
usements and at the proper time all'
were served with dainty refresh
ments. They left feeling that in los
ing a teacher they had gained some
thing better.
Theodore Gerber who has been
working for F. P. Sheldon for the
past year has resigned his position to
accept a similar one wifb the Bart
ling Grocery company of ebraska
City and moved his family down to
that place the first of the week. Mr.
Gerber has made many friends during
the time he has been working here
who regret to see him leave but wish
him all kinds of success in his new
Til Brown Shoo Co.
m . : .
'M I HA 1 the boy or girl who
wears Buster Brown Blue
- " Ribbon Shoes will always
V lwL ,
Rl., RJkk sin
looks so neat
fit so nice, and
wear so well.
m a r ,m t ', m v m i mi m urn c
i i'sHKr- r.mi ?
-Young Folks
is made in seven different leathers.
Viz: Box, Velour, Kangaroo. Calves,
Kid, Colt Skin and Patent Leathers, on
cijjht different styles, viz: Medal, Vacation,
Foot Form, School Day, Little Lady, Bus
ter, Tige and Knob lasts.
to be properly and. economically
protected from the inclemency of
the weather, over practical lasts and leathers, is the desire of
every fond parent. This is accomplished in our
Buster Brown School Shoes!
In these shoes are found all the distinctive characteristics
of, the high-grade shoes worn by their parents. The varied
selection of stylesi leathers,' widths; sizes and shapes enables us
to have a shoe for every fobt,-and gives the maximum comfort
and natural development of the feet. The wearing qualities of
these shoes are unsurpassed they all have smoothe inner
soles, with no NAILS or TACKS to wear out the hose.
(Economy there). - -
A pleased youngster, a satisfied parent and shoo satis
faction with every pair of our
$1 .50 to $2.85
aii our Shoes are "Quality Shoes" at "Trade at Home Prices!"
OUV Nebraska
3 n -J( )cj)