The Plattsmouth - Journal Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmouth, Nebraska that millions of Republicans, or form er Republicans, entertain. :o: KCUKTAKV OF COMMON SKNM:. t I R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. i $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Remember Plattsmouth's big 4th of July celebration. -:o:- Whereupon Governor Haskell may be expected to say something more about the federal courts. :o: - The railroads doubtless regard both airships and steamboats as "ves sels of wrath fitted unto destruc tion." , :o: - Tostal savings banks may aid the people toward economy and thrift, al though these are two virtues to which congress Is highly Indifferent. - :o: "Everybody favors doing away with firecrackers this year and every other year. It saves a great deal of uneasiness on the part of prop erty owners. :o: They have a Mothers' day, a Chil drens' day, and now comes a Spokane ladv to the front and suggests a Fathers day, as a tribute to the head of the family. ;o:- lf the standpatters are not afraid of the Insurgents over In Iowa, why are they so Interested In their work of bringini the factions together? The scent defeat If they fall in their efforts. They have Bald too many nasty things against the Insurgents to ever accomplish their object. Poulson, the anti-saloon league scape-goat, Is still trying td get candidate for governor. The league would coine nearer getting a candi date If they would fire this would-be- dictator out of the state bodily. The peoplo of Nebraska got along very nicely long before he entered the state, and they are able to do so again without this troublesome gent. There Is entirely too much agita tion among Democrats as to what Dryan will do In regard to the liq uor question and the Democratic platform. We take Mr. Bryan to be a man who Is entirely too sensible to antagonize the big majority of Dem ocrats of Nebraska on this question. We don't believe he will urge coun ty option In the platform, but If he locs, we can't follow him, that's all. :o: I.VSl IKJFAt V AM) UOOSF.Yi:ir. The radical utterances of Clifford rinchot, In his speech at St. Paul, have lent the cold shivers to chasing each other up and down the spinal columns of the Republican regulars. And there's a reason. Mr. Pinchot mado that speech af ter having visited and conferred with his chief friend and sponsor, Mr Roosevelt. Undoubtedly, when they wcro together, he turned himself In sido out to Roosevelt. Roosevelt knew all that he had done, and about what he Intended to do In the future. It Is reasonable to suppose that two men enjoying such very closo person al relations even conferred with and advised each other on so Important a matter. Their parting was as cordial as their meeting had been. Then Mr. Pinchot came home and made that speech at St. Paul. And it was a sizzling speech. It had not a word of compromise or conciliation in It. It was a speech for war; war with Taft and the Taft admlnlstra tlon; war with tho regular leaders ' of the party; war with the things for which those leaders have mado the jparty stand. As the Chicago Record Herald very truthfully says, '"This speech, outdoing tho most violent at tacks of tho Insurgent leaders In con gross, has placed Mr. Pinchot on the very Pikes Peak of party lnsurrec tlon." Surely there must bo some slgnl flcanco In tho fact of Mr. Pinchot de Hveiing bl m sell' of this defiance so noon after his conference with M Itoosevclt. . field also spoke at St. Paul. He is as close to Roosevelt as Pinchot him self. He was a charter member of the "tennis cabinet." The one favor that Roosevelt asked of Taft, after the latter's election, was that Gar field should be secretary of the in terlor. And Garfield's speech was as radical as Pinchot's. Again quoting from the Record-Herald, "Mr. Gar field broadened his subject to Include nearly everything now before the American people as an Issue, and to denounce everybody in public life except insurgents, from the presl dent who signed the tariff bill down to the men who passed it." Still other Insurgent leaders have erupted -violently since Pinchot came home, including Senators Beveridge and Dolllver, whose speeches dellv ercd within the past week In the senate were more frankly defiant and placed them more Irreconcilably at odds with the administration and the party organization than anything they had said before. These facts mean something. They may not mean, necessarily, that the Insurgent leaders know Roosevelt will bo with them, and so dare to break finally with the administration count lng on the ex-president's support to save their political hides. For it Is conceivable that Pinchot brought home the word that Roosevelt would not be with them; that he would have to stand by his presidential god child. Or Pinchot may have brought back word that Roosevelt's future course was as yet undecided. Put still there is a meaning to re cent insurgent fulmlnatious. The meaning", In the World-Herald's Judg ment, Is this: The insurgent leaders have enlisted for the war. They have burned their bridges. They are not going to yield an Inch. They are going to keep on fighting. They 111 fight whether Roosevelt is with them, or against them, or temporar lly neutral. This fact Is the more aparents In the light of the manner in which the administration and organization influence of the Republican party Is being brought to bear In the state here Insurgency Is strongest. It has plainly been shown that M Taft and his lieutenants mean to crush and kill, if they can, every Insurgent leader who continues to stand out against them. If, there fore, any insurgent were tempted to yield, or to compromise, he would have to begin at once to crook the pegnant hinges of the knee, that peace might follow fawning. Hut the Insurgents are not bowing before the master. They are standing stralghter than before, If such a thing bo pos- Iblo. It will be seen, trom all this, that not everything will depend on "what Roosevelt does." Mr. Roosevelt con- not dispel the Bplrlt of insurgency even If, with all his ardor, he casts himself against it. Should he prove a lost leader the army will fight on without him. . It may go on to defeat, but it will go on. With the aid of the administration and of Roosevelt the regulars might crush Dolllver In Iowa, La Follette In Wisconsin. They might control conventions and mako platforms In Iowa and Kansas and Nebraska and Minnesota and oth er states. They might even do It without Roosevelt's help. On the other hand, tho Insurgents, with Rosevelt's help, might win such vic tories In a number of statea as would spell the certain doom of tho Taft administration. Just one thing is sure. Whether triumphant or de feated, whether supported or opposed by Roosevelt, insurgency will live The warring factions of Republican Ism will never bo got together again The ideal Is greater than any Indl vldual, and immortal against any machine. And Insurgency la founded lint that Is not all. James R. Gar New York World: It would be In teresting to know w hat William How ard Taft, Judge, would have thought of the action of William Howard Taft, president, In excluding Repre sentative" Francns Burton Harrison from the white house. Probably Judge Taft would have read Presi dent Taft a severe lecture on the dif ferences between constitutional gov ernment and personal government. Mr. Harrison did not call at the white house on private business or social business. He went with a delegation of Jewish citizens, some of them his constituents, who had "mat ters of grave Importance to lay be fore the president of the United States. It was wholly an official ceremony; yet Mr. Harrison was de nled admission because Mr. Taft had taken offense at the representative's criticisms of an official act of the administration. It was Mr. Harrison who Intro duced the resolution which compelled the attorney general to admit that his brief in the Balllnger case had been antedated. That fact had previously been discovered through Mr. Wlck ersham's carelessness in answering a charge that had not been made at the time the opinion was nominally written. In commenting on the Inci dent, Mr. Harrison said: This confession of the attor ney general amounts to a con Ooo PEOPLE'S Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. ooO PULPIT... Workmen Needing Not to Be Ashamed. "Study to Show Thyself Approved Unto God, a Workman That Need eth Not to Be Ashamed, Rightly Divid ing the Word of Truth" (II Timothy i. 15). ooO elusion that the president and the attorney general .had agreed to furnish to congress mislead ing information to supply an official document as of one date which was really many weeks later. This Is one of the most se rious admissions ever made by a cabinet officer. The attorney general offers a startllngly lame excuse. I doubt whether the country will receive it with even respectful consideration. This la not an unpardonable ex aggeration of the fact. Perhaps it was harsh to say that the president and the attorney general had agreed" to furnlshmlsleadlng Infor mation; but they had nevertheless Juggled the dates, and in the clrcum- stances the information a3 presented was misleading. -There Is no power, of course, that can compel the president to receive any member of congress or to have any relations whatsoever with any senator or representative. The pres Ident is privileged to shut himself up In the white house and be a hermit If he chooses. Put if he Is to re ceive congressmen on official bus! ness it is rather a delicate matter to ostracize members for their opln Ions about public matters. Some times we think that Mr. Taft Is almost too sensitive to be president of the United States. No president has been treated more kindly than he; yet no president ever showed more resentment of public criticism Mr. Taft has been scolding the Insur gents, scolding the newspapers, scold ng the magazines, denouncing the muckrakers and quarreling with the members of his own party until the country is beginning to wonder whether it was not wholly mistaken In its previous Judgment of his tern per and temperament. Tho world respectfully renews its suggestion that if the cabinet is to be enlarged there should be created a department of common sense) in charge of a competent secretary. He la needed. :o: The rate at which the Democrat8 are holding picnics and dinners out In the state should cause Borne com motion in the political atmosphere and so far there has been very little said favoring a county option plank It seems to bo the bughare of the politicians and all of them seem to want It kept into the background at least ho far as the platform is con coined. County option is not good Democratic doctrine and the party does not want to be committed to it. The Slocum law with the elRht o'clock amendment Bults the bulk of the people pretty well and they do not care to make a change for the worse. :o: Nick Halmes and wife, the popular good people from west of the city, came In this morning to look arter business matters, and Jo spend the day with their many good friends in v Louisville, Ky, June 19,-Pastor Russell of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York, today addressed the Inter national Bible Students' Association here, using the above text De also gar a public address under the aus pices of the association. He bad crowd' d houses and earnest attention. On the above text he said In part: I address you, dear friends, as Chris tians, students of God's Word, and not as sectarians.. Although the world is full of denominations, each claiming to be the Church of Christ, we all admit that there Is but the one "Church of the firstborns whose names are writ ten in heaven" (Hebrews xlL 23). This conviction is being borne in upon us more and more as the days go by, and as the eyes of our understanding open more widely to the teachings of God's Word. We realize increasingly that our division means our shame in the eyes of the world, and that our Creedal contradictions imply that we are not all led in all things by the Holy Spirit, the teachings of which cannot be Yea and Nay upon the same subject It Is this sentiment which is taking bold of the ministry of all denominations and mak lng them anxious for an outward show of Unity In Church Federation, which will shortly be effected. The Christian public, however, and especially Bible students, are not deeply sympathetic with the Federation Idea. They real ize that at most It would be a gloss of deception so far as doctrinal oneness la concerned; and that otherwise it is but a business or worldly combination. Bible Students are more and more coming to prefer the Lord's way the Scriptural way. They are coming to realize that what (Jod's people ueed Is not more organization but less organi zation, not more explicit creeds but the one standard of, fellowship which the Bible sets up. They are learning that this simple, creed Is: a turning from sin and acceptance of the Lord Jesus as the Redeemer ffom sin and death and the full consecration of the believer, mind and body, to know and to do the Lord's will to the best of bis ability, under the Lord's Providential guidance. We all see that this simple bond of fellowship Is the only one laid down In God's Word, and that whatso ever Is more than this la Injurious- bondage to men and to systems. We all see that "the Church of the Living God whose names are written in heav en" is composed exclusively of such as conform to the terms of this simple creed that these alone will constitute "the Body of Christ which is the Church"-"the Bride, the Lamb's wife." whom be will accept and unite to him self lo the end of this age. We all see that this class alone is referred to in the Scripture as "the elect." who are to be associated with the Savior In bis glorious Spiritual Kingdom, which, lu visible to men, is shortly to be estab lished in power and great glory for the blessing of natural Israel and through her for the blessing of all tbe families of the earth living and dead. "Workman Not Ashamed." Let us couslder the latter part of our text first: Tbe Apostle's suggestion ia that Timothy and all tbe ministers of the Gospel of Christ are professedly workmen, laboring under the guidance of God's Word, lu the larger sense every Christian Is a minister of the Gospel, or, as St Peter declares of all the consecrated. "Ye are a Royal rrlesthood. a Uoly People, a Peculiar Treasure." In the end of tbe age will come a reckoning time, a showing of results, "Every man's work that ho bath wrought shall be made manifest (I Corinthians 111, 13). Our text urges that Timothy, and every faithful servant of God should be ho loyul to God and his message that In the great time of examination In the end of this uge preparatory to the Introduction of tbe Kingdom the showing .'ilmll be one of which we need not be ashamed. Let us, then, as Chris tlan Bible Students of all dcnomlna tlons gathered here toduy, nsk our selves respecting our own work In the world, and how It must appear to God to ourselves, and to our fellowmen- yca, now it must shortly tie muae manifest to a 111 Let m call the roll Baptist bretb ren, What have you to show as work men who need not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth Methodist brethren, what say you Presbyterian, next Congregations Ists, Lutherans. Catholics all! The answer of oue Is practically the auswer of nil: "We hnve so many bun dred Churches They cost so mnn millions of dollar. Their steeples are - high. Their rust of maintenance Is so much. The number of ministers Is so many The Church collection amount to so mix h. The amount col Ice ted for foreign missions is so much The amount expended on One choirs j and elegant organ is so mueu. iue aggregated debt of nil our churches Is so much The unpaid Interest on many of thes debts is so much. The time and energy expended In fairs, bazaars. etc. to help Py 'he expend! Mires s n much The number of Church membership s-so mnuy. The number In Sunday Schools Is si many." on an Ideal; it rests on n conviction' the city. Many of our dear Christian friends say. What lack we yet? Have we not really attained tbe goal of our Church ambition T Should we build finer edi fices or pay larger salaries? Are we not straining ourselves with collections at every turn? What more could God ask of us? "We are rich and Increased In goods and have need of nothing" (Revelation ill. 10-19). ' In replr we may suppose the Lord to ask. Where did 1 give you Instruction respecting these things? Where In my Word did you find the suggestion that what I desired you to do In tbe world was to erect great church edifices, piles of stone and Iron and mortar, polished woods and stained glass? Yon are not rightly reading my Word However good In intention, you have failed to "rightly divide the Word of TrvthT' The Temple respecting which I gave instruction Is the spiritual one, the Temple of the holy Spirit the Body of Christ which Is the Church. I fear that you have forgotten tbe true temple of God while rearing so many temples of eurtbly ma terlals. Concerning the true Temple I Instructed you that "the temple of God Is holy, which temple ye nre"- "llvlng stones" being shaped and pol- lshed "for the habitation of God throueh the Spirit." Show me what you have accomplished in this way. Show me to what extent you nave rightly divided my Word, and prop erly Instructed mankind respecting my glorious character and my great VI vino Plan of the Ages! Show me fruitage of the glorious message! How many in all the millions that yon report are "New creatures in Christ Jesus." who "walk not after the flesh, but after tbe Spirit?" Let me hear tbe message of my love and grace in Christ as you ore proclaiming It! What meun these sectarian di visions amongst you? Why are there so many Church edifices and so few saintly worshipers? Who authorized you to put these creedal fences be tween my people to divide tbe flock? Know ye opt that I snld. there Is one flock and one Shepherd? Why have you so neglected the spiritual Interests of my flock aud their instruction in righteousness? Why ure yon so unable to rightly divide my Word? Instead of coming together as one Church of the Living God whose uuines are written In heaven you have divided Into hundreds of sects and parties! In- stead of taking my Word as a whole and rightly dividing its teachings as between the differcut ages and dispen sations of my work, you have divided my Word In a sectarian manner. One sect has mode one selection from my Word and another sect has made an other selection. Thus ye array one part of my Word against another part of It and hence get into confusion and conflict What have you to answer for these things? With shame of face we must all ac- knowledge that "We have done those things which we ought not to have done and have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and there Is no help in us." The proper thing for us to do, dear Christian friends, is to get down upon our knees before the Lord and in contrition of heart to acknowledge that we have wrought no deliverance In the earth (Isaiah xxvl, 18); that our sectarian differences are our shame; that the ig norance that we have all been in re specting tbe Word of God is humil iating. Now that our eyes are open so that we can comprehend ns never before the harmony of God's message from Genesis to Revelation, it means a rich feast and blessing to our souls. Tbe Word of God becomes more pre cious to us dally as we become able to comprehend It Our duty Is to fly to the assistance of our dear brethren and sisters in Christ of all denomina tions, and to call upon tbem to Join with us In a determined staud for righteousness, for Truth, for God and for bis Word. We must show them that ignorantly we and they have dishonored our God by misrepresentation of his character and misrepresentations of the real teachings of the Bible. We must point them to tbe fact that the Bible does not teacb that all mankind except the "Elect" saiuts will be consigned to an eternltv of torture at the hands of fire proof demous. We must show them that the elation of the Church durlug this nue n saintly little flock doer, not meun InJurv to the uun-elect. That on the contrary. It is the Divine pur pose that the elect saints with their grent Redeemer In glory shall const!5- tute God's Kingdom, lbat his Mug dom when established will bind Satan. put down sin, banish Ignorance, error and superstition and uplift mnuklnd by "restitution." by resurrection processes. up. up, up. to all that was lost lu Eden by disobedience and to nil se cured for Adam and his race through the great transaction at Calvary (Acts III. 19-21). "Rightly Dividing th Word of Truth." Alas, how many Intelligent people have turned' aside from following Christ and from hearing the voice of God through the Bible: Alas, how ninny ore looking to Theosophy, to SDlrltlsin. to Christian Science, to nigber Criticism, to Evolution wan dering farther and farther dally from the "faith once delivered to the saints" (Jude ill). We fault them no more than we fault ourselves. As a whole we have been workmen tcho need to be ashamed. We have dishonored God through misunderstanding and misrep resenting his Word and his Character. We have driven away from God and the Bible some of the most Intelligent of our fellows, by reason of tbe con tradlctory nonsense of our creeds. Tbe Apostle urges, "Study to show thyself approved unto God." We are not to suppose, therefore, that the highest of all science, that which per tains to the Divine purpose and th Divine plan, can be acquired without ttudy. We are not In this claiming, that study alone would bring the de sired results of proper knowledge. Wei heartily agree In tbe Scriptural prop osition that "the world by wisdom knows not God." We are not there fore to study along tbe lines of world ly wisdom, but along the lines of "that wisdom that cometh from above" along the lines of the Inspired Scrip-' tures. We mutt study! Whoever will1 not study will not know. "The secret of tbe Lord Is with them that rever ence Dim." And reverencing him means the giving of our best thoughts and talents to the study of bis Word, that we may "know the things freely given to ns of God" (I Corinthians il 12). We should note further as Bible stu dents that we must not study to be ap proved of men, but to have the Divine approval. This will bring to us, as it did to the Master and his apostles, the disapprobation of the worldly-wise and nominally religious. It was the Chief Priests and Scribes and Pharisees, and not the common people of the Jews, nor the Roman soldiers, who were guilty of the crucifixion of our Lord. And we must expect similar conditions, be cause, as tbe Apostle says, "As he was so are we in this world." The class who called the Master Beelzebub is the same class which will oppose his foot step followers. God permits all this with wise and loving foreln ten tlon. Nothing connect- ed with tbe opposing forces is in any sense of the word Interfering with his great Trogrnm. ne set apart with Di vine wisdom this Gospel Age of nearly nineteen centuries for the sole purpose of selecting, from tbe world "the Church of the firstborns" the antltyp Ical Priests and Levltes. The restric tion of his message, the darkening of counsel, the clashing of creeds, the op position of tbe world, tbe flesh and tbe Devil, are all wisely permitted with tbe forelntentlon on God's part that thus all through the Age the way of the cross In the footsteps of Jesus should be a "narrow way," so that comparatively few finding It would care to walk in It It is those few, that "little flock" zealous for God, for his Word, for righteousness, that he is now marking out as the prospective Joint-heirs with Jesus in his glorious Kingdom, which Is to bless tbe world with full opportu nities for earthly salvation "restitu tion." Tbe trials of the faith, the pa tience, the love, the devotion of this "little flock" are all designed and not accidental. Satan and bis hosts may think to thwart the Divine Plan and may mislead and use humanity as their tools, but it shall yet be seen that all of the Divine purposes shall be ac complished. The Vvord that has gone forth out of Jehovah's mouth shall prosper In the thing whereto he sent It St Paul declared of earthly Israel, thafelbey enjoyed "much advantage every way, because to tnem were com mitted the oracles of God." So now. dear friends, It seems to me that you and I and all sincere Christians tbe world around enjoy much advantage every way. Looking to the past we find great excuse for our dear forefa thers who, with sincerity of heart so misunderstood tbe Divine Word and so misinterpreted tbe spirit of tbe Master that they burned one another at the stake. We should not think so harshly of them for this as though, they lived today under the greater ad vantages which we possess. We should sympathize with them. We should consider them as blinded by the great Adversary as was Saul of Tarsus, when he, as a member of the Sanhedrln, authorized tbe stoning of St Stephen. We should think of them sympathetically as St Peter spoke of the Jews who crucified the Lord. He said, "I wot brethren, that In Igno--ranee ye did It as did also your rul ers." So also we should kludly, lov ingly cast a mantle of benevolence over similar conduct on tbe part of John Calvin and others of our forefa thers. But as we would not go to the Jewish rulers, nor to Saul of Tarsus for religious instruction, neither should we go to Brother Colvin or others of our forefathers who were blinded, as be was. respecting the true churacter of God aud the true Spirit of his Word. Only within the past century have the mnsHQs of God's people been able even to rend the Bible, if they bad pos sessed It. And only within the same time have they had the Bible to read. Our great hindrance has beeu that with Bibles lu our hands and with ability to use them, we looked for In struction to our well-meaning fathers Instead of going to God's Word Itself. Now by God's grace the eyes of our understanding are opened. Tho won derful Bibles of our day with their marginal references, their concord ances, etc.. Hud other assistances in ruble study are brluglng us In toucb with the whole message of God's Word. Now one passage of Scripture throws light upon another and thus with iucreoslng brightness the Word nf the Lord as a hi nip gives Mght upon 'the pathway of bis Church.