The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1910, Image 7

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    Tlhe Avocsi Department
A Bon-Fire of Fine
Naws Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
W. Brcndel was at Omaha
Dr. J
Charles Taney of Berlin was a visi
tor here Tuesday.
Henry Franzen and wife were at
Omaha Saturday.
Fred Hughes of Berlin was a visi
tor here Monday.
Miss Neva Zook spent Sunday with
Auburn relatives.
Zimmerer & Gillln's special sale is
attracting large crowds.
E. Nutiman, Sr., returned Wednes
day from his trip west.
Roy Fahnestock was at Omaha
Tuesday and Wednesday.
J. II. F. Ruhge and wife were at
Weeping Water Monday.
Mrs. P. Nutzman was on the sick
list the first of the week.
L. F. Dunbar was at Nebraska
CKy several days this week.
See the nice line of Easter post
cards at Copes' drug store.
Charles Royal was a Plattsmouth
visitor the first of the week.
W. L. Gillin was on the sick list
the front end of the week.
The Christian church is being re
papered and otherwise repaired.
G. M. Cotton of Auburn, had busi
ness here several days this week.
The farmers are busy getting their
ground in shape for small grain.
A. Zimmerer was over from Ne
braska City several days this week.
Herman and Charles Roloff have
sold their farms to Louis Carsten.
Vilas Sheldon has purchased the
C. Bogard eighty northeast of town.
Fred Hillman and wife were up
frera Berlin Tuesday In their auto.
Herman G. Wellenslek was a busl
ss Tlsltor at Central City this week.
Fred Bose, one of Berlin's young
business men was in town Wednes
day. J. W. Brendel received a new
twenty horse power Empire auto this
George Mortlmore was here from
Kiadilla Wednesday visiting Ora E.
W. A. Hollenberger and family
bow occupy the J. R. Peckhani resi
dence Charles Busch of Omaha, was here
Sunday visiting with J. H. Busch and
family. ,
Get your wall paper at Copes' be
fore he goes into the flying machine
Straub Bros., snipped three head
ef lne Galloways to the state farm
this week.
G. D. Maseraan and wife are the
happy parents of a baby boy born
last week.
Mrs. Roscoe Wollen of Imeprial,
is visiting at the home of Wm. Wollen
north of town.'
Mrs. John Mohr of Syracuse, has
been In Avoca this week visiting
with relatives. ...
Mies -Neva Zook enjoyed a visit
fro mher mother'and brother of Au
burn last week.
A. D. S. Perodixe Cream for chap
ped hands and face. It does the biz.
Get it at Copes'.
Miss Nancy Flesh man has been as
sisting In the store of Zimmerer &
Gillin this week.
I Gus Mohr was at Unadilla Sunday
where he went to see Mrs. Mohr who
has been quite sick.
Samuel Johnson sold his two hun-
iHrett and fnrtv &fa farm laat Cot!
urday to Edward Mohr.
Miss Bessie Mortlmore of Lorton,
was visiting at the home of Ora E.
Copes and wife Saturday.
Charles Ethrldge of Cook, was vis
Iting his sister, Mrs. Theron Mal
colm the first of the week.
J. M. Dunbar and family arrived
home the first of the week from their
visit with Missouri relatives.
Charles Schrader of Council Bluffs,
was here the first of the week visit
ing his sister, Mrs. J. H. Busch.
H. M. Marquardt has accepted a
position in the general merchandise
store of Benjamin Watenberg at Dun
bar. Albert Ropers has Just finished
painting his barn with Sherwin Wil
liams paint, the kind that Copes'
' Mrs. Anna Nelson and son Allen
left for Diller the first of the week
where- they will reside in the fu
AOss Fern Ralnton, formerly a
teacher in our schools, was visiting
her friend, Miss Julia Nutzman Sat
Herman and Charles Roloff left
Monday for Central City where they
expect to invest in some real estate
Paint, paint brushes, varnish, wall
paper, In fact, everything in the
paint line can be found at Copes'
drug store.
Mrs. Marguerite Graham and
daugnters, Gladys and Beth, were
visiting Elmwood relatives the first
of the week.
A number of Odd Fellows went to
Nebraska City Thursday where they
conferred the second degree on sev
eral candidates.
Edward Hensley and family of
Berlin are now residents of our thrlv
Ing little city. They occupy the J. II
Conrad residence.
S. Johnson and Louis and John
Marquardt expect to leave this week
for Burning, Kansas, where they will
look at real estate.
Mr. Hitchman was here from near
Weeping Water Tuesday making ar
rangements to decorate the Interior
of B C. Marquardts fine residence.
School Xotefl.
A large number attended the pro
gram given by the school. A good
program was given; Ma Sweet and
her . family and the Nigger Night
school were very funny.
Edith Nutzman missed school Mon
day morning.
Vinclnt Smoots has returned to
school after being absent on account
of th measles.
Andrew Mapel has been absent on
account of sickness.
Myrtle Wolfe Is absent from school
on account of measles.
The higher room has six more pu
pila enrolled than were enrolled al
together last year. This is the great
est enrollment for a number of years,
Ed. Mapes moved to Nuckolls coun
ty Monday.
Otto John shipped a car of hogs
and cattle to South Omaha Tuesday.
George Foreman returned from
Omaha Tuesday.
Conrad Rasp went to Omaha Tues
day returning home Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. S. M. Prouty went to Lincoln
Wednesday evening.
Chester Ough went to Lincoln Sat
urday evening to visit his sister. He
returned home on No. 18 Sunday.
Mrs. Herman Stroemer and daugh
ter Miss Marie, drove to Elmwood
Mrs. Carrol Gulllion went to Green
wood Saturday on the freight. Mr.
Gullion drove over Sunday, both re
turning in the evening.
Miss Stella Sheesley went to Lin
coln Sunday evening.
Mrs. Sam Cashner and Mrs. Art
Bird visited Mrs. Fred Prouty Tues
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Friend went
to University Place Monday evening.
Mrs. Alice Riner who has been
making a visit with her sister, Mrs.
J. E. Parsell for some time past, re
turned to Lincoln Monday evening.
Bill Foreman and Earl Cole of
Lincoln spent Sunday at the former's
Herman Stroemer was In Omaha
ea business the first of the week
lira. Mower and Mrs. J. A. Austin
ef Lincoln visited with Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Shaffer between trains Sunday.
Miss Orpha Mullen was a passenger
for Murdock Sunday.
Isaac Wolf is laid up with the la I
grippe and rheumatism.
Mrs. J. II. Stroemer went to Om
aha to do shopping Monday.
Victor Ough was sent to Richfield
as operator Monday.
Sam Cashner was in Omaha on bus
iness Wednesday.
George Braun has taken the posi
tion of Btation agent for the C. R
& P. railroad at this place.
L. F. Brillhart left last week for
Dr. Shoemaker of Lincoln was
town on professional business last
George Frolich of Lincoln Is visit
ing his sister, Mrs. C. C. Bucknell
Mrs. Ivola Campbell went to Uni
verslty Plaice Monday evening,
We are
Pushing Paint
The painting season
is at hand anil we are
ready to take care of
your requirements with
Paint, prepared
It is the best and
most economical paint
you can buy for your
' Come in and look at
color cards and have a
paint talk with us.
ORAL COPES Ilia Druggist
In Honor of Mrs. Ilarker.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Leyda was the Bcene of a most
delightful occasion yesterday after
noon when Mrs. Leyda entertained
a few of her lady friends in honor
of Mrs. Ed. Barker of Plalnview,
Neb., who is visiting relatives and
friends in the city. For the occas
ion the charming rooms of the Leyda
home had been attractively decorat
ed In green and white and every ef
fort made to insure the guests of a
fine time.
The afternoon was most pleasant
ly spent in social conversation, music,
various amusements and the like,
which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
At an appropriate hour the guests
were invited to the dining room
where a delicious two course lunch
eon was served. This luncheon wa3
one which the hostess only knows
how to prepare and one which the
guests could not help but do ample
Justice. The dining room was also
handsomely decorated In green and
white, the decorations consisting of
ferns and shamrocks. The hostess
was assisted in serving by her daugh
ter. Miss Ethel.
Those who enjoyed the hospitality
of Mrs. Leyda on yesterday after
noon were Mesdames C. II. Smith,
W. C. Tippens, Wm. Schmldtman,
J. M. Johns, Jack Schulhof, Defi-baugh.
Saturday Might, Pareh IStih,
In order to get rid of every Winter hat in our store so as to make room for
our Spring Millinery, I have decided to take this drastic means to dispose of the
above mentioned stock. Previous to this "Conflagration Sale" I will inaugurate
a Graduation Sale, and it will be conducted in the following manner: Commenc
ing at one o'clock Saturday afternoon, I will place on sale every Winter trimmed
hat in my store at 9Sc. Every hour the price will drop 10 cents. Here is how it
will be done:
48 c
This sale is commenced at one o'clock in order to give the ladies from the country a chance
to participate in the Greatest Closing Out Sale of Millinery ever conducted by a store in the State
of Nebraska. I want to impress upon the minds of the ladies the well known fact that the feath
ers, flowers or other trimmings on these hats are worth three or four times as much as is charged
for the entire bat at the hour when the sale opens. I positively will not carry over one of these
hatsand do as is done by some dealers, push them off on the public a year from now as new crea
tions in millinery. They will be burned in plain view of the public that all who see may know.
Remember the Big Bon-Fire Sale of Millinery Saturday Night,
- Between Eight and line O'clock!
p.nft.runfti ..-ift u-Jl i.rJt ,.-.t i.nftr-Tfr--fl ,. .-fr -. y, y
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets Invariably bring relief to wo
men suffering from chronic constipa
tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness,
sallowness of the skin and dyspepsia.
Sold by all dealers.
Catarrh of the Stomach.
This is one of the most common
diseases and should be called Infla
matlon of the mucuous membrane of
the stomach. It is usually caused by
excesses In eating or drinking. In
many caseB people call it Just indis
position and try to cure it by eating
highly spiced or sour food and by
rlnking strong alcoholic liquors. This
win ao more aamage to the poor
stomach than they know. The only
correct remedy is Trlner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine, because it will
at the same time stimulate and
strengthen the stomach and make it
able to accept nutritious food. What
ever the cause of the catarrh of the
stomach, Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine will bring swift relief.
Use It as soon as you notice a
change in your appetite or bodily
strength. Try it in maladies of the
stomach, the bowels, the nerves and
the. blood. At drug stores. Jos.
Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ashalnd Ave., J
Chicago, 111.
Last Monday night the clothing store
of Boone & Davis at Weeping Water
was broken into and some goods taken.
Yesterday the marshal at Louisville
landed two men who he believed to be
the men who did the deed, and placed
them in the city calaboose. They wtre
later turned over to Sheriff Quinton by
the marshal who had captured them,
and brought down to the county jail.
They gave the names of James Lynch
and Robert Harrison. They will prob
ably be arraigned tomorrow if County
Attorney Ramsey 18 consulted in mat
ter. He knew nothing of the arrests
at four p. m. on Thursday, the sheriff
having neglected to notify him of his
arrests. '
(juitei a Ololw Trotter.
Herman Hohlschuh departed yes
terday afternoon for the northwest
where he expects to secure employ
ment. He loft this city on train No.
23 for Omaha and from that city
he expects to go to Idaho, Wash
ington and Oregon. Herman is quite
a globe trotter and after his recent
trip through the southland he de
cided he would see what the great
northwest had in view. He will like
ly be away from here all summer and
possibly return during the fall for
a short time.
Fence Pouts For Sole.
I have about 500 Rur Oak fence
post, split, which I will sell at rea
sonable prices. Walter Sans,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
1 3-1 4-1 m-w Route 1.
"Wearing Out the, Green."
Miss Frances Weld man, one of
Register of Deeds Snyder's charm
ing assistants created a sensation
this afternoon by appearing on the
street with a very handsome -green
silk sash or scarf, the occasion1 being
the birthday of St. Patrick. It must
be owned that Miss Weidman cer
tainly had a remarkably handsome
scarf with its brilliant green.
J. C. Meislnger of Cedar Creek was
In. the city Saturday looking after
business and while here called at the
Journal office and renewed his sub
scription to the paper. Mr. McisingW
1b one of Cass county's finest men
and the Journal is proud to number
him among its readers.
Mrs. Thomas South is a visitor
with friends in Omaha today, going
to that city on the early Durlington
James Smith and son this after
noon are engaged in unloading their
household and farming goods from
their car which arrived ' here this
morning from Emerson, la., and are
hauling the same out to their farm,
the Senator Thomas wlace. west of
the city. The Messrs. Smith somo
time ago purchased this farm through
Harry Smith, the, land man, and se
cured a remarkably good bargain in
so doing. They are good people and
are welcomed to old Cass. county.
The four Miller brothers of Fort
Crook are in the city today In at
tendance on the birthday of Mrs.
Kate Oliver and paid the Journal of
fice a pleasant call.
A marriage license was issued this
morning out of the county judge's of
fice to John Alfred Johnson, aged 42,
of South Rend, Neb., and Mrs. Sarah
Estella Stockham, aged 35, of River
ton, la.
Will Not Run.
The Journal is authorized to an
nounce positively that John Lutz,
nominated for councilman on the
"Citizens" ticket from the Fifth ward
positively declines to accept the nomi
nation or to make the race. Mr.
Lutz States that he had declined the
Democratic nomination and ho cer
tainly would not accept the "Citi
zens" nomination. He has notified
the managers of the "Citizens" cam
paign of this fact.
Farm For Sale.
One of the best two hundred and
forty acre farms in Cass county for
sale. Three miles from Avoca, and
wcu improved, rnce per
acre. Inquire or write to Wm. Mase-
man, Avoca, Neb.
woman loves a clear, rosy com
plexion. Burdock Dlood Hitters puri
fies the blood, clears the skin, restores
ruddy, sonnd health.
Fencing is the question you are about to consider. Whether
it be Field, Poultry or Garden it is necessary that you get just
what is best adapted for your purpose and to give the best results.
If you think of getting poultry fence, let us show you poultry fence
hat is about three times as heavy as the ordinary Diamond Mesh
fence ond at very little additional cost. This fence is heavy
enough to turn stock if necessary, and will turn smaller chickens
than the Diamond Mesh. New car of fence will be here in a few
days, so in order to be sure to have what you want at the time you
want it, let us set it around your yard.