The - Plattsmouth - Journal Published Semi-Weekly it PlaltsiJioalh, Nebraska R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Don't forget the great celebration In Plattsmouth July 4th. :o:- Tomorrow, June 14, Is Flag day. Unfurl Old Glory to the breeze. :o: Republican orators might as well prepare to explain that the railroad bill was "the best we could get." :o: State candidates are now filing right lively, and from present Indi cations there promises to be plenty of them. :o: The fact that the tariff was revised by Its friends Is not sufficient reason why the railroads should be super vised by their friends. :o: Preliminary to the proper observ ance of a safe and sane 4th, It may be advisable to Impress upon Young America that the celebration does not begin in Juno. :o: James Schoolcraft Sherman, the vice president, Is to make speeches against LaFollctto in Wisconsin. Isn't LaFollctto JuHt about the luckiest ' man in public life? :o: - A recount of the votes In the 1 3th Pennsylvania district had cut Dal- zell's majority to a meager 207. And whereupon the Honorable Dalzcll got out an Injunction to prevent any fur ther recounting. :o: The Red Men of Plattsmouth are preparing an old fasloned 4 th of July celebration at that city. The Reds at Platts are a strong order and u live bunch, and they will have a "time" worth going miles to see. The world Is Invited. Lincoln Herald. :o: All the towns situated within a ra dius of twenty live or thirty miles of Plattsmouth will please take notice that this city will celebrate the 4th. When they understand this fact, they know that it will be the biggest celebration that will be held In south eastern Nebraska this year. Don't forget It. :o: Ralph Clark of Stella, Richardson county, was filed for lieutenant gov ernor. Mr. Clark Is a member of the there will be no question as to his finalities for presiding officer of the senate. He Is one of the ablest men of Nebraska, nnd displayed groat ability In the last session of the legislature. We see that the chairman In call ing a meeting of the Republican state committee for June 16, has Invited editors of Republican papers to be present. That shows the chairman appreciates the work done by the pack-mules of the party. Why did not the Democratic committee do the same? Are not the Democratic edi tors to be consulted on matters per talnlng to the Interests of the party? Do they not do their duty when It comes to fighting In a campaign? What kind of campaign would It be without the press? Poor manage ment on the part of the chairman. :o: That the Democracy of Nebraska Is a militant organization these days Is In evidence by the continued sue cess of the series of county Demo cratlc banquets. These county ban qucts are more largely attended than the recent state-wide Republican ban auet held in Omaha. Custer and Bur falo counties are the most recent ex amples of enthusiastic organization The banquet at Itroken Row, preced ed by a rally in the afternoon, was attended by 200. At Kearney on June 9, the largest available dining hall was crowded to the doors. Gov ernor Shallenberger was the chief speaker on both these occasions. The other speakers were Mayor Dahlman, W. 11. Price, R. D. Sutherland and others. :o: -:o:- Robcrt M. Hmemlng of Custer 'ounty has decided to file as a candi date for the Democratic nomination as commissioner of public lands and buildings. Friends of Gilbert M. Manso of Buffalo are urging him to celt the nomination for Btate treaS' urer. Mr. Hasse has been treasurer of Buffalo county for several years nnd has made an enviable record. :o: ' President Taft has given another exhibition of extreme narrow minded- mess by a refusal to receive Repro Bentatlvo Harrison, Democrat, of New York, at the white house, because tho congressman publicly criticised the president's connection with the back-dat(ng of the Wlckorsham re port In the rinchot-Btlllnger contro versy. As Mr. Harrison aptly re marked, If everyone who Justly criti cises the Taft administration Is to bo barred from the white house It will , become a lonely place. :o: The "Oregon plan," briefly stated, Is that candidates for the legislature sign one of two statements. State ment No. 1 Is to the effect that the candidate "will vote for that candi date for United States senator who has received the largest number of the people's votes at the general elec tlon next preceding the election of a senator In congress without regard to my Individual prefernee." State ment No. 2 Is to the effect that the candidate will consider the vote of the people for United States senator as "nothing more than a recommen dation, which I shall be at liberty to wholly disregard, If the reason for olng so seems to me to be suffl- clent." Democrats are favoring the widest possible application of the law, while Republicans are Bhowlng a dis position to Ignore or evade It. The Oregon plan" merely means that the people may elect their United States senators Instead of turning the mat ter over to the hands of corporation agents and machine politicians as heretofore. :o: ustlfied. The former plan would give the people the advantage- The latter plan gives the advantage to the railroads. On account of this provision of the senate bill, and be cause he believed the senate bill in every respect a better bill than would come from the conference commit tee. Congressman Hitchcock made an earnest plea for the acceptance of the senate bill by the house. To fight to accept the senate bill, which was supported by all the house Democrats but six, and by a number of Republicans, was bitterly opposed by the railroads, by the standpatters, and by the white house. The senate bill was objectionable to the rail roads because of the radical amend ments which had been Incorporated Into It by the Democrats and such Insurgents as Senators La Follette and Cummins. It was necessary to send the bill to conference la order to kill those amendments and make the bill conform to the assurances given the railroad presidents of the United States. , And bo the bill was sent to conference. The conference committee, of course, consists only or tne uepuo- llcan members. The two Democrat ic members are helpless, and are not considered. The Republican members are all standpatters, all un der the Taft. Influence, all friendly Interests and at their head Is Aid rich. Aldrlch and Taft, In effect constitute the conference committee with a bare possibility that Con eressman Mann may maRe some trouble. And the conference committee is doing Its work In the dark. All the long weeks of hard work and earnest debate In the house and In the sen ate have been wasted .weeks. The bill the house prepared, the bill the senate prepared, are little better than so much waste paper. The concessions that were made to the Democrats and Insurgents, In both the house and senate, were fjr one purpose only, to get a bill through either house, and into conference. Then the conference committee can preserve such features as it wishes, eliminating the others. The conference committee Is mak ing the railroad bill, assisted by President Taft, who held his confer ence with the railroad presidents. And the conference committee Is doing its work in secret, behind clos ed doors. It remains to be seen what the country will get out of law making in the dark. It remains also to be seen how the country will like the kind of law making thus obtained. World-Her aid. :o: July 4, 1910. Remember the big celebration at Plattsmouth. :o: Glfford Pinchot told some inter esting facts in Lis great speech at St. Paul, Minn, the other night. -:o:- The base ball fan's Idea of a cata clysm is w hen there's a game on and his wife makes him go to a church social. :o: Wonders never cease. A Vermont man has committed suicide with a safety razor. Next we may hear of someone getting a clean shave with one. :o: As the logical outcome of Colonel Roosevelt's efforts as a peacemaker, It Is reported that English regiments have been warned to be in readiness for a call to Egypt. :o: Vive President Sherman says there Is no trouble In the Republican party of the west. Of course, their isn't with the crowd he associated with while out here the federal office' holders. :o: Great Fourth of July celebration in Plattsmouth. Everybody knows what to expect when they have a celebration in this city, and that Is the reason they are all coming to the town this year. :o: A united Democratic party means LAWMAKING IN Tilt: DARK. Children Cry for Fletcher's I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of nnd has been made under his per- ftf-f-f-' sonal supervision since Its infancy. 4k,CCA(Ai Allow no onA to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trine with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys AVornis . and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS fBears the Signature of The federal officeholders of Wis consin on Thursday had a meeting, at which President Taft was endorsed and the new tariff defended, and the Republican party extolled. The Re publican party in Wisconsin Is In a ritinble condltiou. A largo part of It has gone over to the Socialists. The federal officeholders of course keep tho Republican flag flying. Outside of this bread-and-butter brig ade, tho Republicans of Wisconsin are led by LaFollctto, who condemns What Is happening to the railroad bill? The Washington dispatches tell that the conference committee, hav lng the bill in Its tender keeping, Is conducting its deliberations in pro found secrecy. Hut one man outside the committee knows what is going on President Taft. And he has been "asked to refrain from mention lng the work of the conferees to other members of congress" be cause the other members might get mad and raise a ruction if they knew what is happening to the bill! Nobody knows what promises tho president made the railroad presi dents, w hen they agreed to withhold tho advances In freight rates till the new law takes effect, and he agreed not to enforce the Sherman law against them. Nobody knows, therefore, wliat the changes are In tho bill, except that It is already announced that the pro vision to prevent the issue of water ed stock will be eliminated. This, perhaps, Is only the beginning of the evil that is to be done. Tho Benato bill provided that the burden of proof shall be on the railroads to ustlfy Increases in the freight rates. Under the present law the burden of proof la on tho ship per, or on the government to show Is It possible that the anti-saloon league had to import a man from Ohio to run their organization? -Then after a few months residence In Ne braska his salary was nearly doub led? Who Is this Poulson, anyway? he who comes to Nebraska and en deavors to run the politics of the state on such short acquaintance? :o: a glorious victory for the party in Nebraska this year. And we believe this will be the result as sure as the sun rises and sits on election day. The Democrats know what they have to do to obtain a victory and will organize in every precluct :o: the selection or Grand island as the convention city was made for the sole and simple reason that it has been six years since a Democratic state convention was held in the central part of the state. Th charge of Republican organs that the selection was made as a result of va rious tie-ups between prospective candidates Is ridiculously false. :o: It has been decided to proceed immediately with the organization of a State Democratic club, patterened somewhat on the Bryan Volunteers of two years ago. A committee of seven was selected, one from each congressional district and one from the state at large, to formulate the plans. This committee is as follows: Chairman J. C. Brynes, ex-offlclo; J, C. McCarthy of Auburn, First Dis trict; Harvey Newbranch of Omaha, Second District; W. C. Beum of Te kamah, Third District; Tom Smith of York, Fourth District; R. Wahl qulst of Hastings, Fifth District; Arthur Mullen of O'Neill, Sixth Dis trict. The club will act with the state central committee In the pros ecuton of the campagn. :o: The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CriTUP COMPANY. TT MURRAY TRIIT. NEW YORK CITY. who Is now posing as .the local op tion candidate, is making strenuous efforts to secure the nomination. "Peruna" Andrews hasn't been heard from lately, and It Is presumed that he is keeping quite and bracing his political nerve on his favorite blood tonic preparatory to coming Into the race later. The loss of confidence In congress does not apply, of course, to the men who really represented their constituents and who are making so fine a fight for the conservation of self-government. As soon as these men have won their battle and con soltdated their victory, confidence In congress will return. uirrord rin chot at St. Taul. :o: Will I lay ward has resigned the chairmanship of the Republican state central committee, which means that he Is going to make a strenuous effort to capture the congressional nomination in the First district. -:o:- DR .- Herman Greeder, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska SI ate Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth. We are willing to bet a coonskln capture the coon and skin it ourself that Senator Aldrlch will never touch side, edge or bottom in the race for the Republican nomination for gov ernor. The Republican party is not after county option candidates In any form. Vlcy Rosewater is dead-set against Aldrlch, and that means he had Just as well Btep down and out of the race. :o: A Republican who voted for Taft says he Is making the most unpop ular 1 president that ever occupied that high and lofty position. That Instead of being a servant of the masses, he Is a perfect tool of the classes. There is great disatlsfac tlon to Taft all over the west and It Is growing dally. You can fool the people a portion of the time, but you can't fool them all the time. :o: Ex-Governor Sheldon Is still main talnlne the "Barkis Is wlllin' " atti tude towards the gubernatorial nom Inatlon. But it has been some time since he said anything about his three-fifths vote proposition on the license question. There are a lot of Republicans who have not yet forgotten the Sheldon action after his defeat, and they say they have little use for such a poor loser as he showed himself to bo. In the meanwhile Mr. Aldrlch, the gentle man who was depended upon to de fent county option In the leglsla- il ture three years ago and did so, but Depart for Colorado. F. O. Egenberger, William Stark ohn and S. H. Shumaker departed this morning for Llmon and Denver, Col., where they will look at some land with the view of purchasing. They are accompanied by Colonel John Frank Swezey who has been In the city several weeks selling land for the Union Pacific Land company The party expects to be gone about ten days and to get back here prob ably a week from Saturday. They Intend to have a good time during their trip and really don't care whether there is a diner on the train or not as Mr. Egenberger had a sack full of what Shumaker and Starkjohn declared was pork and beans. Anyway he had a panic at the depot when he found that the Back had been left up town and he frantically telephoned to have it rushed down to the depot. From the manner in which he threw it arouid it seemed to be full of lead slugs or something of that kind. He declin ed to permit anyone to investigate the contents although many were full of curiosity to know what the sack really did contain. Make Pleasant Visit. Henry Boeck and wife are enjoy ing a visit today from old friends and relatives in the shape of Mr. Ed ward Gyger and wife of New York city, Mr. Charles Gyger and wife of Omaha and Mrs. Blttenger of Om aha. The party drove down this morning from Omaha in a large touring car, coming by way of Louis ville and will spend the day here, departing for Omaha this afternoon. The gentlemen and Mrs. Bittenger were born in this city and for many years made their home here. They have many good friend and acquaint ances among the older residents here and undoubtedly will enjoy their brief stop in the city. The Goernment pays Railway Mall Clerk $800 to $1,200,' and other em ployeet up to $2,500 annually Uncle Sam will hold examinations throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerka, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart ment Clerks and other Government positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, in City or Country can get Instruction and free information by writing at once to the Bureau of Instruction, 79 J, Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. Attend Convention. There was quite a delegation of Plattsmouth people this morning who went down to Auburn to attend the district convention of trye Epworth league which convenes in that city today. Among those attending were Rev. W. L. Austin, E. H. Wescott and Don C. York and Mrs. Frank Gobelman, Miss Hazel Tuey and Miss Margaret Mapes. Several of these are on the program for the meeting Including Don C. York who will be cholrister. Miss Hazel Tuey Is also upon the program. Mr. Wes cott Is district president. This gathering Is the most Important the league holds as it has no state or ganlzatlon and the first district is the largest In the state. The dele gates have been assured a fine time by the people of Auburn and they will find themselves handsomely en tertalned. The sessions of the con ventlon will take several days and their Is a great deal of work map ned out for the delegates to look after. Advice Duly Appreciated. The Journal's news editor, Charles Grimes, this morning received an an onymous communication which had been mailed him from Havelock, which Is certainly the richest thing he has ever received before. He only regrets that the writer failed to send his or her name for it con veys some information which is cer tainly startling if true and which is of a highly humorous nature. The advice which the writer gives him is duly appreciated by Mr. Grimes and doubtless he will Immediately get busy and do as the writer suggests. The letter will be carefully preserved and filed for future reference. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is sold on a guarantee that If you are not satisfied after using two-third of a bottle according to directions, your money will be refunded. It la up to you to try. Sold by all dealers. Lame Bhoulder is almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the muscles and yield quickly to the free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is not only prompt and effectual, but In no way disagreeable to use. Sold by all dealers. Alt. Nickels came In this morning from his home near Murray and was a passenger on the morning train for South Omaha where he will look after the sheep market with a Mew to stocking up his farm with these animals. Wendel Hell and wife are spend ing the day In Omaha, having gone to that city this morning on the early train. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Service Reasonable Rate the new tariff. affirmatively that the increase Is not