The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1910, Image 4

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
i i Mllshei Seml-Weeklj it Plattsmouth, Nebuski r i
R. A. DATES, Publlshor.
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
The election of Smythe of Om
aha as chairman of the Grand la
land convention by the state conven
tion was a very wise move.
"Plnchot Takes the Stump" nays
a headline; and ccrtalny the process
of deforestation 1h working to Mr.
Mm hot's advantaKe in this Instance.
Perhaps the sagacious Mr. Loeb
prefers not to take the nomination
for governor of New York at HiIh
time, because he would rather wait
for a Republican year.
Every member of congress who
knowllngly had anything to do with
the outrageous rubber tariff scandal
should bo exposed to his constituents.
The tlmo Is near at hand to bounce
all rubber congrcHHincn.
Mr. Ilryan's meetings throughout
the state havo been quite liberally
attended by Republicans and women.
Itut old-time Democrats are very con
spicuous by their absence
A rubber trust Is now being or
ganized, with Senator Aldrlch at the
bead of it. It was bo who Insisted
on Increasing the duty on rubber
manufactures from 30 to 35 per
cent. Seo!
The report that Mr. Bryan wants
Chris Gunther for senator must be
Intended for a huge Joke. Hut Chris
says If he should go to Washing
ton he wanted t committee sent with
hlii) to see that he did not blow out
tho gas.
Old Joe Cannon Is going to help
out the standpatters In Kansas by
several speeches. Why don't the
standpatters In Nebraska get htm
to help them out? Poor Old Joe, he
has but few admirers anywhere. He
Is about all In ,
If Mr. Ilryan can glean any con
solation from tho counties that have
already Jield their conventions he Is
wclcomo to It. The question is, what
will Mr. Ilryan do when the Grand
Island convention falls to endorse
.county option? -
Otoo county Democrats held their
tounty convention on Tuesday and
Delected 16 delegates to the Grand
Island convention. The delegates
were Instructed to vote against coun
ty option and it was done In no un
certain tone, too.
So far "Slippery Elmer" has not
accepted Whedon'a challenge for a
Joint debate on the senator's record
In tho senate. Hurkett Is a coward
when It comes to a Joint discussion
of the Taft-Aldrlch-Cannon tariff. He
will sneak ont of everything of this
Ex-Secretary Garfield has instituted
a war in Ohio to win tho state to
the Insurgents. And this Is the son
of the Martyred President Garfield,
the Boldler and statesman. Certainly
the condition of things are changing
In this once land of liberty and equal
rights to all.
Mr. Bryan's tour of the state in
bfdinlf of county option Is not at
tended with that outburst of enthu
siasm that he expected. Many of his
old friends refused even to attend his
meetings. Mr. Ilryan on local Issues
and Mr. ilryan on national Issues
is not tho same by a long shot w ith
tho Democrats of Nebraska. Ills
meetings are more numerously at
tended by Republicans than Demo
crats and they, of course, go through
Wool Is selling for less money than
It did ono year ago. Is this an evl
denco of prosperity? Figure It out
for yourself. Hut tho woolen good
you buy are higher than they were
one year ago. Take a protected pen
'il and a piece of protected poper
and figure this out too
You'll run
right into the high tariff before you
figure two minutes.
It Is with deep regret that we
chronicle the death of Samuel C.
Knott of Memphis, Mo., who passed
away at his home In that city last
week. The deceased bad been a citi
zen of Memphis for over fifty years,
and most of that time he served in
numeroiw official capacities. We
neighbored with him several years
and always looked upon him as aeon
sricntous, christian gentleman, hon
orable and upright In his every day
walks. He was about 75 years of
age and a brother of the well known
J. Proctor Knott of Kentucky. Peace
to his ashes.
The most disgusting writing ever
engaged In by any sort of men are
tho numerous editorial that have re
cently appeared in the stand pat pa
pers tellings of Taft's victory In se
curing reform legislation. The brazen
effrontery In making such a claim re
minds one of the pickpocket Joining
In the crowd and crying. "Stop that
Every measure of whatever nature
having a tendency toward reform was
passed after overcoming the opposi
tion of Taft and not with his assist
ance. The men who secured this leg
islation were Insurgents and Demo
crats and not Taft or his friends.
The railroad bill that WIclcersham
sent to congress with Taft's Indorse
ment was the most devilish piece of
legislation ever submitted to con
gress. It provided for the repeal
of the anti-trust law as far as it ap
plied to the railroads a power over
rates and classifications which they
never had before, It limited the power
of the commerce commission, it gave
to the railroad magnates Just what
they wanted. That was the Taft pro
posal and It was defeated by Insur
gents and Democrats and that do
feat Is now claimed as a great vic
tory for Taft.
Taft took Into his closest confi
dence Aldrlch, Cannon, Smoot, Hale.
Crane and every trust representative
In both the house and senate and
lung to them to the very last. The
Insurgents attacked these men and
rove Aldrlch and Hale from the sen-
te. Their fight defeated the nomina
tion of Dalzcll and he was only able
to get a nomination by the assist
ance of the courts which stopped a
recount of the ballots and which may
yet end In his defeat for re-election
In a district that has been the very
hotbed of protection for forty years.
That kind of work Is 'proclaimed
Taft victory."
Taft undertook to drive Cummins
and Dolllver out of the Republican
party, and the Republicans of Iowa at
the recent primaries have Indorsed
those men. That Is another Taft vic
The truth Is that everything that
Taft advocated, except those things
favored by both parties, like postal
savings banks, was defeated, and de
featod lu spite of all that he and the
regulars could do, by Democrats and
Insurgents. Now every one of those
defeats Is proclaimed a victory. In
all the history of politics there has
never been anything quite so brazen
as that. There never was a preal
dent whose recommendations were
treated with such contempt as those
of Taft. He has been repudiated by
congress and nine-tenths of the peo
plo, and It has not been done through
prejudice or any personal dislike for
the man but because he has stood all
the time for the "Interests," while
the people have been determined that
the unjust accumulation of wealth in
tho hands of the few shall be stop
ped. It Is the first time that a presi
dent defeated at every turn has been
proclaimed a victor.
Mrs. Catherine Tevati is a visitor
today in Omaha, going there on the
early BurUngtou train for the day.
Itl'LK OH Itl lV.
That William Jennings Bryan is
an able atfd conscientious man no
one will deny; that he Is an able
and fearless fighter all will admit.
When Bryan was hardly known out
of the ward in which he resided In
Lincoln It was the pleasure of the
editor of the Nems to form his ac
quaintance and time then we have
followed his political fortunes
through success and defeat. We
have espoused his cause when we
differed with him, preferring rather
to go down lu defeat for what we
believed was the proper political
move rather than Injure his chances
for success. We then believed that
Mr. Bryan was willing that the ma
jority should rule, and that no one
man should control the Democratic
party. .
On this last surmise we may be
right or we may be mistaken. A
few weeks ago the Democratic skies
never looked brighter In Nebraska,
never were the chances of Democrat
ic success better. The party was
nlted; It was one happy family, all
agreed and working for the same
end. The indications were for the
first tlmo that the Democrats would
elect every state candidate and we
would have a Democratic United
States senator and four If not five of
the representatives.
Then came the change. Mr. Bryan
demanded that a special session of
the legislature be called and the
initiative and referendum proposition
be submitted to the people. The rea
son for this was according to Mr.
Bryan, that the county option ques
tion would be taken out of politics.
Here Is where the party split. Gov
ernor Shallenbergcr said the laws
governing the liquor question were
11 that were needed. He stood by
the Slocumb law and endorsed the
8 o'clock closing law, which Is one
of the very best measures ever put
on the statute book. Shallenberger
believed In police control, and there
he will receive the support of every
itlzen. But Mr. Bryan does not
agree with Governor Shallenberger.
He wanted the special session of the
legislature and the submission of the
onstltutlonal amendment, and as he
could not have those he now pro
poses to make such a fight as has
never before been seen In Nebraska.
Mr. Bryan said he would have that
amendment If he would have to write
the county option plank In the Dem
ocratic platform and would "cram"
It down the throats of the Democrats.
Mr. Bryan Is a man of his word
and will carry out his threat. This
is the first time that he has ever met
with opposition in Nebraska. What
ever he asked for has been readily
granted by the Democrats.' His wish
was law. But now It Is a different
question. More than eighty per cent
of the Democrats of the state are
opposed to putting a county option
plank In the state platform, and Mr.
Bryan says It must go there and to
enforce his demands will devote the
next nine weeks to making speeches
In the different counties of the state
and seeing that candidates favorable
to his side of the question are placed
in nomination.
In the history of the United States
this Is the first time a man who has
been a candidate for president has
ever attempted to "cram" down the
throats of his party a measure that
was obnoxious to them. A political
party leader dictating to the rank
and file of his followers what they
shall or shall not do. By this we do
not means that Mr. Bryan has not a
right to advance his own Ideas We
grant him that same privilege, and
we claim the Bame privilege. We
give him credit for being honest In
his views, and ask the same from
him. Because we do not believe In
county option Is no reason that we
are owned by. the liquor dealers, cor
poratlons, or any other combination
or trust. The News Is as freo from
corporation control as any man, wo
man or child or any business In the
state of Nebraska. But Mr. Bryan
would havo tho people believe that
every one opposed to his belief Is
controlled by the brewers, raflroads,
There Is another view that Is to be
taken in regard to the county option
deal and that is the position in which
it places the candidates for United
States senator, representatives state
officers and all other candidates. As
before stated, we had a good chanj
of electing the entire state ticket
with a United States senator. Now
everything is to be sacrificed to save
Mr. Bryan's county option measure.
There Is w here we lose.
The fight Is on and the enemy
must be met. For the first time we
are opposed to Bryan. He proposes
to nominate only such men as will
do his will. Those who are opposed
to county option must organize and
nominate men w ho will do their will.
In this matter there should be no
half-heartedness. Otoe county should
send to the state convention a dele
gation that will not be won by the
blandishment of Byran; not capti
vated by his snlle, nor lulled to sleep
by his winning speech. They ought
to be Instructed and compelled to ful
fill the duty for which they are sent.
And now a word in regard to Shal
lenberger. Mr. Bryan has severely
criticised Governor Shallenberger,
Mayor Dahlman and Congressman
Hitchcock. He claims that if he had
had the support of these three with
the Omaha World-Herald j that the
special session would have been call
ed. Governor Shallenberger ha3 ex
plained his position satisfactorily,
and we all known where Dahlman
stands. As for Mr. Hitchcock, he has
explained his position thoroughly.
And all these are to be sacrificed
because we did not get the Initiative
and referendum a measure that all
are in ravor or uovernor bnaiien-
berger should be renominated.
While we love Bryan we do not
feel like condoning the mistake he is
making. Nebraska City News.
(Too Late for Thursday).
The Lincoln Stars played a very
Interesting and exciting game here
lust Sunday with the locals result
ing in a score of 7 to 6 In favor of
the Stars. It was anybody's game
from start to finish and had it not
been for the clouds of dust that rose
In the scuffle for home plate in two
different Instances the game might
have resulted victorious for the lo
cals. It was a good game ' and a
large crowd witnessed It. The score
reads like this:
Lin. Stars ..1 4000002 07
Manley .. .3 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 06
Battrles, Lincoln Stars Craig and
Read; Manley Keckler and O'Brien
Stars Hits 6; Manley Hits 12.
Struck out by Craig 5; by Keckler
15. Umpire Kelley.
The Missouri Facltic passenger
train No. 138 south bound, was
wrecked four miles north of Manley
Wednesday evening, cause supposed
to be spreading of rails. The en
glne and all coaches were derailed
the combination mail and smoker was
badly tipped, almost turning over
The passengers and train crew were
all badly shaken up but no one hurt
The passengers were taken back to
Louisville until a relief train came
and they were transferred and taken
to their destination. The wrecker
appeared upon the scene about X0 p
m., and by daylight the wreck was
cleared up and traffic was resumed
Mr. A. N. Speer has sold his lum
ber business to the Yates Lumber &
Coal Co., of Lincoln, Mr. Speer and
family will go to California in the
hear future to make their home.
IteciiM'!atiiiK In Town.
Grover Ellege who was Injured at
Council Bluffs a few days since, is In
the city recuperating at the home of
his mother, Mrs. James Higley. Mr
Ellege was hurt while engaged In a
friendly wrestling match with John
Richardson of this city. The Injury
was purely accidental and one of the
unfortunate kind which freqeuntly
occur during these friendly bouts
While the two were wrestling, Mr,
Ellege had his right foot accidentally
caught in such a manner as to tear
loose the leaders. The injury Is a
very painful one and bids fair to keep
him confined to the house for some
time to come. It Is considered by
the surgeons as worse than a break
and will require a long period of
careful nursing and rest before It
becomes well.
Past ure.
For horses only. Good water and
shade trees. Plenty of room. Apply
C. Bengen, Mynard, Neb., phone line
3-A. 4t-30
NOTICE Prices for threshing this
season will be three and five cent
owing to the increased cost of labor
and repairs. Robt. Propst,
MVnard. Neb.
Republicans Try to Straddle the
County Option Question
From Friday's Pally.
If you woke up with a sour taste
in your mouth this morning, it is a
sign that you have been a delegate
to the Republican county convention
which met yesterday at Union. That
convention did things which have
made some good Republicans set up
nd take notice. It was called pri
marily to select delegates to the state
convention which will pass upon the
state platform but It went further
nd selected a ticket which the rest
f the party will have to take or
leave alone and there are Indications
of some of them leaving It alone.
The slatemakers had everything
well mapped out and when the con-
entlon was called to order R. B.
Windham was introduced as chair
man and he proceeded to outline the
policy of the party. Mr. Windham
delivered a strong address In favor
of county option and demanded that
the party Inject such a plank Into
state platform. His address met
with enthusiasm which plainly Indi
cated whyj the convention stood.
The anti-saloon league membership
was much in evidence. E. O. Pal
mer and A. E. Quinn were chosen as
The selection of delegates to the
state convention was made and the
following were named: Orlando Tefft,
Peter Eveland, J. R. Bramblet, H. O.
Palmer, A. F. Sturm, W. T. Adams,
W. A. Robertson, M. L. Friedrich,
M. Richey, M. E. Manspeaker, Ora
Davis, D. S. Talcott, L. A. Tyson,
Fred Muenchaw, C. E. Tefft and John
Crosier. The delegation Is favorable
to county option In the state plat
form, although there are several antis
on the list.
Resolutions were adopted by the
convention endorsing Taft, Hayward
and Burkett and condemning the di
rect primary law. All these had been
carefully framed up for the occasion
and the Burkett-Hayward-Standpat-
Joe Cannon machine was much in
evidence. The resolution favoring
county option which was opportune
ly Introduced to enable the conven
tion to get on both sides of the ques
tion was defeated by a vote of 48
to 36, just as scheduled by the or
ganization. Then came the grand coup d'etat,
so to speak. A county ticket was
sprung full blown and ready for the
harvest, upon the convention. And
It went through with a whoop and
a yell before the dazed and bewild
ered anti-county optionists could get
to themselves, it was:
Charles E. Noyes of Louisville
state senator.
Bucephalus Wolph, Nehawka rep
E. H. Wescott of Plattsmouth
F. L. Nutzman, Otoe county float
C. II. Taylor of Union county at
But It was not enough to know
among themselves where the candi
dates stood on the county option
question. A wide open stralghtout
declaration In favor of It was all
which the machine would have and
the candidates were called upon to
show down and let the convention
see what they had.
Noyes was called upon and he
side -stepped to some extent although
his past record prevented much of
that work. He favored such legis
lation as the party wanted on the
liquor question but he knew the par
ty wanted county option or prohibi
Wolph was for county option out
and out and he wanted it known to
the wide, wide world. He made no
bones of his position.
Wescott likewise was for county
option and proposed to do the Ajax
defying the lightning stunt if neces
sary, or stand upon the burning deck,
but what he would have county op
tion or prohibition.
This satisfied the machine but it
left a horror-truck bunch scattered
about the delegations who wondered
if the tall of the comet hadn't struck
the earth for It surely was some hot
or them. The convention at all times
was under control and the men be
hind the guns had the delegates un
der rover and permitted no antl to
Incidentally, Senator 'alt an 'alf
Burkett took no chances on being
beaten to it by C. O. Whedon or any
other pure blood. Postmaster Schnei
der tortured between love and duty,
deserted the past master's convention
at Lincoln, to bo on the ground and
direct tho fight In Burketfs Inter
ests and also did not fall to look
after the candidacy of the Hon. Bill
Hayward who hopes to return the
compliment some day.
All told It was some sensational
gathering and tho wonder of It Is
that some delegates returned home
alive after what they had did to
I 'cm.
The real surprise of the conven
tion was the assembling of the Third
district delegates to select a candi
date for cotumlsloner. The general
opinion was that the nomination
would go to Herman Dettman la a
walk as he had been a candidate for
several months and an active one.
He was also considered a popular
man and It was thought there would
be no opposition to speak of. So
carefully had the wires been laid
that when the show down came Fred
Muenchaw of Tipton was seen to
have Dettman beaten by the narrow
margin of five votes. This surprise
did not worry the leaders who had
framed the slate so that no antl
should have a chance and who want
ed the whole thing from top to bot
tom. Dettman was some rudely Jar
red by the blow to his hopes, but It
is said he has seen the fine Mach
iavellian hand wnich turned the
trick and knows the real personage
who struck the figurative Billy Pat
terson. Likewise, he is some peeved
over what happened to Herman.
Organization Is Perfected of
Branch of Railroad Order.
There were quite a number of rail
road men present last evening at the
meeting called to establish a branch,
of the "American Railroad Employes
and Investor's association" In this
city and a great deal of Interest was
taken in the matter. The meeting
had been talked over for some time
and the object of the organization
explained at great length to the rail
road men who found it was In their
interests, hence the number in at
tendance was quite flattering.
The meeting was called to order
by Mr. J. D. Pennington, at one time
In the Burlington train service out
of Wymore, and now one of the of
ficial organizers of the organization.
Mr. Pennington explained to the as
semblage at some length the object
of the organization which is to culti
vate and maintain between its mem
bers a spirit of mutual interest and
concern in the welfare and prosper
ity of the railroads so as to promote
their successful operation for the
benefit of the employes, the Investors
and the public. It Is also aimed to
encourage a friendly and cordial
feeling on the part of the public to
the railroads and that business and
to obtain means of hearings before
legislative bodies, commissions and'
the like who may enact rules, reg
ulations and laws governing rail
roads, and to secure a fair return, to
labor and capital in the railroad bus
iness with regard to the safe and ef
ficient operation of the roads. The
association according to Mr. Penning
ton, was to be non-partisan In Its
make-up and was not to take any
part In controversies between the
railroad officials and their employes.
Mr. Pennington's remarks were
further elaborated upon by Mr. Geo.
D. DeLong of this city.
George O. Brophy of Omaha, form
erly In the employ of the Union Paci
fic railroad, then spoke to the meet
ing at some length and also explain
ed the design of the organization
and the gain which the railroads and
employes alike might expect to make
by close co-operation.
At the conclusion of the remarks
of the several speakers a local" or
ganization was effected with officers
as follows:
President Robert B. Hayes.
Vive President Patrick Egan.
Secretary Guy B. Gould.
Executive Committee Win. Bal
lance, C. F. Gradevllle, Henry Ofe,
N K. Peoples, C. P. Richards, J. A.
Llbershal, J. W. Barwick, S. L. Cot
ner, S. S. Gooding.
Delegates to State Convention G.
D. DeLong. Alternate Henry Ofe.
The organization perfected the
meeting then adjourned and steps
will be speedily taken to augment the
membership and Insure a large at
tendance at future meetings.
Body Found Near lUver.
Yesterday morning some people
living above the mouth of the Plate
river on the Sarpy county shore
found the remains of a man who had
been drowned In the waters of the
Missouri. The body was so badly
decomposed that no possibility of re
cognition remained and it will prob
ably be burled today. The remains
appeared to be those of a man about
50 years of age and the mouth con
tained but three teeth. The body
was clad In an undershirt and the
collar band of a shirt hung about
the neck. The coroner of Sarpy coun
ty was notified and he at once noti
fied tho Omaha police. It was also
decided not to hold the body any
length ofMIme and to bury the same
If It was not claimed at once.
Adam Kaffenberger Is one of the
good citizens of the precinct spend
ing today In the city on business,
driving In this morning from his