0 Neb. Ststj Illstcri-ai E SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY MAY 2C, 1910 NO :jt . U A A RED HI'S 1,111 SATURDAY HIT II MOST SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR Gathering it Addressed by Grand Sachem J. H. Grosvenor of Aurora, Mayor James C Dahlman of Omaha and Others The big doings of the Improved Order of Red Men held in this city laBt Saturday night proved to be among the greatest things the city has seen in some days. The attend ance at the open meeting was satis factory and all who were there were more than pleased with the oratory and the explanation of the objects of the order. The meeting was late in assembling owing to Mayor Dahlman of Omaha not being able to get here until train No. 14 on the Burlington, due here at 9:25. It was nearly nine o'clock before the meeting gathered and many who would have stayed left because of the lateness of the hour. Sachem John Cory presided and made a very brief address of welcome to the visitors. He dwelt upon the merits of the order and in troduced Great Sachem J. H. Grose venor of Aurora who spoke at length on the objects and merits of the order. The Great Sachem pointed out to the palefaces assembled the many merits which the order had for them and told each man of the good things which the Red Men had done for the upbuilding of the coun try. He pointed out the patriotic motives which laid behind the organ ization and the great good which the Red Men had done for their coun try during their existence. He re viewed briefly ,the history of Red Manship in the country and traced its rise from a struggling band of pio neers on the frontier throneh the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 up to the present time. The graphic story of the Red Men as 1 they existed at. the time of the Ros ton tea party was told by the Great Sachem with a fidelity which held his hearers until the close. The Great Sachem is county attorney of Hamilton county and one of the leading members of the bar of the state. He is a forceful and impres sive speaker and at the close of his address he was greeted with a loud burst of applause. He made a most favorable impression on the audience and won all by his manly and elo quent exposition of Redmanshlp. Mr,. Grosvenor demonstrated that he is one of the coming men of Nebras ka and it is safe to predict that he will be heard from later. Mr. Grosvenor was followed by Field Secretary C. C. Klehm of Om aha, who was introduced by Sachem Cory in a few well chosen words. Mr. Klehm delighted the audience with a few brief remarks and some stories which pleased them to a finish. He made a short talk on the merits of .the organization and also advocated the establishment of the "Haymak ers," a branch of which is being or ganized in this city. Mr. Klehm ad dress was well received as he is a speaker of unusual ability and has the happy faculty of being able to say the right thing at the right time. Red Men appreciated his re marks far more than those on the outside. Brother S. J. Dennis of Lincoln followed with a strong and forcible talk of a few moments duration In which he did his share to convince the palefaces that the Red Men were the best order on earth for a person to belong to. He apologized for be ing so poor a talker but he aided largely in showing the people where the good things of Redmanshlp lay, Brother Marshall of South Omaha then was called upon and he re sponded with a few remarks disclaim ing any ability In the oratorical line and ended up with a recommenda tlon that any paleface who refused to be adopted was making a mistake of his life. Brother Marshall met with a hearty handshake from the audi ence. Mayor James C. Dahlman of Om aha had come in at this time and escorted by Keeper of Records Emil Walters and. several other members of the order he came to the front. He was greeted with a battery of cheers from the assemblage, being one of the most popular men of the gathering. After the oratory had been con cluded by tho Red Men officers, Mayor Dahlman was introduced by Sachem Cory and was met with a warm and friendly greeting from the assemblage which had increased in numbers with his arrival. The may or was at his best and he delivered an address which scintillated with sarcasism and humof. Taking for his text the subject of sumptuary legislation, Mayor Dahlman made himself known to the assemblage as opposed and strongly, too, to such methods of regulating human con duct. Taking up the city of Lincoln as an example he pointed out that the various clubs of that city had a membership running into the thous ands who enjoyed their drinks at any time they cared to, and the city and the state was robbed of their just proportion of the revenue which should have come from the privileges the clubs exercised. He - declared himself in favor of temperance and that a man should have judgment enough not to drink to excess. But he also declared that he was op posed to any other man saying what he should eat and drink. Illustrat ing his talk with a number of stories he worked his audience up to a high pitch and was repeatedly interrupted with cheers. After a strong and sarcastic denunciation of the eight o'clock closing law and by Inference Governor Shallenberger he spoke up on the merits of the order of Red Men and gave the organization high praise. After telling the palefaces what they had missed by not being members, he again took up sumptu ary legislation and proceeded to flay the present drastic laws on drinking and other things to a finish. He told of his home life, of the trials he had gone through In his early man hood and" in his later life, of his life as a cowboy In the west and he dwelt upon his lack of schooling and edu cation. Yet throughout it all, Mayor Dahlman declared it had been the best experience he ever had. It had taught him things not written in books, it had shown him that legisla tion does not prescribe man's con duct. He denounced the idea that any man should say to him or to either of his auditors what might be done save Insofar as the conduct of the auditor might rebound to the detriment of his neighbor. In such a case he declared the man must feel the hand of the law and restrain himself. His address on the whole was a brilliant and well timed one and held the audience to a finish. By inference he placed Governor Shallenberger In the class of those who hesitated and who wanted to oppose sumptuary legislation but who failed to grasp the opportunity of fered them. Throughout his address the speech glistened with sarcasism and his epigrammatic remarks won round after round of applause. There was no question about Mayor Dahlman making good with the Plattsmouth audience and when he closed he was made the recipient of an impromptu reception, all those In the hall crowding forward to clasp his hand and assure him that he voiced their sentiments In his speech. Mayor John P. Sattler of this city whh present ana naa delivered a brief address of welcome to the visitors, making everyone feel a home by his fellcltious talk. The mayor was one of those who escort ed Mayor Dahlman to the platform and he 13 proud of the fact that the Omaha mayor and himself are close personal friends. In introducing. Mayor Dehlman to the audience, Mayor Sattler pleasantly referred to him as the probable , next governor of Nebraska a" sentiment which drew much applause from the audi ence. Mayor Danlman understood this reference as a pleasant expres sion of feeling from his Plattsmouth friends and referred to in his speech in an appreciative manner. Immediately at the close of Mayor Dahlman's address the meeting ad journed to the lower floor where a luncheon had been prepared for the Red Men and their guests. Here merriment flowed unrestrained. An orchestra of several members of the local Red Men dispensed melody throughout the evening and the occa sion was made one of the most mem (orable In the history of the local lodge. Later In the evening a large class was Initiated into the Haymak ers, the Red Men auxiliary, the cere monies being conducted by Secretary Klehm of Omaha and Chief Hay maker Gravett of this city. In the class was Mayor Dahlman and many prominent citizens of this city. The sacred rites of the order were duly administered, ye reporter being one of those to receive said rites and being In fine fettle next morning much to his surprise. After administering the rites for such they can be called, to the braves, the meeting returned to the banquet hall where pleasure reigned Bupreme during the rest of the evening. One of the leading features of the evening was a grand Indian war dance given by Prophet J. C. York who was some Indian in his war paint and carrying his tomahawk. He came near scalp ing several of the braves who got too close to his war ax as he whirled it about. Peter Claus also delighted the assemblage with an original barn dance which brought much applause In Its wake. Raln-in-the-face Thom as also did some stunts which were worth witnessing and in fact the gathering was a merry and notable one. The success of the meeting can be laid to the united efforts of Messrs. Emil Walter, secretary and member of the board of trustees, J. C. York, prophet of the local lodge, Frank C. Wheeler, trustee and John McNurlin, trustee, all of whom devoted much time and spent their individual earn ings in promoting the meeting. Mr. Walters made several visits to the Omaha councils and secured the at tendance of Mayor Dahlman after considerable personal exertion, ;he coming hert despite pressing engage ments in other quarters. While here the great officers made an Investigation into the affairs of Missouri tribe and reported most favorable to them. They found 250 members In good standing and the finances in a flourishing condition. The prospects for the great council in this city on October 10th, next, are more than favorable and Great Sachem Grosvenor promised the lo cal council that Aurora would send Its degree team together with many applicants for adoption into the- or der. Reports from the state are to the effect that there will be a very large attendance at the great coun cil and that hundreds will be here from all parts of the state because they have found out that Platts mouth is some town. Denver His New Home. Matt C. Joy departed this after noon for Denver, Col., where he and his wife will make their future home. Mr. Joy has not determined upon his occupation in the future but he ex pects to enter the employ of the Standard Meat and Live Stock com pany, a meat concern. He Is a fine man and one who has made hosts of friends In this city. His departure Is hailed with the deepest regret among all who have known him. He has been employed for years In the Bur lingtca paint shop here and is gen erally recognized as a fine workman He some time ago determined upon changing his location, and with this end in view, had looked the field over carefully, finding Denver the best town to his notion. He departs from this city with the best and kindest of feelings from his former employers and leaves with only the best wishes of the public for his fu- turei It can safely be said that Den ver gains an excellent man In Mr. Joy and the Journal trusts he will find the road of life easy in his new home. The Journal will accompany him on his way as he subscribed for the paper to keep in touch with what goes on here. Knjoys Picnic Dinner. A number of young people enjoyed a picnic dinner on the pretty lawn surrounding the charming home of Mrs. W. T. Cole yesterday. At the noon hour an elegant collation was spread on the green and all gathered aoout tne restive spread. With ap petites whetted with the outdoor air the picnickers fell to and soon made the picnic dinner nothing but a mem ory. Some of the most tempting dishes that could be afforded were served and which elicited many com puiiieius. xne afternoon was spent in social conversation, various amuse ments and a walk to the Burlington bridge. A fine time Is the report. Thoso who attended were: Misses Claire and Hazel Dovey, Clee Apple gate, Miss Harrison of Dunbar. Neb Martha Gochry, Blanche Bell, Verna Cole, Prances Weldman; Messrs. Net son Jean, Fred Mann, Wayne Dick son, ritz Frlcke, Ben Harrison Clayton Ross of Lincoln, Ray Ward of Omaha, Livingston Rlchey and vv HI RaniRey. THE SEH TO U II Delivered Last Evening at the Presbyterian Church by Rev. W. L Austin From Monday' Da!?y Last evening at the Presbyterian church In this city the baccalaureate services for the class of 1910 of the Plattsmouth high school were list ened to by a large and appreciative audience. Promptly at 8:30 after the church was already filled to over flowing, the members of the class thirty-two young people In all, filed down the aisle and took their places that had been reserved for them They were followed by the faculty of the high school and the city superin tendent of schools. Amid a profound silence and facing the multitude of bowed heads, the Rev. L. W. Gade the Presbyterian church, pronounced the invocation, making a beautiful and impressive prayer for the youth ful group of graduates and their de voted friends and relatives. Following the benediction, Mrs Elizabeth Gamble sang "Abide With Me," rendering this beautiful sacred song In a manner at once touching and Eoothlng for the pure notes and clear thrilling quality of her tones last evening was even more entrac ing than is customary with our tal ented soprano. The baccalaureate itself was de livered by the Rev. W. L. Austin of the Methodist church. Mr. Austin talked at length on the text from the book of Psalms 8-4 wherein Dvld asks: "What is Man That Thou art Mindful of Him?" In speaking from this text Rev. Austin began by ask ing whether this meant that we were to consider man as compared with the physical world in which he lives and if so, what would be the answer to this query of David's. Rev. Austin drew a vivid word picture of the experience that we might any of us undergo for our own edification In ordcV to obtain a fair estimate of the significance of the genus home in his own physical universe. He placed his man at the bottom of a gorge In the Rocky mountains and then with drew with his aud'ence to the top of the chasm and pointed out to them that the tiny speck on the floor of the canyon was man as he appears when viewed by the measure of com parison of this world, and after show ing them his pigmy insignificance In this way, he proceeded to take his hearers still farther away from the object of the experiment until he dis appeared entirely and was lost en tirely from our calculations. From the physical Insignificance of man, Rev. Austin then drew his conclusion that David had had in man, not the physical but the spirtual value of man. In this connection he found more meaning in the words of the Psalm, and proceeded to expound to the class and to their parents and friends the stupendous magnitude of a man as he may be regarded spirit ually. Man in this light is a living dynamic force, made In the image of God and rendering account of his earthly existence to none other than his maker. Rev. Austin in address ing the parents said that he con sidered that it was a greater thing to be a man than to be a president or a king or occupy any of the high offices of this or other lands. More sense and greatness is required, he said, to properly rear a child in this or other communities, and bring it to a proper realization of the serious ness and responsbllitles of this life than Is necessary to be the governor of the state of Nebraska and watch over the destinies of a people. In speaking of the value of education as an asset In the making of citizen ship, Rev, Austin told some of the experiences that he himself had to undergo before he came to a realiza tion of the value of education and before he succeeded in obtaining the start toward that education after the ambition had been aroused. He placed before the class of 19.10 the proposition that the world would put up to it when the members came to face the responsibilities of life. He told them that they had before them one of the greatest opportunities ever offered to a graduating class In that they could show an lncreduluoua and expectant world that tho value of an education Is not to be measured or estimated In this world and that if he could be, man can become the master of his destiny. In a word the advice of the speaker was that these young people really make this occa slon the commencement of their liveB, and strive never to lose sight of their Importance to themselves and to the human race. One of the most Impressive and beautiful features of the evening was the rendition of the Anthem "Jesus, Lover of my Soul," by the choir, and in speaking of tnls feature the Jour nal wishes to comment on the ex cellent work of the choir In general, and of Miss Cole, who presided at the organ, and Mr. McElwain, the bass. He has a bass voice of the very richest tone and the audience last evening were extremely fortun ate In their opportunity to hear him. The whole event was one long to be remembered, as well by the parents and friends as by the graduates them selves. The church presented a most beautiful appearance, the decorations consisting of the class colors and a profusion of ferns and potted plants. This baccalaureate was a most propi tious beginning for the present com mencement week. The benediction at the close of the service was given by Rev. Gade and was very beautiful and impressive. Mcmoriul Day Orator. The committee on arrangements for Memorial day is pleased to an nounce that Is has secured Judge II D. Travia of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to deliver the Memorial day oration at Elmwood on the afternoon of that day. Judge Travis is a well known lawyer and Judge and is personally acquainted with many people of this vicinity. When a member of the committee approached Judge Travis and Invited him to come to Elmwood on Memorial day and deliver the oration of the day he readily consent ed, stating that he owed a debt of gratitude to the old soldiers of Elm wood. He stated that when he was a young man Just starting in the prac tlce of law at Plattsmouth he was employed by some of the soldiers of Elmwood. The judge said: "They seemed to have faith in me and to think that I knew something about law and their confidence in me gave me faith in myself. I resolved then that If ever the time came that I could do anything for Elmwood,, I would cheerfully do It." Elmwood Leader-Echo. Prof. Gamble ItoNlgns, From Monday's Dally. Superintendent Gamble of the Plattsmouth high schools today cans ed surprise and consternation among the members of the board of educa tion by sending them a letter an nouncing his determination to retire from school work and resigning his position as superintendent of the city schools. The action of Superintend Gamble was most unexpected and caused the members of the board no end of worry. The reasons for his retirement were not made public but they are good and sufficient and It Is through no desire on the part of Mr, Gamble or of the board. Clrcum stances over which no one had con trol have actuated him in this action and his resignation Is a most regret table and deplorable act. During the time Mr. Gamble has been at the head of the public schools In this city, he hnB demonstrated his capac ity as an educator In a marked de gree. Personally a most popular man, he has added to that the rare ability and one w'th a great genius for organization. Under him the Plattsmouth schools have advanced probably farther than under any one superintendent In their history. He has been untiring In his work for the uplift of the schools and has spared neither time nor personal expense. His retirement leaves a gap which will be hard to fill and the one who takes up the burden will have the advantage of getting the results of his activity. The retiring superin tendent leaves behind him a host of friends who regret exceedingly the cnange which he makes. There Is no Idea et of his succeflsor as his resig nation comes as an entire surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Grew. William Grew who appears here tonight recently was united In mar rlage with Miss Bessie Little, a most charming and accomplished young lady of his company. The young folks will meet with the most sin cere congratulations from their many friends in this city where they are both well known and highly admired and respected. George Freer, an old time Plaits mouth boy, came in this morning to spend a few hours In the city prior to taking up his run on the road George Is located now In Omaha but has a warm spot In bis heart for this in oiiu i-nniB n 10 iook arter a re.w family matters. llW Anil 1 a . a m. HOME Ml DE FEATS "RANGERS" Both Teams Play Nice Game- Attendance is Good. Yes, sir! Plattsmouth has some base ball team. Yesterday tney trim med the fast Omaha Rangers by the score of 4 to 3, and climbed the hill to do It. The Omahaogs are some ball team also and hit young Mr. Hulfish, who is some pitcher at that, hard and often. But only in ono Inning did the hits get connected and only once did they shove men over the plate. Yesterday was "Hul ly's" day to be wild and he certainly did toss some wild ones up to the plate, but at that, he braced up and pitched ball when it was needed and In one Inning saved bis face and that of the club by striking out the the Omaha team with three men on bases. When we have such players as that we are bound to go along some. Young Mi Albers, of Nebraska City, was the receiving end of the battery and did excellent work. While new to Mr. Hulflsh's pitching he handled the ball like a veteran and also was there with the stick. He swatted the ball upon the nose hard and often. Taken together Hul fish and Albers play good and win ning ball and make a first-class bat tery. McCauley played his usual excel lent game at first, and covered that territory In fine shape. His work with the stick was good, although not up to the usual standard ho adopts. Fitzgerald at second was all there and lived up to the expec tations of bis friends. He played a brilliant and clean game and cover ed a vast amount of territory. His hitting was always of the first order. Droege at short was tho same Droege whom the Plattsmouth public has learned to admire. He fielded like the Bwift player he is and cover ed a great deal o'f territory. He also did well with the bat. but was robbed of a real good chance through poor umpiring. Howenr, everyone knows he la some ball player at that. Then Plattsmouth had some now third baseman, and he is all there and over. This young man's namo Is Pete Herrold, and he Is related to das burgomaster of the city, Herr John P. Sattler. That is why he goes so fast, maybe. Anyway he is som ball player, and his work yesterday was brilliant and much above the average. His Btlck work also was far better than usual and altogether he demonstrated that he can play ball with any team which comes along. The outfield played excellent ball and got everything that came Into ineir territory. Mason is a great left field and did excellent Btlck work. Ileal In middle played his us ual Buperb game and also hit well and often. Kelly in right is develop ing and coming strong. At the bat he Is showing signs of being a three time winner. He secured safe hits yesterday when needed and In other ways demonstrated his ability to handle the stick. Altogether the team is playing better ball now than at any time in the past and it is worth going to see. The Omaha team was In good shape and gave tho boys a hard rub for the money. They found Hulfish In tho second for a bunch of hits which yielded them three runs which the lo cals were groping about trying to get some. And several times afterwards they came near stforlng and hit the ball hard and often. But the upshot of the matter always was that Hully and the team back of m played too fast ball for the visitors and they couldn't win anything at all. Platts mouth took up the w hite man's burd en and crawled along after the visi tors In a lei nure maner resulting in winning out at the close bv a narrow margin. However, it war plenty and then some. Anyway, 0.9 thing is sure Plattsmouth has a fine ball team and can play ball with the best. ' The umpiring was open to criticism owing to bad eyesight evidently, as everal of the decisions met with loud protests from the audience. Both teams suffered equally from the trouble and it was of no particular, advantage to either save in robbing several of the Plattsmouth players of good hits. The following is the score by Innings: Plattsmouth 01010100 4 Rangers ...03000000 03 tin . . . jius riattsmouthS, Rangers 5 1 f... . . . ,wu se nit Herrold. Time I hour 40 minutes.