The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1910, Image 8

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    Short Locals
From Monthly's Pally.
See that every citizen of Platts
mouth is on the census roll.
Miss Margery Walker of Murray
ppent Sunday In the city the guest:
of the Misses Dovey.
Theo. Amick is in the city today,
having driven in from his home in
his auto this morning.
M. and O. V. Krwln from near Un
ion are in the city today, coming up
from their home this morning.
Colonel J. 12. f-'eybolt of Murray
Is spending this afternoon in the city,
coming up from his home this morn
ing. Philip Haehler is spending today
In the city looking after business,
Tiaving driven up from his home this
V. S. Shera of Rock Muffs is
among those who came in to the city
today to attend to business, driving
up this morning.
Uncle Peter Keil is among those
looking after business in the city
today, driving in this morning from
his home near Cullom.
A. E. Taylor and wife of Union,
are among those in the city today,
having come up from their home this
morning on the M V. train.
Nlck Halmes, the popular citizen
from west of the city, is spending
the day in the city, having driven
in from his home this morning.
Julius Aach of Murray, is among
the excellent people of that place
spending today in the city, coming up
from his home this morning.
George P. Melslnger, the popular
citizen of Cedar Creek, came down
from his home this morning to look
after some business matters in the
city. '
Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, the
well known and popular citizens
from near Hock Ilhiffs, are spend
ing today in the city, driving up this
Phil Pecker, one of the best known
young farmers in this vicinity, was
In the city today looking after busl
oesB, coming in from his farm west
of the city.
George Shrader, one of Cass coun
ty's good citizens from Rock Bluffs
precinct, was in the city today greet
ing old friends and looking after bus
iness matters.
Henry Sass, the well known Demo
crat and good citizen of Louisville,
came down this morning with C. J
Gaebel and while here the two gentle
men paid the Journal a pleasant and
much appreciated call.
C. J. Gaebel, the well known cat
tie and hog raiser of Louisville, is
In the city today attending to busi
ness matters, coming down this
morning on the Schuyler train.
George S. Ray, the well known
and popular Murraylte, Is spending
today in the city looking after busl
ness, having come up from his home
this morning.
E. Fturtznegger of South Rend, Is
looking after business connected with
the ranch property In Mexico In which
he is Interested in company with
several local capitalists.
Mont Robb, manager of one of the
Mynard grain elevators, spent Satur
day In the city looking after business.
While hero Mr. Robb paid the Jour
nal office a pleasant business call
which was much appreciated.
P. J. Vallery has Just mado a re
cord in the chicken line which he be
lieves Is hard to beat. He recently
bought sixty eggs from ('apt. Isaac
Wiles and set same under some hens
Yesterday the eggs hatched and he
secured flfty-flvo chickens from the
dxty eggs. This is some record and
Peter is Justly proud of It.
A fine bouncing baby girl came to
grace the home of John Melslnger
living west of Mynard yesterday
morning and in conscuuence that gen
tleman is a verry happy man. He is
standing up under his honors as well
as most any new father can and be
lleves that he has a daughter who is
mighty hard to beat. Doth mother
and daughter are doing well.
Glen Vallery came In this morning
from his home in the country with
one of the smiles beside which that
of Sunny Jim, is an incandescent
light to the full moon. The whole
cause of this large, wide open smile
Is the arrival of a brand new baby
girl at his house, the great event
happening this morning. He Is sure
that she is some young woman and
he wants everyone to know it, too,
Roth mother and daughter are doing
Philip H. Melslnger, Bon Carl and
Ed. Trltsch, were a party who braved
the windy, dusty day and drove In
together this morning from their
homes west of the city to look after
business matters In the city. While
here Mr. Melslnger called at the Jour
nal office and renewed his subscrlp
tlon to the paper, stating that he
could not afford to do without the
great family comforter. Theso gen
tlemen are the kind of good friends
the Journal has In this county and
It is proud to have them on its list
From Tui'nJ:iy"s Imlly.
' Win. Ilummell, assts.-or of Hatts
mouth precinct, was In the city today
attending lo ,l)i!biui ss.
Geortv Wild, one of the v. II
fanners fun i wt.-.t or tl;c i lty, as in
he city today cm busings nwtttrs.
Mrs. A. F. S-eybert of Cullom i;i
pending today In the city, having
ome in from Per homo this morn-
Z. A. Coatman of Avoca came In
ast evening from his home to look i
after business matters In the ity to-
Charles L. Craves of Union, is in
the city today looking after legal
matters, having come up on the early
morning M. P.
Philip H. Mt.isinger came in this
morning from his home near Cedar
Creek to spend the day attending
to business matters.
C. G. Mayfield. of Louisville is
spending today in the city, coming
r"own from his home this morning to
look after business.
Clarence E. Tefft. the Weeping
Water attorney, came up this morn-
ng from that city to attend to busi
ness matters in the city.
T, H. Green of Elmwood was in
the city today, having come down
from his home last evening and reg-
stering at the Hotel Riley.
VIA VI Druglesa, non-aicnoitc and
non-surgical treatment; it has spared
the life of many men and women, and
is cheaper and safer than an opera
tion. 400 page book free. Room 3,
Parklrv ot. 3-15-?w
Edwin Rchoemaker of Nehawka,
anio up today to look after busi
ness matters and while hero he called
at this office and renewed his sub
scription to the paper for another
year. His call was a very pleasant
ono and the Journal is glad to enroll
him among its good friends.
William Nicklefl, an old resident of
Rock Rluffs precinct and one of the
pioneers of Cass county, came up
this morning from his home and in
company with Miss Etta Nickles, his
daughter, were passengers on the
morning Burlington train for Om
aha where they will spend the day
with friends.
Miss Florence Vallery was taken
out to her home near Mynard Thurs
day, where she will remain for the
present. This being her senior year,
it is very unfortunate that she Is
compelled to give up her studies on
account of illness at this time. It is
hoped that Miss Florence will Boon
fully recover.
Wash Young who has been farm
ing west of the city, has rented his
place for the coming year and was
In the city today on business mat
tcrs. Wash requested the Journal
to state for him that he had finished
husking his corn now after having
been compelled to leave it in the
field all winter. Ho got a good yield
ana good prices as the corn was
dry and in fine shape. lie wanted
this public statement made as there
seemed to bo so many interested in
the matter and ho wanted all to know-
how he came out.
Sen ices at Mrs. Wctcnkiunp'N.
At tho homo of Mrs. Martha Wet
enkamp, several miles Bouthwest of
this city Sunday afternoon, Rev. W.
O. HarroJd of Mynard, delivered a
sermon to a number of neighbors
who had gathered there. Ills buu
Jcct was "Faith" and he delivered an
eloquent and Inspiring address. The
sermon was for the especial benefit
of the Invalid Bon of Mrs. Weten-
kamp, tho young man being Grant
Wetenkamp. Owing to the inclemency
of the weather and tho fact that lit
tle previous announcement had been
made of the meeting, the attendance
was not as large as hoped for. It Is
probable other Bervires will be held
In tho near future at Mrs. Wcten
kamp's home to which all are ex
tended a cordial Invitation. Mrs.
Wetenkamp has given her consent
to these meetings. Those who did
attend yesterday had a very satisfac
tory service.
(Joes to TeruniHch.
Coujity Attorney Ramsey departed
this morning for Tecumseh where he
will appear In the habeas corpuB
case of Stewart vs. Goehry et al. This
Is the case where O. P. Stewart,
formerly of Murdock, this county,
seeks to obtain the possession of two
minor children of his who are now In
the custody of his divorced wife and
her father, Jacob Goehry, a promin
ent resident of Murdock. The case Is
set for hearing today.
FOR SALE 100 acres adjoining
Plattsmouth, practically all under
cultivation for only $85 per acre
20 acres between Chicago and Lin
coln avenue at $135 per acre.
Windham Investment & Loan Co
TONY FOR SALK Pony, about
four years old, brown in color, and
weighs about 700 pounds. Well
broke for riding. Very gentle. In
quire of Henry Klinger. d-w-lt
rn r. nr kivii, ski i i.kmiat
IN Till-; X'l"NTK tOlKT UK C'A.SS
In tlie matter of tho -sate of lieb-ni-r
T. Tliu kur, iM;iM-il.
All pe, suns InUM'tMfil In eni'l en
title will take noiiie Unit M. N. lovi-y,
inlmi rust i ii lor I , s lil il lii.- final nmiu
Ultil I ).. t of till- mini ll: !. I I .U i' n (if
f inl isi;in- ami a petition fr final m-t-lU'Mcnt
of mi id iicroinit aid ulluM-am-e
lln rt nn uml the Ui.sciiui yeiuriit of such
A heariUkC upon salil Recount and
petition lnm been net liy tli court at
tin- county court loom at I'liitHinoutli,
Nctiru.skn, on the -Mil lav of April,
miu, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni..
when any ami all persona Interested In
said estate may appear und contest
th'' same.
bated this Htli Jay of April. 1910.
Allen J. Heeson,
County Jinle.
1). ). Iiwyer,
uoi otht:.
J lie commissioner appointed to view
nnd report on a road commenlnff on
Fourth and llain streets In section It).
town 11, ranue 14, Itock liluffs vil
lage, in the county of ( usa and state of
Nebraska; thence running east 16 rods,
thence in a northernly direction
through sections IS, 9 and 4; town 11,
ranee H In Haul county and state,
u I on K t tie west bunk of the Missouri
river until the sIoukIi Is reached;
thence continuing In a northernly di
rection through section town U
ranee II. In said county and utate,
aloni? the west hank of the sIoukIi as
nearly as practicable until county road
No. 236 has been crossed: thence alontf
the west bank of the Missouri river
through sections 29 and 20, town 12,
range 14, in said county and state, to
the Hurlington right-of-way, has re
ported in favor of t lie establishment
thereof: and all objections hereto, or
claims for damages, must he Med in
the county clerks orllce on or before
noon on the 13th day of June, 1910, or
such road will be established without
reference thereto. Witness my hand
and official seal this 13th day of April,
A. V., 1810
i. ;. Morgan,
County Clerk.
OK Ml It IMlt K.
At a stockholders meeting at the
Hank of Murdock, Murdock, Nebraska,
held on the loth day of February,
1!10. at which meeting all of the stock
of the bunk was present. It was unan
imously voted to amend Article IV
which now roads: .'The amount of
capital stock of this corporation shall
lie ten thousand lliu.uuu) dollars Di
vided In one hundred shares of one
hundred dollars each, all of which
shall be paid In before the commence
ment or business to the amount or
en pltal stock of this corporation shall
be fifteen thousand (lii.uutn dollars,
divided In one hundred and fifty
shares of one hundred dollars each,
all of which shall be paid in."
witness our hands and soul this 10th
day of February, 1910.
r. woir, I'resiciont.
II. 11. Neltzel, Cashier.
State of Nebraska
County of Cass
I hereby certiry that the foregoing
is a true and correct cony of the
amendment to the original articles of
Incorporation of the Hank of Murdock,
Murdock, Nebraska.
II. It. Neltzel, cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 16th day of February, 1910.
Herman Oast,
Justice of the 1'eace.
OltllALE Io. 473.
An ordinance calling a special elec
tion in the city of I'lattsmouth, county
of Cass, state of Nebraska, for the
voting of bonds In the sum of $3500.00
for the paving of the intersections of
Fourth and Vine streets, of Fifth and
Vine streets, of Seventh and Vine
streets, and of the alley and street in
tersections of Fourth and Fifth streets,
said alleys running east and west
through block twenty-eight (28) and
twenty-nine (29), all In said city of
I'lattsmouth and known as paving dis
trict number 3,
He it ordained by the mayor and
council of the city of I'lattsmouth,
state of Nebraska.
Suction 1. That a special election be
nnd the same Is hereby called to be
held In tlie city of Plattsmouth, coun
ty of Cass, state of Nebraska on Tues
day, the 3d day of May. A. I ., 1910.
at the usual polling places in said city
First ward, at the county court
house; Second ward, nt Turner hull:
Third ward, at A. () IT. W. hall; Fourth
ward, at the council chamber; Fifth
ward, at the store building of A. 5.
Much & Co., on Lincoln avenue. The
polls In a I1 wards will lie open nt 9
o'clock a. in., and close at 7 o'clock p.
in., of said day.
Section 2. At said election the fol
lowing proposition will bo voted up
on, to -wit:
Shall the city of I'lattsmouth In the
county of Cass, state of Nebraska. Is
sue Its bonds In the sum of $3500.00
In the denomination of 1500.00, each
pavable to bearer ten (10) years after
date with Interest coupons thereto at
tached not to exceed five per cent,
payabln annually, but redeemable, or
any part thereof, on request of said
city any time after ono year from date
of issue. Said bonds shall be dated
tlie day of their delivery ntirl Interest
and principal payable with New York
Said bonds shall be Issued for Cs
purpose of paving the Intersections In
paving district No. 3, of said city of
I'lattsmouth to-wlt: The intersections
of Fourth and Vine streets, of Fifth
and Vino streets, of Seventh and Vino
streets, and of the alley and street
Intersections of Fourth and Fifth
streets, said alleys running enst and
west through blocks twenty-eight (2b)
and twenty-nine (29).
And shall the mayor and ftv coun
cil. In addition to all other taxes make
a levy upon all the taxable property or
said city of I'lattsmouth to pay the
principal of and Interest on said bonds
as tlie same shall become due and
Section 3. As soon as practicable af
ter the issue of said bonds is author
ized as herein provided, tlie mayor and
city council shnll offer said bonds for
sale to the highest Iddded after giv
ing such notice of sale as thev may
deem proper and to the best Interests
of said city, but salo mayor and city
council shall reserve the right to reject
any and all bids for said honds, and
in no rase shall said honds be sold for
less thnn par value.
Section 4. When said bonds are sold,
the proceeds thereof shall he paid to
the treasurer of said city of I'latts
mouth Biid placed to the credit of tlie
paving fund of paving district No. 3.
Section 6. The form of the ballot In
which the question Bhnll be voted on
Is as follows:
"For avlng Tmnfts."
"Against Paving honds."
Section 6. There shall he judges and
clerks of election appointed bv tlie
mavor and city council for each said
polling tdace In sah wards and said
special election shall be held In the
same manner as a general city eiec
Section 7. Notice of said special
election shall be published tt the
Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal for
four consecutive weeks prior to said
dav of election .
Section 8. This ordinance shall he
In force and take effect from and af
ter its passage, approval and publica
tion according to law
Passed and approved this ISth day
of March, A. D., 1910.
John P. Sattler,
Attest. W. H. Klster,
City Clerk.
Attention, Horsemen. ,
The Journal office Is better equip
ped than ever to print horse bills, and
we want your work In this line. We
have a full line of nurse and Jack
cuts and can do your work promptly
and In a first class manner. Let us
hart tour order.
MU M i: TO I Itl.niTOHM.
Mate of Ntbra.ska.)
County of Ca.s. )
John Yi:icnKr i i:ci: ski.
Notice Is hereby triven that the credi
tors of said deceased will meet the
administrator of said estate, before me,
county Judge of Cass county, Nebras
ka, at the eouny court room in I'latts
mouth in said county, on May 14, 1910,
and on November 16, 1910 at 10 o'clock
a. m, each day for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination,
adjusment and alowance.
Six months from the 14 day of No
vember, 1910, are allowed for the credi
tors of said deceased to present their
claims, and one year for the adminis
trator to settle said estate, from the
14 day of May, 1910.
Witness my hand and seal of said
county court, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
this 13th day of April. 1910.
Allen J. Beeson,
(Seal) County Judge.
The state of Nebraska, in county
court, for the county of Cass.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that a petition has been filed
praying the administration of the
estate of John George Hansen, de
ceased, and for the appointment of
John G. Wunderlich administrator
thereof; that a hearing will be had
upon said petition at the office of the
county judge for said county on the
9th day of May, A. D., 1910, at 9
o'clock a. m.
. All objections thereto must be filed
before said hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and official seal
this ICth day of April, A. D., 1910.
Allen J. Deeson,
County Judge.
William C. Ramsey and Basil S.
Attorneys for Estate.
Ul'Oll I.M KVSK.
Notice is hereby given 10 an oersons
Interested and to the public, that the
linnet signed l JTohr has Hied his
petition nnd application with the vil
lage clerk of the village of Avoca,
County of Cass, and State of Ne
braska, as required by Ihw, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said village, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the State of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Gun F. Mohr for the sale
of mult, sprltuous and vinous liquors
for the municipal year ending May 2.
1911, at Ills place of business situated
on the west two-thirds of lot 5, In
block 13, In said village of Avoca, Ne
braska. (JUS. F. MOHR,
April 14. 1910. Applicant.
I.rznl X ot lee.
To the unknown heirs and devisees
of Lewis Johnson, deceased; the un
known heirs and devisees of Mar
garet Johnson, deceased: tho unknown
heirs and devisees of Seth Johnson, de
ceased, the unknown heirs and de
visees of John Q. Johnson, deceased,
and ta Solomon llorbee. Mrs. V. H
Leach, Mrs. William Johnson, Frederick
L. Katon, William T. Katon, Simeon
F. Katon, O. It. Henry. (Sreensberrv It.
Henry, A. Lazenby, Ambrose Lazenby
ami airs. Ambrose l.azenny, non-resi
dents defendants:
You will take notice that on the 12th
day or April, 1910, (leorge M. Porter,
plaintiff, tiled his petition in the dis
trict court of Cass county, Nebraska,
in which V'iii with others were named
as defendants.
The object und prayer of said pctl
tlon Is to quiet title in said plaintiff
in and to lots ten (10) and eleven 111)
in block thirty-eight (38) of the city
or I'laltsmnuth in Cass county, -Ne
braska, and to exclude the defendants
from any Interest therein.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 25111 day of
May, 1910.
' (leorge M. Porter.
llv Murkest, Wilson llrown and
K. F. Suavely.
ills Attorneys.
They Must Clean I'p.
Chief of Police 1). L. Amick this
morning started out on his mission
of notifying the merchants and busi
ness men along Main street to clean
up their alleys and their lots and re
move the rubbish and trash which
has been accumulating there during
the winter. This action is taken un
der orders from the council who had
a report before them at the last
council meeting telling of the cohdi
tlon of the alleys through the bus!
ness center. The movement Is a high
ly commendable one and lessens con
slderably the danger of fire as well as
tends to make the city much more
healthy. In addition it will help a
greatly toward having the city pres
ent a cleanly appearance and Improve
its looks to the visitor. So far as
can be learned none of the merchants
have any objection to doing their
part of the work and there is every
probability that the business center
will present a decent appearance
within a very short time.
Your tongue Is coated.
Your breath Is foul.
Headaches comes and go.
These symptoms Bhow that your
stomach is the trouble. To remove
the cause is the first thing, and
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will do that. Easy to take
and most effective. Sold by all deal
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Dank.
Good Service, Reasonable Rate
More Economical than
f tha Cheap and Big Can Kind h
gii jwmmm , i gSS
WHY? Because Calumet Baking Powder is more
certain in its results the baking is always lighter,
more delicious and more evenly raised. You never
1,.. :i J r i i , . -
nave a bpuueu uaicn or. oaKing Dy its use.
It requires less hence
15 tho "full value" baking powdar the highest quality
bakiug powder at a medium price. And wa guarantee that
it will give you more real satisfaction than any baking pow
der vou have ever used ask your grocer.
Free larg" handsome recipe book, illustrated in colors.
Send 4c and slip fouDd in pound can.
Calumet Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition
All Ucjirct the Accident.
The Journal learns from undis-
putable authority that Henry Fornoff,
the gentlemen whose horse was killed
in the automobile accident at Cedar
Creek last Saturday night, has stated
that he absolves John Gauer who
was driving the automobile with
which the collision was had, from all
blame in the matter and that Mr.
Fornoff had objected to receiving re
imbursement for the death of the
animal. According to the reports
which have been received of the acci
dent since the publication of the
matter in the Journal on Monday, Mr.
Fornoff corroborates the story of
Mr. Gauer and his party as to how
the accident took place. The lights
from the machine seem to have con
fused the horse and the parties got
to swinging across the road. Owing
to the short distance in which they
had to pass, they could not avoid the
collision which happened as told in
this paper on the above date. All
parties deeply regretted the affair
which seem unpreventable, but they
are heartily glad it turned out no
worse and are shaking hands with
themselves over the lucky escape
which they had.
The Nebraska City News in con
nection with this matter says: Mr.
Gauer of Cedar Creek, Neb., was In
the city Sunday and told of an ex
perience he had Saturday. He was
on his way to this city in his car
and as he turned a corner he saw a
horse and buggy approaching, so he
gave the "honk, honk," and turned
as far out to the right as he could.
The driver of the horse attempted
to turn the same way, then Mr. Gauer
turned, to the left and so did the
driver, and the result was that the
horse was soon standing on the front
seat of the automobile with a broken
shoulder and other injuries. ' The
horse had to be killed, and the buggy
was wrecked, while Mr. Gauer escap
ed with a few bruises. Mr. Gauer
took home with him a new Mercer
from the Duff garage and will at
tempt to have his old machine re
paired. To liny Machine.
D. C. AVest, banker of Nehawka,
and L. D. Switzer, commissioner of
Cass county, were in Lincoln yester
day looking after the latest and best
makes in road machinery. Men in
that little town and in the country
about have organized for good roads
on new lines and the working out of
the plan will be watched with Inter
est. Tbey propose to organize a
commercial club of 350 members, or
more if possible, and at a meeting
held the other day about 150 men
men were present, a majority of
whom were farmers. "Shares" are
sold for $25 each, payable in five
years at $5 per year. Eight hundred
dollars of the fund so raised is to
be expended toward making good
roads, and $200 is to go toward a
permanent investment. State Jour
Stork I.eavrH Twin
The census enumerator doesn't
want to overlook the family of Tom
Sedlock on his or her travels. The
Stork is helping Plattsmouth and last
night called at his home leaving
with them twin girls. Thos. Is doing
his share to ratse the population, to
say the least. Thomas is justly proud
of his new offspring and it is pleas
ant to note that both the young la
dies and tho mother are doing splen
Impossible to be Well
It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the
bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the
laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested
material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be
removed from the body at least once each day, or there
will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an
immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's Pills. He knows why they act
directly on the liver. Trust him. J7rfcerCn.J,nwJl,TIal
ft. '-Biftw
KEEP 111
? jE5 WELL
Health is Worth Saving, and
Some Plattsmouth . People
Know How to Save It
Many Plattsomuth people take
their lives in their hands by neglect
ing the kidneys when they know these
organs need help. Sick kidneys are
responsible for a vast amount of suf
fering and ill health, but there is
need to suffer nor to remain in dai
ger when all diseases and aches aui
pains due to weak kidneys caa be
quickly and permanently cured by
the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. Here
is a Plattsmouth citizen's recommea-
J. L. McKinney, Lincoln Ave.,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Doaa'
Kidney Pills, procured from Geria
& Co.'s drug store, have been use.)
In my family and have brought very
prompt relief from kidney disorders
after other remedies failed. In 190C
I publicly recommended Doan'a Kid
ney Pills for the benefit of othee
kidney sufferers and at this time I
have no reason whatever to withdraw
one word from that statement."
For sale by all dealers. Price $
cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
S. A. Wiles, wife and daughter
ame in this morning from their home
southwest of the city and were pas
sengers for Omaha on the morning,
train, going there to spend the day
and to look after some business mat
ters. Don't risk even one gingle penny!
And I will tell you why I say thin.
It li because every racVaifp of Pr. Shoop't
medicine is absolutely free if it fails.
No one need risk even one Binple penny.
Just think what thlj meant to the sullorlnfl
lick I -
No risk, naftrxnpnie. nothing whatever tin.
1pm health flrsf' rufunn 'or 30 full day, anil
without the tU'jJ aMvfU penny, you ran us
either of my ttrfj Aiifcia'romodio Dr. Shoop
Kestorntive orwrrkWn'MUieuniatle Remedy.
Then why take any chance whatever?
IV fiy purchase any medicine whost
maker dare not bank it just as I do by
this remarkable offert
And besides, I am no it;
r to you.
Wy NoMpnpay
ii fiat tnarto Dr.
Hhoop i Kestoi y4& f
In the land. Th
10.. We UUt
no chance whatever hre.
Kor twenty years Dr.8hoop'medlolneihav
become thoroughly standardized all over America.
And I haviCVoUiUHl honwt and reinous
Iblo druggists Intxnrjfhy bv village every
where to r)TP7yjOT;P'N youmi Them
selected dnigkR ar(tfluwi!iTiiir medicines wltti
the ilok amfrflB entire risk ii mine alone.
But write me first for an order.
I have an agent in almost every pommun.
Ity but all druggist are not authorized to gram
the 3Uday tent.
Ho drop mf a line, please mm) thu save all
disappointment! and delays.
Besidee, you are free to consult me by letter
as you would your home physician. Do to Iroeir
and fully If you desire. My advice and the boek
below are yours end without eosu Perhaps a
word or two from me will clear up some mrioue
aliment. I have helped thousands upon thousand
by my private prescription or personal atlvw
Beside, the books will open np new atwi
helpful Ideas to you. They tell of my SO years ex
perience at theb4abttln hornet and In Hospi
tals. All phaefrMi)n)y and relief ara told of
here. They Ml it troty Milrturt "Inside nerve
no larger thnVsl)WiiU)M'a fct ta tfat)
Heart its Impulse. How the Stomach and Kidney
each have their Inside or power nerve. Ik
these organs surely falter when these controllnt)
or master wnijnySx to fall. Bow Dr. fihoop'e
Restorative gos litf tlx to these fatllng nerves,
and rebuilds. inikituMJd restore the lost
tone and powieJl rait nurvSr help you If It t
within the power of medlnfifc to do so. My best
effort is surely worth youf sliiple request 8o write
now, while It Is fresh Trruiind, foi tomorrow
never comet. Dr 8 hoop. Bos 12. Racine, Wuw
Which Book SteU t ftw4 Test
No. 1 On Dyspepsia
No. 2 On the Heart
N I On the Kidneyi
No, 4 For Women
No. 6 For Men
No. ft On Rheumatism.
If SicK
MftRe Mi e