SE HI T I1UULIIILIII COtlPMlY FOB IHE FOURTH GUEST OF TIE Splendid Free Attractions For the Big Redmen Celebration and to Show For One Week Beginning July 2nd? Chairmain McDaniel of the Fourth of July committee and Charles Grimes of the free attraction committee this morning closed a deal by which the Brown Amuspment company with ex hibited last week in Beatrice, bring their entire Bhow to this city for Saturday, July 2 and July 4th. This deal Includes the production of the free attractions which the Brown shows guarantee to put on for the Fourth Including two grand balloon ascensions, one In the morning and one In the afternoon, and two great slides for life from the pinnacle of the highest building In the city w hich can be obtained. These attractions will be supplemented by a number of others which have not yet been de cided on but which will be of equal Importance and of equal daring. Agent Lewis of the Brown shows who has travelled over Nebraska for many years was on the ground as the personal representative of Mr. A. H. Brown, proprietor, and he had no trouble In making a deal with the committee when the nature of the acts which he proposed to put on was explained and the quality of the shows put before the committee. There is no doubt now but the Fourth of July in Plattsmouth this year will be better than any ever given before. The Brown shows - comprise eight great attractions ev ery one of which is a top liner. There Is a great Ferris wheel, a great ex hibition of the Bohemian glass blow ers, a Katzenjammer Castle, a won derful snake the largest in this part of the country, a minstrel show, and a number of others which will be of equal attractiveness. Owing to the short space of time in which to pre pare the matter for the press the entire list is omitted until tomorrow. Suffice it to say that the Brown shows made good in Beatrice and they will furnish this city with the best to be seen on July Fourth and the Saturday preceding. There will positively be no gamb ling with these companies according to the guarantee given to the committee by Dr. Lewis. An old showman hlmself .be knows what the people want a clean and straight at traction and he intends to see they get that. He guarantees his shows to be far above the average and they will give the best of satisfaction. Mr. Lewis has made this country for many years and he knows that Platts mouth is the llvest town In the east ern part of Nebraska and that it can't be beat. With this understanding he has produced some free attractions which are worth seeing and these will hold forth on Monday, July 4th. The Brown Amusement company will have everything In the line of attrac tive and interesting shows here and they guarantee the people a fine time. They come direct from off the south ern circuit and have been giving the best of satisfaction w herever they have shown. Remember that this show opens here on July 2nd, and will be here on July 4th, and that the attractions are all such that you can take the en tire family to and be sure of having them entertained and amused. This makes the coming Fourth the greatest in Plattsmouth's history and it has had many good ones. With a mile long parade, a grand turning exhibition, fine music, splen did oratory by noted speakers, ex cellent shows and a' great free ex hibition winding up with the great ball at night there is no reason why the Fourth of July, 1910, will not go down into history as the most splendid memorial of the nation's birth ever given in this city or in eastern Nebraska. The Brown show people decided to make their stay in this city one week commencing July 2 and ending July 9. Their carnival will be under the auspices of the Improved Order of Red Men and it will be a hummer. The contract provides for the Red Men getting a percentage on all the shows and concessions which should net them enough to help a whole lot on the amount they are owing on their building. Messrs. Tulene Bros., who had a contract with the Red Men for the merry-go-round concession generous If relinquished their claim so that the deal with the carnival company might be made as they are good Red Men and have the best interests of the order at heart. They have had a number of flattering offers from other points and will take one of them. The trouble with securing a carnival company arose over the fact that all these companies carry a nier ry-go-round or carousal with them and they wanted this privilege. The Messrs. Tulene Bros., who have one of the finest machines in the coun try decided that the offer of the committee to close with the carnival company was made in good faith, de cided to withdraw any objections and permit the committee to have a free hand in the matter with the end of promoting the welfare of the order. This being the case they will accept another of the offers made them and the committee will close with the Brown company for the entire week. 0 . Wescott Guest of the at Shirt Waist Dinner. lub Mr. C. C- Vescott who spent yes terday In Omaha was one of the guests of the Ad club of that city at their regular dinner at the Henshaw. This gathering he pronounces a very bright one and one In which many brilliant ideas were exchanged. Prac tically all the prominent men of Om aha were present and these formed maguificent body of men. Former Mayor Henry R. Gerlng was one of the most prominent men in the as semblage and seems to have leaped to the front as one of the live wires ofthe city. President Sunderland of the club cast a gloom over the dinner when he rose In his place and made the sad announcement of the death of William Krug, one of the leading and active members of the organiza tion. This announcement was re ceived with the most sincere regret by all present as Mr. Krug was one Of the most popular members of the club. The party had been advertised as a shirt waist party and signs in the Benshaw cafe were to the effect that the gathering was the Omaha Ad Club Shirt Waist party. The Omaha Ad club is making extended arrangements for the annual conven tlon of the National league of Ad clubs of the United States, Henry R. Gerlng being in charge of publicity, and the affair promises to be the greatest ever pulled off by that as soclation in this country. The Om aha Ad club numbers over three nun dred members at the present time and It is among the llvest organlza tlons of its kind in the entire coun try. Mr. Wescott greatly enjoyed his visit with them, he being the guest of Mr. Gerlng and being handsomely treated by that gentleman as well as the other members of the club. Proud of the Hoy Mrs. J. C. Petersen returned lust evening from an extended visit with E. L. Spies and wife at Sterling, Col. She had a most delightful trip and happened to be present when the young folks received a tine addition to their family in the shape of a bouncing baby boy. Mrs. Petersen is Just as proud of the young man as the mother and was glad to be able to Bay that both mother and son were doing excellently when she left. She had the misfortune to have her trunk go astray on her way home and has since been making the railroad com pany get busy and trace it up. It had not arrived up to this morning. VIKUN A Makes Long Journey. Eight-year-old Carl Kobelt came all the way from Butte, Mont., in charge of the trainmen on his way to Bryon to pay a visit to his aunt. He was tagged and when he arrived in Lincoln over the Burlington he was placed in the charge of Passenger Di rector Hansen. As connections could not be made till the next day arrange ments had to be made to take care of the youngster. A comfortable bed was made for the lad at the passenger station and In the morning he was given his breakfast. When he was put on the train for Byron he was placed in the care of Conductor Harp ster. The railroad declare that the child was a "peach". He was bright and very friendly and his manners had the polish of older persons. He did not appear to be in the least timid and acted as if everybody was his friend. Young Kobelt had lost his cap and one of the kind-hearted railroad men took him up town and bought him a new one. State Jour nal. ' ' Diarrhoea remedy is that it cures. Sold by all dealers. "It cured me." or "It saved the life of my child," are the expressions you hear every day about Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. This is true the world over where this valuable remedy has been introduced. No other medicine In use for diarrhoea or bowels com plaints has received such general ap proval. The Becret of the success of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and From the Lone Star State. Miss Jessie Fox who has been spending several years in Houston, Tex., returned to her home in this city last evening. Miss Fox is an enthusiastic Texan and does not con sider that there is aiother state in the union which can compare with the Lone Star state. She is undecid ed as to whether she will remain in this city or return to that state but she is inclined to believe that she will go back. Miss Fox evidently found the climate of that state to her liking and has been enjoying the best of health during all the time she has lived down there. Houston is a great and growing city she de Clares and one of the most delightful places to live In the country. The state of Texas has had great crops this year and business is excellent in all lines. Despite her northern birth,' Miss Fox is an enthusiatlc Texas boomer and a talk with her almost compels one to realize that there is a magnetism about the south which fastens itself upon everyone who visits it. . Normal Training in High Schools. Superintendent Bishop filed yester day with the auditor a certificate showing that sixty-nine high schools hove met the requirements of the law governing normal training in high schools and has authorized the payment of $350 to the secretary of the board of education of each of the following high school districts. Adams, Albion, Alliance, Arapahoe Auburn, Beatrice, Beaver Crossing Blair, Bloomington, Blue Hill Bridgeport, Broken Bow, Cambridge Cedar Rapids, Central City, Colum bus, Creightcn. Crete David City Emerson, Fairbury, Fairfield. Fair r.iont, Falls Cl'v. Friend, Fullerton, Genoa, Hartlnirtnn. Hastings, Hold- redge, Hurrbelt, Lexington, Lincoln, Madison, Minden, A'ellgh, Nelson, Newman Grove, North Bend, North Platte, Oakland, Omaha, O'Neill. Or leans, Oxford, Pawnee City. Pender. Plainview, Plattsmouth, Ravenna, St. Edward, Schuyler. Scotts Bluff, Seward, Shelton, Sidney, Stanton, Sterling, Stromsberg, Superior, Table Rock, Tecumseh, Ti,lden, Weeping Water. West Paint, Wilber, Wisner, Wymore. About thirty high schools have not yet made their final reports, but have done the normal training work for the year, 1909-1910 and will later receive the payment of $350 as pro vided by law. State Journal. Dr. B. F. Brendel of Murray was among those in the city today, com ing in to attend the hearing in the Mohr case. Dr. Brendel is one of the members of the insanity commis sion and among the prominent phy sicians and surgeons of his locality. Falling Hair AVer's Hair Vigor promptly destroys the germs' that caute falhna hair. It nourishes the hair bu bs, restores them to health. The hair (top .... uuh iuw more rapiuiy. Dandruff Aye's Hair Vigor Just ai promptly destroys the germs that caute dandruff. It remove every trace of dandruff itself, and keer th" calp iu in a avaimy condition. ... ".Hl, bUI I U j I lull. Ooes not Color the Hair VVe wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hair may use it frtely without having the hair made a shade darker. Ingredients: Sulphur. Clvrcrin. Quinin. Sodium CMorlH." ' Cupwium. id;:c, Aliotiol. rerfume. . '' , snow this formula to your doctor. Ak him KtwUic C.tote of I. f trrn fVMinKT To-rU U -i ' i'liinniini ftp the hues" New Serial Story to Start In the Daily and Weekly Journal. The Jouranl Is pleased to anounce that it has secured the publishing rights to and will commence the pub llcation of that stirring novel "Vir ginia of the Air Lanes" tomorrow. This Is one of the big sellers of the year and has attracted widespread notice by the reviewers and those posted on up to date literature. It Is from the pen of Herbert Quick, a writer of great power and ability, and Is considered his masterpiece. It is a -stirring story full of life and ac tion blended with a strong love story which grows in interest as it goes along. The Journal is confident that the story will please all its readers and that it will hope them from the time the first chapter appears until finis is written after the close. It is a story which is of today with air ships, aeroplanes and all the mod em movement which life has given to this wonderful age. In addition there is Just the right kind of i story to grip and hold the heart in terest of the audience. You will find In this powerful romance a girl of most sweet and lovely character and a strong virile youth who will hold your affections with an iron grasp Do not miss one single chapter of this wonderful story. It Is worth the while and you cannot help but like it It will run In the Plattsmouth Even ing Journal commencing tomorrow (Wednesday), June 22, and also in the Semi-Weekly Journal commenc Ing on Monday, June 27. Should you miss your paper with a chapte of, this thrilling romance In it, do not hesitate to call up the Journal of flee, Platts. phone No. 6 and notify the office. The story Is worth while and the publisher wanta all the read era of the Journal to read it and en joy it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold on a guarantee that If you are not satisfied after using two-thirds of a bottle according to directions, your money will be refunded. It is up to you to try. Sold by all deal ers. A Man Want to Dye. only when a lazy liver ana sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. But Dr. Kink's New Life Pills expel poisons from the system; bring hope and .courage; cure all Liver and Kidney troubles; impart health and vigor to the weak, nervous and ailing. 25c at F. G. Friceke & Co. Kntertalns St. Alary-s Guild. The St. Mary's Guild of St. Lauke's church was very pleasantly entertain ed at the cozy home of Mrs.D. O Dwyer yesterday afternoon. In spite of the Intense heat, a large number of the ladies were In attendance and enjoyed an afternoon which will long be remembered. The usual diversions such as so cial conversation, the business ses sion, plying the busy needle and the like made the time Just fly. The dainty luncheon was also very much appreciated along with the many oth er delightful things which the very thoughful hostess provided for the enterttalnment of her guests. This is the last meeting of the Guild until September, they not holding any rcg ular meeting during the summer months, consequently the work for the coming months was distributed to each member and they will work on these at their leisure during the heat ed term. Lame shoulder is almost Invariably caused by rheumatism of the muscles and yield quickly to the freo appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment This liniment is not only prompt and effectual, but in no way disagreeable Despair and Despondency No one but a womnn eun tell the story of the suffering, (be despair, and the despondency endured by women who carry daily burden of ill-health and pain because of disorder and derangements rC the delicate and important organs that era distinctly feminine. The torture so hrately endured com pletely upset the nerves if long continued. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is positive cure for J weakness and disease of the feminine organism. IT.MAKC5 WEAK WOftEN STRONG, n . -..SICK WOMEN WELL. ; It allays inflammation, heals ulceration and soothe pain. It tones and builds up the nerves. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. Honest medicine dealer sell it, and have nothing to urtfe unnn vnu ' timt ww! " It is non-secret, non-alcoholic and has record of forty years of cure. ' Ass You Nbiohoors. They probably know of some of its many cures. . If you want book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing "jr. and he will send you a frtt copy of. hi great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to date edition, in paper cover. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. DEEDS, HOT WORDS Plattsmouth People Have Abso lute Proof of Deeds at Home. It's not words," but deeds that prove true merit. The deeds of Doan's Kidneys Pills, For Plattsmouth kidney suferers, Have made their local reputation. Proof lies in the testimony of the Plattsmouth people who have been cured to stay cured. Hermann Tlekotter, Ninth & Day Sts, Plattsmouth, Neb., says. "I nev er used a medicine that brought as great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys were disordered and there was a dull, tired ache across the small of my back that distressed me a great deal. If I stooped, my back pained me severely and in the morn ing when I arose, I felt as tired as when I went to bed. Hearing Doan's Pills highly praised, I procured a box at Gering & Co.'s drug store and I did not take them long before I was entirely relieved." Statement given June 8, 1906). On December 29, 1908, Mr. Tie' kotter said. "I cheerfully confirm my fomer endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have had no trouble from my kidneys since this remedy cured me." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. A Double Wedding. A marriage license was Issued to day from the office of County Judge Beeson-to Mr. Fred C. Wolf, aged 28, of Weeping Water and Miss Myrtle M. Fowler, aged 23, of Weep ing Water. The latter is a sister of Miss Mabel Fowler to whom a license was issued yesterday. There will be a double wedding this evening at the home of the Misses Fowler in Weeping Water, the two young ladles being among the most popular In that city. The affair Is expected to be quite a society event and a large number of friends of the parties are expected to be present. LOUISVILLE. (Courier.) Miss Louise Guthman of Plainview, Neb., is visiting her nieces, Misses Lorean and Mabel Krecklow. We are glad to report that little Willie Wendt is able to come to town again after a nlneweeks' ill ness with pluro-pneumonla. Frank Scblater, county treasurer. of Plattsmouth, visited at the hom of Will Ossenkop last Saturday. Mr. Schlater came up to make arrange ment to have some work done at River View cemetery. Fred Petersen has been spending a week at home with his father, P. Petersen. ' Fritz Is attending a school of pharmacy at Fremont, where h is making good. He will finish his course in August. Mrs. C. F. Rathbun received word this week that the wife of her nep hew, Harry McClaln, had died sud denly in Chicago. She was brought to Lincoln for interment. The many friends of the McClaln family in thla vicinity extend their sincere sym pathy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Towner and four children of Wolbach, are visit ing at the home of W. F. Dlers. Mr. Dlers has put up a couple of tents at Rlchey's sand pit and has them com fortably furnished and they will en tertain their guests, having an out ing of several days. Mrs, Elizabeth MacMullin died at her home in Louisville at 6:30 Wed nesday evening, June 15, after an Ill ness extending over a period of sev eral years. Deceased was a daughter of Adam Ingram, a pioneer settler of Cass county. She was born on July 2, 1858. She leaves a husband, and four children, two sons and two daughters. Start on Kxtended Ti l. Eddie Egenberger departed this afternoon for his extended western trip which was spoken of in the Jour nal of yeBterday. From this city he goes to Omaha where he Joins Messrs. Grotte, Grandes and others and from there they will proceed to Denver where they will spend a day or so af ter which they go on to Salt Lake where they will visit for a short time, the remainder of the party go ing on ahead while Mr. Egenberger remains to visit with relatives for probably three to four days. He will Join the party later and will ljkely witness the big fight at Reno, Nev., on July 4th. From Nevada he will probably take in San Francisco where the party expects to take boat to Portland, Ore., and from that place go to Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., where they will Bpend several days, after which tbey will take a steamer to Vancouver, B. C, and then come east over the Canadian Pacific visit Ing all points of interest along the route. The trip will be one of the grandest in the country and will car ry them through Scenic America, both going and coming. The trip east will be through the Canadian Rockies, than which there is no grander seen ery on earth. They will visit the famous springs at Banff and come on down through Calgary, Medicine Hat and Winnipeg, taking in that vast new empire which is so rapidly rising to national prominence. The entire trip will take about three weeks and Mr. Egenberger does not expect to be home before the middle of July or possibly even later. IN AND MEN MED. The Goernment pays Railway Mall Clerk $800 to $l,200,'and other em ployee up to $2,500 annually Uncle Sam will hold examinations throughout the country for Railway Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart ment Clerks and other Government positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, la City or Country can get Instruction and free information by writing at onco to the Bureau of Instruction, 79 J, Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. A Iteguliir Tom Boy. was Susie climbing trees and fences Jumping ditches, whltllng, always get ting scratches, cuts,' sprain, bruises bumps, burns or scalds. But laws! Her mother Just applied Bucklln's Arnica Salvo nnd cured her quick Heals evertblng reaiablo BoIIh, Ul cers, Eczema, Old Sores, Corns or Piles. Try It. 2r,r. F. G. Fricko Card of Thank. We desire to extend our sincere thanks to the many kind friends who assisted us during the Illness and death of our beloved darling, George W. Partridge and we especially desire to thank Rev. W. A. Taylor for his kind services and words and the many friends who remembered the beloved with such handsome floral tributes. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Partridge. Mr. and Mrs. eGorge M. Mark. Miss Murl B. Mark. Mark White and wife of Rock w-luffs were in the city attending to business today, driving up from their home this morning fo ra few hours In the city. Have you ever used the celebrated 'Forest Rose" liourt Try it whea you buy the next sack. At all lead no; dealers. The Stork's Visit. j. James Novacek is the proudest young father in the city this day, hav Ing Just come Into the possession of a fine young lady who arrived at his home today. The young lady is con sldered by her adoring father and mother as about the best ever and they are willing to swear that she has no rivals. Jim Is behaving him self as well as the public is entitled to expect under all the conditions and probably that smile of his never will wear off. Both Mrs. Novacek and the baby are getting along very nice ly. A Pleasant Caller. . Mrs. Matt Leuck of Edgemont, S D.,' who has been visiting her son at Qhieago, arrived In thla city yester day morning and will visit relatives and friends In this city and Omaha for a few days. She was a passenger to Omaha on the afternoon train Mrs. Leuck was a pleasant caller at this office today and renewed her subscription to the seml-woekly. Mrs Leurk says she does not like the warm weather we are having In this locality' at' present 'and states' tha the (iininte in South Dakota Is much IF SICK-WHY PAY Unless Health First Returns. , IIr Is what should and can b done I Now rou would not wllllnglr par for foot that was worthiest would tout Than why Dar tor medicine until that I tin nrt proves to you iu actual worcnr Positively knowing what Dr. Bhoop's Ka storaUva can do tor the sick. 1 say to all "don't nr unletis health first rnturni". And I back my Restorative with a signed and'soalud 80 dar 'V help. No pay" contract. . I positively pledge to the sick everywhere that "vr. iihoop'i Restorative is absolute ly free if it fails'", Let others do the same praise pats their prescriptions by. It you need more sirengm, mora Tiuiucy, more vigor or more vim, use my Hestoratiye a taw day and note the Immediate Improvement. When the Stomach, Heart, or Munevs go wrong. thn tit Dr.Hlioop's Rcntoratlve. 1 do no dnaa the Stomach nor ttlmulaUHlie Heart or Kid- ours, tor that Is wrong. Years ago I rantaway that mlstakon Idea in medicine. J no cooks oeiuw wiu bott t"U you how I am succeeding. These books also tell ot a tiny hidden In trie nerve," no larger ttmn a silken thrend. They tell how that nerve, until it lulls, actually glTM to the Heart iu power, Its tone, lis uver-enuiB action or Impulne. ; These books will open np new and helprnl Ideas to thone who are not well. They Mil hnw theStomach.andKldneyteaehhavethelr 'inside' r power nerves. They tell now uie nesioraura was especially made to reach and revltallzatheaa weak or falling limUlo nerves. All ol these facta talk why I am able to say "It Is tree II it fails". This is why I say "laKe no cnanre on a tnedicint whoss maker dam not bank it just as I do by this remarkable ojfitr". Bo write me today for the order. I have appointed hontst and responsible druggists In nearly every community to issuaaV medicines to the sick. Hut write me first for the order. ' All druggists sl I Dr. Hhoop's RestoratlTa. but all are not authorised to give the AO day tnt. Ho drop me a line plunt nd thus sava llssppolntment and delays. Tell me also wuicn book you need. 1 A portal will do. Iletldes, you aro free to consult me as yo would your home physician. My advice aud tha book below are yours anil wHIiouti'OSt. l'erhaps a word or Win from me will clear OP some Serious ailment. 1 have helped thousands upon thouminds by my private proscription or personal sdvleo plim. Mv )'t effort Is surely worth your simple p-nn-a. Ho write now while ynu have It tresli In mind, for tomorrow Leva comes. Dr. Khoop, llox 12, Knrlne, Wis. Whlck Book lliall I 6t4 Toat No.l On Ttvspetisl No. A For Women No. 2 (Hi I'm 1 1 curt No. ft Tot Men No. a On the Kidneys ' No. 0 On Uheuinatuna, to use. Sold by all dealers. & Co. inoro Ideal.