The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 14, 1910, Image 4

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- Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Seral-Wteklf at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Knlor.M at the I'oHtolllce tt riatUrnnuth, Nebiaska. second-class
Don't forget the. on nl y -on vcn t lou
next r'uttirday, July )tl.
Attcml tho Dotnoeratle county con
vention next Kulnrdny, July Hi. Ev
ry precinct hhouM Ih) represented.
Ho fur Secretary llallliigor and At
torney General Wli'ki'i'Mlmtii lime not
Keen fit to rend Mr, Roosevelt out
of t ti o l!riiilill( an party,
W li I lo tint Hi'IiiohhIh may ho some
what (llvlilcil on utility option
quioilloii, It run bo mid tlmt tho he-
llllllll IIIIH BIO III tllO Hit IIIO llOllt.
Among the tliliiK Unit t'olonol
Roosevelt Ih not roIiik to do Ih In
dorse tho I'nyiio-Aldrlt h tariff ns
"tho best eor put on tli n statute
books." .
Acconllnji to tho u Mvo hind of tho
beef IniMt incut pi lies Mill remain
MkIi for a year or longer. And
tlir lo Ih no disposition to deny that
tho head of tho hoof (mat known.
"I riii no quitter," says Hocrotury
Haltinger. Neither U Senator 1 .oil
nior, nor Speaker Cannon, nor Kent
tor liiiKKonliolin, nor Attorney lien
rial Wlckorshaui, nor Postmaster
General Hitchcock.
muieinbor that tho dato of tho
Democratic oounty ronveiitlon to sel
ect delegates to tho Urnnd Inland con
vontlon has been changed to Satur
day, July 16, Thla ha boon done In
order to give all the pioilucta an op
portunity to attend.
Tho friends of George Tohey arc
protesting against the right of Will
llayward usIuk tho Spanish war vet
eran an a moan of sliding Into con
gress. While Hay ward started thla
move It would seem that George In
Retting hl share of tho hoy.
Since Colonel Roosevelt has had a
friendly visit with La FollotUv and
Indented tho Kaunas Insurgents and
chummed with Hnrhot ami agreed
to make speeches for Uoverldgo, the
reactionaries are clearly entitled to
11 the comfort they can Ret from
the Pevcrly Incident.
ladies gloves were $1 a pair be
lore the passage of tho Payne-Aid-rlch
tariff bill are now $1.2.1. La
dles' shoes that were $3 are now
1 3. .NO. Ladles' sandal rubbers that
were 25 cent a pair are now "5
cent. Kven the kitchen broom that
once cot but 25 cent now retail
for SO to SO cent
Statist lea gathered by Carroll D
Wright show that the average labor
er In free trade England can buy the
tieoossarle of life on 205 day' lab
or In the year. While In high pro
tected Italy the averts laborer must
toll 20 day ot the year to earn the
necessaries ot life. Italy and Its
protective ay atom. Is seldom mention
rd by high protection advocates In
America. The reason U obv lou. j
There Is some doings between To
bcy and Hay ward In the congressional
race, llayward. who wa a Spanish
war hero, having camped at Chatta
nooga a few month and subsisted on
canned beef, seeurcd the organisation
ot a Spanish" veteran" club to
boost hi nomination. Now ome of
Tobcy' Spanish war hero friends
are. on the war path and want It dis
tinctly understood that llayward can
rot use the "battle scarred vet" for
ny such nefarious ends, and a real
battle U on. We had hoped tbat this
soldier racket wa about extinct, but
It oon not. Anyone who works It
for political gain now should Ret It
la the neck. Lincoln. Herald.
Governor Shallenbcrger has ap
pointed Rev. I. F. Kosch ot Lincoln
to bo a member of tho state normal
nc'fcool board, succeeding 11. M. Chllds
f Yoik whost team expired. Rev
Abraham Llmolii type of MaU-z-iK-n.
That the l'ayie-Al!rl h tariff bill
was the "beat tariff bill ever pass
ed" and 1.4 a God-send to the con
That the expenditure of more than
double, the sum used by Cleveland to
run the government Ih really neces
sary for "party solidarity.
k) the Republicans of the First
Nebraska dlHtrlet Intend to swollow
tho Batno old 11. O. P. buncomb, when
they are reminded every day In their
1 m II I.'- u mw.l nl !,.,,., ulll l.i.iir I iiiirJuun of IllTekKlll'll'H of 1 If O that
,11 I . ItlHH II I) 'II .... . ,f ...... 'WM v - - - - - -
dato of September lt. Ill order to the statement Ih a Ho, and that the
Klu tho board a now coiiHiltuted op- I'ayno-AMi li h tariff bill 1 one of the
poitunlty to wind up LuhIiiohh on worst ever foisted upon the people of
hand with which It I farnllar. Kev, thU nation by tho power of a major-
Itoach Ih pastor of St. Paul' M. K.
ihunli In Lincoln.
Taft finally sin reeded In keeping
(onRi'eHH toRether until nil tho Im
portant pledge of hi party luul been
mi l led to a party HiilUfiu'llon. The
final plodRo of ti Ih party to aee that
no possible appropriation, or a dol
lar of tho peoplo'M money escaped the
Rummy finder of It Riaftlnir poll
t It-lit ii ts, termlunlod In a grand total
or $ 1 ,0S4.f'JS,00t). That Ih an elo
gant array of flRiire for one eon
Rl'esa to handle.
Ity In coiigresH workliiK out the will
of the nefarious "Interest," aa they
are politely called.
And now they are asked to forget
all thla, are BHked to sink their own 'a few days
Several Employes Will Be On the
Burlington Relief.
Yesterday and today were produc
tive of a crop of Injuries at the IJur-1
llnvton shops as a result of which
several employes hae Keen compelled
to tako layoffs for several days each.
Louis I-aliotla, a truckman, yester
day afternoon sustained a bruised
and lacerated right arm while en
gaged in removing a bolt from a draft
timber, lie was using a crow bar in
the work when the bar slipped and
the arm struck the drop door of a
ballast car bruising and cutting it.
The Injury Is not a dangerous one
but will keep him from working for
Children Cry for Fletcher's
i m UJ A
financial welfare, to forget what they
see every day, close their eyes to the
truth and voto the ticket 'Tor par
ty solidarity."
We have not heard w hat John Ma
gulre's platform will be In Its entire
ty, but here aro somo features that
the voters of the First Nebraska dis
trict can be assured will be therein:
Lower duties on the necessaries of
An Income tax that a Inrgo part of
If It Is proper and right that the tho burden of tho cost of government
west part of Cass county people wo may fall upon thoso able to bear It.
come to the county seat two or three ltaclproi Ity with Canada and our
time a year, and many of them only best customers
ome a year, shall say whether or not
IMattsmouth sholl havo saloons, then act that forces tariff wars and re-
county option Is right, but we do tallation,
not believe they should that right. If Klectlon of senators by direct vote.
It could be arranged that the farmers Old-tlmo Democratic economy In
who trndo In l'lattsmouth could de- public expenditures,
ride the matter, then we could find Restoration of popular government
no objections. They have an Interest n the house of representatives.
In tho city In every way and have this you First Distrlctltes, who read,
rlB"t. and thlnk.and vote as you thluk,
".o: and not aa some one orders what
Let the tariff protectionists cher- think you of the two platforms?
Ish tho soothing fancy that consnm- Auburn Herald.
er are becoming reconciled to the :o:
steadily Increasing cost if living.. Tho cheek of some men Is as hard
The perpetual load of providing as tho kick of a government mule,
mean for meeting family expenses This will hold good with the fellow
Is breaking the backs of consumers, who was circulating a petition Satur
Hut let the protectionist continue day against Sunday ball playing,
to deceive themselves. They are de- Some people have no business of
cehlng only themselves. Let the their own to look after, consequently
fact ro forth that the rubber trust they consider they must lookout for
since the first of June has advanced other peoples' affairs. This will also
the price of men's overshoes from hold good with the fellow In question.
l0 cents to one dollar; women's over- Jf the people who reside In the lm-
shoc from 65 to "5 cents; men's rub- mediate vicinity of the ball park do
her hoots from $4.50 to $4. 75. Eight not find objections to Sunday ball
year ago men' boot sold for J3.50 Playing, why does this "Meddlesome
a pair. Another Important fact Is that Mttle" whose home Is In another
jibe quality I of the best rubber Roods I'art of the city? The ball boys, and
Is constantly deterloatlng. Old rot- loose wno attend me games, nave
ten material U melted and mixed been remarkably quiet while these
with the fresh gum. and the com- games were going on, and we can
pound sold for first class goods. What ' no cause for the circulation of
are you going to do about It? the petition. Give the old man a sea
:o: son tickets, boys. Maybe you have
Notwithstanding the fact that the I failed to recognize him In this re
railroad are asking tor a general In- pect.
crease ot freUht rate and contending -o-
that It U absolutely necessary under The Democrats are not going to be
the changes ot conditions to enable ny more divided on the county op-
thom to do business without losing Itlon question than will the ltepub-
money, they paid out In dividend llcans In state convention. From pres
on the first day ot thla month, $3,-lent Indications they will adoft the
000,000 more than they did a year county option plank In their platform,
ago on the same date. At the same hut It will be after a hard fight
time the Industrials Increased their ftalnst It
,iti.i..i.i . k M.,r........ii.... I :o:
Carl Dalton, a laborer at the store
house was pushing two loaded rubble
cars with the sills together when one
of the sills slipped by the other and
caught the right middle finger be
tween them, tearing the flesh and
badly bruised the member. He is
not on the relief but will have to
take a layoff until the finger gets
well again which will be some little
Katlo Taylor, a machinist oppre
tlce, was engaged in knocking out
a nlggerhead when the block used In
the work swung about, catching him
on the left side of the chin and In
flicting a rather painful cut. The In-
Jury Is not such a one as will be
dangerous but It Is rather a disagree-
Kepeal of Section 2 of tho Aldrlch able cut.
Carl Jlanccek, a car repairor, was
engaged In taking the floor out of
n car, using a bar for that purpose.
The bar slipped and fell over, catch
ing his left Index finger between the
bar and the side of the car and badly
bruising It. Mr. Ilanecek about one
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in ilso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made unaer ins ier-i2Jrt-f-J-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
y&icJUtt Allow no one to deceive you in th!s.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-good" are but
i:perlments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Iulants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Casloria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Peverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and M ind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates tho
Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural bleep.
The Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the signature ot
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Fine Ik'iital I'aiiois.
Recent Improvements have been
- ... rnnrln In tho dental offlrpa of Dr. C
year ago suffered tne toss or me " . ' . ,t . .
fingers of this hand while working J WWbU' W,ULU Utte '""'"
for the company so that this Injury s'""
leaves him w ithout being able to use
his hand In any manner. The In-
Jury Is not permanent but will keep
him on the relief for several days
to come.
P. C. Petersen, a car repairer while
walking about the shops yesterday,
lest offices in the city. The doctor
has been unsparing In getting his
offices In shape and the result is that
today he can boast of as nice rooms to
work In and to rest in as any dental
office in the state and he has not
yet concluded all his arrangements
The rooms which are
m.M.lentnllv stennivt nmin n nnll ""
.. j i-t - "I - I . , . , IL -,
on me second iioor in me vomes
block have been occupied by him for
which penetrated his right foot
tlirmivh iha Bhnn Tho tnturv vm A
I . i . .ti
painful one and required the services m ears DUl ne,,ia3 ueer u"lu
of the company surgeon, more to pre- the ""ent- takf time l P"1 tlT
vont tnfortlnn th.n frtr Anv nthor ,m e BnaPe ue
m...... H- will not ho hlo to work has 'had. them, newly papered
througnout ana nis excellent tasie in
for several days but as he is not on
the relief, the cost will be his own.
this respect will appeal to anyone
who visits the rooms. The pattern
chosen Is of a handsome, richly pat
tern and which appeals to the eye.
The three rooms which the doctor
lod $7,000,000 and the dividends of
financial Institutions, banks, trust
companies, etoM ahow a slight In
crease. It is estimated that the duly
Interest disbursements were $11,0 0 0
000 greater than last year for the
same period. Of course a larRe part
ot the dividends ro to watered stock.
The traeler, the shipper and the
consumer pays tor all this. A physi
cal valuation ot the railroads would
prevent a
in th way of Increased rates and
rrlces and bring down the costs ot
necessaries proportionately unless
th concerns discovered some other
way to grind the coin out of those
that pay the freight; and It may be
When any one man comes to the
conclusion that he Is the "whole
cheese" In a political party in the
nation, state or county, the quicker
he Is sat down on the better It Is for
the party. The people are not used
to being driven by any one boss, and
they will not stand any such meth
Settle ;Thelr Trouble.
The row which has been distract
ing the stockholders ot the Common- occupies hare all been overhauled
wealth Life Insurance company has 1 but the papering so far has been con
come to a stop and the affairs of the ined to the operating room and
company are now- practically settled the waiting room. In addition to the
and It is announced it will resume papering, the wood work of the
business. This w ill be pleasant In- rooms has been carefully painted and
telligence to the men in this city who oiled and the Improvement is very
have been putting their money Into great. The partition between the
the concern and who were at one waiting room and the operating room
time afraid they stood to lose con- has been papered as noted above and
siderabie. The settlement ot the dlf- the baseboard and wainscoting oiled,
ticulties has culminated in Van B. giving it a handsome appearance.
Lady who precipitated the row, re- Electric lights ana fans have also
signing as secretary of the company been installed through the rooms and
and retiring. la fan in the corner of the operating
Lady is succeeded by Frans Nelson room furnishes a constant and cool-
ot Omaha, who at one time was In ing breeze upon the patients In the
the banking business at Hartington, chair. The electrical appliances are
Kev. Nelson is said to be a capable all very pretty and add much to the
man and it Is said will make the appearance of the offices. The doc
company an excellent secretary. E. tor has also just concluded the pur
M. Fairfield, president ot the com- chase of a handsome medicine case
pany also retires and will be sue- which is expected to arrive any day
eeeded by a man to be chosen later, and w hlch will be an attractive add!
Fairfield and Lady also step down and tion to the furniture of the office.
out of the directorate of the company On the whole Dr. Marshall has a very
and their places are taken by Clark handsome set of rooms and his pa-
O'Hanlon, an attorney of Blair, Neb., trons will doubtless be more than
and Charles C. Parniele, the banker pleased with them. His enterprise
of this city. lis most commendable and doubtless
These changes are thought to put his patronage will well repay him for
the company into good hands and to I his energy.
assure the management in the future
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cole
on Tuesday, July 5, 1910, a daughter.
So Dr. Welch says.
Misses Ella and Llllie Bates went
to Plattsmouth Saturday afternoon
to visit with their brother until af
ter the Fourth.
Miss Pearl Smith, elected Instruc
tor of music in the academy, and
whose home is In Montezuma, Iowa,
will arrive this Friday.
Charles Chandler and family came
In from Central City to spend the
Fourth. They used their Buick to
make the trip and are spending the
week with their many friends.
The death of Mrs. Louise Mickle
occurred June 30, 1910, at Union,
Neb. Louise Taylor was born In Cass
county, January 18, 1878. On March
1, 1899, she was married to Marlon
M. Mickle. Her husband died April
26, 1903.
Cards are out announcing the
forthcoming marriage of Genevieve
Lucile Megrew to Mr. William G.
Knox on Thursday evening, July 14,
1910, at nine o'clock, at the home of
the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Ambler.
W. S. Bateraan returned home last
Thursday from Texas, where he went
to see the country He does not tell
a hard luck story, but on the con
trary has been putting it pretty
strong In favor of the climate, soil
and crops. If you want to hear the
story, get hlra to tell it. He ex
pects to move to Texas to reside.
From present Indications the Re
publican state convention is liable to
lot ot this public looting . . ,v r. .
be more troublesome than the Demo
cratic convention. Many leading Re
publicans are coming out In favor of
a county option plank In their plat
form. They are prohibitionists, but
it county option Is not endorsed, they
tll vote the Republican ticket all
noted incidentally tnat they are for I the same.
tile In expedient.
to be safe and conservative. The
A Frightful Wreck
amicable settlement of the troubles of trajni aut0mobile or buggy may
ot the company will be received with
joy by the stockholder and the avert
ing ot litigation and loss is some
thing which they welcome. The Com
monwealth Insurance company has
a fine fieM before it and with prop
er management there is no room to
believe but what It will earn hand
some dividends in the future.
cause cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains
or wounds that demand Bucklen's
Arnica Salve earth's greatest heal
er. Quick relief and prompt cure
results. For burns, bolls, sores of
all kinds, eczema, chapped hands and
lips, sore eyes or corns, "its supreme.
Surest pile cure. 23c at F. G. Fricke
t Co.
To Consult lr. Allison.
Frank Neuman and wife are spend
ing the day In Omaha where they
were called on account of the condi
tion of Mrs. Neuman' health. The
lady has been In very poor physical
A book on Rheumatism, ty Dr. condition for some time rast and
Shoop. of Raoine. Wis., tell some her complaint does not readily yield
The eve ot the congressional cam
paign is at hand. It looks as it the
Republican party proper will boldly
attempt to bluff the American people
on the following propositions:
That Aldrivhlsm is a good thin
for tho country.
That "Vnde Joe" belong to ttie
plain truths, and In a rlain and prac
tical way. Get thi booklet, and a
free trial treatment ot Dr. Snoop'
Rheumatic Remedy for some dis
heartened ufferer In your vicinity.
Make a grateful and arrreciative
friend ot some one who is discour
aged because of the failures ot otherj
to treatment It was concluded to
have an examination made by Dr.
Allison, the Omaha specialist, to see
what action Is necessary to preserve
her health. She had to undergo an
operation four year ago and there is
a possibility that another may be ne
cessary although her many friends
to help htm. Help me to make th ajher hope this Is not the case and
teKt. and Ml certaisly help your uf- that she can f.nd relief in less violent
feting friend. All dealers. treatment
Charles A. Harvey and wife from
south of the city are spending today
in the city, driving in this morning.
Crops Not Suffering.
Gus Noltlng, one of-the excellent
farmers from west of the city, was
in today to attend to have some tires
set on his wagon. Mr. Noltlng like
most of the other thrifty farmers in
this locality would like to see more
rain fall but he states his crops are
not suffering and his corn is look
ing fine. The principal difficulty is
with the pastures which are very
short and all grass crops are in the
same shape. Wheat is very good and
he looks for a very fair crop. With
a good seasonable rain he believes
the corn crop will be a bumper and
as long as it remains dry he wants
to see the cool, damp nights con
tinue. Hot wind Is the only danger
now to corn and it rains come before
the wind it will make a good crop
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water drove over this morning In
his large touring car, accompanied by
a party of four gentlemen of that
city who had some business to loo
after here. The party returned this
afternoon to their homes.
Weak Throat Weak Lungs
Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this
taking-cold habit? Better break it up. We have great
confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No
medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask
your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it.
His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. riUrcWW AES:
u 'a LkT i4"'' ,,n.the hous- 1 lkc -"-0 hcn yowr cold hrst comes on. W hat
b the best Uutivc for thu? Ay PUU. Ask your doctor his opinion. Ut him dcdJc