JOHN IIES MID JOil1; Mil Fit- REIVE HEffl FINES III COUHTY Mm JutigeBeeson Imposes Fine of $110.00 Upon Each of Them For Their Part in Last Saturday's Disturbance. Judge Beeson tLia morning fin ished the hearing of the cases of the State vs. John Jones and the State vs. John Kgan and at its conclusion found both of the defendants guilty as charged and assessed their fines as follows: John Jones $10 on the first count, $50 on the second count and ?j0 cn the third county, or a total of $110. John Egan $10 on the first count, -50 ou the second count, and $30 on the third count, or a total of $110. The first count in the complaint charged drunkenness, the second charge was for assault upon Chief Ralney of the local police force and the chief received some rough hand and abusing an officer in the dis charge of his duty. The trouble which occasioned the heavy fines Imposed took place on last Saturday night 1n an uptown saloon when Chief Uainey went into the bar to quell some loud w ords and profanity and valgarity which was going on. At the time a fight ensued in which the two men fined today were alleged to have taken a promi nent part along with Harry Poisall and another young man who is al-, leged to have tried to restrain or hold the officer when he tried to put Toisall, Jones and Egan under ar rest. The fight was a bad one and the chief received some rought hand ling including being hit over the head by a beer bottle and otherwise mal treated. The trial started yesterday after noon with C. H. Taylor and B. S. Ramsey appearing for the state and A.' L. Tidd defending the men. It was a long drawn out and hard fought trial, the entire afternoon be ing taken up in hearing the testi mony which was decidedly indefinite and vague. It seemed hard to se cure statements from the numerous witnesses on the stand as to Just what either of the defendants did in the matter, the witnesses apparently seeing more of what Poisall who was not on trial did than of either of the other defendants. The taking of the testimony was concluded yesterday evening and the argument was set for this morning. C. H. Taylor argued the case for the state and made a clear presenta tion of what' he considered the evi dence and the law while A. L. Tidd made an exhaustive legal argument in' favor of the prisoner's and ques tioned the necessity for the chief's invading the saloon and the condi tions surrounding the riot. At its conclusion Judge Eeeson took up the question of punishment and assessed the fines as above stated. The total of the fines foot up heav ily and there Is also a large bill of costs accumulated which the prison ers will have to pay or lay out in jail. They did not have funds on hand with which to pay their sev eral fines and the costs and in con sequence were remanded to jail where they will have to remain un til some arrangements are made to let them out. Owing to the amount of the costs, the total term which the two men will have to serve will run pretty close to ninety days in Jail. The effect of the stiff sentence im posed Is believed to be salutary and it Is the general opinion that these fines will serve to discourage law lessness and lack of respect for the police power of the city. Chief Rain ey when on the stand yesterday made an excellent witness and was very clear and distinct in his recollection of all the events which took place. Egan was practically convincted upon his testimony as he swore positively to having seen Egan when he hit him with a bottle while Egan could not swear to much of what happen ed and admitted that he was pretty drunk at the time. The fact that both of the defendants plead guilty to being drunk as charged In the first count of the complaint also served to weaken their testimony be fore the court. It is not believed that an appeal will be taken in the matter although It is understood the counsel for the defendants complain ed that his clients did not have a far trial. In connection with this trial it has been said that a conspiracy ex isted in the city to "do up me chief of police and this made him all the more watchful for his life. Chief Ralney during the time he has been on the force for the past sev eral months has made an exceptional ly good officer and has earned many high words of praise from the citi zens generally for his valorous and courageous conduct. That he is en title! to the protection .which the law throws about it3 guardians seems to be the consensus of opin ion and it is believed no more trou ble will take place during the time he remains at the head of the force. Wouldn't Sign. A special from Weeping Water, under date of July 22, says: "The local management of the Plaltsmouth , Telephone company, under the in structions of the company, circulated a petition here among the patrons asking the Judge w ho granted the In junction restraining the officers Jroiu selling to the Bell company, to re- move the injunction and permit the ' sale. Not a single patron of the (company here would sign the petition." Manager Beit 1'olock when shown the above dispatch from Weeping Water stated that the statement In it was true. He explains that when the petition was sent to their manager at that place instructions were given him to interview .the company's pa trons and explain to them in detail the object of the petition. He was supposed to have done this but for some reason unknown to the promo ters of the petition most of the com pany's patrons declined to sign it and the manager telephoned the office here that he could not get the sign ers. He was then advised not U make much of an effort to obtain them but to return the petition un signed to the. local office as It was not the desire of the officials to in sist upon the signatures if the patrons did not want the Increased service. Mr. Pollock stated that a curious fact about the transfer of the stock was that an offer was made to the different stockholders of the com pany Individually, as he understood it, and that the ones who did not want to sell were almost uniformly confined to Weeping Water and that most of them were still holding their stock, although they had the same offer made them that the Flatts mouth stockholders and the holders at the other local exchanges had. Out side of Weeping Water, Mr. Pollock states, the patrons at the other coun ty exchanges were satisfied and sold their stock for par, Just as the pros pective purchasers wanted. He did not regard the statement of the Weeping Water dispatch as at all Imnnrtant and did not consider it as affecting the deal in the least. The Xebraka City lUcen. Nebraska City, Neb., July 27. The attendance at the rares was not as heavy today as yesterday, it being the closing day of the four day race meet. In the 2:20 trotting rate there were twenty entries with ten to start and It was a warmly contested race. Prince Waverly, a chestnut gelding owned by Prince & Cato of Frederick, wou In three straight heats while Check Heart, a bay stallion owned by Henry Thomas of Columbus, was a close second'. In the first heat the time was exceptionally fast. The warmest and fastest race of the af ternoon was the 2: IS trot. There were twelve entries and six starters and the first heat wps won by Belle Tolus, a lay mare owned by Henry Thomas of Columbus, Neb. But the mare failed to show well after that and Homer F., a black stallion own ed by A. E. Noe cf Concordia, Kas., and driven by the owner, took the next three heats, winning the race with L. S. Crum, a chestnut gelding, owned by H W. Brown of Parsons, Kas., a close second. In the running race there were five starters. It was a three-quarter mile dash. Vancenna took the lead until on the home stretch, where she lost it and Lady Breaurard won In 4.',. It was for a purse of $100. 2 3 ELMWOOD. (Leader-Echo). Dan Fentiman is under the doctor's care, having been ill for some time. Mrs. Murfin who has been at the Elmwood hospital for the past four of five weeks, we are informed, is getting better and can now sit up. Misses Lucile and "Willa Minford returned Tuesday from a two weeks trip in the mountains. They visited Denver, Colorado Springs, and many other points of Interest. We are pleased to announce the improvement in the health of Mrs. George Colbert, who was so seriously ill for some time back. Mrs. Colbert now takes her meals with the family. Joseph Mullin and daughter Edith and Miss Margaret Roberts, started Wednesday noon for Brookdale, Col., where they will camp out for a month or more and enjoy fishing for moun tain trout. Mrs. J. Flelschmann was taken se riously 111 Monday and for a time grave hopes were entertained lor her recovery. A change for the better took place Tuesday and at this writ ing she is doing nicely. Word was circulated upon our streets yesterday of the death of Grandma Bothwell. Particulars were not available, but an obituary write up of this estimable old lady we hope to have for 'our next week's issue. Funeral services will be held from the Oliver Bothwell home tomorrow (Saturday) morning nt 10 o'clock. John II. Hart, who has been an in mate for a short time of the Battle Mountain Sanitarium, Hot Springs, S. D., arrived Monday and is a guest of his son Charles, at the Elmwood House. In appearance Mr. Hart is very feeble, but he sa.73 T.n r aoie to cat three square meals a day. The Battle Mountain Sanitarium is a re sort for debilitated old soldiers, and Is one of the most exquisitely fur- Pleasant Surprise Puity. A very pleasant surprise party was given last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Petersen, the guest of honor being their daughter Miss Anna, who was taken quite by surprise but who soon recovered and proceeded to make the guests feel at home. The evening was most pleasantly spent' with games of va rious sorts and in other highly en joyable ways. At the conclusion of the games, a splendid luncheon was served to which the many guests did amide justice. This luncheon had been prepared to suit the appetites of the young folks and It was voted a mighty fine one by all. It was late when the party broke up and the de parting guests took occasion to ex press their thanks to their hostess for the charming evening's enter tainment they had been given. Those attending Included: Misses Celia Taylor, Minnie Fry, Minnie Mc Kay, Stella Gooding, Delia White, Eva Ward, Buelah Parker, Hannah Berggren, Leta Lair, May Peterson, Messrs. Harry White, P. Rihn, Floyd Stone, Henry Perry, Ratio Taylor, Everett Ward, S. E. May abb, Bentlo Stone, Jesse P. Perry, Orphie Stone, Claude Mavabb, George Morrison, Frank Cook, Everett Gooding, Edgar Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Peter sen and Mrs. Lydia Funk. Old Ilesident 111 Town. Newton Russell of Pacific Junction and John Q. Lawhead of Edgemont, S. D., are in ythe city today making a visit coming over from the Junc tion this morning. Mr. Lawhead ar rived In the Junction yesterday for a visit with Mr. Russell and with friends In this city where he former ly worked. He was employed In the Burlington shops here several years since and has quite a number of friends who will be glad to see him back here even for a short visit. He reports that matters around Edge mont are quiet and that this has been a very dry year In that locality. Of course, the country about Edgemont Is not much of an agricultural conn try and it does not depend upon the rains and crops for existence. How ever It 13 a range country and rains are needed to keep the range in good condition. Mr. Lawhead expects to visit several days In this locality with friends Including William Men denhall and a number of others. A Narrow Escape. The Missouri Pacific yesterday af ternoon had a narrow escape from losing their bridge over the Platte river at Louisville by fire. A train crossing the bridge Is believed to have been responsible for the blaze. The theory Is that live coals dropping from the engine ignited the ties and stringers. The fire was discovered by William Diers, a prominent busi ness man of Louisville and Ernest Pautsch, a well known farmer liv ing near that place. The gentlemen had been fishing at the sand pits In Sarpy county and were on their way back to Louisville when they found that several ties and stringers were on fire and that the entire structure was threatened with destruction. The gentlemen reported the fire at once and it was put out. Traffic was not interfered with as the section crew repaired the bridge so that trains could cross In a short time. A good deal of difficulty was experienced In getting water to put out the fire ow ing to the low stage of the river. SUITS! SUITS! Sii'TS! ESE'S SUITS S1 We are having the greatest S1 Sale of men's .suits that evtr I..;:k !v d Takes Vacation. Miss Helen Chapman departed this afternoon for an extended trip to the Pacific coast. She expect3 to be gone for some three months and during that time she will visit Cali fornia with all Its points of Interest, Oregon Including the city of Port land, and Washington with Seattle, Tacoma and the many varied attrac tions In the way of scenery along that country. Miss Chapman has been one of the most faithful of the Bur lington's employes during the past years she has worked for the com pany and has earned a long vacation which she Is now taking. She un doubtedly will have a pleasant time and will find much of Interest to or cupy herself with during her stay on the coast. A large number of her girl friends were at the depot to see her leave. flettinn Aln:f Muisfnetoiily. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray drove up from his home this morning in his automobile to see Oliver Din widdle, his patient. Ill at the Perkins hotel of remittent fever. He found him getting along satisfactorily. Col. J. B. Seyboldt, Murray's popular and well known citizen, aceompnnled him on the trip. Col. Seyboldt had some business matters to look after In the city and had Intended to drive his own machine up when Dr. Brendel nlshed institutions maintained by the j onnie onK BmI nskf(1 nlm f0 af.(.orn government. Mayor John P. Sattler was a pas senger this morning for Omaha and Mrs. Sattler and daughter, Mrs. Jesse AVarga, were passengers on the af ternoon train for Omaha where they will join Mr. Sattler and where they will spend the afternoon with a large party of good friends from Peoria and Pekln, 111. pany him which he did. The gentle men returned to Murray this morning. A. C. Wardell of Boise, Ida., who has been In the city looking after real estate business, was a passenger this afternoon for Omaha from which point he will go to Ashland and Lin coln and return to this city the Int- tor pP't f the week. Will Hold (iirnivul. A special from Louisville under date of July 22, says: "A committee of local merchants met this week and decided that Louisville would hold a three days' carnival beginning Aug ust IS and leasing until August 20 George Edmlsten from near Union Is spending today in the city looking after business. Mr. Edmlsten came up this morning with Matt McQuInn and they Intended to drive back this afternoon even if It had the good luck to rain and rain hard. George Lindsay and wife, John Hopkins of Des Moines, la., and L Draper of Ord, Neb., were a party who journeyed to Omaha this morn Ing for the day. Mr. Hopkins Is a brother of Mrs. Lindsay and has been spending several days in the city making her a visit. Mr. Draper Is a friend of the family from Ord who was down to Omaha with somo cattle and who took advantage of his proxl mlty to run down for a short visit with them. Ball Team (Joes to I'nion. The Plattsmouth Base Ball team today made a trip to Union where they will play the Union team this afternoon. The team Is a patched up one and a number of the strong' est players were not with it. The game will probably prove an exciting one and likely a close one as Platts mouth has not used all its good players for the contest and the Un ion team is one of the best In the ounty outside of this city. The boys were guaranteed mcir expenses vy the Union team to go down there to keep in shape for other games more than anything else. A number of enthusiastic fen friends accompanied them and will root for the locals. Union Is a good base ball town and extra pood for its size and doubtless there will bo quite a crowd In at tendance. There Is ground for sus picion that Charles L. Graves may be injected Into the game as he can't get away from his enthusiasm over the game and would likely feel the bit a little when the contest opens up. The locals are assured of good treatment In Union today and are al ways glad of an Invitation to play ball In that city. To Represent Otoe am Ciish. The Guaranty Fund Life Assur ance association oi uraann nus con cluded arrangements with James II. Donnelly to represent it in Cass and Otoe counties and will assume Ci -.'ranee ii Platts mouth. We are afraid posiii!) -u uuv i.tis this chance to buy Mich good suits at such l"V price. This is a sweeping clearance of all odd suit Most of them are fancies in light s'rays, tans and olive stripes new goods, stylishly made. Among them are a few blacks, blues and plain grays. You can not find such-values in this or any other town. If you doubt it come in and see them or ask the men who have bought them. We have another mighty attractive bargain in our special clearance of high grade suits at These suits arc the finest suits made just the odds and ends we are closing at this unusual price. Only a few mors of thosa "mada In Platttmouth" Shirts left at 59o. Better come now, and don't forget about tlioie Fine Dress Slilits, without collars, we are closing out at 89o. KEW WASH TIES1 NEW HARROW 4-1N HAND TIES JUST RECEIVED! . i. Uescoifs Sons THE HOME OF SATISFACTION TELLS OF MIL- EXPERENG E "Posey" Messersmlth Tells Some Very Interesting Stories W. D., better known as "Posey Messersmlth created some sensation this morning by calling luBtlly for tho police or the sheriff as he thought he was being held up by robbers. JuIIub Nelisen who was on his way home from work, saw Posey and his horse and buggy and at once climbed in for a ride. His motives were looked on by Posey with sus picion and he raised the call for help. Ye Journal reporter aided by Jack Benson Identified Neilson whom Posey had worked with 'steen years ago and smoothed out the trouble. Posey was in a reminiscent mood this morning talking with the crowd, Itlnn nt nncn. Mr. DoniiellV formerly was connected with the as-1 told of how many years ago he was ,io(inn in t,ia rui,v nml hRs done I swni rung mine iocai j-fuuswu.. a great deal of business for it. This U one life company which has given satlrt'aetlon during quite a period of time and which has many good pa trons throughout this county who can lend their endorsement to it. Mr. Donnelly Is a thoroughly capable man and doubtless wil renaw the past success which he bad made with the company, a success which result ed In it being iulto anxious to have 1,1m once more with it. Matt McQuInn, one of Union's best citizens and a well known and popular Democrat, Is spending the day In the fity looking after busi ness matters, having driven up this morning from his homo. Ho paid the Journal one of his usual pleasant visits and Bpent some little time In social conversation with his friends here. Matt Is ono of the men whom the Journal force Is always pleased to see and it hopes he can come ngaln and soon. Jlmmv Pine as yardmaster. One bitter winter day when the wind was howling over tho prairies and snow was coming down in blinding clouds, the main line between this city and Lincoln became blocked and the com pany ordered the bhow plow out. line called Posey before him and told him he would send him to Lin coln with the plow. At once Posey developed tho most severe case of sickness he had ever had or has ever had since. Ho was almost un able to move and his condition was critical indeed. Jimmy relented and called In another man whom ho of fered tho honor to. Tho same dis easo which was threatening to wreck Posey's physical works attacked the other man and ho was compelled (?) to decline the honor much as ho re- cretted it. Pino was at a loss for through the open country It was sim ply awful. Jack described that trip as tho worst he ever experienced. The rhow plow was to run one station ahead ' of train No. .1 and w hen they hit Ash land they ran dear through the town before they knew where they were. They would run along without any trouble for a ways when they wouM hit a cut and Instantly they would bo buried In a wall of snow. So fierce was tho storm that after they had cleared the yards at Greenwood, train No. 3 only a few miles behind they stalled In the cut near that town. It was strange but after that Jack had the same Illness come on which Posey had whenever snow plow was mentioned. Posey states that he will have the greatest crops this year tie ever had. He has corn whic Is Igererdluetaol He has corn which is higher than a man's head. This Is on the lowlands where tho best corn Is being raised this year and It promises a great yield. He believes that he will make a record crop of this cereal tlijs year with any kind of luck at all. He also has a largo crop of cow beets, or forage beets which he will use for feed this winter for his animals. Some of them have grown so rank, however, that they are not available for this purpose and he Intends to saw them off and trim them up and use thein for fence posts. All of which Is some beets. And It beets tho band how Posey's Imagination has grown, too. Secretary-Theasurer Hood of the Lincoln Independent Telephone com pany, representing Frank it. Woods, who Is fighting tho merger between the Pell Interests and the Independ ent phono In this city, camo down this morning from Lincoln to look af ter some business for his company. He paid the Journal a pleasant call and stated Home mil Iters eoncornlnir someone to send out for there had to the WM bctween the two coinpanca CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Soars the Signature of bo a man with the plow when finally ho saw Jack Denson coming down tho tracks. Jack In those days had not I had so much experience as tho other fellows and was not aware of the grief Involved In riding a snow plow through blizzard and when the honor was conferred upon him by Pino with all due dignity, he swelled up and promptly accepted. The run to Lin coln was a wild and fierce one. From here to ARhland everything went ery smooth but from Ashland on out which would make interesting read ing. He returned to his home this afternoon at fl:30. John Fight, wife and daughter, Miss Hattle, were passengers on the morning train for Omaha where they will witness the final windup ot the sangerfest and enjoy the picnic to bo given there by the tinging societies today.