Neb. Soc. be JjMattetitotttb Journal. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXIX FLATTSMOUTTi, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY .IULY 28, 1910 NO 5 PLATTSMO U I H no Defeats Union Saturday by a Score of 3 to 1 Loses Hard Fought Sixteen Inning Game to C. B. & Q. Team Yesterday. From Monday's Daily. Plattsinouth won the game from Union Saturday and lost the one play ed on the Chicago avenue grounds yesterday to the C. B. & Q. team of Omaha. The first came was tak en from Union after a fierce struggle in -which the colts distinguished themselves by fine playing. The team which faced Union was largely com posed of try-outs who are being given a trial preparatory to real work against the swift clubs. Fender pitch ed and nobody here Imagined he would do what he did but he certain ly came close to shutting the Unions out in the contest. He twirled bul which amazed the home team and when he had finished he was voted the find of the year. He had ex cellent support Including the mem bers of the team who were unused to his playing but who were there when It came down to playing ball behind him. The score was 3 to 1 In favor of Plattsmouth, the Union team get ting their lone run In the ninth in ning. Yesterday afternon Plattsmouth got up against the game of its life. Earring the sixteen Inning contest with the Ft. Crok soldiers no bet ter game has been player this year than this one. Had it not been for a lot of errors in the first Inning Plattsmouth would have been shut out but this was avoided. The Bur lington Red Sox strengthened by a number of new players came to town and they came within an ace of mak ing Plattsmouth look like a bunch of bad deuces. The pitcher for the Bur lingtons was there and over when it came to tossing the ball and was really entitled to a shutout. He was air-tighf Tt&r the first Inning an held the heavy hitters of the local team safe at all stages of the game. He made a record for local games, having a strikeout list of twenty-one men which is some strike out list. Whether he Is Mason or not remains to be seen but he Is some pitcher at that, riattsmouth played a gritty A House Party, Miss Ellen C. Pollock has been entertaining Misses Ole Belle Hervey and Alice Woodworth of Omaha, Esther Bonsall of Salem, Ohio, Isa dore Sheldon of Nehawka and Mary Hungate of Weeping Water at her home "Hillcrest" at a house party since last Friday and which closes this afternoon. Saturday afternoon Miss Hallie Fa'rmele entertained at a bridge par ty at her home In honor of the house party girls. In the card contest, Miss Alice Woodworth won the prize. Light refreshments were served. Those in attendance besides the honored guests were Misses Charlotte Fetzer, Luclle Gass, Medeline Minor, Elizabeth Falter, Kathryn Windham, Helen Clark and Ellen Pollock. Saturday evening Miss Ellen Pol lock gave a lawn party in honor of the house party girls, which was a de lightful social affair. The lawn was prettily lighted with Japanese lan terns. The principal amusement was derived from a guessing game, in which a journey around the world was taken, the various points indi cated In the game being located about the Pollock lawn. Light refresh ments were served. The guests present beside the hon ored guests were Miss Halllo Par mele, Kathryn Windham, Luclle Gass, Helen Clark, Vesta Douglass, Dorris Patterson, Mildred Cummins, Eliza beth Falter, Madeline Minor. Messrs. Wayne and Clyde Murphy of Omaha, John Woodworth of Omaha, Lynn Minor, George and Grovemor Dovey, Will Ramsey, Livingston Rlchey, Wayne Dickson, Charles Patterson, Fred Mnnn, Emmons Rlchey, Jock rn.terson, John Falter, Searlo 11n dce and CInronrp Sfaats. . , . Death tM .lvo. iv ,m m . t . t ,, 1 pen Muttil.t v I in II v. Charles Cook received n me-susie li-t evening fmnouiicini; the of his brother-in-law, Kimene Lewis .'it Ills homo in Alvo, Tim decease I was a brother of Mr. Cook and Mis. Fi'cil Dreamer and a very fine man. Tie many frl nda of Mrs. Conk in tills vldrlty will Join In hlnccve.. sym pathy wih her In her In rcave'i'ei:'. E and uphill game and Eardwell was at his best. He twirled magnificent ball and held the visitors to scatter ing hits as the score shows but he could not stop the winning rush of the Burlingtons who wanted revenge for the two beatings which riatts mouth had given them before. And they sure got It. After the one lone first Inning there never was a look In for Platts mouth. Young Mr. Mason who is some pitcher, believe me, was right there and the boys who have been used to lacing the leather to the far corners of the lot, fell down most horribly in connecting with his curves and that they played some fast ball. Eardwell kept the visitors hits well scattered and only a lucky drive to center in the ninth played havoc with Plattsmouth. This drive was a clean single and followed by a stolen base and a safe hit scored the win ning run. Plattsmouth fought des perately and the game went to six teen Innings with a large and im patient crowd in suspense until the Burlingtons rapped out a fine long hit in the finsh and won the game. It was no disgrace to the locals to lose this game as they played mighty good ball and simply went up against a strong team which could win almost anything they tried to. The Burlingtons with the team they had In Plattsmouth yesterday could play almost anything on the dla mond and their pitcher certainly did his best to get a shutout on the locals and came well nigh doing it. But with all this the best team in eastern Nebraska is located in Plattsmouth and is ready and willing to meet all comers. Herold played a fine game yesterday and his support of Eardwell was timely and much in evi dence. McCauley, Droege, Mann, Beal, Mason, and Kelly also cov- themselves with glory in their field ing and good team work and the Plattsmouth team as a whole can well be proud of their record. The score is: B ..0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 P ...2 00000000000000 02 A Picnic Supper. In spite of the intese heat, a merry company of picnickers wended their way to Ferry Glen Saturday after noon about C o'clock for the purpose of enjoying an outing and participat ing In a meal In the open air. The first hour or so was spent in various outdoor sports and boating and a very enjoyable time was had. Prep arations for the picnic supper was then begun and when It was announ ced that it was ready for the on slaugh, the jolly picnickers gathered about the festive spread, well armed with appetites large enough to eat one of the bluffs nearby. The many delicacies which make up a delicious picnic supper and which were to be found In abundance, in the various baskets which had been brought, soon disappeared. They returned to thl3 city at a late hour, having had a most delight ful time. Another very enjoyable fea ture of the evening was that of toasting marshmallow8 over an open fire and which furnished plenty of amusement for some time. Those In attendance were Misses Verna Hatt, Ina Tatt, Hazel Tuey, Edna Morrison, Mattie Larson, Jennie Eatton, Cecil Ilawkenbary, Lillian Thompson, Mrs. John Hatt, Mrs. J. L. Thompson, Messrs. Ralph Smith, Roy Thompson, Francis Whelan, Jennings Sclvers, George Morrison and Mr. Moore. Sufciini; Fres-n Poison, J. Linderman Is spending several days on the sick list, having had an attack of blood poisoning on tho left arm. It is doubtful how tfie Infection started but it is sure there as he has a ery mean looking arm and is suf fering unite a bit of pain. His many friends in tle city and Its vicinity (tone that the attack will prove a .... , .. . . ,,,,,,, !;t1it one and Hint he w be able to ' s""n nbout nil right and nine to j lt""Ii nftrr lil.-i --oi-lt. j .lames Holmes and wife and Mis. ('. Boecleker came up this inorn- ln and were pnsseimers for Omaha where thov Will Micnd the elav v!lh r,.. -... nlH0 (lo Foinp i,'p:,ir'rn development and its extension to an I sic t;... ,v.i..t..--. the cM cr t.nn of the county. LETTERJO PUBLIC Communication From Mr. F. H. Woods in Regard 'to the Telephone' Merger To the Editor: In your Issue of July 19th, you record the fact that a petition Is be ing circulated and signed by Platts mouth business men asking Attorney General Thompson to consent to a modification of the court order he caused to be Issued to the end that the toll lines of the Bell Telephone company may remain connected with the Independent Telephone exchange upon which there still remain the toll line connections of the Inde pendent systems of this state. In the same issue you connect my name with certain matters related by Mr. Pratt of the Bell company referring to alleged negotiations for the pur chase of the Plattsmouth company. As these matters all Intimately con cern the people of Plattsmouth and especially the telephone users, I think I am entitled to ask of you the ne cessary space for a complete state ment of the truth of the situation. The business men who are reputed to Jiave signed this petition have either been misled or they do not completely understand just what Is going to happen to them If the Bell purchase Is ever ratified by the courts. As the statutes of Nebraska specifically prohibit the purchase and merger of competing companies of any kind whatever, the same being in restraint of trade and Intended to destroy competition. I do not believe that this transaction will ever receive Judicial sanction. The signa tures to this petition were obtained, if I read your article aright, upon the representation that if the modi fication be granted the Independent subscribers will not only continue to enjoy the privilege of ' connections with the Independent systems of Ne braska, but will also be afforded the opportunity to use the Bell to reach other points. The truth Is that the policy of the Eell has always been and Is yet to refuse to make physi cal connections with competing com panies, granting that privilege only to sub-licenses. This means that the Bell will of itself sever these In dependent connections should it ever come into complete control of the Plattsmouth exchange, being unwill. Ing to divide any part of the toll bus lness with competitors. The Independent toll lines now on the Plattsmouth exchange a.rd your merchants connections with Lincoln, Omaha, South Omaha, Council Bluffs, St. Joseph and Kansas City, which, I apprehend, compose the Jobbing cen ters with whom these men do the most of their business. Aside from this direct connections are given with over 80,000 telephones upon the va rious Independent lines of the state, more than twice as many as are own ed by the Bell. Under existing con ditions and the .present Bell policy your business men must lose these connections. They cannot permanent ly retain both toll lines on their lo cal exchange. . Do your people generally under stand what It means to them if the Bell is again permitted to enjoy a monopoly of the telephone business in Plattsmouth? Let me recall to their recollection the condition that prevailed before competition present ed itself. The rates charged by the Bell were exorbitant, the telephones In service were of an antl-ouated type, they were comparatively few in number, extensions were refused un til the Bell got ready to give them, farm line connections were denied, and as Is natural with foreign mono polies the treatment of patrons was arbitrary. If you didn't like the serv ice you didn't need to keep it. These conditions were so Intolerable that a local company was formed to give the service that the people were clamor ing for. Do you recall that Immediately thereafter the attitude of tho Bell was changed. Extensions were freely offered, central energy telephones of tho newest type wero exchanged for the oi l rlng-tliein-up-yonrself style. Kates were reduced to fifty cents a month In many cases and free serv ice" offered In .other instances. Tim pi oplo of Plattsmouth, however, hav ing om o hud a sample of I'.ell auto cracy refused these lures. They stink by tl-elr home company, paid it. liv ing rates and rave it that iicourae nient which made possible Its prc- The taking over of the Plattsmouth exchange by the Bell company, If it Is ever accomplished, will mean a return to old conditions. The Bell will In time recoup itself for the losses competition has caused it in your city. Rates will be raised and if the service Is not to your liking there will be no other company to which you may turn to secure what is desired, no other company to use as a rod In pickle to get what you ought to have. The Bell has re cently purchased exchanges In Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Des Moines and other cities. Immediately after con solidation began a movement for an Increase in rates. Plattsmouth's ex perience will be the same. It is In the nature of monopoly, of a trust, to exact all it can and give as little as it must. The Bell Telephone company is a trust. It makes no denial of the fact. All of its literature and all of its arguments are along the line that the telephone Is a natural monopoly, that competition is an abnormal growth destined to die out and leave it In full possession of the field. It has kept on saying this during all of the years that Independent telephony has been growing from a few scatter ed companies in Indiana and Michi gan, until today, when 4,500,000 of the 8,000,000 telephones In this coun try are owned by companies other than the Bell and its licensees. Af ter almost twenty years of complete monopoly, granted it by patents, the Bell has Installed less than 300,000 telephones. Not until competition spurred both sides on did real devel opment begin and multiply. Its fruits have been a tremendous cheapening and a vast betterment of telephone service. To illustrate, In Lincoln be fore competition a business man paid $72 a year for 1500 possible con nections. Today if he has both tele phones he pays but $90 a year "and has connections with 11,000 persons. A large proportion of the business and professional men use only the Independent telephone. They pay $18 and have over 8,000 connections. The statement that I was actuated by piciue or failure to secure for my self the Plattsmouth Telephone com pany Is not true. From the beginning the relations of the Lincoln company with the Plattsmouth corporation were friendly and co-operative. We helped it develop the Haveiock plant, which it had started before the Lin coin company was organized. "Ttusl ness has been freely Interchanged, and the only exclusive contract that the Plattsmouth company has ever been asked to sign Is that which other Independents are signing, bind ing each other to a twenty-five year contract to maintain exclusive con nections. The object was to pro tect all from encroachments by the Bell, to protect the Independent groups from disintegration by Bell purchasers here and there, a system of warfare It practices akin to that of the general who picks off his strongest antagnoists so that he may at his leisure crush the remainder of the opposing force. Some time ago officers cf the Plattsmouth company asked me for aid. I agreed to loan them $r.0,000 for the purpose of nraklng extensions, but this gave me no greater Interest than I had before and afforded no protection against Bell Invasion. I have not the Information at hand to de finitely state tho secret details of tho transaction which resulted In the transfer of the Plattsmouth company to Bell agents, but If some of the stock purchases wero made on the representation that it was in the in terest of the Independent system, the deception practiced would lead on to the conclusion that an investigation will disclose that thoso who were on the inside, who had control to sell may have profited In a greater ratio than thoso who parted with their stock unaware of Its ultlmato desti nation, In the trensury of tho Bell Telephone company. This deception, It seems to me, Is all the more Inex cusable when It is recalled that tho franchises thus disposed of were free ly granted by neighbors for the ex press purpose of relieving them of Bell oppression. What tho Bell sought most and bought was not the major stock interest held, but the strategic position this and tho two other companies purchased nt. the same tlnm held In southeastern Ne braska. What It purchased van the opportunity to drive a wodiio into competition 1 tint bad cheapened cost and multiplied service, and those who could rcll this were In a position to exact more than those who either sold urnlcr misrepresentation or wero not asked to sell, the minority stockhold er who must take whatever tho Dell ' hereafter choices to plvo him. If ln, ,, miuoilty MockhoMors desire to know what the future holds in store) for them, let them read what hap- ) pened to the minority stockholders in licensee companies like the Missouri & Kansas and the Central Union, vhose holding are today worth a third of what they cost, and have long been as quoted on the open market. There Is another phase of this mat ter of Intense Interest to the people of Plattsmouth. Competition has saved your community many thous ands of dollars. Let a brUY compu tation suffice to show the truth of this. Before competition, the Bell had about 40 telephones in service. It charged for business tcV-phones at the rate of $48 a year and for resi dence telephones $30 a year. If we assume that the same develop ment had takeu place under mono poly as has actually taken place un der competition and that no Increase in rates had been asked for the greater service rendered, the tele phone bill of Plattsmouth today would be $28,000 a year. Instead of that you have been paying but $10,- 800 at the rate of $24 for business and $12 for residence, giving a clear saving of $18,000 a year, or enough in the ten years of competition to build anew the exchange now in serv ice and leave a balance large enough to build a new court house. The truth is that no such development would have taken place because mon opoly breeds no such expansion, and the rates would have been Increased with the growth of the exchange In stead of lowered with the growth of competition. When to this sum is added the annual saving on the other exchanges on the Plattsmouth sys tem and In toll connection costs, re duced through competition, the total Is greatly Increased. Other companies served by Platts mouth company have made propor tional savings under competitive con ditions. These old rate conditions are certain to be restored under a Bell monopoly. They have elsewhere where competition has been eliminat ed, and Plattsmouth will be no excep tion. It seems to me tlint a little reflec tion will convince the people of Plattsmouth and the patrons of the company In other cities it served that their interests lie with thoso who are endeavoring to maintain competi tion in your city, and not with those who w.ould destroy it. Tho tele phone trust Is no different from any other trust, and experience hns taught people to regard all of them as ene mies of the public Interest. Frank II. Woods. C. H. H. A Pleasant (I'lithcilng. A very pleasant party was held at Frank Svthla's place last Saturday afternoon, a number of Plattsmouth's oung people being In attendance. The croning feature of the gathering was the grand three course luncheon that was served in the late evening. There was a fine party of young people present and the afternoon was spent In the usual manner of such gath erings with a largo crowd of young people taking In the dinner and lunch con which was prepared. The games which were held during the after noon were interesting and there was lots of fun for all who attended. Those who attended were Misses Celcilla Kalosek, Anna Burlanek, KHz abeth Holly, Jossle Chechal, Palibo Svohoda, Messrs. Roy Wray, Frank Rehal, Clarence Mason, Joe Llndsoy, Fane Morris. Tho party had a fine time wading In the creek and fishing for craw dads. There is a fine spring in the premises and this was used to the best advantage. The luncheon which Is spoken of above was one of tho fin est ever and was well worth tho trip alone. The party returned In the ev ening tired but happy. A l ino Saloon. From Monday's Dolly. Mino Host Peter Goos of the Hotel Plattsmouth Is doing some work at his hostelry which Is well worth no ting. Peter is having tho celling of his bar lined with a fancy zinc roof ing which is worth while. Tho de sign is fancy and the work which is done by Kroehler Bros., cannot be excelled. The result Is going to be ono of tho finest barrooms in tho county. Peter was a delegate) to tho lato county option convention at Un ion and feels tlint ho U probably wasting bis time in putt inn In the celling but he is a game lobster and when county option carries Ijn will likely sell Fred Egeitberf, r's pop over the bur. William Gilinour, tho well known Platt.cmonth product fanner ami ' horse raiser Is In tho city .today look- Ing after business matters. Coates Block. Sold Again, From the Omaha Daily News the following item of interest to Platts mouth people is copied. According to this, the Coates block In this city has again changed hands and the con sideration indicates an advance in the price of Plattsmouth realty. J. P. Falter of this city was one of the moving spirits in the deal and he is one of the men who want to see the price of Plattsmouth real estate reach a higher level. The Coates block Is one of the real fine buildings In the city and Is well worth the considera tion paid for it. With the advantage ous location which it has and the fine arrangements for modern con veniences which it enjoys this build ing Is worthy of attention by any' capitalist who has money to Invest. The new owners will find their in vestment a good one Is the belief of all who know what the property is. The Item is as follows: "The Coates block, the largest business block In Plattsmouth, Neb., together with two adjoining brick buildings, have been sold to A. W. Maas of New Orleans, La. Although the consideration named was $100,- 000, It Is said that Mr. Maas conveyed to the original owner of the building, A, n. Shriver of Des Moines, 5,000 acres of land in Morgan ,county, Tenn., as part of the purchase price. Harry H. Culver of Omaha consum mated the deal." 1 '.n Joy an Outing. From Monday's Pally. There were a number who sought, to escape the intense heat of the day yesterday and enjoy life in the woods. They chartered several vehicles and drove out to Cedar Creek early In the morning where they spent the entire clay picnicking, lounging un der the cool shady trees and angling for the finny tribe, of which several were caught. At the noon hour an elegant picnic dinner was spread to which all did full justice and which materially aided In the good time. Enough eatables had been taken along and after every one had had a sufficiency, there was found to bo enough left for another meal. Sup per was prepared In the evening and after having disposed of everything In the "entln" line, they Btarted on their journey homeward and thou were loath to do so as they had had a very fine outing. Those who comprised this com pany of picnickers were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Janda, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Svoboda, Mrs. Barbara Book meyer and daughters, Misses Lillian and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Wurl and Fon Carl, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bookmeyer and son Raymond. Basket Meetlnjf. . Rev. W. C. Lesley who preachcJ at Liuerty Chapel in the precinct yes terday returned this morning to Lin coln, his home. Rev. Lesley will be back on next Sunday and will speak at Liberty Chapel in tho morning and evening. A basket dinner will be held ln the park at the Anderson Dav is place west of Murray In the af ternoon. The meeting yesterday was fairly well attended and there was much Interest manifested ln church work. Rev. Lesley has developed into a great evangellzer in his local ity and Is a popular favorito with the many members of the United Breth ren congregation. Next Sunday prom ises to be one of there red letter days In the history of Liberty Chapel. A Record Breaker. Wlllla Smith was out at C. Bon gen's doing some threshing last week and they made a record week. 1100 bushels of wheat were threshed and this turned out remarkably well. An averago of 40 bushels to the aero was maintained by ono part of Mr. Bengen's farm and his whole farm will show a remarkably high aver age. Mr. Bengen Is one of Cass coun ty's best people and a mighty good farmer as his record above shows. Mr. Bengen with 40 bushels of wheat to the aero stands nt tho head. Booms Want eft. Thoso who have any rooms which they could possibly rent during tho week or five clays, during the County Teachers' Institution which will bo held in this city will confer a favor by calling up County Superintendent Miss Foster. Miss Foster Is having fiomo difficulty ln securing enough places for tho touchers who will bo In attendance and it tho peoplo of this city do not respond to this call within tho iut few days, t ho Insti tute will liavo to bo held elsewhere. George S. Smith, Ruck Blurts pre cinct's good nsseKsor, is spending tho day In tho city on business, driving up from bis farm this morning.