SPEIID MOST Ot L1GHTFUL HUE Splendid Entertainment Given at Home of G. E. Dovey. The splendid home of Mr. and Mrs George E. Dovey was the scene of a most enjoyable social affair laut ev ening to which a large number of this city and vicinity had been In cited and about fifty responded to their most kind Invitation. Whenever invited to the Dovey borne the guests always know they may expect a fine time and their ex pectations were fully realized in the entertainment of laBt evening as the thoughtful host and hostess, assist ed by their charming daughters, had made every effort toward insuring the guests a royal time. The evening too, was one of the most enjoyable, in that It was delightfully cool and comfortable and one which added to the many pleasurable things provid ed by the entertainers. During the evening a musical pro gram was rendered in which readings were contributed by Misses Pauline Oldham of Murray, Mildred Cummins and Mcsdames Olivo and William Balrd, vocal solos by Misses Isabella Young and Edith Dovey, Instrumental Bfclectlons by Misses Cndwell of Brok en I!ow, who is a guest of Miss Old ham, Emma, Cummins, Kittle Cum mins and Mrs. George Falter. These numbers were all rendered In a very charming manner and deserve Bpec lal mention but owing to lock of space this will have to bo omitted. Hut we will mention the reading by Miss Oldham of Murray which was entit le "Back to Hookersville." This was written by Dr. 0. H. Gilmoro and the manner and Btyle In which MIsb Old bam recited It, was all the more great ly appreciated. The readings or Mrs. Olive, a former resident of this city was most heartily received, on of them being original with her. Miss Eva Cadwell of Broken Bow, Neb., furnished several Instrumental selec tions, which were brilliantly executed and each number showed careful training and practice. Miss Isabella Young of Murray was also a guest of the evening and contributed sever al vocal solos. She was In fine voice and each number was rendered In her usual finished stylo. A dainty luncheon, consisting of Ice cream, cake and punch was serv ed, which the guests found delight fully appetizing and pleasant. It was the midnight hour when the guests departed for their homes. Hurt at Shop. George Hall, an employe of the Burlington blacksmith shop, yester day sustained a severe cut under the right eye while engaging In work at the shops and today Is wearing a very black and discolored optic as an af ter effect. He was engaged In driving a bolt when the bolt broke in two and a portion flew and struck him undes the eye, making a gaBh sev eral inches in length which required a couple of stitches to close. The discoloration of the eye was caused ORDIN AM H SO. 478. AN ORDINANCE CHEATING AND DE FIN I NO I'AVINU MSTKICT No. 4. OF THE CITY Of FLATTSMOUTH. rTATK OF NKBKA.SKA. ANI At' THOKIZIMJ THK M ACAOAM IZINO OF 1'KAKli STKKKT Til KltKlN. UK IT nitliAINKli BY THK MAYOR ANH (OlNriL OF THK CITY OF I'LATTSMOL'TH, NKBIt ASK A. Sec. 1. That I'avlng District No. 4. of the city of l'iatisinouth, Mate of Nebraska, be and the name la hereby formed and created, and Khali Include the south half (', ) of block thirty nix (361, and the north half nV4 of Mock forty-three 43), and extending on I'earl street, from the west aide of Sixth Htreet to the west side of Sev enth afreet, of fa id city of 1'lattsmouth, Sec. 2. ' That that portion of Pearl at reel, with Bald I'avina- District No. 4. by the blood which was kept in tb.lv wound after it had been sewed up wide In the center of said atreet. and ten (10) Inches Uiick, wun eurrace oi fa il atreet to be on the grade prescribed at the time of lowering Main street In aid city. Sec. i. All ordinances ana parts or ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. See. 4. This ordinance shall take ef fect and be In force from and after its passage, approval and publication according; to law. Passed and approved mis run uay of June, A. V., 1910. jonn . earner, Attest: , Mayor. W. B. Klster, City Clerk. and which has puffed up the flesh very badly about and under the eye. He was compelled to take a layoff and it will probably take several days before he is able to go back to work. Earl lies, an employe of the steel car shop, was also the victim of an accident yesterday when he was en gaged in driving rivets with an air hammer. The end of the hammer flew out and struck him on the right upper lip, cutting quite a gash which the company surgeon bad to treat. The injury Is not dangerous but is painful. James Stokr, an employe of the steel car department at the Burling ton shops, yesterday suffered a slight Injury to the palm of his left hand while at his work. He was taking a door off a steel car when it fell and the corner caught him In the palm of the hand, cutting a gash which re quired the services of the company surgeon to close. The injury is not dangerous and will only keep him off his work for a short time. Italim Throughtoiit the State. The weather today has been a cur lous study and there seems to have been a tremendous effort made by the weather man to make good and do liver some rain to the suffering crops In this vicinity. There has been a constant roll of thunder In the heav ens tjut It has been productive of little rain up to two o'clock this af- ternoon. Reports from the Immediate neighborhood of the city are of a similar state of affairs and the rain fall has been only heavy enough to lay the dust In many placeH. Pas sengers who came down from Oma ha on train No. 92 this afternoon re port that the rainfall there up to noon was about as It was here and that the same conditions prevail be tween the two points. It was reported in Omaha that the farther west the storm extended the heavier the rainfall and that out about Columbus It was a very heavy downpour. ' This state of affairs ex ists throughout the entire middle and western part of the state. Tho rain torth of the Platte Is reported to have been heavier in the south Platte country. Indications when the paper went to press this afternoon favored a continued fall of rain through the afternoon and evening, although not of much magnitude. However, the little which has fallen has done a great deal of good In the way of lay Ing the dust and cooling the air be ' Bides reviving to some extent the crops which had been wilting under the beat, Yesterday there were many storms of excessive violence throughout the north and northwest as shown in the telegraphic reports in another col umn. North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota got the larger part of the storms, and rain was rather general throughout air that region Electric and wind storms were also very common in those states and considerable loss of property with tome loss of life Is reported. Alligator (Jets Loose. A little excitement was created this morning down near the court house when the alligator show is stationed by the escape of the larger alligator which got out of its tank by some means and had crawled over onto the walk in front of the county build Ing before its loss was detected. Sev eral Individuals who had taken on a few saw the monster and stopped to rub their eyes and look again, ei dently of the impression that they were about to have 'em again. It turned out to be a real truly alligator all right and tho reptile manifested fighting propensities when It discov ered arrangements were being made for its capture. This was aecom pllshed without much difficulty, how ever, but while it was going on there was more or less commotion and the handsome young employes of the court house malo and female took great Interest In watching the mat ter from lofty coigns of vantage Old Hall Players. Morris O'Rourke, a brother of Mrs. Thomas Walling, who has been in the city spending several days as her guest, returned to his home In Om aha this morning. Morris had qrlte an enjoyable reunion here with Jas. Patterson of San Bernardino, Cal., who happened to be in the city at the same time with him. The two at one time were the mainstays of the Plattsmouth ball team and were great chums. Their stories of early ball games are both Interesting and ex citing as the team they were on play- IH1)I AM K SO. 470 AN ORDINANCE Al'THORIZINO THE PAVING. CritFUNO AM) UUTTKR IN(J OF FOURTH AND FIFTH STKF.KT.S HETWKFN MATN AND FIFTH AND AUTHORIZING THE I'AVINO. Ct'RRIN'l AND Gl'TTF.R IN(1 OF VINE STREET FROM THE EAST LINE OF FOURTH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF SEVENTH STREET. IXCI.ri.iTNO I'AVINO OF INTERSECTIONS OF FOURTH AND VINE STREETS, OF FIFTH AM' VIVE STREETS, OF SEVENTH AND VINE STRETS, AND THE STREET AND ALLEY INTERSECTIONS OF I'HE EAST AND WEST NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the eitv clerk of the city of Platts mouth, Nebraska, until eight () o'clock p. m.. of Monday, the 8th day of Aug ust, 1910. for furnishing- material and constructing curbs and pavements for the city of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. In accordance with the plans and specifi cations on file In the office of the city clerk of Flattsmouth, Nebraska, and in the office of the engineers, Omaha, Ne braska. Approximate estimate quan tities; Paving;. (A) District 5577 l. yds. (U) Intersection 14! an. yds. Curbing (A) District iiJlfc lln. ft. (i) Intersection 439 lln. ft. Classification. Curbing. Class A Six (6) inches thick, twen ty 2i)t Inches deep; $0.55 per lln. ft. Clas H Six () Inches thick, twen t v. four (24) inches deep; JO. 60 per lln. fit. Paving. Class A Vitrified brick block as specified. Baxe, concrete, depth our (4) inches, sand on concrete one and one-half ( 1 Vs ) Inches. Sand filled Joints. $2.10 per so,, yd. Class B Vitrified brick block as specified. Base, concrete, depth, five (5) inches, sand, on concrete one and one-half inches 1 I Inches. Sand filled joints. $2.25 per s. yd. Each bid to tie acconiDanied bv a cer- Hundred dollars ($500.00) t If led check for five Anv one desiring a set of plans and specifications for personal use may ob tain the same by application to the en gineers and a payment of five ($5.00) dollars per set. The city reserves the right to re ject any and all bids. J. P. Sattler, V. R. Elster, Mayor. City Clerk. The Consolidated Engineering com pany, engineers. No. 640 Bee build ing, Omaha, Nebraska. 1. 1 a i notice. NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS XnT) DEVISEES AND NON-K ESI DENTS DEFENDANTS. To the unknown heirs and devisees of Lewis Johnson, deceased; the un known heirs and devisees of Margaret ALLEY'S Johnson, deceased; the unknown heirs TH ROUGH TtT.oCrT TWENTY-EIGHT and devisees of Seth Johnson, decensed; C'M AND TWENTY-NINE (2fll. ALL the unknown heirs nnd devisees of John IN PAVING DISTRICT NO. 3. OF Til E Q. Johnson, deceased; and to Solomon CITY OF PLATTSMOUTH, STATE OF Horbeo, Mrs. W. U. Leach, first name NERRASKA. unknown, wlfo of W. B. Leach; Mri. WHEREAS. Three-fourths of nil the yi'm J ison, first name unknown, Eaton; William T. Eaton ; Simon F. Eat on; G. R. Henry; Greensherry R Henry; A Lnzenby; Ambrose Lnzenby, and Mrs. Amlirnvn Tn'imliv flrr noma unknown between f ourth nnn .-eventn streets, , , v-y - ,i 7 nil of the city of I'lattsmouth, state of w'f " Ambrose LaZenby, non-resident owners of abutting lots on Fourth nnd Fifth streets, between Main anil Vine streets, and three-fourths of all t lie owners of abutting lots n Vine streets, between Fourth nnd Seventh streets Nebraska hnve petitioned the mayor and cltv council of said city to pave, curb and gutter said streets, Including the defendants A'ou will take nntlew t1iat on the 12th day of April, 1910, George M. Porter, Intersections of Fourth nnd Vine " i" IVs '"l"B streets, of Fifth and Vine streets, of Hi umy, iNeDrasKa, Seventh and Vine streets, and the street ln which you with others were named and alley Intersections of the east and " "!L 71."' '--J --i.. iiirj uiijrii nun pmjri 'i nniu ru west alleys, through blocks twenty- ,.1'7 ",Ju . i LtXi i eight 2K. and twenty-nine (29), all in ''" ' Ju'te " ?a' "'"V" " Paving District No. 3. In said city, and "nndrltt,1"tpet J1 0),Jla 'JP J?.1 J", bsv In snld net 1 1 Ion selected the kind '''"ck thirty-eight (3H) of the city of L'fv J." . . r.'. I;. . ... !.." Plnttsmouth. in Cass county. Nebraska. oi iiiHieriiu iim nut ii iniiiK lm j i 1 to-wlt: 'Suitable Paving Urlek, with f"" ' " L"".,!1"1 u-""n"ls i,ul" r Concrete Foundation," nnd "'i'"1. ,1",L. ....a .".m on or before the 25tn day or July, WHEREAS, At a specla: election, held on May 3rd, A. D., 1910, In the city ' of Plattsmouth, state of Nebraska, a majority of the votes cast at said elec- George M. Porter tlon authorized the mayor and council " au of said city to Issue paving bonds of H Attornevs riva hundred flolliirs (l.ir0ft 00. for the purpose of paying the cost of paving I.KO I, NOTICE, the streets, the street Intersections and jjj THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS street ami alley intersections or me COUNTY, NEBRASKA. enst and west alleys through blocks In the matter of the guardianship rM"V (2'- of 'Donovan T Walling: a" in snld Paving District No 3. and WHEREAS, Under direction of the mayor nnd council of said city, estl Notice Is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of the Honorable Har- Virginia of the Air Lanes by Herbert Quick. (Continued from page 4). reminded "ill bearers of a "basso pro fundo laboring ln the trough of the heaviest vocal sea. Oh, It's twenty mllei to Vastar. and the Hudson for to cross! There's regulation! to be broka at both ends of the route. But Belinda"! eyes are like th ky. Be linda's hair U floss. And Jim Is black and plagued with love and doesn't care a hoot. Oh. It'a twenty mllea to Vaasar. But lt' fifty amllei at Vassar. And It's other lovey-dovey thinga In hosts bevond compare! Oh, the love of dear Bellnder burnt hla heart into a ctnaer. And Jim will be at Vassar ere the morn lnft A Blight redness crept up under the tan of Major Flathers' cheek; a slight quiver of the thin nostril betrayed the fact that Craighead's song had touched some spot that thrilled. Mr. Craighead asked if It would be necessary to ad duce more proof of his identity. "Possibly." said the major, with un abated dignity. "I shall hear the case in private." The major rose and passed out with out a glance at the Intruders. The squad took them to his quarters, where he received them In frozen stiffness and stood aside to let them into n li brary rather well furnished with books. The major sat like a graven image until the receding footsteps were lost to the ear. Then he rushed nt Craig head, shook him until his teeth chat tered, laughing, slapping him on the back. "(.'nils: Cralgl" said he. "You con founded old scapegrace; I've an in fernal gNxl mind to throw you in for ten years: And that Belinda song you made up about me! And sober too! lutrodtice your friends!" "Willi Mr. wuttays nnrue, Craighead, "you are familiar. He Is the billionaire owner of Speaker Uuun." "Confoundedly sorry," said the ma jor. "Hut If this reprobate." indicat ing Craighead, "had hinted that he waa our West Point disgrace 1 should bai'e Issued passes and" "And this" said Craighead, "Is the Inveutor and builder of our airship. Theodore Carson, M. A." "Quite so." replied the major, shak ing bunds again. "Hut It was con- foumleilly Irregular to run the guard, you know " We didn't Intend" "Not a wordl" said the major. "You "Yes," said Mr. Vv'addy, who seemed to consider the Virginia incident clos ed. "I'll go borne an' push the work In the went, you boys to New York to tart the injunctions an' things." -Mr. Carson." said Mrs. Grayblll quietly, "don't give up 1 kept the fragmeuts of the letters she tore up. Put them together. They will cheer you up. What a woman wants to say and doesn't dare means much,, muck more than what she says." (To be continued). Beware of Errors: Nobody can avoid all errors, but everyone of us can avoid some. Dur ing this hot season it is especially important not. to make any error in the diet, because any failure to do so may be very serious or even fataL It is absolutely necessary to be strict ly temperate in eating and drinking and to attend at once to the slight est irregularity in the digestion. The best remedy in such cases is Trlner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, which goes to the root of the sick ness. It quickly stenrgthens the di gestive organs and makes them able to do their work regularly. It Is very good In all diseases of the stom ach and the Intestines, in nervous ness, exhaustion and poverty of the blood. Durnlg the summer season you should always have it at hand. At drug stores. Jos. Triner. 1333 1339 So. Ashland ave., Chicago, 11L A failing tiny nerve, no larger than the finest silken thread takes from the Heart its impulse, Its power, its regularity. The Stomach algo has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach Heart or Kidneys. His h .m 1 prescription Dr. Shoop's Itestora- live is uirecieu Buaigui iur iuo cause of these ailments these weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt, clearly explains why 'the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treat ing the cause of sickness Is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by all dealers. I ...... I. T.av . Indira rf t i H at.nt rdtnHerin't'he VtwiV" the" Mreel coiirt "f CasR 'countv- rnska. made must dine with uie. Mrs. Flatnen will B rHHtrH www r'r cere,r-v- ,SDn f11" Sa d cRv have be?n mad ? flW with wl" he at the "outh Cn,lR- 0U disputable old dog. dis- K.r w tzi ni couid be he i tor da in ed rt t H E mayor l"" L I0'. " .11 hanged as a soy! Twenty Miles to AND counuil OF THE CITY of indent bidder for cash, the following Vassal- In headquarters! Nobody but L'!r!I7'S4MOUTI1, STATK OF NE- described real estate, to-wlt: Craig- Let's write a letter to Bill . ... , i ne unuiviueti une-vimo ii-af imr-i- Sec. 1. That the following named est In fee simple title In and to lots streets, Including street intersections 12, 13. 1, and 17. in West Greenwood, and street and alley intersections, anirjnss county, Nebraska. In Paving District No. A. of the cltv of Dated this 25th day of June. 1910. Plnttsmouth. slate of Nebraska, be and Oeorge W. Walling the same are hereby authorized to taU, guardian of Donovan A. Walling, paved, curbed and guttered, to-wu. a minor. Short Locals Fourth and Fifth streets, from the north line of Main street to tho soutn line of Vine street nnd Vine street to the east line of Fourth street to the west nt Seventh street Including inter sections of Fourth and Vine street of Fifth and Vine street, or Seventh in . . 4 ... .. ,.m tk. i.l .nut ti n A airev InterVec. lons'of the Vast and west From Thursday',, Daily alleys, through blocks twenty-eight CIS) and twenty-nine V J 9 , In said Pav ing District No. a, In said city. Sec. 2. Thnt suitable paving brick with concrete foundation, shall be used Alexander in tJuain." The major was as complaisant as he had been unyielding. The party was allowed to depart. Mrs. Graybill met them when they alighted from the Virginia, with a let ter in her band for Mr. Carson and a troubled look on her face. Carson turned white as be tore it open and read: I am ernlnif iwnv with mv sunt, w no Mrs. C. S. Sherman, of Lincoln, is nai Kindly found me and told me of your Bnnit,ir spvernl rinvu in the cltv deception In allowing me to live with you, . . , ... thinking you my uncle. There are many making a visit, wun tier aunt, jub. ,nlng i mlKht .ay many i should like to In paving said streets, the street " Robt. Troop. ay. but i might use expression! for which I snouia ue sorry, as ior me coin- Countv Surveyor Fred Patterson nmmuinir nt mvseir. of which mv aunt ed some fierce games in those (lays, concrete omfin thM cnondlnj? the (lav ln has spoken. I enre nothing. Other things Mr n-Rnnrk Bln mot manv another Pec. S. . That Pyinr. ct.ri.ina: ana - ' count for so much more. I want our - - guttering snau coniorm in n rwtm-n inmntin npintr a nassenger ior iuui . .i.h.,. mi.... n uh ...i .u l l .11 ... i. ..ln .,..,.lfi..nil,.nu on.l i-OMiilre. ' " iiaiiuiH iu no "i . . oiu I luiiBiuuuiu menu bii ui niium ' ." '"" ."" "' V,.' ' : u K mnmln. TliirHnptnn I th nnsurnnce that I shnll watch over were glad to note that his health is Lity, Imnrnvlno- nnil all of whom trout I Kec. 4. Thnt a contrnct be and the . . ,,, . ,, , snm Is hereby nuthorl.ed to be made mat. ne win soon ue a wen man aKain. nn,i entered Into for furnishing all ma 1 more extended visit. train. you and pray for your success and with thanki for the many, many good and kind Thesblng Machine For Sale Owing to the fact that my work is In such shape that I will be unable to tun my thresher this season, I have decided to offer the same for sale; and at a price that, is right. This out fit consists of a 13 h. p. Gaar-Scott engine, one J. I. Case 32-52 separ ator, self feeder and wind stacker also water tanks. This outfit will be old at a bargain if taken soon. Frank Vallery Mrs. Irene Davis and daughter things you nave done for n.e. 1 bid you . - . . I eoodbv forever. We can never forget In Intonila tn rotnrn Rhortlv fnr - terlal and labor necessary and for the M1S8 Ina, (lepariea ior I. oiorauo ,acn otheri but we can never meet again ' construction and completion or an or VIRGINIA SUAREZ. Craighead caught Theodore as be fKraM hopes that Miss Davis's health -tnggered rnl Tiicadav oven I no- where ...I.I ......I ,,.l,l ....l ,r,,lorl.,tT uyiinfto, vui. o pee. o. That netoro entering into any iney will spenu Beveini inuiiiuo iu When did they go?" said he. "About noon." replied Mrs. Grayblll. Carson groaned, thinking bitterly of the hours wasted at Fort Morgan, and asked for Mrs. StotL She had gone m ien upon vy mo iimyui oini i-uum . ft.i,, t e employ t any regular or special meeting, the gers this morning for Omana. Mr. mayor and council reserving the right Vot,,.r OVrioeto i donnrt In a dav I s soealio a.,ta,. Dn ne an ki.u-nrnvidnit. hnw. r anger expects w aepari iu a UOjr dtv in nonvor whom h ever, that no contract shall be entered 0r so for New York to purchase stock home on the Roc. my vu miner wueio ue , t unPHH the contractor shall exe- ,t,ih win nnon "Thev went north, then." said teveral days and from that cute and deliver to sain cltv a bond for his Omaha store which will open iney went nortu. iueu. Car go rnn-r rejoined Craighead Colonel M. A. Bates of the Jour-. nal, is a visitor today in Omaha w here he was called by business matters. Colonel J. B. Seyboldt of Murray accompanied by George S. Smith and daughter of Rock Bluffs, drove in this morning in his machine to spend the afternoon and look after some business matters. Mrs. John Nemetz was a passenger this morning for Omaha where she expects to meet Miss Mary Nemetz who is returning home after an ex tended trip to the west Including the Pacific coast. She was accompanied by her little niece, Mamie Flala who is returning to her home after a visit with Mrs. Nemetz. Mrs. Nemetz Is al so enjoying a visit from Jlisa Rosa Flala, another niece who will remain for several days longer. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, fret one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSOII, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Servica Reasonable Rate nn hi lulled notice In some newsnnrier. I .. k v.nnr;tn,l Hiornhv Hans Tarns departed this afternoon for not less than four weeks, which ' itv-four bl1 """'J opened, examined ann jj, Fanger and wife were passen years or since he entered the of the Burlington road from this will Kupml several rlnv i u in l t x ci r, ,u . with suretlt!! to be approved by thel . ,,-v Rr,nrtlv The new Store Is son, place he will go to Lead, S. D where mnyor and council, In the penal sum "P efy snortiy. ine uew biuic . he will nut ln several more tlavB and of "Ixteen thousand dollars, conditioned located at 14Ua uougias Btreei, riBiu ne iupui in several more uay8, anu for ,he fll;nful pPrfrmance of such , 4V , t. Mtoll nutrirt ovnncta tn hp at hnmn acaln ln eight contrnct. bv such contractor, or ln 1 eu iu io ucait, w " rr,i t -nnrA thereof shall deliver to the mayor and ftnri ia nd to be a very nice one or ten days. This Is quite a record rltv Counn a certified check equal in ana 18 BttIU 10 ue B ' fnr an emnlnve and sneaka volumes amount of ir,000.00, to be held by the .Tpsae Lowther of Coleridge came ....... ... . , I mayor and council for said city, ub- ior nis raitniuiness. ue nas neen miiect to the fa thfui performance ot to umana yesieruuy wim v. the Burlington employ for almost a -'' 'Zl loas of cattle and took advantage of quarter of a century and drawing that oompanied by a certified check in the nj8 near approach to his old home t. ... '" of $500 00. I . . ..t hla n-ronta. lime ue nas ihkuu no vm anon ia;uu, 1 sec. , That all ordinances or parti iu cuiue uuu ouu - although he has visited nearly every SfBS;K7;a';hm.r.X X. John Lowther and wife in this city, part on the system on business. He pealed He also paid the Journal a pleas- expects to and doubtless will have a tn;fTfect B or?roV.n,! ant call this morning and gratified -astern trip aiW day at Very mlghtv fine trln and eniov himself, after its passsge. approval and rub- the proprietor by extending bis sub- YOU Catl maKe an CUMCI 11 U1JJ any wmjt "i- vvijr - . . . , . , 1 - - . 1 - . - n-i . 1 ucHiion ci-oruing iu mw. . Mr. T.owther I i. thnn atror hOTnfP nPrP IS Slim I'assed and approved this 17th day or ncnyiuu mviuh j . IOW iUlcaIUViCt umu viwi ww.w. . has been Uong wen ana roaiuns Boou , .3 omhrnrlnrt en mnnv sec- money out at Coleridge and is de- U VUncvy ui i v & I J " lighted with that part of the coun- tions of the East that it Is impossible to describe try. He was manv nld frlpnda whom were glad to see him. if tue pQSf doeSnOt appeal tO VOU, irv a JKaClIlC Grandma Starkjohn. the venerable c t tQlir of Q vaCation in YellOWStOne Park Or mother of Theodore ana wiiiiam , Rtarkinhn. several days ago sustain-1 tn LOlOrQClO. ed a severe shock and also a badiy ji Wyoming extension has been completed to Jwly UsAe Too its! Wantn Trace of Relative. June, A. l., 1910 Mrs. W. L. Street of this city, Is Attest: v. n. Ulster, City Clerk John P Sattler, Mayor. in receipt of a lotter addressed to Will L. Street, in care of Cass Camp No. 332, M. W. A., from Ada Ellis of Murphysboro, 111., asking for aid in su of Nebraska.) finding some trace or her relatives 1 cnsa county, ) NOTKK TO CHEDITOKS. who she claims settled some years I IN THK MATTlOrt OF THR ESTATE OF A HIM M I11VIA TlRCRAfilTn. ago in the vicinity or weeping wa- N ,. . hereby riven that the credl- ter. She states that her father's tors of aald deceased will meet the ad- iitiii 1 Mill. I . lw 0 isAfstr mSk I name was wiiiiam n-iiis anu inai uer minir.iiii i ........ nruisea buu irsciuiru .u. Turt15cs wtioro ohtfn TtlilllOn PQlIOllS Oi grand-father settled ln the neighbor- county judge of c... county Nebr... Bllpped and fell down a Thermopolis, where eignteen million ganons OI hood of Weeping Water thlrty-six IZ ZZy. 'oTt'soth da" fllbt ot stairs which was the cause WQter at q temperature Of 130 degrees flOW daily, years ago. She also has four broth- uf Juiv. A. n.. iio. and o the 1st day of the Injury. Fortunately she as , u cnrt ic destined to become One 1 Ilia UVMM1M . . I . . ...... I ft. . 1 H.Man t.AII. ert named Tho. Charles, Jonn ana of February, iu at ociock a. not dangerously nun ner wm - . . . . ttntUra V100HV1 r-a. Harry Ellis and she la very anxious ach day. for the purpose or presenting . . . the shock of the fall, bne QI tne mOSl UUruwwvc uuw i.vwurw wu...i w Ato w Inntlna ail lliafa I .... . - Ln! r. 7 i : ' 1b Paosed the ninety-first l rtnuay t , 1 0CQlities in the COUntry ... . . . ...r -..w 1 . . . .w. .v.A la lonirpr. 1 mation OI any Ol ine aoove nameu px month! are allowed for the credl- ana at ner age iuo will hA thankfullr received by her. ton of said deceased to present their mm. However, she is reportea to oe Her address Is Ada Ellis, Murphya- claims, and one year for the dmini-L:ettng a)ong nicely now and little boro, 111 tratrlx to settle said estate, from the . thouht of 8 getback. ThlB 30th day of July. A. IX. 1910. v. vnrhlv re. . -v. a 1 v - . 1 ..I. innn inaicailou win George llllU IS among m K"u nness my n.nu niiu r.t tho citizen, of the county spending the ?oun,y Cour. at r.att.mout - t- v n t,lna matters. uu ul ,uu .' ""' Bgea woman .-. iu ..( x... - (Heal) Allen J. Hceson, Call or write, describing your proposed trip, and let us help you. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Afent, L. W. WAKELEY, Plattamouth, Ntb. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. coming in from his farm this morn-l Rnm.y ft .msey, County Judge. everyone hopes that sh will spedlly 1- liliiituniii litniit 1 ' " ' ing.' I Attorney!. recover.