The. Avoca Ppartmeinre n "Tv n n 8UQn) Newt Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Serr.l-Weekly Journa mm The farmers are busy cuttinj tbelr wheat. Go to Copes' drug store for your ice cream. A large number from here cele brated at Elmwood. Henry Straub and family celebrat ed at Nebraska City. Edward and William Wulf were at Nebraska City July 4th. Claud Fehnestock was here from Lincoln the first of the week. W. I. Smoots and wife were here from Berlin Tuesday evening. C. E. Tefft and family were down from Weeping Water Sunday. Miss Neva Zook was here from Auburn several days this week. H. G. Wellensiek was a business visitor at Nebraska City Wednesday. Miss Agnes Durham was down from Lincoln the first of the week. Rev. Andres and Mr. Corbln were down from Weeping Water Tuesday. Charles Schrader of Council Bluffs was a visitor in this village Tuesday evening. William Toney and family were visiting Unadilia relatives several days last week. B. C. Marquardt and wife enter tained relatives from Omaha the first of the week. A social dance was held at the home of Henry Wolf southeast of town Saturday night. Those pres ent report a pleasant evening. The base ball boys speak very highly of the treatment they re ceived from the Elmwood people on July 4th. George Braezele who had his eye injured last week is reported as getting along nicely, but will lose the sight of the eye. Avoca lost a red hot game to Eagle at Elmwood on July 4th. The score stood 5 to 6. Avoca plays Unadilia here Saturday and a hot game Is expected. AVOCA BALL 1EI TO Game Promises to Be Hot One as They Are Some Team The fast local base ball team will play the Avoca, Neb., team on the Chicago avenue grounds next Sun day and there is every prospect of a red hot game. The Avoca team will come especially prepared to make the Plattsmouth team play its best ball to win and doubtlesss will do so." The locals are in fine shape and are playing the same fast and speedy game they played with the Sixteenth Infantry team which was some game. Avoca has been playing a rattling good game for some days past and has cleaned up all the stronger teams of that locality. They intend to try and make Plattsmouth win the coun ty championship by good hard work and to keep the locals rushing from the jump. Plattsmouth is proud of the fine work of its team for the past month and glad to see the interest the boys take Iff 'the game. ' The" attendance should be in keeping with the games right to top notch for they de serve support. The work of Herrold, Eardwell, Fitzgerald, Larson and Mann in the past several games has been far above . the average while Mason and Kelly have also been rank ing high. Droege is almost always a reliable player and McCauley and Beal have been doing steady and consistent work. . Then the locals have a good reserve player in Ault who did excellent work in the games .he took part in. Altogether, the tpam is one which deserves the sup port of the home folks and it is hoped there will be such a crowd on Sunday as will fill the stand and the grounds to overflowing. There is a possibility of a good game for Saturday afternoon but this has not been secured yet. Some strong Omaha team will be secured if possible and will give the hoys . something to keep them busy. The Auburn team of the Mink league is being dickered with for a game and the locals hope to secure one for the next couple 4of .weeks. The locals feel they can' trim the Auburns easily ,and they want to do so. V A telephone message was received fthis morning from Malvern la., by "Manager Brantner asking ' that the local team enter In a base ball tour- nament to be given in Malvern on August 2, 3 arid '-4. There are1 large '.purses hung up . and the local team accepted ' the- 'proposition forthwith (and will betifl jhand and ready for ; the' games. "They are confident of .i coming away with some good money J. and much Credit, out. of the contests and will go prepared to show west ern Iowa that there is some ball team in Plattsmouth. The Malvern management also wired an offer of a $.')0 purse for a game in that city between the Shenandoah team ''anil the Platts mouth team, the' game ,o" be pulled off on 'July '14th. . This offer was accepted on the part of Plattsmouth, and the local team will .furnish its share, of a fast and exciting gam'e. Melverh has some automobile races scheduled for that day and the ball game is an'added attraction. The races are said to be among the best ever 6een in this section and it is believed the attendance will be far better than at any seen in years. Malvern Is a live town from the sport standpoint and promises to furnish a big day on Thursday, July 14th. The Plattsmouth' team is gratified that their good work is attracting the attention of outside teams and that their services are in demand and they will try and furnish a grade of work which will pay those calling upon them. ' Napoleon's Grit was of the unconquerable, never say die kind, the kind that you need most when you have a bad cold, lung disease, or,. cough. . Suppose troches, cough syrups, cod liver oil or doctors have all failed, don't lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discov ery. Satisfaction is guaranteed when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of hopeless sufferers! It masters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever and whooping cough and is the most safe and certain reriiedy for all bronchial affections. 50c. $1. Trial bottle free at F. G. Frlcke & Co. ' .. Wedded P.lisn. Judge A: J.-Beeson of the county court last evening united in marriage Samuel T. Dean, aged 31, and Miss Dollle Wall, aged 21. The groom Is foerman of a. bridge gang working on the M.; P, aL Platte and the bride, is ;the : daughter of Mr. and Mr George Wall living at La Platte. It Is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Dean to make their home in this city. The groom has been in the e'rripToy'ornrjr.'P.' for some time and is. considered one of its best bridge'and Building men. The bride is a young !wioman. well known throughout the section where she has made her home and deservedly pop ular. She hns a great many friends who will wish the couple much hap piness and prosperity in their matri monial venture. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system, cure constipation and sick headache. ' Sold by all dealers. I'll BACK ACHES A Woman Finds All Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away. Plattsmouth women know how the aches and pains that come when the kidneys fall make life a burden. Backache, hip pains, headaches, diz zy spells, distressing urinary trou bles, all tell of sick kidneys and warn you of the stealthy approach of diabetes, dropsy and Brlght.'s dis ease. Doan's Kidney Pills perma nently cure all these disorders. Here's proof of it in a Plattsmouth woman's words: Mrs. James Hodgert, 1102 Main street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "1 suffered a great deal at times from dull, heavy pains across the small of my back, especially severe when I stooped or brougnt any strain on the muscles of ray loins. About two years ago I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and they brought me such prompt and positive relief that I have Blnce used them whenever I have felt in need of a kidney remedy. I pro cured Doan's Kidney Pills at Gerlng & Co.'s'dr'ug store 'and do not hesi tate to recommend 'them,.""'" The above statement was given in Junp,1006, and on December 30, 19j!,Mrs. Hodgert"sald: '" "I 'still hold a hlgb. opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I am glad to confirm all I have previously said about this rem edy. 1 For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. J -k 4? 4. 4 Fly Season ts Screen Season Flies are acre, v Old screens look rusty and dingy. New screens cost much more than a new coat of paint. Give old screens a coat of '.'. SHEBWIN'WlLLUMi SCREEN ENAMEL and make them look like new. Sharwin-Williams Scretn Enamel does not gum up the wire. It leaves a fair gloss that prevents dust, dirt and moisture from remaining on the screen. Easy to apply. Made In two colon black and green. Put up in pint, pint and quart tins. J FOR SALE IV ORA E. COPES, Druggist Spud Pleasant Afternoon. A )arge number of young people assembled at the. pleasant country home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schaefer last Sunday afternoon. The time was most delightfully spent in play ing various games. At an appropri ate hour a delicious three course luncheon was served, this luncheon consisting of ice cream, cake, lemon ade and punch. The guests departed at a late hour for their homes, know ing the Schaefer home as a very fine place to go to. May call again Boon. Those present to enjoy the After noon were: Mr. and Mrs.. John Busche, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Schaefer, Grandma Schaefer, Emil Melsinger, Elmer Melsinger, Frank Salsbury, Katie Melsinger, Mary . Melsinger, Anna Gauer, Louise Melsinger, Emma Gauer, Mary Meisinger, Lulu Hell, Katie Hell, Maggie Melsjnger, Louisa Kraeger, Henry Behrns, John Krae ger,. Philip Fornoff, . Adam ,Heil, Louise. Gauer, Louis Melsinger, Blatz Melsinger., Elmer .Schaefer, Albert Schaefer, Clarence Busche., , ., A falling tiny nerve, no larger than the finest silken thread takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularity. The Stomach also has Its hidden, or Inside nerve,. It. was Dr. , Shoop who first told us: It was wrong to drug-a weak, or falling Stomach Heart or Kidneys. J lis prescription Dr. Shoop's Restora tive is directed straight for the cause of these aliments -these weak and faltering inside nerves.. This, no doubt, clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly In popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fujly convinced of its wonderful . merit. Anyway, don't drug the organ. Treat ing the cause of sickness is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by all dealers. 1 i" i - that will give satisfaction under all conditions is the ever reliable Also, Perfection and Quick Meal Oil Stoves. Don't for get that hot weather will soon be here, and to be sure to have your stove when you are ready for it, let us take R your order now. J HARDWARE! HEATING! PLUMBING VILhS SHELDI W The Charming Bride is Miss Evelyn Bell Stout of Lincoln Miss Evelyn Hell Stout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Stout of this city, and Vilas Pottlgrew Shel don of Nehawka, were married at 8:30 last evening at the bride's homo, 1036 G street, the Rev. J. W. Jones, pastor of Grace Methodist church, officiating. The bride was unattend ed except by her three year old niece, Evelyn Hope Best of Peoria, 111., who carried sweet peas., -MJss Elizabeth Sejfmour pf Normal played Mendels sohn's "Spring .Song'.' during the ceremony, which was witnessed by only members of the family. The bride is a member of the class of 1906 of the Lincoln high school and is also a graduate from the kin dergarten department of the Wesley an university. She has been teach ing for three years, Jhe last year be ing, employed at Nehawka. Mr. Shel don,. Is a graduate, of the state uni versity iu the class of 1900 and Is a member or Sigma .Chi,. fraternity. He Is a. brother of ex-Governor Sheldon and lives on one of the family farms near Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. Shel don left last evening for their home in the groom's automobile- State. Journal. . . . . When the stomach fails to perform Its functions;' the bowels become de ranged, the liver and the kidneys con gested causing nnniefous diseases. The stomach and"'llver must be "re stored' to a healthy 'condition and Cha'mberlain's tSomach .' and Liver Tablets can lie-depended 'Upon to do It. Easy to take and most effective. Sold-'by -all dealers.'', fc - i Mrs. Emily-iDlcksn. Is spending the day In Omaha, going to that city this morning. 1 a . Iteware of Ki rorsl! J ' Nobody can avoid all errors, but everyone of us can avoid some. Dur ing this hot season It Is especially Important not to make any error In the, diet, because any failure to do so may be very serious or even futal. It la absolutely necessary to bo strict ly temperate In eating ami drinking and to attend at once to the slight est Irregularity In the digestion. The best remedy in such cases is Trlner's American Elixir of Hitter Wine, which goes to the root of the sick ness. It quickly stenrgthens the di gestive organs and makes them able to do their work regularly. It is very good In all diseases of the stom ach and the Intestines, In nervous ness, exhaustion and poverty of the blood. Durnlg the bummer season you should always have it 'at hand. At drug stores.' Jos. Trlner, 1333 1339 So. Ashland ave., Chicago, III. Pain can be easily and quickly stop ped. Pink Pain Tablets Dr. Shoop's stop Headache, womanly pains, any pains, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula It's fine. Sold by all dealers. Any lady can get a silvered "No- Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr. SUpop, Racine, Wis. Send no money. Simply ask for the "No-Drip" Ooupou privilege, giving your adure6S. Dr. Shoop will also send free Ms new and very Interesting little book describing Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Health Coffee In such a close Imitation of real Coffee, that it requires an ex pert to tell the difference. . And nolther Is there a grain of real cof fee In it. Made from pure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its flavor and taste la exceedingly gratifying. No tedious boiling either. "Made in a minute," Bays Dr. Shoop. Write to day for the book and "No-Drip" Cou pon. Sold by F. S. White. , FOR SALE-A few choice farms in the clover and corn belt of eastern Minnesota. - No drouth. For partic ulars enquire1 of ' J. E. Tuey, Platts mouth, Neb. Oust I em W I Saturday, July 9th ISaIso Capital Stock. The Murdock Telephone company has filed amended articles of in corporation by which they seek to raise the capital stock of the com pany from its former sum of Ji.HOO to $6,000. This action Is taken un der a resolution adopted at a meet ing of the stockholders held on the 17th of March, 1910, The new stock will be In one dollar shares which are to be paid up. The Murdock company contemplntes development of their plant and extensive Improve ments so as to make It one of the' best of the country plants In the county. A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, "( Wis., tells somo plnln truths, and In a plain and prac tical way. Get this booklet, and a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some dis heartened Bufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appreciative friend of Borne one'who is discour aged because of the failures of others to help him. , Ilelp me to make this test.iand I'll certainly help. your suf fering friend.1 All dealers. ,: AIT'S. A. L.1 Baker and little daugh ter Opha of Murray", were visitors In the'dty last evening, coming up on the M. P. train. The, world's most successful medi cine for bowel complaints is Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera " and Diar rhoea Remedy. ' It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. Invaluable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. J. W. Magney of Nehawka is In the city today on business, coming up this morning from bis home. MROQUIIIS mum Sold by all tho Lead ing Dealers AFTER AN UNUSUAL GOOD BUSINESS IN AND K ! . 1 1 v t - il l- 1 i f thisSpring.j we found. we had a great many short, lengths' in Velvet and' .... ' . , , , i ',minister Carpets. We have made these up in Kug$ in,, three widths 0 ( inches, v9 feet and 11 feet 3,,inche3 and from. 8 feet '6 inches to 15 in length. They are made of carpet worth from $li25j to $1.35 per yard. 9x12 Rug has 16 yards of carpet, and at $1.25 is worth $20.00. - ' Ax- feet feet U i A COMMENCING JULY 9th WE WILL GIVE YOU A 5syinifi ON ALL RUGS! This will make a 9x12 Rug in Velvet or Axminester cost you $15. Other sizes at the same rate per number of yards. This 25 per cent Discount .Sale .in cludes aH the Rugs we have in stock. Ingrains, Brussells, Velvets and Axmin esters in all sizes. Remember this great discount sale commences July 9th. ". on