The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1910, Image 3

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Pastor DiooUyn
; Washington. D. C. March 13.-Pus
tor Bussell of the Brooklyn Tuberna
cle, New York, preacbeel here twiet
today to splendid audiences. One ol
his discourses was eutltled. "The Over
throw of Sutau's Empire." V'e report
the other oue from the text above
quoted. Pastor Russell said:
As Christians in the light of this
wonderful Twentieth Century we stand
at the parting of the ways and mut
decide for right or for wrung, foi
truth or for falsehood. In respect tn
our religious convictions. Without
questioning the sincerity of our fore
fathers, we all object to their theology
It is in vain that ministers and
Bible class teachers longer deny tin
facts of the case. Nor will Intelligent
and honest people agree that it it-
right that through their creeds the
should profess one thing, and in theli
lives and general conversation they
should Ignore or ubsolutely deny tin
teachings of those creeds. Yet this Is
the positlou of practically all the think
" lug people of Christendom. Their con
sciences will not stand for this much
longer. If they retrain from telling
the Truth and taking their stand for
It, they will not only sear their con
sciences (I Timothy iv. "Ji and corre
8pondingly separate themselves from
God's favor, but additionally theli
course will sooner or later bring upot.
them the disapproval and contempt of
all honest (tcople. For although the
masses nre not yet aroused on the sub
Ject, they are rapidly getting awake.
Do you wish me to illustrate what
1 mean? Do you wish mo to show It.
what respect all denominations are
ashamed ot their creeds und unxiou
to hide the fact that they ever pro
fessed them or were anxious to give
them some new Interpretation more
consistent with the broader thought
4tnd more generous sentiment common
to civilized man In this Twentieth
Century? I will do it
Our Methodist frieuds are ashamed
of that feature of their creed which de
clares that the Almighty is now doing
everything that Divine Wisdom and
Power can accomplish on behalf ot
our poor race to bring all to a full
knowledge of Christ and to opportu
nity of faith and ouedipuce. They real
ize that there is a weakness in this
argument. And wheu they protest
that God must work through means,
and hence that the responsibility lies
at the door of Christian believers to
carry the Gospel to the heathen, they
realize that this Is an Illogical urgu
nient too. I'or why should onr Great
Creator send to eternal torment mil
lions of his creatures, because of an
insuiiiclency of zeal on the part ol
tome of their more enlightened fel
low-creatures? Acknowledging the
Inconsistency of such a theory our
good Methodist brethren tell us that
they hope that God has some other
way of saving the ignorant of heathen
lands and. perhaps, of civ Hired lands
Wo appreciate the loving 1 heart
which prompts this answer and we
agree that it is truethat God has
(mother way for these, lint when we
attempt t point xiut what that other
way Is, some of these dear friends in
quire. Is It Methodism? Did John
Wesley preach It? Our answer is, No.
Brother Wesley did not preach it ami
did not know of it. Not because it Is
new, but because it Is so very old and
was loot sight of during the "dark
ages" for fifteen centuries before
Brother Wesley was born, lie was
feeling after it. yearning for it. ' hun
gering and thirsting for it. but thel
"due time" for It to be made kuownl
to God's people had not yet come in
Brother Wesley's day. He preached
the eternal torture of all Mankind,- ex
cept the sane-tilled believers in Jesus
the Savior. But In his preaching of
the love of God he was used of the
Almighty to wondrously prepare the
hearts of Christendom for the broader
message of the Bible now due to be
seen and understood. Wesley's Gos
pel of the love of God has mellowed
the heart of Christendom, which once
was frigid under the cold teachings
of Foreordlnutlon, Predestination, etc.,
of the Westminster Confession of
Faith once the basis of nearly all
Protestant Communions.
If we and our Methodist brethren
could maintain the 6ame degree of
spiritual warmth that Wesley mid their
forefathers enjoyed we might do with
out further instruction. But we can
not do this! None enn stand still:
Christians today are losing their holi
ness, their sntictilicatlon their zeal for
God Is giving place to zeal for a sect.
The light of the Millennial morning
which for a century has been gradual
ly breaking upou Hie world, stimulat
ing thought In every direction, makes
it necessary for our Methodist breth
ren, ns well as for us all. to awaken
to the wonderful privileges of our day
for Bible study: to ascertain the real
teaching of God's Word, which. In the
dark past we all seemingly rulsunder
stood and misrepresented. Already the
most Intelligent one-fourth of Meth
odism not only rejects Brother Wes
ley's theory, but alas, repudiates the
Bible also! It accepts Instead of Sal
vation that most dangerous form of
Infidelity known as Higher Criticism
nd that most uu-Scrlptural proposl-
I H e
Choose Ye This Day
'Between Truth
and Error.
"Choosr You This Day Whom
Ye Will Serve... 11 Jehovah Be God,
Serve Him" (Joshua xxiv. 15).
tion of human Evolution, which denies
the fall of our race and makes void
Christ 8 redemptive work and the glori
ous result thereof human restitution
(Acts ill. BKJ3i.
Bury th Dead Past.
God forbid that we should bury any
Of the doctrines of Christ aud nis
twelve apostles! On the contrary let
us strive to resurrect these from ttie
rubbish cf human traditions which
eighteen centuries have plied upon
them. Let us instead bury our niau
made creeds, of which we are ah
ashamed. Our Presbyterian friends
some years ago set a noble example to
all Christendom In the burial or taoir
Confession of Faith and their substitu
tion Instead of a much simpler auu
much more rational statement.
But. No, I must correcr myself here.
This is what they should have done
but did not do. Instead of burying the
old creed, not only from sight, but also
from odor, they have merely covered
the corpse which is admitted to be
dead and placed the briefer and better
Confession atop the winding-sheet
They assuredly declare that it is not
a substitute but merely a representative
statement, llenco every time we read
the re-statement, we must hold our
noses to avoid contamination from the
odors of the carcass beneath. Not
all must do this, for, as the Apos
tle suggests. All have not their senses
exercised to discern. But all inteili
gent Presbyterians are being rapidly
driven not only away from Calvinism
but, alas, away from the Bible ulso,
because of their erroneous supposition
that the teaching of Calvlu and the
teachings of the Bible are oue and the
These bright minds nre not merely
lost to the Christian forces. They lie
come active agents In the promulga
tion of nntl-Blbllenl teachings. Tliey
are engaged in pulling down the Bible
and substituting for Its teaching Dar-
wiu's Involution theory. These sincere
men are to be found in the faculties of
all of the Colleges. In the highest pul
pits throughout the hind and in tii,
most prominent positions in business
ami social lite. Their loss id faith In
the Bible has not made 'them murder
ers or thieves. Their noble Inheritance
from the past preserves to them an tij
Tightness of character which the lo-:-of
a fear of hell-torment has not under
mined. While they are no loi:,'i'
Christians from fie l;ib!i'drniii.t
Ho longer believers In .le.iii-. a- a lie
dimmer-th-'V niv still lulievt-rs i
Jesus as a uroat Teacher :'.:ul a )...!.'
Loader of men. They fall to clis'-cr
the fact that if I , as the" Son
of tied and the !: deeiner of men. aw'
was not sn (. m-i -ail of being a noble
example, hi life and (cachings were
most stupendous frail. 's and ilcccu
Captist3 and Diicijlc.-, Awrk :-..r.f
When we say that Miis av. aKcuiii';
Is also reaching our lla.iiist ai.l our
Disciple brethren, til it mil be under
Mood to mean that all of these tnuc
been asleep until now. remaps n
would have been better for them tf
souie who have gotten awake dining
the past thirty years had slumbered
longer. Those long awake have prin
cipally gone off into Darwinism am;
Higher Criticism. I'.aptlst aud Disci
pie schools and Colleges and Theolog
leal Seminaries, like those of oilier de
nominations, are manned with the
brlghtest minds of the denominations,
and all with one accord teaching High
er l'1'll.icista. iulidellty nud Darwinian
Involution. With one accord all are
engaged in overthrowing the Christian
Faith of the rising generation. They
are doing this Intelligently, wisely,
cunningly, but not with evil motive.
Having gotten awake to the Inconsist
encies of their creeds these scholarly
men. concluding that the creeds truth
fully represented the liibie, abandoned
faith In the Scriptures to the same de
gree that they have abandoned faith
In the creeds which their Intellects
have repudiated. Now they are seek
ing to gradually help Christian people
of all denominations to what they e (in
sider the higher plane of Truth. What
they have almost anything in fact
Is better than the "creeds" they have
repudiated. They are working hard
and succeeding well In Introducing
their falth-destroylng theory into the
minds of the rising generation through
the school books. From these they
not only have eliminated everything
sympathetic with Bible faith, but In
the stead hnve Introduced the, sub
versive doctrine of Evolution.
As for the rank and flic of Baptists
and Disciples, probably three-fourths
of them still hold vaguely and indcll
nltely to the Bible and their Confcs
slons of Faith though both of these
denominations In their Innocency of
mind think that they hnve no creeds
that they take the Bible only. As
these dear friends own ken to the In
consistencies of their Confession and
teachings they are In great danger of
following their lenders Into a repudia
tion of everything pertaining to the
past-Into Higher Criticism-Infidelity
and Darwinism.
"Choosa You Thi Day Whom Y Will
Joshua's words to the Israelites, aft
er they had come Into Canaan, consti
tute our text. Joshua perceived thai
the Israelites were in a trying position
and Unit it was their duty to devute
promptly and thoroiiti'y which cnti:-si-they
would take. So we may s"e to
day that Christians of all dcnomina
tions are In a trying mmiIi:i and that
a prompt ileciston to stand by God nnd
the Bible is the necessary Jhing for
those who would be delivered trotu the
durkuess of the past and avoid tailing
Into the Adversary's great deception ot
the present Into which their leaders
are guiding them. Unless they heed
speedily, the blind leading the blind
will fall Into the ditch of Darwinism
aud the mire of Higher Criticism
There are not many ways to escape
this threatening calamity! There is
only one way the Bible way. Many
Baptist and Disciple ministers are be
comiug awake to the Inconsistencies ot
their positions aud drifting without
foreknowledge of where their course
will end. For Instance. I hnve be-fore
me the words of the Iter. Dr. Mac Don
ald of my owu city, Brooklyn, on Feb
niary '.'7th. This gentleman speaks of
the Baptist Confession of Faith as
"these muddling clothe ot an ancient
duymatixm." And respecting the Bap
tlst doctrine which recognizes only Im
mersed persons as members of the
Church of Christ and heirs of salva
tion, be says, "Uencctorth it can be re
garded to be a dead an the cities ot
Sodom and Comorrnh. and a irortlnlu
burifd" The gentleman rejoiced that
recently a Baptist minister had been
ordained to the Sixth Avenue Baptist
Church of Brooklyn who ai'.inned in
advance that he. would Invite all to
communion aud Church membership
who loved the Lord Jesus. He urced
that "associate members" should be
received Into Baptist communions
"without Imposing baptism upon
This courageous brother falls to see1
wherein the course he advocates is
Illogical. What he needs to sh is the
real teaching of the Bible on the sun
Ject of Baptlsni-tliat It Is baptism into
Christ's death, and thus Into the real
Church of Chrlst-not the Baptist
Church, nor any other human organism
Hon, but the Church of God-"The
Church of the firstborns, whose nnmes
are written In heaven " That roll con
tains the names of all the saintly
faithful, consecrated believers In the
Redeemer of nil denominations and
outside of nil denominations.
"Sanctify Them Through Thy Truth."
It Is not suUieient that we get rid of
the errors and superstitious of the
past. We must supplant those with
the Truth, that "We may be able to
withstand in this evil day" (Epheslans
vl, 13). It alone will constitute the
armor of God. Christian people hold
much precious Truth, but hold it In
so illogical and confused a manner
that It fails to give them the needed
strength. God permitted us to cin:ie
to this very hour and has permitted
the. present tests for the purpose1 of
developing U'c characters of the "Is
raelites it'ilcd. In whom is no miPe."
and for ihe iiirpise ot gMhoriie; oni
from them all the tat'1, n n the dial'',
and all not at heart copies o lux dear
Son. l et me now luietiy miiumi-h y.
the errors of our creeds nud hiieliv in
dicate the Bible remedy.
None ot our Creed-! were too strict
In defining the saintliness of the
Church 'class, invited to become the
Bride of Christ and his .lolnt-heirs In
Ills Kingdom. On the contrary. In
many respects they were too loose
they were not nearly up to the stand
nrd of the Master's word. "If any man
will be my disciple, let him take up
his cress and follow me." "Strait Is
the gate and narrow the way which
leadelh unto life; and few there be
that find It" (Matthew vll. Hi. Jesus
taught that his followers must drink
ot hia cup of Kiifferin; and be Implied
into hi (tenth and not merely Into wa
ter. Our too-low standards have ad
mitted to membership In all denomina
tions millions who are far below the
Master's standards.
Our error and deception was the sup
position that all who an not saintly,
all wiio would not become the Bride of
Christ, nil w ho are not baptized Into Ids
death, nil who do not drink of his cup
of ignominy will be ctcrnullu tortured.
This great mistake common to nil
Protestants (and in the much modi
fled form of Purgatory shared also by
Catholics) must be displaced by the
Bible teaching that as soon as the
elect Church shall be completed and
glorified the nntltyplcal Year of Jubi
lee will begin; that then for the thou
sand years of the reign of Christ aud
the Church as the spiritual Seed of
Abraham, the no-eccf. of all the fam
ilies of the earth will bo blest by the
elect (Galatlans 111. 1G, 20; Acts 111,
10-23). Let us, dear brethren, choose
this day to Btaud by the Word of God,
to reject nil humnn traditions contrary
to It and to hold fast the things that
are true. Just, loving, good.
If occasionally a thoughtless friend
asks. Why do you believe in a Millen
nium? answer that it la one of the
oldest doctrines of Christendom and.
above nil, the Bible doctrine. Answer
that he who does not believe in the
Millennium aud the resurrection then
of the world of mnukindVAIl that
nre in their graves"-mnst account for
the dead In some other way must
claim that they hnve been experienc
ing pnlu or pleasure for thousands of
years, or must claim that they are ex
tinct ns the brute beast and will hnve
no resurrection or must believe In uni
versal salvation regardless of a knowl
edge of Christ or obedience to him
On next Lord's Day, we will discuss
the Millennium and show Its absolute
necessity, not only from a Bible stand
point but also from a scientific stand
point. "Choose yo this day"-to stand
for the Bible and reason nnd to op
pose the Creeds of the dark ages and
their unreason!
if til i
irtotil IOIO
The Hotuc of Kuppenhn'i
In Which They Reversed the Finding of the Lower Ccuit and Re
manded the Case for Trial in the District Court.
The State Journal this morning
prints the syllabus of tho decision In
the Clarcnco case by which they re
versed tho finding of tho lower court
and remanded the case for trial In
the district court. The decision holds
the admission cf the evidence of sev-
rial witnesses culled by the state as'P,Rce ,n Question who, over the on
to the ability of the defendant's wit-, J'rtion cf tho accused, testified thnt
m s-vs who were in the corn crib tl,( 'V wuwd a team and wagon to bo
when the shoodng happened, to s e ! plarocl whore they were informed
the ad'r.iy on account of the inter-' t,ie t('n;n nrul wagon had stood and
ic.eii.-e m a mam ana wat;on wun ttie r.u.e-., , vu uo """ j Chicago and Omaha, Jiavini Uen
Hne of vision, tl.o state's wit noi-scs inhere 'o boards wire said to have !ralk.d lo Cllcag0 juat b,tori, t,,e com.
not havir.s !m n pre,, at at the (into fnrmcrly been, and that by standing ;im,ncon!eIlt of Uu; im;ntU nIlt, n,kf.d ta
of the P-..,al oec-n mince and only (cn the floor of the granary they could ,ln tak( up lUi rm e h(U,
spcnkln;; trim observation, mado.not the spot where it was said f(jr a ,01,K Ume but tt Bhort tlm9
some four months afterward., was , U'o tragedy occurred. The admission Bini.0 he wa3 ,t.nrorred to tnolhor
erroneous. These who remember the,of testimony, without proof tbatlrun w,l(.h hlm more u,ne ,a
t ... . 0 a . . ,
case will recall that the witm-sacs who l"e fonuitions as existing at tho tlmo
were present at the time of the shoot-J of 11)0 affray had been rosier, d, held
Ing with the exception or Leo Thack- erroneous.
cr, son of the deeded, testified that 2 "When, in a trial for murder,
Clarence fired at Thacker after the the defendant produces evidence tend
lattcr had struck him over tho headlug t0 juatIfy th0 kming on tho
with a beard. The stato sought to . KroUnd of self-defense, an Instruction
show that the witnesses who so t 8.1- ( whlcn limll3 tho ,.i,ht of Bl.if.derenB0
fied were In no position to cne ln tho lawfll, pur!lu,t ot bls,
seen the affray owing to tho wagon business is erroneous." Hans vs.
and team being in tho road. Tho Sint0 72 Nob. 288. 100 N. W. 410.
court held that there should niso have
been shown that tho conditions n3
they existed at the time of the mur
dir existed when tho tests made by
the states witnesses were made.
Tlie remaining ground of reversal
are upon tho constructions of the
court, the-supcrlor court holding that
self-defenso Is not limited to ouo ln
the lawful pursuit of his business.
Superior court also holds that tho
words "at least" when used in con
nection with an instruction defining
malicious killing when done on a
sudden quarrel and in the heat of pas
sion as murder ln the second degree,
is a limitation which Is prejudicial
to tho defendant and precludes the
Jury finding manslaughter. Another
Instruction is held erroneous on the
ground that the citing of tho testi
mony of a certain witness by name,
usurps the functions of the Jury to
determine tho weight to be given his
testimony. Tho final ground for re
versal is that It Is error to ullow tho
Jury to be the judges of the material
ity of evidence. The syllabus Is as
Clarence vs. State. Error, Cass.
Reversed and remanded, lteese, C. J.
1 Upon a trial of an uc.eused un
der a charge of murder, certain wit
nesses testified thnt they were in a
corn crib shoveling corn Into a shel
ler nnd that nt tho tlmo of tho trag
edy they were standing upon corn
In the crib not yet removed, and,
looking through an opening between
tho boards constituting tho wall of
tho crib witnessed the affair which
resulted ln tho death of the deceased,
their testimony being favorable to
tho defendant nnd his theory of Belf
defenso. At tho time of the shooting
8 eed m Parato!
IF you want to be sylishly dressed in
one of the latest models of thebest
clothes in America, come to the
Quality store and ask for Quality clothes.
Our store is a veritable style show at
this time, for it contains the most re
markable exhibition of new Spring fash
ions ever seen in this town. Exclusive
styles, in single suits only one suit
of a pattern from such leaders as Hirsh
Wickwire, Stein Bloch, Society, Kup
ptnheimer, Fadclothes Co., R. & W.,
Sophomore and Collegian. You can be
particular and still find what you want
in this varied line. Quality line $20 to
$35. Competitive line $5 to $18.
of tho deceased thero wna a team
and wnKon and tho corn sheller near
tho crib which were thereafter ro
moved and tho beards, between which
the witnesses tostifieJ they saw tho
transaction, were knocked, or taken
off. Over four months thereafter tho
state procured persons to go to tho
4 Iwit iiKn.n f...1 I,,...,!,. t si V. 1 ,
3 In an instruction given to the
Jury upon a trial of one charged wilh
tho crime cf murder the law of mur
der in the first and second degrees
nnd manslaughter was fully explain
ed. Upon the request of the Rtato,
the court, later, instructed tho Jury
that "a malicious killing, although
done upon a sudden quarrel and ln
-jr. r - . i i .
, A . .1,
"MAW 'h
x. ,' r
fs v- ' '
pi J
Tlx Howe ol Kupprnheimer
tho heat of passion, is, at least,
murder In the second degree." Ueld,
that in view cf tho Instructions al
ready given and of tho uho of the
words "at least," tho instruction wa
prejudicial error.
4 The Jury ar? tho solo Judges ot
what is shown by the testimony of
tho witnesses. An Instruction which
informs tho Jury that certain facts
are shown by a witness, namlnfj him,
and quotlnR his testimony, Is errono
ous as usurping the function of th
Jury. It Is for them to say whether
the testimony of the witness establish
es the fact detailed.
5 It Is error to submit the question
of the materiality of evidence to tha
jury before whom the case is being
Bai k t.n Old Bun.
The many friends cf Monte Strelght
will bo pleased to learn that Blnco
tho first of tho month ho has bcea
back on his old exprc-'j run between
Omnha and nt his home in this city
but which was not so good a paying
one ns tho Chicago-Omaha run. He
accepted tho chango back to hia old
place and lurenftcr will run on trains
1, 2, 3, 4, f, 0, 7 and 12, between
those points. Theso nro all good fast
runs with tho exception of trains 3
and 4 w hich are slow I runs. Th
men working on this run nro in a
pool and run first In nnd first out.
The new place carries with It a sub
stantial Increase In pay nnd is one
of tho coveted runs on the system.
Mr. Strelght will be ln the city in a
few days looking nftcr some business
matters and the only drawback his
folks find with the arrangement la
that his layover Is at Chicago in
stead of the Omaha end of the run.
MARCH 17th
Thursday, Friday! Saturday
I will have on display an
elegant line of Pattern hats
and popular shapes. Please
call and see them