The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1910, Image 8

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    . A. A A
V Short Items of Interest From Tues.
day Evening's
I. M. Davis of Murray was a visi
tor yesterday in the city stopping
at tbe Perkins hotel.
John W. Edmunds of Murray, was
la the city today attending to busi
ness, driving up this morning.
Henry C. Long of Murray, Is In
the city today attending to business
matters, having driven up this morn
ing. John Schiappacasse Is attending to
business in Omaha today, having gone
to that city this morning on the early
Charles Creamer from near Mur
ray, is In the city today looking af
some business, having driven up this
J. A. Riser, one of the fine gentle
men and good farmers of the pre
cinct, was in the city today attending
to business.
O. K. Cromwell, of Weeping Wa
ter, was in the city yesterday look
ing after business, being registered
at the Riley.
S. 11. Atwood of Lincoln is among
those In the city today, coming down
this morning to look after some busi
ness matters. .
P. II. Melslnger and wife of Ce
llar Creek are spending today in the
city, having come in this morning
from his home.
Dr. Illodgett, the Burlington relief
physician, is in the city today look
ing after his patients, coming down
this morning from Omaha on No. 6.
15. II. Daniher, one of Murray's
good citizens is looking after, busi
ness matters today in the city, hav
ing driven up from his home this
T. W. Vallery, the well known and
popular citizen of Murray, Is spend
ing today In the city looking after
bUHlnesB matters, coming up from
his home this morning.
Reports reach the Journal from
J. W. Anthony at Immanual hospital
at Omaha, that he Is getting along
famously and soon will be quite well
again and able to return home. 1 1 is
many friends in this city will be glad
to learn of his progress and hope It
will continue for good.
William Rumniell, the well known
and popular citizen of the precinct,
was in the city today on business
and while here added his name to
the list of readers of the Daily Jour
nal. Mr. Uummell will continue to
farm the home place now, his broth
er Edward and wife Just moving to
their own iarm near l.lynard.
I. N. Cummins w ho has been spend
ing the winter In Kansas, returned
to the city several days since. Mr.
Cummins reports that the winter in
that state has not been so wet nor
ho long and hare as in this section
and that the roads and Btrects in
that section are quite dry now. Ike
still likes Plattsmouth, however, and
Intends to make it his home.
Jacob J. Melslnger, one of . the
younger members of the popular
Meisinger family, called upon tho
Journal this afternoon and renewed
his subscription for another year to
the paper. He was in company with
his esteemed father, H. J. Meisinger
who also ordered his paper continued
to his address for another year. The
gentlemen were very welcome callers
as they always have been and they
will always find the Journal ready
to give them a hearty welcome.
Ed. C. Rum melt today was In the
city und had the address of his
Daily Journal changed from the old
home to Mynard where he will re
slde In the future, he and his wife
having Just finished moving onto tho
fine farm which he recently pur
chased Just adjoining that town. Mr.
Rumniell has one of the best farms
now in the county and this year ho
will take lending rank as one of the
productive farmers of the county.
Will Stohlman, the veteran Dem
ocrat, was In the city today attend
ing to business matters and meeting
his many friends. Mr. Stohlman
while here paid the Journal office a
pleasant call and shook hands all
around, lie Is one of our friends
In his section and right staunch too.
Mr. Stohlman is one of tho Demo
crats who is not prepared to follow
Mr. Bryan into the county option
camp and he was unsparing In his
denunciation of tho courso which the
Democratic leader is puruslng. Mr.
Stohlman Is for local option and tho
regulation of the liquor traffic by law
Just as It is now. He made a call up
on his veteran Democratic friend,
Conrad Schlater while here and great
ly cheered up that worthy citizen by
his presence. Mr. tSohlman return
ed homo this nfternoon.
Daily Journal
W. E. Clark of N'ehawka, sppnt lant
evening in the city, being a guest at
the Hotel Plattsmouth.
J. E. McDanlel and wife returned
to the city this morning after several
days visit in Kansas City, Mo.
James Jilek, wife and baby are
spending today in Omaha, having
gone to that city on the morning
Oliver C. Hudson who has been
spending Beveral days in Kansas City,
Mo., returned to his home in this
city this morning.
L. F. Salee made a trip this morn
ing to Omaha to look after business
matters, this being his first trip to
the city for several weeks.
J. Ed. Johnson, engine Inspector
of the Burlington, spent last night
in the city, returning to Omaha this
morning on the early Burlington
Henry Speck was a passenger on
the morning train for St. Paul, Neb.,
where ho will enter the employ of one
of the newspaper offices in that
Miss Theresa O'Keefe of Omaha,
one of the expert employes of the
M. E. Smith company, came down
this morning on No. 6 to spend the
Carl Holmberg of Lincoln who
spent several days In the city, the
guest of Mr. and tius Roman and
family, returned to his work at Lin
coln last Sa'urday afternoon.
The family of Jos. Sec-.acex depart
ed today for Grand Island, where
they will make their future home.
Mr. Scdlarek having entered the em
ploy of the Union Pacific at that
James Emerson, rondmaster of the
Omaha division of the Burlington,
was in the city last evening and this
morning looking after trackwork for
the company. He departed todny for
the north.
(ieorge P. Bartcn, constable of Lib-
erty precinct, was In the city last M" 1,1 described lands for more than
... . . . I twenty-seven (27) yenrs prior to the
evening between trains, coming up ,dut of filing this petition, thereby ac
ln the evening and" rntnrnlntr at ml,1 luirlng absolute title to said lands and
in me evening ana returning at mid- t,.rPbv burring ail claims of title there
night, lie had business to look after ' ""d 1,4'nH thereupon by long lapse
in the city.
. T .
i. u. nmitiouu nun a passenger
this morning for Omaha where he
has business to attend to. He made
a flying trip yesterday to Glenwood,
having n speedy run to catch No. 6,
'which was a little ahead of time.
Lee Klrkpatrick of Nehawka, one
of tho most prominent citizens of
that section was in the city last night
and this morning for a few hours
visiting friends and looking after bus
iness matters. He departed on the
morning train for Omaha where he
will spend the day.
Mrs. Dr. Campbell or Columbus,
Neb., spent Sunday in the city making
a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. W.
Larkln, being a passenger this morn
ing for her home. Mrs. Larkln ac
companied her as far as Omaha on
her May and will spend the day In
Mrs. Emily Haven of Pueblo, Col.,
a cousin of Mrs. A. W. Atwood, whq
has been making a visit of a few
days In the city, departed this morn
ing Tor her home. Mrs. Haven has
been spending several days visiting
In Illinois with relatives and stopped
In this city on her return to her
0. A. Nystrom and wife of Omaha
came down last Sunday evening to
spend yesterday with Mr. and Mrs.
Gus. Johnson, Mrs. Nystrom's par
ents. Yesterday was "Mrs. Johnson's
birthday and they assisted in duly
observing the anniversary, departing
this morning for Omaha from which
place, they expect to depart in a few
days for tho west and for North
Plntte, where they will make their
future home.
A. F. Hedengren, master carpenter
of tho Burlington, was In the city
this morning looking over the work
of Foreman Savengren's gang on tho
big sower and making arrangements
for moving tho gang to other work
shortly. The work here Is nearly
completed and within a few dnys the
gang will be moved elsewhere on tho
Wtn. Hlnlner and wife who have
been spending several days In this
city and Omnha with Mr. and Mrs
Nicholas Blntner, depnrtod this morn
ing for their homo at Carroll, la. It
Is regrettable to state that Mr. Nichol
as Blntner who hns been ill for some
tlmo past In an Omaha hospital Is no
better and It Ib hoped that a change
for tho better In his condition may
take place soon.
State of Nebraska, in district court for
the County of Cuss.
I'l-llllon In tiulrl Title.
(eorge V. Harshman, plaintiff
Jeremiah S. rn it, .1. S. Carr. V. V.
WlllinKlinm, John H. Mdxon, trustee;
Martha W. Uiant, Martha V. Carr,
Joseph Anton (ierlK. Uenofeva (JerlK
uml Theresa CcrlK, heirs anil devisees
of Henry UeriK, deceased; Sarah A.
Wllllson. Sarah A. Wilson Maniuls
anil husband, I K. Marquis, (leortce
F. Dixon, Hebecca Ashley, Hebecca 1.
Conner anil husband Conner,
first ami real name unknown; CeorKe
F. Dlxson, George 11. Vickltoy, Mary
I'. McCartney. A. K. McCartney,
Amanda J. McCartney. William I).
:rea;ory uml wife, Delinda irej?ory,
leorjfe W. Hetts anil wife, Itai-hel j.
MettH, non-residents of the State of
Nebraska; H. Wolph, li. W. Show anil
Clenilenen V. Mitchell, only surviving
helrH of II. C. Wolph ami wife, Ksther
wolph, deceased; Amelia H. ilalile
iiian, fornierly widow of Addison J
Weston, deceused, ami his only sur
viving heir and
The unknown heirs ami devisees of
Jeremiah S. Carr anil of liix wife, Martha
V. Carr, deceased; the unknown heirs
ami devisees of J. S. Carr, defeased; the
unknown assignees, heirs ami devisees
of W. W. WtlllnKham, deceased, the un
known assignees, heirs and devisees
of John It. Maxon, trustee, deceased,
the unknown heirs and devisees of Mar
tha W. Grant, deceased; the unknown
heirs and devisees of Sarah A. Wllll
son deceased; the unknown heirs and
devisees of Surah A. Wilson Marmits
and of her husband, I,. K. Marquis, de
ceased; the unknown heirs of George F.
Dixon, deceased; the unknown heirs and
devisees of Kebecca Ashley, deceased;
the unknown heirs anil dvlsees of Ke
becca li. Conner ami of her husband
Conner, real name unknown.
deceused; the unknown heirs and de-
isees of George F. Dlxson. deceased: the
unknown heirs and devisees of Mary
I . McC artney, deceased; the unknown
heirs and devisees of A. K. McCartney.
deceased; the unknown heirs and de
visees of Amanda J. McCartney, de
ceased; the unknown heirs anil devisees
of William I). Gregory and of his wife,
Dellndu Gregory, deceased; the un
known heirs anil devisees of George
W. Hetts and wife, Hachel J. Hetts. de
ceased; the unknown heirs and devisees.
respectively, of Joseph Anton Gerig.
Genofeva fieri and Thersa Gerlg, de
ceased, Defendants
Notice to each and nil of the above
named non-residents of the State of
Nebraska and to each and all of the
ubove named unknown heirs and de
visees, defendants.
To each and all of the above named
non-residents of th state of Nebraska.
hiiu iu euun arm nu 01 me aoove named
unknown heirs and devisees, defend
ants. You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that on the lxth dav of February,
A. I., 1910. plulntllT filed his petition
In the district court for the County of
Cuss, State of Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which Is to confirm and quiet
his title against you and each of you
In and to the following described lands
In the County of Cuss, State of Nebras
ka, to-wit: ,
The west half (w) of the northwest
quarter nwi) of section numbered
thlrty-flve (35), the west half ( w ) of
tbe northeast qunrter (ne ) of said sec
tion numbered thirty-five CIS), the west
half ( w V4 ) of t he sou then st quarter (se'4 )
of said section numbered thlrtv-tlve
(35 , the east half (eft) of the north
east quarter (ne) of section numbered
thirty-four (3D, the northeast quarter
Ineli) of the southeast quarter (seV4)
of said section numbered thlrtv-four
(31), the east half (eVfc) of the west
half (w'j) of the northeast quarter
(ne'4) of said section numbered thlrtv
four (31), and the east half (ety) of
the northwest quarter (nw') of the
southeast quarter (se'4) of said sec
tion numbered thirty-four (3D, all of
said lands In township numbered ten
(1(1) north of runge numbered twelve
(12), In the County of Cass, State of
Nebraska for that plulntlf by himself
und Kruntors has been In the open, con
tinuous, exclusive, adverse possession of
of time.
To especially have cancelled of record
a certain deed of trust given by de
fendant. Jeremiah S. Carr, In the name
of J. S. Cnrr to defendant, John H.
Maxon, trustee, on the said northwest
qunrter (nw'4 ) of the northeast quarter
(ne'4) of said section numbered thlrty
flve (35) said township and range, to se
cure the payment of the sum of two
hundred dollars ($200.00) to defendant,
W. W. Willinghnm, snld deed of trust
ecorded In Hook "A" at page 255, of the
deed records of said County of Cnss.
To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff
anil against defendant, Martha W,
Grant, in and to the southwest one
fourth (sw'4) of the northeast one
fourth (ne'4) und the west half (w'4)
of the southeast one-fourth (se'4) of
said section numbered thirty-live (35)
said township nnd range, by reason of a
j deed of conveyance of said lands by
defendant, jeremlan carr, to said
Martha W. Grant of date September
30, 1S58, and recorded In Hook " H" at
page 3S9, of the deed records of said
County of Cass, under which deed snld
Martha W. Grant claims an interest in
said lands.
To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff to
he northeast quarter ne'4 ) of the south
east quarter (se'4) of said section num
bered thirty-four (34). said township
nnd range as against defendants,
George W. Hetts and wife, liachel .1.
Hetts, Sarah A. Wllllson. Sarah A. Wil
son Marquis and husband, L. 10. Mar
quis, by reason of a deed of convev
ance of said lunds by said George W.
Hetts and wife to said Sarah A. Wllll
son of date of April 28, 1X68, recorded In
Hook K at page 245. of the deed
records of said county, under which
deed snld Sarah A. Wllllson claims an
Interest In said lands, and to confirm
anil quiet title in plaintiff to the lands
last above described, as against said
Surah A. Wilson Marquis and husband,
Ij. Maniuls. by reason of a deed of
conevyance of said lands to one. Henrv
(!u rig, of date February 25, 1875, and
recorded In Hook 17 nt page 52, of
the deed records of said county, under
which deed the said I.. 10. Marquis
claims an Interest In snld lands. Also
to confirm and quiet In plaintiff title
to the lands Inst above described
against defendants, Joseph Anton Gerlg,
(li.mifevu flnrlir ami 'PbnroBii Maflu
heirs and devisees of Henry Gerlg. de
ceased, by reason of a certnln legacy
of four thousand dollars ($4000.00) be
queathed to said Inst named defend
ants of sahj Henry Gerlg, deceased, snld
legacy creating an apparent lien upon
the lands last above described.
To cancel of record a certain power
of attorney arlven by defendant, George
F Dlxson, to defendnnt, Georee II Vlck
Itoy, recorded In Hook "11'' at page 514,
of tho said records of said County of
Cnss, covering the south half (sV4) of
tho southwest one-fourth (sw'4) of the
nor.thwest one-fourth (nw'4) of snld
section numbered thirty-five (35 and
the east half (ety) of the southeast
one-fourth (se'4) the east one-hnlf
(em of the northwest one-fourth
(nw'4) of the northeast one-fourth
(neH ); tho east naif (et,i.) of the
southwest one-fourth (sw'i) of the
northeist one-fourth (ne'i) and the
east hulf (p) of the northwest one
fourth (nwV4) "f the southeast one
fourth (se'4 of said section numbered
thirty-four (31), said township and
To confirm and quiet title In plain
tiff ngnlnst defendants, George F. Dix
on, ltebecca Ashley, Hebecca D. Conner,
and husband Conner, real name
unknown, Amelia H. llnldemnn, form
erly widow nnd only heir nnd devisee of
Addison 1. Weston, deceased, to the
east half (eV4) f "IB northwest qunr
ter (nw'4 of the southeast quarter
(seVi ni'd the west half (wV4) of
the east lialf (e'-4) of tho west half
(wW) of the nortlienst quarter (ne'4)
nil In snld section numbered thirty
four (34) snld township nnd range bv
reason of a claim to said lands bv said
Hebecca Ashley under a deed of con
veyance thereof by said George V.
Dixon to snld ltebecca Ashley of date
September 14th, A. D., 1860. Itecorded
in Hook "D" at page 12. of the deed
records of said county; and by reason
of H deed of conveyance of the lands
I last above described by said Rebecca
Ashley in the name of Hebecca 1). Con-
I ner. and nuid Conner, real name
unknown, her husband, to said Addison
j I'. Weston of daje November 5. 14,
recorded in Hook "" at page 260, of
(the deed records of said county, but
j which deed by mistake and ommisslon
was not slKned by said Conner,
real name unknown.
To confirm and quiet title In plain
tiff against defendants, Mary 1'. Mc
Cartney, A. K. McCartney and Amanda
J. McCartney to the west half w Lj
of the northwest one-fourth (nw'4) of
said section numbered tblrty-nve (35)
and to the east half (eVj) of the north
east one-fourth (ne'4) "f said section
numbered tnirty-rour (34), the east half
te'-l or the west hair IwU) of the
northeast one-fourth Inei) of said sec
tion numbered thirty-four (34) and the
east hair (ety) or the northwest one
fourth (nw'n) of the southeast one
fourth (se't of said section numbered
(34), all of said lands In said township
ana range, ty reason or a deed or con
veyance of said lands by A. S. Mc
Cartney, Henry M McCartney and said
Mary 1'. McCartney and said A. K. Mc
Cartney to defendant, Amanda J. Mc
Cartney, dated August 20, 1866, and re
corded in Hook "J" at page 340, of the
deed records of said county, in which
deed said Mary l McCartney and said
A. K. McCartney failed to Join in the
acknowledgement thereof.
To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff
against defendants, George F Dlxson.
George F. Dixon, William I). Gregory
and wife, Dellnda Gregory, and H.
wolph, li. w. Khow and Clendenen W.
Mitchell, only surviving heirs and de
visees of Henry C. Wolph, deceased.
to the east half (e4) and twenty acres
off of the east side of the west half
(w4 of the northeast quarter (ne'4)
of said section numbered thirty-four
(34), said township and range, by rea
son of a deed of conveyance of said
lands bv said George F. Dixon to H. C.
Wolph of date October 29, 1860, and
recorded In Hook "D" at page 217, of
the deed records of said County of Cass;
and by reason of a deed of conveyance
of said lands by said George F. Dixon
In the name of George F. Dlxson, to de
fendant, William D. Gregory of date
October 29. I860, and recorded in Book
"D" at page 179, of said deed records;
and by renson of a deed of conveyance
of said lands by snld William D. Gre
gory and wife, Delinda Gregory, to said
Addison P. Weston of date August 19,
1863, and recorded in Hook "F" at page
216 of said deed records; and also by
reason of a deed of conveyance of snld
lands bv said 11. C. Wolph and wife,
Ksther Wolph, to said Addison R Wes
ton, of date August 19, 1863, and re
corded In Hook "V" nt page 217, of snld
deed records, the description In said
several deeds of conveyance of said
lund being uncertain and Indefinite.
You and each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the
11th day of April. A. 1).. 1910. In de
fault thereof Judgment will be entered
confirming and quieting title to nil the
lands above described In plaintiff and
against each and all of you and for
costs of suit.
George V. Harshmnn.
Hv Hasll S. Homsey and William C.
liamsey. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
I.t-Knl otloe.
In the matter of the application of
Henry Zuckweller. gunriliHii of the es
tate of Orlan McCully, Willie McCully
nnd Kddle McCully, minors, for a license
to sell real estate.
On rending ami filing the petition,
duly verified of Hnnry Zuckweller,
guardian of the persons nnd estate of
ilrlm McCully, Willie McCully and
Eddie McCully, minors, for license to
sell the following' described real estate
to-wit: Lot twenty-one in the north
west quarter of the southeast quarter
of section nineteen, township No.
12, range No. fourteen east of the 6th
p. m. containing thirteen nnd one half
acres more or (ess.
Also lot one hundred nnd seven.,
northwest of the southeast of section
nineteen, townshln twelve, rnnpe four
teen enst of the 6th p. m. for the pur
pose of ralslnir funds for tho education
nnd maintenance of snld minors, Kddle
McCully, nnd for tho Investment of the
share of Orlan and Willie.
It Is therefore ordered that the next
kin of said minors and all persons in
terested In snld estate appear before
me nt chambers In the court house in
the Cltv of Plnttsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, on the 21st day of March,
1910, nt 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause.
If anv there be. why license should not
be granted to said Henry Zuckweller,
guardian, to sell said real estate for the
purpose set forth.
And it Is further ordered thnt a copy
of this order be published once each
week for three successive weeks In the
Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper
printed and published in said county of
Dated at chambers In said county of
Cass this 14th dav of February. 1910.
Judge of the district court of Cass
county, Nebraska.
Notice of Kale.
In the matter of the estate of Dabner
T. Thacker, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that In pur
surance of an order of Hon. Allen J.
Heeson, county judge of said Cuss coun
ty, made and entered on the 23rd day of
February, 1910. for the sale of the per
sonal estate belonging to the estate of
I liner T. Thacker, deceased, ns herein
after described there will be sold at t lie
south door of the court house at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, on the Kith day of
March, 1:110. at 10 o'clock a. m., to the
highest bidder for cash the following
described personal property, to-wit:
One note of the principal sum of
$.r,000 signed by Walter A. Thacker
and Delia Thacker. dated April 8, 1908,
due In ten (10) years with Interest at
5 per cent and secured by a mortgage
on the southeast quarter of section 5,
township 10, range 14, In Cass county,
Ncbarska, and lot 4, In section 4, town
ship 10, range 14, In Cass county, Ne
braska, all containing 167.70 acres more
or less; on said note interest has been
pnhl to the amount of $487. f0.
Four chairs, one rocking chair, one
complete bed. one cream separator, liar
row, one pair of scales, one wagon, one
stand, two cupboards, one post auger,
one carpet loom.
One note of W. A. Thacker, In the
principal sum of $72. R0, dated March
7, 1908, and due In one year with inter
est at 8 per cent: one note of W. A.
Thacker In the principal sum of (166.00
dated February 8, 1908, and due In one
yenr with Interest at 4 per cent.
For the purpose of paying said debts,
charges and expenses of snld estate and
for the purpose of converting snld as
sets Into money for distribution, It Is
necessary to sell the same. Said sale
will remain open one hour.
D. O. Dwyer, 11. N. Dovey,
Attorney Administrator.
non xoTicn.
To, J. W. Thoinns, occupier, J P. Falter,
Julia E. Thomas, M. Pflugshaupt,
and to whom else it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a roml commencing nt a point in
the west line of lot number twenty-six
(26), In section number twenty (20),
township number twelve (12), range
number fourteen (14), enst of the
sixth principal meridian. In the County
of Cass, State of Nebraska, one hundred
five (10,1) feet north of tho southwest
(S. W.) corner of snld described lot nnd
running thence In a westerly direction
up a ravine to Intersect with county
rond number 214, on the west line of
lot number one hundred twenty (120),
In section number nineteen (19), town
ship number twelve (12), range four
teen (14), enst of tho sixth principal
meridian. In tho County of Cass, State
of Nebraska, has reported In favor of
the establishment thereof, and all ob
jections thereto, or claims for damages
must be filed In the county clerk's of
fice on or before noon of the 12th dav
of April, A. V., 1910. or such rond will
bo established without reference there
to Witness mv bnnd and official seal
this 14th day of February, A. D 1910.
I). C. Morgnn,
(Seal) County Clerk.
1 IIP'I lr
BaEiing Powdsr
Highest Award
World's Pure Food Exposition
Chicago, November, 1907
What does this mean?
It means that Calumet has set a new Standard in
Baking Powder tho standard of the World.
Because this award was given to Calumet after
thorough tests and experiments, over all other
baking powders.
It means that Calumet is the best baking powder
in every particular in the, world.
And this means that Calumet
best, mnet ftAliiirMta 1
- , ...... .u..t..uua, ugutcai, iuu purest
baking of all baking powders.
State of Nebraska,)
County of Cass. )
ED To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that a netl-
tlon has been filed In this court for the
administration of the estate of Mary J.
Guthmann, deceased, and that William
Hummel has been nominated as such
administrator That a hearing will be
nan upon saiu petition on the 19 day of
.narcn, ivm. at o clock a. m.. at mv
office In the City of Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, before which hour all objec
tions thereto must be filed.
By the Court,
Allen J. Reeson.
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice Is hereby given to all nersons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned, Andy Thompson, has filed
his petition and application In the of
fice of the County Clerk of Cass County,
Nebraska, os required by law, signed
by a majority of the resident free hold
ers of Eight Mile Grove precinct, set
ting forth that the applicant is a man
of respectable character and standing1
and a resident of the state of Nebraska
and praying thnt license be Issued to
said Andy Thompson for the sale of
male, splritous and vinous liquors for
the period of one year from May 17,
1910, ending May 17, 1911, in a building
on lot 1 in block 4, in the village of
Cedar Creek In Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct, in Cuss County, Nebraska.
Andy Thompson,
A Pleasant Occasion.
On last Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Albert Schaffer entertained a largo
number of friends at a miscellaneous
shower, given in honor of Miss
Christina Schaffer. The occasion was
one of the most delightful the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Schaffer and
her charming daughter have ever ex
perienced and they certainly appre
ciated it.
The attendance was very large in
pite of the cold weather and the
very bad roads, friends braving the
elements to be present and to pay
their respects to Miss Schaffer.
There were many forms of amuse
ments for' the afternon and it passed
altogether too soon for the merry
guests. One of the highly entertain
ing features of the afternoon was a
mock wedding ceremony which was
performed with the help of a number
of the guests and which served to
entertain the large assembly most
pleasantly. This was also made a very
elaborate affair.
, One of the entertaining and also
Instructive events of the afternoon
was the relation of some of the first
housekeeping experiences of some of
the old people. These were very
amusing and were intended to serve
the young lady as a warning of what
she might expect later on, and to help
her steer clear of the difficulties
which the rest had encountered when
they started out on the sea of matri
mony. There was a very delicate and dain
ty three course luncheon served dur
ing the afternoon to which all present
did ample justice and which they
hugely enjoyed.
The guest of honr, Miss Schaffer,
received a very large number of hand
some, useful and beautiful presents
which will serve to remind her in the
future of the happy time bad and the
many warm friends who wish her all
the Joys possible in this life and few
of its sorrows.
Knglinh Spavin Liniment removes
Hard, Soft," or Calloused Lumps and
niemishes from horses; also blood
Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney,
Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen
Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by
use of one bottle. A wonderful Blem
ish Cure. Sold by Gerlng & Co., druggists.
Tickling in the Throat
"Just a little tickling in the throat!" Is that what troubles
you? But it hangs on! Can't get rid of it! Home rem
edies don't take hold. You need something stronger a
regular medicine, a doctor's medicine. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral contains healing, quieting, and soothing proper
ties of the highest order. Ask your doctor about this.
No alcohol in this cough medicine. . C. A Wer Co. , Lowell, Mats.
Constipation positively prevent Rood health. Then why allow it to continue f An act it 3
livcrlsatrcatprcvcntiveofdl-caM;. Aver's Pills arc liver pills. What does your doctors v
produces the
1 .
that mean
everything to you ?
Down Town Today.
v We were never more surprised in
our life when our dear old friend,
Conrad Schlater, stepped in upon us
this afternoon. The day was warm
and Old Sol was jn his glory, and
our old friend came to the conclusion
that he would venture out anyway.
He has been confined to his room for
nearly the entire winter, and for se
en weeks he has not ventured from
his home. The Journal force were ,
all glad to see him out once again,
and hope that as the warm weather,
comes on apace, we will see mot4
of him and that his health will he
greatly improved.
Waiting on Time in Plattsmouth.
Something which has not happened
for some time past, took . place thi3
morning when the Limited due here
at 7:52, rolled Into the Burlington
station about three or four minutes
ahead of time. This is somethiusr
which has not taken place since the
year one, although the train is us
usally about on time and hardly ever
more than a minute or so late. The
conductor on the train was almost as
much surprised at the burst of speed
as the town people and said ."what
do you think of that? Waiting on
time at Plattsmouth." The appear
ance of the train caused a wild rush
by a number of Plattsmouth people
who were bound east and who knew
they had several minutes to spare
to get to the station. However, the
train was here long enough for ail
to get aboard. Train No. 15 from
the east was some twenty-five min
utes late due to waiting for mail
from the east.
The Mauley Klevutor Case.
Grant Martin, deputy attorney gen
eral, has gone to Washington to rep
resent the state in the case of the
Missouri Pacific railroad against the
state, a suit in the supreme court of
the United States involving an act of
the legislature In 1905, requiring
railroads to furnish a siding ror grain
levators of $15,000 bushel's rapacity.
The case was tried in Cass county
upon complaint of the Manley Co-operative
Grain association,,"" a grain
company having headquarters at the
station of Manley. The district court
decided in favor of the grain com
pany and the supreme court of Ne
braska affirmed the judgment.
The railroad has taken the suit to
the United States supreme court on
error. The fine is $500. Years ago
the Missouri Pacific won in the Unit
ed States supereme court in a some
what similar suit originating at Elm
wood, Cass county. The old statute
of Nebraska required railroads to
grant a portion of its right-of-way to
elevators. The present law requires
oads to build a splr track to elevators
situated adjacent to the right-of-way. '
In the state courts the Missouri
Pacific used an argument that may
be abandoned in the higher court. It
was argued that most of the grain
was shipped outside of the state of
Nebraska and therefore the shipments
were interstate shipments over which
the state railway commission and the
state courts had no control. The statf
is ready to show that much of the
grain goes to Omaha, a town located
within the borders of Nebraska.
State Journal.
Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never faiU.
Sold by Goring & Co., druggists