The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1910, Image 2

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in hu on mm hotel at wm m bowers;
After Being Out Since Yesterday
Police Discover Him and a Young Woman Occupying Room and Afternoon, Return at 1.30
Haul Them Up in Police Court
With a Veidiet for
the Defendant.
Omaha 1b enjoying the sensation
f a grand jury Just now and it seems
it la also getting some facts brought
at regarding the uses to which some
of the smaller and cheaper hotels of
th city are being put. One of the
things which has caused the grand
jury Investigation was the arrest last
Sunday night at the Arcade hotel in
that city of Bert Lamphler, a boy
who has been employed In this city
for some time past, and a 16-year old
girl whose name Is not given in the
papers. ,
Lamphler left this city some week
or ten days since. On Sunday night
last, the police raided the Arcade
hotel there and found him and the
girl spoken of above occuping a room.
They placed the two under arrest and
took them to the station. The two
were arraigned in police court on
Tuesday morning and the girl at that
time was paroled in the custody of
her father. Lamphler was held to
the county Jail under bonds to await
the action of the grand Jury. He
roast have made Borne arrangements
for bond as he is in this city today,
having come down from Omaha this
morning. It is said that the girl In
the case at one time lived In this
city or Its Immediate vicinity but has outlook
been living in Omaha for some time The jury In the case of Bowers vs.
past with her parents. c. B. & Q. Ry., which went out yes-
The Investigation by the grand Jury terday afternoon at 11:30 this morn
is said to have disclosed a practice jng waa btlll out and at that time the
among boys and girls in the city of ca8e looked like a disagreement. Im
golng to several of the smaller hotels mediately following the determina-
and obtaining rooms together, re
maining over night. In the Lamphler
tion of this case or the discharge of
the Jury the case of Blish vs. the C.
case, it Is said the prolonged absence ; b. & Q. will be called for trial if the
of the girl from home was what led ' present arrangement of the docket
the parents to complain to the po
lice with the result that they located
and arrested the pair.
Yesterday Probation Office .Mogy
Bersteln appeared before the grand
Jury at Omaha with a number of
young girls who are said to have
testified to the lax manner In which
the hotels were run and the ease with
which rooms were obtained. The ho
tel proprietors were also called before
the Jury and ' protested their Inno
cence, some of thom calling attention
to the fact that they had notified the
police of suspicious cases coming to
their hotels. The action of the grand
Jury cannot,, of course, be foreshad
owed nor can the nature of the testi
mony given before them bo told
as everything is conducted with sec
recy. The hotel prlprletors and clerks,
however, are plainly worried over the
mm of
An Offer Backed by One of Our
Most Reputable Concerns.
We pay for nil the medicine used
(luring the trial, If our remedy fulls
to completely relieve you of constipa
tion. We take all the risk. You are
not obligated to us in any way what
ever, If you accept our offer. That's
a mighty broad statement, but we
mean every word of It. Could any
thing be more fair for you? '
A most scientific, common-sens"
Frank Salberg has been on the
sick' list the past week.
Henry Thelrolf purchased a valua
ble team at the O. I'. Melnlnger sale.
Miss Katie Mowhr of Lal'latle has
been visiting with John Meislnger
and family the past week.
Leonard Spas and sister Anna of
Walton, Neb., have been visiting with
their aunt, Mrs. .1. I). Thelrolf audi time
is adhered to. During the interim
this morning Judge Travis dis
posed of some equity matters and
entered several orders In other cases.
In the case of the First National
Bank of Plattsmouth vs. Hatt & Son
et al, the following order was made:
It Is ordered that this cause. stand
and be tried on the pleadings filed in
the county court and the Issues. made
by the pleading be tried by this court
without further pleading. Plaintiff
excepts, defendant except.
The case of the Bank of Cass Coun
ty vs. George Sheldon et al, a suit to
quiet title to land, the court held a
trial and granted Judgment and de
cree as prayed for by the plaintiff.
In the matter of the application of
Frances Skoumal, guardian, etc., for
leave to sell real estate, a license to
sell was granted. It appeared to the
court that the value of all of the
property was less than $500, It Is
ordered that the guardian sell said
land at private sale. Bond was fixed
at $100.
On last Monday the case of Speck
vs. Speck was heard and decree given
the plaintiff for the custody of the
child, also granting her alimony in
the sum of $:500.
The jury in the case of Bowers vs.
the C. B. & Q. Ry., came to an agree
ment this afternoon about 1:30 and
reported to Judge Trails at that
The verdict when read creat-
The Cedar
Creek boys have been
ed a good deal of surprise around the
court room and had evidently been
talking about organizing a bank, with J arrived at after a long struggle as
Sack Van Horn as manager and are
thinking of starting it the first of
(leorgo Wallinger of Elm wood was
down to attend the 0. I'. Melsinger
treatment is ltexall Orderlies, which wlil.-h "''I'1 011 lt Fri(,ay
are eaten like candy. Their active I A few of the young people gath
princlple is a recent scientific (lis- j ! at the home of Adam Meislnger
eovery that U odorless, colorless and .Sunday evening and report that for
tastless; very pronounced, gentle and giving a good time, that Is the place
pleasan in action, and particularly to go.
agreeable In every way. This ingre- I'hiHp Fornoff of Pekln. III., is vis-
dient does not cause diarrhoea, nau-;'"" """
sea, flatulence, griping or any Incon
venience whatever, ltexall Orderlies
The dance given by Mr. George
Horn on last Friday evening was
are particularly good for children, j lwly attended. The Plattsmouth
M. W. A. orchestra furnished me
aged and delicate persons.
If you suffer from chronic or habi
tual constipation, or the associate
or dependent chronic aliments, we
urge you to try ltexall Orderlies at
our risk. Remember yon can get
get them in Plattsmouth only at
our store. 12 tablets 10 cents; 36
tablets 2.r)cents. The Rexall Store.
F. F. Frlcke & Co., Union block.
Lohnes Bros., have been busy run
ning their buz saw the past week.
. One of the Journal Readers.
Threatening feverlshness with child
ren Is qulcJtly and safely calmed by
Preventlcs. These little Candy Cold
Cure Tablets should always be at
hand for promptness Is all-Import
ant. Preventlcs contain no qulnlno,
"the stitch In time." Carried In pock-
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for(ti or purM. rrcvenMl.B are a gen.
ulne safeguard against Colds. 25c
Sold by all dealers.
For Sale.
setting. 35 cents a setting. Inquire
of Mrs. John Hendricks,
Route 1. Plattsmouth, Neb
the Jury went out about 3 o clock
yesterday afternoon. They found for
the defendant. Bowers, the plaintiff,
sued the railroad company for $1,000
damages for the loss of a stallion and
the injury to other animals and
household property. Ills claim was
that the injuries took place ifi the
railroad yards of the Burlington in
this city while the car In which the,
goods were was being switched about.
There was considerable conflicting
testimony In the case but the general
opinion seemed to be that the plain
tiff would get a small verdict.
Owing to the Jury having been out
air night Judge Travis' was Inclined
to give the members a brief breath
ing spell before entering upon the
trial of the $25,000 damage case of
mish against the Burlington which
Is the next case on the docket. He
excused the panel until 3 o'clock this
afternoon when a Jury will be 1m
pannelled In the case. It Is probable
the taking of testimony will not be
commenced before tomorrow, (Fri
day) morning as the counsel on both
sides as well as the court have the
condition of the Jury in mind. This
case Is one where Earl R. Blish asks
$25,000 damages from the Burling
ton for the loss of his left foot which
was so badly crushed In a collision In
the local yards on the night of July
1, 1909, as to necessitate amputation.
The contention Is that the railroad
company was negligent on which the
plaintiff was employed as a fireman
The case has attracted much attention
here and was given considerable pujjj
llclty in the Journal at the time It
Miss Marie Stroemer visited at
home between trains Saturday.
Mrs. C. R. Jordan is reported on
the sick list.
Emmett Friend, wife and daughter,
and James Friend and wife, came in
Tuesday to visit their mother Mrs.
L. W. Friend, who is not any better.
John McDowell of Cairo, came in
Thursday to visit relatives, returning
home Monday.
Carl Johnson left Wednesday for
Mason City to visit relatives.
George Hall shipped a car load of
cattle to South Omaha Monday.
The Stroemer Lumber & Grain Co.
shipped a car of hogs to South Om
aha the first of the week.
Miss Jennie Patterson visited her
folks at University Place Thursday
and Friday last week.
Ralph Gullion returned to his home
at Greenwood Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Bobbltt return
ed Tuesday from Takaraah where
they had spent several days visiting
their son, Will and family.
Joe .Waldron returned Tuesday
from Waterloo, Iowa, where he at
tended the funeral of his brother,
Harvey Waldron.
J. H. Stroemer and Leonard Vak-
lner drove to Elmwood Monday af
John Yaeger is helping the Stroe
mer Lumber & Grain company In
voice this week.
Mrs. D. W. McCurdy and son Mor
gan went to Lincoln last Thursday to
visit Mr. McCurdy who has been tak
ing medical treatment for some time.
Leonard R. Vaklner of Elk, Wash
ington, spent several days in town
looking after his interest in the
Stroemer Lumber & Grain company.
He left for Scribner, N'eb., Thursday
to visit relatives before returning to
his home at Elk, Washington.
George Curyea and wife departed
Tuesday for Oklahoma and Texas,
where they will spend some time visiting.
Sam Cashner went to Omaha on
business Tuesday.
Edward Stroemer and Alfred
Stroemer drove to Eagle Monday
morning en route to Barneston, where
they will remain a few weeks.
Mrs. Chris Dreamer was doing
trading at Omaha Monday.
Charles R. Jordan went to Platts
motuh Monday.
.1. M. Campbell went to Omaha on
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Casey left Mon
day for Rochester, Minn.
The men who bought overcoats la? t week at our
"wind up" sale are congratulating themselves
on their hi'rrain. Bai trains like these are too irood
to believY. ' Just a few morv left. If von can 6nd your
size better snap it up. . Three ; ice.
We're not teasing you to take them at these prices,
but we want you to know that such bargains can be
obtained in your hometown.
pO the first 19 boys, or their mothers, who come to
our store in answer to this ad. we will sell a good pair
of wool knee pants for 25c. We want to know if you
read these ads. Either bring the ad with you or ask
for the adveJtiseu pant. Sizes from 4 to 15.
T.'ic Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other
I Vnployes up to $2,.0Q An
nually. Uncle Sara will hold spring exami
nations throughout the country for
Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House
Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers,
Department Clerks and other Govern
ment positions. Thousands of ap-
! pointments will be made. Any man
jor woman over 18, In City of Coun-
Mr. ?:,m Conner returned to r,er Kau 11 I
jDr. Sboop's substitute known to first
class grocers everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Health Coffee. A 25c, 1
pound package gives 100 cups of a
wonderfully satisfying table drink.
Pure toasted grain malt, nuts, etc.,
give to Health Coffee a wholesome
and satisfying taste and flavor. And
there is not a grain of real coffee in
it. Besides, Health Coffee is "made
in a minute." No 20 or 30 minutes
tedious boiling. Sold by F. S. White.
I on i.k i:sk.
Notice Is hereby Riven to all persons
1 In.uoulml nn.l . , I. a ....1.11.. .1.... .k...
' t tl- 1. .!.! t 4- ' "-" 7 ill"
hma In Tnlversitv Place Mondav i " wiiuur at uuio iu me undersigned, Andy Thompson, has filed
home in Ln,rB 1 -'ate dy-. ' Bureau of Instruction, 79 J Hamll-'.'V p?'""" am' aJ'""0" ,V,e
Ml'S. J. A. Shaffer was Visiting in ' flee of the County Clerk of Cass County.
i ., i i.ii,i !.,(. ion JJUliaing, Jtocnesier, in. X. NciirusKa, as required hy law, signed
(iay anu l'liuay Idsi , Jiy a majority of the resident free iiold-
' ers of Kiirht Mile Grove precinct, set-
If you would have a sare yet cer-l1'" foltll V1,11' lhe ai,"llcant1 ls.a "
I of respectable character and standing
tain Cough Kenedy in the home, try land a resident of the state of Nebraska
and praying that license he Issued to
Lincoln Thursd
Sam Hardkncck and family and
Fred Prouty and family took dinner
at Sam Cashner s last Sunday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jordan i
left Thursday for Denver, Col., and
other points of interest where they
will spend a few weeks sight seeing
and on their return honie will visit
Mr. Jordan's sister, Mrs. J. McDowell
at drand Island.
T i r.1 ... i , A T .
ill. Oliuu is HI ll'.ilBL Ullic. it 13 la,l Andv Thmrmunn the Hula nf
thoroughly unlike any other Cough male, fpirltoiis and vinous liquors for
IM yVl l " I 1M U III- y Wl I II Ulll ITItlT II.
110, emling May 17, ml, In a buildlair
on lot 1 in block 4. In the vIllaK" of
IN securing the new figure the woman's size does not Tally matter.
The thinff that does count is the corset-lot IT bo right and the figure
it encirclues will bo mude right it will soon take on the corset shape.
This is the figure story today. It assumes the corset Bhape.
We have any number of Warner's Corsets-made in the latest hip
less mode and we puarantee that these corsets, regardless of what size
woman you are, will give you curveless lines, which is the figure fashion-
The extra length In WARNER'S Corsets l unboned, mok- .
ing the Corset comfortable, sitting1, walking or standing.
Remember that Warner's Corsets are made to a fashionable fit made
to wear-not to rust, break or tear.
$1.00 TO $3.00 PER PAIR
Attached are the famous Security Rubber Bolton Hose Supporters.
It. B. Crocker In the employ of
the Plattsmouth Telephone company,
yesterday had the misfortune to get a
small piece of steel In his eye. He
was grinding tools on an emery
wheel when a small piece of steel
flew from the tool, striking the eye.
The eye became inflamed and the
services of a surgeon was necessary
to remove the piece. The Injury is
not dangerous but makes a painfully
sore eye. '
preparation. Its taste will be entire
ly new to you unless it is already
your favorite Cough Kemedy. No
opium, chloroform, or any other
stupefying Ingredients are used. The
tender leaves of a harmless, lung
healing mountainous shrub, give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy Its won
derful curative properties. It Is truly
a most certain and trustworthy pre
scription. Sold by all dealers.
"I suffered habitually from consti
pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and
strengthened the bowels, so that they
have been regular ever since." A.
E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs,
In sickness, it a certain hidden
nerve goes wrong, men tne organ
that this nerve controls will also sure
ly fall. It may be a Stomach nerve,
or It may have given strength and
support to tho Heart or Kidneys. It
was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to
this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorat
Ive was not made to dose the Stomach
or Kidneys.. That old-fashion method
is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative
goes directly to these falling inside
nerves. Tho remarkable success of
this prescription demonstrates the
wisdom of treating the actual cause
of these falling organs. And It Is
Indeed easy to prove. A simple five
or ten days test will surely tell. Try
It once, and see! Sold by all deal
5 work horses, 4 cullintorr, I
planter, offered at private sale. Appl
to Mr, Baugliman, on Dovev Section.
If SicK
Don't risk even one ulngle penny!
And I will tell you why I my thin.
It It becauia every paclttm 01 in. snoop
medicine U absolutely free if it fails.
No one need risk even one ungie penny.
Jiul think what this meant to tho luflerinf.
Ickl .. ,
NOrlak. noMXtynie, nomini- wmo- un
leu health nrfurni k'ot 30 full day, and
without the rMJVaSliixle penny, you can ua
either of my tt ntttufrnedio-Lr. 8hoop
Kestoratlve or WMWm nuieumauc Keineuy.
Than whv , k Kit. rtiiniHi wnfibveiT
Whv purchase anv medicine whose
maker dare not oac ujwi as i ao oy
this remarkable offer t
Andbeild. 1 am notmnr to you.
Uv "No UrJniuvDvftifcii Juts made Dr.
Shnop'n ReMofciyla m"fA,TWaj:!g ,,0,r
In the land. Thn Jp&jrvnr iiu, . nu iau
Kor twenty year Dr. fihoop'i medicine have
bewme thoroughly standiirdliBd all over America.
And I havvritjte nomw ana respon.
ikl rimmrUtj li I viTAit 4ruf vtllace every
where to arfTr'!W'lrl X9"1 T"?6
mWted riruiii-ti aarT1Blny fnwliclnea Wltn
the lick and me entire risk is mine atone.
Hut write me nrat lor an onicr.
I Iiova Mti aircnt In aliniwt every commnn
Ity-but all dnimitu are not authorized to craiit
the 30 ilny tet. ... ...
So drop m( a line, pIpRnc and thus ve all
disappointment and riclnyt. via'
ltcsuh, you are tree m ronuu nio vj r un
you would your home phyilclon. 1K to freely
.n, iiiiiv it von dilre. My advice and the book
bflnware yonrt ami wnnoui com. r?nip a
u-nrtl nr Iwn fmm nifl will I'Jour UD lOnie unfiOUa
ailment. I have hi'lpwl ihoiwamlnuponthoufnnd
by my private prvMTipuon or personal auvica
Ttatlric. the book will open tip new and
helpful hli B to jou. Thoy tell ol my an yean ex
.u.r..,.. ihi. I J.Lvin hnu and 111 II on ul
tain. All vUwfflvVnwit anil relief are told of
William and Herman Hohlschuh
were passengers this morning on the
early train for Omaha where they
will spend the day with friends and
also look after some business mat
Cheapest accident Insurance Dr
Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Stops the pain
and heals the wound. All druggists
i...n rim tM At if-Or frf.lA! Inutile nerve
iiilrff.-rthiViiilWiiUif Hit fWe to the
1 1., or, iia limmTsK. How the Stomach anil Kidney
Mih lhoir Invliln or nnwer nerve, llov
lliPMonranurply (alter when thene contnilim
nr mwi,.r nerveirTvvi to full. How Pr. Shoop
u...i..rntiv iroC iLA ilt i n iJipmi fallinf norve
rentorva the loM
tone and prtwIVCA euIWuri X'help you II It It
within the power of mehril to do ao. My bet
eltort Imiurely worth yunf l Jiplfl renuert. So write
now. while it In frenh TWinlml, Ion tomorro
never coiiipi. Pr Khoop. Vox li. llacinn, Wli
Whlta look snail I au Toot
No. 1 On Dypppl N. for Women
u. 'ilk ihm ItoBrt No. for Men
Ceilnr Creek In Might Mile Grove are-
cini't, in. Cans Countv, Nehraska.
.Andy Thompson,
To, J. W. ThomaH, occupier, J P. Falter,
Julia R ThomnK, M. I'fluKHhaapt.
and to whom else It may concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at a point in
the west line of lot number twenty-six
1!6), In section number twenty 20.
township number twelve (12), ran(tej
number fourteen 114), east of the
sl;th principal meridian, In the Countr
of Cuss, State of Nebraska, one hundred
five (lflK) feet north of the southwest
(S. W.) corner of said described lot and
running thence In a westerly direction
up a ravine to Intersect with county
road number 214, on the west line of
lot number one hundred twenty (121,
In section number nineteen (19), town
ship number twelve (12), rane four
teen (141, east of the sixth principal
meridian. In the County of Cass, State
of Nebraska, has reported in favor of
the establishment thereor, and all ob
jections thereto, or claims for damages
must be filed In the county clerk's of
fice on or before noon of the 12th day
of April, A. 1)., 1910, or such road will
be established without reference there
to Witness mv hand and official seel
this 14th day of February, A. I)., 1911.
I). C. Morgan.
(Seal) County Clerk.
f i i in ctftW m' ""' m " " " UJP
$750 SCI1AG11T S350
tl This illustrates the Schacht "Three Turpose" car, which is
especially adapted to the use of Doctors. Farmers. Business Men
and Salesmen. It makes an attractive Runabout, a cozy Family
car, and can bo converted into a Light Delivery car in five minutes.
The Schacht is the car for travel in the country, having 17
nches road clearance and power to climb any hill.
The farmer will find '.he Schacht a useful car, one that from a
business point of view, say nothing about the pleasure feature, he
cannot alTard to be without. It can be supplied with an attach
ment at a cost of $5 that will enable him to use the engine for
pumping water, separating grain, etc.
If you would be interested in the greatest car on the marKet at
anything like $850. write us today for further information concern
ing the Schacht.
Western Automobile Go,
868 Brandels Building,
Omaha, Nebraska
sell It.
Mo I On the Kidney! No. On Rheumatism.