The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1910, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Farmers' Elevator Co.
Ifanyofthena(krtoftUJ(mmalkiMwofaociiietentorantem ofintertst in this vicinity and Kill mail same to this office it mil apjyear vmhr this heading
Wt want all Utm of intend. Editor Journal. .'
At this bank an important factor in
developing the full working value of
your , dollars. Also a friendly assis
tant or help in conserving them. : : :
Why not Open An Account
With Us Today?
Murray State Bank
May Loughrldge Is sick -with the
Dock Long's little daughter Grace,
Is down with the measles.
Louie Puis shipped a car load of
cattle to South Omaha market Tues
day. Tom LlndHcy's baby has been quite
ill but Is much Improved at this
Mrs. James A. Walker and daugh
ter Margie, drove to Nehawka Wed
nesday. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Louis I'lybon from
near Nehawka, wero callers In Mur
ray Wednesday.
John Lloyd left Tuesday evening;
for Wyoming, where he expects to
make his home,
Opha lluker is afflicted with the
measles. And Vera Hatched Is suf
fering from the same.
Mr. Mcholns Frledrich and J. L.
Young have bought pianos of ; the
(irancer company at Lincoln.
Will Hamilton's two children are
afflicted with the measles. Mack
('hut-chill's little daughter Is also
down with the samo.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Frledrich
came down from I'lattsmouth Wed
nesday to spend the day with their
son and wife south of Murray.
Some of the youngsters about town
are enjoying a good dose of the
measles this week. It makes them
better children and they should be
W. J. Phllpot and wlfo were pas
sengers to Omaha early Monday
morning, where Mr. Phllpot was call
ed on business and Mrs. Phllpot to
do some shopping.
II. (1. Todd bought this week a
seven passenger, forty-horse power
automobile from tho Jackson sales
man from Murdock. It will be ship
ped here in the near future.
Grandma Ithodeii has been quite
111 for several days, but has improved
some in the past few days. Grandma
is well up in the SO's and of course
an't stand much serious illness.
Clyde, Dlalr Torter's little son, had
the misfortune to run the sharp point
of a lead pencil in his throat last
Thursday, making the throat fearful
ly sore for several days. The little
fellow is toll right now.
in .
I Murray, should make a strenuous
rffort to Jret in on the good road list.
Weeping Water and Nehawka have
their roads up in good shapo grad
ed, even and smooth. All it will re
quire will be a called meeting and
some one to tako the lead.
Dr. Gilmorc's new Maxwell rar Is
just the thing he has been needing.
He ran now make his rails lu good
time and have some leisure mom
ents at home. He can't see how he
has got along without It. It la an
easy one to1 ride in and very little
noise in running.
Robert Troop, the soven year old
boh of Mr. and Mrs. William Troop,
nix miles southwest of Murray, met
with qulto a serious aorldent Satur
day from a rifle, in the nature of a
gunshot, in the palm of tho hand.
He was out playing and Jumped from
the chicken house with his hand rest
ing upon tho muzzle when It dis
charged. The bullet was found with
considerable trouble near one of the
Joints, embeded against the bone.
The last report is that he Is getting
along nicely.
The Reading class met with Mrs.
Walker Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Fellds of IMattsniouth, was the
guest of Mrs. S. 0. Pitman over Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. N. Klaurence spent
Sunday at Mrs. Klaurence's home In
Albert Young spent several days
visiting friends at Cedar Creek the
past week.
George Oldham of Pluttsmouth,
spent several days on his farms, Help
ing make repairs.
Mrs. F. R. Dean of Plattsniouth,
is visiting her brother and family,
Lloyd Gapen this . week.
Agnes Kennedy spent Sunday with
her parents, returning to her school
at Louisville Sunday evening.
Miss Margie Walker spent Sunday
with the Misses Dovey at the palatial
home of their father,-1 1. N Dovey.
Pauline Oldham left on the mid
night train Wednesday for Brock,
Nub., In the Interest of the Lyceum
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Carroll spent
Sunday lu I'lattsmouth, the guests
of Mrs. Albert Lilly, a sister of Mrs.
The Uis. Ilrendel have purchased
a 20-horse power Hupp auto. Dr.
U. F. Ilrendel and Colonel Jenkins
went up to Omaha Wednesday and
brought It down. It's a dalsey.
George Cook, the new harness-
maker, is enjoying a very good trade.
He seems to be a nice young man,
and the business men of Murray
speak of him In the highest terms.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Vallery are re
joicing over the arrival of a girl
baby at their home, born Monday,
April 2G. Mother and daughter doing
well, and It Is thought that Glenn
will survive the shock.
The entertainment Friday evening
given by Misses Marie Dougluss and
Mrs. Gamble was very good. The
attendance was a disappointment,
both to the ladles in charge and to
Mrs. Gamble and Miss Douglass.
The many friends of Uncle Wil
liam Wiley will regret to learn that
the old gentleman is not improving
very rapidly. Mr. Wiley is an old
landmark in Cass "'county, coming
here in the early 50's, when Indians
were plentiful. He is upwards of
85 years of age, and his extreme age
seems to be against him.
Dr. "Newell? the dentist, was here
Tuesday and was kept quite busy dur
lng the day with his work. The doc
tor makes the town every week and
has arranged for permanent office
facilities for the year. This Is a good
point for a dentist and the town and
community are fortunate in getting
a competant dentist to make the
town weekly.
Do the parents of this town know
where their boya are at of nights.
We hear of a number of depredations
committed by boys between the ages
of 12 and 15 years, and we would
warn the parents of these boys to look
out or they may be called upon to
answer for their acts. Keep your
boys at home after a o'clock and It
may save yon lots of grief If they
persist In continuing this work.
FOR SALE A few tons of timo
thy hay. H. L. Oldham.
J. W. Edmunds and wife were visi
tors in Nebraska City Saturday.
Mrs. John Farrls entertained Miss
Tressa Stokes and Mr. Arthur Copen-
haver at dinner Sunday.
Lee Oldham had the misfortune to
lose one of his fine Duroc Jersey
hogs Wednesday, through suffocation
when it was so warm in the after
noon. Our new line of dress and work
gloves Just arrived. Thirty-five dif
ferent kinds, from 50 cents to $5.00
per pair. We handle the very best
$1.00 glove on the market.
Holmes & Smith.
Miss Mary Hobscheldt was attack
ed with lockjaw a few days ago, and
for 36 hours the Jaws remained clos
ed. The case looked very serious
for some time and her many friends
will be glad that she has fully re
covered. Billy Brown says that not very
many people know the occasion of
Jim Holmes' visit to Colorado
Springs. The disease has been rag
ing in this vicinity to an alarming
extent, and whether Mr. Holmes' trip
will benefit him will be for the fu
ture to determine. His complaint Is
the automobile fever.
"Scotty'' says the telephone at the
depot Is a great convenience to some
people who call up every five minutes
to know how the train is. He says
It takes one extra man to answer
these calls. Since the 'phone was
put in business (on the 'phone) oc
cupies about half his time. But peo
ple think It Is no trouble to serve
the inquisitive.
The derailment of the M. P. 'pas
senger train coming north Wednes
day night caused considerable an
xiety to those who expected to get
to Plattsniouth and Omaha early In
the evening. The engine and several
cars got off, and the train did not
reach here until about 10 o'clock,
or a delay of five hours. "Scotty,"
the M. P. Agent, lays all the blame
to the presence of the Journal ' re
porter In Murray at the time. , He
says every time he comes to j this
town the train for some cause or
other is always de'iyed. , ,1
.Mrs. Adda Stokes received a, let
ter a few days since from her sis
ter, Mrs. Minnie Stokes, In which
that lady states she arrived at her
new home In Canada In good time
and enjoyed a pleasant trip. She
found her husband and the balance
of the family who had preceded her
several weeks, ready to welcome her,
and all In the enjoyment of good
health. Mrs. Stokes says she be
lieves she is going to like the coun
try, but Mrs. Adda limits the time
to next fall, when she looks for their
return to Cass county.
Any lady reader of this paper will
receive, on request, s clever "No-
Drip" Coffee strainer coupon privi
lege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
It Is silver-plated, very pretty, and
positively prevents all dripping of
tea or coffee. The Doctor sends it,
with his new free book on "Health
Coffee" simply to introduce this clev.
er substitute for real coffee.' Dr.
Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining In
poularity because of; first, Its ex
quisite taste and flavor; second, Its
absolute healthfulneBs; third; its
economy ltflb 25c; fourth, its con
venience. No tedious 20 to 30 min
utes boiling. "Made in a minute"
says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your
grocer's, for a pleasant surprise. F.
S. White.
House and Four Lots For Kale.
House and four lots, one block north
of the Murray State Bank, large
barn, 50x30, clsterm, well and wind
mill, also a good cyclone cave, all
kinds of fruit. The house has a
good summer kltchep, also numerous
other outbuildings. This pioperty
can be bought at a bargain if taken
soon. J. L. Young, Murray, Neb.
For Sale.
Fine S. C. and R. C. R. I, Red
Cockrels at, $1 each, also eggs 75
cents per setting.
Mrs. C. E. Schwab,
Murray, Neb., Both Thones.
For Sale or Rent-
Blacksmith shop with an abundance
of tools, gasoline engine, etc. Good
opening for the right man.
James Lougiiriuge.
Dr. Xcwcll, DcnlM.
Murray every Tuesday from 8 a.
m., to 5 p. in. All kinds of first-class
dental work. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Miss True South and her brother
Roy of Plattsmouth, spent Sunday
with D. J. Lair.
Eva and Boyd Porter attended the
vaudeville in Omaha Saturday even
ing. Mont Robb spent Sunday with
home folks at Wyoming, Neb.
Special church services was held
at the home of Mrs, William Weten
kamp Sunday.
Edna and Mayola Propst went to
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening.
Miss Martha Barker was visiting
with her aunt, Mrs. William Weten
kamp Sunday.
Grace and Esther Tight, Robin
Richardson, Verna Propst, Mildred
and Leona Snyder, Dwlght Propst,
Elmer and Arthur Wetenkamp and
Andrew Snyder attended the meeting
held at the county superintendent's
office Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Florence and Pheme Rich
ardson were visitrhg relatives and
friends in South Omaha Saturday and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lovell and
son Anthony drove to Plattsmouth
Miss Eva Porter dosed her school
at Rock Bluff Friday with a picnic,
a large number attending from My
nard. Rev. Harrojl and wife departed
Monday for Brownville, Neb., where
they will visit with friends a few
Nelson Jean of Plattsmouth spent
Sunday with his parents.
W. F. Gilllsple attended the Grain
Dealer's meeting at Auburn, Neb.,
last week.
Misses Pearl and Muriel Henton
attended the piano recital given by
Miss Kittle Cummlngs In Plattsmouth
Saturday evening.
Miss Eva Porter was a passenger
for Nebraska City Monday, where
she will work at the millinery trade
for the ensuing season.
Mrs. Maggie Mason and son Earl,
of Plattsmouth, spent Sunday with
relatives in Mynard.
Willie Propst drove to Ralston,
Neb., Saturday, driving back Monday.
Mr. Roberts of theft mi of Roberts
Bros., of South Omaha, was visiting
Sunday with G. W. Snyder.
Feel'fi Fortunate.
C. E. Metzger came In last evening
from his home at Cedar Creek, drlv
lng down In his automobile to meet
John Gauer and George Thlerolf of
that city who had been at Nebraska
City and who were unfortunate v!.
tlms of the delayed Missouri Pacific
passenger train from that point to
this city. The gentlemen stopped
over night in this city, registering at
the Hotel Riley and were passengers
this morning for their homes at Ce
dar Creek. Messrs. Metzger and
Gauer have not yet gotten over shak
ing hands with themselves over their
narrow escape from injury or pos
sible death in the accident at Cedar
Creek. Mr. Metzger is authority for
the statement that his hair came
as near standing on end that time
as it everdld. He figures that he
has had a number of narrow escapes
from death or injury in the past year
and that this was one of the nar
rowest of them. Not long since he
came near being knocked beneath
some cars while they were being
switched at Cedar Creek and shortly
before that he Just escaped being run
down by a passenger train. He has
had so many escapes that he has be
come some nervous and grown ex
ceeding cautious in all his move
ments. Stewart Case Not Heard.
County Attorney Ramsey returned
this morning from Tecumseh, where
he was called by the habeas corpus
case of Stewart vs. Goehry et al. The
case did not come to trial and there
is a proposition being considered for
a settlement of the matter but there
seems small probability of its being
accepted by the defendants. The
case will go over for the present and
if not settled it will likely come up
In that district and a case of unus
ual stubborness is being contested
before him.
Quiet Title.
A suit to quiet title has been filed
In the office of Clerk of the Court
Robertson today by Messrs. Clark
& Robertson, attorneys for the plain
tiff. The petition is entiled John H.
Spanglor and John W. Lloyd vs.
Peleg Davis ct al, there being some
fifteen defendants. The property in
question Is the east half of the south
east quarter of section 28, town 11,
range 13, ami Is a valuable piece of
Grain, Wagons,
We handle the Schutler, Cooper and "Old Hickory"
Wagons, Press Drills, Binders and Mowers, Plymouth Binder
Twine, Barbed and Woven Wire.
Farmers, we can furnish you with any vehicle or farm
ing implement you want much cheaper than you can buy the
same article elsewhere. Come and see us, at the elevator,
and get prices that will astonish you. We can save you
money and at the same time make a fair profit for ourselves.
Al M. US
The Department Store Has a
Large Line to be Sold.
We want to close out 'our entire
line of Spring Millinery, and are
willing to make a great cut price In
order to do so. We have on hand
over 200 Swell Trimmed Hats, all
brand new, bought for the spring
trade. We also have a large line of
jlowers, fancy feathers, Ostrich
plumes, and wings, ornaments, vel
velts, chiffons, mullins and everything
pertaining to the millinery depart
ment, all of which will now be sold
at a greatly reduced price. Also bear
In mind that we trim hats free of
Lookout for Old Goods.
When you purchase your hats at
some other stores you are in danger
of getting old goods and styles, which
is not the case at our store, for all
our hats are new and will bear the
closest Inspection, for as every lady
In the city and community well
knows that last summer we closed
out our entire line of summer hats
at as low as 5c each, and In order
to clean up the old line entirely, the
winter hats were burned in front of
store this spring. Other places you
might find an out of season hat, but
here you cannot posslbuy get any
thing but new goods, bought for and
made up for this spring's trade.
Now. the spring season is drawing
to a close, and our trimmers may
not be with us many weeks longer,
so we impress upon your mind that
if you want your hats trimmed free
of charge, our expert trimmers are
at your service, but we ask you to
come in soon as they will not remain
long.. Bear in mind that we are of
fering everything at a great reduc
tion, and will prove this to be true
If you will call and see.
Tom Schlegal of Murray is in the
city today, having come in this morn
ing from his home to spend the day
In the city.
I have opened the harness shop, in the old
Jenkin's store building at the lower end of
Main Street, and am ready for all kinds of
repair work. New harness in stock. Give
me a call. Prices right.
Farm Implements !
Funeral of W. I. Bailey.
The funeral services of the late
William Powell Bailey were held this
afternoon from the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Harriet Garrison.
There was a very large attendance of
old friends of the deceased who gath
ered to pay their last mark of re
spect to a worthy soul gone to his
reward. The services at the house
were conducted by Canon H. B. Bur
gess of St. Luke's church. Canon
Burgess delivered a brief but elo
quent funeral address, dwelling upon
the long and useful life which the
aged man had lived, his christian an
simple character and his sterling
worth and uprightness. Canon Bur
gess' address was a fine tribute to
the splendid qualities which had
shone so strongly in the life time of
the deceased and touched the heart
chords of all who heard them. There
was some appropriate music by mem
bers of St. Luke's choir, a number,
of tho songs which deceased had so
well loved in his life time, being
rendered. There were large floral of
ferings from the many intimate
friends which this good citizen had
made during his long residence in
this county.
At 4:30 p. m. the remains to
gether with those of his beloved wife
who had slept for the last eighteen
years In Oak Hill cemetery, were
taken to the Burlington train for
shipment to Schnectady, N. Y., where
they wil be laid at rest in sight or
the old homestead, where they spent
their happy childhood and maturer
years. The pall bearers chosen for
the services in this city were Messrs.
William and .Theodore Starkjohn,
Leonard Born, Jacob Trltsch, Martin
L. Frledrich and Hon. Basil S.
Ramsey, all old friends of the de
parted. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and
surely driven out of the blood with
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy
liquid of tablet form. Dr. Shoop's
booklet on Rheumatism plainly and
interestingly tells just how this la
done. Tell some sufferer of this
book, or better still, write Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis., for the book and free
test samples. Send no money. Just
join with Dr. Shoop and give soma
ufferer a pleasant surprise. All deal
ers. f