The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 04, 1910, Image 2

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Test Comss on Contest tc:
. Permanent Chairman.
Dolliver Speaks Briefly and In Spirit
of Good Humor Minority Report
Containing Praise of President Taft
. Falls to B Substituted Deyoa
Named for Stat, Superintendent
Republican Iowa wrote herself X
vigorously progressive at a con-T
. ...... In. i V 1iVi uud In iinntar nmut T
of the time.
Senators Cummins and Dolliver
and the insurgent delegation at
Washington were enthusiastically
The new tariff law was branded 4
as a failure In the light of the
party pledge of 1908.
President Taft received the
most tepid of lukewarm Indorse
ments. A sop of harmony was flung out
In the Indorsement of the admin
istration of Governor Carroll.
An attempt to use the "steam
roller" to make the state central
committee overwhelmingly pro-4
gresslve was tailed off, presuma-1
bly at hint of Senator Cummins.
T Senator Cummins was tempo- J
rary chairman; Senator Dolliver
permanent chairman.
The progressive majority ranged
close to 300 on every question.
The resolutions committee was
progressive, six to five.
The foregoing Is a synopsis of
..the convention events. To It may"
J ; be added cheers and Jeers, ap-"
pmuso ann nisses, music and
howls of discord.
Des Molues, Aug. 4. The Republic
an state convention was so completely
ia control of the progressive element
that it lost much of Us Interest to the
mass of the visitors. When the cau
cuses were held It was disclosed thut
the progressives hud control of six
of the cloven, though In one there
was a peculiar fight, which left the
matter in some doubt.
When the convention came up to
the first test vote It showed that the
progressive majority was upwurds of
235. The test came when two reports
were made for permanent chulnnon, a
majority report for Senator Dolliver
od a minority report for J. C. Mubry
of Albla. On the vote Dolliver re
ceived 831 votes and Mubry 649. Ten
Votes went for Dolliver that might
have been counted for the minority
candidate, but for a desire to aid a
candidacy for superintendent.
Senator Dolliver spoke briefly and
In good humor, but did not discuss Is
sues to any extent. The convention
gave to both Dolliver uud Cummins
geuerous applause, and especially
when reference was made to Roose
velt the convention became wild with
excitement. There was no show of
disapproval of anything said or done,
but the discussions were in the main
in good temper. TI10 platform com
mittee spent much tlmo In preparing
the two reports and in the meantime
the convention disposed of nil other
business. Judges Deemer and Evans
were renominated by acclamation. On
the first ballot for superintendent the
vote was: I loyoe, 3i4; Rlggs, 120',,;
Welty. 2 4 1 v. ; Mlnnlnger, 214; I.nrk,
ir.SKj; Hralnerd. 130Vj; Pickett, 187'i.
On the second ballot Deyoe led nnd a
greut many changes were made to
Deyoe until he was nominated.
Platform Flaht.
Then came the platform fight. The
majority report presented the progres
sive view and wns read' by Robert
lfealy of Fort Dodgo. Then Colonel
Hepburn read the minority report,
containing an extensive 'Indorsement
of President Taft. Moth reMrts re
ceived much npplnusn from the differ
ent sections of tho house. There was
no debate. When roll cull came tho
convention refused to substitute the
minority for tho majority report by a
vote of to 815. The platform
was then adopted.
During the balloting a picture of
Tnft was shown nnd It was innde the
occasion for n great show of approval.
Ijitcr n picture of Roosevelt wns
shown In lllio innnner nnd the other
crowd did the applauding.
An effort was made to force n vote
on the parts of tho resolution report,
nd' It finally got Into tho form of a
vote to sustain the claim Mint the
adoption fr the report could not ho
divided. There was another faction
division, with the usual result. The
platform was finally ndopted on a
nhort faction vote.
Following the adoption of the plat
form Just as presented by the maor
Ity, tho convention elected the mem
bers of the stute committee, who were
reported from the caucuses. At no
time during tho day was there tiny
nngry talk nnd everything wns ne
cepted as final. Few speeches were
mnde, both sides contenting ithein
Helves with a show of strength on tho
roll calls. A. M. Deyoe of Hancock
county, the cnndldnto for stnto super
intendent, is regarded as nn nble man,
Who will fill the office well.
During the week Taft clubs decided
upon continuing their organization
during the next two years and they
will maintain a headquarters and do
tome work Jn the campaign for some
9f the candidates for congress.
The Platform.
The majority report of the resolu
tions committee was as follows tn the
points of greatest interest.
The Republicans of Iowa, through
their delegates selected according to
the law of the state, make the follow
ing declaration of their views upon
public affairs:
They declare thut to deserve the
continued support of the people the
party should oppose by every means
in Its power any political encroach
ments or legislative Interference by
those who seek to reap extortionate
profits through the acquisition of un
just privileges.
They reaffirm their loyalty to the
Republican national platform of 1908,
and pledge themselves to do whatso
ever they can to carry every purt of
it into full effect. They especially em
phasize their long and well settled
faith In the Republican doctrine of pro
tection. Its soundness and wisdom are
beyond controversy and It ought to be
accepted as the established policy of
the nation. The last Republican na
tional platform announced with e'ear
ness and precision the rules for its
application to imports, and when so
applied it safeguards equal'y the in
terests of labor and capital, and pro
motes equally the wclfara of the pro
ducer and the consumer. They do not
recognize the revision of 1909 as a
satisfactory fulfillment of the party
Request for Tariff Board.
In order to bring the tariff law Into
a complete compliance with the rule
of the platform , It is necessary thut
the differences between the cost of
producing dutluble commodities at
home and abroad should be equal'y
known. Therefore they favor the crea
tion of an Independent, non-partisan
tariff commission, which shall be the
instrumentality of congress to ascer
tain the difference between the cost
of production here and in other coun
tries, and publish the facts so that not
only congress, but the people shall be
advised of the results of Its investi
gations. Until such a commission is
authorized they approve the effort of
the president to secure the desired In
formation through a board of experts
employed for that purpose. They pro
foundly believe that when the tariff Is
again revised Its schedules should be
considered so that ench subject can
be deolt with upon Its own merits, nnd
thus secure fair and Impnrtlnl action
upon the part of congress.
They indorse such efforts ns Presi
dent Tnft and his advisers have mnde
to fulfill the promises of the nntlonal
platform and which hove been In har
mony with the declarations gf this
Praise for Dolliver and Cummins.
They commend to the nation the
type of statesmanship exhibited by
Scnntors Dolliver nnd Cummins, and
they hcurtlly Indorse their work upon
tho tariff bill, the railroad bill nnd the
postal savings bill. The patriotic ef
forts of our senators to protect t!te
public rights from tho greed of special
interests In national legislation has
excited tho admiration of the country;
their attempt to secure tho largest
measure of equitable revision tn the
tariff law wns a Republican defense
of the people's welfare; their Insist
ence determined largely the beneficial
features of tho railroad law, and It Is
with pride thut the Republlcons of
Iowa recognize the contribution of
their chosen representatives to tho
welfare of the nation.
They commend the notion of the
house of representatives In revising
Its rules, glvlni; to the Individual
members n greater freedom of expres
sion and Initiative In the discharge of
his duty, and they Indorse the contri
butions of Iowa's representatives tc
this most Important reform.
The Republicans of Iowa are tho
best Judges of the Republicanism of
tho senators nnd representatives
whom they send to congress nnd they
resent any nttempt to exclude any of
thm from the honors nnd privileges
which properly attach to membership
In the Republican party.
On State Affairs.
Tn the administration of stnte af
fairs, n high degree of efficiency on
the pnrt of Governor Carroll nnd of
all of his ofndnl associates Justifies
the continued confidence of the people
In Republican control. Our Institu
tions have been enlarged In Reope and
Improved In chnructer nnd usefulness,
while the levy for state support Is be
ing reduced. All the Republican can
didates for stnte nnd congressional of
fice regularly nominated have to their
credit such excellent public service
and promise thut we call upon nil Re
publicans to rally to their support nnd
see that every man on the ticket is
triumphantly elected.
Infringement Suit Dismissed.
Dubuque, la., Aug. 4. Sustaining
the contention of tho defendant that
tho patentee of an Improvement of
liners for centrifugal bowls wns not
the Inventor nnd hence tho defendnnt
could not bo held for Infringement,
Judge Reed In the federal court de
cided tho case of the Delnval Sop-
nrntor compnny of New Jersey agnlnst
the Iowa Separator company of Water
loo, la., in favor of the latter.
Cumbo Lake Near Hancock Drained.
Hancock, Ia Aug. 4. Gumbo lnko,
south of Hancock, has been drained
Into the river. The lake was In the
drnlnngo district, and its water will
In the future go down the big ditch,
ind n large sertlon of One farm land
will be reclaimed.
Nom'nate S i Out ot Eight Can
didates for Congress.
Representatives From Leavenworth
and Pittsburg Pull Through With
Reduced Pluralities Gov. Stubbs,
Who Led Progressive Fight, It Re
nominated. Topeka, Kan., Aug. 4. Insurgents
won almost a complete victory at thy
Kansas primaries.
Six out of eight insurgent candi
dates for congress have been nominat
ed In spite of everything the congres
sional organization in Washington
and the regulars in Kansas could do
to save their men. The majorities
run from 1,000 to 3,500.
Of the six standpat congressmen
who were seeking renomlnation, only
two are sure of having their names
on the ticket this fall. In the Third
district P. P. Campbell defeated Ar
thur Cranston, Insurgent. In the
First district Representative D. R, An
thony, a strong Cannon adherent, won
over T. A. McNeal, Insurgent. An
thony'B majority will be close to 600.
Representative William A. Calder
head, in the Fifth, leader of the stand
patters, was defeated by about 2,000
Victor Murdock and E. P. Madison,
Insurgent leaders, had no opposition
and will he returned to congress.
W. R. Stubbs, for governor, has been
renominated with a majority over
Thomas Wagstaff of about 20,000, or 2,
000 more than he had over Cy Leland
two years ago. Stubbs Is an Insur
gent; Wagstaff a regular.
McNeal and Cruce Leading In Contests
for Head of Ticket.
Guthrie, Okla., Aug. 4 Insurgent
Republican candidates for congress in
the primary election were defeated in
three Oklahoma districts In which
definite returns have been obtained.
The following standpatters were re
nominated: McGuire, Morgan and
Returns Indicate that the race be
tween Cruce and W. II. Murphy
for the Democratic nomination for
governor was close, with Cruce lead
Ing by a smoll majority.
Joseph McNeal of Guthrie Is run
ning ahead' of Thomas Ferguson for
the Republican gubernatorial nomina
tion. Missouri Nominees.
St. Imls, Aug. 4. Missouri ten
Democratic congressmen und nt least
two of three Republican members of
the lower house were renominated' at
tho primary election. The exception
on the Republican side Is Congress
man Charles A. Crow of the Four
teenth district, against whom David
W. Hill, nn Insurgent Republican, is
pitted. Tho result will probnbly not
be known for a couple of days, be
cnuso of the Inaccessibility of the
country comprising the district.
Attack American Tradesmen and Goods
In Canton District.
Canton, China, Aug. 4. A boycott of
American goods and inerennnts on
similar lines to the one which several
years ago caused millions of dollars
damage to American trade In China,
has been proclaimed here in response
to complaints of treatment of Chinese
In America.
Nut Meat Firm In Trouble.
Washington, Aug. 4. Peanut steaks,
nut chops and other protein prepara
tions have not proved profitable sub
stitutes for the good, old fashioned
meats nnd vegetables, according to
Ada L. Clark nnd a number of other
stockholders of the Vegetarian Meat
compnny of this city, which wns cited
to appear in court next week to show
cnuso why the company should not
be dissolved.
Investigate Bribe Offer.
Muskogee, Okla., Aug. 4. Investiga
tion of charges made in (lie United
States senate by Senator T. p. Core,
that lie and a member o!' Pie hous. of
representatives, each hi:, I been cfiVrci
I bribe el' SlTvO'io to r. toy a mIicho,
whereby the In Hans of oUahoma
were to bo deprlvt-d of S": 1 u h,id prof
Its due tlieni thro u;b V r of coal
and asphalt lambs in t'.ns n;.' was bo
gun here tn'av.
McLeod Is the M"n Cnvbstt'n Cocking.
Ba'ie::!'. (!.. A. 1: 1 The Hen
tity of ,t;iiios .1. ('rr'i'iis "unknown,"
whom the lovnirr chatuiion experts to
win the clinmHoiis ilp from Jack
Johnson for the white rare, was re
vealed In n message from Albany,
Mo. Miles McKkkI, a young giant,
twenty-seven years old and weighing
250 pounds, Is Corbett's protege.
plan German Pythian Order.
Milwaukee, Aug. 4. One of the
most iniportnnt rerominendntlons
mndo by Supreme Chancellor Brown
at the Pythian, convention wns that
steps be taken nt once to have the
ritual, Installation sen Ices, nnd appli
cation for knighthood printed in the
German language to permit the Intro
duction of the society on German soil
We hate to see you go, but we will not carry you over
the winter. Beginning this week
All Straw Hats Off
If you havent bot a straw hat yet or if youi hat has
become dirty and soiled, you can buy a bran new fresh one now and here at sucn a
low figure you'll never miss the money. Strictly lt price on .every straw hat in the
house. Nothing Reserved.
5c Hats 2 1-2c; 10c Hats 5c; 50c Hats 25c; $1.00 Hats 50c;
$2.00 Hats $1.00; $5.00 Panamas $2.50, Etc.
We have quite a good assortment of sizes left, but advise you to come' early for
best selections. "
Those sample silk ties at 29c are moving fast. If you want one come at once.
Those summer suits at $9 are the biggest suit bargains in this part of Nebras
ka. You'll be kicking yourself if you miss this.
Other clearance lines are closing fast but there are still many clever bargains for
the close buyer. ,
Fred Barcus was a passenger to
Glenwood yesterday afternoon on bus
James LIndsey spent the day In
Omaha, going on the early train this
Miss Blaine Newiand was a passen
ger to Omaha on the morning Bur
lington train.
Tom Murphy of Omaha came down
last evening to visit a short time with
his mother and sisters In this city.
Mrs. Howard of Omaha transacted
business in Plattsmouth between
train today, later returning to Om
aha. Mrs. Minor and daughter, Miss
Madeline, spent the day In the me
tropolis, going on the first train this
C. S. Johnson and Miss Bess Ed
wards were passengers to Malvern
today to see the ball games and vis-
It the carnival.
Mr. Bruce and the Haney brothers
of the Glenwood Granite works were
In the city last evening and autoed
to Glenwood after supper.
Miss Edna Peterson was a passen
ger to Lincoln Sunday morning where
she will spend a week or ten days
visiting relatives and friends.
The band concert at the corner of
Fourth and Main streets, will open at
8 o'clock. If you come out and hear
the music you will not regret, it.
Ray Smith ; of Emerson, la., who
has been the guest of his brother
Marlon Smith for a few days, return
ed to bis home this afternoon.
Mrs. J. C. Coffman and Mrs. Chan
dler arrived this morning from Villa
Grove, 111., and will be the guests of
Mr. Coffman's parents for a time.
Philip Rlhm, the genial clerk on
the grocery side of E. G. Dovey &
Son's store, was called to Omaha this
afternoon to Interview the Jobbers.
Mrs. Ellas Sage returned to her
home at Maywood, Neb., this after
noon after visiting Mrs. O. M.
Strelght and other friends in this city
for a time.
Mrs. Thomas Walling went to Om
aha this afternoon and visited with
friends between trains. Mr. Walling
did not return from Malvern but stay
ed to see the games today.
McMaken & Son aro placing cement
approaches on the north and south
of C. W. Baylor's scale at his coal
yard, which improvement will add
much to the value of the property.
Mrs. McGuire left for Gretna this
morning where sho will visit relatives
for n few days. She was accompanied
by her two little nelces who have been
visiting at tho McGuire home for a
short time.
Charles King nnd wife ami two
children who have been guests of
Mrs. T. II. Pollock, T. M. Patterson
and Rny Patterson for three weeks,
returned to their home nt Wakegan,
111., this afternoon.
J. S. Hall was called to Omaha this
morning whore he Is figuring with I.
Pearlman for the construction and
placing of a largo steam heating plant
for Mr. rcarlmnn. Tho plant will be
used for heating three largo build
ings. J. F. Warren and wife and child
of Carson, la., and Mrs. Claud Bor
uft who have been the guests of
Mesdames Warren nnd Boruff's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith for
a few days, departed for their homes
The Home of Satisfaction
Fred Ramge returned from Omaha
this morning where he has been on
Miss Hattle Fight was a passenger
to Omaha on the morning train to
spend the day.
Frank Marshall went to Malvern
this morning to take in the carnival
and witness the games and races.
Adoplh Gelse went to Malvern on
No. 4 this morning to take In the
amusements, especially the ball game.
Misses Mabel and Myrtle Poisall
went to Malvern today to attend the
carnival and witness the ball game.
Miss Katherlne Dovey returned
this morning from Seward, where she
has been visiting with relatives for a
J. M. Roberts and E. A. Wurl were
called to Omaha on business this af
ternoon, going there on the fast mail
at noon.
John Hall and Clay Conner board
ed the morning train for the metrop
olis today where they were called on
Mrs. Henry Waterman came down
from Lincoln last evening for a vis
it at the home of John Waterman for
a few days.
John Hinton and his sister, Mrs.
John Lloyd from near Murray, were
looking after business matters in this
city today.
James Sage and wire who have
been visiting In Texas and Oklahoma
for two weeks, will return home this
Mrs. Albert Funk who has been
visiting her parents in this city for a
time, departed for Bralnard, Neb.,
this morning.
Mrs. Nels Crisslnger and Miss Olga
Sattler went to Red Oak on the morn
ing train today to attend the Fire
mans' tournament.
WANTED Fresh, sweet cream, 18
to 20 per cent. Can use 20 to 30
gallons per week. Nemetz & Co-,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dr. Walker and his mother, Mrs.
James A. Walker, were in the city
yesterday afternoon to attend the
funeral of Ben Hart.
Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bachelor,
both of Glenwood, were in the city
last evening doing some shopping
with our merchants.
Charles Gerlack and Frank Ber
gren of near Mauley were In the city
looking after business at the county
attorney's office today.
A. Hedengren, master carpenter of
the Burlington, wns a Plattsmouth
visitor last evening looking after bus
iness for the company.
Mrs. Joo Wales nnd Mrs. Ward
Clark were passengers on No. 6 this
morning for Red Oak where the Fire
man's tournament Is in session today.
C. 11. Taylor, county attorney, went
to Avoca yesterday morning and ap
peared on one side of a civil suit
there pending before a Justice of the
peace, returning to Plattsmouth last
Dan Rico who was overcome with
heat last Monday, was able to be on t
tho street today, but says he Is not
fully recovered from the effects of
the Bunstroke yet. As he Is troubled
with pain in the head.
W. L. Austin and daughter, Miss
Clara, accompanied by Miss Mar
garet Zlnimerer left for the Epworth
assembly at Lincoln this morning.
Miss Austin and Miss ZImmerer will
depart for Red Cloud tomorrow. Mr.
Austin will remain at the assembly
until Tuesday next.
So os
Ten acres of Braizora
and Matagorda county,
Texas land will earn you
$150 an acre or $1,500
the first year you own it
If you buy In the Hasina Colony,
75 miles south of Houston, on the
main line of St. Louis, Brownsville
and St. Louis railroads.
We Will Develop This Land the
First Year for you so It will bring
Immediate returns and take part of
croy for our pay for the develop
ment. This colony consists of 7,000 acres
divided Into 10 acre tracts, every
tract on a road, and none over 3 1-2
miles from railroad station. You
can buy as much as you want. Large
settlements all around and near the
state farm, close to sugar mills, fig
preserving plants and the best mar
kets of the country. Near the big
Omaha colony and considered by soil
experts to be the finest body of land
south of Houston. Owned by pri
vate parties. The development Is in
charge of Lewis Weeks, late a suc
cessful farmer for 25 years of Saun
ders county, Neb., who lives on the
land. Delevoped land in this section
sells from $250 to $1,000 an acre.
Write for detailed Information toW.
V. St. Clair, Ashland, Xeb., and let
me know when you can go. Many
have bought without going. An in
vestment of $600 to $700 on easy
terms, will do the business. Write
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Isn't
a common, every day cough mixture.
It is a meritorious remedy for all the
troublesome and dangerous compli
cations resulting from cold in the
head, throat, chest or lungs. Sold by
all dealers.
WANTED Agents for county for
high grade 4-cyllnder automobiles.
References exchanged. Address Lock
Box 519, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The busiest and mightiest little
thing that ever was made is Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They do the work whenever you re
quire their aid. These tablets change
weakness into strength, listlossness
Into energy, gloominess into Joyous
ness. Tholr action Is so gentle one
don't realize they have taken a pur
gative. Sold by all dealers.
Change of time of Missouri Paci
fic trains effective August 1, 1910:
Trains (iii South.
No. 104 to Kansas City, passenger,
10:07 a. m.
No. 10G to Kansas City, pnssengor,
12:03 a. m.
No. 194 to Auburn, local freight,
1 1 a. in.
Trains Going North.
No. 103 to Omaha, passenger 5:03
p. m.
No. 105 to Omaha, passenger, 6:23
a. m.
No. 193 to Omaha, local freight, 3:25
p. m. II. Norton,
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nev
er disappoints those who use It for
obstinate coughs, colds and irrita
tions of th throat and lungs. It
stands unrivalled as a remedy for all
throat and lung diseases. Sold by
all dealers.